Supply Chain Collaboration-2021

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Supply Chain Management, Volume 28, Issue 2, March 2023, pp.

DOI: 10.1108/SCM-03-2021-0120

How can logistics service providers foster supply

chain collaboration in logistics triads? Insights from the
Italian grocery industry
Purpose - Collaborative solutions are increasingly being proposed to generate value in supply
chains. Concurrently, firms have progressively outsourced logistics operations to Logistics Service
Providers (LSPs). However, many questions remain unsolved regarding the role played by LSPs in
supporting supply chain collaboration (SCC) in triadic rather than dyadic contexts. The present
study explores the relational mechanisms that LSPs can leverage to foster value creation through
collaboration, elaborating on existing theory about SCC by focusing on logistics triads.

Design/methodology/approach - By leveraging the view of the Network Theory, a multiple

case study approach was adopted. Seven cases having logistics triads as units of analysis were
identified and analysed within the Italian grocery supply chain, allowing for empirical investigation
with a middle-range approach in order to extend previous theory.

Findings - LSPs are pivotal actors that can actively promote SCC. LSPs can exploit large
volumes and asset availability to increase efficiency while improving logistics flexibility, and
develop regular and trustworthy relationships with the other triad members. Building upon their
logistics capabilities and the relational mechanisms in place, LSPs can help manufacturers
collaborate with retailers by improving mutual trust and communication, acting as trust builders or
trust conductors within the triad.

Originality/value - The study explores the role of LSPs in logistics triads, extending the
previous literature. It highlights that LSPs facilitate not only supply and demand integration but also
relational integration between firms. Trust emerges as a fundamental building block for SCC, as
LSPs can look beyond economic benefits to foster partnerships that empower the co-development
of original collaborative solutions.

Published by Emerald Group Publishing Limited. This is the Author Accepted Manuscript issued with: Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License (CC:BY:NC 4.0).
The final published version (version of record) is available online at DOI:10.1108/SCM-03-2021-0120. Please refer to any applicable publisher terms of use.
A single company can seldom successfully compete in isolation (Ralston et al., 2017), and
integrative and collaborative efforts are increasingly being recommended in supply chain
management (Barratt, 2004; Soosay et al., 2008; Soosay and Hyland, 2015). Supply chain
collaboration (SCC) has thus emerged as a major factor for the industry in developing and
maintaining a competitive advantage and as an important research topic for the academic
community (Singh et al., 2018). Driven by the increasing outsourcing of logistics operations to
logistics service providers (LSPs), SCC has also gained rising importance in the logistics field
(Gammelgaard et al., 2006; Sanchez Rodrigues et al., 2015).
Collaboration is strongly related to the relationships a firm has with other firms, which in turn
influence behaviours and outcomes (Ellram and Cooper, 1990; Daugherty et al., 2006). This
statement recalls the essence of Network Theory (NT), which “refers to the mechanisms and
processes that interact with network structures to yield certain outcomes for individuals and groups”
(Brass, 2002; Borgatti and Halgin, 2011). Consequently, this study adopted the NT as a theoretical
lens (Håkansson and Snehota, 1995; Gulati et al., 2000), having as a central premise the belief that
managing inter- organisational relationships (seen as a set of ties that link the actors composing a
network – Rowley, 1997; Borgatti and Halgin, 2011) is key to success (Zacharia et al., 2011;
Andersson et al., 2019). From an NT perspective, outsourcing logistics operations to trusted third-
party LSPs can be highly beneficial for firms (Ellram, 1990; Selviaridis and Spring, 2007).
Furthermore, as the number of customers under the responsibility of the same LSP increases,
opportunities to offer network interactions and synergies also increase (Zacharia et al., 2011).
In accordance with the view of NT, triads represent the fundamental building blocks of any
network (Li and Choi, 2009). Triads also represent the minimum units of analysis needed to
investigate collaboration adequately (Larson and Gammelgaard, 2001), as dyads cannot explain
how the relationship between two players may affect a third actor or another relationship (Choi and
Wu, 2009; Borgatti and Li, 2009; Huang et al., 2020). However, previous studies in the managerial
literature mainly explored dyadic setups (Siltaloppi and Vargo, 2017), and few contributions
explored the figure of LSPs in logistics triads or investigated the collaborative efforts required to
implement SCC solutions (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020). Moreover, the available literature has focused
on LSPs as conductors of material and information flows, overlooking the relational enablers of
SCC (Yu and Huo, 2018). Also, relational capital can be a critical resource to shape and maintain a
competitive advantage (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020). Relational capital normally encompasses the
trust, respect, and friendship that actors have developed with each other through a history of
interactions (Yu and Huo, 2018). Today, trust-building is a vital competitive capability

(Ralston et al., 2017), but the

mechanisms behind relational capital creation and utilisation are not well-understood (Fawcett et
al., 2017).
As further research has been recommended to better understand the role of LSPs in facilitating
SCC and the relational mechanisms driving SCC through collaborative solutions where LSPs are
key players (Sengupta et al., 2018; Vlachos and Dyra, 2020), the following research questions have
been formulated:

1. How do LSPs facilitate SCC between manufacturers and retailers in logistics triads?
2. How do LSPs develop relational integration in logistics triads?

The present study thus aims to explore how LSPs can foster and promote value creation
through collaboration, elaborating on existing theory about SCC by leveraging the perspective of
NT within logistics triads (i.e. triads involving sellers, buyers, and LSPs). In this way, it builds upon
NT to tackle the problem within a given empirical domain, resulting in a mid-range theory approach
(Stank et al., 2017). A multiple case study approach has been adopted, and seven cases having
logistics triads as units of analysis were identified and analysed. The Italian grocery supply chain
was investigated due to its economic significance, as it is placed among the top five markets in
Europe for logistics volumes and turnover generated, and it is one of the fastest-growing sectors
across Europe (Nielsen, 2019). Moreover, it is characterised by the increasing importance
acknowledged to LSPs in promoting competitiveness (Colicchia et al., 2017; Marchet et al., 2017).
On the one hand, this research explores SCC, shedding new light on the important and
proactive role of LSPs in the adoption of collaborative solutions. LSPs can facilitate SCC between
manufacturers and retailers, leveraging trust as a fundamental building block for SCC in triadic
settings. On the other hand, it provides LSPs with insights useful to study value creation strategies
through SCC. The research can also stimulate the industry to spread collaborative practices further
while helping their customers consider network-related benefits when choosing logistics partners.
The remainder of the paper is organised as follows. The next section contains an analysis of the
related literature, followed by a section about the research methodology. Findings are subsequently
first described, and thereafter discussed. Finally, conclusions are drawn, together with the possible
streams for future research.

Related literature
Logistics Service Providers (LSPs) and Supply Chain Collaboration (SCC)
SCC has often been defined as two or more companies working together to build a competitive
advantage, as higher profits can be achieved this way rather than by acting alone (Barratt, 2004;
Simatupang and Sridharan, 2005; Soosay and Hyland, 2015). This definition recalls the Resource-
based theory (Barney, 1991), but the concept that firms hold resources giving them a competitive
advantage has been further expanded from firm-level to highlight how resources can be
synergistically combined or exploited by supply chain partners (Zacharia et al., 2011) that can
represent the nodes or actors in a network along with the ties that link them (Borgatti and Halgin,
2011). Relational ties between actors are channels for transfer of "flow" of resources (Rowley,
1997), and SCC can help increase efficiency, improving the use of assets and reducing both
inventories and trucks through consolidation, also improving service level to final customers
thanks to a higher availability of products (Caputo and Minnino, 1996; Doukidis et al., 2007;
Singh and Power, 2009).
As concerns logistics operations, firms have increasingly been outsourcing them to LSPs to
focus on their core competencies while opting for the most efficient means of moving products
(Bask, 2001; Bottani and Rizzi, 2006). LSPs have traditionally supplied basic services, such as
warehousing or transport (Wilding and Juriado, 2004; Marchet et al., 2017), being considered as
asset-based providers due to the ownership of physical assets, such as trucks or warehouses
(Razzaque and Sheng, 1998). Nevertheless, in recent years the range of services offered by LSPs
has increased, as they started to bundle core transport and warehousing activities with value-adding
services to combat tight margins (Selviaridis and Norrman, 2015). To date, shippers and LSPs are
moving towards more meaningful partnerships, with shippers relying on LSPs to provide SCC
solutions and create a competitive advantage (Marchet et al., 2017). From an NT perspective,
outsourcing logistics activities to trusted LSPs allows firms to manage their supply chains as single
entities through the application of relationship building (Ellram, 1990; Andersson and Norrman,
2002; Zacharia et al., 2011).
As a result, a change in the LSP’s role has occurred, making them important supporters of SCC
(Bask, 2001; Gammelgaard et al., 2006). As LSPs are in the middle of other members of the supply
chain, they can collaborate with many other entities in the network (Zacharia et al., 2011; Sanchez
Rodrigues et al., 2015). They can help cope with several challenges, including delays caused by
poor logistics and communication infrastructure, lack of coordination, or conflict of interest
between customers and suppliers (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020).

LSPs and SCC within logistics triads
Supply chain relationships have mainly been explored in a dyadic perspective (Soosay and
Hyland, 2015). Nonetheless, dyads may not be appropriate to understand the complexity of modern
supply chains completely, as they cannot capture the multidirectional and complex relationships that
“constitute contexts for collaboration, competition, and value creation” (Siltaloppi and Vargo, 2017;
p. 396). Therefore, the use of triadic models to capture the basic essence of networks in supply
chains has been proposed (Borgatti and Li, 2009; Choi and Wu, 2009; Huang et al., 2020).
Triads are inter-organisational structures that require i) the association of three actors and ii) the
connectedness of relations between the three actors (Vedel et al., 2016). Triads have also been
proposed as the minimum unit of analysis for investigating collaboration in the logistics field
(Beier, 1989) and logistics triads are specifically defined as “cooperative, three-way relationships
between a buyer of goods, the supplier of those goods and an LSP moving and/or storing the goods
between buyer and supplier” (Larson and Gammelgaard, 2001; p. 71). They offer win-win-win
opportunities, as LSPs can improve collaboration between the actors of the triad by offering value-
adding activities and innovative solutions towards higher supply chain value through better cost
efficiency and effectiveness (Marchet et al., 2017; Vlachos and Dyra, 2020).
In a triad, each member can act as an intermediary between the other two, playing a dual task
whether to ally or to separate (Choi and Wu, 2009). In a setting with a seller/manufacturer, a
buyer/retailer, and an LSP, internal or external coalitions may emerge where two parties form
alliances to turn back the power and authority of the stronger party (Salo et al., 2009; Siltaloppi and
Vargo, 2017). On the other hand, LSPs can behave as non-partisan mediators, generating harmony
and balancing out sources of conflict between two disputing parties (Simmel, 1950 ). In this
perspective, LSPs may be considered facilitators or conciliators in the value creation process (Nätti
et al., 2014). Moreover, when LSPs hold responsibilities over strategic decision-making and directly
control a portion of the supply network, they can play an active role in the integration and
coordination of the supply chain, acting, for example, as neutral arbitrators (Simmel, 1950) or
orchestrators (Dharanaj and Parkhe, 2006; Zacharia et al., 2011). For instance, when behaving as
tertius iungens, an LSP can join two opposing actors in existing cooperative initiatives by being the
guarantor of fair and correct behaviours and then propose new solutions around which the parties
can collaborate (Obstfeld, 2005; Li and Choi, 2009).
Therefore, LSPs can actively support SCC in triads, collaborating with customers and
customers’ direct partners, even collaborating with every actor in the chain (Fabbe-Costes and
Roussat, 2011). Indeed, LSPs are usually conceived of as neutral entities, able to suggest and foster
collaborative solutions as third-party neutral actors with sufficient visibility along the supply chain

(Zacharia et al.,

2011). LSPs may also increase their sphere and extent of chain integration, working both vertically
with other members of the supply chain and horizontally with other LSPs (Fabbe-Costes et al.,
2008; Fabbe-Costes and Roussat, 2011). Nevertheless, LSPs do not necessarily contribute to SCC,
such as when they behave as oppressor or tertius gaudens to sow or support discord between the
other triad members and gain a dominating position (Simmel, 1950; Li and Choi, 2009).

The importance of LSPs in developing collaborative solutions

LSPs can pursue different strategies to create value for their customers, but most of the
collaborative solutions proposed in the literature concerned dyadic buyer-supplier relationships
(Olorunniwo and Li, 2010; Soosay and Hyland, 2015). Those solutions included electronic data
interchange (EDI), vendor managed inventory (VMI), continuous replenishment program (CRP),
efficient consumer response (ECR), and collaborative planning, forecasting and replenishment
(CPFR) (Holmström, 1998; Barratt and Oliveira, 2001; Holmström et al., 2002; Attaran and
Attaran, 2007; Pramatari, 2007; Claassen et al., 2008).
For instance, Lai et al. (2008) emphasised that EDI solutions can help LSPs integrate with
different business partners. They also allow for reducing costs, providing innovative and customised
services, and improving service quality, thus conferring a service competitive advantage (Hill and
Scudder, 2002). Indeed, many manufacturers still cannot make use of EDI due either to prohibitive
cost in EDI implementation or to proprietary interfaces unique to individual retailers (Leonard and
Clemons Davis, 2006). In addition, LSPs can offer warehousing services to multiple customers
(usually manufacturers), holding their inventories in the same facility, thereby increasing
operational efficiency through higher scale economies (Kopczak et al., 2000). Moreover, Fawcett et
al. (2015) described drop-and-hook operations (i.e. loading a trailer while a driver is on the clock,
thus minimising live-loading) as an important way for LSPs to improve operational efficiency and
provide customers with flexibility and convenience. It allows for reducing operational time and
increasing asset usage and has also been proposed in maritime logistics to manage containers at
ports and at inland terminals (Zhen et al., 2013; Jin et al., 2016).
However, few studies have explored collaborative solutions explicitly considering the LSP as
part of a logistics triad. Within triads, value creation by LSPs can be related not only to interactions
with direct customers but also with the other member of the triad (Zacharia et al., 2011). For
example, some scholars proposed VMI in a triadic structure, shifting the replenishment decisions
from the supplier (manufacturer) to the LSP to reduce the supplier’s logistics costs and increase its
short-term profits (Yang and Liu, 2007; Daoping et al., 2011). VMI entails manufacturers/suppliers
making the main inventory replenishment decisions for the consuming organisation, either a

wholesaler or retailer

(Waller et al., 1999; Barratt and Oliveira, 2001; Claassen et al., 2008). Based on the shared
information received from the latter, manufacturers/suppliers can achieve benefits related to the
reduction of lost sales and transport costs (Çetinkaya and Lee, 2000; Yao and Dresner, 2008). By
shifting ownership and control of the goods from the vendor/supplier to the LSPs, logistics costs
can be further reduced (Daoping et al., 2011).

Trust-building and relational mechanisms in logistics triads

Besides finding that the traditional focus of previous research on SCC is on dyadic
relationships and highlighting the importance of shifting this focus onto triadic relationships, an
important factor emerging from the extant literature is the need to address the relational
mechanisms that occur in logistics triads (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020). LSPs have traditionally been
seen as conductors of material and information flows, largely eschewing the relational enablers of
collaborative solutions within dyads or triads in favour of their development and effectiveness
(Selviaridis and Spring, 2007; Sengupta et al., 2018). However, LSPs can facilitate not only supply
and demand integration, but also relational integration (Yu and Huo, 2018). Consequently, the issue
of trust-building in logistics triads is becoming increasingly relevant in the context of SCC (Vlachos
and Dyra, 2020). It is widely acknowledged that collaborative solutions could bring significant
economic benefits to suppliers and buyers, but at the same time significant levels of inter-
organisational trust are required to avoid exploitative situations (Fawcett et al., 2017). Although
trust-building is a vital competitive capability for SCC (Ralston et al., 2017), it is rare and difficult
to gain (Barratt, 2004), as challenges could emerge because of lack of coordination or conflicts of
interest between retailers and suppliers and, in general, among parties (Vlachos and Bourlakis,
However, in line with NT “the expansion of the alliance and growing density of ties”
(Siltaloppi and Vargo, 2017; p. 404) can be emblematic of trust, and LSPs may serve as third-party
enablers of trust-building processes fostering the adoption of SCC initiatives. In this sense, LSPs
can intervene and coordinate triadic flows and relationships, building trust with both retailers and
suppliers and, thus, be able to alter relationship quality (relational embeddedness) or create new
relationships with new suppliers (structural embeddedness) (Li and Choi, 2009). Besides, LSPs can
offer unique production-distribution solutions that can be a source of differentiation and competitive
advantage over other triadic configurations (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020). Triad-specific investments
can support formal and informal interactions based on trust that provide these unique solutions, and
relational commitment capabilities emerge as key elements to transform relational capital (i.e. trust)
into relational rents (Fawcett et al., 2017).

Such capabilities can refer to relationship capital that supply chain actors create via value-
creating interactions, mutual trust, and processes specific to the chosen supply chain configuration
(Yu and Huo, 2018). LSPs can actively build trust among the actors of a triad, proactively building
integration processes that provide value to all the parties involved so that all parties can trust the
triad more (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020). As triads evolve, actors can then explore and develop further
collaborative solutions (Yu and Huo, 2018). Potentially, LSPs may dedicate assets and resources to
specific partnerships or re-configure existing functions to serve a specific customer or support their
suppliers (Fawcett et al., 2017). In this way, a triad becomes more integrated, which gives LSPs the
opportunity “to act as triad integrators, as they are in a favourable position in terms of relational
capital (they may know suppliers better than retailers do and retailers better than suppliers do) and
network power (they can prioritise sourcing from specific suppliers and show tolerance over some
suppliers)” (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020; p. 297).

Research design
Taking the perspective of NT to draw the boundaries of the research and define the unit of
analysis, this study aims at exploring the role played by LSPs and the implied relational
mechanisms to foster SCC through different collaborative solutions currently adopted in logistics
triads. Empirical research on logistics triads has been recommended to complement previous studies
addressing logistics service provision (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020). Even though well-established
theories about SCC offer a solid basis to build upon, a need for mid-range theorising has arisen in
the logistics field (Stank et al., 2017). Therefore, the study leverages NT to elaborate on existing
knowledge (Voss et al., 2002; Ketokivi and Choi, 2014) while tackling a specific empirical context.
NT was adopted as it is built upon the principle that “firms seek efficiency of an entire network
through interactions with other firms” (Zacharia et al., 2011; p. 41), while the growing density of
ties that occur in a network of organisations (in our case, the logistics triad) can be emblematic of
trust and representative of the involved relational mechanisms (Siltaloppi and Vargo, 2017). Such
principles can constitute adequate theoretical support to frame this research, viewing the
outsourcing of logistics operations to LSPs as a way to maximise the ability of firms to leverage
relationships and relational mechanisms (Ellram and Cooper, 1990). Moreover, as LSPs become
responsible for a larger number of supply chain members, their ability to offer more significant
network interactions increases (Zacharia et al., 2011). NT also revolves around the concept of the
network as a key pillar, and this makes it possible to overcome the traditional view of the dyad as
unit of analysis, moving towards the triad seen as the building block of any network (Li and Choi,

Formulating mid-range theories does not rely exclusively upon academic contributions, as
knowledge may also stem from inductive, qualitative observations of practice (Stank et al., 2017).
Therefore, qualitative case study research was conducted, as it facilitates comprehensiveness and
understanding about how notional arguments are actually inflected in the empirical world
(Eisenhardt, 1989). Consistent with the adopted theoretical lens of NT and with the aim of the
research, logistics triads were selected as units of analysis. A multiple-case research design was
then shaped to increase external validity and to reduce the risk of misjudging single events (Ellram,
1996; Voss et al., 2002). Multiple cases represent reproductions that can allow for the
conceptualisation of a solid theoretical framework through analytical generalisation (Yin, 2009).
The grocery supply chain was selected as the object of the empirical stage of this research. On
the one hand, the grocery industry constitutes a large part of consumers’ budgets in all countries
(Bourlakis and Weightman, 2004; Colicchia et al., 2017). On the other hand, the distribution of
retail grocery products is often fragmented and inefficient, and collaborative solutions can be highly
beneficial to improving distribution management practices (Hingley et al., 2011; Sanchez Rodrigues
et al., 2015). Specifically, this research tackled the Italian grocery supply chain, which is one of the
top five markets in Europe for logistics flows and turnover generated; it is also the fastest-growing
market in terms of volumes and nominal value across Europe (Nielsen, 2019). Moreover, it is
characterised by a higher level of fragmentation than that of other European countries (Colicchia et
al., 2017), and the importance of LSPs in promoting the competitiveness of supply chains has been
increasingly acknowledged (Marchet et al., 2017).
A purposive sampling strategy was adopted to identify the participating companies (Saunders et
al., 2009), in line with recent contributions with a similar purpose (e.g. Sanchez Rodrigues et al.,
2015). The approach of heterogeneous sampling suggested by Saunders et al. (2009) was applied,
targeting 41 companies, including manufacturers, retailers, and LSPs. These companies were
approached through contacts activated by two Italian universities, in collaboration with GS1 Italy,
which is the main trade association of peers in the grocery industry in Italy and which provided the
list of their company members. In order to be able to explore collaborative solutions, as well as to
be sure to adequately investigate the role played by LSPs and the involved relational mechanisms
within SCC through a set of comparable cases, the following sampling criteria were adopted within
the Italian grocery sector:
 logistics triads were built by selecting large manufacturers, LSPs, and retailers, as
they are recognised as being more prone to supporting collaboration along the chain.
Moreover, because of their size, they are inclined to have more structured processes for
establishing and

maintaining relationships with buyers and sellers, including relational and trust-building
 manufacturers, LSPs and retailers operating in the dry food cluster of the grocery
sector were selected since this cluster represents the largest one within the grocery industry
in terms of exchanged logistics flows. Consequently, it constitutes a representative area to
perform an exploratory study.
 each logistics triad was built selecting a different manufacturer, LSP, and retailer to
ensure a high degree of variety in the array of analysed SCC solutions.

These criteria provided the researchers with a homogeneous, consistent and varied sample of
comparable cases that suited the exploratory nature of this research. Seven cases (composed of
logistics triads, involving 21 different companies) were considered; the choice was driven by the
availability of the companies and the inclusion of representative or typical cases according to the
sampling criteria described above (Yin, 2009). As suggested by Eisenhardt (1989), the sampling
approach adopted in this study was based on the theoretical contribution offered by each case,
delineating LSPs involvement in the Italian grocery supply chain according to the specific types of
solutions proposed and looking for highly successful collaborative triads acting as empirical
manifestations of such solutions.
The selected cases fit well inside the boundaries defined by the research purpose (Miles and
Huberman, 1994). Two cases were deemed to represent logistics triads, despite involving multiple
manufacturers or retailers; given the homogeneity of purpose of the companies involved, which
acted jointly, they encompassed a single actor with reference to the research objective (in
accordance with Hingley et al., 2011). Table 1 provides an overview of the features of the cases.


Finally, the research team developed a research protocol that included key research issues, the
proposed methodology and the interview guide (Yin, 2009). The interview guide was developed
jointly by three of the researchers, including two full professors, and was shaped differently for
suppliers (i.e. manufacturers), buyers (i.e. retailers) and LSPs. The different interview guides are
reported in the Appendix. Figure 1 summarises the research process, developed following general
guidelines proposed by Yin (2009).

Data collection
Data collection was based on the research protocol, whose core was represented by different
interview guides for each of the players involved. Interviews were conducted for each case, as they
represent essential sources of case study information, allowing for the reconstruction of events and
providing perceived causal inferences (Yin, 2009). To mitigate observer bias, multiple investigators
were involved (Voss et al., 2002). Interviews involved different types of managers belonging to the
logistics or the sales business functions, thus providing viewpoints from different functional
domains within the firm. Most of the interviewees from the logistics side were also responsible for
customer service management. Interview guides were shared in advance to allow interviewees to
prepare data and documentation adequately. Due to the sensitive nature of the topic, confidentiality
was guaranteed to interviewees. Therefore, neither companies’ nor individuals’ names will be
The widely adopted and accepted format of the funnel model was used for conducting semi-
structured interviews, starting with broad and open-ended questions, and then more specific
questions as the interview proceeded (Voss et al., 2002). Despite focusing on key questions,
interviewers also asked additional questions triggered by the answers of the respondents. By writing
up memos with pattern codes after each interview, it was also possible to “look for recurring
phrases or common threads in informants’ accounts” (Miles and Huberman, 1994, p. 70).
Each interview lasted approximately 120 minutes, and instruments (recorder and written notes)
were used to consolidate the collected information. Respondents from all companies in the triads
were asked to describe the collaborative solutions they had been implementing, also focusing on the
type of relationships developed and the related roles and actions undertaken. Multiple data sources
were triangulated, not only during the interview but also by cross-checking information coming
from the interviews of other participants mentioning similar practices. Information was also
supported by other types of instruments, such as internal documents or industry reports (Ellram,
1996). An integrated case study database was developed, including interview transcriptions and
codes, which were regularly updated during the research.
In total, 41 interviews were conducted in the period between September 2018 and May 2019.
Once the data were collected, the draft of notes and the final documentation of each case were sent
back to the interviewees for final approval, in order for them to check the level of validity and
accuracy between the data collected and their ideas, thus increasing the study’s reliability (Yin,

Data analysis

To pursue theory elaboration, a structured iteration between general theory and empirical data
is required (Ketokivi and Choi, 2014). Therefore, the first step in the analysis was to code the

data, as it is central to effective case research (Voss et al., 2002). A provisional initial list of coding
categories was created from the literature (Yin, 2009). Examples of coding categories included the
type of collaborative solutions, the behaviour of LSPs in designing and developing the SCC
solutions, in introducing and spreading trust-building mechanisms, and the role and actions they
took (Wallenburg, 2009; Zacharia et al., 2011; Fawcett et al., 2017). Categories were updated after
each interview, continuously comparing the information collected from the different cases and
reformulating it whenever more meaningful insights emerged (Voss et al., 2002; Yin, 2009). Both
within-case and cross-case analyses were performed in order to identify important similarities and
differences and capture specific factors (Eisenhardt, 1989).
Through open coding, empirical data were first broken down, examined, and compared to
strengthen existing constructs and develop new categories (Ellram, 1996; Voss et al., 2002). Open
coding paved the way for axial coding, to make connections between categories and look at their
interactions (Yin, 2009). Initial codes were refined according to the themes that emerged from the
data and grouped into higher-level categories (Ellram, 1996). For example, the roles that LSPs
could play within logistics triads were examined and compared to constructs (e.g. tertius iungens)
formerly proposed in the academic literature, also acknowledging how they contributed to trust-
building. Lastly, findings from single cases were compared in a cross-case analysis for matching
patterns (Eisenhardt, 1989; Yin, 2009).

Research quality and trustworthiness

Following Yin’s approach (2009) to increase the quality and trustworthiness of the research, the
dimensions of external validity, internal validity, construct validity and reliability were tackled as
summarised in Table 2. The combination of multiple data sources through triangulation was used to
corroborate evidence and to support construct validity, as well as to overcome the potential
informant bias related to interviewing human subjects (e.g. including both logistics managers but
also customer service and sales managers) (Eisenhardt, 1989). Internal and construct validity were
supported by using variables derived from the literature and then triangulating data collected
through interviews or secondary sources (Voss et al., 2002). Furthermore, searching for patterns
through cross-case analyses increased the external validity of the results, while explanation building
based on patterns and casual links also strengthened the study’s internal validity (Ellram, 1996).


Findings: collaborative solutions promoted by LSPs within logistics triads (within case
Case A: Drop-and-hook
In case A, the retailer offered shippers a platform to book delivery slots to unload goods at its
distribution centre (DC). However, the retailer had strict receiving schedules that could affect
inventory availability at the distribution centre if manufacturers’ shipments arrived past that time
window. As stated by the sales director of LSPA, “Up to now, we could deliver only in the morning
because after 11 A.M. deliveries were often rejected by retailers.” Consequently, the costs
associated with inefficiencies arising from retailer-imposed receiving restrictions were experienced
by the LSP, and partially passed on to the manufacturer.
Although its actual customer is the manufacturer, the LSP leveraged its relationship with the
retailer (i.e. its customer’s customer) to offer a collaborative solution to improve unloading
operations. The LSP booked a delivery slot as usual, then, rather than having to wait outside for
permission to enter the DC, its trucks were immediately cleared for approaching docks. The full
semi- trailer was then dropped off from the truck and left at the DC yard, while the truck driver
could hook up an empty semi-trailer to start a new delivery. The full semi-trailer that had been left
at the DC was later unloaded by the retailer, according to its schedule. A notification about
successful unloading was then sent to the LSP, who in turn informed the manufacturer.
This solution was built upon the LSP-retailer link, without a direct tie between the
manufacturer and the retailer. Nevertheless, the whole triad benefitted from the solution, including
the manufacturer. The LSP was able to achieve higher efficiency, thus being able to offer lower fees
to the manufacturer. Thanks to this solution, the retailer improved unloading operations, reducing
queues at unloading bays and smoothing trucks’ arrivals. Also, it was possible to redistribute the
loading/unloading workload over a longer time span, avoiding the usual concentration of unloading
activities in the morning. Having semi-trailers be unloaded without any dependency on external
suppliers, the retailer was also able to perform unloading operations in time slots that were not
normally assigned to this activity. In addition to cost savings, this solution also allowed for
improving drivers’ working time and availability, which is a key problem nowadays, given the well-
known shortage of truck drivers across Europe and the USA. As claimed by the logistics director of
LSPA, “Lack of drivers is the biggest problem we face today, and a vehicle moving for one hour is
worth much more than the waiting fee paid by customers in case of prolonged waiting at DCs.”
To make this solution feasible, large volumes were required in order to deliver full-truckloads,
as the order size had to be large enough to (almost) fully load a semi-trailer that was shipped to the
specific retailer, who in turn was required to accept the full semi-trailer and return an empty one.
Moreover, the LSP held transport assets (i.e. trucks and semi-trailers) that were shared with the two
other players: in this way, asset utilisation was increased, while the other players were provided
with the flexibility of warehouse and transport operations that they might never be able to achieve
by acting separately.
However, more importantly, strong partnerships had to be developed and a high level of trust
had to be achieved among all triad members. Inventory ownership shifted from the manufacturer to
the retailer when the full semi-trailer was dropped off from the truck and left at the DC yard;
without a collaborative LSP, this solution would never have been possible. On the one hand, the
LSP had established a long-term partnership with the manufacturer, being trustworthy enough to
hold and manage inventories while the ownership remained with the manufacturer. Thanks to this
partnership with its LSP (and the proposed solution), the manufacturer increased the availability of
its products at the retailer's premises. On the other hand, the LSP had an established and trusted
relationship with the retailer, to whom it offered high-quality logistics capabilities that allowed the
goods to be accepted by the retailer without the standard control procedures, thus ensuring
continuity of operations across a wider time window. In this way, the presence of an LSP “trusted”
by both parties separately compensated for the absence of a direct link of trust between the
manufacturer and the retailer, pushing towards the achievement of trust in the complete triad.

Case B: Order pooling

In case B, the LSP used to carry out logistics operations on behalf of the manufacturer, facing
some difficulties in optimising transport in case there were small order sizes towards a given
retailer. Recognizing opportunities for increased efficiency through load consolidation when
serving a given retailer, the LSP requested permission from the manufacturer (its customer) to
autonomously discuss with the retailer (i.e. its customer’s customer) changes in delivery dates,
provided that the only change requested is the delivery date and not frequency or re-order policy.
Thanks to its visibility over all destination points and delivery quantities, the LSP increased the use
of the vehicles for each shipment as much as possible to achieve the best possible transport
As a result of increased efficiency, the LSP offered a discount to the retailer and lower fees to
the manufacturer to activate the solution. Although monetary savings as a result of enhanced
transport efficiency were significant, the solution nonetheless presented operational risks to both the
manufacturer and its retail customers. In fact, the LSP’s emphasis on load consolidation and
transport savings could result in products arriving either too early or too late to meet consumer
demand (i.e. inventory risks). In other words, both the manufacturer and its retail customer had to

be reliant on the LSP to maintain optimal operational outcomes, even as it sought transport savings.

While the LSP offered to share cost savings with both sides, interview participants indicated
that, ultimately, what convinced all parties involved to agree on granting the LSP autonomy in load
consolidation was the overall level of trust they had in the LSP, as well as the LSP’s continued trust
signaling. For instance, the LSP had served as a long-time partner of the manufacturer. During that
time, the manufacturer had gradually entrusted its entire logistics operation to the LSP. The ability
for the LSP to perform to promise was further matched by its investment in the relationship through
dedicating specific logistics assets to serve the manufacturer. Additionally, significant information
sharing, as evinced by the LSP’s total visibility regarding the manufacturer-to-retailers network
flows, also signaled the relational commitment espoused by all parties. Lastly, the LSP not only
proactively promoted the solution by transparently sharing the purported benefits and risks with all
parties but also provided the retailer with the option to confirm or refuse every consolidation
proposal based on their operational impact. This entailed the LSP managing the replenishment
flows from manufacturers to retailers in quite an autonomous and seamless way, which implied a
certain level of knowledge of the operating mechanisms and an integration of processes and
information across the supply chain among the players of the triad. Further opportunities for the
solution were then identified, which would involve different retailers with nearby warehouses to
exploit scale economies in transport. As acknowledged by the business development manager of
LSPB, “If nearby retailers agreed on a given day to replenish their DCs, we might be able to fulfil
all the orders with a single trip, improving truck use and routing schedules.”

Case C (Co-location)
Within the context of a logistics triad, the inventories of manufacturers and retailers are usually
located in two different logistics sites, and this creates several challenges due to potential
redundancy of storage space, material handling equipment, other inventory management and
transfer processes that can undermine an optimal inventory management process.
In case C, to overcome these challenges, the LSP devised a solution according to which a
logistics facility was created to hold inventories for both players in the same facility, keeping them
separated and moving them across the warehouse once orders placed by the retailer had to be
fulfilled. This inventory-pooling/co-location solution led to efficiency (and environmental) benefits
since it removed the need to transport inventory across different facilities, reducing also the order-
to-delivery lead time. As stated by the managing director of LSPC, “the manufacturer and the
retailer can share storage space within the same facility, thus reducing replenishment lead times.
This allows for identifying and smoothing out inefficiencies driven by biased order policies.”

Thanks to its own logistics capabilities, the LSP put itself forward as a coordinator to optimise
both physical and information flows related to warehouse and transport activities, signalling strong
commitment and dedication of resources to this aim. Improved economies of scale and better
operational efficiency could be obtained, but these were hardly attainable without the contribution
of the LSP in the relationship of the triad. To achieve those benefits, it was essential for the
manufacturer and the retailer to share mutual information on inventory, which is something that
usually puts the counterparts in an uncomfortable spot.
To overcome this barrier and progressively increase the type and the timeliness of such
information, the LSP had to join the two opposing actors by being the guarantor of fair and correct
behaviour. Through the management of relational mechanisms and showing adequate
logistics/information management capabilities, the LSP built trust in the links between manufacturer
and retailer and assumed a coordinating role. It improved the communication flow between the two
of them, acting as a guarantor and thereby improving mutual trust and optimising the relational
mechanisms within the triad. This ultimately led to enhancing mutuality and transparency among
the three actors.
Despite a few other examples that exist at an international level in the retail sector (e.g.
Amazon Fulfilment services co-mingle marketplace sellers’ inventory with company-owned
inventory for fulfilling customer orders), this solution represents a novel approach to structuring
logistics activities that has seen almost no application in the grocery supply chain and in the Italian
context. Indeed, the LSP was no longer focused on a type of customer (either a manufacturer or
retailer) but on the type of supply chain (i.e. the grocery one).

Case D (DesAdv)
In the context of grocery supply chains, communication and confirmation about the physical
receipt of goods are essential to detect differences and discrepancies in products, quantities, or
delivery dates. This usually happens through EDI messages called dispatch advice (DesAdv), sent
by LSPs to manufacturers who in turn send them to retailers. EDI systems can streamline both
operational and administrative processes within and across firm boundaries, as exemplified by
many successful applications also in the grocery industry (e.g. Ciborra, 1995; Holmström, 1998).
However, significant challenges exist as some manufacturers are still not equipped with EDI
due to its high implementation costs and because different retailers often require specific one-to-one
IT interfaces. In 2018, only 6% of European enterprises regularly used EDI (Eurostat, 2020), and as
stated by the purchasing manager of R D “not all manufacturers can sustain DesAdv investment
dedicated to a single retailer. They will do that only if they are able to use the tool with multiple
retailers.” Moreover, investing in relationship-specific assets may not be appropriate for any dyad,
as this might create undesired dependencies that could expose either side to potential acts of
opportunism (Barratt, 2004).
To overcome these barriers and improve the communication processes along the supply chain,
the LSP put itself forward proposing to manufacturers the possibility to rely on its IT capabilities to
communicate with retailers, developing a platform to generate an interface with multiple retailers on
behalf of multiple manufacturers. This approach helped the manufacturers gain trust in the
commitment and capabilities of the LSP and bolstered the trust-building process in the triad, since
manufacturers accepted to mandate the LSP to take care of connecting them with the retailer. The
benefits related to possessing early knowledge of the list of the incoming shipments and products
were evident for the triad, resulting in a simplified data-entry process and goods consistency check
at the time of unloading. In turn, this allowed for speeding up goods reception at DCs by reducing
the unloading time (and therefore increasing truck travelling hours with higher utilisation rates for
the LSP).
However, trust that information sharing through the platform of the LSP could happen reliably
had to be built. Showing strong IT capabilities and the capacity to extend the existing EDI
technological infrastructure were drivers for the LSP to extend trust along the triad. Such
capabilities reinforced both the manufacturer’s and retailer’s view that the LSP played an essential
role as an enabler of better communication, transparency and information exchange processes that
can foster the efficiency of operations when the infrastructure is not available at all ends of the
triad/supply chain.

Case E (Pallet pooling)

Wooden pallets are the most common handling unit in the grocery industry, yet pallet
management is a very critical aspect. On the one hand, due to increasing automation levels within
DCs, retailers require high-quality pallets and “reject unit loads because there are imperfections in
the shape of the pallets and because they are made of low-quality wood”, as claimed by the
customer service manager of ME. On the other hand, the collaborative processes developed so far
(e.g. issuing of a “pallet voucher” in the case of deferred pallet interchange) made both retailers and
manufacturers unhappy. Manufacturers and retailers often disagreed about what the correct usage of
pallet vouchers could be, and many disputes arose because of the lack of trust they mutually
demonstrated to each other party when issuing or receiving vouchers. Consequently, pallet
collection and re-distribution were inefficient, time-consuming, and not standardised. As
acknowledged by ME logistics manager,
“pallet management is a problem whose complexity increases day by day, both financially and
Recognizing this problematic issue of pallet management in the triad, the LSP offered to take
control of the process: for payment of a fee for each shipped pallet, the LSP moved and repaired
pallets and also managed the administration processes related to these items on behalf of its
customers. The LSP thus introduced a new solution offering a “pallet pooling” service based on the
standard EPAL pallet, leveraging the existing pallets re-collection activity at its customer’s
premises to show know-how, capabilities, and dedication to the solution of this conflictual
relationship – signalling commitment and building trust in the customers.
The manufacturer and the retailer gave the mandate to the LSP to take care of their pallet pools
because the LSP was recognised as a neutral third party capable of safeguarding the interests of the
different parties. As stated by the logistics manager of ME, “Thanks to pallet pooling, the whole
chain experienced a dramatic reduction in the number of disputes between manufacturers and
retailers.” By improving mutual visibility of this critical shared asset within the triad and promoting
collaborative practices, along with clearly demonstrating its capabilities and commitment, the LSP
built and increased trust with and between the other two players. They also experienced a
significant reduction in the complexity of the management of such a critical packaging asset – one
which must be available when needed in the appropriate quantity and quality levels to avoid stops to
both the production and distribution of goods. In turn, the LSP could optimise pallet re-collection,
having visibility on where both the manufacturer and the retailer needed them.

Case F (LSP’s VMI)

In Case F, the manufacturer and the retailer had already set up a VMI agreement and the LSP
used to carry out the inventory management activity on behalf of the manufacturer. However, VMI
agreements typically require a considerable effort put in by manufacturers and retailers in terms of
time and resources devoted to the management of the VMI process. This is especially felt by
manufacturers (as confirmed also by the interviewees who took part in this study), and also
represents a challenge to the diffusion of VMI practices in the grocery industry. Not all
manufacturers have sufficient capabilities and resources to take this task on, and retailers cannot
completely compensate for the required effort.
To address this challenge, the LSP leveraged the already existing inventory management
activity carried out on behalf of the manufacturer and proposed fully managing the replenishment
process for the retailer on behalf of the manufacturer. However, initial reluctance was shown by the
retailer since it meant having limited control of such a key process as inventories replenishment

and leaving it in

the hands of an external third party. As acknowledged by the SC manager of R F, “to start a VMI
collaboration, every partner must be ready. Giving away the keys to inventories, goals sharing and
strong partnerships are required.”
To overcome this obstacle, trust throughout the triad first needed to be built. A trust-signalling
element was the proposal by the LSP to offer the manufacturer discounts on rates for logistics
activities, with the latter in turn sharing these benefits with the retailer. All these elements showed a
commitment to improve managerial practices and to avoid any opportunistic behaviour thanks to a
transparent benefit-sharing mechanism. Moreover, the LSP openly shared information about its
processes, increasing transparency about the details of the agreement, improving the management of
the relational mechanisms and the extension of trust along the triad. This increased the mutual trust
with the retailer, who started sharing information about past sales and future forecasts with higher
frequency and timeliness. Besides the reduction of the LSP’s rates, supply and demand uncertainty
was reduced through improved communication, not only generating savings for all three actors but
also improving the forecast accuracy for both the manufacturer and the retailer. As an additional
benefit, the LSP could then organise its activities to improve its operational efficiency related to
vehicle utilisation and saturation, while respecting the requirements from the retailer’s side without
the daily involvement of the manufacturer – who was freed from this duty.
Although this solution started from a dyadic agreement between the LSP and the manufacturer,
the LSP successfully triggered a virtuous circle by extending trust. This circle was reinforced
because the LSP, thanks to its commitment, information sharing capabilities and trust-signalling
approach, was seen by the other players of the triad as a trusted enabler of better transparency and
visibility of information across the chain of supply.

Case G (Multi-retailer warehouse)

The original context of case G was characterised by four retailers which had their inventories
scattered over four separate warehouses, each of them managed by the same LSP. This situation led
to having redundancy of facilities and equipment, with consequent implications in terms of costs
and resources involved that could not be shared across the retailers.
Thanks to the very large (joint) volumes of the four retailers, it was possible to develop a
collaborative solution between the LSP and the four retailers to overcome the above-mentioned
redundancy challenges. The four retailers agreed with the LSP about developing a single DC
dedicated to the four of them, thus centralising their inventories within a multi-retailer warehouse.
This centralisation process involved the aggregation of flows belonging to different retailers (while
in multi-customer warehouses LSPs usually aggregate manufacturers’ flows), and this was seen as a
critical element by the four retailers who initially were reluctant to share single storage space with
their competitors. The LSP had to step forward as guarantor of equal treatment and impartial
allocation of resources to the four customers, which needed to be formalised in contractual
agreements that required years to be defined. In addition, to show its commitment and capabilities
the LSP also had to sustain a significant investment. As explained by the logistics director of LSP G,
“Together, the four retailers guaranteed volumes so significant so as to justify a completely new
logistics facility, in an area bigger than 350,000 m2, including 150,000 m2 of floor area. A
significant investment in automation was justified, as well, with an automated warehouse to stock
full pallets with more than 33,000 pallet locations and a mini-load system for the management of
4,000 different SKUs.”
By showing such commitment, contractual expertise and logistics capabilities, and by
leveraging the strong long-term partnership in place with the retailers, the LSP built a sufficient
level of trust to persuade the four customers to accept its proposal. The trust mechanisms developed
in the previous years, thus, represented a solid base upon which to build future plans. The LSP acted
as the key orchestrator, improving material and information flow management but also fostering
relational integration among different customers. In terms of benefits, economies of scale increased
for both the retailers and the LSP, and manufacturers also achieved significant benefits. They were
able to ship full-truck-loads to the new DC, thus achieving the most cost-effective transport
conditions. Therefore, thanks to the LSP, the relationship between manufacturers and retailers
improved with mutual gains.

Cross-case analysis
Some common themes emerged through the concurrent examination of the results of the
study’s empirical stage. These themes are common to the various cases analysed and span the range
of the investigated triads, making it possible to perform a cross-case analysis.

Collaborative solutions proposed by LSPs in logistics triads

The case studies upheld concepts and notions previously formalised in the literature, but also
presented new facets about already debated solutions within dyadic settings and provided an
exploration of new solutions in triadic ones, thus enriching existing theory with original elements.
Table 3 summarises and compares the findings within the case analysis and constitutes the
backbone of the cross-case analysis through the proposed dimensions that embrace the main traits
of the collaborative solutions.

- Insert_Table_3 –

For example, in case F, a well-established practice such as VMI was explored. Although this is
usually seen as part of the manufacturer-retailer relationship (Çetinkaya and Lee, 2000; Attaran and
Attaran, 2007), it has also been proposed in a triadic structure to include LSPs (Yang and Liu, 2007;
Daoping et al., 2011). Case F confirmed that LSPs could achieve higher efficiency than
manufacturers alone, and showed how long-term benefits could overcome short-term ones, thanks
to the savings LSPs can pursue by increasing their vehicle utilisation. Elaborating on the previous
literature (e.g. Sanchez Rodrigues et al., 2015), case F also showed how LSPs can further increase
the benefits of the solution through information sharing, which can improve trust and
communication and support the introduction of transparent mechanisms for benefit sharing.
Case A exhibited a yard management application within grocery supply chains, while former
contributions mainly pertained to maritime logistics (e.g. Jin et al., 2016). Drop-and-hook solutions
can represent a common way for LSPs to improve operational efficiency (Fawcett et al., 2015)
while providing customers with flexibility and convenience. However, case A offered a view on this
solution by considering the whole logistics triad, and not only single LSPs. LSPs can act as
fundamental enablers of drop-and-hook solutions, holding those assets to be shared with the other
actors to improve costs and increase logistics flexibility. Moreover, case A showed how the solution
implemented by the LSP benefitted not only the LSP itself, but also the manufacturer and the
retailer composing the triad. It also showed that in order to put this solution into place a high level
of trust had to be shared among all triad members, and that LSPs can foster and guarantee the trust
level by offering their widely acknowledged logistics capabilities. In fact, the LSP had shown itself
to be trustworthy enough so that the manufacturer let it manage its inventory on consignment, while
the retailer trusted the LSP enough to allow it to bypass standard control procedures. Consequently,
the LSP leveraged its dyadic trust with the two separate players, both of which were lacking direct
trust between themselves, to effectively serve as a conduit of trust towards building a successful
triadic collaborative solution.
Case D confirmed that solutions built upon EDI could help streamline the supply chain and
integrate different business partners, emphasising the important role played by LSPs in this process
(Lai et al., 2008). Case D showed that their role is crucial because many manufacturers still remain
without EDI capabilities, and LSPs can serve as vital collaborators by taking the responsibility for
empowering end-to-end communication across the whole triad. In fact, they may well already be
equipped with the EDI technological infrastructure necessary and the required interfaces for major
retailers. Lastly, case G offered an example of a multi-customer warehouse, which reduces logistics
costs by increasing efficiency through greater economies of scale (Kopczak et al., 2000). This


usually involves multiple manufacturers, and several application examples in manifold sectors
could be acknowledged. Case G presented this as a worthwhile option and a novel approach in the
grocery supply chain for retailers as well, enabled by long-term partnerships with LSPs able (and
willing to) sustain the required investment.
Given the research purpose, all the cases represented triadic structures (Vedel et al., 2016). In
four out of the six cases (A, B, D, E), the LSP played an intermediating role, and the collaborative
solution only connected the manufacturer and the retailer indirectly. Nevertheless, by applying the
interpretative principles of NT, it is possible to note that the whole triad achieved benefits, and
LSPs contributed not only at an operational level, but also provided benefits in terms of access to
resources, network relationships, competence development, and relationship exploitation
(Selviaridis and Spring, 2007; Hingley et al., 2011; Zacharia et al., 2011). Lastly, case G deserves
particular attention, as the LSP operates within the triad as a coordinator and facilitator for multiple
retailers with only a marginal involvement of the manufacturer (who only achieved indirect
benefits, thanks to increased transport efficiency). Therefore, in this case, the nature of the LSP’s
role as facilitator is unique compared to the other cases, and must be appropriately acknowledged.
Indeed, the LSP did not truly facilitate collaboration between manufacturers and retailers, but rather
enabled a form of co-opetition among multiple retailers. Despite its limited involvement, the
manufacturer has important business relationships with the other members of the triad.

LSPs’ roles in promoting SCC

Thanks to the adoption of NT as a theoretical lens, which led us to take logistics triads as the
units of analysis (rather than either manufacturer-LSP or LSP-retailer dyads), it was possible to
explore further the roles that LSPs undertake to foster SCC (Sengupta et al., 2018). Previous studies
investigated the general role of LSPs (Selviaridis and Spring, 2007) or the implications of
collaboration with LSPs, without explicitly dealing with their role within triads. This study
confirmed that outsourcing operations to reliable LSPs helps manage supply chains as whole
entities (Ellram, 1990). Nowadays, partnerships with LSPs are a key to success (Zacharia et al.,
2011), as they are crucial to upholding SCC (Marchet et al., 2017).
Furthermore, building on the research findings, three possible roles for LSPs emerged. First,
the LSP can create internal coalitions with one of the two members (cases F and G). In the
literature, this concept generally referred to an agreement between two players to change the
relationships of power and authority in triads and obtain a dominant position with respect to the
excluded party (Salo et al., 2009). In this research, however, internal coalitions were meant to
implement collaborative solutions aimed at increasing efficiency for the whole supply chain by

improving how logistics processes were

performed. In case G, the LSP did not create the coalition with the retailers to take advantage of
manufacturers, but rather to improve the supply chain efficiency by consolidating inventories (for
retailers) while simultaneously increasing transport efficiency (for manufacturers). This also
supports the fact that inter-firm linkages can be actual sources of competitive advantage - through
better operational efficiency, as shown in this research - and that, the larger the number of
customers, the bigger the opportunities for synergies promoted by LSPs (Zacharia et al., 2011;
Siltaloppi and Vargo, 2017). A second option (case C) is the tertius iungens (Obstfeld, 2005), where
the LSP operates to improve its performance by facilitating the relationship between the
manufacturer and the retailer.
Nevertheless, when there is no direct interaction between manufacturers and retailers regarding
the considered collaborative solution, the LSP cannot play the tertius iungens role. Nor can it create
an internal coalition (Salo et al., 2009), as the improved business connection is not aimed at taking
advantage of the third party of the triad. Therefore, a new role was identified and named as
transitum (cases A, B, D and E), which cannot be associated with any of the roles mentioned in the
existing body of knowledge. This LSP can proactively improve SCC by developing new
collaborative solutions that generate more value, being in the middle between the manufacturer and
the retailer and having direct relationships with both. The LSP is the promoter of collaboration and
the “vehicle” through which the benefits are spread along the supply chain. This is similar to what
Li and Choi (2009) referred to as the bridge transfer concept, but in this case the LSP is not
pursuing an opportunistic behaviour to take advantage of the other two members' disconnection (as
per the tertius gaudens). Conversely, the LSP aspires to create a bridge between them to solve
inefficiencies in the logistics operations. In case E, for instance, the LSP did not create a coalition
with the manufacturer to take advantage of the retailer, but rather to solve existing conflicts in place
between the manufacturer and the retailer related to pallet management.

Discussion of the findings

In the literature, LSPs pursue value creation through higher operational efficiencies or greater
customer response (Wallenburg, 2009). The collaborative solutions emerging from this research are
aligned with this perspective, mainly supporting the operational efficiency side: all the cases
provided efficiency benefits (Sanchez Rodrigues et al., 2015) stemming, for example, from the
optimisation of warehouse operations (case G), the improvement of vehicles loading capacity
utilisation (case B), the reduction of the effort to manage unloading activities (case A), the
streamlining of operational and administrative processes (cases C, D and E) and inventory
management and control (case F). As confirmed by the literature, the choice of opportune partners

drives operational efficiency (Ellram and Cooper, 1990). However, such efficiency benefits were
not always achieved in the same fashion.

In cases A, B, and C, LSPs proposed solutions that entailed operational efficiency enabled by the
large volumes handled, thus being able to offer lower rates thanks to improved scale economies.
These considerations link well with the principles of NT, as illustrated by Borgatti and Halgin
(2011) who suggested that any social system can be represented as a network of paths that acts as
conduits for information to flow (Rowley, 1997; Brass, 2002). Consequently, this study offers a
contribution to extend NT knowledge by theorizing in the middle-range through the investigated
application field, confirming that the social position in a network provides access to resources but
also that combinations of nodes can act as a unit, until achieving competitive advantages over other
combinations of nodes.
Nevertheless, without a “collaborative culture” that involved trust, mutuality, openness and
communication, as well as information exchange capabilities (Barratt, 2004), the proposed solutions
would never have been implemented, as the analysis of the cases showed. LSPs enabled and
reinforced this type of positive environment, making their broad logistics capabilities available for
the other supply chain actors and offering a long-term experience as a warranty of the successful
outcome of the initiative. For example, in Case A the retailer agreed to accept goods without
performing the standard control procedures only because of the regular and trusted relationship with
the LSP. Moreover, only LSPs had the potential to offer such solutions, as neither manufacturers
nor retailers had the required asset availability, capabilities, or volumes. Conversely, in cases D, E,
F, and G, the initial motivation for collaboration appeared merely economic. LSPs represented
trusted third- party players that activated the collaborative solutions in the first place by improving
operational efficiency and sharing the rising benefits with the other actors. Nevertheless, they were
able to promote a fair business environment, where communication and trust increased along with
an improvement in the type and timeliness of shared information. At the same time, they offered
access to resources and relationship exploitation as suggested by the interpretative principles of NT
(Zacharia et al., 2011). In fact, they also introduced additional tools and supporting mechanisms
(e.g. DesAdv in case D) and helped agree on transparent metrics to measure performance and track
progress. Consequently, they triggered a virtuous cycle that relied on mutuality of benefits (Barratt
and Oliveira, 2001), ultimately providing an increasing reward for positive performance on
collaborative solutions. This environment characterised by mutuality and transparency required the
commitment of significant resources to implement it, and organisations need to focus their attention
on a small number of close relationships that can allow the greatest benefits (Soosay and Hyland,
2015). However, coherently with the middle-range approach adopted, issues of context and culture
must be properly acknowledged because any theory built on a particular definition of “tie”

trust) might run into problems when trying to apply it cross-culturally, and such ties can have
different implications in different cultures and settings (Rowley, 1997; Borgatti and Halgin, 2011).

Trust as a fundamental building block of SCC

By critically analysing the findings of the cross-case analysis and leveraging the above
considerations on the positive collaborative environment created by LSPs in triadic settings, this
research unveiled trust as a fundamental building block for SCC (Barratt, 2004). This allows the
focus to move away from mere economic motivations for SCC, exploring the relational mechanisms
through which LSP may actually enhance trust and facilitate SCC as emerging from our case
studies, and this is in line with Vlachos and Dyra (2020). Some companies might desire trust in
supply chain relationships but fear that sharing knowledge or processes may result in exploitation
(Hingley et al. 2011), and lack of trust hinders SCC from developing (as per case F).
As Barratt (2004) noted, trust is difficult to build, and requires strategic intent and depends on
the ability of two parties to jointly recognise and invest in value co-creation opportunities (Fawcett
et al., 2017). In this research, we can recognise two main facets of how LSPs acted in the logistics
triads to develop collaborative solutions: trust builders or trust conductors between manufacturers
and retailers.
As far as “trust-building” is concerned, LSPs genuinely support the communication and the
exchange of information in an open fashion (as stated also by Hingley et al., 2011). They can
actively build trust among triad actors, proactively using their position to build integrating processes
via knowledge exchange and training (as shown by our Cases C, D, and E). By investing in IT
systems to improve scheduling, routing and consolidation, LSPs develop visibility capability and
intervene in the manufacturer-retailer complementarity, which can ultimately lead to a long-lasting
triadic relationship.
As far as “trust conductor” is concerned, LSPs leverage their own current levels of inter-
organisational trust to connect manufacturers and retailers. This happened in Case A, in which the
LSP leveraged its relationship and trust built over time with both the manufacturer and the retailer
to convince the two parties to deploy the collaborative solution. In cases B and F, LSPs leveraged
their trusted relationships with manufacturers to foster retailers’ trust in the logistics triad, while in
case G the LSP started from its relationships with the four retailers. In this sense, when actors start
to collaborate, they build trust, develop triad-specific routines, and generate relational capital by
triadic interactions over time, as also recalled by Yu and Huo (2018). Further, LSPs can promote
unique production-distribution solutions, i.e. by knowing each supplier’s production forecasts
they can

consolidate distribution to meet demand forecasting from retailers, as shown by our cases B, C, and
F; this is coherent with Vlachos and Dyra (2020).
Acting either as trust builders or trust conductors, implications due to the role of LSPs in terms
of relational mechanisms emerge from our analysis. Trust shared with both manufacturers and
retailers enable LSPs to offer unique collaborative solutions that can be a source of differentiation
from and competitive advantage over other triadic configurations (Fawcett et al., 2017). As the
relationship evolves and triad parties interact and gain a deeper understanding of each other, they
can also allow their partners access to resources and capabilities (cases C, D, and F). Partners may
develop new routines and processes to enhance communication, and develop informal
communication methods to accelerate decision-making (Vlachos and Bourlakis, 2006). Even when
starting from economic motivations, trust can reinforce mutual relationships. LSPs can develop
collaborative solutions that do not necessarily involve all the triad actors, but if all parties take
advantage of them, they will all trust the triad more (e.g. case F) (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020).

In summary, our analysis showed that LSPs play an essential role in developing SCC solutions;
they represent a real enabling factor and can actually facilitate SCC between manufacturers and
retailers, who should critically choose those LSPs that are able to foster SCC and not only offer a
service to monetise operational inefficiencies. In other words, in such triads, benefits will go
beyond simple discounts offered to both the manufacturer and the retailer, and LSPs can build upon
mutual trust and communication to become real facilitators and orchestrators in the supply chain.
Consequently, SCC might be considered as a formal and differentiated program for key
relationships, intended for mutual gain and defined by collaborative efforts that seek value beyond
typical price negotiation and discounts, or operational efficiency, consistently with the principles of
NT and the connected maximisation of a firm’s ability to leverage relationships (Zacharia et al.,

In recent decades, SCC has emerged as one of the most important research topics within the
supply chain management field (Soosay and Hyland, 2015; Singh et al., 2018), having significant
implications in the outsourcing of logistics activities (Zacharia et al., 2011). The present study
leverages NT to explore how LSPs can foster and promote value creation through collaboration in
logistics triads. It elaborates existing theory within a given empirical domain (i.e. the Italian grocery
supply chain), adopting a mid-range theory approach to highlight how LSPs can facilitate SCC
between manufacturers and retailers, and to support the important role of LSPs as facilitators and

orchestrators in the supply chain. According to NT, outsourcing logistics operations to trusted LSPs

can create meaningful partnerships, which ultimately produce original solutions for SCC and create
a competitive advantage.
A multiple case study approach was adopted for the purpose of theory elaboration, and 7 cases
were identified. They provided a comprehensive picture of the Italian grocery supply chain and
collaborative solutions currently adopted, while allowing for extending and improving existing
theory based on the empirical investigation. Both known solutions and original collaborative
solutions were identified, driven by an increased awareness on the part of all triad members (and
specifically retailers) of the impact of reorder policies on supply chain costs. All the cases showed
that reducing inefficiencies leads to cost savings, which are then shared among the triad members.
The field evidence gathered and discussed also reinforces the view according to which LSPs
can be essential to foster SCC, as they can exploit large volumes and asset availability to increase
scale economies while improving logistics flexibility. However, this study highlighted that not only
do LSPs monetise from operational inefficiencies, but also concretely help manufacturers to
collaborate with retailers. They can foster SCC solutions driven not only by discounts offered to
both manufacturers and retailers, but above all by mutual trust and transparency. LSPs can act as
trust builders or trust conductors, developing regular and trusted relationships with the other triad
members who recognise their reliability and wide logistics capabilities. Moreover, whereas
collaborative solutions were usually meant to emerge from value co-creation between LSPs and
their direct customers (i.e. manufacturers), it emerged that LSPs can create value, not only through
collaborating with their customers but also with their customers’ customers. Value creation can thus
be indirect, as an actor of the triad can receive positive externalities of collaborative solutions
without being directly involved.
The paper offers a contribution in terms of both academic and practical implications. From an
academic perspective, it elaborates NT through a mid-range contribution on SCC in logistics triads.
Building upon the idea that managing inter-organisational relationships is key to success, it explores
the role of LSPs in fostering SCC going beyond the traditional dyadic LSP-customer relationship.
Field-based insights highlighted different collaborative solutions in the considered empirical
context, which might also create new research directions. For instance, one case represented a step
forward within the theoretical stream addressing LSPs’ logistics facilities design and management
and specifically multi-customer warehouses. A new business paradigm was introduced, whereby the
LSP is specialised according to the nature of the supply chain rather than its customers’ position
along the supply chain. Another contribution to extend the current theory is represented by the
addition of the new transitum role played by LSPs; this integrates existing knowledge by stressing
the idea that LSPs propose collaborative solutions to generate value through better operational

efficiency for the whole

triad. This is well represented by the statement according to which it is possible to see “LSPs not as
box movers but as partners that can co-create solutions together” (Vlachos and Dyra, 2020; p. 297).
Finally, the study supports the idea that LSPs can facilitate not only supply and demand integration,
but also relational integration, hence stressing trust as a fundamental building block of SCC.
From the managerial and practical viewpoint, this study provides LSPs with useful insights to
introduce and develop value creation solutions through SCC. The collaborative solutions here
depicted can simultaneously sensitise SC members to the different characteristics and operability
conditions, and present concrete solutions to extend their view on collaboration towards more
engaging arrangements, increasing the study’s practical relevance revealing new or variant routes of
action (Stentoft and Rajkumar, 2018). The research can also stimulate LSPs to proactively spread
collaborative practices further, while helping their customers to consider network-related benefits
when choosing logistics partners and inviting the industrial community to think about trust as a
powerful enabler for SCC.
Nevertheless, some limitations do exist, which in turn open up additional avenues for future
research. First, the scope was restricted to the Italian grocery industry. In addition, this study only
included large organisations, which might also bias obtained results. Smaller companies operating
in the grocery retail supply chain might present different patterns, and further research could extend
research boundaries to study triads in other countries and/or industries, or include smaller
organisations. Furthermore, as trust emerged from our research as a building block of SCC, it would
be interesting to deepen the study of trust mechanisms in the establishment of collaborative
relationships and the proposal of SCC solutions, especially in the light of the different roles that
LSPs can play in the logistics triads. In other words, since it emerged that LSPs can play different
roles in the triads and be trust builders or trust conductors, it could be interesting to explore the
potential connection between the role played by the LSPs and the trust mechanism involved, and
investigate the underlying reasons explaining how a certain role is (potentially) connected to a
certain trust mechanism and vice-versa.
Furthermore, the temporal dimension was neglected in this paper, and longitudinal studies
exploring the time frame and horizon of the business relationships within logistics triads could
deserve further attention. Additional research could then assess to what degree the duration of
contractual relationships might be a driver of actions for LSPs. Further research might explore
causal relationships between the different dimensions proposed to detect whether certain solutions
for SCC might be preferable. Future studies might also formulate propositions related to potential
causality and correlation between a solution and the related application context given specific
contexts. Lastly, due to the increasing concerns about sustainability, both environmental and

social, future inquiries

could investigate if and how sustainability can be a driver and additional enabling factor for SCC and
which role the LSP would play.

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Triads components (for each case, with related 2018 revenues and roles of the involved
Case informants)
(€111 M)
(€2,508 M) (€7,746 M)
A Logistics director; Sales
Logistics manager; Logistics manager;
Customer service manager Plant manager
Plant manager
(€1,312 M) (€108 M) (€5,265 M)
SC manager; Managing director; Logistics manager;
Customer service manager Business development manager SC director
(€1,301 M) (€262 M) (€2,542 M)
Logistics manager; Managing director; Marketing SC manager;
SC development manager manager Senior buyer
(€103 M)
SC manager;
(€283 M) (€2,113 M)
D Customer service manager
CEO; Logistics manager;
Business development manager Purchasing manager
(€201 M)
Logistics manager
(€247 M) (€811 M) (€1,332 M)
Logistics manager; Logistics division director; SC manager;
Customer service manager Business development manager Buyer coordinator
(€256 M) (€420 M) (€1,003 M)
Logistics manager; CEO; Logistics manager;
Customer service director Head of marketing SC manager
(€670 M)
Logistics director;
SC manager
(€998 M)
LSPG Logistics director; Purchasing
(€258 M) manager
(€2,588 M)
G Logistics director; Sales RG3
Logistics manager;
director; (€545 M)
SC development manager
Plant manager Logistics manager;
Procurement executive assistant
(€780 M)
Logistics manager;
Customer service manager;
Purchasing manager

Table 1 – Case descriptions (Key: M = Manufacturer; LSP = Logistics service provider; R =

retailer. 2018 revenues for each company are included in brackets; the roles of the informants for
each company are reported in italics).

Actions taken
Research design based on well-established theories from the literature
Internal Data collected through interviews were analysed according to categories from the literature
validity Data display in tabular data forms to facilitate cross-case analysis and pattern matching
Multiple informants provided similar answers about the same phenomenon
Data triangulation employing multiple sources of evidence (interviews, internal presentations,
industry reports, websites) to triangulate informants’ responses
Engagement of peer researchers to review interview protocol
Explanation of the academic terminology used to informants before each interview to avoid
Construct Nested approach within the considered unit of analysis and involvement of multiple informants
validity (representing different internal functions and different actors in the supply chain) to compare
and contrast responses
Share of preliminary results and conclusions drafts with key informants to compare and
contrast views
Presentation of results to peer researchers familiar with the studied phenomenon, to obtain
feedback about case analysis and check for validity
Cross-case analysis
Systematic data collection
Collecting data and providing case descriptions to help highlight elements in common with
other contexts
Describing the logic and criteria applied for case selection to allow for analytical generalisation
Developing and continuously updating a case study database (including interview transcriptions,
codes and memos), to ensure complete documentation of the data analysis procedure
Developing and using an interview protocol for data collection across the cases
Explanation of data analysis procedures

Table 2 – Research quality and validity dimensions

Case Solution Description LSP role LSP action Novelty elements
A Drop-and- Speeding-up unloading LSP is proactive to discuss with The LSP offers a new The solution can help reduce
hook operations at retailers’ the retailer to improve operations way to carry out logistics operational time and increase assets’
DC. The LSP leaves a full for the whole chain, without operations, improving usage. So far, it has mainly been
semi-trailer at the taking advantage of one of the existing processes that it proposed in maritime logistics to
warehouse’s docks and two other members of the triad currently manages manage container at ports and inland
takes off with an empty and benefitting from the mutual terminals. In this case, the solution is
semi-trailer. The retailer trust and transparency with both. applied within the grocery supply chain
unloads the semi-trailer to optimise inbound operations at DC
later, according to its and achieve benefits for the whole
planning. chain thanks to the proactive role of the
B Order The LSP asks the retailer The LSP is proactive in offering The LSP detects First investigation of a new
pooling for synchronising the the retailer a solution that takes opportunities for volume collaborative solution, which allows for
deliveries of products benefits to the manufacturer as consolidation and a more intensive use of transport assets
shipped from the same well and is enabled by the trust improved efficiency, thus (e.g. combining high volume, less
manufacturer’s warehouse in place between the LSP and offers a solution to dense shipments with denser, lower
to improve vehicles’ the two other actors. streamline existing volume goods).
saturation and routing processes
C Inventories The LSP holds inventories The LSP acts as a facilitator for The LSP develops a A step forward in logistics facilities
co-location of a manufacturer and a the overall supply chain specific logistics facility, grouping different players’ inventories.
retailer within the same optimisation, and all the triad’s which requires high A new business paradigm can be
warehouse members are involved. Thanks to commitment and specific formalised, where the LSP is
its mediation, manufacturer and investments. specialised according to the nature of
retailer can leverage on a the supply chain rather than the
collaborative solution otherwise position in the chain.
inapplicable. It is also the
guarantor of the initiative, being
a neutral arbitrator thanks to its
impartial position.
D LSP’s The LSP takes The LSP offers to connect the The LSP improves EDI benefits are supported in terms of
DesAdv responsibility for manufacturer and the retailer, information sharing and higher coordination among players. IT
dispatching DesAdv to the managing the information on the efficiency of is also supported as a relevant factor to
retailer on behalf of the behalf of the manufacturer. unloading activities improve supply chain activities.
manufacturer, using an through the optimisation In addition, the case shed light on a
existing platform to of administrative tasks. new EDI-based collaborative solution.
interface with multiple
E Pallet The LSP takes control The LSP proactively becomes The LSP streamlines Pallet pooling is proposed as a solution
pooling over pallet management, the supply chain's key interface, pallet management, to reduce pallet management
disintermediating the complexity and streamline the
offering its customers a manufacturer and the retailer reducing contractual recollection process. Moreover, a pallet
rental service. about pallet management. disputes as well. pooling solution is explored within
logistics triads and with the direct
involvement of the LSP.
F LSP’s VMI Unlike traditional VMI, The LSP works with the The LSP proactively VMI is a well-known solution to
the LSP acts on behalf of manufacturer to improve its asks the manufacturer to streamline supply chain processes. In
the manufacturer to operational efficiency, enabling manage its VMI this solution, LSP is an intermediary
manage the replenishment the manufacturer to improve its agreement with the who can improve VMI thanks to
process of the retailer. collaborative relationship with retailer, increasing savings due to higher vehicles’
the retailer. The LSP also openly supply chain efficiency. saturation and usage.
shares information with the two
of them, increasing transparency
and improving the mutual
exchange of information.
G Multi- The LSP created a The LSP plays a crucial enabling Following retailers’ Multi-customer warehousing allows a
retailer logistics hub for jointly role for the solution, creating a requirements and reduction in logistics costs by
warehouse managing inventories of strong long-term partnership constraints, the LSP increasing efficiency through higher
different retailers with retailers while bringing created a devoted multi- scale economies. In this case, multi-
indirect benefits to customer logistics customer warehousing emerges as a
manufacturers. facility. feasible solution for collaboration
among retailers and not only

Table 3 – Summary of case findings concerning solutions’ operationalisation

Figure 1 – Research process


1.1. What are your company’s 2018 revenues?

1.2. What type of products does your company manufacture?
1.3. Can you describe how your supply chain/production and logistics network is arranged?
1.4. Can you identify relevant examples of triads involving your company? More in detail, triads are inter-
organisational structures that require the association of three actors and the connectedness of relations
among them. In this research, the focus is upon logistics triads, defined as “cooperative, three-way
relationships between a buyer of goods, the supplier of those goods and an LSP moving and/or storing
the goods between buyer and supplier”.

SECTION 2. THE TRIAD (for each relevant example of triad that emerged from question 1.4)

2.1. Can you tell us who the members of the triad are (companies’ names, and contact points within these
2.2. Can you describe the type of relationships in place with the other members of the triad?
2.3. Can you describe how the typical “order-to-delivery” process works in the considered triad?
2.4. Can you describe how the triad generally works, in terms of activities and processes?
2.5. Can you describe your role in the triad and generally what you do, in terms of activities and processes?
2.6. What activities, processes and decisions are outsourced to your logistics service provider?
2.7. Can you identify any collaborative solution in place in the considered triad?

that emerged from question 2.5)

3.1. Can you describe the collaborative solution within the triad, and how it works?
3.2. Can you tell us your reasons behind the design and implementation of this solution?
3.3. Can you tell us who made the first move originally? Your company? The logistics service provider? The
3.4. Can you describe your role in this solution?
3.5. Can you tell us what capabilities and investments have been necessary to put this solution in place?
3.6. Can you describe what actions were taken to implement the solution?
3.7. Can you describe what are, in your opinion, the main benefits arising (not only in terms of efficiency)?
Did any additional cost arise?
3.8. In a nutshell, can you tell us what factors made this solution a successful one?
3.9. Did you find similar solutions before, or are you aware of similar solutions in place in other triads (thus
involving other companies)?


1.1. What are your company’s 2018 revenues?

1.2. What type of products does your company sell through the grocery retail channel?
1.3. Can you describe how your supply chain/production and logistics network is arranged?
1.4. Can you identify relevant examples of triads involving your company? More in detail, triads are inter-
organisational structures that require the association of three actors and the connectedness of relations
among them. In this research, the focus is upon logistics triads, defined as “cooperative, three-way
relationships between a buyer of goods, the supplier of those goods and an LSP moving and/or storing
the goods between buyer and supplier”.

SECTION 2. THE TRIAD (for each relevant example of triad that emerged from question 1.4)

2.1. Can you tell us who the members of the triad are (companies’ names, and contact points within these
2.2. Can you describe the type of relationships in place with the other members of the triad?
2.3. Can you describe how the typical “order-to-delivery” process works in the considered triad?
2.4. Can you describe how the triad generally works, in terms of activities and processes?
2.5. Can you describe your role in the triad and generally what you do, in terms of activities and processes?
2.6. What activities, processes and decisions are outsourced to your logistics service provider?
2.7. Can you identify any collaborative solution in place in the considered triad?

that emerged from question 2.5)

3.1. Can you describe the collaborative solution within the triad, and how it works?
3.2. Can you tell us your reasons behind the design and implementation of this solution?
3.3. Can you tell us who made the first move originally? Your company? The manufacturer? The logistics
service provider?
3.4. Can you describe your role in this solution?
3.5. Can you tell us what capabilities and investments have been necessary to put this solution in place?
3.6. Can you describe what actions were taken to implement the solution?
3.7. Can you describe what are, in your opinion, the main benefits arising (not only in terms of efficiency)?
Did any additional cost arise?
3.8. In a nutshell, can you tell us what factors made this solution a successful one?
3.9. Did you find similar solutions before, or are you aware of similar solutions in place in other triads (thus
involving other companies)?


1.1. What are your company’s 2018 revenues?

1.2. What industries are considered within your business scope? What type of products does your company
1.3. Can you describe how your supply chain/logistics network is arranged?
1.4. Can you identify relevant examples of triads involving your company? More in detail, triads are inter-
organisational structures that require the association of three actors and the connectedness of relations
among them. In this research, the focus is upon logistics triads, defined as “cooperative, three-way
relationships between a buyer of goods, the supplier of those goods and an LSP moving and/or storing
the goods between buyer and supplier”.

SECTION 2. THE TRIAD (for each relevant example of triad that emerged from question 1.4)

2.1. Can you tell us who the members of the triad are (companies’ names, and contact points within these
2.2. Can you describe the type of relationships in place with the other members of the triad?
2.3. Can you describe how the typical “order-to-delivery” process works in the considered triad?
2.4. Can you describe how the triad generally works, in terms of activities and processes?
2.5. Can you describe your role in the triad and generally what you do, in terms of activities and processes?
2.6. Can you identify any collaborative solution in place in the considered triad?

that emerged from question 2.5)

3.1. Can you describe the collaborative solution within the triad, and how it works?
3.2. Can you tell us your reasons behind the design and implementation of this solution?
3.3. Can you tell us who made the first move originally? Your company? The manufacturer? The retailer?
3.4. Can you describe your role in this solution?
3.5. Can you tell us what capabilities and investments have been necessary to put this solution in place?
3.6. Can you describe what actions were taken to implement the solution?
3.7. Can you describe what are, in your opinion, the main benefits arising (not only in terms of efficiency)?
Did any additional cost arise?
3.8. In a nutshell, can you tell us what factors made this solution a successful one?
3.9. Did you find similar solutions before, or are you aware of similar solutions in place in other triads (thus
involving other companies)?


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