Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic Vehicular Environments

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Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic

Vehicular Environments
Jaume Segura, Juan G. Jordán, Miguel A. Jaen,
Francisco R. Soriano and Antonio Soriano
Institut de Robòtica - Universitat de València, Valencia

1. Introduction
The world is becoming wireless. In contrast with wired technologies, wireless technologies
are widespread in several sectors and they are more and more present in many aspects of
life. Wireless includes any technologies which uses no wire. They can be applied for specific
applications and have been standardized. (Bluetooth or IEEE 802.15.1, WiFi or IEEE 802.11,
ZigBee or IEEE 802.15.4, RFID standardized as ISO 18000, etc).
One of the most valuable reasons for the growth of wireless technologies for
communications is the requirements for the mobility of modern applications. These
requirements, and also security, make wireless technologies one of the best candidates for
these applications and for establishing secure communications in traffic vehicular
environments, so for vehicle to vehicle (V2V) as well as for vehicle to infrastructure (V2I).
Electronic Registration and Identification (ERI) of vehicles is a way to identify a vehicle
univocally by means of some kind of wireless technology for communication. This protocol
allows a wide range of interesting ITS applications, which involves secure identification of
vehicles using symmetrical and asymmetrical techniques. These applications could be
applied in private and public services (tolling systems, access to parking lots, information
services, etc ).
Figure 1 shows a schema which explains the whole architecture in order to understand how
ERI standards are settled within an AVI/AEI architecture proposed in ISO 14814.
A specific application programming interface of wireless communications developed for
Electronic Registration of Vehicles is explained in this chapter as an example of application
of this technology. The philosophy of this concept is gathered in the ISO/TS 24534 and
ISO/TS 24535 standards, also named ERI standards. This family of standards establishes the
architecture of reference to Vehicle Identification independently of the physical technology
used, so they do not specify a particular wireless technology to develop any kind of system
application (the standard just suggests DSRC technology for deployment of the protocol). In
other terms, these standards are linked to the Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI/AEI)
family of standards, which are ISO 14814 to 14816. This family of standards is the
framework in which ERI is included.
Taking into account what is explained in the standards, ERI protocol allows establishing
secure communications between the road infrastructure and the moving vehicles. This is an
issue in which several Traffic administrations have been interested in. In this sense,
Source: Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions, Book edited by: Cristina Turcu,
ISBN 978-953-7619-74-9, pp. 356, February 2010, INTECH, Croatia, downloaded from SCIYO.COM
268 Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions

Fig. 1. ERI within the AVI/AEI reference architecture framework.

many countries have developed projects related to electronic identification of vehicles (some
of them have taken into account feasibility studies for national or international application,
e.g. EVI by ERTICO). Some of these projects are related to electronic plate (e-Plate), like the
ones developed in Canada and United Kingdom. In the state of the art of this study, have
been analysed some of these projects which show the administrations interests to study the
requirements, costs and benefits of this kind of systems in order to implement identification
systems for vehicles that serve as a proof of their identity, mainly for legal purposes.
The content of this chapter will be developed as follows. Firstly, a State of the Art of the
applications developed in a worldwide framework will be outlined. After this, a summary
of the ERI standards and the architecture of our application for several technologies (RFID,
Bluetooth and WiFi) will be explained. Finally, the tests made on the developed system will
be explained and the results for each one of these tests will be analysed.

2. State of the art of electronic vehicle identification systems

The study of the projects and initiatives in a worldwide context helps to determine the
technological needs of EVI systems and serves to find out about the way in which problems
have been solved in each application of the identification technology.
The main reference project studied within this state of the art was the EVI project
[ERTICO_D2], [ERTICO_D3], [ERTICO_D4], coordinated by ERTICO and funded by
DGTREN. The main aim of this project was the assessment of the decision makers in the
European Comission and Member States to contribute to the establishment of a European
Electronic Vehicle Identification system.
Other projects which have been studied were:
- EVI project was funded by DGTREN and coordinated by ERTICO. This project
analysed the requirements for a Pan-European system for electronic vehicle
identification. [Inno_Report, 2007]
Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic Vehicular Environments 269

- RFID within VIKING Euror-regional Project was based in EVI project by ERTICO, and
studied the suitability of passive UHF RFID tags for monitoring applications. This
project finished in 2004.
- e-Plate project in the UK and Canada which made an implementation of RFID system
for vehicle identification. The project began in 2004 and finished in 2006.
- In Japan, there are some related projects for smart plates using DSRC and RFID
All these projects plot a worldwide sample of the development of electronic identification
for vehicles.


The EVI project was an initiative of the European Commission, coordinated by ERTICO and
funded by DGTREN to make a viability study for a Pan-European system for Electronic
Vehicle Identification. This study aimed to identify and evaluate the main technical and
non-technical issues for deployment, considering legal issues, institutional, operational and
socio-political aspects.
This project has established framework architecture for an electronic vehicle identification
system. Figure 2 shows a graphic of components of the EVI system.

Fig. 2. Schema of components in the EVI scope

EVI system is composed by on-board vehicle components (sensor system, EVI and non-EVI
in-vehicle components) and reader and/or external writers. Reader and/or writers are used
to interchange EVI information with the different components on-board, they are used by
registration authorities, private service providers, vehicle owners and manufacturers.

2.2 RFID from VIKING

In 2004, the Euro-regional project VIKING (Finland) developed an activity related to traffic
monitoring using RFID technology called “Suitability of passive RFID tags for monitoring”.
This project was aimed to study the use of passive RFID technology for road monitoring.
The study concluded that passive RFID tags in the UHF band (ISO 18000-6) were useful for
traffic monitoring applications.
270 Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions

2.3 e-Plate
e-Plate is a plate with an on-board chip which transmits a unique identifier for each vehicle.
A small detector ‘reads’ the encrypted information and the output of the detector can be
used locally or to transmit the encrypted message to a remote host. It was developed by
Hills Numberplates Ltd in Birmingham – UK.
This project was initiated in 2004 by the British Government. It used active RFID technology
embedded in the plate for the automatic identification of vehicles in the country. This
project was developed and validated with trials during three years. Each e-Plate has an
embedded tag with an encrypted (128 bits) and unique identifier number, which is
transmitted by the tag and is detected by the RFID reader. The system allows simultaneous
readings of multiple tags.

Fig. 3. RFID tag by Hill Numberplates Ltd and e-Plate reader by i-Port

2.4 Smart License Plate in Japan

A Smart License Plate is an automobile license plate equipped with an IC chip that stores
information such as a license number and car specifications. A Smart Plate communicates
with roadside units (antennas) to inform what type of vehicle is passing. [SMART_PLATE]
In 2000, the Ministry of Land, Infrastructures and Transport (MLIT) began the activity of a
committee to study a system based on electronic plates (smart plates). These experiments
were done thinking of a future commercialization of these smarts plates to gather
information of private vehicles. In the textile district of Chojamachi in Nagoya, a trial to test
the system was developed. In this district, a system for parking booking by using smart
plates was adopted and it gave priority to freight goods vehicles in loading areas out of the
road and on the road as parking spaces. It was concluded that the system improved the flux
of freight goods. In the same way, vehicles with smart plates were firstly tested in the
Japanese streets for a verification experiment.
In January 2006, the MLIT considered Smart License Plates development and
commercialization using RFID technology. The embedded chip in the plates has information
about the number plate, type of vehicle, etc. These systems were expected to solve traffic
jams and to increase security allowing routing or re-routing to specific locations by using
antennas installed on the road, etc. In April 2006, a pilot of the electronic plate system was
deployed in several taxis of Chiba city.
Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic Vehicular Environments 271

3. ERI standards
ISO 24534 and 24535 [ERI_1], [ERI_2], [ERI_3], [ERI_4], [ERI_5], [ERI_BAS] describe all the
required information for the establishment of identification and registration of vehicles by
means of secure communications between vehicle and infrastructure. These standards
describe the protocol for Electronic Registration and Identification. The first one is organised
in 5 parts which establish the architecture of the system by means of the specification of its
parts: ERT (tag) and ERR (reader). It also specifies the requirements of the system, establish
operational parameters, defines functionalities, describes a data model and defines two
security modes: by using symmetrical techniques and by using asymmetrical techniques.
Figure 1 shows a graph which represents the architecture of AVI/AEI (Automatic Vehicle
Identification), where the ERI layer which allows communication and control capacities can
be distinguished.
Figure 4 shows the different streams which both standards can define for different
applications. The parts of the standard implemented are shown in orange colour. In the
implementation of this standard some developments have been made in the AVI and ERI
layers and the control and communication sublayer.

Fig. 4. Functional pile of the ERI system (includes different standards)

The protocol was implemented for each application scenario, originally planned as a set of
messages to be used in each application and sequence. In order to apply the protocol, the
ERI standards suggest DSRC technology, but several wireless technologies more and their
272 Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions

associated standards have also been studied to be used in this implementation, such as WiFi
(802.11 b/g), Bluetooth (802.15.1), RFID (ISO 18000-4), ZigBee (802.15.4) and others.
Figure 5 shows a layered representation of this implementation. This implementation was
made in Java, using J2ME for mobile devices on-board the vehicle (PDA) and J2SE for
devices in the infrastructure (fixed and outside the vehicle).

Fig. 5. View of the layered structure of the implemented software

3.1 AVI application layer

In the AVI application layer, several simple applications were implemented, which made
use of the ERI functions. This layer was oriented to allow the implementation of the tests for
the ERI protocol in different conditions.

3.2 ERI layer

The ERI layer as a two-layered structure has been implemented. The lower sub-layer is the
layer for the ASN.1 modules as described in the ISO 24534-3 and 4 [ERI_3], [ERI_4] which is
based on the ASN.1 vocabulary and transactions. The upper sub-layer implements the
functionalities described in the standard [ERI_5], defining the actors in an electronic
registration scenario: ERT (tag or device which stores identification data for the vehicle),
ERT Holder (device used to access the owner of the tag locally), ERR (reader or device
which allows remote access to the ERT for the service providers or authorities) and CA
(certification authorities which generate and manage ERI certificates for remote secure

3.3 Communication and control layer

This layer allows the wireless communications (by Bluetooth, WiFi, RFID) and local
communications for simulation purposes.
Figure 6 shows the logical relationships which each module establish with each actor within
the whole ERI system. The different colours indicate the different virtual machine which
controls the module. The yellow modules are designated to J2ME devices and the orange
ones are designed to run in backend service, therefore they work on J2SE, although they are
J2ME compatibles.
Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic Vehicular Environments 273

Fig. 6. Schema of the identification system.

Each one of the five parts of the logical system has its functionalities. The description of each
logical part is as follows:
- ERT Module (Electronic Registration Tag): it is the Tag installed in the PDA. It has some
classes to provide several functionalities and an interface to show data.
- ERT Holder Module: it is in charge of the local tag reading inside the car.
- ERR Module (Electronic Registration Reader): it is in charge of external readings, or any
other operation programmed over the tags in the zone.
- Test Application Module: it receives data coming from the reader and makes a data
process. It is for demonstrations.
- Certification Authorities: it is the system to generate certificates for security matters.

4. Test of the system

In order to test the API developed for Electronic Registration and Identification, several
applications were developed. The tests for these applications have taken into account the
range of velocity, distance and the inquiry time.
The communication staffs used in the tests were:
- WiFi router (802.11 b/g) and a pigtail
- Bluetooth dongle (802.15.1) and a pigtail
- RFID reader and 3 RFID tags (ISO 18000-4) at 2.45 GHz
- Patch panel antenna at 2.45 GHz for using with all technologies considered
- PDA containing ERI applications, which is used as ERT
- PC used as ERR with back-office applications (for monitoring the system)
The characterization of the test antenna was done at the anechoic chamber at the University
of Valencia. Figure 7 shows a photo of the measurement process.
The measurement of this antenna was made by using the method of two antennas for the
measurement of the antenna gain. Figure 6 shows the results for horizontal and vertical
The communication zone for the wireless technologies between tag and reader was also
determined in an outdoor urban site for each one of the technologies used. All of them use
the same frequency band at 2.45 GHz, so the covering area of the test antenna has been
measured. Figure 7 shows a plot of the power density distributed in the test area.
274 Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions

Fig. 7. Antenna for the reader in the Electromagnetic Anechoic Chamber at the University of
Taking into account reading distance and velocity, the EVI applications implemented
present different profiles according to ISO 24534-2 [ERI_2]. The applications used:
- Theft vehicles control: static readings and at short distances. The profiles used are ERT-
D6 for the velocity and ERT-C7 to C9 reading distance.
- Parking access control: static readings or with low velocity (less than 20 km/h) and at
medium distances. The profiles used are ERT-D5 the velocity (the velocity for accessing
a parking lot should not be greater than 25 km/h) and ERT-C6 to C9 (distance under 10
- Average velocity control: dynamic readings (different ranges of measurements) and
variable distances.

Fig. 8. Radiation pattern for the test antenna in horizontal and vertical polarization.
Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic Vehicular Environments 275

Tests with the vehicle in movement allowed testing within the communication zone.
Communication between tag (inside the vehicle) and the reader was established. (located at
the Institute of Robotics).
The tests were made at three communication distances: at 10 metres from the reader antenna
(black point), at 22 metres (green point) and at 45 metres (white point). Also several
velocities were used: 20 km/h, 40 km/h and 60 km/h (due to velocity limitations in the
urban circuit). Figure 9 shows the communication area for the tests.

Fig. 9. Power distribution within the communication zone in the test area.
Figure 10 shows a capture of the data transmitted, processed and collected by the reader.
The interchanged information is extracted from the ISO 24534-3. The information sent to the
ERR was PDU, vehicle ID, chassis number, brand, model and colour of the vehicle.

4.1 Test of applications with WiFi

The applications tested for WiFi technology [802_11] has showed good results in the
readings between tag and reader. Each application has been launched and transaction times
have been measured with the reader. In accord with other authors, measurements have
shown that the discovery time for WiFi is higher [Pering, 2005] than in Bluetooth
technology. Figure 11 shows a histogram with these results. Also table 2 shows a summary
of the test results for the ERI applications using WiFi technology at different distances and
276 Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions

Fig. 10. Data transmitted and collected by the reader.

20 km/h 40 km/h 60 km/h

22 m Works Works Some errors in transactions
45 m Works Works Some errors in transactions

Table 2. ERI tests with WiFi

Fig. 11. Histogram with transaction times for WiFi technology.

Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic Vehicular Environments 277

4.2 Test of applications with Bluetooth

The applications using Bluetooth technology [802_15_1] have also given good results in the
readings. Although Bluetooth devices have higher discovery times (between 10 and 40
seconds) than WiFi technology, the transaction times are lower [Pering, 2005] [Jiang, 2004].
Table 3 shows a summary of the tests results for the ERI applications at different distances
and velocities.

20 km/h 40 km/h 60 km/h

22 m Works Works Some errors in transactions
45 m Works Works Some errors in transactions

Table 3. ERI tests with Bluetooth

Fig. 12. Histogram with transaction times for Bluetooth technology.

4.3 Test of application with RFID

The RFID technology has limitations regarding the quantity of information to be sent in
the communication between tag and reader. It also has limitations regarding security. For
these reasons the implementation of the standard, can only be done with the ISO 24535.
Table 4 shows a summary of the tests results for the RFID technology with the ERI
applications at different distances and speeds.
278 Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions

20 km/h 40 km/h 60 km/h

22 m Works Works Works
45 m Works Works Works

Table 4. ERI tests with RFID

5. Conclusions
This work has produced an API for the development of applications for Electronic
Registration and Identification of vehicles has been implemented. This API has been
published under GNU/GPL license. (API and documentation can be downloaded from
Several applications for test have also been implemented. Three wireless technologies (WiFi,
Bluetooth and RFID) have been proposed. These applications have been installed on the
PDA and have been tested in a road next to the Institute of Robotics at the University of
The tests of the developed applications have showed that [Segura, 2008]:
- The used technologies are valid for the applications implemented for slow uses (up to
60 kph).
- The discovery time in Bluetooth devices is too high (between 10 and 40 seconds) for
dynamic applications.
- WiFi has problems in the discovery process through SSID due to the fact that it is not
implemented in the version used of the J2ME. In the tests a fixed private range of IPs
was used to simulate this behaviour; however it would present problems in a real
- WiFi and Bluetooth had high error taxes in the communication for velocities higher
than 60 km/h. This is not the case for RFID.
- The amount of information to be transmitted in WiFi and Bluetooth applications are
higher than in RFID.
- In case of a high humidity (or in a rainy day), the frequency of these three technologies
used (2,45 GHz) has a high power attenuation.

6. Future research
This research has allowed establishing a framework to allow programmers to develop
applications for electronic registration of vehicles. From the results obtained, this API can be
applied to secure communications between vehicle and infrastructure by using asymmetric
and symmetric security.
For future research, we are going to finish implementing Basic ERI (as shown in figure 4).
We are also going to implement discovery process in WiFi technology by using a new
version of the J2ME and assigning a wide range of IPs in order to avoid problems in a real
deployment. Other technologies, as ZigBee (802.15.4) or WAVE (802.11p), are going to be
implemented and tested.
Low Cost Identification Applications in Traffic Vehicular Environments 279

7. References
[Inno_Report, 2007] Innovations Report (30.03.2007) “New long-range RFID technology
from VTT for Chinese road tolls”. <http://www.innovationsreport.de/
html/berichte/verkehr_logistik/bericht-81876.html>. Last visit: 30.07.2009.
[ERTICO_D2, 2004] EVI ERTICO: D2 - Final Requirements
[ERTICO_D3, 2004] EVI ERTICO: D3 - High-level architectures, technology & realization
[ERTICO_D4, 2004] EVI ERTICO: D4 - Final Assessment
[ERTICO_D5, 2004] EVI ERTICO: D5 - Conclusions & Recommendations
[SMART_PLATE] "Smart License Plate", http://www.apec-tptwg.org.cn/new/Archives/
tpt-wg28/Intermodal/2006_TPT-WG-28_IEG_018.ppt. Last visit: 03.08.2009
[ERI_1] CEN ISO/TS 24534-1 Road transport and traffic telematics – Automatic vehicle and
equipment identification – Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles -
Part 1: Architecture
[ERI_2] CEN ISO/TS 24534-2 Road transport and traffic telematics – Automatic vehicle and
equipment identification – Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles -
Part 2: Operational requirements
[ERI_3] CEN ISO/TS 24534-3 Road transport and traffic telematics – Automatic vehicle and
equipment identification – Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles -
Part 3: Vehicle data
[ERI_4] CEN ISO/TS 24534-4 Road transport and traffic telematics – Automatic vehicle and
equipment identification – Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles -
Part 4: Secure communications using asymmetric techniques
[ERI_5] CEN ISO/TS 24534-5 Road transport and traffic telematics – Automatic vehicle and
equipment identification – Electronic Registration Identification (ERI) for vehicles -
Part 5: Secure communications using symmetric techniques
[ERI_BAS] CEN ISO/TS 24535 Road transport and traffic telematics – Automatic vehicle and
equipment identification – Basic electronic registration identification
[Pering, 2005] T. Pering, V.Raghunathan, R. Want; “Exploiting radio hierarchies or power-
efficient wireless device discovery and connection setup”. Proc. 18th International
Conference on VLSI. Kolkata, India. Jan. 3-7, 2005.
[Jiang, 2004] JR Jiang, BR Lin, YCh Tseng; “Analysis of Bluetooth device discovery and
some speed-up mecanisms”. Bluetooth White Papers. National Chiao-Tung
University. Jul, 2004.
[802_11] IEEE 802.11 IEEE Standard for Information technology-Telecommunications and
information exchange between systems-Local and metropolitan area networks-
Specific requirements - Part 11: Wireless LAN Medium Access Control (MAC) and
Physical Layer (PHY) Specifications.
[802_15_1] Bluetooth Core Specification Versions * Version 2.0 + Enhanced Data Rate (EDR),
adopted November, 2004
[802_15_4] IEEE 802.15 Wireless Personal Area Networks
[RFID_4] ISO/IEC 18000-4 Parameters for Air Interface Communications at 2.45 GHz
280 Sustainable Radio Frequency Identification Solutions

[Segura, 2008] J.Segura, J.G.Jordán, M.A.Jaén, F.R.Soriano; “Implementation of the ERI

standard and Evaluation of Applications with several low-cost technologies”. The
11th International IEEE Conference on Intelligent Transportation Systems. October,
12-15, 2008. Beijing, China. pp. 490-494

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