Maternal Child Nutrition 2022 Habtu Effect of Integrated Nutrition

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Received: 9 December 2021 | Revised: 28 March 2022 | Accepted: 5 April 2022

DOI: 10.1111/mcn.13367


Effect of integrated nutrition‐sensitive and nutrition‐specific

intervention package on maternal malnutrition among
pregnant women in Rwanda

Michael Habtu1,2,3 | Alemayehu Gebremariam Agena2 |

Maryse Umugwaneza | Monica Mochama | Cyprien Munyanshongore1

College of Medicine and Health Sciences,
School of Public Health, University of Rwanda, Abstract
Kigali, Rwanda
Maternal undernutrition remains a major public health concern in Rwanda despite
Catholic Relief Services, Kigali, Rwanda
significant gains and progress. An integration of nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive
Department of Public Health, School of
Health Sciences, University of Mount Kenya, interventions was implemented in five districts of Rwanda to improve maternal and child
Kigali, Rwanda nutrition. The package included nutrition education and counselling, promotion of
agricultural productivity, promotion of financial literacy/economic resilience and provision
Michael Habtu, College of Medicine and of Water, Hygiene and Sanitation services. However, there is limited evidence about the
Health Sciences, School of Public Health,
effect of such interventions in reducing maternal undernutrition. A postintervention
University of Rwanda, Kigali, Rwanda.
Email: [email protected] quasi‐experimental study was conducted among pregnant women to determine the effect
of the integrated intervention on their nutritional status. It was carried out in two
intervention districts, namely Kicukiro and Kayonza, and two control districts, namely
Gasabo and Gisagara between November 2020 and June 2021. Five hundred and fifty‐
two women were recruited for the intervention arm, while 545 were recruited for the
control arm. Maternal undernutrition was defined as either having low mid‐upper arm
circumference (<23 cm) during delivery or low body mass index (<18.5 kg/m2) in the first
trimester or both. A multivariable logistic regression model was used to assess the effect
of the integrated interventions. The prevalence of maternal undernutrition was
significantly lower in the intervention group compared with the control group (4.7% vs.
18.2%; p < 0.001). After controlling the potential confounders, the risk of maternal
undernutrition was 77.0% lower in the intervention group than in the control group
[adjusted odds ratio= 0.23; 95% confidence interval = 0.15–0.36; p < 0.001]. Further
studies are therefore recommended to establish causation and inform the potential scale‐
up of these interventions nationally in Rwanda.

integrated intervention package, maternal undernutrition, nutrition‐sensitive, nutrition‐specific,
pregnant women, quasi‐experimental

[Correction added on 20 may 2022, after first online publication: Corrections added in corresponding address, on page 7 and table 4.]

This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution‐NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in any
medium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purposes.
© 2022 The Authors. Maternal & Child Nutrition published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd.

Matern Child Nutr. 2022;18:e13367. | 1 of 12
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Key messages
Maternal undernutrition among pregnant women remains a public
• Empirical evidence on the effect of integrated nutrition‐
health concern globally (Black et al., 2013; Salunkhe, 2018) and
specific and nutrition‐sensitive interventions on maternal
locally (Williams et al., 2019) due to its unwanted consequences for
undernutrition is limited as existing studies are mainly
both women and their babies (Black et al., 2013). The magnitude and
directed at the effectiveness of nutritional interventions
burden of maternal undernutrition are unacceptably high in low‐ and
on improving child nutritional status.
middle‐income countries (LMIC) in spite of extensive global economic
• The results indicated that the integrated nutrition‐specific
growth in recent decades (Nana & Zema, 2018; Tang et al., 2016). It is
and nutrition‐sensitive intervention package was signifi-
reported that in many sub‐Saharan African and South Asian
cantly associated with low maternal undernutrition.
countries, more than 20% of pregnant women are malnourished
• This study adds more evidence to the 2008, 2013 and
(Ravaoarisoa et al., 2018). In Rwanda, undernutrition among pregnant
2021 Lancet Series regarding the proposed effectiveness
women measured by mid‐upper arm circumference (MUAC) less than
of integrated nutrition‐sensitive and nutrition‐specific
23 cm is 19.8% (Nsereko et al., 2020) and anaemia is estimated at
about 24.5% (RDHS, 2020). It is a principal underlying cause of
• Further research should focus on follow‐up randomized
3.5 million maternal mortalities in LMICs (Black et al., 2013;
controlled trials and the cost‐effectiveness of these
Loudyi et al., 2016) and various adverse pregnancy outcomes
integrated nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive
(Acharya et al., 2017; Hasan et al., 2017; Mosha et al., 2018; Victora
et al., 2016).
The factors and pathways leading to maternal malnutrition are
diverse, complex, and most often interconnected (Dattijo et al., 2016;
Gebre & Mulugeta, 2015; Ismail et al., 2017; Obai et al., 2016; effect on malnutrition unless mainstreaming it alongside an interven-
Stevens et al., 2012). They are mainly classified as immediate tion targeting to affect the other underlying determinants
determinants (inadequate food/nutrient and disease), underlying (Bonde, 2016). There is some evidence that economic strengthening
determinants (household food insecurity, unsafe environments and is more effective when complemented with other nutrition‐sensitive
inadequate access/availability to health services) and basic determi- interventions (Fenn & Yakowenko, 2015). Moreover, the effect of
nants (rooted in poverty and involve interactions between nutrition education and counselling would be greater if delivered with
social, demographic and societal conditions) (Black et al., 2013; other nutrition‐sensitive interventions, such as nutrition safety nets
UNICEF, 1990). or promoting economic growth (Girard & Olude, 2012). Most studies
Given the high burden, negative effects and well‐established have recommended that high quality and further research be
determinants of maternal undernutrition, there is an urgent need for conducted on the effect of these combined nutrition interventions
interventions to reduce it. The Lancet Maternal and Child Nutrition (da Silva Lopes et al., 2017; Soltani et al., 2015; Zerfu et al., 2016).
series in 2013 and 2021 identified cost‐effective interventions, In line with the Lancet series, the Government of Rwanda and its
including nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive interventions to development partners are focusing on the delivery of key evidence‐
improve maternal and child nutrition (Bhutta et al., 2013; Keats based interventions to reduce maternal and child malnutrition. For
et al., 2021; Ruel et al., 2013). The Lancet Nutrition Series also example, the United States Agency for International Development in
reported that nutrition‐specific interventions alone would only Rwanda (USAID/Rwanda) implemented evidence‐based nutrition
reduce malnutrition by 20% if implemented on a large scale (Bhutta interventions through a programme called Gikuriro (good growth as
et al., 2013), whereas the remaining 80% would be addressed opposed to stunting) from 2016 to 2020 in five targeted districts. The
through nutrition‐sensitive interventions. Evidently, a number of targeted districts are Kayonza and Ngoma from Eastern Province,
studies and reviews on the effect of such interventions to address Nyabihu from Western Province and Kicukiro and Nyarugenge from
maternal undernutrition have mostly considered single interventions Kigali City. These districts were implementing an Integrated Nutrition
and showed mixed results, whereby the evidence for such interven- and Water, Hygiene and Sanitation (WASH) Activities programme.
tions was found to range from modest to highly effective (Carletto Catholic Relief Service (CRS) and its implementing partners imple-
et al., 2015; Dangour et al., 2013; Demilew et al., 2020; Gilligan mented the Gikuriro programme in these five districts in close
et al., 2014; Gilmore & McAuliffe, 2013; Girard & Olude, 2012; collaboration with the government structures in these districts. The
Hambidge & Krebs, 2018; Headey, 2012; Masset et al., 2012; Nielsen package of interventions in the programme includes nutrition
et al., 2006; Reinhardt & Fanzo, 2014; World Health Organization education and counselling, as a nutrition‐specific intervention as
[WHO] Reproductive Health Library, 2016) well as to promote increased agricultural productivity, promoting
It has been proposed that integrated or combined nutrition financial literacy/economic resilience and improved WASH services
interventions may produce a greater effect in reducing malnutrition as key nutrition‐sensitive interventions.
(Ruel et al., 2018). For instance, a single sector agriculture programme Although there is increasing interest in nutrition, little or no
would sensibly change diets; however, it may not have a significant attention has been given to generating evidence as to whether
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combining nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive interventions can reported by the Comprehensive Food Security and Vulnerability
lead to greater improvements in maternal malnutrition (Khalid Analysis (World Food Programme, 2018) and settlement pattern
et al., 2019). Even though Gikuriro's evaluations presented some (rural vs. urban). In selecting the control districts, three criteria were
trends to this effect, there are limited scientific comparative studies used. These include food insecurity (World Food Programme, 2018),
investigating the effect of integrated nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐ no existing nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive intervention
sensitive intervention packages on maternal undernutrition. The package and setting whether rural or urban. After considering all
current study aimed at assessing the effect of integrated nutrition‐ the criteria, Gisagara District (a rural area) and Gasabo District (an
specific and nutrition‐sensitive on maternal nutritional status. urban area) were selected. The selected districts are shown in
Figure 1.
Participants in this study were pregnant women coming for
2 | MATERIALS AND METHODS delivery, and who reside in the selected districts of Rwanda. They
were recruited consecutively using the following criteria: (1) being a
2.1 | Study design, setting and participants permanent resident in the study area and aged between 15 and 49
years, (2) having been enroled in the selected nutrition intervention
We conducted a postprogramme quasi‐experimental study from package for at least 1 year before pregnancy (for the intervention
November 2020 to June 2021. This design was used to compare group), (3) belonging to wealth categories 1 and 2 and (4) those
maternal undernutrition between the intervention and control without any known medical, surgical or obstetric conditions. All
groups. The intervention group was drawn from Kayonza District public health facilities in the selected districts were included and the
(a rural area) and Kicukiro District (an urban area), two out of the five distribution of participants was based proportionally on population
districts where nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive interventions size in each selected health facility in the respective district.
were implemented under the Gikuriro programme. They were The sample size was calculated using a two proportion sample
selected based on their high proportion of food insecurity as size formula (Casagrande et al., 1978), which is:

FIGURE 1 Map of the study area

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{Z1− α /2 [2P (1 − P )] + Z1− β [P1 (1 − P1) + P2 (1 − P2)] }2 economic resilience and improved access to WASH services. The
n= ,
(P1 − P2)2 interventions took place between September 2016 and July 2020. The
intervention was funded by USAID and implemented by CRS in
where Ζ1 − α/2 (95% confidence) = 1.96; Ζ1 − β (90% power) = 1.64; P1 partnership with the Government of Rwanda, Netherlands Develop-
= proportion of undernutrition among pregnant women in Rwanda to ment Organization and other Rwandan Civil‐Society Organizations.
be 19.8% (Nsereko et al., 2020) in the nonintervention group; A detailed description of these interventions is provided in
P2 = proportion of undernutrition in the intervention group to be Additional File 1. The main objective of the intervention was to
9.8% (assuming that the intervention would lead to a 10% decrease); improve the nutritional status of women of reproductive age and
design effect = 1.2; effect size = 10; and P = average for the two children less than 5 years. Nutrition education and counselling were
proportions. After considering all the assumptions, the sample size promoted through a variety of behaviour change activities, including
was 520 for one group. Allowing for nonresponse rate = 10%, the Village Nutrition Schools, community health clubs, growth monitoring
sample size was adjusted upwards to 572. Therefore, the sample size and promotion by trained Community Health Workers. Regarding
in each group was 572 giving a total sample of 1144 (572 agriculture, the main activities of the intervention were enhancing
intervention group and 572 control group). A flow chart of agricultural productivity through Farmer Field Schools established in
participants' recruitment for the intervention and control arms is each village, promoting Bio Intensive Agriculture Techniques and
presented in Figure 2. distribution of seeds and livestock. The programme also enhanced
the Saving and Internal Lending Communities Groups approach as a
way of promoting financial literacy and economic growth to tackle
2.2 | Description of the intervention financial problems that prevent women and children from attaining
better nutritional outcomes. In addition, the intervention extended to
The integrated nutrition intervention package refers to one compo- roll‐out WASH activities through the Community‐Based Environ-
nent of nutrition‐specific intervention, which is nutrition education and mental Health Promotion Programme approach adopted by the
counselling and three nutrition‐sensitive components, which are promo- Government of Rwanda and fostering the integration of WASH and
tion of agricultural productivity, promotion of financial literacy and nutrition to improve sanitation, latrines and handwashing facilities.

FIGURE 2 Recruitment flow chart

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2.3 | Data collection and measures and HIV status. Model adequacy was checked using the Hosmer–Le-
meshow goodness‐of‐fit test (p = 0.127), which indicates that the
Data collectors were trained on the objectives, the relevance of the fitted model was adequate. Results were statistically significant at
study, confidentiality of information, respondent's rights, informed p value <0.05. The data were analysed with help of Statistical
consent, techniques of the face‐to‐face interviews and anthropometric Package for Social Sciences Version 25.0 IBM New York.
measurements. The interviews were conducted in a private place to
ensure the confidentiality and privacy of the participants. Validation and
verification of data were done at the end of each day of data collection. 2.5 | Ethical considerations
Supervisors checked completed questionnaires or checklists daily and
signed off each time they supervised the enumerators. Approval to conduct the study was sought and obtained from the
The data were collected using a structured questionnaire adopted Institutional Review Board of the University of Rwanda College of
from other similar studies (Ghosh et al., 2019). However, it was modified Medicine and Health Sciences. Authorization to go to the field was
to suit the Rwandan context after pretesting it in a district outside the also granted by the Ministry of Health, Rwanda. Written informed
study area. The main component of the questionnaire included maternal consent was sought and obtained from each participant.
sociodemographic characteristics, socioeconomic characteristics and
lifestyle factors, as well as obstetric factors.
Maternal nutritional status was measured using two anthropomet- 3 | RESULTS
ric measurements: MUAC just before delivery and body mass index
(BMI) in the first trimester. A flexible nonelastic tape was used to 3.1 | Sociodemographic characteristics of the
measure the MUAC. It was measured midway between the tip of the women
shoulder and the tip of the elbow of the less functional arm hanging
freely by the woman's side. In addition, antenatal care records were A total of 1097 women coming for delivery were included in the
reviewed to retrieve weight and height during the first trimester to analysis giving a response rate of 96.5% (552 out of 572) for the
estimate the BMI. The weight and height had been measured according intervention group and 95.3% (545 out of 572) for the control group.
to Rwandan Ministry of Health guidelines using the devices available in Table 1 compares the basic demographic characteristics of the
the health facilities. A woman who had low MUAC (<23 cm) during women in the intervention and control groups. There was no
delivery or low BMI (<18.5 kg/m ) in the first trimester or both were significant difference between the intervention and control groups.
categorized as having maternal undernutrition.
Moreover, haemoglobin (Hb) concentration to assess for anaemia
was measured using a portable HEMOCUE B‐Hb photometer using one 3.2 | Socioeconomic factors of the women
drop of capillary blood obtained via a finger prick by trained midwives
and according to Rwandan Ministry of Health guidelines. Based on The distribution of the socioeconomic characteristics is summarized
WHO classification (1989), Hb reading of ≥11 g/dl was considered in Table 2. When comparing the proportions between the interven-
normal and <11 g/dl was anaemic. The severity of anaemia was grouped tion and control groups, there was no significant discrepancy.
into three levels: mild (Hb readings 9–10.9 g/dl), moderate (Hb readings Although the proportions of those having electricity and household
7–8.9 g/dl) and severe anaemia (Hb < 7 g/dl). items were higher among the intervention group, they were not
statistically significant. Similarly, even though owning livestock was
higher among the control group, this difference was not found to be
2.4 | Data analysis statistically significant either.

Descriptive analysis, including counts, proportions and averages, was

used to assess the distribution of the attributes. To assess the 3.3 | Lifestyle and obstetric factors
balance of the explanatory variables and nutritional status between
the intervention and control groups, the χ2 test (comparing The results revealed that 14.7%, 2.6% and 11.7% of the women took
proportion) and independent t test (comparing means) were alcohol, smoked and were exposed to secondary smoke, respectively.
performed. A multivariable logistic regression model was fitted to These lifestyle factors were significantly different between the
identify the association between the integrated nutrition intervention intervention and control groups, where the percentages were more
and maternal undernutrition. All potential confounders with a p value among controls than among the intervention group. Regarding
<0.1 during the comparison between intervention and control groups obstetric factors, 94.4% visited antenatal care services; however,
were considered in a multiple logistic regression using a ‘backward there was no statistically significant variation between the two
conditional' selection procedure. The potential confounders included groups. The prevalence of HIV infection was significantly more
were the main source of fuel/energy for lighting, having household among the intervention group compared with the control group
items, alcohol consumption, smoking, exposure to secondary smoke (5.8% vs. 3.1%; p = 0.032) (Table 3).
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TABLE 1 Sociodemographic characteristics of women

Variables Total, % (n) Intervention, % (n) Control, % (n) χ2value p value

Age (years)

15–19 6.3 (69) 6.9 (38) 5.7 (31) 4.66 0.459

20–24 26.2 (287) 25.9 (143) 26.4 (144)

25–29 27.3 (302) 28.6 (158) 26.4 (144)

30–34 21.3 (234) 22.1 (122) 20.6 (112)

35–39 14.2 (156) 12.9 (71) 15.6 (85)

40+ 4.5 (49) 3.6 (20) 5.3 (29)

Marital status

Married 46.1 (506) 48.8 (267) 43.9 (239) 3.8 0.283

Cohabitating 42.4 (465) 41.7 (230) 43.1 (235)

Single 10.4 (114) 8.9 (49) 11.9 (65)

Divorced or separated 1.1 (12) 1.1 (6) 1.1 (6)


Christian 95.4 (1046) 94.7 (523) 96.0 (523) 1.15 0.563

Muslim 3.7 (41) 4.3 (24) 3.1 (17)

Others 0.9 (10) 0.9 (5) 0.9 (5)

Level of education

None 11.8 (129) 11.4 (63) 12.1 (66) 4.25 0.374

Primary 62.6 (687) 62.9 (347) 62.4 (340)

Secondary 22.6 (248) 23.2 (128) 22.0 (120)

Vocational 1.2 (13) 1.4 (8) 0.9 (5)

Higher education 1.8 (20) 1.1 (6) 2.6 (14)

Spouse's/partner's completed level of education

None 9.5 (92) 8.9 (44) 10.1 (48) 2.5 0.777

Primary 56.1 (545) 56.1 (279) 56.1 (266)

Secondary 25.1 (245) 26.0 (129) 24.5 (116)

Vocational 3.7 (36) 3.2 (16) 4.2 (20)

Higher education 2.8 (27) 2.6 (13) 3.0 (14)

Don't know 2.7 (26) 3.2 (16) 2.1 (10)

Number of household 4.8 [1.76] 4.45 [1.83] 4.52 [1.68] −0.68 0.499b
members [mean, SD]
Total response was 971.
Independent t test was used to compare the total number of household members.

3.4 | Nutritional status of the women moderate anaemia was high in the control group while mild anaemia
was more among the intervention group (p = 0.014).
The overall prevalence of anaemia was 17.0% with a significant Similarly, the average MUAC was significantly higher among the
difference (p < 0.001) observed between the intervention (10.5%) intervention group (26.06 cm) compared with 24.87 cm in the control
and control groups (23.7%). The mean Hb level was 12.38 for both group (p < 0.001). The proportion of MAUC < 23 cm was also
groups and it was significantly (p < 0.001) more among the interven- significantly higher (p < 0.001) in control group (14.5%) than in
tion group (12.65 g/dl) compared with the control group (12.1 g/dl). intervention group (3.4%). Similarly, the proportion of those with
The severity of anaemia was assessed, and the proportion of BMI less than 18.5 kg/m2 in the first trimester was significantly
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TABLE 2 Socioeconomic factors of women

Variables Total, % (n) Intervention, % (n) Control, % (n) χ2value p value


Farming/agriculture 41.8 (459) 39.5 (218) 44.2 (241) 4.59 0.469

Housewife/unemployed 19.0 (208) 19.7 (109) 18.2 (99)

Salaried employee 3.4 (37) 3.6 (20) 3.1 (17)

Self‐employed 10.8 (118) 12.3 (68) 9.2 (50)

Casual wage 23.4 (257) 23.2 (128) 23.7 (129)

Student 1.6 (18) 1.6 (9) 1.7 (9)

Spouse's/partner's employment statusa

Farming/agriculture 40.6 (394) 38.8 (193) 42.4 (201) 9.25 0.100

Salaried employee 8.5 (83) 8.9 (44) 8.2 (39)

Self‐employed 16.8 (163) 19.7 (98) 13.7 (65)

Casual wage 29.6 (287) 28.6 (142) 30.6 (145)

Unemployed 3.8 (37) 3.0 (15) 4.6 (22)

Student 0.7 (7) 1.0 (5) 0.4 (2)

Ownership of a house

Self 46.9 (514) 45.5 (251) 48.3 (263) 4.00 0.165

Rental 49.1 (539) 49.5 (273) 48.8 (266)

Others 4.0 (44) 5.1 (28) 2.9 (16)

Most common cooking fuel

Wood or charcoal 96.4 (1057) 95.3 (526) 97.4 (531) 3.94 0.140

Gas or biogas 2.4 (26) 2.9 (16) 1.8 (10)

Electricity 1.3 (14) 1.8 (10) 0.7 (4)

Main source of fuel or energy for lighting

Electricity 65.2 (715) 68.3 (377) 62.0 (338) 7.42 0.060

Solar 9.4 (103) 9.1 (50) 9.7 (53)

Gas 1.3 (14) 1.6 (9) 0.9 (5)

Others (torch) 24.2 (265) 21.0 (116) 27.3 (149)

Having household items

Yes 83.3 (914) 85.3 (471) 81.3 (443) 3.22 0.073

No 16.7 (183) 14.7 (81) 18.7 (102)

Owning agricultural land

Yes 41.7 (457) 43.3 (239) 40.0 (218) 1.23 0.268

No 58.3 (640) 56.7 (313) 60.0 (327)

Total response = 971.
Household items include radio, TV, telephone—fixed line, mobile phone, car and motorcycle.

lower (p = 0.010) among women in the intervention group (1.8%) no statistically significant difference (p = 0.119) between the two
than among those in the control group (5.5%). The average weight groups.
in the first and third trimesters was also significantly higher After considering MUAC and BMI, the overall prevalence of
among the participants in the intervention group (p < 0.001). maternal undernutrition was 11.4% and this was significantly more
Although the average weight gain between the first and third (p < 0.001) among controls (18.2%) compared with the intervention
trimesters was higher among the intervention group, there was group (4.7%). (Table 4).
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TABLE 3 Lifestyle and obstetric factors

Variables Total, % (on) Intervention, % (n) Control, % (n) χ2value p value

Taking alcohol during pregnancy

Yes 14.7 (161) 12.1 (67) 17.2 (94) 5.719 0.017

No 85.3 (936) 87.9 (485) 82.8 (451)

Smoking during pregnancy

Yes 2.6 (29) 1.1 (6) 4.2 (23) 10.461 0.001

No 97.4 (1068) 98.9 (546) 522 (95.8)

Partner smoking

Yes 11.7 (128) 7.6 (42) 15.8 (86) 17.765 <0.001

No 88.3 (969) 92.4 (510) 84.2 (459)

ANC visit

Yes 94.4 (1036) 94.4 (521) 94.5 (515) 0.006 0.936

No 5.6 (61) 5.6 (31) 5.5 (30)

ANC frequency

1 20.0 (207) 22.6 (118) 17.3 (89) 4.866 0.182

2 16.9 (175) 15.9 (83) 17.9 (92)

3 29.2 (303) 28.8 (150) 29.7 (153)

4+ 33.9 (351) 32.6 (170) 35.1 (181)

HIV status

Negative 95.5 (1048) 94.2 (520) 96.9 (528) 4.608 0.032

Positive 4.5 (49) 5.8 (32) 3.1 (17)

Note: Bolded p value indicate significant association at p < 0.05.

Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal care; HIV, human immunodeficiency virus.

3.5 | Effect of the integrated nutrition intervention Series proposed in 2013 (Bhutta et al., 2013), community‐based
on maternal undernutrition interventions focusing on nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive
interventions can prevent maternal undernutrition. Previously all
The integrated package of nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive studies conducted were on the individual interventions and these
interventions was identified as an independent factor associated with showed varying strength of evidence from weak to moderate.
maternal undernutrition as presented in Table 5. Maternal under- Moreover, only some nutritional programmes have shown their
nutrition was defined as low MUAC (<23 cm) during delivery or low effect on the reduction of undernutrition (Ruel et al., 2013).
BMI (<18.5 kg/m ) in the first trimester or both. After controlling the Combined interventions may have more promising results than single
potential confounders using multivariable logistic regression, mater- interventions. However, there is a lack of robust evidence for assessing
nal undernutrition was 77% times less likely to occur among pregnant the effect of combined nutrition‐sensitive and nutrition‐specific interven-
women in the intervention group compared with those in the control tions. This study, to our knowledge, is the first quasi‐experimental
group (adjusted odds ratio [aOR] = 0.23; 95% confidence interval comparative study on the effect of combined nutrition‐specific and
[CI] = 0.15–0.36; p < 0.001). nutrition‐sensitive interventions on maternal nutritional status.
According to this study, it was found that integrated nutrition‐
specific and nutrition‐sensitive interventions were associated with
4 | DISC US SION lower maternal undernutrition during pregnancy. This is parallel with
the current literature and evidence that supports the notion that
Despite the primary limitation of this study, which was the lack of integrated nutrition‐sensitive and nutrition‐specific intervention
baseline data on maternal nutritional status, it however contributes programmes produce a superior effect on nutritional outcomes
to the scarce literature on the effect of combined nutrition‐specific compared with either nutrition‐sensitive or nutrition‐specific inter-
and nutrition‐sensitive intervention programmes in reducing maternal ventions alone (Abdullahi et al., 2021). It also supports the 2008,
undernutrition. Constructing on Lancet Maternal and Child Nutrition 2013 and 2021 Lancet Series regarding the proposed impact of
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TABLE 4 Nutritional status of the women

Variables Total, % (n) Intervention, % (n) Control, % (n) χ2values p value

Anaemia status

Anaemic (Hb < 11 g/dl) 17.0 (187) 10.5 (58) 23.7 (129) 33.6 <0.001

Normal (Hb ≥ 11 g/dl) 83.0 (910) 89.5 (494) 76.3 (416)

Hb concentration [mean, SD] 12.38 [1.39] 12.65 [1.24] 12.10 [1.48] 6.71 <0.001a

Severity of anaemia (n = 187)

Mild (Hb = 9–10.9 g/dl) 90.4 (169) 98.3 (57) 86.8 (112) 6.03 0.014

Moderate (Hb = 7–8.9 g/dl) 9.6 (18) 1.7 (1) 13.2 (17)

Acute wasting status

Wasting (MUAC < 23 cm) 8.9 (98) 3.4 (19) 14.5 (79) 41.18 <0.001

Normal (MUAC ≥ 23 cm) 91.1 (999) 96.6 (533) 85.5 (466)

MUAC [mean, SD] 25.47 [2.52] 26.06 [2.46] 24.87 [2.45] 8.05 <0.001a

Underweight status in the first trimesterb

Underweight (BMI < 18.5 kg/m2) 3.8 (32) 1.8 (7) 5.5 (25) 9.12 0.01

Normal (BMI ≥ 18.5 kg/m ) 2

76.3 (646) 76.2 (297) 76.4 (349)
Overweight/obese (BMI > 25.0 kg/m ) 20.0 (169) 22.1 (86) 18.2 (83)

BMI [mean, SD] 23.06 [2.89] 23.46 [2.97] 22.73 [2.78] 3.71 <0.001a

Estimated average weight gain

Estimated average weight in the first 60.09 [8.83] 61.86 [9.14] 58.57 [7.67] 5.64 <0.001a
trimester [SD]b

Estimated average weight in the third 64.86 [8.78] 66.74 [9.52] 63.26 [7.76] 5.86 <0.001a
trimester [SD]c

Estimated average weight gain between 4.76 [2.02] 4.88 [2.17] 4.66 [1.88] 1.56 0.119a
third and first trimester [SD]d

Overall maternal undernutrition

Undernourishede 11.4 (125) 4.7 (26) 18.2 (99) 49.17 <0.001

Normal 88.6 (972) 95.3 (526) 81.8 (446)

Note: Bolded p value indicate significant association at p < 0.05.

Abbreviations: ANC, antenatal care; BMI, body mass index; Hb, haemoglobin; MUAC, mid‐upper arm circumference; SD, standard deviation.
Mean was compared using independent t test.
Overall total = 847; intervention = 390; control = 457.
Overall total = 849; intervention = 389; control = 460.
Overall total = 843; intervention = 389; control = 454; the weight gain is an estimate between any time within third trimester and first trimester, which
are retrieved from ANC records.
Maternal undernutrition was assessed using low MUAC (<23 cm) during delivery or low BMI (<18.5 kg/m2) in first trimester or both.

TABLE 5 Effect of the intervention on maternal malnutrition

Maternal undernutritiona, % Unadjusted Adjustedb
Group (95% CI) OR (95% CI) p value OR (95% CI) p value

Control 18.2 (15.02–21.66) 1.00 1.00

Intervention 4.7 (3.10–6.83) 0.22 (0.14–0.35) <0.001 0.23 (0.15–0.36) <0.001

Abbreviations: CI, confidence interval; OR, odds ratio.

Maternal undernutrition was defined as low MUAC (<23 cm) during delivery or low BMI (<18.5 kg/m2) in the first trimester or both.
The odds ratio is adjusted with fuel/energy for lighting, having household items, alcohol consumption, smoking, exposure to secondary smoke and HIV status.
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10 of 12 | HABTU ET AL.

evidence‐based interventions in reducing maternal undernutrition nutrition‐specific interventions (Ruel et al., 2013). Hence, the combined
(Bhutta et al., 2008, 2013; Keats et al., 2021). package with both nutrition‐specific and nutrition‐sensitive interven-
However, as aforementioned, it is quite difficult to compare and tions has more promising results than single interventions.
contrast other studies with our findings because of the differences in The strengths of the present study include the use of robust
the components used in the intervention package. This study used evaluation design (well‐designed post quasi‐experiment), well‐powered
combined interventions, whereas most of the past studies conducted sample size and long duration impact of programme evaluation (5 years).
used individual interventions, such as only agriculture sensitive However, attention should be given to some limitations. One of the
intervention or economic promotion or nutrition education or WASH limitations of our study is the use of only end‐line postprogramme
and sometimes these interventions were with or without nutrition evaluation, which limits the appreciation of the trend of nutritional
education. In addition, these single interventions showed varying indicators during pregnancy. Another limitation was the lack of
evidence from none to moderate or high (Dangour et al., 2013; randomization to minimize bias. However, including a control group
Demilew et al., 2020; Headey, 2012; Kadiyala et al., 2021; Michaux and recruiting those women in the intervention before they became
et al., 2019; Olney et al., 2016; Osei et al., 2017; Ruel et al., 2013; pregnant could have reduced bias. Furthermore, when checked, the
Sharma et al., 2021). basic characteristics of the two groups were similar, hence the
One of the main reasons for single interventions producing a weak possibility that the observed differences in outcomes could be due to
impact in reducing undernutrition is that the underlying determinants of the combined intervention.
undernutrition are not adequately addressed. It was indicated that, for
example, promoting agricultural productivity/intervention and inte-
grated multiple interventions can address both immediate and under- 5 | CONCLUSION
lying determinants of undernutrition (Ruel et al., 2018); these multiple
sectors may include nutrition education and counselling, social safety Our study showed that the integrated nutrition‐specific and
nets and WASH. Another reason could be the short period of nutrition‐sensitive interventions, including nutrition counselling and
implementing intervention programmes, which may fail to address the education, promotion of financial literacy/economic resilience,
underlying causes of undernutrition (Ruel et al., 2018). promotion of agricultural interventions.productivity and improved
However, our study addressed these gaps. The nutrition‐specific access to WASH activities can reduce maternal malnutrition, such
intervention of nutritional education and counselling led to improved as anaemia and undernutrition. There is therefore a good case for
dietary diversity, thus addressing the immediate causes of maternal possible scale‐up of the combined nutrition‐sensitive and
undernutrition. The nutrition‐sensitive intervention in the package, nutrition‐specific interventions country‐wide to address under-
which included promotion of agricultural productivity, promotion of nutrition among pregnant women. Of note, however, is that our
financial literacy and economic growth and improved access to WASH study only considered end‐line evaluation of nutritional status and
activities, led to improved food security and better hygiene/sanitation, therefore recommends studies that consider both baseline and
thus addressing the underlying causes of maternal undernutrition. end‐line assessment and randomization to further inform the
Therefore, the possible explanation for the greater reduction of scale‐up of the interventions.
undernutrition among pregnant women in this study could be the
combined interventions that worked in synergy. Further, there is A UT H O R C O N T R I B U TI O NS
evidence that gender‐sensitive interventions have a positive Michael Habtu: Conceptualized, designed and carried out the
impact on empowering women (Kumar et al., 2018). This empower- research, as well as analysed and wrote the manuscript. Cyprien
ment may promote decision making, gender equality, social capital, Munyanshongore, Maryse Umugwaneza, Alemayehu Gebremariam
communication with partners and access to resources, which further Agena and Monica Monchama: Discussed and provided critical
improves the nutritional status of women. Another plausible comments on the paper. All authors have read and approved the
explanation of the observed end‐line differences could be that the manuscript for publication.
women might have been nutritionally different at baseline and those
differences could have persisted throughout pregnancy. ACKNOWL EDGEM ENTS
Though nutrition‐specific interventions can have a great impact on The authors would like to thank the Rwanda Ministry of Health for
minimizing undernutrition, alone they may not eradicate malnutrition. allowing us to conduct the study. We also thank all research
However, if it is combined with nutrition‐sensitive interventions, there assistants and respondents for their time and data collection.
could be a huge impact on the elimination of undernutrition (Abdullahi
et al., 2021). The nutrition‐sensitive interventions, which address the CONFLIC TS OF I NTERES T
underlying causes of malnutrition are believed to reduce malnutrition The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
by 80%, while the direct malnutrition interventions address only 20%
even if scaled up to 90% coverage rates (IFPRI, 2016). Moreover, DATA AVAILABILITY STATEMENT
nutrition‐sensitive interventions hold great promise for improving The study data sets are available from the corresponding author on
nutritional outcomes and enhancing the coverage and effectiveness of request.
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