Principles of Management and Organisational Behaviour
Principles of Management and Organisational Behaviour
Principles of Management and Organisational Behaviour
Though people have much in common, they differ from each other.
3. It is an applied science
5. It is a normative science
Motivation Leadership
Notes_03 (25.08.23)
What is personality?
→ Some people are very silent and submissive and others are social and
The personalities and attitudes of people are too difficult and complex to
be interpreted
An employee’s personality together with his attitude determines his
behaviour and performance in his job.
1. Nomothetic perspective
1. Idiographic perspective
Trait theories
Emotional stability
Openness to experience
Notes_04 (15.09.23) ❌
Free class
Notes_06 (22.09.23)
Self Efficacy
2. People with high self efficacy have the capacity and capabilities and
the required confidence to rise above the situation
1. This theory was pioneered by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung. This theory
has more practical implications and has led to the designing of
different types of personality tests.
6. Jung felt that all people had all four dimensions in common, they differ
in the combination of their preference of each
8. The significance of the theory states that his concepts were used by
Myers-Brigg to develop the Myers-Brigg Type Indicator (MBTI)
MBTI (1940s)
1. This is a widely used and very popular indicator testing that is used in
the real world- career counselling, team building, conflict
management, and analysing management style.
2. About 25 years after Jung developed his theoretical type in 1940s, the
mother-daughter team of Katherine Briggs and Isabel Briggs-Myers
developed about a 100 item personality test asking participants how
/missed a line/
Learning theories
Behaviouristic theory
Well known classical behaviourist Ivan Pavlov, John B. Watson
considered learning as an association of stimulus response (SR
connection) but B. F. Skinner, an operant behaviourist believed
that learning occurs as a consequence of a behaviour.
Learning is due to the consequence that follows the response
which influences the repetition of the response. Thus, operant
Cognitive theory
Practice questions:
Steps of Planning
Reference PDF
The main steps that are taken in planning process are as follows:
Establishing Objectives
2. Many other factors such are uncertain future trend, problems faced
financially, and future uncertainties renders the evaluation process,
complex and difficult. Usually, alternative plans are evaluated against
factors such as cost, risks, benefits, organizational facilities, etc.
Computer based mathematical plans and techniques can also be
utilized to identify best course of action.
Implementation of Plans
Management Theories
Definition: Management is a process of designing and maintaining an
environment in which individuals working together in groups efficiently
accomplish selected aims
1. F.W. Taylor
Classical Scientific management 2. Frank and Lillian Gilbert
3. Henry Gnatt
Max Webber
Bureaucratic management
Henry Fayol
Operations management
} Contingency theory
Notes_07 (28.11.23)
Notes_08 (04.12.23)
a. technical
b. commercial
c. financial
d. security
e. accounting
b. Organising
c. Commanding
d. Coordinating
e. Controlling
a. Division of work
c. Unity of command
d. Unity of direction
e. Discipline
g. Remuneration
h. Centralisation
i. Scalar chain
k. Equity
n. Spirit De Corps
3. Both
Level of management
Operating level Top level
Ability of managers to
Mental revolution of
Importance perform functions
management and workers
smoothly and effectively.
a. The rules and regulations are well defined and they help to
instill discipline. This ensures that work is coordinated and the
goals of the organisation are achieveed
3. Impersonality of managers
5. Formal selection
Webber’s attempt of bureaucracy is not popular today as it was
when it was first proposed. The principal characteristics: strict
divisions of labours, adherence to formal rules and regulations, and
impersonal application of rules and controls, destroys individual
creativity, and the flexibility to respond to changes in the global
Even in flexible organisations of creative professionals-
bureaucratic mechanisms are still necessary to ensure resources
are used effectively and efficiently
Notes_09 (07.12.23)
1. Illumination experiment
3. Interview phase
1. These experiments laid the foundation for the human system. These
interact with each other by getting influenced or influencing others.
4. Managers should have the flexibility and freedom for derving a course
of action that is effective and efficient for the organisation
4. The third category deals with the most important role- in this role,
managers perform th emost crucial tasks, ie- they take decisions
which may affect the organisation’s wellbeing. Thus the third category
include decisional roles
a. System approach
b. Contingency approach
Behavioural Science
Transmit information
Spokesperson outsides through speech
reports etc
Forward information to
Dissemenator other organisation
members (memo, calls)
Initiate improvement
projects, identify new
Decisional role Entrepreneur ideasm delegatem ideas,
and responsibilities to
Represents the
department during
negotiation of union
Negotiator contracts, sales,
purchases, budgets
represents departmental
Notes_11 (14.12.23)
Next he just rang a bell, which naturally did not cause the dog to salivate.
In subsequent experiments he gave the dog a piece of meat when the bell
was rung. After the process was repeated several times, the dog began to
associate the ringing of the bell with the meat.
Classical conditioning:
Operant conditioning
browsing net- obtaining desired info
Notes_13 (18.12.23)
OB (Perception)
Significance of perception
Notes_14 (19.12.23)
Perceptual process
10. The situation and the behaviour are both visible to others but the three
subprocesses of perception ie registration interpretation and feedback are
internal cognitive processes that cannot be observed
Notes_15 (22.12.23)
Social perception
Of all the factors, the primary factors that affect are related to
psychological processes such as attributions made by people,
stereotyping and the halo effect
Types of attribution
The two types of attributios made by people are:
Locus of control
Halo effect
1. Motivation refers to the forces within a person that effect his or her
direction, intensity, and persistence of voluntary behaviours.
Motivation process
Physiological/Psychological → Individual behaves in a certain
way/manner → Achieves a particular goal
Classification of motives
2. Secondary motives are those which are learnt over time, they are
also called learned motives. Eg: power achievement etc. Motives
that cannot be classified into secondary motives/primary motives
are called general motives. eg: curiosity
1. Content theory:
⦁ Theory based on limited sample
⦁ Lack of clarity and proper distinction
⦁ Ignoring interpersonal relations
⦁ Ignoring heterogeneous expectations of employees
Theory X
According to McGregor, Theory X management assumes
the following:
Theory Y
The higher-level needs of esteem and self-actualization are
ongoing needs that, for most people, are never completely
satisfied. As such, it is these higher-level needs through
which employees can best be motivated.
In strong contrast to Theory X, Theory Y
management makes the following assumptions:
2. Process theory:
1. Effort
2. Performance
3. Rewards
4. Satisfaction.
2. Reinforcement theory
Notes_16 (04.01.24)
Leaders- employee
Leaders- employee
punishment and rewards
Meaning enthusiasm and charisma
as motivators for its
to inspire their followers
Contingent rewards,
Inspirational motivation,
active and positive
intellectual stimulation,
Dimensions management, by
idealised influence, and
exception and Laissez-
individual consideration
Faire style
1. Influencing power
2. Reciprocal relationship
Leadership styles
Transformational leadership
Transactional leadership
Reference PDFs
POM- Planning.docx
Delegation of Authority.pdf
Span of Management(1).pdf