CC106 02

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Application Development and CC106

Emerging Technologies
WordPress as an Application Framework

 Content management systems like WordPress, Drupal, and Joomla often get left
out of the framework discussion, but in reality, WordPress (in particular) is
really great for what frameworks are supposed to be about: quickly building
 Within minutes, you can set up WordPress and have a fully functional app with
user signups, session management, content management, and a dashboard to
monitor site activity.
 The various APls, common objects, and helper functions are allow you to code
complex applications faster without having to worry about lower level systems
WordPress as an Application Framework

The shows that right triangle from Mullengweg's 2013 'State of WordPress' presentation
depicting a table WordPress platform with a CMS layer built on top and a blogging application
built on top of the CMS layer. The reality is that the majority of the current WordPress
codebase supports the underlying application platform. You can think of each WordPress
release as an application framework with a sample blogging app bundled in
WordPress Basics

• WordPress was first developed in 2003 and was created primarily

as blogging software. By the release of version 3.5, the image of
WordPress had changed from blogging software to a versatile CMS
(content management system) and the word "blog" was actually
removed from the description of the software and in most places
in the source code. Today, it has evolved to become the largest
platform on the web and is used on about 20016 of all the
websites on the internet.
WordPress Basics

• There are a couple of reasons WordPress has gained so much popularity over
the years. The first is that WordPress is open source software and has an
entire community of people who are invested in improving it and continually
contributing new code to extend its functionality. WordPress users,
developers, and designers are always thinking of new creative ways to use
WordPress and creating plugins for these new features, which are then made
available to the community.

• Another reason WordPress has been so successful is the fact that it is an

extremely flexible CMS and can be used to power all different types of
websites. Developers are constantly exploring innovative new ways to use lhe
software, including using it to build web applications.
Directory Structure

Let's take a quick top level look at the folders and files that are included within a typical
WordPress install.

1.4.1 Root Directory

ln the root directory, there are a few core WordPress files. Unless you are digging around in the
core WordPress code looking for hooks to use or certain functionality, the only file you may need
to ever alter is wp-config.php. You should never, ever, ever, ever alter any other core WordPress
files. Hacking core is a bad idea because you won’t be able to upgrade WordPress when a new
version becomes available without overriding your changes. The only directory you should need to
interact with is wp content because it contains your plugins, themes, and uploaded files.

Any time you find yourself wanting to hack a core WordPress file, think again. There is probably a
hook you could use to accomplish the same goal. lf there isn't a hook available to do what you
need, add one and try to get it added to core. The core WordPress developers are very responsive
about adding in new hooks and filters.
Directory Structure

• /wp-admin
This directory contains core directories and files for managing the WordPress admin interface. Another
key file in this directory is admin-ajax.php, which all AJAX requests should be run through.

• /wp-includes
This directory contains core directories and files for various WordPress functionality.

• /wp-content
This directory contains subdirectories for the plugins and themes you have installed on your site and
any media files you upload to your site. lf you create a plugin that needs to store dynamic files of its
own, it is a best practice to place them somewhere inlhe wp-content folder so they are included in a
content backup.
Directory Structure

• The following directories are subdirectories of the wp-content directory.

• /wp-content/plugins
Any WordPress plugin you install on your WordPress site will be located in this directory. By
default, WordPress comes with the Hello Dolly and Akismet plugins.

• /wp-content/themes
Any WordPress themes you install on your WordPress site will be located in this directory By
default, WordPress comes with the Twenty Eleven, Twenty Twelve, Twenty Thirteen, and Twenty
Fourteen themes.

• /wp-content/uploads
Once you start uploading any photos or files to your media library, you will start seeing this
directory being populated with those uploaded files. All uploaded media is stored in the upload
Directory Structure

• The following directories are subdirectories of the wp-content directory.

• /wp-content/mu-plugins
ln WordPress, you can force the use of any plugin by creating a mu-plugins directory inside of the
wp-content directory. This directory does not exist unless you create it, The 'mu" stands for "must
use," and any plugin you put in the mu-plugins folder will automatically run without needing to be
manually activated on the admin plugins page. ln fact, you won't even see any must use plugins
listed there.

Must use plugins are especially useful on multisite installs of WordPress so you can use plugins
that your individual network site admins wonl be able to deactivate.

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