Module 3 Currdev

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Ilex Avena L.

Chapter 2: Crafting the Curriculum
Module 3: The Teacher as a Curriculum Designer
Lesson 1: Fundamentals of Curriculum Designing
Which of the concepts do you clear understand? Answer Yes or No to the question that follow.
Questions: Answer
As a curricularist and curriculum designer… Yes
1. Do you think, curriculum change is inevitable?
2. Does curriculum change not consider the existing one?
3. Should be curriculum be designed only by one person?
4. Should any change in curriculum include an evaluation process?
5. Does curriculum change mean total overhaul?
6. Should learning outcomes be considered first before the content?
7. Should teaching methods considered by the expertise of the teacher?
8. Are time tested methods like inductive and lecture no longer useful?
9. Should contents be updated and relevant?
10. Is there only one design that a teacher should know?

Instructions: Provide answers to the incomplete sentences

After reading and discussing with my classmates, this lesson on fundamentals of
curriculum designing or crafting a curriculum.

1. I realize that…
2. I feel that…
3. I need to…
Module 3
Lesson 2: Approaches to Curriculum Designing

Identify what kind of design and approach are utilized in the following descriptions.
1. Only students who master the subject content can succeed.

2. Students are encouraged to work together to find answers to their task.

3. No learner is left behind in reading, writing and arithmetic.

4. School means survival of the fittest.

5. Teacher extends class because the children have not mastered the lesson.

6. Lesson deals with finding solution to everyday problem.

7. Differentiated instructions should be utilized for different ability groups.

8. Accumulation of knowledge is the primary importance in teaching.

9. Learning how to learn is observable among students.

10. Students are problem-finders and solution-givers.

Choose one statement and reflect on it. What do you think and feel about it?

Statement No. 1- “Schools that approach the curriculum as subject-centered, make robots out of
the students.”
Statement No. 2- “in schools where child-centeredness is the approach discipline is weak.”

Statement No 3- “Students are too young to solve life’s problems, why they do problem solving
in school?”
Module 3
Lesson 3: Curriculum Mapping

1. Using the sample A1 for science curriculum map, what knowledge and understanding have
you learned? Analyzed the matrix and answer the questions that follow:
1.1. What are the main clusters of science content that students should learn from G3
to G10?
1.2 How does science content progress from G3 to G10?
1.3 When you look at and analyze the map, what summary ideas can you give?
1.4 Science Curriculum is spiral. How do you explain that in terms of what you see in
the map?
2. Using sample B, analyze and answer the following questions briefly:
2.1 What is the meaning of Practiced with a green background for subject Teaching
Profession and PO1 Applied basic higher 21st century skills?
2.2 What is you interpretation of the colored cell with Learned that crosses between
subject social dimensions and PO5, Facilitate learning of different types of
learners in diverse learning environment?
2.3 What does the colored Opportunity in the cell subject Curriculum Development
that crosses with the PO Direct experience in the field and classroom
(observations, teaching assistance, practice teaching)?

Make a wise decision. Show me that you understood the lesson. Know the difference between
YES or NO answer to each of the question.
1. Does the curriculum mapping help a teacher understand what to accomplish within the
period time?
2. Is curriculum map a permanent document?
3. Can the curriculum pa help explain to parents what there are learning in school?
4. Is curriculum mapping a task of only one teacher?
5. Can a curriculum map as a tool used in instructional supervision?
Chapter 3: Implementing the Curriculum
Module 4: The Teacher as Implementor and Manager
Lesson 1: Implementing the Designed Curriculum as a Change Process
Perfect Match
In column A are concepts about Curriculum Implementation. Connect the line from the
box on the left (A) to the arrow on the right (B) of the correct match.
Concepts Meaning/Description

 Implementing  Minor curriculum change like the use of e portfolio

instead of portfolio as an artifact.

 Restructuring  Progressive steps from orientation to reflection about the

curriculum that is a characteristics of a curriculum
 Developmental  Major curriculum change like shifting from face to face to
online in the delivery on an academic program.

 Alteration  Curriculum process of putting into action what has been

planned and design.

 Change Process  Process that ensures that the curriculum brings about
something different and better that before in the desired
learning outcomes.
Module 4
Lesson 2: implementing a Curriculum daily in the Classrooms

Provide the answer to what is asked in each item.

1. What is the first level of knowledge in Bloom’s Taxonomy?

2. What is the highest level of cognition in the Revised Bloom’s Taxonomy?

3. What DepEd order requires newly hired teacher to write a lesson plan?

4. What is referred to as a miniscule curriculum that the teacher implements everyday?

5. What is the learning style of a learner, who likes to tinker with many things?

6. What component of a lesson plan requires an active action for a curriculum to be


7. Who provided a visual model to show what instructional supports can best enhance

8. Who was Bloom’s student who revised his taxonomy of objectives?

9. Who is the frontline curriculum implementor?

10. Who provided the original taxonomy for the cognitive domain?
Module 4
Lesson 3: The Role of Technology in Delivering the Curriculum

In a proposed mastery approach to instruction, the teacher (a) presents the lesson to the
whole class (b) assesses if learners attained mastery of the lesson (c) provides enrichments with
the use of media technology (d) re-mediates the non-mastery students (e) moves on to the next
1. How is the mastery approach better than the traditional one?

2. The mastery approach appears time-consuming and difficult. Do you believe practice and
experience can overcome these difficulties?

3. How can technology help in enrichment activities?

4. Should the affective use of media be also assessed by the teacher? Why?
Module 4
Lesson 4: Stakeholders in curriculum Implementation

Question or Reflection: Reflect on this question and answer below.

If all the stakeholders contribute positively in curriculum implementation, do you think,
curriculum change or development will succeed? Why? Or Why not?

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