Shear Flow

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Computational analysis of non-spherical particle transport and deposition in

shear flow

Article in Journal of Biomechanical Engineering · January 2013


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2 authors:

Clement Kleinstreuer Yu Feng

North Carolina State University Oklahoma State University - Stillwater


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Computational Analysis of
Clement Kleinstreuer1
Department of Mechanical and
Non-Spherical Particle Transport
Aerospace Engineering,
North Carolina State University,
Raleigh, NC 27695-7910;
and Deposition in Shear Flow
Joint Department of Biomedical Engineering,
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill
With Application to Lung Aerosol
and NC State University,
Raleigh, NC 27695-7910
e-mail: [email protected]
Dynamics—A Review
All naturally occurring and most man-made solid particles are nonspherical. Examples
Yu Feng include air-pollutants in the nano- to micro-meter range as well as blood constituents,
Department of Mechanical and drug particles, and industrial fluid-particle streams. Focusing on the modeling and simu-
Aerospace Engineering, lation of inhaled aerosols, theories for both spherical and nonspherical particles are
North Carolina State University, reviewed to analyze the contrasting transport and deposition phenomena of spheres and
Raleigh, NC 27695-7910 equivalent spheres versus ellipsoids and fibers. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4023236]

Keywords: lung-aerosol dynamics, nonspherical particles, particle transport and


1 Introduction (3) Particulate Characteristics.

As expected, particle size, shape, density, hygroscopicity,
The shape and size of inhaled particles, together with a sub-
and surface properties have a major impact on particle
ject’s respiratory tract geometry and breathing patterns, greatly
transport and the dominant form of deposition. For exam-
determine the particle motion and subsequent airway deposition.
ple, with inertial impaction being the major mechanism of
This in turn, followed by barrier mass transfer into systemic
fiber deposition, the rotation of nonspherical particles is an
regions, may have a strong health impact depending on the
important transport mechanism, as it can lead to temporal
particles’ localized concentrations and whether they are toxic or
changes in the particle’s drag force.
therapeutic. Although most investigations assumed particles to be
(4) Interaction Phenomena.
perfectly spherical, nonspherical particles, such as fibers, ellip-
Assuming typically dilute particle suspensions, one-way
soids and disks, exhibit quite different airway trajectories and
coupling between the fluid flow field and the particle trajec-
hence deposition patterns in terms of local wall concentrations
tories is assumed. However, in many industrial cases com-
and propensity for mass transfer and clearance. In particular, ellip-
plex fluid-particle, particle-particle, and particle-wall
soids and fibers form a unique class of particles, ranging
interaction phenomena have to be considered. An example
from toxic fibers as in asbestos to carbon nanotubes as well as
would be three-phase flow of inhaled drug-aerosols deposit-
multifunctional nanoparticles used as drug-carriers. Specifically,
ing in the moving mucus layer.
respirable fibers are longer than 5 lm and less than 3 lm in diame-
ter with aspect ratios (i.e., fiber length/fiber diameter) larger than
Several key factors play simultaneously a role in particle trans- 2 Inhaled Nonspherical Particle Effects
port and deposition: Before launching into various theories describing inhaled
particle transport, comparing spherical, effectively spherical and
(1) Respiratory Tract Geometry.
nonspherical modeling approaches, health impacts of fibrous-like
Geometric variations have a strong impact on the flow field,
particles are discussed.
i.e., different subject-specific airway-geometries will gener-
ate unique airflow patterns and hence cause different parti-
cle deposition regions, due to impaction as well as
secondary flows, diffusion, and/or gravity. Also, certain 2.1 Particle Toxicology. Cancers of the respiratory system,
configurations of the larynx or partial airway occlusion due especially lung cancer, account for more deaths than any other
to diseases may induce high local Reynolds numbers for a cancer in both men and women [1]. An estimated 160,340 deaths,
given peak inlet velocity, leading to transitional and turbu- making up 28% of all cancer deaths, are expected to occur in the
lent flows. United States in 2012 (see Fig. 1). Furthermore, according to
(2) Breathing Pattern. the statistical results shown in Fig. 2 [2], chronic lower respiratory
Inhalation/exhalation waveforms, maximum, and mean air diseases, including chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases
velocities and breathing frequencies may greatly influence (COPDs), were thethird leading cause of deaths in the United
the fluid-particle dynamics. States. Occupational or environmental exposure to cigarette
smoke, asbestos, and other fine-to-ultrafine toxic materials is by
far the most important risk factor for respiratory diseases.
Airborne particulate matter has been a health concern for many
Corresponding author. decades. Although nanotechnology creates possibilities to produce
Contributed by the Bioengineering Division of ASME for publication in the
JOURNAL OF BIOMECHANICAL ENGINEERING. Manuscript received November 9, 2012;
materials with great benefits and improved characteristics on
final manuscript received December 3, 2012; accepted manuscript posted December the nano-to-micron scales, occupational exposures to those small
22, 2012; published online February 7, 2013. Editor: Victor H. Barocas. particulates may adversely affect human health. In fact, an

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering Copyright V

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Most respirable particulate matters deposited in the alveolar
region of the lung are cleared by scavenging alveolar macro-
phages that phagocytize particles and transport them out of the
lung, mainly via the muco-ciliary “escalator” lining the airways.
Fibers present a special clearance challenge. When inhaled, fibers
tend to line up with the air stream in the airways, and hence
their effective aerodynamic diameter more closely approximates
particle diameter than length. Thus, even relatively long fibers
deposit in the alveolar regions if their diameter is small enough.
Faced with the challenge of removing long fibers that exceed their
physical capacity, macrophages engage in “frustrated” phagocyto-
sis, spilling digestive enzymes and other cellular contents into the
alveolar space and initiating pathophysiologic processes that may
lead to inflammation, fibrosis and other malignancies. It follows
that several major fiber characteristics, that determine fiber toxic-
ity, are dose, dimension, and durability. Highly durable, very long
respirable fibers are expected to cause more harm than short and
less durable respirable fibers - all else being equal.
Several serious lung diseases are caused by fiber inhalation. For
example, malignancies (bronchogenic carcinoma and mesothe-
Fig. 1 Estimated number of 2012 deaths caused by different lioma) and pulmonary fibrosis can be induced by inhalation of
cancers in the United States [1] asbestos fibers [10]. Several respiratory system related cancers,
i.e., lung cancer, laryngeal cancer, pharyngeal cancer, etc., are
also considered causally related to asbestos exposure [11].
association has been demonstrated between inhaled ultrafine par- Concerning multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs), it has been
ticles and various diseases leading to increased morbidity and reported that due to their similar properties to asbestos [12], it is
mortality [3]. For example, nanomaterial structures are more highly possible that they induce alike pulmonary diseases.
likely to have larger toxic effects than the same materials of con- In summary, it has now been well documented that fibers, when
ventional sized samples because of their more uniform deposition inhaled, can cause serious diseases [13]. However, consensus was
pattern, deeper migration into the lung, and rapid transport into not reached on several topics related to the pathogenicity of fibers;
systemic regions. Specifically, inhaled nanoparticle deposition in for example, whether short fibers (<5 lm) play a role in inducing
lung airways is more uniformly distributed in human lung airways disease. Clearly, the present knowledge base regarding the charac-
compared to microparticles [4,5]. Due to their small size, nanopar- teristics that contribute to differences in relative potency between
ticles can cross biological barriers, such as the air-blood barrier, fiber types is incomplete [11]. Consequently, research efforts
and therefore can reach cells and tissues normally protected [6]. should be focused on the development of:
Furthermore, not only the particle size plays a significant role on
(1) a clearer understanding of the important dimensional and
its potential health hazards, but so is the particle shape. As indi-
physicochemical determinants of pathogenicity;
cated, irregular nonspherical particles are found in many industrial
(2) a deeper understanding of the determinants of toxicity for
particulate flows, such as man-made vitreous fibers (MMVFs)
which are being manufactured to replace asbestos [7] as well as
(3) analytical methods that can quantify airborne exposures to
carbon nanotubes and drug-aerosols. Fibers are widely used in
various industrial fields due to their low cost and highly desirable
physical/chemical properties [8]. However, fibers are also associ- The study on airborne fibers began with the health hazard
ated with potential health hazards when they are inhaled and de- evaluation of asbestos used in construction and industry. The use
posited in the human respiratory system [9]. For example, glass of asbestos fibers was banned by many countries since it was
wool fibers in cigarette filters have been found lodged in the soft reported in 1970 that the exposure to airborne asbestos fibers
tissue of the deeper lung, which may develop tumors and cancer- increases the incidence of lung cancer, fibrosis, and mesothelioma
ous cells. [7,14–16].

Fig. 2 Deaths for the ten leading causes of deaths in all ages of the United States
in 2010 [2]

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Man-made vitreous fibers (MMVFs), which are also called device that can transport drug aerosols to deeper lung airways and
man-made mineral fibers and used as alternatives for asbestos, are special locations.
noncrystalline, fibrous, inorganic substances made primarily from For pulmonary drug deliveries, nasal passages are not included
processed minerals [17]. MMVFs such as glass, natural rock, and and considered because it is rarely used for inhaling pharmaceuti-
amorphous silicates, are not nontoxic to humans. The level of the cals due to the “highly effective filter” characteristics of the nasal
toxicity of MMVFs depends primarily on the fiber dose, fiber airways [31]. Exceptions are nebulizer for the delivery of drug-
dimension, chemical composition, and the bio-persistence in the aerosol mist into the olfactory region and migration to the brain
lungs [14,18]. Based on fiber or ellipsoidal particle transport and [32].
deposition characteristics [19], it is reasonable that fiber length (or
fiber aspect ratio) has a significant impact on detrimental health 2.3 Experimental Evidence. A few experimental and
effects, mainly because of the ability to penetrate into the deeper numerical methods have been carried out to investigate fiber
lung airways. Additionally, the complex movement of fibers transport and deposition in human respiratory systems. For exam-
makes it more difficult to predict the pattern of fiber deposition in ple, Harris and Fraser [33] proposed a model based on the aerody-
human airways than the behavior of spherical particles [14]. namic behavior of thin straight rods to estimate lung deposition of
Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) gained increased attention for their fibers. Myojo [34–36] experimentally investigated the deposition
use in material composites, medicine, electronics, and aerospace of fibers in bronchial airway casts, i.e., single bifurcating tubes
industries due to superior electrical, mechanical as well as thermal based on the third and fourth generation of Weibel’s lung model
properties. CNTs were first discovered by Sumio Iijima [20]. A [37]. Marijnissen et al. [38] measured nylon fiber transport and
CNTs can be categorized into two forms: single-wall (SWCNTs) deposition in lung airways from the trachea to generation 3 and
and multiwall carbon nanotubes (MWCNTs) with diameters concluded that particle deposition is roughly similar to that of
ranging between 1 to 100 nm and lengths from nanometers to spherical particles, when focusing on the deposition “hot spots” at
micrometers or even millimeters [21]. They are very light in the carinas.
weight so that they easily suspend in the working environment for The first experimental paper that systematically analyzed the
a long time, which will raise a potential inhalation exposure haz- deposition efficiency of asbestos fibers in a human lung-airway
ard [22]. Furthermore, with the decrease in production cost, CNTs replica is that of Sussman et al. [39]. Sussman et al. investigated
will be more and more widely used in daily lives, such as cosmet- the effects of fiber diameter and length on the deposition distribu-
ics, cleaners, electronics, energy-storage devices, solar cells, and tion, identifying deposition hot spots such as the posterior wall of
filters [9]. On the downside, wastes containing CNTs with low the upper trachea and the airway bifurcations.
solubility and fibrous characteristics may be released into the Su and Cheng [7,15] as well as Zhou et al. [8] experimentally
environment. investigated the deposition characteristics of different types of
fiber material (i.e., CNTs, TiO2, and glass) in two casts of human
respiratory systems from mouth to lung airway generation 5. Su
2.2 Therapeutic Impacts of Nonspherical Particles. and Cheng [7] reported that fibers with lower inertia are more
Targeted drug delivery and controlled release are current likely to be transported to deeper lung airways, while fibers with
challenges in pulmonary drug delivery. Three popular drug deliv- higher inertia are more likely to be deposited at the oropharynx
ery mechanisms are per oral (pill swallowing), intravenous (drug wall due to impaction. Moreover, Su and Cheng [7] stated that the
injection into the vein), and inhalation (breathing into the human fiber deposition efficiency was generally lower than that of spheri-
lung). For pulmonary drug delivery, deposition pattern and clear- cal particles. In a continuous study of their research group, a good
ance are two key aspects for the design of drug formulation and agreement between the experimental results provided by Zhou
delivery carrier [23]. In particular, the particle shape of drug et al. [8] and Sussman et al. [39] was presented by Zhou et al. [8].
carriers has a profound impact on optimizing the performance of Su and Cheng [15] proposed several empirical deposition effi-
drug delivery. Compared to spherical particles, fiber-like carriers ciency formulas for fibers depositing in different parts of the
are more likely to reach the deeper lung airways [24]. Also, fiber- human respiratory system from mouth to the first generation. All
like carriers have shown better internalization abilities than three papers stated that fiber deposition efficiencies increase with
spherical particles for drug delivery [25]. Therefore, it is promis- higher Stokes numbers, where St  dp [2], v with dp being the par-
ing to explore the shape as an important parameter for improved ticle effective diameter and v being the mean air-velocity.
drug delivery performance.
Multifunctional nanoparticles, as well as micron fibers, are also
being used as drug carriers for cancer treatment [26]. Existing 3 Theories
literature clearly indicates the merits of exploring shape as an Particle motion in a fluid depends on the external force field
important parameter and hints at the exciting prospects of this imposed on the body by the suspending medium or carrier fluid.
field [23]. The respiratory system is becoming a more popular In direct numerical simulation (DNS), exerted pressure and shear
drug delivery avenue to combat various diseases such as AIDS, stress distributions on the particle surface are integrated at each
diabetes, and certain cancers. Furthermore, pulmonary drug time level to obtain the actual force field [40]. If particles deform,
delivery can be developed as more site-specific and less toxic as with droplets and free surfaces, or particle build-up is of inter-
compared to conventional methods [27–29]. It is also able to est, the volume-of-fluid (VoF) method in conjunction with the
effectively combat disorders such as COPD, lung cancer, cystic PLIC (piecewise-linear interface calculation) scheme may be
fibrosis, tuberculosis, and asthma. appropriate. When dealing with dense particle suspensions and
Dosimetry, safety, and the efficacy of drugs in the lungs are the actual particle volume is of importance, the discrete element
critical factors in the development of inhaled medicines [30]. method (DEM) should be considered for more realistic simula-
Lower deposition fractions are desired in the upper airways for tions of inhaled aerosol transport and deposition in subject-
inhaled drugs so that more inhaled medicine particles/fibers can specific airway systems [41]. In any case, computationally less
be transported to targeted areas in the deeper lung. To enhance the taxing is the direct application of Newton’s Second Law of
efficacy of drugs in the lung, the targeting ability and deposition Motion by ignoring the actual particle volume and assuming that
efficiency of different drug carriers (i.e., different size, shapes, point forces act on the body’s mass center. This efficient simula-
and surface properties) in the lung airways are necessary. Specifi- tion approach is widely used for spherical particles as well as for
cally, calculations of the airflow in the selected lung geometry nonspherical particles which can be represented by sphere-
using computational fluid dynamics (CFD) and knowing the exact equivalent particles with modified drag and lift coefficients. Thus,
locations of particles/fibers to be deposited in the lung are impor- classical particle dynamics for solid spheres with updated correla-
tant information to identify the best drug carriers and inhaler tions for the point forces are reviewed first.

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering FEBRUARY 2013, Vol. 135 / 021008-3

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3.1 Spherical Particle Dynamics. For a single particle in Thus, the drag force on a spherical particle in “uniform Newtonian
shear flow, the particle trajectory equation, i.e., Newton Second fluid flow” can be expressed as [44]:
Law, can be expressed as [42]:
pd 2   
^vp X X X ~D ¼ 1 CD p qf ~
F vf ~
vp  ~ vf 
vp  ~ (7)
d~ ~body þ ~surface þ ~interaction 2 4
mp ¼ F F F (1)
with assumptions that the pressure field is uniform and no acceler-
where ation is induced by the difference between vp and vf. Generally,
the drag coefficient depends on particle shape and orientation,
d^ @ Reynolds number, and turbulence level, if any. For creeping flow
¼ þ~ vp  r (2) (i.e., Rep <1), the Stokes drag force can be written as:
^ @t
F ~Buoyancy þ F
~body ¼ F ~VM (3) ~D ¼ 3plf dp ~
F vp  ~
vf (8)
F ~D þ F
~surface ¼ F ~Pressure þ F
~Basset þ F
~Saffman þ F
~Magnus (4)
In nonuniform shear flows and for particles near a wall, drag-
~Interaction ¼ F
SF ~BM þ F
~Particleparticle þ F
~Particlewall (5) force corrections are necessary [44–46], as summarized below. In
all cases, the relative particle Reynolds number Rep is defined as:
Equation (1) is a reduced form of the generalized Basset– ! !
 vp  vf   dp  qf
Boussinesq–Oseen (BBO) equation discussed by Ref. [43]. The Rep ¼ (9)
relative importance of each term when compared to the drag force l
is outlined in Table 1. Still, the BBO equation can be quite com-
plex as it includes a wide range of length scales and time scales, Specifically, for solid spherical particles,
as well as issues concerning turbulence, convection, settling, two- 8
way coupling, collisions, aggregation, etc. > 24
< Re ; 0 < Rep < 1
In this section, all expressions are based on the spherical parti- p
cle assumption. Newton’s second law is solved for the particle’s CD ¼ 24 (10)
trajectory in airflow fields, where multiple polydisperse particles : 0:646 1 < Rep < 400
can be individually tracked by solving Eq. (1).
Drag force. To obtain precise motion of a spherical particle, an For spherical droplets,
accurate relationship between Reynolds number and drag force
(i.e. drag coefficient) is required. The drag coefficient is intro- 3:05ð783j2 þ 2142j þ 1080Þ 0:74
CD ¼ Rep (11)
duced as: ð60 þ 29jÞð4 þ 3jÞ
CD ¼   (6) where j ¼ lp =lf . Equation (11) holds for 4 <Rep <100. Addi-
pdp2 1    tional correlations were summarized by Loth [47]. For example,
4 qf ~ vf ~
vp  ~ vf 
vp  ~
2 White [48] proposed a correlation for CD in the form of:

Table 1 The relative importance of forces compared to Stokes drag force

Name of The relative importance compared Negligibility compared to

the force Origin of the force to stokes drag force stokes drag force
!   rffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
F Basset It is a result from the acceleration of the F  qp dp2 qf  qp and ss is relatively small for
 ~Basset  qf s s
fluid around the particle, i.e., a temporal RBasset ¼   ss ¼ submicron particles, it can be neglected
 FD  qp t 18lf
velocity changes with time. It accounts for
the effects of past acceleration on the
! Caused by the pressure gradient F  For submicron particles, since dp is small
F Press  ~Pressure 
RPressure ¼   dp2 rp and the pressure gradient around the particle
can be considered very small, it can be
! The near-wall correction term to the Stokes F  For submicron particles, since dp is small, it
F Faxen  ~Faxen  dp 2
drag force caused by the nonuniform shear RFaxen ¼   can be neglected
 F ~D  L
field especially near the wall  
! Lift force induced by the particle rotation F  2 For submicron particles, since dp is small, it
F Magnus  ~Magnus  qf dp
RMagnus ¼   jx~j can be neglected
 FD  l
!   f 
Caused by the buoyancy and gravity F  qf  qp dp2 For submicron particles, it is not neglected;
F Buoyancy  ~buoyancy   
Rbuoyancy ¼   while for nanoparticles, it is neglected.
 F D  l ! f v !
f v p
! Including Brownian motion induced force, N/A For submicron particles, Brownian motion
F Others
contact force between particles, etc. force can be neglected; while for
nanoparticles, Brownian motion force need
to be considered.
For dilute particulate suspensions, contact
force between particles can be neglected; for
dense particulate suspensions, contact force
between particles need to be considered.

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24 6 qp dp2
CD ¼ þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 0:4 Rep < 2  105 (12) ss ¼ (19)
Rep 1 þ Rep 18lf

A generally more accurate sub-critical expression (being within ~Basset can be neglected if qf  qp or the Stokes relaxation time
6% of experimental data) was given by Clift and Gauvin [49] as: is relatively small compared to the time duration from 0 to t.
  Lift forces. The total lift coefficient can be defined as [54]:
24 0:42
CD ¼ 1 þ 0:15Re0:687
p þ Rep < 2 (13)
Rep 42500 FL
1 þ 1:16 CL ¼ (20)
Rep 1  2
vp  pdp2
vf  ~
qf ~
Buoyancy. The buoyancy force executed on the particle The total lift force is composed of forces due to different physical
immersed in the fluid can be expressed as: mechanisms.
~Buoyancy ¼ qf  qp Vp  ~
F g (14) (1) Saffman Force.
The Saffman Force is a lift force due to local flow velocity
gradients (i.e., shear flows). For small particles translating
Pressure gradient force. The effect of the local pressure
in a linear unbounded shear field, the expression for the
distribution gives rise to a force in the direction of the pressure
~p can be written Saffman force’s magnitude can be expressed as follows for
gradient. Therefore, the pressure gradient force F
Rep < 1:
as [50,51]:
~Pressure ¼ p d3 rp
F (15)   Klf   2 1 @ ~ vf  ~ vp 
6 p F~Saffman  ¼ ~vf  ~ 
vp dp 
4 f  @y 
The pressure gradient force is significant only in high-Reynolds   
vf  ~
@ ~ vp
number flows.  sign (21)
Virtual mass force. The virtual mass force is a result of the
accelerating fluid surrounding the accelerating particle. It has a K ¼ 1.615 is a constant determined based on a numerical
tendency to keep the particle from being accelerated in any direc- integration for creeping flows at low shear rates [55]. The
tion. The origin of the force is that the fluid will gain kinetic ~Saffman is either in positive y-direction or nega-
direction of F
energy at the expense of the work done by an accelerating sub- tive y-direction. For higher Rep values or near-wall regions,
merged particle. It can be expressed as: the expression of the Saffman force needs to be modified.
 For creeping flows at low shear rates, the magnitude ratio
F~VM ¼ 1 qf Vp d~vf d~

(16) between F ~Magnus and F ~D can be written as [53]:
2 dt dt
 ~Saffman  1:615dp 1 @ ~ vf  ~ vp 
of which the magnitude is one half of the inertia force for the fluid RSaffman ¼  ¼  (22)
with the same volume of the particle. It is worth noting that F ~vm  FD  3p f  @y
can be neglected if the relative acceleration, i.e., jðd~ vf =dtÞ
ðd~vp =dtÞj is small. Expressions of the virtual mass force were It can be neglected when the shear rate is very small or Rep
proposed for cylinders and ellipsoids by Loewenberg [52]. is very small.
(2) Magnus Force.
Basset force. The Basset force is due to the lagging boundary
The Magnus force is a rotation-induced lift force acting on
layer development with changing relative velocity when particles
the particle. The expression for such a force is:
move through a fluid. It accounts for viscous effects and addresses
the temporal delay in boundary layer development as the relative  
velocity changes with time. It can be rigorously derived from the ~Magnus ¼ 1 pdp2 qf x
F ~ ~vf  ~
vp (23)
motion of a single accelerating sphere in the Stokes regime in a 8
quiescent fluid as:
where x~ is the angular velocity vector of the particle.
0 1 ~Magnus and F~D can be written
ð t d~
vf d~

vp The magnitude ratio between F
3 p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
~Basset ¼ d 2 pqf lf @ ds ffi B ds C as [53]:
F pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
ffi Ads (17)  
2 p t  s F  2
0  ~Magnus  dp qf
RMagnus ¼  ¼ jx
~j (24)
 FD  24 lf
The Basset force accounts for the effects of past acceleration on
the resistance. In the expression, (–s) represents the time elapsed Therefore, for small particles (e. g., nanoparticles) the Mag-
since past acceleration from 0 to t [53]. Therefore, this force is nus force can be neglected.
due to the diffusion of the vorticity around spherical particles and (3) Wall-Induced Lift Force.
decays as t1/2, which is typical of diffusion processes. It is also The hydrodynamic force on a particle moving in a linear
called the history term/force [43]. shear flow close to a wall is of fundamental significance in
For Rep >1, i.e., beyond the Stokes regime, F ~Basset can be modi- fluid dynamics. The effect of the wall is the strongest when
fied by introducing a correction factor. The magnitude ratio the particle is in contact, while the wall effect decays
between F ~D can be written as [53]:
~Basset and F rapidly with distance from the wall [56]. Specifically, the
  sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi wall-induced lift force is due to two possible mechanisms
F  [46]: (i) the presence of a wall near a particle will break up
 ~Basset  18 qf ss
RBasset ¼  ¼ (18) the axisymmetry of the wake vorticity field, which results
 FD  p qp t in an effective lift force on the particle directed away from
the wall; (ii) flow relative to the particle will accelerate
where ss is the Stokes relaxation time defined as: faster in the gap between the particle and the wall rather

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than further away. The resulting low pressure in the gap Zeng [46] indicated that when particles move parallel to a wall,
(see Bernoulli principle) will induce a lift force directed to- the drag coefficient for all separations between particle and wall
ward the wall. can be curve-fitted for all Rep-numbers as:
Although the wall-induced asymmetry of the flow also induces   
24 L
rotational motion of the particle, many papers claimed that the lift CD ¼ 1 þ 0:15Re0:687
p 1 þ 0:7005 exp 2:1  0:5
Rep dp
force induced by such a rotation can be neglected when compared
to the Saffman force [45,55]. (29)
Brownian motion force. FBM;i is the Brownian motion force on where L is the distance between the particle and the wall.
the particle in the i-th direction which can be modeled as a Gaus-
sian white noise process [57]. Lift force corrections. For Saffman’s derivation [55], the lift
rffiffiffiffiffiffiffi coefficient can be expressed as:
FBM;i ¼ fi (25) a
Dt CL ¼ 5:816 0:875a þ 2x (30)
where fi are three zero-mean, unit-variance-independent Gaussian
random numbers, Dt is the time step, and S0 is presented as Where a* is the dimensionless shear rate of the fluid:
dp @v
216  tf  jB  T a ¼   f (31)
S0 ¼ !2 (26) 2~ vp  @y
vf  ~
2 5
p qf dp Cc
qf And x* is the dimensionless rotational angular speed of the
in which T is the bulk temperature of the mixture, Cc is the Cun- dp
ningham correction factor: x ¼  x (32)
2~ vp 
vf  ~
2k 1:1dp
Cc ¼ 1 þ 1:257 þ 0:4 exp  (27) As mentioned, Saffman’s expression is only suitable for creep-
dp 2k
ing flow. Specifically, experiments [54] suggested that the lift
force acts towards the lower-fluid-velocity side from the higher-
and jB is the Boltzmann constant.
fluid-velocity side for Rep 1. The direction of particle move-
Particle–particle interaction forces. Particle–particle interac- ment is exactly opposite to Saffman’s expression. McLaughlin
tion forces are necessary to be considered for dense particle sus- [58] extended Saffman’s theory to larger Rep numbers. Dandy and
pensions. Hard sphere model and soft sphere model are the two Dwyer [59] numerically studied the drag and lift forces acting on
models which are widely used for numerical simulations [40]. a stationary sphere in a uniform shear flow for 0.1 <Rep <100.
Cherukat et al. [60] investigated spherical particles moving
Drag force corrections. For particles in unbounded linear shear parallel near wall and concluded that the presence of the solid
flows, the drag force on the particle is not significantly influenced boundary and a large velocity gradient can give rise to a lift force
compared to the situation in uniform flows [45]. However, in non- that can affect the trajectory of the aerosol particles.
uniform shear field, an additional term for correction, i.e., the Based on the theoretical results of Saffman [55] and numerical
Faxen force [44], has to be considered: results obtained by Dandy and Dwyer [59], Mei [61] proposed
dp3 2 an expression for the shear lift force on a particle without
~Faxen ¼ lf p
F r~ vf (28) rotation:

< 1  0:3314a12 exp  Rep þ 0:3314a12 ;
FL Rep 40
¼ 10 (33)
Fsaffman >
:  1
0:0524 a Rep 2 ; 100 > Rep > 40

Kurose and Komori [54] proposed new correlations for the lift Experimental and numerically studies of the near-wall and non-
coefficient CL in linear shear flow, considering rotational spherical creeping flow effects on lift forces are ongoing.
particles (1 < Rep < 500):
  3.2 Nonspherical Particle Dynamics Theory. Fibers are
CL Rep ; a ; x ¼ K0 a0:9 þ K1 a1:1 particles that have one dimension significantly longer than its other
þ K2 þ K3 a þ K4 a2:0 þ K5 a9:5 x (34) two dimensions [62]. Numerous studies have demonstrated that the
fiber aspect ratios as well as fiber durability are critical factors
where K0 to K5 are constants changing with Rep which can be involved in pathogenicity. Therefore, it is important to accurately
found in the paper by Kurose and Komori [54] Equation (34) is describe the orientation effect of fibers caused by their rotations.
suitable for L > 2dp. Zeng [45] proposed a CL-expression for a Other than a fiber’s translational equation, i.e., Newton’s Second
particle touching the wall (L ¼ 0.5dp) as follow: law, Eulerian rotational equations must be introduced and solved in
  order to predict fiber orientation when transported in shear flows.
CL Rep ; a ; x ¼ K0 a0:9 þ K1 a1:1
  Complete Numerical Simulation (CNS) Methods. Computa-
þ K2 þ K3 a þ K4 a2:0 þ K5 a9:5 x (35) tional studies of gas-solid flows go back to the very beginning

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of CFD [42,44]. However, direct numerical simulation (DNS) (i) Arbitrary Lagrangian-Eulerian Technique. The Arbitrary
methods for multiphase flow have emerged as a major research Lagrangian–Eulerian (ALE) technique was first developed by Hu
tool only during the last 20 years [63]. The definition of DNS for et al. [66]. It can be used to solve particle motions in 2D and 3D
multiphase flow is a little confusing. Actually, DNS is a category flow fields and it can handle particles of different sizes, shapes
of simulations which is more often associated with detailed and materials. In addition, ALE uses a technique based on a com-
turbulence modeling of the carrier phase with point particle bined formulation of the fluid and particle momentum equations,
approximations for the dispersed phase [40,63]. Concerning turbu- together with a moving, unstructured, finite-element mesh tech-
lent flow, DNS is a numerical technique to obtain 3D, time- nique to deal with the movement of the particles. The hydrody-
dependent solutions to the nonlinear Navier–Stokes equations namics forces acting on the solid particles are directly computed
[64]. The solution should capture all the scales of turbulence, from the fluid flow field, where the motion of the fluid flow and
ranging from large-scale structures to spatial and temporal solid particle trajectories are carefully coupled. The ALE method
Kolmogorov-scale turbulence in the flow without employing any is also categorized as a boundary-fitted method. Specifically, ALE
empirical closure models. considers the motion of N rigid solid particles in an incompressi-
In this section, detailed numerical simulation of multiphase ble fluid. X0(t) represents the domain occupied by the fluid at a
flows is equivalent to Complete Numerical Simulation (CNS) to given time instant t, t 2 ½0; T , and Xi(t) as the domain occupied
avoid confusion with DNS for numerical turbulence analysis by the ith particle (i ¼ 1,2, …, N), where @X0(t) and @Xi(t) repre-
[40]. Specifically, CNSs are numerical techniques where the sent the boundaries of X0(t) and Xi(t) (see Fig. 3).
Navier–Stokes equations are applied to finite-size particles instead The governing equations for the fluid motion in X0(t) can be
of introducing “point particle” forces. Joseph [65] indicated that expressed as follows
CNS methods for solid-liquid flows are ways of solving the initial Continuity Equation:
value problem for the motion of particles in fluids exactly. Particle
movement is described by Newton’s laws under the action of r!
vf ¼ 0 (36)
hydrodynamic forces computed from the numerical solution of the
fluid flow equations. Momentum Equation:
Characteristics of CNS methods for multiphase flows can be
described as follows. Ideally, all surface and exchange forces !
should be accurately integrated from the fluid-particle and Dv f !
qf ¼ qf f þ r  r (37)
particle–particle interactions to obtain the velocity, pressure, and Dt
stress fields surrounding each particle [42]. Specifically, because
scales of meshes for CNS methods are much smaller than the For Newtonian fluids, the stress tensor r is:
scales of particles, forces such as drag force, lift force, and
h i
interaction forces between particles can be obtained directly by
r ¼ p½ I þ lf !T þrv
rv ! (38)
integrating the shear stress and pressure distributed along f f
the particle surfaces without employing any empirical correla-
tions, such as drag and lift coefficients. Therefore, compared to
Euler–Euler models and Euler–Lagrange models, CNS can accu- where p is the pressure and lf is the viscosity of the fluid.
rately describe motions of particles with arbitrary shapes on the For solid particles of arbitrary shapes, the governing equations
“meso-scale.” Clearly, CNS of multiphase flows is able to produce differ for each particle i.
detailed results and hence improved knowledge, e. g., the nonlin- Translational Equation:
ear and geometrically complicated phenomena of particle–particle ð
d v! ! ! !
and particle–wall interactions [66]. Compared to the Euler-Euler p;i
mp;i ¼ F body þ F surface ¼ F body  n dS (39)
method and Euler-Lagrange method, CNS methods have several dt @Xi ðtÞ
(1) The motion of the fluid and that of the solid particles are Eulerian Rotational Equation:
fully coupled (i.e., two-way coupling). Hence the interac- ð
! !   
tions of both the fluid and the individual solid particles can Ti ¼  x cp;i  r  !
xp! n dS (40)
be calculated. @Xi ðtÞ
(2) Hydrodynamic forces and torques imposed on particles can
be obtained by direct integration of the shear stress and The index i represents different particles; ! n is the unit normal !
pressure distributed along the particle surface without any vector on the surface of the particle pointing into the particle, Ti
empirical correlations. are the hydrodynamic torques acting on the particle i, and ! x cp;i is
the centroid of particle i. No-slip boundary conditions are imposed
However, the computational cost of the CNS method is still too
at particle–fluid interfaces, i.e.,
high for engineering application, especially for a large number of
particles in light of the current computational resources available
[40]. Thus, in recent years, simplified CNS methods for fluid-solid
flows were developed. Several popular approaches, which
differ in how to deal with the moving boundaries of the particles
(i.e., employing moving meshes), are the arbitrary Lagrangian–
Eulerian (ALE) method [66], distributed Lagrange-multiplier
(DLM) method [67], and the lattice Boltzmann method (LBM)
“Particle Mover” algorithms are essential in realizing CNS
methods. Two different kinds of particle movers are widely used:
one is based on body-fitted, moving unstructured grids, e.g., the
ALE method; another is based on fixed structured grids over
which bodies move by a technique involving a system of
Lagrange multipliers, e.g., the DLM method. Taking the ALE and
DLM methods as examples, details of direct numerical simula- Fig. 3 Two-dimensional finite-element mesh in channel flow
tions are presented as follows. using the ALE method [66]

Journal of Biomechanical Engineering FEBRUARY 2013, Vol. 135 / 021008-7

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! v p;i þ !
v f @Xi ðtÞ ¼ ! x p;i  !x p;i  !
x cp;i (41) inside the particle has to match the rigid body motion. To do this,
Lagrange multipliers are introduced to multiply the forces on the
fluid elements of the particle to make them behave like they are
For the fully explicit scheme of the ALE method [70], the solution
part of a rigid body. These multipliers represent the additional
procedure can be presented as follows:
body force needed to maintain rigid-body motion inside the parti-
• Initialization cle boundary. The idea of the distributed Lagrangian multipliers is
• Update particle positions that the particle is a continuous system and each element must be
• Re-meshing multiplied by a different constant to properly meet the rigid body
• Update flow field, particle velocities, particle angular motion constraint [65].
velocities Although there is no need for updating meshes at each time
• If the time is less than a specified time, repeat from second step when compared to the ALE method, the computational effort
step on; otherwise, stop required to solve the equations of motion is higher and therefore
somewhat limits the number of particles to be considered.
One distinct weakness of the ALE method in its various forms
is the need to re-mesh. This prospect alone is a great drain on Euler–lagrange methods. Euler–Lagrange (E–L) methods,
computational resources and slows the solution process. There- which are also called discrete phase models (DPMs), provide a
fore, fictitious-domain methods were introduced which can avoid direct description of the particulate flow by tracking the motion of
re-generation of the mesh for each time step. individual particles [70]. The continuous phase, i.e., fluid flow is
governed by continuum equations which can be solved in the
(ii) Distributed Lagrangian Multiplier Method. The distrib-
Eulerian frame. For spherical particles, their motion is governed
uted Lagrange multiplier (DLM) method is based on the
by Newton’s Second Law (see Eqs. (1)–(5)) which employs em-
fictitious–domain method. The fictitious domain is derived from
pirical correlations for hydraulic forces acting on the particles.
the idea that fluid fills the space inside of the particles as well as
For dilute particle suspensions, one-way coupling is assumed
outside. Since fluid fills the whole flow domain, including particle
which implies that the particle motion is influenced by the flow
volumes, a simple fixed finite element mesh can be generated to
field, while the flow field is not disturbed by the presence of the
solve for the velocities of the fluid and the particles. As the mesh
particles [44]. Two types of E–L methods are employed for calcu-
does not need to be refreshed in every time step, it is much more
lating transport and deposition of a nonspherical particle, i.e., the
efficient when compared to the ALE method. The particle is
effective diameter method and the E–L method enhanced with
tracked by using boundary control points that are on the particle
Euler’s rotational equations.
boundary and move with the particle. The grid (see Fig. 4) does
(1) Effective Diameter Method.
not conform to the shape of the particle. The nodes that are inside
Using the “effective diameter method,” nonspherical particles
the particle boundary have their calculated velocity, i.e., the
are considered spherical with a parameter-equivalent diameter.
velocity which at that point in the particle would have due to a
Several definitions for “effective diameter” can be found in the
rigid body motion. Since fluid occupies the region of the particle,
literature. They include [19] the equal projected circular area
the Navier–Stokes equations must be solved to obtain velocity
diameter, the equal volume diameter, Stokes equivalent diameter,
values for any point inside or on the surface of the particle. The
and aerodynamic diameter. As can be expected, specific empirical
body force term in the Navier–Stokes equations is multiplied by a
correlations for drag force, lift force, and other forces acting on
constant corresponding to that particular position that will yield a
nonspherical particles have to be established.
velocity due to rigid body motion.
The effective diameter method can be used as a quick analysis
The equations that are solved for the ALE method are also
tool for the approximate analysis of nonspherical particle transport
solved for the DLM method. Since the particle is now a fictitious
and deposition provided that:
fluid in this method, the motion on the particle boundary and
• a proper effective/equivalent diameter for nonspherical par-
ticles is employed; and
• proper correlations for hydrodynamic forces acting on non-
spherical particles are used
Suitable nonspherical hydrodynamic force correlations are sum-
marized as follows:
(i) Drag Coefficient CD Correlations for Non-Spherical
Particles. Introducing the shape factor parameter (i.e., sphericity)
into the correction of drag coefficient and lift coefficient for
nonspherical particle, the shape effect can be captured. Sphericity
was first introduced by Wadell [71] and is defined as the ratio of
the surface area As of a sphere having the same volume Vp as the
particle and the actual surface area of the particle Ap:

 2=3 3 3
1=3 2 b
As p 6Vp 2
W¼ ¼ ¼ (42)
Ap Ap 1 þ 2b

For example, for cylindrical particles of height h and radius r, the

sphericity is:

2=3 1=3
p1=3 ðpr 2 hÞ ðrh2 Þ
Wc ¼ ¼ (43)
2pr ðr þ hÞ 2ðr þ hÞ

For ellipsoidal particles with semi-major axis length a and semi-

Fig. 4 Fixed triangular grid used in DLM computations [65] minor axis length b, the sphericity is:

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Table 2 Shape factors for non-spherical particles [72]

Shape factor name Definition Pros and Cons

Volumetric shape factor (k) 3 Aproj,p is a difficult parameter to determine because it

k ¼ Vp =dproj;p where dproj;p is the projected area
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi depends on the orientation of the particle.
diameter defined as: dproj;p ¼ 4Aproj;p =p where Aproj,p
is the projected area of the particle according to its
Degree of sphericity (W) W ¼ As =Ap where As is the surface of a sphere having Ap is difficult to calculate for particles with irregular
the same volume as the particle, and Ap is the actual shape except for ellipsoidal, cylindrical, and other
surface area of the particle non-spherical shapes which can be described by
mathematical functions.
Degree of circularity (wc) wc ¼ PS =Pproj;p where Ps is the perimeter of a sphere Compared to the degree of sphericity, the circularity
with equivalent projected area, and Pproj,p is the can be determined from microscopic or photographic
projected perimeter of the particle. observation.
Aspect ratio (b) For ellipsoidal particle: b ¼ bp =ap For cylindrical The aspect ratio can only be used for axisymmetric
particle: b ¼ L=dp particles, or else, it is inadequate to describe the shape
of the particles.
Shape parameter (R) R ¼ Ap =Aproj;p The shape parameter R is only adequate for
axisymmetric particles with creeping flow parallel to
the axis of symmetry.

2 3 ab2 D ¼ expð1:4681 þ 12:2584W  20:7322W2 þ 15:8855W3 Þ
We ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi! (44)
b2 a þ a2  b2
a þ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ln
a2  b2 b
Such a correlation is used by ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 as a default for
the nonspherical drag law. However, Gabitto and Tsouris [72]
Other parameters (see Table 2) which can describe the shape fac- stated that Haider and Levenspiel’s correlation showed relatively
tors of nonspherical particles were summarized by Gabitto and poor accuracy for particles with W < 0.67 and fitted for spheres,
Tsouris [72]. isometric solids, and disks with a 5.8% root-mean-square (RMS)
Additionally, crosswise sphericity W? is defined as the ratio deviation.
between the cross-sectional area of the volume equivalent sphere Ganser [76] proposed an expression for nonspherical particle
and the projected cross-sectional area of the considered particle drag coefficient in the form of:
perpendicular to the flow [73]. Furthermore, lengthwise sphericity
Wk is defined as the ratio between the cross-sectional area of the 24 h  0:6567 i
volume equivalent sphere and the difference between half the CD ¼ 1 þ 0:1118 Rep K1 K2
surface area and the mean longitudinal (i.e. parallel to the flow Rep K1 K2
direction) projected cross-sectional area of the considered 0:4305
þ   (48)
particle. 1 þ 3305= Rep K1 K2
Analytical solutions for the drag coefficient of a particle
only exist for spheres and spheroids [73] in creeping flow (i.e.,
Rep  1). For higher particle Reynolds numbers or more compli- where
cated flow field, drag coefficients can only be determined by proj   1
experiments or numerical simulations. In creeping flow, drag K1 ¼ dp;eff vol
= 3dp;eff þ 2= 3W0:5 (48a)
coefficients for all bodies decrease inversely proportional to the
particle Reynolds number Rep. 0:5743
A simple correlation of CD was proposed by Leith [74] for non- K2 ¼ 101:8148ð log WÞ (48b)
spherical objects in creeping flow as:
8 1 16 1 dp;eff is the equal projected area circle diameter normal to the flow
CD ¼ pffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ pffiffiffiffi (45) direction:
Rep W? Rep W
Based on experimental curve fitting, Haider and Levenspiel dp;eff ¼ 4Ap;n =p (49)
[75] proposed the correlation:
dp;eff is the equal-sphere volume diameter. Chhabra et al. [77]
24 C compared CD correlations for nonspherical particles with experi-
CD ¼ 1 þ A  ReBp þ (46)
Rep D mental data (0.09 < W < 1 and 1 e-4 < Rep < 5e5). It was indi-
1þ cated that the correlation proposed by Ganser [76] is more
accurate (the mean error is 16%) than Haider and Levenspiel [75]
where and three other correlations [78–80].
A more realistic drag coefficient correlation for cylindrical par-
  ticles in an arbitrary direction was proposed by Fan et al. [81]:
A ¼ exp 2:3288  6:4581  W þ 2:4486  W2 (47a)

B ¼ 0:0964 þ 0:5565  W (47b)  !1:537

24 qp
CD cos a ¼ 0:006983 þ 0:6224 Re1:046
Rep qf
C ¼ expð4:9050  13:8944  W þ 18:4222  W2  10:2599  W3 Þ
(47c)  ðAr  Þ0:8524 (50)

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Here a is the angle between the major axis of the cylinder and the 8 1 16 1 3 1 0:2 1
CD ¼ qffiffiffiffiffiffi þ pffiffiffiffi þ qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þ 0:42100:4ð log WÞ
direction perpendicular to the flow direction and Ar* is the modi- Rep w Rep w Rep 3=4 W?
fied Archimedes number, which is defined as: k w

 2 (55)
g  dp3  qp  qf
Ar  ¼ (51)
l2f Equation (55) accounts for the particle orientation over the entire
range of Reynolds numbers [73].
Fan et al.’s [81] correlation apparently has an accuracy of 9.4% (ii) Lift Coefficient Corrections for Non-Spherical Particles.
under the conditions of aspect ratio 4 <b <50, particle density The theoretical and empirical predictions for the lift coefficient
1125 kg/m3 < qp < 8000 kg/m3, and Rep < 40. are very limited compared to the information available for drag
Tran-Cong et al. [82] introduced a surface-equivalent sphere coefficients. The usual assumption has been to assume that the
diameter: lift is proportional to the drag and that the dependence with orien-
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi tation is given by the so-called “cross-flow principle” as suggested
dp;eff ¼ 4Ap =p (52) by Hoerner [83]:

where Ap is the particle surface area. They also proposed a particle ¼ sin2 ai  cos ai (56)
circularity (or surface sphericity) c: CD

pdp;eff where the incidence angle ai between the flow direction and the
c¼ (53) long axis of the fiber-like particle is shown in Fig. 5.
A more “accurate” correlation for the ratio between CL and CD
was proposed by Mando and Rosendahl [84] as follows:
where Pp is the projected perimeter of the particle in its direction
of motion. The drag coefficient for nonspherical particles is then CL sin2 ai  cos ai
area vol ¼ 30 < Rep < 1500 (57)
given for 0.15 < Rep < 1500, 0.4 < c < 1.0, 0.8 < ðdp;eff =dp;eff Þ
CD 0:65 þ 40Re0:72
< 1.5 as: p

!2 !0:687 3 However, Mao [85] summarized that the experimental data of the
area area
24 dp;eff 0:15
41 þ pffiffiffi
CD ¼ Rep lift force is not sound and hence there is no generally acceptable
Rep dp;eff vol
c dp;eff correlation for the lift coefficient.
! Corrections of forces for nonspherical particles can improve the
area 2
dp;eff accuracy of numerical simulation results when using the effective
0:42 vol diameter method. However, in order to completely capture the
þ 2 !1:16 3 (54) orientation effect on the transportation and deposition of non-
area spherical particles, additional equations, i.e., the Eulerian equa-
pffiffiffi4 4
c 1 þ 4:25  10 vol
Rep tions for rotational motion of the rigid body, are necessary. Thus,
the Euler–Lagrangian with Euler rotational equation method is
now introduced.
Loth [47] took into account the orientation effect of spheroid (1) Euler–Lagrangian with Euler Rotational Equation Method
particles by measuring CD in three axisymmetric axial directions. (EL–ER).
Due to the linearity of the drag in creeping flow conditions, the This approach is a good compromise between numerical
drag force can be obtained based on a simple combination of the simulation accuracy and computational cost for simulating
individual components in three axisymmetric axial directions for nonspherical particle transport and deposition. Based on the
a spheroid particle in an arbitrary direction towards the flow. Euler–Lagrange method, the Eulerian rotational equations for
However, for higher Rep numbers, the linear assumption may not nonspherical particles are solved with user-enhanced programs
be validated. Loth [47] also provided Stokes correction factors for [86]. It is worth emphasizing that the EL–ER method employed in
spheroids of different aspect ratios in different directions. the present study is a one-way coupled method which may not be
Based on empirical data for fixed and freely falling particles, able to accurately predict dense particle suspensions due to the
Hoelzer and Sommerfeld [73] came up with a CD expression for lack of particle-particle interaction representation (see Sec. 4).
nonspherical particles: The details of this method are shown as follows:
In order to build the computational model for ellipsoidal parti-
cle and fiber transport and deposition in different flow fields, the
Euler–Lagrange method is employed. Three different Cartesian
coordinates are introduced as well as Euler’s quaternions to
describe the particle dynamics. The governing equations of the
continuous phase as well as the translation equations for ellipsoi-
dal particles are in the global coordinate frame, while rotational
equations for ellipsoidal particles are in a body-fixed coordinate
frame (see Figs. 6 and 7). Transformation matrices between differ-
ent coordinates in terms of Euler’s quaternions are introduced as
The transformation from a given Cartesian coordinate system to
another one can be carried out by means of three successive
rotations performed in a specific sequence [87]. The Euler angles
(u, h, w) are then defined as the three successive angles of rota-
tion. The rotation sequence is as follows (see Fig. 6):

(a) Rotating the initial system of xyz-axes by an angle u coun-

Fig. 5 Incidence angle ai of nonspherical particle terclockwise about the z-axis to generate the ngf-system.

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Fig. 7 Coordinate systems for nonspherical particle modeling

in which !
x ¼ ðx; y; zÞ, x0 ¼ ðx0 ; y0 ; z0 Þ and A¼[aij] is the transfor-
Fig. 6 The rotations defining the Euler angles [87] mation matrix which can be calculated as:
2 32 3
(b) Rotating ngf about the n-axis counterclockwise by an angle cos w sin w 0 1 0 0
h to produce another intermediate coordinate, i.e., the 6 76 7
A ¼ 4  sin w cos w 0 54 0 cos h sin h 5
n0 g0 f0 -axes. 0 0 1 0  sin h cos h
(c) Rotating n0 g0 f0 -axes counterclockwise by an angle w about 2 3
the f0 -axis to produce the desired x0 y 0 z 0 -system. cos / sin / 0
6 7
Therefore the coordinate transformation between axes x0 y 0 z 0  4  sin / cos / 0 5 (59)
and axes xyz can be expressed as: 0 0 1
x ¼A!
x (58) Simplifying Eq. (59) yields:

2 3
cos w cos /  cos h sin / sin w cos w sin / þ cos h cos / sin w sin w sin h
A ¼ 4  sin w cos /  cos h sin / cos w  sin w sin / þ cos h cos / cos w cos w sin h 5 (60)
sin h sin /  sin h cos / cos h

The inverse transformation of Eq. (58) can be expressed as:

! !
x ¼ A1  x0 (61)

In which A1 is equal to the transpose of matrix A:

2 3
cos w cos /  cos h sin / sin w  sin w cos /  cos h sin / cos w sin h sin /
A 1
¼ 4 cos w sin / þ cos h cos / sin w  sin w sin / þ cos h cos / cos w  sin h cos / 5 (62)
sin w sin h cos w sin h cos h

/þw h
In order to avoid singularities [19], the transformation matrix A g ¼ cos cos (63d)
2 2
has to be rewritten by introducing Euler’s quaternions [87]. The
Euler quaternions (e1, e2, e3, g) are defined as: where (e1, e2, e3, g) also satisfies:

/w h
e1 ¼ cos sin (63a) e21 þ e22 þ e23 þ g2 ¼ 1 (64)
2 2

Therefore, the transformation matrix A can be rewritten as:

/w h
e2 ¼ sin sin (63b)
2 2 2   3
1  2 e22 þ e23 2ðe1 e2 þ e3 gÞ 2ðe1 e3  e2 gÞ
6   7
A ¼ 4 2ðe2 e1  e3 gÞ 1  2 e23 þ e21 2ðe2 e3 þ e1 gÞ 5 (65)
/þw h 2 
e3 ¼ sin cos (63c) 2ðe3 e1 þ e2 gÞ 2ðe3 e2  e1 gÞ 1  2 e1 þ e22
2 2

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(e1, e2, e3, g) can also be expressed by the elements aij of the trans- 3.3 Flow Field Governing Equations. The generalized
formation matrix A as follows: Navier–Stokes equations for the flow field in the global xyz-frame
can be expressed as [48]:
(1) For g 6¼ 0:

1 1
vf ¼ 0 (69)
g ¼ 6 ð1 þ a11 þ a22 þ a33 Þ2 (66a)
2 !
vf þ qf !
¼ rp þ lf r2 !
1 qf g (70)
e1 ¼ ða23  a32 Þ (66b) Dt
1 DT
e2 ¼ ða31  a13 Þ (66c) qf cp ¼ kf r2 T þ U (71)
4g Dt
1 In Eq. (71), U is the dissipation function. For Newtonian fluids, U
e3 ¼ ða12  a21 Þ (66d)
4g can be expressed as:
@uf 2 @vf 2 @wf 2 @uf @vf 2
(2) For g ¼ 0: U ¼ lf 2 þ2 þ2 þ þ
@x @y @z @y @x
1 þ a11 @wf @vf 2 @uf @wf 2
e1 ¼ 6 (67a) þ þ þ þ
2 @y @z @z @x
e2 ¼ (67b) 2 @uf @vf @wf 2
2e1  lf þ þ (72)
a23 3 @x @y @z
e3 ¼ (67c)
Clearly, for isothermal fluid flow only Eqs. (69) and (70) are
The Euler quaternions will be used instead of Euler angles for
modeling nonspherical particle kinematics, indicating the particle 3.4 Ellipsoidal Particle Equations. As shown, for spherical
orientation in each time step. particles, only translation equations are needed for tracking each
As shown in Figs. 7 and 8, three different coordinate systems of the spheres. However, due to the anisotropic shapes of non-
were introduced for fiber kinematics modeling: spherical particles, the orientation has a strong impact on forces
(1) Space-fixed frame xyz: The inertial coordinate. executed on the particle [88]. Thus, as discussed, in order to cor-
(2) Body-fixed frame x0 y 0 z 0 : The particle coordinate system rectly predict forces acting on ellipsoidal and fiber-like particles
with its origin being at the particle mass center and its axes leading to accurate particle trajectories, Euler rotation equations
being the principal axis. are necessary for tracking nonspherical particles combined with
(3) Co-moving frame x00 y00 z00 : The origin coinciding with that translation equations. Based on existing papers [19,51,84,89,90],
of the body-fixed frame x0 y 0 z 0 and its axes being parallel to nonspherical particle equations can be formulated as follows.
the corresponding axes of the space-fixed frame xyz. Translational Equation (in the Global xyz-Frame)
Specifically, there is only relative rotation motion between
x0 y0 z0 and x00 y00 z00 , while there is only relative translation motion d~
vp ~ ~L þ F
~BM þ F
~g þ F
mp ¼ FD þ F (73)
between x00 y00 z00 and xyz. Hence, according to Eq. (58), the trans- dt
formation between coordinate x0 y0 z0 and x00 y00 z00 can be rewritten
as: ~D is the drag force, F
where mp is the mass of the particle, F ~L is the
~BM is the Brownian motion induced force, F
lift force, F ~g is the
!0 ! gravity, and F ~other are other forces which may need to be
x ¼ A  x00 (68) considered.
Drag force. Specifically, for ellipsoidal particles in Stokes
flow, the drag force is:

~D ¼ lf pap ½K  !
F vf  !
vp (74)

In Eq. (74), ap is the semiminor axis of the ellipsoidal particle, !

is the fluid velocity vector at the particle centroid, and [K] is the
resistance tensor [91] in the global xyz-frame which can be
expressed as:

½K ¼ A1  ½K 0  A (75)

Here, [K0 ] is the resistance tensor in the body-fixed frame x0 y0 z0 .

As axes x0 , y0 and z0 are the principal axes, [K0 ] is a diagonal
matrix which can be written as [92]:

0 2 3
K11 0 0
½K ¼ 4 0 0
K22 0 5 (76)
Fig. 8 Euler angles between coordinate x0 y0 z0 and coordinate 0
x00 y00 z00 0 0 K33

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Table 3 Stokes correction factors for ellipsoidal particles with different aspect ratios

Ellipsoidal particle shape jii value for Major axis parallel to flow direction jii value for Minor axis parallel to flow direction
Oblate exact (b < 1) ð4=3Þb1=3 1  b2 ð8=3Þb1=3 b2  1
"  # "  #
1  2b2  cos1 b 3  2b2  cos1 b
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi þb b pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi
1  b2 1  b2
Oblate approximate (0.25 < b < 1) 4 b 1=3 3 2b 1=3
þ b þ b
5 5 5 5
Disk (b < 0.25) 8 1=3 16 1=3
b b
3p 9p
Prolate exact (b > 1) ð4=3Þb1=3 b2  1 ð8=3Þb1=3 b2  1
2  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3 2  p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 3
2b2  1  ln b þ b2  1 2b2  3  ln b þ b2  1
4 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 5b 4 pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi 5þb
b2  1 b2  1
Prolate approximate (6 > b > 1) 4 b 1=3 3 2b 1=3
þ b þ b
5 5 5 5
Needle Prolate exact (b > 6) ð2=3Þb2=3 ð4=3Þb2=3
lnð2bÞ  1=2 lnð2bÞ  1=2

with For modeling nonspherical particle transport and deposition

  in tubes and channels, especially ellipsoidal particles, only the
0 0 16 b2  1 velocity gradient along the axial direction of the internal flow is
K11 ¼ K22 ¼ h  pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffii ~L have
considered [19,92]. Several expressions for the lift force F
2b2  3  ln b þ b2  1 = b2  1 þ b been employed:
(77) (1) Harper and Chang [94]
For the linear shear flow case in which x-direction is the
and main flow direction and the y-direction is the main shear
  direction, the lift force can be expressed as:
0 8 b2  1
K33 ¼ h  p ffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffii (78)
2b2  1  ln b þ b2  1 = b2  1  b p2 lf a2p @vf ;x =@y ! !
~L ¼
F    ð½K  ½ L  ½K Þ  vp  vf
1=2 @vf ;x =@y1=2
jii ¼ ðKii0 =6b1=3 Þ are called “Stokes correction for ellipsoids of
aspect ratio b00 [46] or the “dynamic shape factor” which is
defined as:
In Eq. (82), [K] is the resistance tensor in the global xyz-
Kii0 FD;i frame is given by Eq. (76), while matrix [L] reads [94]:
jii ¼ ¼   (79)
6b1=3 3pdeff;v  lf vp;i  vf ;i
2 3
0:0501 0:0329 0:00
For ellipsoidal particles with different aspect ratios, expressions 6 7
½ L ¼ 4 0:0182 0:0173 0:00 5 (83)
of Stokes correction factors are provided in Table 3. Kii0 can
be replaced using different drag coefficient correlations (e.g., 0:00 0:00 0:0373
Refs. [73] or [93]). In Eqs. (77) and (78), b is the aspect ratio of
the ellipsoidal particle [88]. It is necessary to emphasize that the For ellipsoidal particles in a general flow field, the lift
drag force for nonspherical particle varies its value according to force (i.e., the Saffman lift force due to the shear
the change of the particle orientation to the flow. Therefore, drag stresses) is generated by six velocity gradient components
force as well as other forces need to be updated during each time which are @vf ;x =@y, @vf ;x =@z, @vf ;y =@x, @vf ;y =@z, @vf ;z =@x,
step of the numerical calculation. and @vf ;z =@y. To calculate other lift force components
~L acting on an arbitrary-shaped par-
Lift Force. The lift force F induced by gradients other than @vf ;x =@y, Eq. (82) has to be
ticle is mainly the shear-induced lift force [54]. A general form of augmented by multiplying the lift force transformation
Saffman’s lift force for spherical particles can be expressed in ten- matrix ½ B ij :
sor form as (see Fig. 9):
5:188  mp  tf  Dij  
FL;i ¼   1=4
vf ;j  vp;j (80)
qp =qf  dp  ðDkl  Dlk Þ

where Dij is the deformation rate tensor which can be expressed


1 @vf ;i @vf ;j
Dij ¼ þ (81)
2 @xj @xi Fig. 9 Saffman lift force for a particle in linear shear flow

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Table 4 Lift force transformation matrix [B]ij related to different shear velocity gradients

Shear velocity gradient Related values of i and j Related lift force transformation matrix [B]ij
2 3
@vf ;x =@y i ¼ 1, j ¼ 2 1 0 0
½B 12 ¼ 4 0 1 05
0 0 1
2 3
@vf ;x =@z i ¼ 1, j ¼ 3 1 0 0
½ B 13 ¼ 4 0 0 1 5
0 1 0
2 3
@vf ;y =@x i ¼ 2, j ¼ 1 0 1 0
½ B 21 ¼ 4 1 0 0 5
0 0 1
2 3
@vf ;y =@z i ¼ 2, j ¼ 3 0 0 1
½B 23 ¼ 4 1 0 05
0 1 0
2 3
@vf ;z =@x i ¼ 3, j ¼ 1 0 1 0
½B 31 ¼ 4 0 0 15
1 0 0
2 3
@vf ;z =@y i ¼ 3, j¼2 0 0 1
½ B 32 ¼ 4 0 1 0 5
1 0 0

p2 lf a2p @vf ;i =@xj

~L ði; jÞ ¼
F   where
1=2 @vf ;i =@xj 1=2
  jB T
 ½K  ½ B ij ½ L  ½ B 1
ij ½K  !vp  !
vf ði 6¼ jÞ P0;x0 ¼ P0;y0 ¼ 6plf dst;? 

(84) jB T
P0;z0 ¼ 6plf dst;k  (88b)
Here, i and j denote the three directions of the global coor-
dinates (i, j ¼ 1, 2, 3). The lift force transformation matrix In which dst;k and dst;? denote the Stokes diameters for an ellipsoi-
½ B ij according to different velocity gradients is shown in dal particle oriented parallel and perpendicular to the main drag
~L for ellipsoidal particles
Table 4 . Thus, the total lift force F direction, respectively, and can be expressed as:
in a general flow field can be expressed as:
4 2 
3 b 1
~L ¼
F ~L ði; jÞ
F ði 6¼ jÞ (85) dst;k ¼ deff;v  " 3 # (89a)
i;j¼1 2b2  1 2
pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ln b þ b  1  b
b2  1
where F ~L ði; jÞ can be obtained using Eq. (84). Such a
method for calculating the lift force acting on ellipsoidal 8 2 
b 1
particles can be employed to solve for the fluid-particle dst;? ¼ deff;v  " 3 # (89b)
dynamics in human respiratory systems with their complex 2b2  3 2
airflow fields. pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi ln b þ b  1 þ b
b2  1
(2) Drew et al. [95] and Auton [96]
For a general form of the Saffman force, Drew et al. [95]
provided an expression for F ~L in linear shear flow in the Euler Rotation Equations (in body-fixed x0 y0 z0 -frame)
form of:
Ix0  xy0 xz0 Iy0  Iz0 ¼ Tx0 (90a)
!    dt
FL ¼ CL  Vp  qf  !vp  !
vf r  !
vf (86)
Iy0  xz0 xx0 ðIz0  Ix0 Þ ¼ Ty0 (90b)
For spherical particles, the lift coefficient CL is equal to  
0.50003 [95]. However, for nonspherical particles, the mag- dxz0
Iz 0  xx0 xy0 Ix0  Iy0 ¼ Tz0 (90c)
nitude of CL has to be measured experimentally or deter- dt
mined numerically.  
Here, Ix0 ; Iy0 ; Iz0 are particle
 of inertia about the princi-
Brownian motion induced force. As outlined, for spherical par- pal axes x0 , y0 , and z0 ; xx0 ; xy0 ; xz0 are particle angular  velocities
ticles, FBM;i encapsulates the components of the Brownian-motion with respect to the principal axes x0 , y0 , and z0 ; and Tx0 ; Ty0 ; Tz0
induced force in the i-th direction, which can be modeled as a are torques acting on the particle with respect to the principal axes
Gaussian white noise process (see Eq. (25)). x0 , y0 and z0 . For ellipsoidal particles, Ix0 ; Iy0 ; Iz0 can be written as:
For ellipsoidal particles with aspect ratio b, the Brownian
motion induced force in three principal directions, i.e., x0 y0 z0 -axes,  
1 þ b2  a2p
can be expressed as [57,97]: Ix 0 ¼ Iy 0 ¼ mp (91a,b)
pP0;i0 2a2p
FBM;i0 ¼ fi (87) Iz0 ¼ mp (91c)
Dt 5

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 Hydrodynamics  Torque. In simple linear shear flow, where:
Tx0 ; Ty0 ; Tz0 are torques acting on the particle with respect to the 2 3
principal axes x0 , y0 and z0 can be expressed as [98]: @vf ;x @vf ;x @vf ;x
6 @x @y @z 7
6 7
16plf a3p b h    i 6 @vf ;y @vf ;y @vf ;y 7
Tx0 ¼   1  b2 Dz0 y0 þ 1 þ b2 Wz0 y0  xx0 ½G xyz ¼ 6 6 @x
7 (98a)
3 b0 þ b c0 6 @y @z 7 7
4 @vf ;z @vf ;z @vf ;z 5
@x @y @z
2 3
16plf a3p b h 2    i @vf ;x0 @vf ;x0 @vf ;x0
Ty0 ¼   b  1 Dx0 z0 þ 1 þ b2 Wx0 z0  xy0 6 @x0
3 a0 þ b c0 6 @y0 @z0 7 7
6 @vf ;y0 @vf ;y0 @vf ;y0 7
(92b) ½G x0 y0 z0 ¼ 6
6 @x0
7 (98b)
6 @y0 @z0 7 7
4 @vf ;z0 @vf ;z0 @vf ;z0 5
32plf a3p b 
Tz0 ¼ Wy0 x0  xz0 (92c) @x0 @y0 @z0
3ða0 þ b0 Þ
In detail, as ½G xyz satisfies
When using Eqs. (92a)–(92c), the underlying assumption is that
the flow near the particle on the submicron/nano scale can be ! ¼ ½G  d !
dv x (99)
p xyz
approximated as linear shear flow. In Eqs. (92a)–(92c), Dij is the
deformation rate tensor, and Wij is the spin tensor. The expres-
sions of Dij and Wij can be given as: and according to Eq. (61)
Dx0 x0 Dx0 y0 Dx0 z0
3 ! ¼ A1  dv!
dv 0
h i p
6 7 1 !  !T
½ D x0 y0 z0 ¼ 4 Dy0 x0 Dy0 y0 Dy0 z0 5 ¼ rv p þ rvp (93)
2 x0 y0 z0 and
Dz x Dz y Dz z
0 0 0 0 0 0

Wx0 x0 Wx0 y0 Wx0 z0
3 d!
x ¼ A1  d x0 (100b)
h  !T i
6 7 1
½W x0 y0 z0 ¼ 4 Wy0 x0 Wy0 y0 Wy0 z0 5 ¼ rv!p  rvp (94) substituting Eqs. (100a) and (100b) to Eq. (99) yields:
2 x0 y0 z0
Wz0 x0 Wz0 y0 Wz0 z0
! !
dv0p ¼ A  ½G xyz  A1  d x0 (101)
 Relationship between Angular Velocities and Euler’s
1 @vp;z0 @vp;y0 Quaternions. The angular velocity components were defined in
Dz 0 y 0 ¼ þ (95a)
2 @y0 @z0 the body-fixed x0 y0 z0 -frame:

1 @vp;x0 @vp;z0 dw d/
Dx 0 z 0 ¼ þ (95b) xx 0 ¼ þ cos h (102a)
2 @z0 @x0 dt dt
 dh d/
1 @vp;z0 @vp;y0 xy0 ¼ cos w þ sin h sin w (102b)
Wz0 y0 ¼  (95c) dt dt
2 @y0 @z0 d/ dh
xz 0 ¼ sin h cos w  sin w (102c)
 dt dt
1 @vp;x0 @vp;z0
Wx0 z0 ¼  (95d)
2 @z0 @x0 Substituting Eqs. (67a)–(67c) into Eqs. (102a)–(102c) yields:
 2 3
1 @vp;y0 @vp;x0 de1
Wy0 x0 ¼  (95e) 6 dt 7
2 @x0 @y0 6 7 2 3
6 de2 7 gxx0  e3 xy0 þ e2 xz0
6 7
Additionally, in Eqs. (92a)–(92c), a0, b0, and c0 are given as: 6 dt 7 1 6 6 e3 xx0 þ gxy0  e1 xz0 7
6 7
6 de3 7 ¼ 2 6
4 e2 xx0 þ e1 xy0 þ gxz0 5
7 (103)
" pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi# 6 7
b2 b b  b2  1 6 dt 7
6 7 e1 xx0  e2 xy0  e3 xz0
a0 ¼ b0 ¼ 2 þ   ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (96a) 4 dg 5
b  1 2 b2  1 3=2 b þ b2  1
" pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi#
2 b b  b2  1 Equation (103) is used for updating Euler’s quaternions during
c0 ¼  2  3=2 ln pffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi (96b)
b 1 b2  1 b þ b2  1 each time step after the angular velocities have been updated.

Velocity Gradient Transformation. In Eqs. (93) and (94), flow 3.5 Two-Fluid Euler-Euler Methods. Euler–Euler methods
velocity gradients in the body-fixed frame can be obtained by solve two sets of algebraic conservation equations for two differ-
transforming the velocity gradients from the global frame. The ent fluids simultaneously for each node in the field [44]. The con-
velocity gradient transformation [G] from the global frame xyz to cept of phasic volume fraction relies on continuous functions of
the body-fixed frame x0 y0 z0 reads: space and time where the sum of volume fractions of each
phase is equal to one. Among many Euler–Euler methods, e.g.,
the Volume-of-Fluid (VOF) model or the Homogeneous Mixture
½G x0 y0 z0 ¼ A  ½G xyz A1 (97) model [42], the two-fluid model is widely used in simulating

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fluid-particle flows. Specifically, a set of continuity and momen- lung airway model. They represented fibers as ellipsoidal par-
tum equations are solved for each phase with coupling between ticles, and their translational and rotational motions were both
phases through the pressure and interphase exchange coefficients. solved and updated at each time step. The numerical model of
The dispersed phase is averaged over each control volume. This Tian et al. [113] considered the orientation effect and provided
approach is used for bubble columns, rises, particle suspensions, better predictions than when using the effective diameter method;
and fluidized beds (see, for example, ANSYS FLUENT 14.0, Ansys however, at much higher computational costs. Nevertheless, Tian
Inc., Canonsburg, PA). The two-fluid model neglects the discrete et al. [113] still used spherical particle deposition mechanisms
nature of the dispersed phase; therefore, it is best suited for high and their lift force expression was not provided. Specifically, the
particle volume fractions (larger than 10%), i.e., dense suspen- deposition mechanism in Ref. [113] simplified the ellipsoidal
sions. Furthermore, there are uncertainties brought by the various particle as effective spherical particle and did not consider the ori-
closure assumptions; for example, the forms of interaction terms entation effect on the deposition judging criteria.
modeling the exchange of mass, momentum and energy between The particle mechanics of ellipsoidal particles is intricate
the two phases (i.e., the two “fluids”). Furthermore, appropriate because of the anisotropic shape effect, meaning that the rota-
boundary conditions which can characterize the properties of the tional movement must be considered. Ellipsoidal particle transport
disperse phase are difficult to determine realistically. and deposition in basic shear flows, such as Couette flow and
Poiseuille flow, were investigated experimentally and numerically
Computational fluid dynamics–discrete element method. As in order to attain more physical insight to the motion characteris-
outlined, the Computational Fluid Dynamics–Discrete Element tics of ellipsoidal particles. For example, Jeffrey [98] investigated
Method (CFD–DEM) which is also called Combined Continuum ellipsoidal particles in linear shear flow and claimed that the rota-
and Discrete Model (CCDM) [99] is used to compute the stresses tion period of the particle is a function of the aspect ratio b and
and displacements in a volume containing a large number of flow shear rate. Gallily and Eisner [114] studied both theoretically
particles [40,100,101]. The CFD–DEM method was originally and experimentally elongated particles in a 2D Poiseuille flow for
proposed for modeling fluidized beds and granular flow. This the rotation patterns. Chen and Yu [115] proposed a correlation
approach is Lagrangian–Eulerian modeling of the multiphase flu- for fiber sedimentation rates in a horizontal circular tube based on
idized medium in which a direct numerical integration of the indi- their numerical results. Fan and Ahmadi [92] developed models
vidual particle trajectories is coupled to a continuum integration for ellipsoidal particle transport in channels. In continuation,
of the Navier–Stokes equation of fluid motion via an interphase Shanley and Ahmadi [90] studied ellipsoidal particles in steady
interaction term [102]. The particle shapes and geometries are flow of a horizontal straight pipe, including motion and sedimen-
specified by the user. tation characteristics, and proposed an empirical correlation for
To model particle–particle contact forces, both “hard sphere particle deposition. Employing the same numerical model from
model” [103,104] and “soft sphere model” (first utilized by Cun- Fan and Ahmadi [92], Tian et al. [19] claimed that ellipsoidal par-
dall and Strack [100]) were introduced in the CFD–DEM method ticles transport motion can be affected by the aspect ratio, flow
[40,105,106]. The soft sphere model is very useful for discrete shear rate, as well as particle relative density to the continuous
particle simulation of dense phase flows. phase, i.e., air. Also, Tian et al. [19] carried out experiments on
In summary, compared with the EL–ER method, CFD–DEM the deposition efficiency of particles in tubular flow. A similar nu-
does not provide any advantages in modeling dilute particle sus- merical model was proposed by Yin and Rosendahl [51] but with
pensions. However, because the CFD–DEM method takes into different expressions for drag force, lift force, and the hydraulic
account particle–particle interaction, it is more accurate than the torques. For Yin and Rosendahl’s model, additional assumptions
EL–ER method in simulating more severe conditions, such as were introduced to express the forces when compared to the
large pressure differentials, high velocity gradients as well as model built by Ahmadi’s research group. Höberg et al. [57,116]
intense particle collisions [41,107]. Additionally, the CFD–DEM investigated the Brownian motion effect of submicron ellipsoidal
method can be realized using commercial software such as particles. They established a numerical model similar to Fan and
ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 as a platform by incorporating User Defined Amadi [92]; but, made improvements by introducing the
Functions (UDF) to the DEM code [99]. Moreover, Fluent, Brownian-motion induced force, investigating the fiber transport
coupled with commercial software EDEM (DEM Solution USA behavior in steady-state tubular flows. Furthermore, Höberg et al.
Inc.), can be used for CFD–DEM method realization [41,108]. [117] analyzed micro- and nanofibers transport and deposition in
For multiphase flow predictions in the human respiratory a transient, cyclic tubular flow field, where the transient fluid flow
tract, Chen et al. [41] employed CFD–DEM simulations for field was based on an analytical solution. They claimed that the
particle transport and deposition in idealized lung airways and fiber-release time during the cyclic flow period has a significant
showed good agreement with experimental data. They asserted impact on the fiber-deposition efficiency. They also showed that
that CFD–DEM is a suitable method for biological multiphase steady-state flow can be used as a good approximation of
flow analysis. Additionally, Tao et al. [109] numerically calcu- transient-flow, if an appropriate mean velocity is employed.
lated nonspherical granular flow in rectangular hopper using
CFD–DEM. Zhou et al. [110,111] employed CFD–DEM for the
simulation of fluidization of ellipsoidal particles. Two-way 4.2 Simulation Results. Using the EL–ER method (see
coupled CFD–DEM was discussed by Ren et al. [112]. Sec. 3.2) and focusing on spherical versus ellipsoidal particles, Feng
[86] numerically investigated the impact of inhaled particle deposi-
4 Summary and Comparative Simulation Results tion in a subject-specific human airway model (see Fig. 10). The
shear stress transport (SST) transition model was employed to solve
4.1 Summary. In addition to experiments, different numeri- for the laminar-to-turbulent airflow fields for inlet flow rates ranging
cal methods were introduced to simulate fiber transport and from 15 L/min to 60 L/min. ANSYS FLUENT 14.0 with in-house user-
deposition in human respiratory systems. In the past, effective defined functions (UDFs) were used to simulate the translational and
diameter methods were popular, where it is assumed that fibers rotational motion of nonspherical particles/fibers. About 100,000 ran-
can be considered as equivalent spherical particles [16] with cor- domly selected, uniformly distributed fibers were released at the inlet
rections for the drag force and lift force acting on them. However, in order to assure that the deposition profiles were independent of the
the effective diameter method cannot take into account the effect particle count. The total deposition efficiency comparison between
of fiber orientation on the change in drag and lift coefficients spherical and ellipsoidal particles is shown in Fig. 10. The results of
during each time step, which is significant for accurate transport the validated computer simulation model clearly indicate that ellip-
and deposition simulation of particulate matter. Tian et al. [113] soidal particles with high aspect ratios (e.g., needle-like fibers) are
numerically calculated fiber deposition in an idealized human more dangerous than spherical particles or particles with low aspect

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