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BS 101 - Sem 1 - Matrices and Differential Calculus - NEP Based - Autonomy - Proposed - Syllabus

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Vivekanand Education Society’s

Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra)


First year B. Tech


Subject: Matrices and Differential


Branch: All Branches

Vivekanand Education Society’s
Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra)


Program Structure for First year Engineering(All Branches)

Scheme for Autonomous Program Semester I(With Effect from 2023-2024)
1.Proposed scheme

Course Course Name Teaching Scheme Credits Assigned

Code (Contact Hours)

Theory Pract/Tut Theory Prac Tut Total


BS 101 Matrices and Differential 2 1 2 -- 1 3


Total 2 1 2 1 3

Examination Scheme

Theory Pract & Total


Internal Assessment End Sem Ex Dur

Exam (Hrs)

Course Name Mid Test CA*

Course (MT)

BS101 Matrices and 20 20 60 2 -- 100

Differential Calculus

Total 20 20 60 -- - 100
Vivekanand Education Society’s
Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra)


2. Proposed_Autonomy_Syllabus

Course Code: Course Title Credit

BS 101 Matrices and Differential Calculus 3

Course Objectives:

1 To provide students with contemporary knowledge about different types of Matrices and their Ranks

2 To explore the methods used for solving system of linear Equations

3 To apply the inverse of a matrix to coding theory.

4 To learn about solution methods of first order and first degree ordinary differential equations

5 To learn about solution methods of higher order linear differential equations

Course Outcomes:

1 Matrices: Students would develop the ability to understand and work with real and complex matrices,
their properties, ranks and apply these concepts to solve problems in various fields. They would also gain
the necessary mathematical tools for further study in areas such as linear algebra, differential equations,
optimization, and data analysis.

2 System of linear equations: Students would develop the ability to understand and work systems of linear
equations, apply these concepts to solve problems in various fields. They would also gain the necessary
mathematical tools for further study in areas such as linear algebra, differential equations, optimization,
and data analysis.

3 Application of inverse of a matrix: Coding theory

4 Differential Equations– Students would develop the ability to analyze and solve first order and first
degree ordinary differential equations, model real-world phenomena, apply mathematical techniques to
solve differential equations, and interpret the solutions in the context of the problem.

5 Differential Equations– Students would develop the ability to analyze and solve higher order linear
differential equations, model real-world phenomena, apply mathematical techniques to solve differential
equations, and interpret the solutions in the context of the problem.
Vivekanand Education Society’s
Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra)


Module Content Hrs

Prerequisite:Matrices and Matrix Operations,Algebraic Properties of Matrices,Method for Finding inverse of a matrix- By
elementary transformation and by adjoint of a matrix, Types of real matrices, Basics of Differentiation,Basics of Differential

1 Matrices 6

1.1 Real and Complex Matrices: Orthogonal Matrices, Symmetric Matrices, Skew-symmetric matrices,
Hermitian, Skew-hermitian Unitary matrices (Properties and Examples)

1.2 Rank of a Matrix: Elementary Matrices ,rank of a matrix by Echelon form and Normal form,Inverse by
PAQ Method

2 System of Linear Equations : 4

2.1 Introduction to Non- Homogeneous Systems of Linear Equations: consistency and solution

2.2 Introduction to Systems of Homogeneous Linear Equations: consistency and solution

3 Application of inverse of a matrix: Coding theory 8

3.1 Methods of Encoding and decoding

3.2 Hill Cipher coding and decoding using modulo function

3.3 Examples of coding and decoding.

4 Differential Equations of first order and first degree 6

4.1 Exact differential equations,Equations reducible to exact equations by integrating factors.

4.2 Linear differential equations, Equation reducible to linear form, Bernoulli’s equation.

5 Higher order Linear Differential Equations with constant coefficient 12

5.1 Complementary function and particular integrals of differential equations of the type f(D)y = 0
(Homogeneous case)

5.2 Complementary function and particular integrals of differential equations of the type f(D)y = X
(Nonhomogeneous case) where X is eax, sin (ax+b), cos (ax+b), xn, eaxV, xV.

5.3 Method of variation of parameters

Total 38
Vivekanand Education Society’s
Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra)


1 R.K.Jain and S.R.K.Iyengar “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”,Alpha science International Ltd.

2 Advanced Engineering Mathematics, H.K Dass,S. Chand Publications

Reference Books:

1 Erwin Kreyszig, “Advanced Engineering Mathematics”, John Wiley & Sons, Inc

2 B.S. Grewal, “ Higher Engineering Mathematics”,Khanna Publication

3 George B. Thomas, Weir & Hass, “Thomas’ Calculus”,Pearson

4 George F. Simmons, “Differential Equations with Application”, Tata Mc. Graw Hill Edition

5 Howard Anton, Chris Rorres,”Elementary Linear Algebra”,wiley Publication

Internal Assessment:
Assessment consists of one Mid Term Test of 20 marks and Continuous Assessment of 20 marks.
Mid Term test is to be conducted when approx. 50% syllabus is completed Duration of the midterm test shall be one hour.
Continuous Assessment:-
Continuous Assessment is of 20 marks. The rubrics for assessment will be considered on approval by the subject teachers.-

Sr.no Rubrics Marks

1. presentation /Viva/Quiz on entire syllabus 10

2. Tutorial 10

Continuous Assessment:
Minimum four tutorial (10 Marks each) out of six should be attended by every student throughout the semester and one
presentation /viva /quiz (10 Marks) on entire syllabus to be conducted throughout the semester.

End Semester Theory Examination:

1 Question paper will be of 60 marks

2 Question paper will have a total of five questions
3 All questions have equal weightage and carry 20 marks each
4 Any three questions out of five need to be solved.
Vivekanand Education Society’s
Institute of Technology
(Affiliated to University of Mumbai, Approved by AICTE & Recognized by Govt. of Maharashtra)


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