DLL Q1 - Week-5

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11 HE – Bolinao Falls,Tara

School: BOLINAO INTEGRATED SCHOOL Grade Level: Falls and 11 ICT - Steve jobs
GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: ZOTZ C. OSTIL Learning Area: UCSP
DAILY LESSON LOG Quarter: 1 Teaching Dates: Setyembre 18-22, 2023
10-11 AM-TWThF/1-2 PM –
Week: 5 Teaching Time: MTThF/3-4PM - MTWTh


Objectives must be met over the week and connected to the curriculum standards. To meet the objectives, necessary procedures must be followed and if needed, additional
I. OBJECTIVES lessons, exercises, and remedial activities may be done to develop content knowledge and competencies. These are using Formative Assessment strategies. Valuing objectives
supports the learning of content and competencies and enables children to find significance and joy in learning the lessons. Weekly objectives shall be derived from the
curriculum guides.
The learner demonstrates an understanding of perspectives in/approaches to the study of culture and society (i.e., comparative, historical,
A. Content Standards
structural functional, interpretive, critical)
The learner will analyze key features of identifying norms and values to be observed in interacting with others in society, and the consequences
B. Performance Standards
of ignoring these rules
Analyze the significance of Analyze the significance of cultural, Explain the context, content, processes, Explain the context, content, processes,
cultural, social, political and social, political and economic symbols and consequences of socialization and consequences of socialization
economic symbols and practices and practices

Objectives: Objectives: Objectives: Objectives:

o Determine the context about
o Explain democratization socialization and  Explain the role that social  Explain the role that social
C. Mga Kasanayan sa as a sociopolitical enculturation groups play in the formation groups play in the formation
Pagkatuto evolution, and o Apply content, processes, and of identities, values, of identities, values, attitudes,
Isulat ang code ng bawat o Explore the significance consequences of socialization attitudes, and beliefs; and and beliefs; and
kasanayan of human material and enculturation through a  Describe the organized  Describe the organized
remains and artifactual venn diagram activity nature of social life and the nature of social life and the
evidence in interpreting Make a slogan with a design that will rules governing behavior in rules governing behavior in
cultural, social, political, provide understanding on the society. society.
and economic processes. significance of norms and values in
interacting with others in society, and
the consequences of ignoring the
Content is what the lesson is all about. It pertains to the subject matter that the teacher aims to teach. In the CG, the content can be tackled in a week or two.
II. CONTENT Conformity and Groups Within Society and
Deviance Formal Organizations
List the materials to be used in different days. Varied sources of materials sustain children’s interest in the lesson and in learning. Ensure that there is a mix of concrete and
manipulative materials as well as paper-based materials. Hands-on learning promotes concept development.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Material pages
Serapio, M. (2016) Understanding Understanding Culture, Society Understanding Culture, Society Understanding Culture, Society
Culture Society, & Politics. and Politics, First Edition, ADM4, and Politics, First Edition, ADM4, and Politics, First Edition, ADM4,
Atienza, et. Al (2016)
Understanding Society, Culture &
3. Textbook pages
Politics: for Senior High School. C
& E Publishing Inc.
Lanuza, G. & Raymundo, S.
(2016) ) Understanding Society,
Culture & Politics. Rex Bookstore
4. Additional Materials for Youtube, Slideshare, Linked Youtube, Slideshare, Linked in Youtube, Slideshare, Linked in Youtube, Slideshare, Linked in
Learning Resource Portal in
B. Other Learning Resources 18_u-492_t-1338_c-5143/a-brief-
These steps should be done across the week. Spread out the activities appropriately so that students will learn well. Always be guided by demonstration of learning by the
students which you can infer from formative assessment activities. Sustain learning systematically by providing students with multiple ways to learn new things, practice their
learning, question their learning processes, and draw conclusions about what they learned in relation to their life experiences and previous knowledge. Indicate the time
allotment for each step.
Ask learners what they have Ask learners what they have learned Review on the previous lesson taken
A. Reviewing Previous Lesson or learned about enculturation and about conformity and deviance and prepare for an assessment.
Presenting the New Lesson socialization
Present the learning objectives to the Present the learning objectives to
learners the learners.
B. Establishing a Purpose for the Begin the lesson by defining social
Lesson organizations and explaining their
importance in sociological study.
Answer the following questions; Analyze this line below which is taken (Pretest)
o As a student, can you say from Article 1 of the Universal Directions: Write the letter of the
that you have followed Declaration of Human Rights.
best answer.
the rules and regulations
“All human beings are born free and
of the school? Why or
C. Presenting Examples/ equal in dignity and rights…”
why not?
Instances of the Lesson
o If you have not obeyed
these rules and
regulations, what would
be the consequences?

Discuss the lesson about Discuss the lesson about Human Let the learners explain the line,
conformity and deviance Dignity, Rights, and the Common “Man as a social animal”
D. Discussing New Concepts and Good
Practicing New Skills #1 - Discuss about Social Class
to the learners.

E. Discussing New Concepts and

Practicing New Skills #2
F. Developing Mastery Answer the questions; Acitivity: “My Awareness on Activity: What’s New?
(Leads to Formative Assessment o What is conformity? Human’s Rights” Directions: Describe the
3) Direction. There will be given a
o What is deviance? picture in at least three (3)
column with these following sentences sentences.
Give an example situation where it and learners will identify if it is
applies to your daily basis? correct or incorrect.
1. Respecting the rights and opinions
of others
2. Freedom is for the leaders only.
3. Paying taxes honestly Every right
has a corresponding responsibility.
4. All citizens have access to public
5. Volunteering in the community
6. Informing an individual about
important political issues
7. Freedom to choose how they live,
but cannot express themselves.
8. Protect people against abuse by
those who are less powerful.
9. Willing to sacrifice his or her
individual interests for the good of his
or her own family is an example of
common good
10. Obeying some of the laws of the
Activity: Self-evaluation How these content, context, process
and consequences affects your daily Activity : What’s More?
life basis as a student? Directions: From the different groups
that you have learned above, choose
G. Finding Practical Applications
one that
of Concepts and Skills in Daily
you think provided the most
significant impacts in your life. Write
the group in
column A and write the
corresponding impact in column B.
How these content, context, As a responsible citizen needs to Groups and how they behave are not
process, and consequences affects promote the common good such as necessarily categorized in terms of
your daily life basis as a student? obeying the law, volunteering in the membership, actual as in the primary
community, paying taxes honestly, and secondary group or imagined as
informing himself about important in reference groups. They may be
H. Making Generalizations and
political issues, and respecting the categorized in terms of how an
Abstractions about the Lesson
rights of others. He or she is willing to individual is linked in any groups
sacrifice his individual interests for the like the networks defined as sets of
collective good of the nation. informal and formal social ties that
linked people to each other.

Students will be given a short quiz. Activity: Poster Making Directions: In a clean sheet of paper The teacher will prepare a quiz/ test
Direction: Create a poster below on answer the following questions: that will assess the learnings of the
how you can value human rights and A. Give examples of the following students. Make sure that the test
promote the common good. groups: covers all the topics discussed for the
I. Evaluating Learning 1. Reference group week.
2. Secondary group
3. Primary group
4. in –group
5. out– group
J. Additional Activities for
Application or Remediation
V. REMARKS _____Objectives met. Proceed to the _____Objectives partially met due to _____Objectives unmet due to the Other remarks:
next lesson. integration of current events/issues. suspension of classes due to disasters or _____Objectives met. Proceed to the next
_____Objectives partially met due to _____Objectives partially met because the other reasons. lesson.
lack of time. learners wanted to share many ideas _____Objectives partially met due to lack
_____Objectives partially met due to regarding the topic being studied. Other remarks: of time.
integration of current events/issues. _____Objectives unmet due to the _____Objectives met. Proceed to the _____Objectives partially met due to
_____Objectives partially met because suspension of classes due to disasters or next lesson. integration of current events/issues.
the learners wanted to share many other reasons. _____Objectives partially met due to lack _____Objectives partially met because the
ideas regarding the topic being of time. learners wanted to share many ideas
studied. Other remarks: _____Objectives partially met due to regarding the topic being studied.
_____Objectives unmet due to the _____Objectives met. Proceed to the next integration of current events/issues. _____Objectives unmet due to the
suspension of classes due to disasters lesson. _____Objectives partially met because suspension of classes due to disasters or
or other reasons. _____Objectives partially met due to lack the learners wanted to share many ideas other reasons.
of time. regarding the topic being studied.
Other remarks: _____Objectives partially met due to _____Objectives unmet due to the Other remarks:
_____Objectives met. Proceed to the integration of current events/issues. suspension of classes due to disasters or
next lesson. _____Objectives partially met because the other reasons.
_____Objectives partially met due to learners wanted to share many ideas
lack of time. regarding the topic being studied.
Reflect on your teaching and assess yourself as a teacher. Think about your student’s progress this week. What works? What else needs to be done to help the students
Identify what help your instructional supervisors can provide for you so when you meet them, you can ask them relevant questions.
A. No. of Learners who earned ____Collaborative Learning ____Video Presentations ____Games ____It helped the learners to understand
80% in the evaluation ____Think-Pair-Share ____Powerpoint Presentations ____ANA/KWL Technique the lesson.
____Small Group Discussion ____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____Decision Chart ____Learners were motivated to do the
____Free Discussion Current Issues) ____Quiz Bee tasks assigned to them.
____Inquiry-Based Learning ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk Other Strategies: ____Learners’ skills were
____Reflective Learning ____Problem-based Learning cultivated/refined.
____Poster-making ____Peer Learning How did these work? .
____Video Presentations ____Games ____It helped the learners to understand Other reasons:
____Powerpoint Presentations ____ANA/KWL Technique the lesson.
____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____Decision Chart ____Learners were motivated to do the ____Collaborative Learning
Current Issues) ____Quiz Bee tasks assigned to them. ____Think-Pair-Share
____Reporting/ Gallery Walk Other Strategies: ____Learners’ skills were ____Small Group Discussion
____Problem-based Learning cultivated/refined. ____Free Discussion
____Peer Learning How did these work? . ____Inquiry-Based Learning
____Games ____It helped the learners to understand Other reasons: ____ Reflective Learning
____ANA/KWL Technique the lesson. ____Collaborative Learning ____Poster-making
____Decision Chart ____Learners were motivated to do the ____Think-Pair-Share ____Video Presentations
____Quiz Bee tasks assigned to them. ____Small Group Discussion ____Powerpoint Presentations
Other Strategies: ____Learners’ skills were ____Free Discussion ____Integrative Learning (Integrating
cultivated/refined. ____Inquiry-Based Learning Current Issues)
How did these work? . ____ Reflective Learning ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk
____It helped the learners to understand Other reasons: ____Poster-making ____Problem-based Learning
the lesson. ____Video Presentations ____Peer Learning
____Learners were motivated to do the ____Collaborative Learning ____Powerpoint Presentations ____Games
tasks assigned to them. ____Think-Pair-Share ____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____ANA/KWL Technique
____Learners’ skills were ____Small Group Discussion Current Issues) ____Decision Chart
cultivated/refined. ____Free Discussion ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk ____Quiz Bee
. ____Inquiry-Based Learning ____Problem-based Learning Other Strategies:
Other reasons: ____ Reflective Learning ____Peer Learning
____Collaborative Learning ____Poster-making ____Games How did these work?
____Think-Pair-Share ____Video Presentations ____ANA/KWL Technique ____It helped the learners to understand
____Small Group Discussion ____Powerpoint Presentations ____Decision Chart the lesson.
____Free Discussion ____Integrative Learning (Integrating ____Quiz Bee ____Learners were motivated to do the
____Inquiry-Based Learning Current Issues) Other Strategies: tasks assigned to them.
____ Reflective Learning ____Reporting/ Gallery Walk ____Learners’ skills were
____Poster-making ____Problem-based Learning How did these work? cultivated/refined.
____Peer Learning .
Other reasons:

B. No. of Learners who require

additional activities for
remediation who scored below
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of Learners who have
caught up with the lessons
D. No. of Learners who continue
to require remediation
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well? Why did
these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encountered which my principal
or supervisor can help me
G. What innovation or localized
materials did I use/discover
which I wish to share with other

Prepared by: Checked: Reviewed: Noted:


Teacher I Master Teacher I Head Teacher II Principal IV

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