Manual - Strain Measurement With Strain Gauges

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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering

Exp. # 2
Strain Measurement with Strain Gauges
To learn and practice the techniques of strain gauge measurement by applying strain gages to a beam
which is simply supported, and to calculate the state of stress at two different points, Poisson's ratio and
modulus of elasticity E of the tested beam.

The electrical strain gauge is a tool which translates small changes
in dimensions and consequent electrical resistance into an
equivalent change of strain.
A strain indicator is usually provided in order to give accurate
measurements of such a strain. Due to their small size, strain
gauges can be used on small surface in any direction.
The electrical strain gauge measurement is based on the simple fact
that the electrical resistance of a conductor changes once the length
of the conductor changes. If the resistance of a conductor is (Ro)
when its length is (lo), then its resistance will change by (∆R) when
its length changes by (∆l). Figure 1: Characteristic for a metal strain
The physical relationship between strain and the change of gage and the definition of the
gage factor k.
resistance is linear. See figure 1.
A strain gage’s sensitivity is expressed by the ratio of the relative change of resistance to the strain and it
is represented by the symbol k:

∆ R / Ro ∆ R / Ro Ω / Ω
k= = = …………………….. [1]
∆ l / lo ε m/m
And it is a unit less quantity.

The circuit diagram of the Wheatstone Bridge:

Figure 2: Different representations of the Wheatstone Bridge circuit.

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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 2 shows two different illustrations of the Wheatstone bridge which are however electrically
identical; Figure 2-a shows the usual rhombus type of representation which Wheatstone used; Figure 2-b
is a representation of the same circuit which is more clear for the electrically untrained person.
The four arms or branches of the bridge circuit are formed by the resistances R1 to R4, the corner points 2
and 3 of the bridge designate the connections for the bridge excitation voltage Vs; the bridge output
voltage Vo, the measurement signal, is available on the corner points 1 and 4.
The bridge excitation is usually an applied, stabilized direct or alternating voltage Vs. Sometimes a current
supply is used.

The principle of the Wheatstone Bridge Circuit:

If a supply voltage Vs is applied to the two bridge
supply points 2 and 3 then this is divided up in the two
halves of the bridge R1, R2 and R4, R3 as a ratio of the
corresponding bridge resistances, i.e. each half of the
bridge forms a voltage divider, see figure 3.
The following treatment of the bridge circuit assumes
that the source resistance R6 of the voltage supply is
negligibly small and that the internal resistance of the
instrument for measuring the bridge output voltage is
Figure 3: Principle of the voltage-fed Wheatstone
very high and does not cause any load on the bridge bridge circuit.
circuit. This method of treatment is acceptable.
The partial voltage v1 on bridge node 1 can be calculated as:

v1 = . Vs …………………….. [2]
R1 + R2
And the partial voltage v4 on bridge node 4 is:

v4 = . Vs …………………….. [3]
R3 + R4
The difference between the two partial voltages are the bridge output voltage Vo:

⎛ R1 R4 ⎞
Vo = Vs ⎜⎜ - ⎟⎟ = Vs (v1 − v 4 ) …………………….. [4]
⎝ R1 + R2 R3 + R4 ⎠
If the unbalance in the bridge is defined as the relative output voltage Vo/Vs, then equation ( 4 ) appears
in the form

Vo R1 R4
= - ………………….. [5-a]
Vs R1 + R2 R3 + R4
Vo R1 .R3 − R2 .R4
= ………………….. [5-b]
Vs ( R1 + R2 ).( R3 + R4 )

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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering

There are two conditions where Vo = 0;

• When all bridge resistors are equal value, R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = R
• When the resistor ratios in the two halves of the bridge are the same,

R1 R4 V
( = ), in this case ( o = 0 ) and the bridge circuit is balanced.
R2 R3 Vs
If the bridge resistors R1 to R4 change their value by an amount ∆R, then the bridge circuit becomes
unbalanced, and an output voltage is present between points 1 and 4. Equation (5-a) becomes:

Vo R1 + ∆R1 R 4 + ∆R 4
= - …………………….. [6]
Vs R1 + ∆R1 + R2 + ∆R2 R3 + ∆R3 + R4 + ∆R4
All bridge conditions can be calculated with equation 6, irrespective of the basic resistance R that the
individual arms of the bridge possess. However, in strain gage techniques all the arms of the bridge
should have the same resistance; at least the two halves of the bridge R1, R2, R3 and R4 must have the
same resistances. Variations due to the tolerance on the strain gage resistance do not affect the
measurement accuracy. Even differences of 5% in the resistances of R1 and R2 produce errors of less
than 0.1%.
In strain-gauge techniques the amounts by which the resistance changes in the metal strain gages are
very small and of the order of about 10-3. It is therefore usual to use the approximation below, which
provides sufficiently accurate results for practical requirements, instead of equation 6.

Vo 1 ⎛ ∆R1 ∆R2 ∆R3 ∆R4 ⎞

= ⎜ - + − ⎟ …………………….. [7]
Vs 4 ⎜⎝ R1 R2 R3 R4 ⎟⎠
The approximate formula also shows that the relative change of resistance of each arm of the bridge is
the governing factor in balancing the bridge and not the absolute change of resistance.
= k .ε …………………….. [8]
Where equation 7 in the form:

Vo k
= (ε 1 - ε 2 + ε 3 − ε 4 ) …………………….. [9]
Vs 4
The equations 7 & 9 assume that all the resistances in the bridge change. This situation occurs for
example in transducers or with test objects performing a similar function. In experimental stress analysis
this is hardly ever the case and usually only some of the arms of the bridge contain active strain gages,
the remainder being made up of bridge completion resistors. Designations for the various forms such as
Quarter Bridge, Half Bridge, Double Quarter or Diagonal Bridge and full bridge are commonplace. Figure
4 illustrates the different forms.

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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering

Figure 4:
Forms of the Wheatstone bridge
circuit used in strain gauge
a) Quarter Bridge.
b) Half Bridge.
c) Bouble Quarter or Diagonal
d) Full bridge.

The measurement system:

The strains measured with strain gauges are normally very small. Consequently the changes of
resistance are also very small and cannot be measured directly, say with an ohmmeter. The strain gauge
must therefore be included in a measurement system where precise determination of the strain gauge’s
change of resistance is possible.

Figure 5: Diagram of a measurement system for measuring strains with a strain gage.

W1 W2
20 200 200


4 N.A

R1 R2

L=1000 mm
Figure 6: Free body diagram.

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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering

The relation for the normal bending stresses in beams is very well developed. As for shown in figure 6 the
bending stress σ is directly proportional to the distance y from the neutral axis and the bending moment
σ =− ………………….. [10]
Where I is the second moment of area about the z - axis. It is customary to designate c = ymax. to omit the
negative sign, and to write:
σ =− ………………….. [11]
Where it is understood that the above equation gives the maximum stress.
If the strain gauge techniques are used to measure strain. Then using Hook’s law, the stress state at a
point can be calculated after the state of strain has been measured. We define the principal strains as the
strains in the direction of the principal stresses. The general form of Hook's law is

σ 1 = Eε 1 (1 − ν ) + νE (ε 2 + ε 3 ) / 1 − ν − 2ν 2
σ 2 = Eε 2 (1 − ν ) + νE (ε 1 + ε 3 ) / 1 − ν − 2ν 2
σ 3 = Eε 3 (1 − ν ) + νE (ε 1 + ε 2 ) / 1 − ν − 2ν 2
where σ1, σ2, σ3 are the principal stresses, ε1, ε2, ε3, are the principal strains, E is the modulas of elasticity
and ν is the Poison's ratio.
For the case of uniaxial type of stress, Hook's Law reduces to the form:

σ 1 = Eε 1
σ2 = 0
σ3 = 0
And the Poisson's ratio for the beam is given by:
Lateral Strain
Axial Strain

Strain Measurement:
The governing Equations of the strain reading, in a half bridge setup, of the indicator is given by:

Ge G V ⎛ ∆R1 ∆R2 ⎞ GV k J
Voltage read in mV = = . .⎜⎜
k R k R 4 ⎝ R1
− ⎟⎟ =
R2 ⎠
4 kR
ε 1 − ε 2J ) ………………….. [12]

k is the real gauge factor of the gauges.
kR is the value of the dividing factor set as gauge factor on the bridge.
(GV/4) = 1000 for the EI 616 Bridge.
Note that we set kR = k in the experiment, consequently all readings are in terms of 10 -6.
See figure 7 for comparison of half bridge with full bridge setup.

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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering

Apparatus & equipments needed:

- Beam Apparatus.
- Two half bridge Strain
Gauges fixed on lower &
upper faces of the beam.
- Digital strain indicator as
shown in the figure below (EI

Figure 7: for comparison of half bridge with full bridge setup.

Figure 8: Digital strain indicator, EI 616 STRAIN BRIDGE.

The first figure for the front panel and the second one is for
the rear panel. Illustration of the function of each
component is indicated as follows:

1. Mains Power socket.

2. On-Off switch.
3. Fuse.
4. 15-pin cannon socket for gauge bridge connection.
5. Half Bridge- Full Bridge selector for each measurement
6. Pressure contacts for connecting individual strain
7. Analogue output via 9-pin cannon socket.
8. 20 000-point digital display.
9. Push-button for setting gauge factor.
10. Gauge factor adjustment potentiometer.
11. Channel selector switch.
12. Potentiometers for initial balancing of bridge gauges.
13. Gauge factor potentiometer lock.

1. Set up the beam apparatus with two load hangers.
2. Two linear, half circuits strain gauges to be connected on the top and bottom of the beam at midspan.
3. Insert the gauge factor, and zero the gauge readings.
4. Apply loads to the hangers, and take readings of the channels of the strain gauges indicator.
5. Repeat the experiment at different applied loads.
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THE HASHEMITE UNIVERSITY Department of Mechanical Engineering

Results and analysis:

1. Fill the experimental results at table below.
2. Calculate the bending moment (M) at the midspan.
3. Calculate the axial stress (σ).
4. Plot (σ) against (εaxial), find E and compare it with the theoretical value.
5. Plot εaxial against εlateral, find ν and compare it with the theoretical value obtained from 6.
6. Obtain the value of Poison's ratio ν for the type of steel beam from strength of material and
7. State 5 applications of strain measurement using strain gauges.
8. State 5 specific sources of error in this experiment.

Rod material: …………………………… Cross section dimensions: ……………………………

Length: …………………………… Distance of W from center: ……………………………

Cross Section Type: …………………………… Ends condition: ……………………………

Table 1: experiment parameters.

No. W1 W2 Channel 1 reading Channel 2 reading Bending moment Stress

(N) (N) εlateral εaxial (M) (σ)

1 0 5

2 5 5

3 5 10

4 10 10

5 10 15

6 15 15
Table 2: experiment data and results.

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