The Effects of Big Data On Forensic Accounting
The Effects of Big Data On Forensic Accounting
The Effects of Big Data On Forensic Accounting
Professionals who carry out the forensic accounting profession must have an
extensive knowledge of accounting, as well as an effective knowledge of law,
auditing, internal audit, business management, psychology, crime science, and,
in particular, computer technologies. In today’s digital business environment,
it has become difficult to identify fraudulent transactions with traditional
methods. Developments in information (data) and information technology
have helped increase anti-fraud control programs and fraud research oppor-
tunities. In particular, fraudulent financial reporting disrupts the reliabil-
ity, accuracy, and efficiency of financial markets in terms of existence and
continuity. The forensic accounting profession has been able to improve the
effectiveness of inspections by using big data techniques, data analytics, and
algorithms (Rezaee, Lo, Ha, & Suen, 2016; Seda & Kramer, 2014; Singleton &
Singleton, 2010).
The aim of the author, in this chapter, is to evaluate the contribution of using
big data techniques in forensic accounting applications and the skills that will
be provided to students while integrating these techniques in forensic account-
ing trainings. For this purpose, studies on forensic accounting education and
their applications were reviewed. In addition, opinions were evaluated by con-
sidering the relevant literature about the importance of big data, benefits of big
data, use of big data techniques, and interest shown of them.
The main reasons for the occurance and development of the forensic accounting
profession can be listed as follows: The complexity of commercial transactions,
the increase in the corruption of the employees in the enterprises and the dif-
ficulty in detecting and preventing these corruption, the increase of the failures
of the enterprise, the use of the developing technological environment with bad
intentions, and the need for expert support. Along with the effect of these reasons,
members of accounting profession started to consider and question the world
behind numbers in accounting records. Forensic accountants performs activities
in fields of litigation support consultancy, expert witness, and fraud examiner.
Forensic accountants provide use of accounting knowledge and skills for soving
legal problems. (Crain, Hopwood, Pacini, & Young, 2015; Crumbley, Heitger, &
Smith, 2015; Manning, 2011).
Today, in the field of forensic accounting, it is observed that large data tech-
niques have been widely used to cope with the data sets exceeding the constraints
of traditional electronic financial statements. In today’s data environment and
technological infrastructure, relational database techniques with traditional rules
lead to misappropriation of findings, detect, or ignore some frauds. These tradi-
tional database techniques often perform tasks such as matching, sorting, filter-
ing, and query design. However, professional accountants in the field of forensic
accounting need more. This has created the data environment for that need.
Nowadays, forensic accountants can use numerous advanced anti-fraud tech-
niques such as data visualization, predictive analysis, behavior analysis, content
analysis, social network analysis, and geo-spatial analysis (Nigrini, 2011, 2012;
Rezaee & Wang, 2017).
When examining some research papers in the literature and when investigat-
ing corruption, fraud, and bribery cases in the field of forensic accounting, it is
possible to take into account the big data on legal regulations and rules related
to the sector and search for potential frauds with using keyword groups. In addi-
tion to the use of historical process data and comparisons, it is necessary to use
more developed analyses in order to detect abnormal operations, high-risk areas,
and potential fraudulent activities. Therefore, accountants or university gradu-
ates who want to work in the field of forensic accounting should be provided with
theoretical and practical trainings or courses on what big data is and what can be
done with big data analysis (Rezaee & Wang, 2017).
In the light of the literature reviewed, it is firstly observed that the use of
big data techniques and data analytics in the field of forensic accounting in
today’s technology environment and the interest shown in these techniques are
The Effects of Big Data on Forensic Accounting Practices and Education 13
to the lawyers before or during the case. All kinds of corruption cases, business
valuations, damage and loss estimates, insurance disputes, problems arising from
agreements, problems related to patents, rights and brands, separation and merger
cases related to enterprises, bankruptcy cases, and problems between enterprises
are among the cases that litigation support consultancy services provide.
Expert witness is a field where the judicial accounting profession benefits from
a case of economic origin is conducted in a healthy way. The increase in the num-
ber of cases of economic origin and the number of defendants and the increasing
complexity of these issues increased the need for expert witnessing. The specific
knowledge, experience, and training of forensic accountants play an important
role in these cases.
One of the most striking areas of exercise of the forensic accounting profession
in recent years is fraud examiner. Frauds made by employees of enterprise,
committing an offense by white collars, frauds in financial statements made
by enterprise’s top managers to mislead enterprise’s relevant persons, frauds
such as frauds related to investments, commercial briberies and commissions,
frauds related to bank transactions, frauds in electronic fund transfers, frauds
in credit cards, frauds in computer and information technologies, and frauds
made via internet and increase in their numbers resulted in the profession of
fraud examiner.
In these areas of application, fraud examining has an important place today.
Sometimes, fraud examining and fraud audit are used interchangeably. These two
concepts are similar to each other; yet, there are differences between them. Fraud
audit is a type of audit that has a specific approach and theory to prove whether
the fraud is present or not. Fraud examining is defined as the process of deter-
mining whether the fraud is committed or not, similarly. The most fundamental
difference between them is that fraud examining involves fraud audit techniques;
however, it collects and evaluates non-financial forensic evidence. Another differ-
ence is that fraud audit determines and analyses the red-flags upon the request
of the management, whereas fraud examining is the provision of the necessary
proofs through legal means in order to prove the fraud claim upon the request
of judges and prosecutors or the otherwise (Singleton & Singleton, 2010, p. 12;
Smith, 2012, p. 8).
Professing the forensic accounting profession requires having knowledge in
corporate crimes, corporate culture, research techniques, basic accounting and
finance issues, process of obtaining evidence, civil and criminal prosecution,
expert witnessing, electronic data preparation, collection/preparation of the data
necessary for digital forensics without damaging or destructing them, investiga-
tional audit, and, particularly, fraud examining. Since the information produced
in the business environment is produced, processed, and stored electronically,
the information to be acquired in the field of digital forensics is very valuable
for forensic accountants (Smith & Crumbley, 2009, p. 67). In addition, foren-
sic accountants should have knowledge and experience in auditing, tax, business
operations, management, internal controls, and interpersonal relations in addi-
tion to basic accounting and financial issues (Nunn, Mcguire, Whitcomb, & Jost,
2006, p. 2).
information, hidden trends, and complex relationships. With the help of these
mathematical models, unusual transaction entries, extremely high and low vari-
able values, accounting transactions held in various files, and unexplained values
for two or more records, which cannot be related to each other, can be determined
(Grubor, Ristic, & Simeunovic, 2013, pp. 2–3; Panigrahi, 2006, p. 1427).
The artificial neural network, which is one of the data-mining methods, is
being frequently used in the detection of fraudulent financial reporting. Artificial
neural networks are multivariate and artificial intelligence technology produces
successful results in situations where complex interactions between variables are
present or if there is no single set of solutions. Artificial neural networks are used
to determine the relationship between the processes in the data set and classify,
evaluate, predict, and control these operations (Coakley & Brown, 2000, p. 119).
It has been in some studies within the literature that the correct classification
success of the artificial neural network model starts from 75% and reaches up to
100%. The effectiveness of data-mining classification techniques in determining
the companies issuing fraudulent financial statements has been investigated and
identified factors related to fraudulent financial statements have been determined
in the study executed by Kirkos, Spathis, and Manolopoulos (2007). This study
shows the benefits of Decision Trees, Artificial Neural Networks, and Bayesian
Belief Networks in defining fraudulent financial statements. Model of Decision
Tree has accurately classified all non-fraud cases (100%) and 35 fraud cases of
38 (92%). Artificial intelligence model has correctly classified all of the cases (76)
on the rate of 100%. Bayesian belief network classified 72 cases correctly (per-
formance 95%). In particular, it correctly classified 37 cases of fraud (97%) and
35 non-fraud cases (92%). In the study held by Liou (2008), the differences and
similarities between fraudulent financial reporting and business failure predic-
tion models, descriptive variables, and methodologies have been investigated in
terms of their most effective aspects. In terms of overall accuracy, it has been seen
that both logistic regression and neural networks have been correctly classified all
counterfeit/failed companies. In particular, logistic regression performed better
than the neural network approach in determining both financial reporting and
business failure estimates.
Big Data, Benford’s Law, electronic imaging, and data mining techniques are
useful in both fraud detection and litigation consulting. Forensic accountants
should be particularly careful when dealing with electronic evidence. Evidences
those are proper for the essence of the event and untainted are necessary in order
to be on the winning side in the courtroom. The forensic accountant must have a
basic understanding of the rules for the collection and evaluation of evidence and
apply them (Crumbley et al., 2015).
In the field of forensic accounting, other than these mathematical models, the
focus is on processes or events that seem unusual in terms of time, frequency,
place, amount, parties, or persons when holding counterfeit research. In addition,
the corporate culture and reward system, which may lead to internal controls that
are neglected by senior management or performed without sufficient attention,
low employee motivations, job likes, and unethical behaviors may also be exam-
ined (Clayton, 2006, p. 305).
Different analysis types can be used in order to analyze Big Data for differ-
ent purposes. These are Descriptive Analytics, Diagnostic Analytics, Discovery
Analysis (Insight), and Predictive Analytics. Descriptive analysis, from an
accounting point of view, is the traditional knowledge that represents traditional
historical financial information. The diagnostic analysis explains the reasons for
historical results. The exploratory analysis determines whether there is a relation-
ship between historical information and another database. The predictive analysis
determines historical data and trends to predict what will happen in the future
(Lindell, 2017, 1/9).
The Effects of Big Data Analyses on the Areas of Accounting and Auditing
Accountants tend to consider the data on traditional data perspectives, such as
information retrieval, collection, classification, analysis, and reporting. Yet, the
emergence of Big Data has allowed for increased complexity and the ability to
perform deep data analysis that was not previously possible (Lindell, 2017, 2/2).
Nowadays, it is known that audit activity is possible to create value in enter-
prises by means of big data analysis, thus increasing the reliability of audit activi-
ties and auditors. Big data analysis is used in the audit in order to examine the
underlying transactions, balances, and disclosures in the financial statements and
related management claims. It enables auditors to analyze larger amounts of
data, identify frauds more easily, create auditory views based on stronger facts,
and perform higher-quality audits (Earley, 2015).
Big data require the use of complex analytical tools and platforms to effec-
tively and accurately identify potential risks that can trigger financial reporting
frauds. Big data are expected to grow even further and therefore companies and
their auditors in general and forensic accountants are expected to proactively
search the irregularities in big data and evaluate and manage the risk profiles in
discovering financial reporting frauds (Rezaee & Wang, 2017, p. 104).
In the study conducted by Dai and Vasarhelyi (2016, p. 2), four control genera-
tions were mentioned and different tools used in each generation were classified.
In the audit, the first generation was named Audit 1.0, and in this generation, the
Manual control tools (calculators, etc.) were included. The second generation in
the audit was named Audit 2.0, where the IT audit tools (Excel, software, BDDT-
ACL, IDEA) were included. The third generation in the audit was called Audit 3.0.
Audit 3.0 audit tools are classified as a generation in which big data have been
included in audit analysis tools (analytical applications). The last generation
was called Audit 4.0 and included semi and advanced automatic control tools
(Sensors, Cyber-physical systems, Internet of Things/IoT/IoS, Radio Frequency
Identification (RFID), locators-GPS).
In the study conducted by Appelbaum, Kogan, and Vaserhely (2017), the need
for the progress of the independent audit profession toward big data and audit
analyzes has been evaluated by examining the studies in the literature within the
scope of six main research questions. These questions have been focused on the
questions: “Should new analyses must be used in the audit progress?”; “Which of
these analyses is more promising?”; “Where can they be used within the audit?”;
“what kind of changes must be held on the audit standards in order to provide
the permission/expedition of these analyses?”; and “How can the audit reports
be more informative?” In the study, many different analytical techniques have
been used at each stage of the audit and these have been classified as follows
(Appelbaum et al., 2017, pp. 21–22):
In the study held by Brown-Liburd and Vaserhely (2015), discussion within the
scope of the literature includes what kind of evidence is revealed in the big data
environment, how these can be integrated into the traditional audit process, and
how the assurance process will change conceptually. As a result of the investiga-
tions, it has been emphasized that both the definitions and the qualifications of
audit evidence vary in accordance with the effect of Big Data, digital evidence,
and electronic tracks provided by technologies such as RFID, GPS, and IoT. It
has been stated that the evidences will expand in volume and the new analyses will
serve to identify and explain these evidences.
can learn these techniques and develop various methods in the progress of time.
Therefore, it is clear that the techniques used in order to detect and prevent fraud
and corruption can never have their first effects. Therefore, due to the speed of
change and development in information technologies, it is necessary to constantly
update the techniques of detecting and preventing fraud (Bolton & Hand, 2002,
p. 235).
In the study conducted by Ernst & Young (2014, p. 2), 72% of the respondents
(466 enterprises participating in the survey) stated that big data technologies have
a key role in the prevention and detection of fraud. According to the results of
the survey conducted within the scope of EY Global Forensic data analytics sur-
vey, it has been seen that the database tools such as Microsoft Excel (65%) and
Microsoft Access or Microsoft SQL Server (43%) were used primarily in enter-
prises. Apart from these, continuous monitoring tools (SAP, SAI Global, Oracle)
which may contain GRC – governance risk and compliance tools, text analysis
tools, or keyword searching (26%), forensic analytics software (ACL, IDEA)
(26%), social media/web monitoring tools (21%), visualization and reporting
tools (Tableau, Spotfire, QlikView) (12%), statistical analysis and data mining
packages (SPSS, SAS, R, Stata) (11%), Big Data Technologies (Hadoop, Map
Reduce) (2%), voice searching and analysis (NEXIDIA, NICE) (2%) place in
the forensic data analysis tools used in the enterprises which participated in the
research (Ernst & Young, 2014, p. 9). The survey of global forensic data analy-
sis tools conducted by Ernst & Young has been repeated in 2016 and 2018. In
the research conducted in 2016, it was determined that the enterprises that suc-
cessfully applied forensic data analytics tools used social media, web monitoring,
and visualization tools. In addition, the findings obtained from the research show
that the enterprises expand their forensic data analytics capabilities beyond the
traditional methods of counterfeiting into the areas such as legal, information
management, and cybersecurity. Following can be referred as the forensic data
analytics tools used against the internal enterprise threats, cyber-risks, and fraud
risks: rules-based descriptive tests and reporting, keyword search, topic modeling
and linguistic analysis, statistical analysis and machine learning, data visualiza-
tion: dashboards data visualization: pattern and link analysis (Ernst & Young,
2016, pp. 25–27). In the 2018 survey, it has been indicated that the enterprises (745
companies surveyed) began to use tools such as data blending, data blending, user
behavioral analytics, and social media analytics along with the above-mentioned
forensic data analytics tools. User behavioral analytics and social media analyt-
ics tools are often used to detect abnormal activities and suspicious relationships
(Ernest & Young, 2018, p. 12).
Big data and digitalization have brought both challenges and opportunities
for forensic accountants. Today, forensic accountants most frequently encoun-
tered fraud risks of cyber-violations, manipulation/destruction of data within the
enterprise, IP theft, unauthorized transactions, illegal money transfers, informa-
tion technology sabotage, theft of intellectual property, theft of personal data
and theft of digital assets, and more. These types of fraud occur as a result of the
malicious use of information technologies and constitute the cases that the foren-
sic accountants focus on today. However, now they use the same weapon against
these fraud risks in forensic accountants, rather than traditional methods, and use
information technologies in the detection and prevention of fraud and corrup-
tion. Today, forensic accountants can obtain both structured and unstructured
data through the untraditional data sources such as third-party watch lists, news
media, free text payment descriptions, e-mail communications, social media, and
web monitoring (Rezaee & Wang, 2017, pp. 103–104).
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