Research Genre Invention

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TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1302 Research

Genre 2: Research Analysis 1

Research Genre 2 Invention

How do you
feel about
this topic?
What do you What do you need to What are the
really want to What do you want What do you What else do you know to engage in the different ways to
know about others to know already know about want to know about discussion about this think about at this What kinds of scholars
Topic this issue? about this topic? this topic? this topic? issue? topic? research this topic?

1: I consider How dangerous The majority of The different What I would need The main thing is Pediatrics
that the can it be for the kids in the consequences that to know about the to think that the Psychologist
exposure of kids to have at country have can cause the subject would be use of a phone at a
Kids smart their disposal already at their exposure of kids mainly the points young age can be
are devices to smartphones and disposal an to smart devices, of view that can be harmful to
really kids is a also how it electrical device like, different given to this children and
prepa problem affects the time (smartphone, behavior, traumas problem. For another point of
red to that exposes they are exposed ipad). Knowing for something example, in some view can be
have them to a to these devices. this that they watch cases it may be beneficial if the
smart lot of on the internet, if beneficial for child gets to learn
phon information they are most children to use skills through the
es that is likely to be telephones, but use of the phone.
available on distracted etc. what are the
…. the internet, numbers that prove
and it can it? I would need
be statistics on the
dangerous. consequences of
telephone use at a
young age.
TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1302 Research
Genre 2: Research Analysis 2

2: I feel that To raise These practices I want to know The perspectives of Maybe some psychologists
this awareness that of girls wearing the main reason girls who perform people think it's
Youn problem the makeup at a why girls fall into makeup and good for them to
g prevents normalization of young age are these tendencies skincare activities. get dressed up, but
girls girls from these behaviors very popular on and what are the I also need to know I think there are
buyi being girls, in girls may the internet. major effects it who gives them ages for
ng this is prevent them can have on their permission to everything, and
mak because from living each lives. perform these every child should
eup they start of their stages in activities. be able to be a
and from an life. child and not
skinc early age to worry about the
are worry about stereotypes they
wearing see on the
makeup or internet/tv.
that I feel
they don't
really need
TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1302 Research
Genre 2: Research Analysis 3

3: I feel that The I know that How can one I need to know That caffeine Nutriologists
we should consequences caffeine makes decrease the which drinks helps the body to
caffe moderate that excess the body a little addiction to contain the most have the capacity
ine the caffeine can have more caffeine in order caffeine and the to do a little more
in consumptio on our body awake/active. But to make a change long term effect of when one is tired
exces n of high levels of in oneself. caffeine and therefore
s caffeine caffeine can be consumption. improves
that enters harmful to the performance, but
our body human body. in the long run
since it can caffeine stops
be harmful having the same
to our effect and that is
health to where it is
abuse harmful.
4: I feel that The dangers and I know that in From this topic I I need to know the There are two Psychologist
this topic reasons why some parts of the want to know the statistics about the major different Gynecologist
abor can be very women decide to world abortion is consequences of reasons why some perspectives. One Religious people
tion controversi have an abortion. not allowed and an illegal women decide to being pro-
al, but it is a Plus all the that there are abortion and how do abortion. For abortion, and the
reality that factors that lead several these issues are example, their other in opposition
happens in them to make movements that dealt with in a economical to abortion.
the world. that decision and support and trial. situation, family
There are what happens others that try to issues, their age,
several after the end abortion. their situation, etc.
ways of abortion.
looking at
this and I
feel that it
all depends
on the
s and the
TAMIU FYWP ENGL 1302 Research
Genre 2: Research Analysis 4

facts that
woman has
her own
story and
each one
what is the
best thing
to do.
5: I feel that The beneficial I know that Why do people I would need to Some may prefer English professor
reading is a factors about reading for some not see reading as know the reading because Literature Professor
The good way being a reader people can be a fun thing to do percentage of some writers can
bene to learn and also about boring. Also I and if the input of people, especially describe things in
ficial different how to know about some readings in kids who read. This a spectacular way.
part things, and encourage others feelings that school affects this is to make people Others may prefer
of the problem to read people can thinking. aware of the watching a movie
readi is that some depending on experience while numbers and or video instead of
ng people are what each person reading a book. maybe also the reading.
book not really likes to know reasons why
s. interested in about. reading is
it. beneficial.

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