Accelerating Successful Business Transformations With SAP MaxAttention

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Accelerating Successful Business

Transformations with SAP MaxAttention®
High-Value Premium Engagements for Your Journey
to an Intelligent, Sustainable Enterprise

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Table of Contents

3 Enabling Your Path to an Intelligent

Enterprise with SAP MaxAttention®

8 SAP MaxAttention Business Scenarios

for Transformation-Driven Events

13 SAP MaxAttention Focus Topics –

From Innovate to Run

15 Our Engagement Model: Dedicated,

High-Value, and Personalized Services

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Enabling Your Path to an Intelligent Enterprise
with SAP MaxAttention®

To achieve success and fulfill their purpose, companies around the globe are
running their mission-critical systems on SAP® solutions. Many of these companies
are undergoing strategic business transformations to develop forward-thinking
business models, unlock new growth, and stay ahead of the competition. To move
company-wide transformational change from boardroom plans to business reality,
our large enterprise customers often take advantage of our premium-level
experiences portfolio for SAP MaxAttention® services.

Enterprises across the globe are facing business PREMIUM-LEVEL EXPERIENCES

imperatives such as adapting to ever-changing Within the SAP Services and Support portfolio
market conditions, building resilient, transparent is a wide array of services that can help our
supply chains, and achieving greater sustainabil- customers achieve success, whether it’s through
ity. By engaging in a strategic partnership with guidance and self-service content, personalized
SAP through SAP MaxAttention, you can master success plans and services, or company-wide
goals such as these through services that can transformations.
enable agility, flexibility, and ultimately, a success-
ful journey to an intelligent, sustainable enterprise. As part of this portfolio, SAP MaxAttention
provides a service and support framework that
With SAP MaxAttention you can start to bridge helps drive successful business transformations
the gap between strategy and execution through: with tailored engagements and dedicated teams
• Accelerated innovation across processes and (see Figure 1).
• Co-innovation opportunities in the cloud and
for every industry
• Proven services and best practices for multiple,
large-scale transformation projects
• Selected, complementary, project-related and
training and adoption services to support
implementation needs

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Figure 1: Enabling Business Transformations with SAP Services and Support

ACCELERATE your path

with personalized success
plans and services

POWER DRIVE company-wide

your success transformation
with guidance and with a tailored engagement
self-service content and dedicated team

PROVEN EXPERTISE THROUGH SAP MaxAttention services are both broad and
GAME-CHANGING ENGAGEMENTS deep, as indicated in Figure 2. Our offerings pro-
SAP MaxAttention helps SAP customers master vide a holistic experience across your organiza-
their business and IT challenges and drive trans- tion’s unique digital journey, no matter what your
formations such as moving to SAP S/4HANA®, company’s goals and challenges are. Our goal is
transitioning to the cloud, or leveraging data to help you continually identify opportunities for
analytics. Whether your transformation includes success and develop the simplest, smartest ways
initiating a particular project or scenario type, to address and maximize them – all while creat-
implementing or upgrading an SAP solution, or ing quick wins as well as long-term value.
enhancing the technology adoption lifecycle,
our SAP MaxAttention experts can help.

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Figure 2: Breadth and Depth of SAP MaxAttention Services


EXTENSION OF YOUR TEAM Your SAP MaxAttention team provides continu-
With an SAP MaxAttention premium-level ous direction for your transformation through:
experience, you can expect a team of highly • A customized, comprehensive experience
skilled experts to become an integral part of your tailored to your individual needs and designed
company as they develop in-depth knowledge for your specific solution landscape and
of your needs, business priorities, and customer business goals
expectations. • Services that include implementation support
and advisory focus areas, as well as assess-
We work side-by-side with you to apply a com- ment, road map, enterprise architecture, and
prehensive approach to your business. This IT operations
approach allows you to take on complex projects • Exclusive access to services, tools, and expertise
that reach across functions, processes, lines of provided by SAP through our comprehensive
business, and solutions in multiple cloud and portfolio of solutions and technology
hybrid landscapes. • Access to over 20,000 SAP partners across
the globe who can assist with business trans-
formations and cloud adoption

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ACHIEVING VALUE THROUGH BUSINESS • Business scenarios are event-driven
SCENARIOS AND FOCUS TOPICS engagements. They can bring a faster time to
Within the SAP MaxAttention program, our value for your transformation through a
services focus on holistic engagements that personalized engagement model. These
provide, based on your business needs, the right engagements leverage our full portfolio of
guidance at the right time with a clear direction services in a structured, standardized, and
toward the right business outcomes. holistic approach that is collaboratively
delivered between our industry experts and
Collectively, there is a broad range of SAP MaxAttention your team.
services that address business scenarios or • Focus topics are groupings of services in
specific focus topics (see Figure 3): 10 defined areas that range from innovation
services, architecture transformation, and
transformation guidance to cybersecurity and
hybrid operations.

Figure 3: Premium Engagement Portfolio of Business Scenarios and Focus Topics

Premium Engagement
Innovation services Services (165 services)
Focus topic
Focus topics for premium engagement

Value design
Business scenario X

Architecture transformation Business scenario Y

Data and analytics

Transformation guidance

Cybersecurity and compliance

Cloud application development


Hybrid operations

Accelerated support

Implementation projects / Improvement initiatives

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A key focus area for SAP MaxAttention services is cloud Figure 4: Financial Impact Based on
adoption. Forrester Research Inc. recently interviewed Three-Year Risk Adjustment
several companies using SAP MaxAttention services
and published the results in a report, The Total Economic
Impact of SAP MaxAttention for Cloud Adoption.*
The interviews focused on costs, benefits, and risks. Net present
The experiences of the people interviewed were
aggregated and combined into a single composite
organization – a global enterprise entity with revenue
of US$25 billion per year.**
215% $12.95M
After analyzing the data, Forrester concluded that ROI Benefits present
SAP MaxAttention delivered a powerful three-year finan-
cial impact throughout the cloud journey (see Figure 4).

Read the full study

*This information is an abridged version of a case study commissioned by SAP titled The Total Economic Impact of
SAP MaxAttention for Cloud Adoption, published in February 2023.
**The representative interviews and financial analysis found that a composite organization experiences benefits of US$12.95
million over three years versus costs of $4.11 million, adding up to a net present value (NPV) of $8.84 million and an ROI of 215%.

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SAP MaxAttention Business Scenarios for
Transformation-Driven Events

Within SAP MaxAttention services, you can take INTELLIGENT ARCHITECTURE

advantage of business scenarios to help address TRANSFORMATION GUIDANCE
specific IT or business events that commonly In collaboration with SAP Transformation Hub, we
occur with digital transformations. provide intelligent architecture transformation
guidance for major transformation events, as
Here are five of the most frequently requested documented in the business scenarios. The hub
business scenarios that address common trans- includes teams of highly skilled architects from
formation challenges. different domains such as business, applications,
data, technology, road mapping, and governance.
These experts use a collaboration and delivery
model (see Figure 5) that includes the SAP
Enterprise Architecture Framework methodology
to support complex architecture transformation
with exceptional service expertise for SAP
MaxAttention customers.

Figure 5: Collaboration and Delivery Model in SAP Transformation Hub

architecture services
Regional hubs

Local enterprise Methodologies

architects and tools

reference content

decision support

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Besides enterprise architecture guidance, this This business scenario also provides expertise on
engagement can include industry-specific cloud architecture as well as guidance for indus-
expertise, SAP product strategies, and transition try and sustainability initiatives using the right
planning experiences that help you make reference architecture, methodology, content,
architecture decisions for your transformation decision accelerators, and tools.
initiatives (see Figure 6).

Figure 6: Architecture Transformation Service Portfolio

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For many of our customers, architecture guid- TRANSITIONS TO RISE WITH SAP S/4HANA
ance can help optimize the transformation expe- CLOUD, PRIVATE EDITION
rience, accelerate the achievement of business For customers who are beginning a transition to
value, and help overcome challenges such as: RISE with SAP S/4HANA Cloud, private edition,
• Managing established IT architectures we have business scenarios that provide:
when transitioning to a new digital core on • Custom-tailored implementation strategies for
SAP S/4HANA your transition, whether it is a system
• Moving towards a network of intelligent and conversion, new implementation, or selective
sustainable solutions that address effective data transition
business and IT areas during a digital • Support for innovations and new capabilities
transformation such as machine learning, AI, robotic process
• Addressing disruptions that occur within automation, analytics, and IoT
existing IT paradigms and business models • Architecture transformation and
during a move to the cloud implementation expertise for key planning
We find that our customers have unique starting • Support for the implementation of SAP
points for a business and IT transformation, as Business
well as individual paces of change, and therefore
Technology Platform (SAP BTP) that leverages
may be looking for architecture guidance to
SAP Integration Suite with agile development
reach specific goals within three key areas as
and a clean core
noted in the table below.

Key Areas of Architecture Guidance Delivery

Innovation Optimization Renovation

Support new business models Foster automation and the use Improve current ERP process
of AI speed

Build a data-centric Maximize the value of legacy Build a future instance

architecture systems strategy

Achieve greater business agility Determine the right platform Determine the right path to
strategy for a transformation the cloud

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Following a transition to SAP S/4HANA, we also • Integration assistance: Identification of how
offer a business scenario for “Run Best on RISE to connect diverse on-premise and cloud
with SAP” with the following deliveries: deployment elements for a cohesive synergy
• Guidance on which business processes can be regarding data consistency, business process
optimized resilience, and optimal user experience
• Determination of a customized SAP S/4HANA • Business process enhancements and
upgrade strategy and support of the upgrade transformation: Understanding of how
planning process changes can be incorporated to help ensure
• Support the mandatory transition from a business processes stay compliant while also
compatibility package to the new SAP S/4HANA enabling competitive differentiation
solution • Operational support: Management and
• Exploration of innovation opportunities operation of the cloud to help ensure that
innovations are thoroughly and holistically
Customers who want to transition to the latest tested, the environment is secure from
digital core capabilities and achieve quick and cybersecurity threats, and performance and
efficient results while maintaining their custo- availability are optimized
mized add-ons can use the SAP S/4HANA
conversion scenario. This allows you to transition ENHANCED INDUSTRY CLOUD AND INDUSTRY
to SAP S/4HANA in one step with minimal 4.0 SOLUTIONS
technical downtime. In this business scenario, we can help you
maximize the value of your implementations of
Within an SAP S/4HANA migration, you can also industry cloud or Industry 4.0 solutions through
choose the option to transition your infrastructure services that accelerate your business transfor-
and mission-critical SAP applications to a cloud mation and create new business models.
provider that offers a hyperscale infrastructure
as a service (IaaS). This can help you achieve effi- These services provide cross-industry best
cient IT operations as you focus more on business practices and SAP expertise in specific industries
process innovation. This transition can be com- such as consumer products, retail, wholesale
pleted in one step as part of the SAP S/4HANA distribution, automotive, high tech, chemicals,
migration or in two separate steps. oil, gas, energy, utilities, industrial manufacturing,
professional services, and many more. They also
If you are moving to the cloud, a business • Access to innovation in modular, consumable
scenario can accelerate your journey and offer packages, as well as through hundreds of
you faster, more agile innovation and a lower available industry-specific applications
total cost of ownership. The key deliveries in a developed by SAP and our SAP partners
cloud business scenario are: • Quick innovations that can be plugged in
• Architectural guidance: Determination of without disrupting existing technologies and
which elements of your legacy on-premise processes
solution should move to the cloud • Ideas, apps, and solutions from other industries
and across categories

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With a keen focus on your specific industry and Our sustainability business scenarios can
business needs, these offerings can add value help you:
through benefits such as: • Achieve your sustainability goals by developing
• Increased supply chain visibility across globally the right enterprise architecture including
distributed facilities sustainability data, processes, and solutions
• Greater transparency into logistics networks • Develop a strategy for a circular economy,
• Improved plant reliability and safety emissions reduction, and validated
• Comprehensive omnichannel support for sales sustainability reporting and compliance
forces • Increase process automation and technical
• Personalized products for unique customer efficiency for reducing resource consumption
• Competitive advantages through origination For intelligent enterprise transformations, we
and provenance data provide a specific road map that helps customers
• Better workforce planning using historical data define cloud-based, comprehensive, and intelli-
and forecast insights gent use cases addressing current business
challenges. Those use cases are realized through
ENABLEMENT OF A SUSTAINABLE, SAP BTP and supported by a digital core in
Sustainability business scenarios can guide
your company in achieving goals such as zero By implementing the jointly created transforma-
emissions, zero waste, and zero inequality. tion road map, we have seen customers achieve
With our dedicated and adaptable services and lower integration costs through predefined inte-
industry expertise, you can upgrade your archi- gration scenarios and more efficient operations
tecture to support your sustainability targets using AI and machine learning. Customers have
and realize measurable results. Our services can also experienced higher accuracy and visibility
assist you in integrating data and processes to across the entire business network through the
support better carbon footprint management, application of IoT scenarios.
reduced material waste, and improved social
sustainability. We can also help you use environ-
mental, social, and financial data holistically to
support better decisions.

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SAP MaxAttention Focus Topics –
From Innovate to Run

Whether you run an on-premise, cloud, or hybrid topic. With this approach, SAP experts work with
landscape, SAP MaxAttention offers comprehen- you to define this business value and improve the
sive and personalized services to support your quality of the SAP designs and the adoption of
industry and line-of-business SAP solutions standard solution capabilities, in alignment with
throughout their lifecycle – from innovate to run. the SAP product road map.

Focus topics include innovation and value design DEVELOP A MULTIYEAR ROAD MAP WITH
as well as cybersecurity, compliance, platform ARCHITECTURE TRANSFORMATION
and cloud application development. We also Architecture transformation provides a holistic
provide enhanced services such as approach to review, optimize, and develop the
transformation guidance, including support for enterprise architecture to support your digital
cloud solutions from SAP. transformation. From business, application, and
data architecture to platform and technical
START YOUR TRANSFORMATION JOURNEY architecture, we offer strategic guidance and
WITH INNOVATION SERVICES execution support. We can help you define a
Our innovation services can help you get even future-proof architecture and multi-year road map
more business value from your SAP investments. to fit your business and IT strategy and align with
By blending established applications with SAP’s product vision.
emerging innovations and drawing from the
latest SAP technology, you can uncover new ACCELERATE SOLUTION DEPLOYMENT WITH
ways to optimize your business – faster and with TRANSFORMATION GUIDANCE
less risk. Through our innovation services, we Transformation guidance provides a systematic
work with you to identify where and how approach to accelerate the deployment of
innovation is applicable to your unique situation, SAP solutions – both in the cloud and on premise
and then we tailor an engagement plan to your – with reduced risk. Our transformation guidance
needs. services offer incremental levels of engagement
for customer- and partner-led implementations.
INCREASE VALUE OF YOUR SOLUTION DESIGN From the early planning phase to the end of the
One key way that SAP MaxAttention can help is design phase, you can choose the coverage that
to increase the business value created through works best for you from our comprehensive range
the implementation of SAP solutions with the of services.
services associated with the value design focus

Explore our customer stories to see

a selection of successful innovation
engagements we have delivered.

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Our data and analytics services help maximize The safeguarding capabilities of SAP MaxAttention
the value of your core analytics and data can mitigate risks associated with implementing
management investments. Using the latest an SAP solution. They help ensure technical and
innovations for a specific industry, line of functional integrity, optimal technical perfor-
business, or technology, you receive expert mance, and hybrid operational readiness. The
advice and guidance for getting true business safeguarding scope and service methodology are
value from your data assets. flexible to fit your business demands.


Outstanding cybersecurity and compliance SAP MaxAttention provides services that enable
across your cloud and on-premise SAP software the transparency, efficiency, and continuous
landscape are essential to your business. We improvement needed to optimize today’s hybrid
offer a secure operations map, which is our refer- IT operations from start to finish. Our hybrid
ence model for structuring a 360-degree view of operation services can further reduce your total
the measures you should implement to securely cost of operations and free up your IT resources
operate, maintain, and configure your SAP to create more business innovations – on prem-
solutions. ise and in the cloud – in an agile, nondisruptive,
cost-fficient manner.
Digital transformation succeeds only when peo- TRANSPARENCY WITH ACCELERATED
ple, processes, data, and analytics are seamlessly SUPPORT
connected. This requires a holistic enterprise With accelerated support, you can access a rich
cloud architecture that supports all application set of services. These include accelerated inci-
areas – with a stable core and without disruption dent management, extended service level agree-
– as new innovations are introduced. The cloud ments, baseline or premium support for
application management capabilities of SAP innovative business solutions, on-call duty sup-
MaxAttention address these needs by offering port for critical activities such as upgrades, and
tools, knowledge, best practices, and expert secure support for highly regulated industries.
guidance for creating dynamic and scalable cloud
applications using SAP BTP.

“Using the SAP Focused Run solution, we’ve enabled a

central operations platform for technical and security
monitoring and different types of system analysis.”
Christian Heilmann, Platform Operations, Evonik Industries AG

Read more >

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Our Engagement Model: Dedicated,
High-Value, and Personalized Services

With SAP MaxAttention, you get high-value The team dedicated to your engagement consists
services that are delivered through a holistic of a lead technical quality manager, service
engagement model with a dedicated on-site partner, and enterprise architect. The team helps
team driving and orchestrating the delivery of ensure you have access to the right SAP experts
personalized services. to support your business transformation, mod-
ernize your IT landscape, and optimize your oper-
COMPREHENSIVE LEADERSHIP AND ations in a holistic way throughout the lifecycle
EXPERTISE – from design to operate.
The SAP MaxAttention team provides you with
front- and back-office experts (see Figure 7). Every engagement is governed by best practices
The front-office people on your team are the ones recommended by SAP to help ensure all
who interact with you on service and support SAP teams and partners are working together
topics. Our back-office people are global experts to deliver on your road map for becoming an
who proactively address complex risks and intelligent enterprise.
resolve issues.

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Figure 7: SAP MaxAttention Front-Office and Back-Office Experts

SAP Transformation Hub

SAP Mission Control Center
A team of highly skilled experts and
Rapid support by a global back-office
enterprise architects who support
team of experts to proactively resolve
architecture transformation services
issues, and unlimited 24x7 access to
for our premium engagement
SAP’s knowledge and experience base

Lead technical quality manager Enterprise architect

Focuses on supporting customer Focuses on supporting strategic
success by maintaining continuity, design and architectural aspects and
bringing the customer context into addresses technical and business
service plans and delivery, and demands
addressing IT demands

Intelligent Service Delivery Hub

Global and local delivery units
providing standardized services
tailored to customer needs in an
efficient model with high quality

Find Out More

To learn more about SAP MaxAttention, visit us online.

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