Development of learning videos for natural science subjects in junior high schools

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Computer Science and Information Technologies

Vol. 5, No. 2, July 2024, pp. 160~167

ISSN: 2722-3221, DOI: 10.11591/csit.v5i2.pp160-167  160

Development of learning videos for natural science subjects in

junior high schools

Partono Siswosuharjo1, Al-Bahra2, Po Abas Sunaarya3

Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Banten, Banten, Indonesia
Information Technology Education Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, University of Raharja, Tangerang, Indonesia
Retail Management Study Program, Faculty of Economics and Business, University of Raharja, Tangerang, Indonesia

Article Info ABSTRACT

Article history: The purpose of this study was to determine the development procedure and
the feasibility of learning media for whiteboard animation in Natural
Received Dec 22, 2023 Sciences subjects at SMP Padindi, Tangerang Regency. This study uses a
Revised Mar 14, 2024 research and development (R&D) approach. The development model in this
Accepted Apr 21, 2024 study is the analysis design development implementation evaluation
(ADDIE) model. The feasibility test is carried out by means of individual
testing (one to one) on 3 experts, namely material experts, learning experts,
Keywords: and media experts, as well as 3 students. In addition, a small group test was
also carried out on 9 students. The results showed that: i) the material expert
Analysis design development test was 87.5%, the learning expert was 85%, the media expert was 84.44%,
implementation evaluation 3 students were 88.84%, and the small group was 90%; and ii) this
model whiteboard animation learning media is suitable for use based on the results
Learning media of media trials by experts and students.
Learning videos
This is an open access article under the CC BY-SA license.
Natural sciences
Research and development

Corresponding Author:
Partono Siswosuharjo
Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of Banten
Banten, Indonesia
Email: [email protected]

Globally, most science curricula aim for students to develop conceptual, procedural, and
epistemological understandings. A recent focus of school science education curricula has been to develop
scientifically literate citizens able to make informed decisions about the socio-scientific issues that arise in
their everyday lives [1]. Provision of basic information is not sufficient for expressive cognition and learning
in teaching natural sciences (NS) concepts. There is some old methodology of scientific ways of educating
learners about scientific conceptions in which deficits occur in the teaching process [2]. Provision of students
with meaningful additional elected experiences developed in a way that allows them to continue working on
their ideas in a way that is more scientific and accurate is encouraged. Apart from language, students’
sociocultural background also affects their understanding of science concepts [3]. The science teacher should,
therefore, understand issues of language and students’ background in the effective teaching of science
concepts. To ensure that there is effective learning and teaching of science, it is the teacher’s role to find
ways to address language problems that may hinder students’ conceptualisation science concepts. Teaching
NS concepts to students that are not familiar with foreign language is a challenge because of the students’
environment. The language of instruction exerts significant challenges and demands extraordinary experience
from students involved in learning science concepts [4].
Media is an essential part of the learning process to help the teacher transfer and explain the lesson,
which can be observed from audiovisual tools to stimulate the students during the lesson [5]. Media can be

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encountered in every form of assisting learning tools, which can be used as a bridge to transfer the lesson in
order to achieve the learning objective [6]. Learning media is a tool to clarify some information given and
improve the students' learning motivation. Using learning media can replace one of the teachers' roles in the
lesson as a presenter because learning media has some unique potential to help the students in the learning
process [7].
Constructivist learning can be experience in virtual media [8]. The virtual media bring the real-
world phenomena to the multimedia, make the essential process of particular phenomena show in multi-
dimensional media. One of the common multimedia in daily life is video. Video is categorized as an effective
learning medium to help the students to comprehend the learning material because it provides the students
withmoving pictures and voice whic is interesting for the students [9]. The ability of video to visualize the
lesson really effectively helps the students to understand the dynamic material.
Further, through video there is potential for developing an epistemological understanding of the
concept of evidence in science, and the opportunity for small group discussion [10]. This is also supported by
research results which state that video is a good learning medium that helps students absorb material because
it provides audio-visual, image, and sound in one unit at the same time [11]. To support learning with video,
you should be intentional about your design in order to reduce extraneous processing and to manage the
essential processing of the material [12]. Learning is better when content is presented in learner-paced
segments. Create multiple, short, single-concept videos of 6 minutes or less rather than one long one [13].
The purpose of this study was to determine the development procedures and feasibility of blackboard
animation learning media in science subjects at Padindi Middle School, Tangerang Regency.

This study uses a research and development (R&D) approach. The field of instructional design
offers one model, analyze, design, develop, implement and evaluate (ADDIE) [14] that takes into account
learning theory, the learner’s needs and environment, and approaches to training practitioners in evidence-
based practices. It provides a systematic approach to the analysis of learning needs, the design and
development of a curriculum, and the implementation and initial evaluation of a training program [15], [16].
The steps for this model development are carried out with the preliminary research stage, namely making
direct observations on the implementation of learning regarding the learning process, supporting and
inhibiting factors of learning, learning needs and expectations of the media to be developed. Furthermore,
planning media development by focusing on the development of learning media in the form of whiteboard
animation media. The data collection technique is done by observing, distributing questionnaires and
conducting interviews. The data collection instrument used was in the form of a questionnaire which was
carried out by giving a set of written statements or questions to the respondent to be answered. The
questionnaire used in this study was distributed to media experts, material experts, learning experts, teachers
and students as respondents. The questionnaire was given using the individual data collection method (one to
one) consisting of material experts or teaching, learning and media teachers, as well as 3 students, and a
small group of small groups (small group) to be conducted on 9 students randomly selected.

3.1. Model development results
3.1.1. Needs analysis
A. Analysis of student characteristics
Result show on the Table 1 is interest of class VII students of SMP Padindi obtained from the results
of distributing questionnaires, it was stated that 72% of students were interested in natural science subjects,
while 28% of students were not very interested in natural science subjects. Table 2 is the motivation of
students in class VII SMP Padindi Junior High School obtained from the results of distributing
questionnaires, it is stated that 76% of students have high motivation in natural science subjects, while 24%
of students are not very motivated in natural science subjects. Meanwhile, the results of the analysis of the
learning styles of the seventh-grade students of SMP Padindi showed that visual learning styles were more
dominant than other learning styles.

Table 1. Student interest

Category Frequency Presentation (%)
High interests 18/25 72
Low interest 7/25 28

Development of learning videos for natural science subjects in junior high schools (Partono Siswosuharjo)
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Table 2. Student motivation

Category Frequency Presentation (%)
High motivation 19/25 76
Low Motivation 6/25 24

B. Learning objectives analysis

The development of whiteboard animation learning media for science subjects on the theme of
celestial bodies and members of the solar system aims to facilitate teachers and facilitate, and motivate
students, by using images, audio, video contained in whiteboard animation learning media.

3.1.2. Design
There are two stages in program design, namely a flowchart that explains the sequence of processes
and the relationship between the processes in detail in a program logically and interface design (face to face),
then face-to-face design by visually describing the entire contents of the learning media using a storyboard.

3.1.3. Development
The development stage is a stage to realize from the design stages into a real and complete display
using the VideoScribe software. Formative evaluation from the analysis phase led to the development of a
tool, the employment resource book [17], that could be utilized by key stakeholders (providers, supervisors,
and recipients) during any phase of employment (e.g., considering work, actively seeking employment,
maintaining employment), and one module was developed to provide guidance about using this resource.

3.1.4. Implementation
Feedback from the usability testing phase is used to fix errors in navigation and improve user
experience [15]. After usability testing issues were addressed, the modules were ready for implementation.
The media that has been created are then applied in learning activities to determine the appropriateness of
using the media. At the implementation stage, it was carried out on three experts, namely material experts,
learning experts and media experts. After that, an individual test was also carried out on three grade VII
students of SMP Padindi, Tangerang Regency to determine student responses to the media being developed.
Then a small group trial was conducted on 9 students of class VII SMP Padindi, Tangerang Regency.

3.1.5. Evaluation
The summative evaluation consisted of quantitative and qualitative data and was guided by the
Kirkpatrick model for training evaluation [18].

A. Learning expert
Table 3 show that the assessment of learning experts obtained an average value of 3.4 with a
percentage of 85%, then with this value the media is said to be feasible for testing at a later stage.

Table 3. Results of the learning expert's assessment

No. Indicator Score Criteria
Learning aspects
1. The learning objectives presented are very clear. 3 Agree
2. The medium is easy to use in the learning process. 4 Strongly Agree
3. By using this media students easily understand the material. 4 Strongly Agree
4. The medium is very interesting to use. 3 Agree
5. With this media, the teacher is easy to convey material with. 3 Agree
6. By using the media, young teachers interact with students. 4 Strongly Agree
7. By using media students can be enthusiastic in learning. 4 Strongly Agree
8. The medium is easy to use in learning. 3 Agree
9. Students can do exercises and evaluations. 3 Agree
10. The examples given are in accordance with the existing material. 3 Agree
The total value of all aspects 34
Average of all aspects 3.4
Presentation of all aspects 85% Well worth it

B. Media expert
Based on the Table 4, the assessment of the media expert's assessment obtained an average value of
3.33 with a percentage of 83.33%, so this media is said to be feasible.

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Table 4. Results of the media expert's assessment

No. Indicator Score Criteria
Communication aspect
1. This medium is easy to use 4 Strongly agree
2. This medium is simple to use by students 4 Strongly agree
3. The language used is easy to understand 4 Strongly agree
Technical design aspects
4. The text used is easy to understand 4 Strongly agree
5. This media display makes students interested 3 Agree
6. The image display used makes students interested 3 Agree
7. The animation used matches the material 3 Agree
Aspect of display format
8. The material presented coherently 4 Strongly agree
9. The begsound used fits or fits 2 Disagree less
10. Selection of fonts according to student characteristics 4 Strongly agree
11. This media evokes a sense of enthusiasm in learning 3 Agree
12. Layout is appropriate / balanced 2 Disagree less
The total value of all aspects 40
Average of all aspects 3.33
Presentation of all aspects 83.33% Well worth it

C. Material expert
Result on the Table 5 show that the evaluation of material experts obtains an average value of 3.5 with
a percentage of 87.5%, then the media used is declared feasible to be tested to the next stage. After the
product is assessed by all experts, the next step is to conduct a one-to-one trial on 3 grade VII students of
SMP Padindi, Tangerang Regency. Table 6 show that the product assessment in the individual test (one to
one) obtained an average value of 3.48 with a percentage of 87.22% which is included in the feasible
category for testing at a later stage. After conducting a one-to-one trial, the next stage was a small group trial
which was conducted on 9 grade VII students of SMP Padindi, Tangerang Regency.

Table 5. Results of the material expert's assessment

No. Indicator Score Criteria
Aspects of eligibility of material content
1. The material presented is in accordance with the subject curriculum 3 Agree
2. Presentation of material in accordance with existing learning objectives 4 Strongly agree
3. The material presented covers the subjects 3 Agree
4. The content of the material presented is clear and in accordance with what was learned 3 Agree
5. The material is presented sequentially 4 Strongly agree
6. The material presented is concise and clear 4 Strongly agree
Aspects of feasibility of illustration
7. The material presented gives enthusiasm for learning 3 Agree
8. The language used by young people is absorbed and understood 4 Strongly agree
9. The media used gave good responses from students 4 Strongly agree
10 The format of writing material uses fonts and is attractive 3 Agree
The total value of all aspects 35
Average of all aspects 3.5
Presentation of all aspects 87.5% Well worth it

Table 6. Results of the one-to-one assessment

Instrument items Total
Respondent 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Muhammad Nabil 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 3 4 4 3 2 50
Febriyanti 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 54
Desi Devita 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 53
The total value of all aspects 157
Average of all aspects 3.48
Presentation of all aspects 87.22%

Based on the Table 7, the product assessment in the small group trial obtained an average value of
3.57 with a percentage of 89.44% which is in the feasible category. Thus, the results of all trials and
assessments that have been carried out by experts can be concluded that the whiteboard animation media is in
the feasible category.

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Table 7. Results of small group trials

Instrument items Total
Respondents 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Muhammad Nabil 4 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 3 2 50
Febriyanti 4 3 4 4 3 4 4 4 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 54
Desi Devita 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 3 4 3 4 4 3 3 4 53
Muhammad 3 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 4 4 3 54
Siti Munah 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 54
Ali Gufron 3 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 3 4 3 4 3 4 4 54
Ahmad Rizky 4 4 4 4 4 4 3 4 4 3 3 3 4 3 4 55
Annas 3 3 3 4 4 4 3 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 54
Nabila 4 4 4 4 3 4 3 4 3 4 3 3 4 4 4 55
The total value of all aspects 483
Average of all aspects 3.57
Presentation of all aspects 89.44%

3.2. Model effectiveness

3.2.1. Individual trial (one to one) against experts
Result in Table 8 revealed that all the assessments above, it can be concluded that learning experts get
an average percentage of 85% which is included in the feasible category. Then the media expert in Table 9
obtained an average percentage value of 84.44% which is also included in the feasible category. Material
experts in Table 10 get an average percentage value of 87.5% which is included in the feasible category.
− Learning expert test results

Table 8. Results of the learning expert feasibility test

No Aspect Appropriateness (%)
1. Learning aspects 85

− Media expert test results

Table 9. Results of the media expert feasibility test

No Aspect Appropriateness (%)
1. Communication aspect 83.25
2. Technical design aspects 100
3. Aspect of display format 70
Average 84.44

− Material expert test results

Table 10. Results of the material expert feasibility test

No Aspect Appropriateness (%)
1. Aspects of eligibility of material content 87.5
2. Aspects of feasibility of illustration 87.5
Average 87.5

3.2.2. Individual trial (one to one) against 3 students

Details of the assessment in Table 11 can be concluded that the individual trial (one to one) obtained
an average percentage value of 88.84 which is included in the feasible category.

Table 11. One to one feasibility test results

No Aspect Appropriateness (%)
1. Material Aspects 97.16
2. Learning Aspects 84.9
3. Media Aspects 84.46
Total 88.84

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3.2.3. Small group trial

Based on the details of the assessment in Table 12, it can be concluded that the small group trial
obtained an average value of 90% which was included in the very feasible category. Thus, the results of all
trials and assessments that have been carried out by experts can be concluded that the whiteboard animation
media is in the feasible category.

Table 12. Small group due diligence results

No Aspect Appropriateness (%)
1. Material aspects 92.60
2. Learning sspects 90
3. Media aspects 87.70
Total 90

In terms of the aspect of learning media, learning videos based on micro learning principles have
very good validity. This is influenced by the suitability of visuals to clarify learning material. This is
evidenced by the results of the assessment given by learning media experts on instrument items related to visual
suitability, the percentage of which was 83.33% with very good qualifications, and the evaluation results of
material experts obtained a percentage of 87.5%. The assessment obtained from the small group trials
obtained an average value of 90% which was included in the very decent category as explained by [19] the
visual aspect of learning videos, they are able to clarify learning material and help students understand the
material presented.
The development of students' self-potential will run more effectively if a teacher uses the right
learning media [20]. Teachers must have the ability in making nor developinstructional media, good using
technology or not [21]. One of the learning media that utilizes technology is interactive multimedia.
Interactive multimedia is an intermediary tool that conveys messages with collaboration from various
elements that are able to create active learning so that the message of the information conveyed can be well
received. Interactive multimedia also requires students to be active in participating in learning, in which
students will be asked to interact directly in using interactive multimedia. Interactivity in multimedia
provides a limitation that users are involved in interacting with application programs and aims to assist
students in obtaining learning information [22].
This is in line with previous study who stated that abstract and long description is more
straightforward to be understood if it is visualized with some pictures because the picture helps the students
to memorize messages [23]. The presentation of material on the video learning based on the micro-learning
was suitable with the demand of basic competence, indicator, and learning objectives that were required to be
achieved by the students [24]. The results of this study are also in accordance with previous research which
stated that several meta-analyses have shown that technology can enhance learning (e.g., [25]), and multiple
studies have shown that video, specifically, can be a highly effective educational tool (e.g., [26]). Video may
have particular value for student preparation in biology classes, in part because students may find it more
engaging [27] and because it can be well suited to illuminating the abstract or hard-to-visualize phenomena
that are the focus of so many natural science classes.
This product has several advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of this product are: i) this
product is easy to use anywhere both independently and in class; ii) this product can make it easier for
teachers to teach science subjects in class; iii) can save teachers time to explain subject matter; and iv) this
product can attract the attention of students in the learning process. This research is in line with previous
research which stated that the local potential-based natural science learning video river tubing was able to
improve students' critical thinking skills. The use of science learning videos is moderate, so students can
think critically. The average student response was around 85% which showed that the use of River Tubing's
local potency-based science learning videos was very effective [28].
Although digital media is generally used in academic circles, its role in the academic environment and
its relevance to academic achievement have not been explored in depth [29]. Learning media has an
important role in the implementation of learning in the current era of globalization. Therefore, we need an
interactive learning media that can improve student learning outcomes [30]. While the shortcomings of this
product are: i) if electronic devices (PCs, laptops, and smartphones) do not exist then this learning media
cannot be used and ii) in terms of content, this learning product contains only one sub-theme so it cannot
facilitate one main theme.

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The learning media for whiteboard animation in science subjects for the seventh-grade solar system
members can make it easier for teachers and students in learning activities. This is based on the positive
response obtained from the results of field trials conducted on students. Overall, whiteboard animation learning
media can be said to be suitable for use in learning activities. This is based on the results of individual trials
conducted by 3 experts, namely material experts who obtained an overall assessment result of 87.5%, teaching
experts who obtained an overall assessment result of 85%, and media experts who obtained an overall
assessment result of 84.44%. In addition, an individual test was also conducted on 3 students with a total
assessment of 88.84% and a small group test for 9 students with an overall assessment of 90%.

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Partono Siswosuharjo is an Assistant Professor and Teacher Educator at the

Information Systems Study Program, Faculty of Engineering, Muhammadiyah University of
Banten. He has been a lecturer since 2001. He completed his Doctoral degree in Educational
Management from Nusantara Islamic University in 2014. He has a passion for improving the
quality of teaching and student learning as well as their development at school and in higher
education environments. His research interests are educational management, information
technology education. He can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Al-Bahra is an Associate Professor and Teacher Educator at the Information

Technology Education Study Program, Faculty of Science and Technology, Raharja
University. He has been a lecturer since 1994. He completed his doctorate in Educational
Technology from Jakarta State University. He is passionate about improving the quality of
teaching and student learning and their development in schools and in higher education
settings. His research interests are educational technology, educational management, health
education, information technology education. He can be contacted at email:
[email protected].

Po Abas Sunarya is an Assistant Professor at the Retail Management Study

Program, Faculty of Economics and Business at Raharja University. He has served as a
lecturer since 2001. He completed his Doctorate in Public Administration from Pasundan
University, Bandung in 2017. He has a passion for improving the quality of teaching and
student learning as well as their development in the higher education environment. His
research interests are public administration, information technology and management. He can
be contacted at email: [email protected].

Development of learning videos for natural science subjects in junior high schools (Partono Siswosuharjo)

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