A Qualitative Inquiry On Juvenile Delinquency Basis For Intervention

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.54476/ioer-imrj/697833


Juvenile delinquency is a nationwide concern, including in Asuncion and Davao del Norte. This study aims
to understand the challenges faced by juveniles this undertaking aimed on the reasons for their
engagement, challenges experienced, and potential interventions. Utilizing a qualitative research design,
specifically phenomenology, with a descriptive approach, six juvenile delinquents from Asuncion were
interviewed. The findings revealed that peer pressure, socioeconomic factors like poverty, unemployment,
and the prevalence of vices, as well as unfavorable home conditions, contribute to juvenile delinquency.
Mental factors such as addiction to online games and overconfidence were also identified. Proposed
interventions include campus security and youth engagement programs to address peer pressure,
employment, and livelihood services for socio-economic factors, and educational programs and family
strengthening initiatives for home conditions. Additionally, individual counseling, cognitive-behavioral
interventions, and family integrative transition are suggested for mental factors. Future studies should
explore the relationship between adolescents and their parents or guardians, as this was identified as a
significant factor in preventing juvenile delinquency.

Keywords: juvenile delinquency, interventions, peer pressure, socio-economic factors, home conditions,
mental factors

INTRODUCTION younger generation is the driving force behind

creating a better world. (Sultan et al., 2016).
There are existing societal issues that In Japan, since 1980, juvenile crime has
prevents the development of a splendid country, become more active. The delinquent rate was
and one of these is juvenile delinquency. Juvenile highest for 14-16 years old, and common
delinquency is understood to be an offense delinquent acts include rape, theft, burglary,
committed by adolescents between a specified assault, and extortion. Out of 30,939 juvenile
age range. The increasing number of law violators delinquents convicted, 0.1% were charged with
among teens from time to time is very alarming, homicide in 2018. The reasons why youngsters
and the problem's occurrence is dangerous and committed such acts were due to the attitude of
should be carefully considered, given that the their parents, such as neglectful, harshness,
spoiling or overprotection. In 2018, statistics
102P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
RAMILLETE J.S., VILLAROSA, J.R., PERMANGIL, J.F., POQUITA J.M.C., A Qualitative Inquiry on Juvenile Delinquency:
Basis for Intervention, pp. 102 - 108
showed that 48.2% of the parents were literature that address similar concerns. The
considered neglectful, followed by 30.3% for result of this study would essentially provide and
harshness and spoiling or overprotection contribute significant information to the
garnered 17.3%. Furthermore, an analysis of government to address this issue of juvenile
juvenile offenders in the country revealed that delinquency.
70% of them have two parents who are still alive,
and 90% come from financially secure, affluent, or OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
wealthy families (The Japan Times, 2022;
Uchiyama, 2022). The study aimed to: (1) determine what are
In January 2020, a report from the Women the factors that urge the youth to engaged in
and Children Protection Center (WCPC) in the various delinquent activities;(2) demystify the
Philippines revealed an increased number of lived experiences and insights of the participants
crimes committed by minors – that is from 10,388 on their engagement to juvenile delinquencies;
in 2017 to 11 228 last year, with physical injury as and (3) seek for an intervention that can be made
the most delinquent crime made. Statistics from based on the participants shared experiences and
2012-2015 by the PNP disclosed that 60% of the insights.
criminal behavior for juveniles fell under offenses
against property, 36% against the person, and 4% METHODOLOGY
of the juvenile deviances involved transgressions
against specific statutes like Republic Act No. Babbie and Mouton (2007) describe a
9165 or Prohibited Drugs, Presidential Decree research design as a roadmap of how the
1866 or Illegal Possession of Firearms, and research will be carried out or conducted. Our
Presidential Decree 1602 or Illegal Gambling. The study was a qualitative type of research that
prevalence of delinquency among youths in the utilized a descriptive approach. Qualitative
Philippines is predominantly due to poverty, not research focuses on explaining why something
having the chance to go to school, unstable family happens or exists rather than how it does. It
relationships, substance abuse, disorganization, attempts to investigate and comprehend a
violence, role modeling, and abuse of media phenomenon to make sense of an individual's or
(Head Topics Singapore, 2019). group's reality or perception of a problem
Likewise, a similar problem exists in the (Creswell, 2009). A descriptive approach
Municipality of Asuncion, Davao del Norte. describes the traits of the population or
Women and Children Protection Desk reported phenomenon under study. This methodology
that as of 2021, theft, physical injury, and violation emphasizes the "what" and "why" of the research
of curfew are the most common crimes committed subject. (Baht, 2020).
by the youth in the place. The reasons why The purpose of this qualitative research was
juveniles get involved in such acts are due to peer to primarily describe a phenomenon, a situation,
influence, lack of guidance and supervision of an event, or a problem. An analysis was
parents, and lack of education. conducted without quantifying it to determine the
Various researchers ventured to investigate variation in the circumstance, phenomenon, or
the factors why the youth become delinquents. issue. Using a descriptive research design, the
Through this study, we became fully aware, as researcher aims to produce new knowledge,
well as the public, of these alarming issues, which conduct exploratory research, understand the
involved minors as the culprit of community phenomenon being studied, and focus on the
delinquency. The researchers did not find any “what questions” (De Vos et al., 2011).
study investigating the factors and the lived In this study, six (6) participants were
experiences of juvenile delinquency in the included; data for identification of prospected
Municipality of Asuncion for intervention purposes participants can only be gathered unofficially.
to decrease the problem, which is why the Hence, the convenience sampling method was
researchers found urgency and gaps in the used. All of them undergone in-depth interviews
103P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com
RAMILLETE J.S., VILLAROSA, J.R., PERMANGIL, J.F., POQUITA J.M.C., A Qualitative Inquiry on Juvenile Delinquency:
Basis for Intervention, pp. 102 - 108
(IDI). In order to reach the saturation, point where Table 1
the themes were extracted in a qualitative study, Factors that urge the youth to engage in various delinquent
the participants had to be at least six for in-depth activities
interviews and at least six for focus group
discussions. (Mason, 2010).
Availability sampling, also referred to as
convenience sampling, is a particular kind of non-
probability sampling technique that relies on data
collection from population members who are
conveniently available to participate in the study.
Additionally, it was a type of sampling where the
research would use the first primary data source
available without any additional conditions. Put
another way, this sampling technique entails
gathering participants wherever they can be found
and usually wherever convenient. No inclusion
criteria were established before choosing the
subjects for convenience sampling. Everyone is
welcome to take part. (Dudovskiy, 2018).
The following inclusion criteria determined the
study's participants: (1) all youth in Asuncion,
Davao del Norte, aged 12 to 17; and (2) those
youths who had encountered and reported being
involved in juvenile delinquency. On the other
hand, youth who haven't been implicated in such
delinquent acts meet the exclusion criteria.
Convenience sampling was used to begin the
data collection process in the designated research
area or locality. Afterward, the researchers sought
first the consent of the participants. The
researchers started with the interview once they Table 1 presents the different factors that can
were informed about the study and consented to be attributed to delinquent activities among youths.
participate. This was recorded with the consent of As outlined below, these include peer pressure,
the participants. After this step, the researchers socioeconomic factors, home conditions, and
gave tokens of appreciation to the participants. The mental factors.
participants’ help was also asked to check the
correctness of the data that was transcribed.
2. Intervention Plan drawn from the shared
Data analysis was done through thematic
insights and experiences of the juvenile
analysis, a data analysis technique that searches
for meaningful patterns in the qualitative data
gathered from the participants (Roulston, 2001). In
Based on the results from the shared insights
this regard, the study's predetermined objectives
served as the basis for thematic analysis. and experiences of the juvenile delinquents, the
following intervention plans were developed to
RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS address the factors leading to increased delinquent
activities among youth:
1. Factors that urge the youth to engage in There should be close monitoring of
various delinquent activities classroom attendance for peer pressure areas to

104P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

RAMILLETE J.S., VILLAROSA, J.R., PERMANGIL, J.F., POQUITA J.M.C., A Qualitative Inquiry on Juvenile Delinquency:
Basis for Intervention, pp. 102 - 108
decrease the records of students who cut classes. will also pave the way for the child to
Solidification of campus security and youth understand why their parents were so cruel to them
engagement programs shall also be done to and or why they were reprimanded at home. When
encourage the youth to participate in recreational successfully actualized, families can help young
activities such as sports, dance, community people make wise decisions that will have a long-
outings, and other youth-related activities. Through term impact on the lives of minors, reduce risk
these ways, the youth will be more focused on their factors while increasing protective factors that
studies and have less time to hang out with their have an immediate impact on adolescents, and
friends and engage in delinquent activities; parents will be able to learn effective parenting
improve the physical, social, and emotional well- techniques such as how to reduce behavioral
being of a juvenile, and the excess energy of the issues in their children and how to build a stronger
youths will be directed away from high-risk familial relationship.
behavior and toward a life free of crime. Finally, the LGU and PNP may conduct
To address concerns on the aspect of socio- Individual Counseling Educational programs,
economic factors, employment, livelihood, the Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions, and Family
providence of skill training, and educational Integrative Transition in the mental factor area.
programs are some intervention plans that parents, Through these, addiction to online games will be
Technical Education and Skills Development reduced as the youth are able to learn about the
Authority (TESDA), Department of Labor and laws governing juvenile delinquency, and they’ll
Employment (DOLE), Local Government of also increase their awareness and knowledge of
Asuncion, and Philippine National Police (PNP) the issue, which potentially prevent them from
may implement so that the youth will be able to get engaging in delinquent behaviors. Successful
a stable and decent job, will be able to acquire or implementation of these initiatives would allow
discover skills that will enable them to earn money, delinquents to express themselves freely,
and will have obtained a much-needed awareness understand the consequences of their actions, and
on the dangers of engaging in vices and crimes. create awareness of the juvenile delinquency laws,
When these approaches are realized, they may which are expected to reduce the number of youth
improve low-income people's well-being as they’ll offenders in the community.
be provided with skills, job opportunities, health
care, and other forms of assistance. It will also CONCLUSIONS
increase the youth's awareness of vices and other
delinquent activities, which thereby reduces the The qualitative research findings and
number of young people who commit crimes as a analyses provided concrete evidence that youths
result of poverty and unemployment. become lawbreakers because of peer pressure,
In the aspect of home conditions, the socioeconomic position, home conditions, and
Municipal Welfare & Development (MSWD) and mental factors. As guardians, educators, mentors,
the Local Government Unit of Asuncion would head teachers, or administrators, we must have as
collaborate to conduct workshops on Parent-child much understanding and information as possible
interaction therapy, Functional Family Therapy, about why they might be interested in engaging in
and Family Strengthening so that the parents will criminal activity so that we may better prepare
be able to comprehend their child's actions and ourselves to speak to them – our children and
would be able to effectively manage their child. It students.

105P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

RAMILLETE J.S., VILLAROSA, J.R., PERMANGIL, J.F., POQUITA J.M.C., A Qualitative Inquiry on Juvenile Delinquency:
Basis for Intervention, pp. 102 - 108
An intervention plan proposed by the offenders and the role of parents or guardians.
researchers is the road map for assisting a young Additionally, involving parents in studies is
person in developing specific skills or achieving essential to comprehend the dynamics contributing
goals and away from juvenile delinquency. The to juvenile delinquency. Researchers should stay
intervention plan provides suggestions for informed and adaptive, seizing opportunities to
programs and actions to be taken to address the enhance society's understanding and
issues and factors revealed during the in-depth communication with juvenile offenders in an ever-
interview on why youth become delinquents. evolving landscape.
Furthermore, it also specified the agencies and
people responsible for performing the intervention REFERENCES
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not only prevents the loss of young lives but also
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and supervise children's activities is essential. assistance. Good Reads.
Parents must also allow their children to face legal https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/35123990-
consequences for their actions to instill a sense of
responsibility and deter delinquent behavior. To
prevent boredom-driven delinquent activities, Head Topics Singapore. (2019). The Philippines’ little
parents should coordinate supervised activities terrors, committing some of the most brazen crimes.
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106P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

RAMILLETE J.S., VILLAROSA, J.R., PERMANGIL, J.F., POQUITA J.M.C., A Qualitative Inquiry on Juvenile Delinquency:
Basis for Intervention, pp. 102 - 108
Social Research, 11(3), Art. 8. Joan R. Villarosa, RCrim.,
https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-11.3.1428 finished her Bachelor of Science in
Criminology in Kapalong College of
Sultan, R., Kamilah, N., Imma, D., Ranf, A., & Haque, F. Agriculture, Sciences and
(2016). Social factors that contribute juvenile
Technology (KCAST) last June
delinquency at Melaka. Journal of Education and
2022. She passed her licensure examination for
Social Sciences, 3, 93-98.
https://www.researchgate.net/publication/32112440 criminologist last December 2022. She is member
8_SOCIAL_FACTORS_THAT_CONTRIBUTE_JUV of Professional Criminologist Association of the
ENILE_DELINQUENCY_AT_MELAKA Philippines (PCAP) since 2023. Currently, she is a
customer representative on IQOR Philippines at
Roulston, K. (2001). Investigating the cast of characters Lanang Davao City.
in a cultural world. In A. McHoul and M. Rapley, How
to analyse talk on institutional settings: A casebook Jayson F. Permangil, LPT, MAEd.,
of methods. Continuum. completed his academic
requirements for Doctor in
The Japan Times. (2022). Juvenile delinquency in
Philosophy in Education major in
Japan increased during COVID-19 school closures.
https://www.japantimes.co.jp/news/2022/12/13/natio Applied Linguistics in 2022. He finished Master of
nal/crime-legal/crime-white-paper/ Arts in Education major in English in 2019 at
University of the Immaculate Conception Davao
Uchiyama, B. (2022). The ‘Oh, Mistake’ incident and City, and Bachelor of Secondary Education major
juvenile delinquency in defeated Japan. Journal of in English degree at Kapalong College of
Contemporary History, 57(1), 90–110. Agriculture, Sciences, and Technology (KCAST) in
https://doi.org/10.1177/00220094211018490 April 2014. He is affiliated at Kapalong College of
Agriculture, Sciences, and Technology as
AUTHORS’ PROFILE permanent Faculty, and has been in the institution
for nine (9) years. He continuously expands his
Julius S Ramillete RCrim., finished his degree in expertise and specialization by engaging into
Bachelor of Science in Criminology various trainings, seminars, workshops, and
at Kapalong College of Agriculture, relevant pedagogical opportunities and research
Sciences, and Technology engagements conducted by different organizations
(KCAST) last June 2022. He and sectors.
passed the Licensure Examination
for Criminologist last December 2022. He also John Mark C. Poquita, RCRIM,
passed the Fire Officer Examination taken last MSCJ (CAR), completed his
October 2022. He has been a member of Kabataan academic requirements for Master in
Kontra Druga at Terroristmo (KKDAT) since 2019 Criminal Justice Education with
and member of Professional Criminologist Specialization in Criminology in 2021. He finished
Association of the Philippines (PCAP) since 2023. Bachelor of Science in Criminology in Davao City.
He continues to learn skills by attending different He is also a Certified Security Trainer and a
training and seminars from different organization. Certfied Criminalistics Specialist in Fingerprint
Identification. Presently, he holds the position as
Program Coordinator at Kapalong College of

107P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

RAMILLETE J.S., VILLAROSA, J.R., PERMANGIL, J.F., POQUITA J.M.C., A Qualitative Inquiry on Juvenile Delinquency:
Basis for Intervention, pp. 102 - 108
Agriculture, Sciences, and Technology,
contributing his expertise for a span of 7 years
within the institution. Over this period, he has
demonstrated a steadfast commitment to
augmenting his understanding and concentration
by actively engaging in diverse training and


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108P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X | www.ioer-imrj.com

RAMILLETE J.S., VILLAROSA, J.R., PERMANGIL, J.F., POQUITA J.M.C., A Qualitative Inquiry on Juvenile Delinquency:
Basis for Intervention, pp. 102 - 108

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