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Based on Annex 2B.6 to DepEd Order No. 42, s.

DAILY School Pines City National High School Grade Level & Quarter Grade 12
LOG Understanding Culture, Society,
SENIOR HIGH Inclusive Dates August 29-31, 2023 Learning Area
and Politics
SCHOOL Scheduled Time 7:40-8:40 AM Topic

I. OBJECTIVES Day 1 (Tuesday) Day 2 (Wednesday) Day 3(Thursday) Holiday (Baguio Day)
A. Content Standard The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an The learners demonstrate an
understanding of: understanding of: understanding of:
1. human cultural variation, social 1. human cultural variation, social 1. human cultural variation, social
differences, social change, and differences, social change, and political differences, social change, and political
political identities identities identities
B. Performance The learners The learners The learners
Standards 1. acknowledge human cultural 1. acknowledge human cultural 1. acknowledge human cultural
variation, social differences, social variation, social differences, social variation, social differences, social
change, and political identities change, and political identities change, and political identities
C. Learning
Competencies / Discuss the nature, goals and Discuss the nature, goals and Discuss the nature, goals and perspectives
Objectives (Write perspectives in/of anthropology, perspectives in/of anthropology, in/of anthropology, sociology and
the LC Code) sociology and political science - sociology and political science - political science - UCSP11/12SPU-Ia-
UCSP11/12SPU-Ia-1,2; Ib-3,4,5 UCSP11/12SPU-Ia-1,2; Ib-3,4,5 1,2; Ib-3,4,5
II. CONTENT Orientation

III. LESSON 1. Articulate observations on 1. Articulate observations on 1. Articulate observations on human

OBJECTIVES human cultural variation, social human cultural variation, social cultural variation, social
differences, social change, and differences, social change, and differences, social change, and
political identities. political identities. political identities.
2. Acknowledge social, cultural 2. Acknowledge social, cultural 2. Acknowledge social, cultural and
and political identities. and political identities. political identities.
3. Explain the significance of 3. Explain the significance of 3. Explain the significance of
considering the interaction of considering the interaction of considering the interaction of
culture, society, and political culture, society, and political culture, society, and political
identities in examining societal identities in examining societal identities in examining societal
change and connect it to the change and connect it to the change and connect it to the
situation they are in through a situation they are in through a situation they are in through a series
series of activities that will series of activities that will of activities that will improve their
improve their retention of the improve their retention of the retention of the lesson and apply it
lesson and apply it to real- lesson and apply it to real-world to real-world situations;
world situations; situations; 4. Share their thoughts on what they
4. Share their thoughts on what 4. Share their thoughts on what see in their community.
they see in their community. they see in their community. 5. Value social, cultural, and
5. Value social, cultural, and 5. Value social, cultural, and
political change by writing a political change by writing a
political change by writing a
reflection paper based on personal
reflection paper based on reflection paper based on
personal experience. personal experience.
A. References
1. Teacher’s Understanding Culture, Society and Understanding Culture, Society and Understanding Culture, Society and
Guide pages Politics Teacher’s guide Politics Teacher’s guide Politics Teacher’s guide
2. Learners’ Understanding Culture, Society and Understanding Culture, Society and Understanding Culture, Society and
Materials pages Politics – DepEd Reader Politics – DepEd Reader Politics – DepEd Reader

3. Textbook pages Kottak, Conrad. 2015. Cultural Kottak, Conrad. 2015. Cultural Kottak, Conrad. 2015. Cultural
Anthropology: Appreciating Cultural Anthropology: Appreciating Cultural Anthropology: Appreciating Cultural
Diversity. Sixteenth Edition New Diversity. Sixteenth Edition New York: Diversity. Sixteenth Edition New York:
York: McGraw Hill. pp. 1–19 McGraw Hill. pp. 1–19 McGraw Hill. pp. 1–19
4. Additional
Materials from

B. Other Learning
C. Strategies

A. Revising previous INTRODUCE YOURSELF: Ask the
lesson or learners to introduce themselves and
presenting the new let the learners complete this sentence
lesson upon introducing themselves. “Hello,
my name is _____________ The
object that best represent me is a

Example: “Hello, my name is

object that best represent me is a
INFORMATION THAT THE This phase aims to identify the prior
USERS WANT TO KNOW.” knowledge of students about culture,
society, and politics.
Strategy: Pinpoint
Using the picture above identify the
concepts that you can associate with
culture, society, and politics. Write
your answers in the graphic organizer.

B. Establishing a Process Question

purpose for the From your answers, give your own
lesson definition of culture, society, and
C. Presenting Strategy: Quescussion
examples/ Ask the learners: How is culture,
instances of the society and politics manifested in
new lesson everyday life?
This is the common question
we ask when the subject we
talk about is on culture,
society, and politics.
Possible answer
As a social being, we tend to relate
and interact with a larger social scale.
The intersection of private lives of an
individual in the broader social world
will deepen understanding of
worldviews about culture, thereby
creating a society governed by rules for
Strategy: Teacher directed
In this lesson you are going to broaden
knowledge on how human variations is
exhibited culturally, social differences,
social changes, and political identities.
By doing so your learnings will elevate
your views on how communities differ
from the other but exist harmoniously
through understanding culture, society,
and politics.
D. Discussing new Strategy: PICTOpinion.
concepts and
practicing new Study the pictures below.
skills #1 They are the common
things/events/practices in society.
Familiarize yourself with them and
answer the following questions with

E. Discussing
concepts and
practicing new
skills #2

F. Developing 1. What are the pictures all about? Can

mastery you name them.
(Leads to 2. Are you familiar about these
Formative pictures? Which one is closely related
Assessment 3) to you? Why?
3. Identify which among the pictures
are cultural, sociological and/or
political by ticking the right column.
G. Finding practical 4. If you were to choose with one of
applications of these cultural tradition and practices
concepts and skills which one will you choose and why?
in daily living How does this affect you as an
individual/ a member of society?
H. Making Let the students summarize the lesson
and abstractions
about the lesson
I. Evaluating Essay
learning How is culture, society and politics
manifested in everyday life?
Possible answer:
As a social being, we tend to relate and
interact with a larger social scale. The
intersection of private lives of an
individual in the broader social world
will deepen understanding of
worldviews about culture, thereby
creating a society governed by rules for
1. Additional Notebook
activities for Define the following:
application or 1. Culture
remediation 2. Society
3. Social differences
4. Social Stratification
5. Political Identities
6. Government
7. Social Science
8. Anthropology
9. Sociology
10. Political Science
Accommodate late enrollees Orientation (discuss the handbook, Class suspended due to typhoon
V. REMARKS classroom officers’ election, and
assigned cleaners)
A. No. of learners
who earned 80%
in the evaluation.
B. No. of learners
who require
activities for
C. Did the remedial
lessons work? No.
of learners who
have caught up
with the lesson.
D. No. of learners
who continue to
E. Which of my
teaching strategies
worked well? Why
did it work?
F. What difficulties
did I encounter
which my
principal or
supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation
or localized
materials did I
which I wish to
share with other



Teacher 1 Master Teacher II

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