Drupal Guide

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Website for Startups

 The Drupal project was started in 2000 by a

student in the Netherlands named Dries
Buytaert. The code was originally designed
for a site called Drop.org. In 2001 the source
code for this project was released as Drupal.
More information on Drupal history is
available at http://drupal.org/node/769.
 Community Web Site
 Weblog
 Forums
 Social Network Site
 Wiki/Knowledge Base
 Business Web Application
 Apache/IIS
 AppServ is recommended for Windows
 Lighttpd works as well
 • MySQL/PostgreSQL
 Oracle support is coming
 IBM is working on DB2 support
 Most basic CMS features are included
 Highly Customizable
 Plenty of Modules
 Good Architecture and API
 Good Documentation
 Performance
 Good Community
 Learning Curve
 PHP knowledge needed
 few Themes
 Lack of Commercial Support
 High reliability on Community support
And many others like Playstation, Ubuntu, Green peace,
 Download Latest Drupal release from
 Upload the file on www folder of your
 Make a new MySQL database
 Run web based installation script
 Nodes: Nodes are the basic building blocks of
all Drupal sites. Every item of content that
you add to a Drupal site becomes a node.
When you create a page you have created a
node. When you create a blog post you have
created a node.
 One differentiating feature of Drupal is the
fact that you have the ability to create
custom node types by using the Content
Construction Kit (CCK) module.
 Drupal comes with a built in taxonomy system.
The taxonomy system allows you to categorize
the nodes on your site. The taxonomy system
allows you to define vocabularies which consist
of one or more terms. Vocabularies allow you to
organize your terms into groups.
 This taxonomy system makes Drupal very
flexible and very powerful because you can use
your categories and terms to display the content
on your site in a variety of different ways. For
example, a contributed module called Tagadelic
allows you to display categories as a tag cloud.
 Drupal generates a wide variety of RSS feeds.
RSS allows site administrators and visitors to
keep track of new content by subscribing in a
feed reader.
 Every Drupal site has a site level RSS feed
that shows at the address
www.yoursite.com/rss.xml. RSS fi\eds are
generated by each category you create as well.
When viewing a particular category look for the
feed icon
 Modules add functionality to your Drupal site.
The core installation of Drupal includes
several modules which are known as core
modules. There are several key core modules
that you should consider enabling on any
Drupal-powered website.
 Path
 Menu
 Blog
 Comments
 Search
 Upload
 Profile
 Tracker
 Menu Systems – Primary and Secondary
 A closer look into Content Creation
 Blocks
 Books – Organizing contents
 Taxonomy
 URL Aliasing
 Site maintenance
 Error Reporting
 Installing contributed module – DHTML
 Download the module from drupal.org
 Upload and unzip the file in /sites/all/modules
folder of your drupal installation folder on the
 Navigate to Site building ->modules.
 Activate the module.
 Enjoy the new functionality.
 This module allows Drupal to replace
textarea fields with the FCKeditor - a visual
HTML editor, sometimes called WYSIWYG
 You should Enable file upload feature for
uploading image.
 A Office 2003 like editing interface.
 Embed Flash videos, upload image, and do
rich text formatting – No more HTML.
 User Roles
 Permissions
 User Settings

 Whenever you install a new module, always

check the permission to suit your needs.
 Image
 Image Module
 Image Field
 Gallery
 Video
 Directly Embed Videos
 Flash Video Module
 FLV Media Player Module.
 Kaltura Module
 Audio
 Audio Module
 MediaField Module
 Creates a new Content type Image.
 Allow Images to be automatically resized like
thumbnails and preview.
 Create Image Gallery.
 Bulk image import
 You are familiar with URL Alias we talked
 Pathauto automate the process of giving
unique search engine friendly path to nodes.
 We will need token module to install
 Configure pathauto by going to URL Alias
 Download Contributed module from
 Unzip and upload the theme folder to
sites/all/modules folder.
 Go to Site building -> Themes
 Enable the new detected theme.
 Configure theme specific settings.
 Add slide logo and favicon image.
 Forum allow threaded discussion on your site.
 Enable forum module
 Set up new discussion forum and use
containers to organize.
 Enable Clean URLs
 Pathauto module
 Never rename previously existent links
 Install Global Redirect Module
 Install metatag/ Nodeword module
 Meta description – an important metatag The
meta description should be different on every
page for best results. The meta description should
be one or two brief sentences to summarize the
 Page Title Module
 There should be one H1 tag in every file
 Always use a custom front page.
 Drupal provides the CCK module as a way to
build custom content types that can be
tailored to suit your needs.
 In addition to the basic field types provided
by the CCK module, you should also keep an
eye out for contribs that extend CCK
functionality to provide a huge range of
useful field enhancements.
 Text, number, node reference, user reference
options widget fields are provided by default.
 Imagefield
 Mediafield
 Email field
 Link field
 Date Field
 And many more
 Using PHP
 Install Content Template Module
 But, we will consider Composite Layout – its
easy and simple to start with.
 You can use blocks as a very simple way to
customize the look of your site.
 Blocks can contain lists of posts, widgets or even
custom php code snippets.
 You have a great amount of control over who
sees a block and where they are placed.
 Many modules will add special blocks to your
 More advanced site builders can utilize the views
module to create dynamic blocks from content
on their site.
 The Views module provides a flexible method
for Drupal site designers to control how lists
of content of almost anything are presented.
 This tool is essentially a smart query builder
that, given enough information, can build the
proper query, execute it, and display the
 Every Drupal install requires regular actions
to handle maintenance tasks such as cleaning
up log files and checking for updates.
Cron.php is the file that Drupal uses to run
the maintenance process.
 For instance, if your site were
www.example.com, loading the URL
http://www.example.com/cron.php in your
browser would run the maintenance.
 Sitemap module
 Slider
 Ticketyboo News Ticker
 Paging
 Ipaper
 Collapse Text
 Panel
 Tabs
 Nice Menu
 Routinely change administration password.
 Protect your site registration form, contact
form and comments with anti-spam
measures. – Mollen, Akismet, Capcha
 Block Access to offending IP
 Allow only Basic HTML to Anonymous users
 Routinely update modules and core
 Don’t worry, drupal is very secure

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