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Procedia Engineering 136 (2016) 143 – 149

The 20th International Conference: Machine Modeling and Simulations, MMS 2015

Dynamic analysis of rotating machines in MSC.ADAMS

Alžbeta Sapietováa,*, Vladimír Dekýša
University of Žilina, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Univerzitná 1, 010 26 Žilina, Slovakia


The paper publishes a dynamical analysis of misalignment of rotating machines in programme for dynamic of systems of bodies
MSC. ADAMS. There are two basic types of misalignment analysed, parallel and angular. In shaft support of virtual models of
each type of misalignment, there are parameters as deflection, velocity and acceleration analysed. Symptoms of failure states will
be presented in frequency spectrums processed by Fourier transformation.
© 2016
© 2016TheTheAuthors.
Publishedby by Elsevier
Elsevier Ltd.Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MMS 2015.
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MMS 2015
Keywords: dynamic; rotating machine; misalignment; frequency spectrum; MSC.ADAMS

1. Introduction

Very important part of machinery maintenance is their alignment. Correct operation of machine inevitably
requires alignment of machine geometry in hundredths of millimetre (depends on revolutions). Shaft misalignment
causes an increase of reactions, which their bearings must absorb, induces mechanical looseness, damaging seals,
allows fluids and impurities to enter the bearings, by what it considerably decreases its operating life and
consequently the operating life of the whole machinery. To make a purposeful maintenance of machine, a correct
interpretation of malfunction causes is needed. Very frequent claims are that a cause of malfunction is bearing, seals
or others. However, these are consequences and not initial causes of malfunction. In general, there is a lack of
correlation between causes and consequences of malfunctions [1].
One of non-destructive methods, by which it is possible to identify and consequently eliminate the problem, is
vibrational diagnostics or vibrodiagnostic of rotating machinery. It uses vibrations, which are generated by machines
in operation, as a source of information about way of its working. Vibrodiagnostic is also an important tool of

* Corresponding author. Tel.: + 421 41 513 2950; fax: +421 41 5652 940.
E-mail address: [email protected]

1877-7058 © 2016 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of the organizing committee of MMS 2015
144 Alžbeta Sapietová and Vladimír Dekýš / Procedia Engineering 136 (2016) 143 – 149

modern productive and proactive methods of machinery maintenance. By vibrodiagnostic, the maintenance of
machines is planned according to real state, and therefore many useless preventive revisions are saved, which leads
to important saving of spare parts and time for reparation of machines. It gives information about regularly
monitored machines, by which we can elongate planned periods of shutdowns or prepare with time advance for
reparation of specific monitored machine node etc. [2–4].
But this is diagnosing of malfunction causes by experimental method right at the operation. As in the last decades
much software which solves dynamic problems of rotating machines was developed, computer simulation and
building of virtual prototypes (VP) is nowadays an essential part of every technical solution. Often, there is
a question, how to create a VP so that results of its mathematical solution correspond to physical values or values
acquired by experimental measurement.
In the paper, there will be two types of shaft misalignment and its symptoms described. Consequently, there will
be a presentation of the VP of a specific misalignment type and results obtained by programme MSC.ADAMS
solution. An authors’ effort is to choose and present such tools of modelling and solution so that outputs from VP are
comparable with those theoretical and then real measured ones.

2. Theoretical basis of rotor misalignment

A shaft misalignment is considered one of the most serious causes of malfunctions in industry. Assessments
present that 30% to 50% of machinery have misalignment and more than 50% of all malfunctions are caused by
misalignment [5].
Misalignment is the deviation of relative shaft position from collinear axis of rotation measured at the points of
power transmission when equipment is running at normal operating conditions. Shaft misalignment can occur two
basic ways – parallel and angular. Misalignment usually exhibits a combination of both parallel and angular shaft
centreline positions [6]. High values of reaction effects cause damage of the weakest machinery part, which can
result in damage of not only bearings (which is very likely), but also for example gearing, belts, vanes etc.

3. General misalignment symptoms

As relatively appropriate way of vibration signal analysis of machines in stationary modes is used analysing
of signal acquired by method FFT – Fast Fourier Transformation. It decomposes a signal into a sum of harmonic
functions with specific amplitudes, which correspond to different frequency component. In the case, that machinery
shows incorrect operation (malfunction possibility), in FFT spectrum it is possible to acquire information, which
helps not only localise but also determine cause of defect. Finally by trending we define time, when the problem will
become critical [7]. Because we know, that a specific defect occurs at specific frequencies, we approach to spectral
analysis so that we monitor changes of amplitudes in corresponding frequency ranges. General misalignment
symptoms and characteristics are [8]:

1. Excitation of generally axial and radial vibrations (as opposite, unbalance causes radial vibrations – if not
consider free bearing of rotor). Axial vibrations are caused by angular error. If at misalignment a parallel error
dominates, then height of peaks in axial spectrum can be several times lower than in radial spectrum. Axial
vibrations can be also caused by [9]:

• bent shaft,
• crooked bearing assembly (misalignment of bearing and shaft) [10],
• error of axial bearing,
• error in helical or bevel gearing,
• dynamic unbalance of coupling components,
• resonance of components in axial direction.

2. Error causing misalignment can different show itself in horizontal and vertical plane, which will mean different
height of values of radial vibrations in these preferred planes of measurement. (Generally, measured values can
Alžbeta Sapietová and Vladimír Dekýš / Procedia Engineering 136 (2016) 143 – 149 145

be influenced by different machine stiffness in these directions). Though it can seem on first sight paradoxical, at
high parallel error in horizontal plane the machine will show high radial vibrations in vertical plane and vice
versa [11–13].
3. In spectrum, there is 2×fOT, in axial and radial direction. Amplitude of another harmonic vibration of revolution
frequency can be higher than 1×fOT. Presence of 2×fOT can be explained by asymmetric stiffness. With rising
misalignment, there are higher harmonic vibrations of revolution frequency i.e. 3×fOT, 4×fOT, etc. what however
can be combined with also beginning of mechanical loosening or more precisely, rising of allowance in system
(as a consequence of forces emergent at misalignment). Presence of 2×fOT is good indicator of misalignment,
however is not a necessary condition [4].
4. Bearings at both sides of misalignment coupling vibrate in phase opposition (180° ± 30°), with rising
misalignment this value nears to 180°. This expression is measureable in horizontal, vertical and axial direction.
5. Because a coupling can be variously adjusted in horizontal and vertical direction, there can be different difference
of phases in comparison with vertical direction.
6. If comparing difference between horizontal and vertical phase difference on one rotor, then at misalignment is
this value 0° or 180° (at unbalance it is 90°).

In case of misalignment it is possible to distinguish several cases mentioned above with its specific symptoms.

4. Parallel misalignment

Specific symptoms of parallel misalignment are characterised as follows, Fig. 1:

1. Radial vibrations arise at 1×fOT, 2×fOT, perhaps even 3×fOT, when 2×fOT, reaches approximately 40% and more of 1×fOT.
2. In radial direction bearings vibrate round the coupling in phase opposition.

In spectrum in Fig. 1 there is massive second and third harmonic vibration of revolution frequency and bearing
supports on both sides of the coupling vibrate in radial direction in phase opposition.

5. Angular misalignment

Specific symptoms of angular misalignment are characterised as follows, Fig. 2:

1. Axial vibrations arise at 1×fOT, 2×fOT, perhaps even 3×fOT, when 2×fOT, reaches approximately 40% and more of 1×fOT.
2. In axial direction bearings vibrate round the coupling in phase opposition.

It is needed to note that at serious misalignment, a spectrum with massive harmonic peaks arises also at 4×fOT, to
8×fOT, what can seem as a state of mechanical loosening [8].

Fig. 1. Parallel shaft misalignment. Fig. 2. Angular shaft misalignment.

146 Alžbeta Sapietová and Vladimír Dekýš / Procedia Engineering 136 (2016) 143 – 149

6. Modelling and evaluation of misalignment in MSC.Adams

In the chapter, there will be a creating of models in MSC.ADAMS presented and then a reasoning of usage of
individual geometric and kinematic joints, so that in the process of simulation the real responds of parallel and
angular shaft misalignment are achieved. For creating of virtual prototype of shafts with misalignment elastic bodies
were used [1]. These bodies were generated in programme MSC.ADAMS/View by function ViewFlex. Shafts were
supported in places A, B, C and D by geometric rotational joint, Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. Shafts are connected with
misalignment by fix joint. In case of usage of elastic bodies, close nodes of bodies are bound by fix joint.
At angular misalignment in the place A, there is an input kinematic quantity i.e. engine revolutions, which were
100 rad.s-1. After execution of simple working cycle on model, velocities and their frequency response in supports
behind coupling (fix joint) closest to the place of shaft connection with misalignment were evaluated.

Fig. 3. Model of shafts with parallel misalignment. Fig. 4. Model of shafts with angular misalignment.

7. Detection of parallel misalignment in MSC.Adams

Fig. 5 shows distribution of velocities according to time in node 1195, i.e. in the place of rotational joint (bearing)
in point C. Resulting velocity is there presented by distribution of its components in directions of coordinate system
x,y,z (axial, vertical and radial in horizontal plane). Fig. 6 shows FFT of distribution of velocity in axial direction
i.e. axis x. Distribution presents excitation of even axial vibrations which are at parallel misalignment expected.
Their amplitude is several times lower than one in radial direction what is also in accordance with former symptoms.
Frequency-amplitude spectrums in Fig. 7 and Fig. 8 present radial vibrations at 1×fOT and 2×fOT. Additionally, 1×fOT
surpasses 2×fOT about more than 50%. Fig. 9 shows the fact, that in radial direction bearings vibrate round the
coupling in phase opposition (shift of one distribution to the second one about 180°).

Fig. 5. Distribution of velocity components in support C (node 1195) at parallel misalignment.

Alžbeta Sapietová and Vladimír Dekýš / Procedia Engineering 136 (2016) 143 – 149 147

Fig. 6. Fourier Transformation of velocity component x in bearing C (node 1195) at parallel misalignment.

Fig. 7. Fourier Transformation of velocity component y in bearing C (node 1195) at parallel misalignment.

Fig. 8. Fourier Transformation of velocity component z in bearing C (node 1195) at parallel misalignment.

Fig. 9. Distribution of velocities of bearings B and C at parallel misalignment.

8. Evaluation of angular misalignment in MSC.Adams

Fig. 10 shows distribution of velocities in node 1200, i.e. in the place of rotational joint (bearing) in point C.
Resultant velocity is there presented by distribution of its components in directions of coordinate system x,y,z.
Fig. 11 shows FFT of axial vibrations at 1×fOT, 2×fOT , when amplitude at 2×fOT surpasses about 40% the 1×fOT.
Fig. 12 and 13 show velocities of vibration in radial planes. Fig. 14 shows the fact that in axial direction bearings
vibrate round the coupling again in phase opposition.
148 Alžbeta Sapietová and Vladimír Dekýš / Procedia Engineering 136 (2016) 143 – 149

Fig. 10. Distribution of velocity components in support C (node 1200) at angular misalignment.

Fig. 11. Fourier Transformation of velocity component x in bearing C (node 1200) at angular misalignment.

Fig. 12. Fourier Transformation of velocity component y in bearing C (node 1200) at angular misalignment.

Fig. 13. Fourier Transformation of velocity component z in bearing C (node 1200) at angular misalignment.
Alžbeta Sapietová and Vladimír Dekýš / Procedia Engineering 136 (2016) 143 – 149 149

Fig. 14. Vibration of bearings round the coupling – in phase opposition.

9. Conclusion

Working background of MSC.ADAMS is primarily built for analyses of dynamic systems. Symptoms of shaft
misalignment are part of dynamic effects, and therefore their solvability in this programme is assumed.
According to tests executed in programme MSC.ADAMS, there are expected conclusions and characteristics that
indicate problem of misalignment of rotating body systems.
Described models document a possibility to model malfunction modes of rotating machines. Model outputs are
for example velocities of vibrations, determined in shaft support – in position which can correspond with a position
of sensors at diagnostic measurements.
This work with another failure states is supposed to be continued.
We are of the opinion that the current problem is described not only in terms of understanding and simulating the
vibration on the base of misalignment itself but also in terms of reducing the excitation base concrete structures with
misalignment machine.


This work was supported by the Slovak Research and Development Agency under the contract No. APVV-0736-
12 and the Slovak Grant Agency VEGA 1/0983/15.


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