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Lesson No.

3: Algebraic Expressions and Operations on Algebraic Expressions

An Expression is a mathematical combination of symbols that can designate numbers (constants), variables, operations,
symbols of grouping and other punctuation.
 Literal Numerals are letters that stand for numbers (e.g. a, b, x, y).
 A Constant represents a known value in an algebraic expression.
 A Variable is a symbol that represents a changeable or undetermined quantity in an algebraic expression.
 Term is an expression composed of parts connected by a plus or minus sign, each part taken with the sign preceding
 Operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division and exponentiation.
I. Algebraic Expressions
Algebraic Expression – is a mathematical phrase that can contain numbers and/or variables. Though it cannot be
solved because it does not contain an equals sign (=), it can be simplified.
– an expression composed of numbers, variables, operations of symbols and sometimes
grouping symbols.
Algebraic Equation – can be solved, and does include a series of algebraic expressions separated by an equals sign.
You can, however, solve algebraic equations, which contain algebraic expressions separated by an equals sign.
• Algebraic expression: 4x + 2
• Algebraic equation: 4x + 2 = 100
Monomial – an expression of the form axk, where a is a real number and k is a nonnegative integer.
Binomial – is a sum of two monomial. ; Trinomial – is a sum of three monomial.
Polynomial – sum of monomials.
Multimonomial – is an expression composed of more than three unlike terms.
II. Operation on Algebraic Expressions
A. Adding and Subtracting Algebraic Expressions:
Combining like terms: Adding up (or subtracting) the terms of the same degree.
a. Addition – To find the sum of two or more algebraic expressions, we simply combine like terms, add their
numerical coefficients and copy the common literal coefficients. This can be done by repeated application of
the commutative, associative, and distributive axioms.
Example 1: (x3 – 6x2 + 2x + 4) + (x3 + 5x2 – 7x)
Solution: = (x3 + x3) + (– 6x2 + 5x2) + (2x – 7x) + 4 → Group like terms / Combine like terms
= 2x3 – x2 – 5x + 4 (Answer)
b. Subtraction – It is the inverse of addition, if we let x be the difference, subtracting b (subtrahend) from a
(minuend), a – b = x, is the process of determining x such that b + x = a.
Example 1: (x3 – 6x2 + 2x + 4) – (x3 – 5x2 + 7x)
Solution: = x3 – 6x2 + 2x + 4 – x3 + 5x2 – 7x → Distributive Property
= (x – x ) + (– 6x + 5x ) + (2x – 7x) + 4
3 3 2 2
→ Group like terms / Combine like terms
= – x2 – 5x + 4 (Answer)
Example 2: Subtract the sum of 5a – 7b and 3a + 4b to 4a – 3b
Solution: Take the sum, Therefore: subtract to,
= 5a – 7b + 3a + 4b = 8a – 3b – (4a – 3b)
= 8a – 3b Answer = 8a – 3b – 4a + 3b
= 4a (Final Answer)
B. Multiplying Algebraic Expressions: To find the product of polynomials or other algebraic expressions, use the
Distributive Property repeatedly. In particular, using it three times on the product of two binomials, we get
(a + b)(c + d) = a (c + d) + b (c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd
This says that we multiply the two factors by multiplying each term in one factor by each term in the other factor
and adding these products. Schematically we have
(a + b)(c + d) = ac + ad + bc + bd The acronym FOIL helps us remember that the product of
↑ ↑ ↑ ↑ two binomials is the sum of the products of the First terms,
F O I L the Outer terms, the Internal terms, and the Last terms.

In general, we can multiply two algebraic expressions by using the Distributive Property and the Laws of
Example 1: (2x + 1)(3x – 5) = 2x (3x – 5) + 1 (3x – 5) → Distributive Property
Solution: = 6x2 – 10x + 3x – 5 → FOIL Operation / Combine like terms
= 6x – 7x – 5 Answer

Example 2: (2a – 3b + c) (3a + 2b – 2c)

Solution: = 2a (3a + 2b – 2c) – 3b (3a + 2b – 2c) + c (3a + 2b – 2c) → Distributive Property
= 6a2 + 4ab – 4ac – 9ab – 6b2 + 6bc + 3ac + 2bc – 2c2 → Combine like terms
= 6a2 – 5ab – ac – 6b2 + 8bc – 2c2
= 6a2 – 6b2 – 2c2 – 5ab – ac + 8bc Answer
C. Division – It is the inverse of multiplication, and is based on the distributive property of multiplication over
addition. It is the quotient of integers a and b, where b ≠ 0, written as is the unique number x such that bx = a.
Here we call a, the dividend, and b, the divisor. In symbols, = x, where b ≠ 0.
Note that if b = 0, and a ≠ 0, we would have 0 = x or a = x · 0 = 0. This would mean that if division by 0 were

permissible, all numbers would be equal to zero.

D. Synthetic Division – to simplify division of an n-degree polynomial P(x) by a first degree binomial D(x) of the
form x ± r, we use the division algorithm knows as synthetic division. [An algorithm is an orderly procedure for
performing an operation.]

Exercises: Division and Synthetic Division

a. Division of Polynomials
1. Dividing a Polynomial by a Monomial:
Rule: To divide a polynomial by a monomial, apply the distributive law in the reverse manner, then write
the algebraic sum of the quotient.
Short Method:
Dividend P(x)
= Quotient = Q(x)
Divisor D(x)
1. Divide 24x2 – 60x +12 by 12
Solution: Divide each term of the polynomial by 12, then write in Lowest Term.
24x2 – 60x + 12 = 24x – 60x + 12
12 12 12 12
= 2x2 – 5x + 1 (Answer)

2. Divide 6x3 – 12x2 + 10x by 2x2

Solution: Divide each term of the polynomial by 2x2, using the Law of Exponent, then write in Lowest
3 2
6x3 – 12x2 + 10x = 6x – 12x2 + 10x
2x2 2x 2x 2x2
= 3x – 6 +
x (Answer)

2. Dividing a Polynomial by a Binomial:

Rule: In dividing Polynomial by a Binomial, arrange the polynomial and binomial according to
descending powers of the variables.
Long Division Method Procedure:
1. Arrange the terms in the dividend P(x) and divisor D(x) in the order of descending powers of a letter
that appears in each.
2. Divide the first term in the dividend by the first term in the divisor to get the first term in the first
partial quotient.
3. Multiply the divisor by the first term in the partial quotient and subtract the product from the dividend.
4. Treat the remainder R obtained in (3) as a new dividend and repeat steps (2) and (3).
5. Continue this process until a remainder R that is of degree lower than the divisor in the letter chosen in
(1) as the basis for arrangement is obtained. Denote the partial quotient by Q(x) and the remainder by
R(x), The final answer can be written in the form:
Dividend = Partial quotient + Remainder or Dividend = (Divisor) (Partial quotient) + Remainder
Divisor Divisor
= Q(x) + R(x) or P(x) = Q(x) D(x) + R(x)
D(x) D(x)

Checking is done by substituting arbitrary values for the variables and performing the operation
1. Divide x2 – 2x – 15 by x – 5
Solution: Apply the long division method.
x – 5 │x2 – 2x – 15 Answer
_ x2 – 2x – 15
+ – x2 – 5x =x+3
_ 3x – 15
+ – 3x – 15
2. Divide (2x3 + 5x2 + 6x – 3) by (2x + 1)
Solution: Apply the long division method.
x2 + 2x + 2 Therefore:
2x + 1 │ 2x + 5x2 + 6x – 3
_ 2x3 + 5x2 + 6x – 3 5__
+ – 2x3 + x2 = x2 + 2x + 2 –
2x + 1 2x + 1

_ 4x2 + 6x – 3 Answer
+ – 4x2 + 2x

_ 4x – 3
+ – 4x + 2

R –5
3. Dividing a Polynomial with a Missing Term:
Rule: Arrange the Polynomial in descending order and supplying zero for the Missing Terms.

1. Divide (x4 – 23x2 – 18x + 40) by x + 4
Solution: Apply the long division method.
x3 – 4x2 – 7x + 10 Therefore:
x + 4 │ x4 + 0x3– 23x2 – 18x + 40
_ x4 – 23x2 – 18x + 40
+ – x4 + 4x3 x+4

– 4x3 – 23x2 – 18x + 40 = x3 – 4x2 – 7x + 10 Answer
+ – 4x3 – 16x2
+ +
_ – 7x2 – 18x + 40
+ – 7x2 – 28x
+ +
_ 10x + 40
+ 10x + 40
– –
2. Divide (8x4 + 4x – 7) by (4x2 + 8x – 4)
Solution: Apply the long division method.
2x2 – 4x + 10 Therefore:
4x + 8x – 4 │ 8x + 0x + 0x2 + 4x – 7
2 4 3
8x4 + 4x – 7
+ – 8x4 + 16x3 – 8x2 4x2 + 8x – 4
– +
= 2x2 – 4x + 10 – 92x + 33_
_ – 16x + 8x + 4x – 7
3 2
4x2 + 8x – 4
+ – 16x – 32x + 16x
3 2

+ + – Answer
_ 40x – 12x – 7

+ 40x2 + 80x – 40
– – +
R – 92x + 33
b. Synthetic Division – To find the quotient Q(x) and the remainder R(x) by synthetic division;
1) Arrange the coefficient of the same terms of P(x) in the order of descending powers of x, supplying zero
as the coefficient of each missing power.
2) Replace the divisor x ± r by ± r.
3) Bring down the coefficient of the largest power of x and multiply by ± r. Place the product beneath the
coefficient of the second largest power of x and add the product to the coefficient of the next largest
power of x. Continue this procedure until there is a product added to the constant term.
4) The last number in the third row the remainder and the other numbers, reading from left to right, are the
coefficients of the terms of the quotient Q(x) which is of degree one less than P(x).

Example 1: Dividing with complete terms.

1. (2x4 + 5x3 + 7x2 – 4x + 6) ÷ (x + 3).

Solution: Write the coefficient of the terms of the dividend. Since x + 3 can be rewritten as x – (–3), we see
that, r = – 3.
 Bring down 2. 2 5 7 – 4 6 –3
 Multiply 2 by – 3 to get – 6. –6 3 – 30 102
 Add 5 and – 6 to get – 1.
 Multiply – 1 by – 3 to get 3. 2 – 1 10 – 34 108
 Add 7 and 3 to get 10. remainder
 Multiply by 10 by – 3 to get – 30. zero-degree coefficient
 Add – 4 and – 30 to get – 34. (or constant)
 Multiply – 34 by – 3 to get 102. first-degree coefficient
 Add 6 and 102 to get 108.
second-degree coefficient
third-degree coefficient
Q (x) = 2x3 – x2 + 10x – 34 and R (x) = 108 Therefore: 2x3 – x2 + 10x – 34 +
Example 2: Dividing with a missing term.
2. Divide (4x4 – 5x2 + 1) by (x + 1) or 4x4 + 0x3 – 5x2 + 0x + 1 ÷ x + 1

4 0 –5 0 1 –1
Therefore: 4x3 – 4x2 – x + 1
–4 4 1 –1
4 –4 –1 1 0 Answer

Q (x) = 4x3 – 4x2 – x + 1 and R (x) = 0

3. Divide (4x4 + 4x3 – 11x2 + 14x – 8) by (2x – 1)

Solution: Rewrite the divisor 2x – 1 in this form 2 (x – ½) and divide both the divisor and dividend by 2.

4 4 – 11 14 –8 1/2
2 3 –4 5
4 6 –8 10 – 3 → Remainder
Then: Divide the coefficient of dividend by 2,
2 3 –4 5
Q (x) = 2x3 + 3x2 – 4x + 5 and R (x) = – 3

Therefore: The result is, 2x3 + 3x2 – 4x + 5 – 3__

2x – 1
E. Order of operation: The order of operations, also known by the acronym PEMDAS, explains the order in which
you should perform different mathematical operations. The order is: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication,
Division, Addition, and Subtraction (P.E.M.D.A.S.).

Order of Operation Rule:

a. Follow PEMDAS from left to right

F. Grouping Symbols: are used to group numbers or variables (letters). The most commonly used grouping
symbols are parentheses. Operation inside parentheses can be done before any other operations in order to
simplify the problem.

Grouping Symbols Rule:

1. Work from the inside out
( Parentheses )
[ Brackets ]
{ Braces }
a. The Most Common Types of Grouping Symbol:
1. Parentheses → ( )
2. Brackets → [ ]
3. Braces → { }
b. Other Grouping Symbol:
1. Fraction Bar or Vinculum →
2. Absolute Value Bars → ││
3. Radical Sign → √

Example No. 1: Using P.E.M.D.A.S. Rule

Given: (3 + 5)2 x 10 + 4
a. First, follow P, the operation in the parentheses: c. Next, do Multiplication:
= (8)2 x 10 + 4 = 640 + 4
b. Then, follow E, the operation of the exponent: d. And last, do addition:
= 64 x 10 + 4 = 644

Example No. 2: Using Grouping Symbols Rule

1. Given: 3a [ – 2a ( 3a – 4b – a – b – 2c ) + 4ab ] → Simplify the Vinculum Symbol
= 3a [ – 2a ( 3a – 4b – a + b + 2c ) + 4ab ] → Combine like terms on the Parentheses
= 3a [ – 2a ( 2a – 3b + 2c ) + 4ab ] → Simplify the Parentheses
= 3a [ – 4a2 + 6ab – 4ac + 4ab ] → Combine like terms on the Bracket
= 3a [ – 4a2 + 10ab – 4ac ] → Simplify the Bracket
= – 12a3 + 30a2b – 12a2c // Answer

2. Given: 5n { n3 – n [ 2n – 5 (n + 7) – 1 ] – 9n3 } → Simplify the Parentheses

= 5n { n3 – n [ 2n – 5n – 35 – 1 ] – 9n3 } → Combine like terms on the Bracket
= 5n { n3 – n [– 3n – 36 ] – 9n3 } → Simplify the Bracket
= 5n { n3 + 3n2 + 36n – 9n3 } → Combine like terms on the Brace
= 5n { – 8n3 + 3n2 + 36n } → Simplify the Brace
= – 40n4 + 15n3 + 180n2 // Answer

a. Quiz No. 2 next meeting, December 2, 2021, same time.
Coverage of the Quiz:
 Algebraic Expression and Operation on Algebraic Expression
b. MIDTERM EXAM (December 9, 2021 – Thursday, same time)
Coverage of the Exam:
 Laws of Exponent
 Algebraic Expression and Operation on Algebraic Expression

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