Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework For Bataan MSME Food Processing

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, 2023




[email protected]
Bataan Peninsula State University
Bataan, Philippines

DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/571382


The overarching goal of this exploratory sequential mixed methods design is to evaluate the environmental
practices of specific small and medium enterprises (SMEs) in Bataan, Philippines, with a focus on green
marketing aspects such as raw material usage, energy consumption, water conservation, waste
management, air emissions, and wastewater treatment. Additionally, the study investigates the degree of
public involvement in formulating regulations related to green marketing. Respondents, comprising
business owners and local government officials, were chosen through a two-step cluster sampling method
for quantitative analysis and purposeful sampling for qualitative insights. More so, it revealed a consistent
implementation of environmentally friendly practices and green marketing management among SMEs.
Interviews with business owners and local government officials yielded positive responses regarding the
development of local green marketing policies, particularly for businesses in the food processing sector.
Through the analysis and interpretation of collected data, the study provided valuable insights guiding the
formulation of a regulatory framework for green marketing.

Keywords: green marketing, environmental performance, environmental management, food processing,

micro small medium enterprises, eco-labeling policy
our nation’s economy is anchored on the
INTRODUCTION manufacturing and service companies that
contribute to environmental degradation
“The major cause of the continued (Rounaghi, 2019). The attainment of economic
deterioration of the global environment is the development had a reverse impact on
unsustainable pattern of production and environmental preservation. One study provided
consumption...” an analysis of the continuing divergence of
development and environment. The unsustainable
– The United Nations Agenda 21 Report development occurs because the manufacturing
industries fail to provide solutions for pollution and
The Philippine economic growth has a depletion of the environment. Another is that
corresponding environmental cost. The progress of
148P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
globalization put a toll on the environmental cost The research on green marketing for the
and the authorities did not consider promoting business segment in the province of Bataan is
development while regulating the environment scarce to provide information on the needed
(Novek, 1992). program to establish a concrete course of
The food production industry contributes strategies. There is a need for environmental
significantly to the depletion of natural resources regulations’ rationalization to create a
and harmful impacts on the ecological system. The developmental perception among business
carbon footprints laid on earth from food owners. Comprehensive environmental practices
processing operations cause greenhouse are not integrated into the MSME's conduct of
emissions that affect global warming contributing to business. Current research on the subject
the disruption of the environmental systems presented the ratio of the environmental practices
(Agustini, 2019). The 2012 Report on the of the food processing business that indicates the
Ecological Footprint of the Philippines presented need to further encourage the sector to engage in
sixty-one (61%) percent of the ecological footprint green business activities for ecological
of households comes from the food sector (Global preservation and sustainability.
Footprint Network, 2012). Authorities and business This research aims to assess the food
owners are prompted to resolve the conflict of processing businesses in terms of environmental
economic development and environmental performance and environmental management. It
degradation and opt for sustainable development explores the green marketing practices and
as a solution to the said problem. regulation of food processing businesses in the
The emergence of the green marketing province as a reference for assessment. The extent
concept provides the means for sustainable of public participation in the creation of regulation
development. It is the business efforts that consider on green marketing was inquired, to know the
monitoring and adapting to the environment in its perceptions of local government agencies and
production process by creating energy-efficient business owners. The study also aims to develop a
processes, improving pollution controls, and using local green marketing approach and strategy by
recyclable and biodegradable packaging. These conducting consultations with the business owners
are important to integrate economic development and authorities to create a regulatory framework for
and environmental protection. Environmentally green marketing. A collaborative process of
friendly products are all part of green marketing, creating an environmental regulatory framework
which leads to long-term development for our will provide ownership for the industry to perceive
economy and environment (Choudhary, 2013). green marketing as a policy and advocacy among
For over twenty-five years various research business owners.
about green marketing has been conducted and
raised the need to develop, practice, and OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
communicate the integration of environmental
This study seeks to revisit the green
considerations in business operations to raise
marketing practices and regulations pertinent to
green marketing consciousness in the business
food processing businesses. Additionally, it aims to
industry (Kumar, 2016). Studies established that
assess these food processing enterprises with a
government policy has a moderating effect on the
dual focus: evaluating their environmental
implementation of marketing strategies (Eneizan,
performance and scrutinizing their environmental
149P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
management practices. Moreover, the study delves
into the exploration of the extent of public Table 1
participation in the formulation of green marketing Population of the Study
regulations. This exploration is grounded in the
perceptions of local government agencies,
shedding light on the role of public engagement in
shaping environmentally conscious business
practices within the food processing sector.


The research process was part of the

implementation of the college extension on Green For the qualitative method, it applied purposeful
Marketing as a research component of the project. sampling, exploring the consultative development
The study used the exploratory sequential mixed process based on the theoretical framework of
methods design. The research method structure public participation and systemic interdualit. The
consists of three parts. Part 1 reviewed the green inclusion criteria for the respondents are the
marketing practices and regulation of food business owners who attended the Green
processing businesses in Bataan. Part 2 assessed Marketing seminar and workshop and are willing to
the food processing businesses in terms of participate in the interview. Exclusion criteria for the
environmental performance in terms of raw narrative part are the business owners who did not
materials utilization, energy consumption, water attend the seminar-workshop for Green Marketing.
conservation management, waste management, As a research component of the extension
air emission and wastewater and management. project, data gathering method for the quantitative
Part 3 explored the extent of public participation in part randomly selected respondents who attended
the creation of regulations on green marketing the onsite Green Marketing conducted by the
based on the perceptions of local government college based on the number of samples per
agencies and business owners. municipality. For the qualitative part, respondents
were purposely selected by conducting the
interview after several days the extension project
For the quantitative part, the sample was
was implemented.
determined using statistical G-Power Analysis
Software. The sampling technique implemented The data gathered using the questionnaire was
cluster sampling wherein eleven municipalities and coded, encoded, and statistically analyzed using
the city were selected as the clusters. From these statistical software called IBM-SPSS Statistics
clusters, the required number of samples were version 23. The data were analyzed using a
randomly chosen. Population and study locale weighted mean to assess the food processing
include the registered food processing businesses businesses in terms of environmental management
in Bataan covering the eleven municipalities and and environmental performance. The qualitative
the component city. Below is the total number of data gathered used thematic analysis to
populations per municipality. contextualize the narratives provided by the

150P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION for 2018-2027, the solid waste management
system approaches focus on source reduction;
This section presents the results, analysis, and collection; segregation, recycling, and composting;
interpretation, of data relevant to formulating a local transfer; alternative technologies for residual
green marketing business environmental wastes; disposal; special waste; and information,
regulatory framework for Bataan MSME food education and communication (IEC) (Sea
processing. Knowledge Bank, 2018).
The above environmental regulations and
strategies are implemented in the business sector.
1. Review of green marketing practices and
In securing a business permit, orientation for solid
regulation of food processing businesses in
waste management is being conducted to impose
the system, strategies, and regulations.

The provincial environment regulations on

2. Assessment of the food processing
businesses in the province are based on Republic
businesses in terms of environmental
Act 903, the Ecological Solid Waste Management
management and environmental
Act of 2000. This provision stipulated the
environmental management chapter of the Bataan
environmental code from Bataan Sangunian
Panlalawigan Ordinance 03, series of 2019. To 2.1. In terms of Raw materials utilization
highlight, in Section 63 of Article II labeled Solid
Waste Management, its operative principles are Table 2
segregation at source, maximum water reduction Environmental performance in terms of raw materials
and diversion, greater stakeholder participation, utilization

and environmentally sound technology. Another, in

Section 67 is the regulation of the use of the plastic
bag and other non-environmentally acceptable
(NEA) packaging materials. Further, section 74 is
the regulation of establishments regarding
environmental clearance (Bataan Provincial
Council, 2019).
The city council of Balanga issued resolution
number 113 series of 2019 encouraging the non-
use of plastic bags every day in groceries, In Table 2, it is evident that the respondents
supermarkets, public markets, restaurants, fast- have exhibited a considerable degree of variance
food chains, department stores, retail stores, and in their assessments of environmental
other similar establishments in the city of and sustainability practices. The highest mean score
endorsing the use of recyclable paper bags and/or was attributed to the item "Utilized raw materials in
biodegradable bags, baskets, and other reusable product development," registering a robust mean
bags instead. value of 3.62 and a standard deviation (SD) of 0.65.
The proposed strategies presented in Conversely, the lowest mean score of 2.65,
Bataan Ten-year Solid Waste Management Plan coupled with a relatively higher standard deviation
151P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
of 1.08, was associated with the item "Unused raw accompanied by a relatively higher standard
materials in product development diverted to use deviation of 1.15. This implies a greater divergence
for something else." When we consider these in respondents' opinions and practices regarding
findings in their entirety, they collectively yield a the use of sensor lights. When we consider the
mean score of 3.02, accompanied by a tighter collective findings, they culminate in an overall
standard deviation of 0.38. This composite mean score of 2.98, with a standard deviation of
measure suggests that the respondents, on 0.62. This aggregated measure suggests that, on
average, are effectively utilizing raw materials to a average, environmental performance in terms of
significant extent, falling within the 51%-75% range energy consumption falls within the category of
in terms of their environmental resource utilization "often," indicating a moderate adherence to
practices. energy-saving practices among the surveyed
2.2. In terms of Energy Consumption
2.3. In terms of Water Conservation
Table 3 Management
Environmental performance in terms of energy consumption

Table 4
Environmental performance in terms of water conservation

As depicted in Table 3, it is evident that As indicated in Table 4, it is evident that

respondents' attitudes and behaviors toward respondents' responses vary across different
energy conservation exhibit a range of aspects of water conservation practices. The item
perspectives and practices. The highest mean "Use simple, everyday water-saving methods"
score, standing at 3.64 with a standard deviation received the highest average score, standing at
(SD) of 0.73, was attributed to the item "Make sure 3.55, with a moderate standard deviation of 0.76.
that all printers, scanners, microwaves, lights, air This suggests a relatively consistent consensus
conditioners, coffee vending machines are among respondents in favor of employing
switched off during weekends or holidays." This straightforward, routine methods to conserve
suggests a commendable level of compliance with water. In contrast, the item "Install water-efficient
energy-saving measures in this specific context. In devices" garnered the lowest average mean of
contrast, the item "Sensor lights can help to keep 2.42, with a larger standard deviation of 1.21. This
the lights on when needed, but off when they're not" indicates a more significant divergence in
garnered the lowest mean score of 1.97, respondents' attitudes and actions related to the

152P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
installation of water-efficient devices. When we waste management practices among the
consider the overall assessment, the composite surveyed individuals.
mean score of 3.26, accompanied by a smaller
standard deviation of 0.47, signifies that Table 6
Environmental performance in terms of air emission
environmental efforts in water conservation are
consistently or always put into practice. This
suggests a commendable level of adherence to
water conservation measures among the surveyed

2.4. In terms of Waste Management

Table 5
Environmental performance in terms of waste management
As displayed in Table 6, it is evident that the
respondents' perspectives and practices related to
air emission management exhibit a wide range of
behaviors. The item "Use of fans instead of Air
Conditioner" received the highest mean score of
3.58, with a standard deviation (SD) of 0.72,
suggesting a prevalent preference for energy-
efficient cooling methods. On the other hand, the
item "Contribute air pollutants in the operation of
the business" garnered the lowest mean score of
Based on the data in Table 5, it is evident 2.03, accompanied by a relatively high standard
that the respondents' evaluations of waste deviation of 1.10. This signifies a considerable
management practices vary across different items. disparity in respondents' views and actions
The item "Practice proper waste disposal" stands concerning the contribution of air pollutants in
out with the highest mean of 3.72 and a relatively business operations. When considering the overall
low standard deviation of 0.56. This indicates a assessment, the composite mean score of 2.92,
consistent and well-accepted practice of proper along with a moderate standard deviation of 0.63,
waste disposal among the respondents. indicates that environmental performance in terms
Conversely, the item "Communicate waste goals to of air emissions management falls within the
the customers" received the lowest mean of 3.00, category of "often." This suggests that while there
with a higher standard deviation of 1.06. This is a notable degree of adherence to air emission
suggests a greater variability in respondents' views management practices, there is room for
and actions regarding the communication of waste improvement in achieving more consistent
goals to customers. In an overarching view, the environmental practices among the surveyed
composite mean score of 3.36, accompanied by a respondents.
smaller standard deviation of 0.29, implies that
environmental performance in terms of waste 2.5. In terms of Wastewater
management consistently reaches the "always"
level. This suggests a high level of adherence to

153P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
Table 7 "Aware of the environmental regulations." This
Environmental performance in terms of wastewater indicates a widespread awareness and
understanding of environmental regulations among
the respondents.

Table 8
Environmental management items as assessed by the

As observed in Table 7, the data reveals a

range of practices and attitudes among the
respondents regarding wastewater management.
The item with the highest mean, reaching 3.56, and
a moderate standard deviation (SD) of 0.79,
pertains to the proper storage and disposal of
barrels and containers containing hazardous
materials to prevent rainwater infiltration. This
suggests a relatively consistent adherence to this
In contrast, the item "Conduct
particular wastewater management practice
Seminars/training for employees on environmental
among the respondents. In contrast, the item with
awareness" received the lowest mean score of
the lowest mean of 2.65, coupled with a higher
3.15, along with a higher standard deviation of
standard deviation of 1.12, relates to the practice of
0.88. This suggests greater variability in
water recycling and reuse. This indicates a greater
respondents' opinions and actions regarding the
diversity in respondents' opinions and practices
conduct of seminars and training on environmental
concerning this aspect of wastewater
awareness for employees. When we consider the
management. In an overall context, the composite
overall assessment, the composite mean score of
mean score of 3.27, along with a lower standard
3.29, accompanied by a minimal standard
deviation of 0.37, suggests that environmental
deviation of 0.16, signifies that environmental
performance in terms of wastewater management
management items consistently reach the "always"
consistently reaches the level of "always." This
level. This implies a high degree of adherence to
implies a high degree of compliance with
environmental management practices among the
wastewater management practices among the
surveyed individuals.
surveyed individuals.
4. Exploration of perception on the extent of
3. Environmental management items as
assessed by the respondents public participation in the creation of
regulation on green marketing based on the
As evident from the data in Table 8, it is perceptions of local business owners and
clear that the respondents hold varying local government agencies
perspectives and practices in relation to
environmental management. The highest mean
score of 3.67, with a relatively low standard Thematic analysis of the interview contents
deviation (SD) of 0.55, is associated with the item of both local government agencies and business
154P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
owners provides a positive direction to pursue the The environment specialists of the
formulation of a green marketing regulatory Provincial Government Environment and natural
framework to institutionalize and operationalize its resources office were also consulted on the viability
practice in the food processing sector. The of creating the policy framework. Presenting the
qualitative study presented the items used to composite mean of 3.29 of the items for
assess environmental performance and assessment of environmental performance and
environmental management. The researchers environmental management of business
asked the participants to use the result as a operations practices, the descriptive equivalent
reference for the policy framework. The process of Always connotes a good starting point to construct
creating the policy was also inquired as a an environmental policy. Consultants provided
procedure to develop the environmental possible regulations per item that will be
framework. measurable for the implementation of the policy
The results of the assessment of the food concept.
processing businesses in terms of environmental The process for formulating the environmental
management and environmental performance framework was discussed and congruent with the
presented to the officers of the provincial recommendation of the governing office of the food
government regulating the business sector processing sector. Consultation with the business
established the basis for the policy framework. As owners on creating the policy framework, each item
the LGU advocates the preservation and use of was discussed, and they provided positive
indigenous materials, the office desires to construct compliance for each variable that will be the
a policy that will institutionalize the practice of reference for the formulation of the regulation. The
green marketing among food business owners. It presentation of the policy concept has positive
will add to the branding of the Bataan products responses among business owners. They express
which will be another layer and that will be a higher willingness to have a regulation for green
level of marketability for the food processing marketing and practice it in their business
industry. The results of the part 2 study confirm the operations.
feasibility of the policy concept of this research.
Except for the items that will entail costs for the CONCLUSIONS
business owners. The policy should be focused on The results of the surveys and interviews
the practice of discipline and will not burden the created a unified analysis and framework from the
businessmen with any financial compliance that will government authorities, environmental experts,
cause resistance from the target group. and business owners. The assessment of
As to the process of creating the policy environmental performance and environmental
framework, the office of the Provincial Cooperative management indicates good environmental
and Development Office is very much willing to practices among business owners. The
present the policy recommendation to the technical government must uphold and institutionalize these
working group composed of the small and medium practices to achieve a sustainable pattern of
enterprise development council for evaluation for production and consumption. Designing a
the possible creation of green marketing policy. sustainable regulatory framework for the business
This will be part of the branding scheme for the food sector will nurture the business ecosystem and
products of Bataan. attain sustainable development.

155P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156
The consultations conducted to develop a Balanga City Council Ordinance 113, Series of
local environmental policy used a deliberative and 2019. Balanga City, Bataan.
inclusion process through a model of discourse
among stakeholders to obtain various perspectives Choudhary, A., & Gokarn, S. (2013). Green marketing:
on green marketing. The surveys and interviews A means for sustainable development. Business and
conducted obtained collaborative ideas and Economic Horizons, 4, 26-32.
provided the inclusion of meaningful involvement
for effective decision-making both for business Eneizan, B., et al. (2019). Effects of green marketing
owners and government authorities. It applied the strategy on firm financial performance: The
theories of public participation in developing an moderating role of government policy. Business and
environmental regulatory framework. The surveys Economic Horizons, 2019(2), 304-324.
and interviews with business owners helped by
having diversity and inclusion of multi perspectives Global Footprint Network. (2012). A measure for
of the participants. The participation of the experts resilience: 2012 Report on the Ecological Footprint of
the Philippines. Retrieved on August 24, 2015.
delivered knowledge and values in the process of
formulation. For government authorities, surveys
and interviews confirmed the legitimacy concern in Kumar, P. (2016). State of green marketing research
developing the regulatory framework. It provided over 25 years (1990-2014). Marketing Intelligence &
Planning, 34(1), 137–158.
knowledge on the issue of fairness of the
procedure in public participation. The theory of
systemic interduality applied in this research Novek, J., & Kampen, K. (1992). Sustainable or
considered the two subsystems, the government, unsustainable development? An Analysis of an
Environmental Controversy. The Canadian Journal
and the business owners that created a unified
of Sociology / Cahiers Canadiens de Sociologie,
analysis framework to develop the environmental
17(3), 249–273.

Rounaghi, M. M. (March 2019). Economic analysis of

using green accounting and environmental
The recommendation is to develop a training accounting to identify environmental costs and
program not only for food processing businesses sustainability items. International Journal of Ethics
but to the local business community to provide a and Systems, 35(4), 504–512.
clear understanding of the concept. This will also
provide a platform for a consultative development
process to institutionalize the green business as a COPYRIGHTS
regulatory framework. It is a promising step to
operationalize the green business practice in Copyright of this article is retained by the
Bataan to achieve environmental resiliency and author/s, with first publication rights granted to
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
International License (http://creative
Agustini, M. (2019). Green marketing: The context of commons.org/licenses/by/4).
Indonesia and the Philippines. Mauritius: LAP
Lambert Academic Publishing.

156P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

DELA ROSA, A.A.T., Local Green Marketing Business Environmental Regulatory Framework for Bataan MSME Food
Processing: Consultative Development Process, pp. 148 - 156

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