CBLM Tourman Core 2

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Qualification Title: TRAVEL SERVICE NC II



E.J. Blanco Drive Ext., Daro, Dumaguete City
Negros Oriental, 6200

Data Gathering Instrument for Trainee’s Characteristics

Please answer the following instrument according to the characteristics described
below. Encircle the letter of your choice that best describes you as a learner. Blank spaces
are provided for some data that need your response.
Characteristics of Learners

Language, literacy Average grade in Average grade in

and numeracy
English: Math:
a. 95 and above a. 95 and above
b. 90 to 94 b. 90 to 94
c. 85 to 89 c. 85 to 89
d. 80 to 84 d. 80 to 84
a. 75 to 79 e. 75 to 79
Cultural and Ethnicity/Culture:
language a. Cebuano
background b. Igorot
c. Ibanag
d. Gaddang
e. Muslim
Date Developed: Document No.
April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
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College, Inc. Page 1 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Characteristics of Learners

f. Ibaloy
g. Others (please specify) _____________
Education & Highest Educational Attainment:
general knowledge a. High School Level
b. High School Graduate
c. College Level
d. College Graduate
e. With units in Masteral level
f. Masteral Graduate
g. With units in Doctoral Level
h. Doctoral Graduate

Sex a. Male
b. female
Age Your age: ________
Physical ability 1. Disabilities (if any) _____________________
2. Existing Health Conditions (Existing illness if any)
a. None
b. Asthma
c. Heart disease
d. Anemia
e. Hypertension
f. Diabetes
g. Others (please specify) ___________________

Previous a. Assistant Baker

experience with Number of years as assistant baker: 2 years
the topic

Previous learning List down relevant trainings:

experience None

Learning styles a. Visual - The visual learner takes mental pictures of

information given, so in order for this kind of learner
to retain information, oral or written, presentations of
new information must contain diagrams and
drawings, preferably in color. The visual learner
cannot concentrate with a lot of activity around him
and will focus better and learn faster in a quiet study
b. Kinesthetic - described as the students in the
classroom, who have problems sitting still and who
often bounce their legs while tapping their fingers on
the desks. They are often referred to as hyperactive
students with concentration issues.
c. Auditory - a learner who has the ability to remember
speeches and lectures in detail but has a hard time
with written text. Having to read long texts is
Date Developed: Document No.
April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
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College, Inc. Page 2 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Characteristics of Learners

pointless and will not be retained by the auditory

learner unless it is read aloud.
d. Activist - Learns by having a go.
e. Reflector - Learns most from activities where they can
watch, listen and then review what has happened.
f. Theorist - Learns most when ideas are linked to
existing theories and concepts.
g. Pragmatist - Learns most from learning activities that
are directly relevant to their situation.
Other needs a. Financially challenged
b. Working student
c. Solo parent
d. Others (please specify) ___________________________


INSTRUCTIONS: This Self-Check Instrument will give the trainer data or information
which is essential in planning training sessions. Please check the
appropriate box of your answer to the questions below.
1.Participate in workplace communication
1.1 Obtain and convey workplace information
1.2 Complete relevant work-related documents
1.3 Participate in workplace meeting and discussion
2. Work in a team environment
2.1 Describe and identify team role and responsibility in a team
2.2 Describe work as a team member
3.Practice career professionalism
3.1 Integrate personal objectives with organizational goals

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Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
3.2 Set and meet work priorities

3.3 Maintain professional growth and development

4.Practice occupational health and safety

4.1 Evaluate hazard and risks

4.2 Control hazards and risks

4.3 Maintain occupational health and safety awareness

1. Develop and update industry knowledge
1.1 Seek information on the industry

1.2 Update industry knowledge

2. Observe workplace hygiene procedures
2.1 Follow hygiene
2.2 Identify and prevent hygiene risks
3. Perform computer operations

3.1 Identify and explain the functions, general features and

capabilities of both hardware and software
3.2 Prepare and use appropriate hardware and software according
to task requirement
3.3 Use appropriate devices and procedures to transfer files/data

3.4 Produce accurate and complete data according to the

3.5 Maintain computer system
4. Perform workplace and safety practices
4.1 Practice workplace safety, security and hygiene systems,
processes and operations
4.2 Respond appropriately to faults, problems and
emergency situations in line with enterprise guidelines
4.3 Maintain safe personal presentation standards
5. Provide effective customer service
5.1 Apply effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to
respond to customer needs
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College, Inc. Page 4 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo

5.2 Provide prompt and quality service to customer

5.3 Handle queries promptly and correctly in line with enterprise
5.4 Handle customer complaints, evaluation and

1.1 Administer client file and identify booking requirements
1.2 Request services
1.3 Record request and confirmation
1.4 Update and finalize bookings

2.1 Prepare and assist client’s passport application

2.2 Assist client in securing visa and/or permits for country of
destination and transit points, as applicable
2.3 Assist client’s in securing immigration clearance application for
travel abroad
2.4 Provide assistance in securing additional requirements for travel
3.1 Gather the necessary information and other travel related data
3.2 Perform sales and service tasks
3.3 Issue tickets, Multi Purpose Documents

3.4 Network for latest fare and staff information

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College, Inc. Page 5 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Sector : Tourism
Qualification Title : TRAVEL SERVICES NC II
Learning Outcomes:
LO1. Prepare and assist client’s passport application
LO2. Assist client in securing visa and/or permits for country of destination and transit points, as applicable
LO3. Assist client’s in securing immigration clearance application for travel abroad
LO4. Provide assistance in securing additional requirements for travel

A. INTRODUCTION - This unit deals with the skills and knowledge required to assist clients in preparation of travel documents ie passport, visa,
immigration papers in preparation for travel abroad.
LO 1: Prepare and assist client’s passport application
Learning Content Methods Presentation Practice Feedback Resources Time

 Demonstration  CBLM
2.1 Prepare and assist Read information sheet Answer self-check 2.1-1 Compare answer sheet with the 6
client’s passport  Discussion 2.1-1 answer key 2.1-1  Module hours
Prepare and assist  Internet
application  Lectures
Prepare and assist client’s passport Prepare and assist client’s
client’s passport application passport application
Industry Training
LO 2: Assist client in securing visa and/or destination and transit points, as applicable
2.2 Assist client in  Demonstration Read information sheet Answer self-check 2.2-1 compare answer sheet with the  CBLM
securing visa and/or  Discussion 2.2-1 answer key 2.2-1  Module
Assist client in securing 6
permits for country of  Internet
 Lectures Assist client in visa and/or permits for Assist client in securing visa hours
destination and transit
Supervised securing visa and/or country of destination and/or permits for country of
points, as applicable
Industry Training permits for country of and transit points, as destination and transit points, as
destination and transit
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April 2022 Issued by:
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Page 6 of 42
Create Travel Related Reservation Developed by:
and Transactions Lenie Z. Yangyang, Gladys
Ozoa and Quennie Gayo Revision # 00
(SIT) points, as applicable applicable applicable
LO 3: Assist clients in securing immigration clearance application for travel abroad
2.3 Assist client’s in  Demonstration Read information sheet Answer self-check 2.3-1 Compare answer sheet with the  CBLM
securing immigration  Discussion 2.3-1 answer key 2.3-1  Module
Assist client’s in 6
clearance application  Internet
 Lectures Assist client’s in securing immigration Assist client’s in securing hours
for travel abroad
Supervised securing immigration clearance application immigration clearance application
Industry Training clearance application for travel abroad fro travel abroad
(SIT) for travel abroad
LO4: Provide assistance in securing additional requirements for travel
2.4 Provide assistance  Demonstration Read information sheet Answer self-check 2.4-1 Compare answer sheet with the  CBLM
in securing additional  Discussion 2.4-1 answer key 2.4-1  Module
Provide assistance in 6
requirements for travel  Internet
 Lectures Provide assistance in securing additional Provide assistance in securing hours
Supervised securing additional requirements for travel additional requirements for travel
Industry Training requirements for travel
 Written Test
 Performance Test
 Oral Questioning
Prepared by: Lenie Z. Yangyang, Gladys Ozoa and Quennie Gayo

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April 2022 Issued by:
Travel Services NC II Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete College, Inc.
Page 7 of 42
Create Travel Related Reservation Developed by:
and Transactions Lenie Z. Yangyang, Gladys
Ozoa and Quennie Gayo Revision # 00


The core unit of competency, "Provide assistance in travel documentation

preparation", is one of the competencies of Travel Services NC II, a course which
comprises the knowledge, skills and attitudes required for a TVET trainee to possess.

The module, providing assistance in travel documentation preparation,

contains training materials and activities related to preparing Commentary and Itinerary.

In this module, you are required to go through a series of learning activities in order
to complete each learning outcome. In each learning outcome are Information Sheets, Task
Sheets, Job Sheets and Operation Sheets. Follow and perform the activities on your own. If
you have questions, do not hesitate to ask for assistance from your facilitator.

The goal of this module is to develop your practical skills. You must learn the basic
concept and terminologies to gain these skills. For most part, you will get this information
from the Information Sheets.

This module will be your source of information as you acquire knowledge and skills
in this particular competency independently and at your own pace with minimum
supervision or help from your trainer.

You will be given opportunities to ask questions and practice on the job. Make sure
you apply your new skills during regular work shift. This way you will improve both your
speed and memory as well as your confidence.


 Read Information Sheet, Perform Task Sheet, Job Sheet or Operation Sheet until you are
confident that your outputs conform to the Self-Check (Answer Key) and Performance
Criteria Checklist. Suggested references are included to supplement the materials
provided in this module.

 When you feel confident that you have had sufficient practice to achieve competency,
perform and submit output of the Task Sheet, Job Sheet or Operation Sheet to your
facilitator for evaluation and recording in the Accomplishment Chart. Output shall
serve as your portfolio during the Institutional Competency Assessment. When you feel
confident that you have had sufficient practice, ask your trainer to evaluate you. The
results of your institutional assessment will be recorded in your Progress Chart.

You must pass the Institutional Competency Assessment for this competency before
moving to another competency. A Certificate of Achievement will be awarded to you after
passing the evaluation.

You need to complete this module before you can perform the module on
Date Developed: Document No.
April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
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College, Inc. Page 8 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Information Sheet 2.1.1 Prepare and assist client’s passport application

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to
1. Identify requirements and process for passport application,
2. Provide assistance in renewal and getting a new passport.

This unit covers the knowledge and skills needed to communicate effectively in English
while conducting a customer service delivery process.

Part of the travel services provided by a travel agency is assistance and advice for its clients
in acquisition and processing of travel documents. Documents required for leaving the
country of origin and documents required for entry to, and exit from the country of

A Philippine passport is a travel document and is a Primary National ID issued to citizens of

the Philippines. It is issued by the Department of Foreign Affairs and Philippine diplomatic
missions abroad, with certain exceptions.

Under Republic Act No. 8239, also known as the “Philippine Passport Act of 1996,” a
Philippine passport is a document issued by the Philippine government to its citizens
requesting other governments to allow its citizens to pass freely, and in case of need to give
them lawful aid and protection.

How to get a Passport in the Philippines?

A passport is like a ticket for you to travel around the world. It is the most important
document you’ll need if you are planning to study, work, or travel overseas. It is also a
powerful identification card that you can use in transactions with government and private
In the Philippines, getting or renewing a passport through the Department of Foreign Affairs
(DFA) can be tricky. DFA passport appointment slots are limited. Securing an appointment
now feels like winning the lottery due to the shortage of slots in the online scheduling
system. This have become much more difficult during the pandemic. Because the DFA is
limiting the number of applicants that can be physically accommodated, there have been
backlogs, which in turn has delayed appointments and schedules.

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College, Inc. Page 9 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Types of Passport

1. Regular (maroon)
A regular passport is issued to any citizen of the Philippines applying for a Philippine
passport. It is the most common type of passport issued and is used for all travel by
Philippine citizens and non-official travel by Philippine government officials.

2. Official (red)
An official passport is issued to members of the Philippine government for use on official
business, as well as employees of Philippine diplomatic posts abroad who are not members
of the diplomatic service. It is the second of two passports issued to the President and the
Presidential family. As such, this passport does not extend the privilege of diplomatic
immunity. Government officials are prohibited from using official passports for non-official
business, and as such also have regular passports.

3. Diplomatic (blue)
A diplomatic passport is issued to members of the Philippine diplomatic service, members of
the cabinet, service attachés of other government agencies assigned to Philippine diplomatic
posts abroad and Philippine delegates to international and regional organizations. It is the
first of two passports issued to the President of the Philippines and the Presidential family.
This passport has a dark blue cover and extends the privilege of diplomatic immunity to the

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College, Inc. Page 10 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Steps in getting a Philippine Passport:

1. Make a DFA Passport Appointment online.

All Philippine passport applicants—whether for new application or renewal—must book an
appointment with the DFA before going to one of its locations.

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College, Inc. Page 11 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
1. Start an individual or group appointment
2. Choose a DFA consular office for your passport application or renewal
3. Select your preferred date and time
4. Fill out the online passport application form
5. Pick your preferred passport processing type (regular/expedited processing)
6. Upon submitting the online form, the DFA will email a reference number for paying your
passport processing fee.

2. Pay the passport processing fee.

 7-Eleven
 Bayad Center
 ECPay
 PeraHub
 Robinsons Business Centers and Department Stores
 USCC (Western Union)
 Waltermart Department Store
 Villarica Pawnshop

Passport Fee:
PHP 950 for regular processing or PHP 1,200 for expedited processing + PHP 50
convenience fee per transaction.

3. Documentary requirements

It is really important that the information and documentary requirements are complete,
appropriate and correct. Applicants with incomplete requirements are automatically
rejected, so better to keep a checklist of the following DFA passport requirements.

A. Valid ID (original and photocopy)

Prepare at least 2 from the following:

 UMID card
 Voter’s ID (or Voter’s Certificate issued by the COMELEC)
 Driver’s License (LTO Student Permit may be accepted if it’s in card format.)
 Senior Citizen ID
 School ID (for students and fresh graduates)
 OWWA card
 PNP Firearms License
 Airman License (issued August 2016 onwards)
 Residence Card or any other ID that warrants your Philippine citizenship (for OFWs
or Filipinos based in other countries)
 For minor applicants: School ID or Certificate of Enrolment bearing the applicant’s
photo and the school’s dry seal

B. Birth Certificate (original and photocopy)

Secure an original copy of your birth certificate authenticated by the Philippine Statistics
Authority (PSA). You can conveniently order one online and have it delivered to your home
or office address.
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College, Inc. Page 12 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
You can also present a Certified True Copy (CTC) of your birth certificate issued by the
Local Civil Registrar and duly authenticated by the PSA.

4. Your DFA Passport Appointment Schedule

Arrive at your assigned DFA site 30 minutes before your appointment schedule, as
latecomers and those coming in too early aren’t accommodated. Also, observe the proper
dress code. Individuals wearing sandos, spaghetti straps, shorts, tubes, sandals, or slippers
may not continue their appointment.

Other reminders on your day of DFA passport appointment:

 Don’t wear earrings and contact lenses. They’re not allowed during data capture.
 The DFA strictly imposes the “No Escort” policy (unless the applicant is a senior
citizen or PWD). Escorts will be kept from entering the DFA consular premises.

DFA Passport Application/Renewal Steps

 Present your DFA passport appointment packet and requirements to the Application
Counter. You will then receive a queue number.
 Wait for your number to be called. Proceed to the Processing Area and present your
 Have your photo and biometrics taken at the Encoding Section.
 If you prefer to have the passport delivered to your home or office, go to the Delivery
Counter and pay an additional fee of PHP 150.

When you’re done with all the passport application or renewal steps, you’ll be issued a stub
or receipt that indicates your passport’s tentative release date.

5. Claim for Passport or wait for delivery

Don’t delay claiming your passport. The DFA cancels unclaimed passports after six months.
If you chose to have your passport delivered, be sure someone is at home to receive it.
Once you get your new passport, check if all details in it are correct and then put your
signature on the third page.

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College, Inc. Page 13 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Self- Sheet 2.1.1

(Type of Test): Modified True or False

Directions: Read the following statements about communication. Tell whether the statement
is true or false. Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Otherwise, rewrite the statement to
correct it.
__________1. A Diplomatic passport is issued to any citizen of the Philippines applying for a
Philippine passport.
__________2. A regular passport is issued to members of the Philippine government for use
on official business, as well as employees of Philippine diplomatic posts abroad who are not
members of the diplomatic service.
__________3. An Official passport is issued to members of the Philippine diplomatic service,
members of the cabinet, service attachés of other government agencies assigned to
Philippine diplomatic posts abroad and Philippine delegates to international and regional
__________4. All Philippine passport applicants—whether for new application or renewal—
must book an appointment with the BIR before going to one of its locations.
__________5. It is really important that the information and documentary requirements are
complete, appropriate and correct.
__________6. Under Republic Act No. 8239, also known as the “Philippine Passport Act of
1996,” a Philippine passport is a document issued by the Philippine government to its
citizens requesting other governments to allow its citizens to pass freely, and in case of need
to give them lawful aid and protection.
__________7. Passport fees are PHP 950 for regular processing or PHP 1,200 for expedited
processing + PHP 50 convenience fee per transaction.
__________8. Don’t wear earrings and contact lenses. They’re not allowed during data
__________9. In accordance with Department Order No. 010-2017 or the Implementing
Rules and Regulations (IRR) of Republic Act No. 10928 (2017), the Philippine passport has a
ten-year validity period, for those issued to Filipinos 18 years or older.
__________10. One of the documentary requirements of passport application is a photocopy
and original copy of your Birth Certificate.

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College, Inc. Page 14 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Information Sheet 2.2.1 Assist client in securing visa and/or permits for country of
destination and transit points, as applicable

Learning Objectives:
After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to
1. Identify requirements and process for visa application,
2. Provide assistance in obtaining a visa.

What is a Visa?

A visa (from the Latin charta visa, meaning "paper that has to be seen") is a conditional
authorization granted by a territory to a foreigner, allowing them to enter, remain within, or
to leave that territory. Visas typically may include limits on the duration of the foreigner's
stay, areas within the country they may enter, the dates they may enter, the number of
permitted visits or an individual's right to work in the country in question. Visas are
associated with the request for permission to enter a territory and thus are, in most
countries, distinct from actual formal permission for an alien to enter and remain in the
country. In each instance, a visa is subject to entry permission by an immigration official at
the time of actual entry, and can be revoked at any time. Visa evidence most commonly
takes the form of a sticker endorsed in the applicant's passport or other travel document
but may also exist electronically. Some countries no longer issue physical visa evidence,
instead recording details only in immigration databases.

A visa is a conditional authorization granted by a country to a noncitizen to enter and

temporarily remain within that country. Visas typically include limits on the duration of the
noncitizen's stay, territory within the country they may enter, the dates they may enter, or
the number of permitted visits.

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College, Inc. Page 15 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Date Developed: Document No.
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College, Inc. Page 16 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
 Transit visa, for passing through the country to a destination outside that country.
Validity of transit visas are usually limited by short terms such as several hours to
10 days depending on the size of the country and/or the circumstances of a
particular transit itinerary.
 Airside transit visa, required by some countries for passing through their airports
even without going through passport control.
 Crew member, steward or driver visa, issued to persons employed or trained on
aircraft, vessels, trains, trucks, buses and any other means of international
transportation, or ships fishing in international waters.
 Short-stay or visitor visa, for short visits to the host country. Many countries
differentiate between different reasons for these visits.
 Private visa, for private visits by invitation of residents of the country.
 Tourist visa, for a limited period of leisure travel, no business activities allowed.
 Visa for medical reasons, for undertaking diagnostics or a course of treatment in the
host country's hospitals.
 Business visa, for engaging in commerce in the country. These visas generally
preclude permanent employment, for which a work visa would be required.
 Official visa is granted to officials doing job for their governments or otherwise
representing their countries in the host country, such as the personnel of diplomatic
 Diplomatic visa is normally only available to bearers of diplomatic passports.

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College, Inc. Page 17 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Date Developed: Document No.
April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
Travel Services NC II
College, Inc. Page 18 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Date Developed: Document No.
April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
Travel Services NC II
College, Inc. Page 19 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Date Developed: Document No.
April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
Travel Services NC II
College, Inc. Page 20 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Date Developed: Document No.
April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
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College, Inc. Page 21 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo

A Philippine Visa is an endorsement made on a travel document by a consular officer at a

Philippine Embassy or Consulate abroad denoting that the visa application has been
properly examined and that the bearer is permitted to proceed to the Philippines and
request permission from the Philippine Immigration authorities at the ports of entries to
enter the country. The visa thus issued is not a guarantee that the holder will be
automatically admitted into the country, because the admission of foreign nationals into the
Philippines is a function of the immigration authorities at the port of entry.


A "foreign tourist" is defined as a person without distinction as to race, gender, language or

religion, who is proceeding o the Philippines for a legitimate, nonimmigrant purpose such
as sightseeing, sports, health, family reasons, training or study (excluding enrollment in
schools for the purpose of obtaining a title or degree), religious pilgrimage, business,
cultural and scientific purposes.



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April 2022 Issued by:
Date Revised: Metro Dumaguete
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College, Inc. Page 22 of 42
Developed by:
Create Travel Lenie Z.
Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Application for a temporary visitor's visa must be made in person. In the case of a minor
under eighteen (18) years of age, the application may be made for him by a person who, in
the opinion of the consular officer, is responsible for his/her welfare. The minor, not an
infant in arms, shall be required to appear at the Consulate for interview, together with the
person making the application for him/her.
Applicants for temporary visitor's visa should normally apply at the Philippine Embassy or
Consulate that has jurisdiction over their place of residence. While some visa applicants
may apply at any Philippine Embassy or Consulate abroad, others are only allowed to apply
his/her visa at the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in his country of origin or legal

The following are the minimum requirements for applying a temporary visitor's visa:
1. Passport/Travel Document Valid for at least six (6) months beyond the intended
period of stay in the Philippines;
2. Duly Accomplished Visa application forms;
3. Passport Photos (2 pieces);
4. Proof of bona fide status as tourist or businessman;
5. Confirmed tickets for return or onward journey to the next port of destination; and
6. Payment of Visa Fees


• Minor children below 15 yrs. old traveling to the Philippines Unaccompanied by or

not joining a Parent in the Philippines

A Waiver of Exclusion Ground (WEG) Under Section 29(a)(12) of the Philippine Immigration
Act of 1940, as amended is required for children below 15 yrs. old who are traveling to the
Philippines unaccompanied by or not joining his/her parent/s to the Philippines.

The WEG Order will be issued by the Bureau of Immigration (BI) at the port of entry upon
submission by the WEG applicant of the following requirements:

1. Affidavit of consent by either parent or legally appointed guardian of the child, naming
therein the person who will be accompanying the child to the Philippines and with whom
the child will stay while in the country. The said Affidavit must be duly notarized by a local
notary public or the consular officer at the Philippine Embassy or Consulate in the
applicant's country or residence;
2. Clear photocopy of the data page of the child's passport;
3. Clear photocopy of the data page of the passport of the accompanying adult or guardian;
4. Payment of immigration fees (currently, P3,120 per child).

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• Foreign Nationals on Board Privately-Owned Yachts or Sailboats

A temporary visitor's visa is required for foreign nationals who are traveling to the
Philippines on board privately-owned yachts and sailboats. When applying the visa, the
applicants will be required to provide the following particulars of the yacht/sailboat and its

1. Crew list;
2. Nationality/Citizenship;
3. Passport details of the crew;
4. Vessel to be used for entry: type, name, registration, call sign, and other particulars;
5. Estimated date of entry into the Philippine territory;
6. Port/Area of entry (Philippine waters);
7. Estimated period of stay in the Philippines;
8. Character reference/shipping agent in the Philippines (if any); and
9. Purpose of visit

Upon entry into the Philippines, the crew of the yacht and sailboats are required to register
immediately with the nearest Coast Guard Station and submit the yacht/sailboats to
Customs, Immigration and Quarantine inspections.

• Foreign Newsmen, Journalists and Cinema/Television Groups

Foreign newsmen and journalists visiting the Philippines in pursuit of their profession are
required to apply for a temporary visitor's visa. The following are additional requirements
for visa application of foreign newsmen, journalist, and cinema /television groups:

1. Curriculum vitae of newsmen/journalists;

2. Shortlist of work credits;
3. Copy of one (1) sample article written by the applicant;
4. Background of media organization, including target market/audience, circulation,
format; and
5. Administrative arrangements for the work in the Philippines, as follows:
a. List of members of the reportorial team, nationality and passport details;
b. Planned itinerary and activities, with storyline for any films to be made;
c. List of equipment to be brought by each team member, with certification from the
media organization that said equipment will be re-exported at the end of the trip to the
d. Flight details (arrival and departure); and

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e. For each team member, one (1) photograph, sixe 1"x1", to be submitted to the
International Press Center (IPC) for the issuance of accreditation card.

Upon arrival in the Philippines, the newsmen/journalists will have to report to the IPC for

• Foreign Nationals who wish to take up a short-term non-degree course

Foreign students who wish to take up a short-term non-degree course like language and
computer courses must apply for a temporary visitor's visa. Upon arrival in the Philippines
and acceptance by the school/institution authorized by the Bureau of Immigration to
accept foreign students, he/she should apply for a Special Study Permit at the Bureau's
Student Desk, together with the following documents:

1. Letter request;
2. Certificate of Acceptance from the school accredited by the Bureau of Immigration to
accept foreign students;
3. Photocopy of passport reflecting the applicant's authorized period of stay;
4. Affidavit of Support and Proof of Financial Capacity; and
5. Birth Certificate.


In case of a temporary visitor's visa holder whose stay in the Philippines will exceed the
authorized period of stay, he/she will have to report to the Bureau of Immigration, secure
an extension of stay and pay the corresponding immigration fees.

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Self- Sheet 2.2.1

Type of Test: Matching Type

Directions: Match the barriers to communication listed in Column A with their definitions
in Column B.
A B.

1. Transit visa a. For passing through the country to a

2. Crew member destination outside that country.
b. For short visits to the host country. Many
3. Short-stay or visitor
countries differentiate between different reasons
for these visits.
4. Private visa c. For private visits by invitation of residents of
5. Tourist visa the country.
6. Business visa d. For a limited period of leisure travel, no
business activities allowed.
e. For engaging in commerce in the country.
These visas generally preclude permanent
employment, for which a work visa would be

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Information Sheet 2.3.1 Assist client’s in securing immigration clearance application
for travel abroad

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to

1. Identify requirements and process for processing an immigration clearance for travel
2. Provide assistance in immigration clearance application for travel abroad.

What is an Emigration Clearance Certificate?

Certificate (ECC)
is an important
document issued
by the Bureau of
Immigration (BI)
to foreign
nationals who
are holders of
Immigrant and
visas and are
leaving the

1. Who should apply for an Emigration Clearance Certificate?

ECC has two (2) types, ECC –A (also referred to as regular ECC and ECC-B.

The following foreign nationals must secure an ECC-A prior to their departure:
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a. Holders of Temporary Visitor Visa (also referred to as tourist visa) who have stayed
in the Philippines for six (6) months or more;
b. Holders of expired or downgraded Immigrant or Non-Immigrant Visas;
c. Holders of valid Immigrant or Non-Immigrant Visas but are leaving for good;
d. Philippine-born foreign nationals who will depart from the Philippines for the first
e. Holders of Temporary Visitor Visa with Orders to Leave;
f. Bona fide seafarers who have stayed in the Philippines for 30 days or more and has
a duly approved discharge from BI.

ECC-B is issued to departing holders of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant visas with valid ACR
I-Cards and are leaving the country temporarily.

2. When should I apply for an ECC?

A foreign national may apply for an ECC at least 72 hours prior to his/her departure from
the Philippines.

3. Does the ECC have validity? Will I be able to use this multiple times?
The ECC is valid for one (1) month from the date of issue, however, you may only use this
once regardless of its validity.



Who Holder of Temporary Visitor Visa who have stayed in the Philippines for six (6)
can months or more.

Wher BI Main Office

e to
Other Immigration Offices (Click here to see the list of offices authorized to
process this transaction)

What 1. Checklist with complete documentary requirements

2. Application Form

How 1. Secure and fill out application form.

2. Submit duly accomplished form and attach the other supporting
3. Wait for the issuance of Order of Payment Slip (OPS).
4. Pay the corresponding fees.

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Quennie Gayo
5. Submit the accomplished application form with the required
attachments and attach original Official Receipts.
6. Present claim stub on the appointed date and time of return for
releasing of Original Certification and Receipts.

7. Acknowledge receipt by signing the duplicate copy of the Certification

before releasing the original Certification and Official Receipt.

does Express Lane Fee – Php 500.00
cost? Additional fees may be required upon checking of documents

ECC – Php 700.00

ACR - 1,010.00

Additional ACR - 500.00

Additional ECC - 500.00

*Fees are updated as of 06 March 2014 and may change without prior notice.



Who US passport holders who were born in the Philippines and will be travelling
can abroad for the first time

Whe BI Main Office

re to
Other Immigration Offices (Click here to see the list of offices authorized to
process this transaction)

Wha 1. Checklist with complete documentary requirements

t to
2. Application Form

How 1. Secure and fill out application form.

2. Submit duly accomplished form and attach the other supporting
3. Wait for the issuance of Order of Payment Slip (OPS).
4. Pay the corresponding fees.
5. Proceed to Fingerprinting.
6. Submit the accomplished application form with the required attachments
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Quennie Gayo
and attach original Official Receipts.
7. Receive claim stub.

8. Present claim stub on the appointed date for releasing of ECC and
Identification (ID) card.

How Particular Minor (Below 14) Adult

much CE/ECC Php 200.00 Php 700.00
does it ACR & Form 500.00 1,000.00
NBCR 0.00 1,400.00
LRF 20.00 30.00
Express Lane Fee 500.00 500.00
TOTAL Php 1,220.00 Php 3,630.00
*Fees are updated as of 06 March 2014 and may change without prior notice.


Who Foreign nationals who were born in the Philippines from foreign parents and will
can be travelling abroad for the first time

Whe BI Main Office

re to
Other Immigration Offices (Click here to see the list of offices authorized to
process this transaction)

Wha 1. Checklist with complete documentary requirements

t to
g? 2. Application Form

How 1. Secure and fill out application form.

2. Submit duly accomplished form and attach the other supporting
3. Wait for the issuance of Order of Payment Slip (OPS).
4. Pay the corresponding fees.
5. Proceed to Fingerprinting.
6. Submit the accomplished application form with the required attachments
and attach original Official Receipts.
7. Receive claim stub.

8. Present claim stub on the appointed date for releasing of ECC and
Identification (ID) card.

How Particular Minor (Below 14) Adult

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Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
much CE/ECC Php 200.00 Php 700.00
does it ACR & Form 500.00 1,000.00
cost? NBCR 0.00 1,400.00
LRF 20.00 30.00
Express Lane Fee 500.00 500.00
TOTAL Php 1,220.00 Php 3,630.00
*Fees are updated as of 06 March 2014 and may change without prior notice.

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Related Reservation Yangyang, Gladys Revision # 00
and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Self- Sheet 2.3.1
(Type of Test): Identification
Directions: Read each sentences carefully and place your best answer on each of the given
spaces below.

_________1. This is a type of clearance given to foreign nationals who were born in the
Philippines from foreign parents and will be travelling abroad for the first time.

_________2. An immigration clearance given to US passport holders who were born in the
Philippines and will be travelling abroad for the first time

_________3. This is an immigration clearance given to holder of Temporary Visitor Visa who
have stayed in the Philippines for six (6) months or more.

_________4. This is an important pre-departure document issued by the Bureau of

Immigration (BI) to foreign nationals who are holders of Immigrant and Non-Immigrant
visas and are leaving the Philippines.

_________5. They are also referred to as tourist visa who have stayed in the Philippines for
six (6) months or more.

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and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Information Sheet 2.4.1 Provide assistance in securing additional requirements for

After reading this INFORMATION SHEET, YOU MUST be able to

1. Identify additional requirements for travel.
2. Know the process in obtaining additional requirements for travel to be able to provide

This unit covers the knowledge and skills needed to provide assistance in securing
additional requirements for travel.

Commission on Filipino Overseas

Established on June16 1980 through Batas Pambansa 79, the Commission on Filipinos
Overseas (CFO) is an agency of the Philippine Government under the Office of the President
tasked to promote and uphold the interests, rights and welfare of overseas Filipinos and
strengthen their ties with the Motherland.

The CFO registers and provides pre-departure orientation seminars to emigrants. It also
promotes the transfer of technology as well as material and financial contributions from
overseas for development projects in underserved communities all over the Philippines. It
also provides younger generations of Filipinos overseas with opportunities to learn
Philippine history and culture.

All Filipinos going abroad as fiancées, spouses or family members of foreign nationals are
required to attend the Commission on Filipinos Overseas (CFO) guidance and counseling
session in order to secure the Guidance and Counseling Certificate (GCC) and the CFO
sticker. You can't leave the airport without it.

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POEA Travel Exit Clearance

A POEA travel exit clearance is a clearance issued by POEA to OFWs who exit from the
Philippines for employment purpose, regardless of their visa status. The travel clearance
comes in the following forms:
• Overseas Employment Certificate (OEC) –issued during manual processing
• E-receipt – issued for computerized processing
• Multiple Travel Exit Clearance (MTEC) – a single issuance of travel exit clearance
good for at least 3 exits within the validity period of the existing contract with the same
employer, with a duration of not less than 12 months from the date of application of travel
clearance. MTEC shall strictly be used for travel to the worker’s jobsite.

Uses of POEA travel exit clearance:

 It serves as travel exit pass for OFWs at the airports.

 It serves as an exemption certificate from payment of Travel Tax and airport terminal

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 It serves as a worker’s guarantee that he/she is covered by government protection
and benefits

OFWs need to register at POEA and secure a POEA travel exit clearance before leaving the

Documents needed at the airport before departure from the Philippines:

 Valid passport
 POEA travel exit clearance (OEC/e-receipt/MTEC) presented to airline check-in
counter, airport terminal fee counter to avail yourself of the exemption from
payment of terminal fee, and the Bureau of Immigration counter.
The following are not qualified to apply for POEA travel exit clearance:

 Filipino permanent residents of a foreign country. They can avail themselves of

travel tax exemption for balikbayan at the Philippine Tourism Authority (PTA).
 Dependents of OFWs. They can avail themselves of Reduced Travel Tax only if they
are proceeding to the OFW’s jobsite. Dependent children are qualified until their
21stbirthday. They need to present 1) certified copy of the OEC/e-receipt from
POEA Records Division or office which issued the travel exit clearance of the OFW;
2) passport of dependents; 3) original marriage contract (for legitimate spouse); 4)
original birth certificate (for legitimate children); and 5) plane ticket. Requirements
should be filed at the PTA Office for the issuance of a Reduced Travel Tax Certificate

What is an NBI Clearance Certificate?

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Quennie Gayo
The National Bureau of Investigation (NBI) is the primary agency of the Philippine
Government established for investigative services and laboratory research in relation to
crimes and other offenses against the laws of the Republic of the Philippines. This agency
issues a clearance certificate for all persons without criminal records in the Philippines.

The NBI Clearance Certificate may be requested by Filipino nationals as well as by foreign
nationals who have resided in the Philippines.

The applicant, who can be a foreign national who has lived in the PH, may secure, fill-out,
and have his/her fingerprint card authenticated by the Embassy, but the actual NBI
Clearance Certificate must be secured by the applicant’s authorized representative in the
Electronic Data Processing Division

NBI Clearance Requirements

For first-time applicants, including those who are for renewal but whose NBI clearances
were issued before 2014 or whose previous clearances have a correction/error/changes in
any field (even if the correction only involves a single letter), the following is required:

1. Any two (2) valid government-issued IDs

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Here’s a list of acceptable valid IDs for NBI clearance application:

 UMID (SSS and GSIS).

 Passport
 Phil health ID
 Voter’s ID or Certificate of Registration
 PRC License
 Driver’s License
 Pag-IBIG ID (not the Loyalty Card)
 NSO-/PSA-Authenticated Birth Certificate
 Postal ID
 Police Clearance issued by the police station with jurisdiction over the applicant’s
place of residence
 Certification from the Local Civil Registrar
 Certification from Malacanang in connection with indigenous groups, tribal
membership, foundling
 Solo Parent ID
 Seaman’s Book and SIRV
 Senior Citizen ID
 Company ID (for government employees only)
 School ID together with current registration card

2. Barangay Certification and Oath of Undertaking (for first-time job seekers only)

Barangay Certificate is only required for first-time job seekers who want to avail of the free
NBI clearance in accordance with the First Time Jobseekers Assistance Act4. This
document is proof that you’ve been living in your place of residence for at least 6 months
and that you’re a first-time job seeker. It should come with an Oath of Undertaking duly
accomplished by the applicant and executed in front of the Barangay Captain/Chairman.

3. Reminders/Additional Information

When applying online, you’ll be asked to enter the name of the two valid IDs you’ll bring on
the day of your appointment. In the first box, choose your primary ID from the drop-down
list provided. The second box, meanwhile, is where you can indicate the other valid ID
(whether included in the previous drop-down list or not) which you’ll bring for verification

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An NBI personnel will check the validity and authenticity of valid IDs so make sure yours is
government-issued, original (not photocopied), and in good condition (bearing legible texts
and your recent, recognizable photo).
Renewal applicants whose NBI clearances were issued in 2014 onwards should bring 1
valid government-issued ID and a copy of their previous clearance.

How Long Is the Validity Period of NBI Clearance in the Philippines?

The NBI clearance has a validity period of only 1 year from the date of issuance.

Travel Clearance Certificate

This certificate is issued by the Department of Social Welfare and Development to a minor
(below 8 years old) traveler. This certificate helps to prevent “Human Trafficking”

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Quennie Gayo
Medical Certification

A medical certificate is a legal document prepared by a doctor licensed in the Philippines. It

basically says the medical tests that were administered and the results of those tests.
Usually required for job applications or travel abroad to work or migrate. Not needed for
tourist travel.

Travel Insurance

An insurance product designed to cover the costs and reduce the risk associated with
unexpected events during domestic or international travel. Travel insurance usually covers
the insured in two main categories: costs associated with medical expenses and trip
cancellations. Many online companies selling airplane tickets or travel packages allow
consumers to purchase travel insurance as an added service. Some travel insurance

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policies may also cover damage to rented equipment, such as a rental cars, or even the cost
of paying a ransom in the case of a kidnapping.

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and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo
Self-Check 2.4.1
Type of Test: Matching Type
Directions: Match the barriers to communication listed in Column A with their definitions
in Column B.
A B.

1. Commission on A. This is an agency of the Philippine

Filipino Overseas Government under the Office of the President
2. POEA Travel Exit tasked to promote and uphold the interests,
Clearance rights and welfare of overseas Filipinos and
3. The National Bureau strengthen their ties with the Motherland.
of Investigation (NBI)
4. Travel Clearance B. This is a clearance issued by POEA to OFWs
Certificate who exit from the Philippines for
5. Medical Certification employment purpose, regardless of their visa
6. Travel Insurance status.

C. This is the primary agency of the Philippine

Government established for investigative
services and laboratory research in relation
to crimes and other offenses against the
laws of the Republic of the Philippines.

D. This certificate is issued by the Department

of Social Welfare and Development to a
minor (below 8 years old) traveler. This
certificate helps to prevent “Human

E. A legal document prepared by a doctor

licensed in the Philippines. Usually required
for job applications or travel abroad to work
or migrate.

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and Transactions Ozoa and
Quennie Gayo

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