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Java Development User Guide

The document provides an overview and getting started guide for Java development in Eclipse. It describes how to set up Eclipse for Java development by verifying the JRE installation and configuring preferences. It then guides the user through creating their first Java project using JUnit as an example, and browsing and editing Java elements using the Package Explorer and Java editor views.

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Jovanco Kukoski
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Java Development User Guide

The document provides an overview and getting started guide for Java development in Eclipse. It describes how to set up Eclipse for Java development by verifying the JRE installation and configuring preferences. It then guides the user through creating their first Java project using JUnit as an example, and browsing and editing Java elements using the Package Explorer and Java editor views.

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Jovanco Kukoski
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Java development user guide


Java development overview Getting Started Concepts Tasks Reference Tips and tricks What's new Legal

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide >

Java development overview

The JDT project provides the tool plug-ins that implement a Java IDE supporting the development of any Java application, including Eclipse plug-ins. It adds a Java project nature and Java perspective to the Eclipse Workbench as well as a number of views, editors, wizards, builders, and code merging and refactoring tools. The JDT project allows Eclipse to be a development environment for itself. Try the Basic tutorial to get a first impression. Discover more in the Tips and Tricks section and learn about the latest features in What's new in 3.4 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Java development user guide >

Getting Started

Basic tutorial Project configuration tutorial Eclipse and J2SE 5.0

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started

Basic tutorial
This tutorial provides a step by step walk-through of the Java development tools. Next Section: Preparing the workbench -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Preparing Eclipse
In this section, you will verify that Eclipse is properly set up for Java development. The following is assumed:

You are starting with a new Eclipse installation with default settings. You are familiar with the basic Eclipse workbench mechanisms, such as views and perspectives.

If you're not familiar with the basic workbench mechanisms, please see the Getting Started chapter of the Workbench User Guide.

Verifying JRE installation and classpath variables

1. 2. 3. If you still see the Eclipse Welcome page, click the arrow icon to begin using Eclipse. Select the menu item Window > Preferences... to open the workbench preferences. Select the Java > Installed JREs preference page to display the installed Java Runtime Environments. Confirm that a JRE has been detected. By default, the JRE used to run the workbench will be used to build and run Java programs. It should appear with a checkmark in the list of installed JREs. We recommend that you use a Java SDK instead of a JRE. An SDK is designed for development and contains the source code for the Java library, easing debugging. Additional SDKs can be added by searching the hard drive for installed SDKs. To do so, simply click the Search... button and specify a root folder for the search. If you work with code that does not yet use generics (as we do in this tutorial), we recommend that you install a Java SDK 1.4 as well, but leave the most recent version checked as default.


Select the

General > Workspace preference page. Confirm that the Build automatically option is checked.


Select the

Java > Build Path preference page. Confirm that Source and output folder is set to Folders.


Select the

Java > Editor preference page. Confirm that option Report problems as you type is checked.


Select the Java > Compiler preference page. Confirm that option Compiler compliance level matches your default JRE version (usually 1.6).


Click on OK to save the preferences.

Next Section: Creating your first Java project

Java projects Classpath variables Build classpath

Working with JREs

Installed JREs Preferences Java Editor Preferences ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Creating your first Java project

In this section, you will create a new Java project. You will be using JUnit as your example project. JUnit is an open source unit testing framework for Java.

Getting the Sample Code (JUnit)

First you need to download the JUnit source code.
1. 2. Click here to download the JUnit source code. Save the archive (do not extract) to a directory from now on referenced as <Downloads>.

Creating the project

1. 2. Inside Eclipse select the menu item File > New > Project.... to open the New Project wizard Select Java Project then click Next to start the New Java Project wizard:

On this page,

o o

type "JUnit" in the Project name field, and select "J2SE-1.4" in the Use an execution environment JRE field.

Then click Finish. 3. 4. 5. 6. In the Package Explorer, expand the JUnit project and select the source folder src. Select the menu item File > Import.... Expand General, select Archive file, and click Next. Click the Browse button next to the Archive file field and browse to select

Note: This step assumes that you followed steps 1 and 2 in the Getting the Sample Code section above. 7. In the Import wizard, expand the root node, press Deselect All and select only the junit node. You can expand and select elements within the junit directory on the left pane to view the individual resources that you are importing on the right pane. Note: Do not deselect any of the resources in the junit directory at this time. You will need all of these resources in the tutorial.

8. 9.

Make sure that the JUnit project's source folder appears in the destination Into folder field. Then click Finish. In the import progress indicator, notice that the imported resources are compiled as they are imported into the workbench. This is because the Build automatically option is checked on the Workbench preferences page. In the Package Explorer view, expand the JUnit project and the src folder to view the JUnit packages.

Next Section: Browsing Java elements using the package explorer

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Browsing Java elements using the package explorer

In this section, you will browse Java elements within the JUnit project. 1. In the Package Explorer view, make sure the JUnit project and the source folder are expanded so you can see the packages. 2. Expand the package junit.framework to see the Java files contained in the package. 3. Expand the Java file TestCase.java. Note that the Package Explorer shows Java-specific sub-elements of the source code file. The public type and its members (fields and methods) appear in the tree.

Next Section: Opening a Java editor

Java views

Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Editing Java elements


Opening a Java editor Using quick views Adding new methods Using content assist Identifying problems in your code Using code templates Organizing import statements Using the local history Extracting a new method

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Opening a Java editor

In this section, you will learn how to open an editor for Java files. You will also learn about some of the basic Java editor features. Expand the package junit.samples and select the file VectorTest.java. You can open VectorTest.java in the Java editor by double clicking on it. In general you can open a Java editor for Java files, types, methods and fields by simply double clicking on them. For example, to open the editor directly on the method testClone defined in VectorTest.java, expand the file in the Package Explorer and double click on the method. 2. Notice the syntax highlighting. Different kinds of elements in the Java source are rendered in unique colors. Examples of Java source elements that are rendered differently are: o Regular comments o Javadoc comments o Keywords o Strings


Look at the Outline view. It displays an outline of the Java file including the package declaration, import declarations, fields, types and methods. The Outline view uses icons to annotate Java elements. For example, icons indicate whether a Java element is static ( ), abstract ( ), or final ( ). Different icons show you whether a method overrides a method from a base class ( ) or when it implements a method from an interface ( ).


Toggle the Hide Fields, Hide Static Members, and Hide Non-Public Members buttons in the Outline view toolbar to filter the view's display. Before going to the next step make sure that the Hide Non-Public Members and Hide Static Fields and Methods buttons are not pressed.

5. In the Outline view, select different elements and note that they are again displayed in a whole file view in the editor. The Outline view selection now contains a range indicator on the vertical ruler on the left border of the Java editor that indicates the range of the selected element.

Next Section: Using quick views

Java views Java editor Sorting elements in Java views

Java Outline View Java Editor Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Using quick views

In this section, you will be introduced to the quick outline view. Quick views are in-place views which are shown on top of the editor area and can easily be controlled using the keyboard. A second quick view will be introduced in the Type Hierarchy section.

Quick Outline
To use the quick outline view in the Java editor:
1. 2. Open junit.samples.VectorTest.java file in the Java editor if you do not already have it open. Press Ctrl+O or select Navigate > Quick Outline and you will see an in-place outline of the current source file.

3. 4.

Press Ctrl+O a second time and all inherited fields, types and methods are shown as well. Inherited members are shown in grey. Start typing while the quick outline view is shown to filter the list of displayed elements. Further, use the arrow keys to navigate in the outline view and press Enter to reveal the selected element in the Java editor.


Click the triangle in the upper right corner to see the quick view menu:

The menu items can be divided into 3 categories: o Position - Allows you to resize and move the quick view and to remember these settings o Filter - Define filters so that not all members are shown in the quick outline. o Sort - Sort the members by their defining type or alphabetically.

Note: Ctrl+O always opens the outline for the current Java editor. Press Ctrl+F3 to open the quick outline for the currently selected type. Next Section: Adding new methods

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Adding new methods


Start adding a method by typing the following at the end of the VectorTest.java file (but before the closing brace of the type) in the Java editor:
public void testSizeIsThree()

As soon as you type the method name in the editor area, the new method appears at the bottom of the Outline view.

In addition,
o o o o

error annotations (red boxes) appear in the overview ruler positioned on the right hand side of the editor, error icons appear in the vertical ruler positioned on the left of the editor, an error indicator appears in the top right corner of the editor, errors are marked in the text.

These error annotations indicate that the compilation unit is currently not correct. If you hover over the error in the text, a tool tip appears: Syntax error on token ")", { expected after this token. This is correct since the method doesn't have a body yet. Note that error annotations in the editor are updated as you type. This behavior can be controlled via the Report problems as you type option located on the Java > Editor preference page.


Click the Save button. The compilation unit is compiled automatically and errors appear in the Package Explorer view, in the Problems view and on the vertical ruler (left hand side of the editor). In the Package Explorer view, the errors are propagated up to the project of the compilation unit containing the error.

3. Complete the new method by typing the following:

{ //TODO: Check size

Note that the closing curly brace has been inserted automatically. 4. Save the file. Notice that the error indicators disappear since the missing brace has been added. Next Section: Using content assist

Java editor

Java Editor Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Using content assist

In this section you will use content assist to finish writing a new method. Open the file junit.samples/VectorTest.java in the Java editor if you do not already have it open and select the testSizeIsThree() method in the Outline view. If the file doesn't contain such a method see Adding new methods for instructions on how to add this method.

Replace the TODO comment with the following lines.

assertTrue(fFull.size() == 3); Vector v = new Vector(); for (int i=0; i<3; i++) v.addElement(new Object()); assert


With your cursor at the end of the word assert, press Ctrl+Space to activate content assist. The content assist window with a list of proposals will appear. Scroll the list to see the available choices.


With the content assist window still active, type the letter 't' in the source code after assert (with no space in between). The list is narrowed and only shows entries starting with 'assert'. Single-click various items in the list to view any available Javadoc help for each item.

Select assertTrue(boolean) from the list and press Enter. The code for the assertTrue(boolean) method is inserted. 5. Complete the line so that it reads as follows:

assertTrue(v.size() == fFull.size());

6. Save the file. Next Section: Identifying problems in your code

Java editor

Java Content Assist Java Editor Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Identifying problems in your code

In this section, you will review the different indicators for identifying problems in your code. Build problems are displayed in the Problems view and annotated in the vertical ruler of your source code. Open junit.framework/TestCase.java in the editor from the Package Explorer view. 2. Add a syntax error by deleting the semicolon at the end of the package declaration in the source code.


Click the Save button. The project is rebuilt and the problem is indicated in several ways: o In the Problems view, the problems are listed, o In the Package Explorer view, the Type Hierarchy or the Outline view, problem ticks appear on the affected Java elements and their parent elements, o In the editor's vertical ruler, a problem marker is displayed near the affected line, o Squiggly lines appear under the word which might have caused the error, and o The editor tab is annotated with a problem marker.

4. You can hover over the marked word in the editor to view a description of the problem. You can also hover over the problem markers in the vertical or overview rulers.

5. 6.

Click the Close ("X") button on the editor's tab to close the editor. In the Problems view, select a problem in the list. Open its context menu and select Go To. The file is opened in the editor at the location of the problem.

Correct the problem in the editor by adding the semicolon. Click the Save button. The project is rebuilt and the problem indicators disappear. 8. In the Outline view, select the method getName(). The editor will scroll to this method. 9. On the first line of the method change the returned variable fName to fTestName. While you type, a problem highlight underline appears on fTestName, to indicate a problem. Hovering over the highlighted problem will display a description of the problem and applicable quick fixes. 10. On the marker bar a light bulb marker appears. The light bulb signals that correction proposals are available for this problem.


Click to place the cursor onto the highlighted error, and choose Quick Fix from the Edit menu bar. You can also press Ctrl+1 or left click the light bulb. A selection dialog appears with possible corrections.

12. Select 'Change to fName' to fix the problem. The problem highlight line will disappear as the correction is applied. 13. Close the file without saving. 14. You can configure how problems are indicated on the General > Editors > Text Editors > Annotations preference page.

Next Section: Using code templates

Java editor Java views Java builder

Editor preference page Quick fix

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Using code templates

In this section you will use content assist to fill in a template for a common loop structure. Open junit.samples/VectorTest.java file in the Java editor if you do not already have it open. 1. Start adding a new method by typing the following:
public void testValues() { Integer[] expected= new Integer[3]; for

With the cursor at the end of for, press Ctrl+Space to enable content assist. You will see a list of common templates for "for" loops. When you single-click a template, or select it with the Up or Down arrow keys, you'll see the code for the template in its help message. Note that the local array name is guessed automatically.


Choose the for - iterate over array entry and press Enter to confirm the template. The template will be inserted in your source code.


Next we change the name of the index variable from i to e. To do so simply press e, as the index variable is automatically selected. Observe that the name of the index variable changes at all places. When inserting a template all references to the same variable are connected to each other. So changing one changes all the other values as well.


Pressing the tab key moves the cursor to the next variable of the code template. This is the array expected.

Since we don't want to change the name (it was guessed right by the template) we press tab again, which leaves the template since there aren't any variables left to edit.

Complete the for loop as follows:

for (int e= 0; e < expected.length; e++) { expected[e]= new Integer(e + 1); } Integer[] actual= to


With the cursor at the end of to, press Ctrl+Space to enable content assist. Pick toarray convert collection to array and press Enter to confirm the selection (or double-click the selection).

The template is inserted in the editor and type is highlighted and selected.

8. 9.

Overwrite the selection by typing Integer. The type of array constructor changes when you change the selection. Press Tab to move the selection to collection and overwrite it by typing fFull.

10. Add a semicolon and the following lines of code to complete the method:
assertEquals(expected.length, actual.length); for (int i= 0; i < actual.length; i++) assertEquals(expected[i], actual[i]);

11. Save the file. Next Section: Organizing import statements

Java editor Templates

Templates Preferences Java Editor Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Organizing import statements

In this section you will organize the import declarations in your source code. Open junit.samples/VectorTest.java file in the Java editor if you do not already have it open.

Delete the import declarations by selecting them in the Outline view and selecting Delete from the context menu. Confirm the resulting dialog with Yes. You will see numerous compiler warnings in the vertical ruler since the types used in the method are no longer imported.


From the context menu in the editor, select Source > Organize Imports. The required import statements are added to the beginning of your code below the package declaration.

You can also choose Organize Imports from the context menu of the import declarations in the Outline view. Note: You can specify the order of the import declarations using the Java > Code Style > Organize Imports preference page. 3. Save the file. Next Section: Using the local history

Java editor

Organize Imports Preferences


Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Using the local history

In this section, you will use the local history feature to switch to a previously saved version of an individual Java element. Open junit.samples/VectorTest.java file in the Java editor and select the method testCapacity() in the Outline view. 2. Change the content of the method so that the 'for' statements reads as:

for (int i= 0; i < 99; i++)

Save the file by pressing Ctrl+S.

3. 4.

In the Outline view, select the method testCapacity(), and from its context menu, select Replace With > Element from Local History. In the Replace Java Element from Local History dialog, the Local History list shows the various saved states of the method. The Java Source Compare pane shows details of the differences between the selected history resource and the existing workbench resource.

In the top pane, select the previous version, and click the Replace button. In the Java editor, the method is replaced with the selected history version. 6. Save the file. 7. Beside replacing a method's version with a previous one you can also restore Java elements that were deleted. Again, select the method testCapacity() in the Outline view, and from its context menu, select Delete. Confirm the resulting dialog with Yes and save the file. 8. Now select the type VectorTest in the Outline view, and from its context menu, select Restore from Local History.... Select and check the method testCapacity() in the Available Java Elements pane. As before, the Local History pane shows the versions saved in the local history.


In the Local History pane, select the earlier working version and then click Restore.

Next Section: Extracting a new method

Java editor

Using the local history

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial > Editing Java elements

Extracting a new method

In this section, you will improve the code of the constructor of junit.framework.TestSuite. To make the intent of the code clearer, you will extract the code that collects test cases from base classes into a new method called collectTestMethods.

In the junit.framework/TestSuite.java file, select the following range of code inside the TestSuite(Class) constructor:
Class superClass= theClass; Vector names= new Vector(); while(Test.class.isAssignableFrom(superClass)) { Method[] methods= superClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int i= 0; i < methods.length; i++) { addTestMethod(methods[i],names, constructor); } superClass= superClass.getSuperclass(); }


From the selection's context menu in the editor, select Refactor > Extract Method....


In the Method Name field, type collectInheritedTests.


To preview the changes, press Preview>.The preview page displays the changes that will be made. Press OK to extract the method.

5. Go to the extracted method by selecting it in the Outline view.

Next Section: Creating a Java class

Java editor Refactoring support

Java Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Creating a Java class

In this section, you will create a new Java class and add methods using code generation actions.
1. 2. 3. 4.

In the Package Explorer view, select the JUnit project. Click the New Java Package button in the toolbar, or select New > Package from the project's context menu . In the Name field, type test as the name for the new package. Then click Finish. In the Package Explorer view, select the new test package and click the New Java Class button in the toolbar. Make sure that JUnit appears in the Source Folder field and that test appears in the Package field. In the Name field, type MyTestCase.

5. 6.

Click the Browse button next to the Superclass field. In the Choose a type field in the Superclass Selection dialog, type Test to narrow the list of available superclasses.

7. 8. 9.

Select the TestCase class and click OK. Select the checkbox for Constructors from superclass. Click Finish to create the new class.



The new file is opened in the editor. It contains the new class, the constructor and comments. You can select options for the creation and configuration of generated comments in the Java > Code Style > Code Templates preference page. In the Outline view select the new class MyTestCase. Open the context menu and select Source > Override/Implement Methods....


In the Override Methods dialog, check setUp() and tearDown() and click OK. Two methods are added to the class.

13. 14.

Change the body of setUp() to container= new Vector(); container and Vector are underlined with a problem highlight line as they cannot be resolved. A light bulb appears on the marker bar. Move the mouse over the underlined word Vector. A hover appears that shows the error message and contains quick fixes. Move the mouse into the hover and click Import 'Vector' (java.util). This adds the missing import declaration.

The blinking cursor should still be on the line that contains the error (if not, set it to the end of the line). Press Ctrl+1. This lets the cursor jump to the nearest error location and opens the quick fix proposals. Choose Create field 'container' to add the new field.


In the Outline view, select the class MyTestCase. Open the context menu and select Source > Generate Getters and Setters....


The Generate Getter and Setter dialog suggests that you create the methods getContainer and setContainer. Select both and click OK. A getter and setter method for the field container are added.

17. Save the file. 18. The formatting of generated code can be configured in the Java > Code Style > Formatter preference page. If you use a prefix or suffix for field names (e.g. fContainer), you can specify this in the Java > Code Style preference page so that generated getters and setters will suggest method names without the prefix or suffix. Next Section: Renaming Java elements

Java views Java editor

New Java Class wizard Source actions Quick fix Override methods dialog Generate Getter and Setter dialog

Code formatter preference page Code style preference page Code templates preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Renaming Java elements

In this section, you will rename a Java element using refactoring. Refactoring actions change the structure of your code without changing its semantics (behavior).
1. 2. 3.

In the Package Explorer view, select junit.framework/TestCase.java. From its context menu, select Refactor > Rename. In the New Name field on the Rename Compilation Unit page, type "TestCase2".

To preview the changes that will be made as a result of renaming the class, press Next. 5. The workbench analyzes the proposed change and presents you with a preview of the changes that would take place if you rename this resource.

Since renaming a compilation unit will affect the import statements in other compilation units, there are other compilation units affected by the change. These are shown in a list of changes in the preview pane.

6. On the Refactoring preview page, you can scroll through the proposed changes and select or deselect changes, if necessary. You will typically accept all of the proposed changes. 7. Click Finish to accept all proposed changes. You have seen that a refactoring action can cause many changes in different compilation units. These changes can be undone as a group.

In the menu bar, select Edit > Undo Rename Compilation Unit.

2. The refactoring changes are undone, and the workbench returns to its previous state. You can undo refactoring actions right up until you change and save a compilation unit, at which time the refactoring undo buffer is cleared. Next Section: Moving and copying Java elements

Refactoring support

Refactoring actions Refactoring wizard Java preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Moving and copying Java elements

In this section, you will use refactoring to move a resource between Java packages. Refactoring actions change the structure of your code without changing its semantic behavior.



In the Package Explorer view, select the MyTestCase.java file from the test package and drag it into the junit.samples package. Dragging and dropping the file is similar to selecting the file and choosing Refactor > Move from the context menu. You will be prompted to select whether or not to update references to the file you are moving. Typically, you will want to do this to avoid compile errors. You can press the Preview button to see the list of changes that will be made as a result of the move. Press OK. The file is moved, and its package declaration changes to reflect the new location.


Use Edit > Undo Move to undo the move.

The context menu is an alternative to using drag and drop. When using the menu, you must specify a target package in the Move dialog, in addition to selecting the update references options you've already seen.
1. 2.

Select the MyTestCase.java file and from its context menu, select Refactor > Move. In the Move dialog, expand the hierarchy to browse the possible new locations for the resource. Select the junit.samples package, then click OK. The class is moved, and its package declaration is updated to the new location.

Next Section: Navigate to a Java element's declaration

Java views Refactoring support

Refactoring actions Refactoring wizard Java preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Navigate to a Java element's declaration

In this section, you will learn how to open a type in the Java Editor and how to navigate to related types and members.

Open the Open Type dialog by pressing Ctrl+Shift+T, choosing Navigate > Open Type..., or clicking the toolbar icon ( ). Type Money, press the Arrow Down key a few times to select MoneyTest, and then press Enter to open the type in the Java editor.


On the first line of the MoneyTest class declaration, select the superclass TestCase and either o from the menu bar select Navigate > Open Declaration or o press F3.

The TestCase class opens in the editor area and is also represented in the Outline view. Note: This command also works on methods and fields.


With the TestCase.java editor open and the class declaration selected: o from the menu bar select Navigate > Open Type Hierarchy or o press F4.

4. The Hierarchy view opens with the TestCase class displayed.

Note: You can also open editors on types and methods in the Hierarchy view. Next Section: Viewing the type hierarchy

Opening an editor for a selected element

Type Hierarchy View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Viewing the type hierarchy

In this section, you will learn about using the Hierarchy view by viewing classes and members in a variety of different ways.

In the Package Explorer view, find junit.framework/TestCase.java. From its context menu, select Open Type Hierarchy. You can also open type hierarchy view: o from the menu bar by selecting Navigate > Open Type Hierarchy. o from the keyboard by pressing F4 after selecting TestCase.java.


The buttons in the view tool bar control which part of the hierarchy is shown. Click the Show the Type Hierarchy button to see the class hierarchy, including the base classes and subclasses. The small arrow on the left side of the type icon of TestCase indicates that the hierarchy was opened on this type.


Click the Show the Supertype Hierarchy button to see a hierarchy showing the type's parent elements including implemented interfaces. This view shows the results of going up the type hierarchy.

In this "reversed hierarchy" view, you can see that TestCase implements the Test interface.

Click the Show the Subtype Hierarchy button in the view toolbar.


Click the Lock View and Show Members in Hierarchy button in the toolbar of the member pane, then select the runTest() method in the member pane. The view will now show all the types implementing runTest().


In the Hierarchy view, click the Show the Supertype Hierarchy button. Then on the member pane, select countTestCases() to display the places where this method is declared.

7. 8.

In the Hierarchy view select the Test element and select Focus On 'Test' from its context menu. Test is presented in the Hierarchy view. Activate the Package Explorer view and select the package junit.framework. Use Open Type Hierarchy from its context menu. A hierarchy is opened containing all classes of the package. For completion of the tree, the hierarchy also shows some classes from other packages. These types are shown by a type icon with a white fill.


Use Previous Type Hierarchies to go back to a previously opened element. Click on the arrow next to the button to see a list of elements or click on the button to edit the history list.

If you are working in the editor and only want to do a quick lookup for a hierarchy you can use the Quick Type Hierarchy: Open junit.framework.TestCase.java file in the Java editor if you do not already have it open. 2. Select the type name in the Java editor 3. Press Ctrl+T or invoke Navigate > Quick Type Hierarchy and the in-place type hierarchy view is shown. 4. Pressing Ctrl+T while the type hierarchy view is shown will toggle between supertype hierarchy and subtype hierarchy.

To see where a virtual method call can resolve to:

1. 2. 3.


In the body of runBare() select the invocation of setUp() Press Ctrl+T or invoke Navigate > Quick Type Hierarchy and the in-place type hierarchy view is shown. You can see that setIup() is implemented in 3 more classes. Object and Assert are only shown with a white filled images as are only required to complete the hierarchy but do not implement setUp() Select a type to navigate to its implementation of setUp()

Next Section: Searching the workbench

Java views

Type Hierarchy view Java Base preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Searching the workbench

In this section, you will search the workbench for Java elements. In the Search dialog, you can perform file, text or Java searches. Java searches operate on the structure of the code. File searches operate on the files by name and/or text content. Java searches are faster, since there is an underlying indexing structure for the code structure. Text searches allow you to find matches inside comments and strings.

Performing a Java search from the workbench

1. 2. 3. In the Java perspective, click the Search ( ) button in the workbench toolbar or use Search > Java... from the menu bar. If it is not already selected, select the Java Search tab. In the Search string field, type runTest. In the Search For area, select Method, and in the Limit To area, select References. Verify that the Scope is set to Workspace.

Then click Search. While searching you may click Cancel at any time to stop the search. Partial results will be shown. 4. In the Java perspective, the Search view shows the search results.

Use the Show Next Match ( ) and Show Previous Match ( match was found is not currently open, it is opened in an editor. 5.

) buttons to navigate to each match. If the file in which the

When you navigate to a search match using the Search view buttons, the file opens in the editor at the position of the match. Search matches are tagged with a search marker in the rulers.

Searching from a Java view

Java searches can also be performed from specific views, including the Outline, Hierarchy view and the Package Explorer view.
1. 2. In the Package Explorer view, double-click junit.framework.Assert.java to open it in an editor. In the Outline view, select the fail(String) method, and from its context menu, select References > Workspace.

Searching from an editor

From the Package Explorer view, open junit.framework.TestCase.java. In the editor, select the class name TestCase and from the context menu, select References > Workspace.

Continuing a search from the search view

The Search Results view shows the results for the TestCase search. Select a search result and open the context menu. You can continue searching the selected element's references and declarations.

If you want to follow multiple levels of method calls, you can also use Navigate > Open Call Hierarchy.

Performing a file search

1. 2. 3. In the Java perspective, click the Search button in the workbench toolbar or select Search > File from the menu bar. If it is not already selected, select the File Search tab. In the Containing text field, type TestCase. Make sure that the File name patterns field is set to *.java. The Scope should be set to Workspace. Then click Search.


To find all files of a given file name pattern, leave the Containing Text field empty.

Viewing previous search results

In the Search Results view, click the arrow next to the Previous Search Results toolbar button to see a menu containing the list of the most recent searches. You can choose items from this menu to view previous searches. The list can be cleared by choosing Clear History.

The Previous Search Results button will display a dialog with the list of all previous searches from the current session.

Selecting a previous search from this dialog will let you view that search. Next Section: Running your programs

Java search

Refactoring actions Refactoring wizard Java preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Running your programs

In this section, you will learn more about running Java programs in the workbench.
1. 2.

In the Package Explorer view, find junit.textui/TestRunner.java and double-click it to open it in an editor. In the Outline view, notice that the TestRunner class has an icon which indicates that the class defines a main method.


Right click on TestRunner.java in the Package Explorer and select Run As > Java Application. This will launch the selected class as a local Java application. The Run As context menu item is also available in other places, such as the Outline view.

4. Notice that the program has finished running and the following message appears in the Console view telling you that the program needs an execution argument. Running class from the Package Explorer as a Java Application uses the default settings for launching the selected class and does not allow you to specify any arguments.


To specify arguments, use the drop-down Run menu in the toolbar and select Run Configurations....

You can also Ctrl+Click a configuration in the drop-down menu to start editing that configuration.

This time, the Launch Configurations dialog opens with the TestRunner launch configuration selected. A launch configuration allows you to configure how a program is launched, including its arguments, classpath, and other options. (A default launch configuration was created for you when you chose Run > Java Application).


Select the Arguments tab and type junit.samples.VectorTest in the Program arguments area.


Click Run. This time the program runs correctly, indicating the number of tests that were run.

9. Switch to the Debug perspective. In the Debug view, notice that a process for the last program launch was registered when the program was run. By default, the Debug view automatically removes any terminated launches when a new launch is created. This preference can be configured on the Run/Debug > Launching preference page

Note: You can relaunch a terminated process by selecting Relaunch from its context menu.

Select the drop-down menu from the Run button in the workbench toolbar. This list contains the previously launched programs. These programs can be relaunched by selecting them in the history list.


By default the currently selected resource or active editor is launched when the run button is hit. If none of these is launchable the current project will be launched. You can configure this behaviour under Run/Debug > Launching.


From the context menu in the Debug view (or the equivalent toolbar button), select Remove All Terminated to clear the view of terminated launch processes.

Next Section: Debugging your programs

Changing debugger launch options Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration Disconnecting from a VM Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Debug view Run menu actions Run and debug toolbar actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Debugging your programs

In this section, you will debug a Java program. In the Package Explorer view in the Java perspective, double-click junit.samples/VectorTest.java to open it in an editor. 2. Place your cursor on the vertical ruler along the left edge of the editor area on the following line in the setUp() method:

fFull.addElement (new Integer(1));

and double-click on the ruler to set a breakpoint.

The breakpoint icon indicates the status of the breakpoint. The plain blue breakpoint icon indicates that the breakpoint has been set, but not yet installed. Note: Once the class is loaded by the Java VM, the breakpoint will be installed and a checkmark overlay will be displayed on the breakpoint icon.


In the Package Explorer view, select the junit.samples package and select Debug As, and then Java Application. When you run a program from a package, you will be prompted to choose a type from all classes in the package that define a main method. Select the VectorTest item in the dialog, then click OK.

Note: You can also simply hit the debug button which will launch the currently selected resource or active editor. Select Java Application when you are prompted to select a way to debug VectorTest.


The program will run until the breakpoint is reached. When the breakpoint is hit, execution is suspended, and you are asked whether to open the Debug perspective. Click Yes. Notice that the process is still active (not terminated) in the Debug view. Other threads might still be running.

Note: The breakpoint now has a checkmark overlay in the Java VM.

since the class VectorTest was loaded

In the editor in the Debug perspective, select new Vector() from the line above where the breakpoint is set, and from its context menu, select Inspect.

7. The expression is evaluated in the context of the current stack frame, and a pop-up appears which displays the results. You can send a result to the Expressions view by pressing the key binding displayed in the pop-up. 8. Expressions that you evaluate while debugging a program will be listed in this view. To delete an expression after working with it, select the expression and choose Remove from its context menu. 9. The Variables view (available on a tab along with the Expressions view) displays the values of the variables in the selected stack frame. Expand the this.fFull tree in the Variables view until you can see elementCount. 10. The variables (e.g., elementCount) in the Variables view will change when you step through VectorTest in the Debug view. To step through the code, click the Step Over ( ) button. Execution will continue at the next line in the same method (or, if you are at the end of a method, it will continue in the method from which the current method was called).


In the variables view you can choose to see certain types as logical structures. This hides the implementation details of a type and simply shows it as arrays or fields. You can define logical structures by yourself in the preference page Java > Debug > Logical Structures.

Try some other step buttons (Step Into , Step Return ) to step through the code. Note the differences in stepping techniques. 13. You can end a debugging session by allowing the program to run to completion or by terminating it. o You can continue to step over the code with the Step buttons until the program completes. o You can click the Resume ( ) button to allow the program to run until the next breakpoint is encountered or until the program is completed. o You can select Terminate from the context menu of the program's process in the Debug view to terminate the program.

Next Section: Evaluating expressions

Breakpoints Remote debugging Local debugging

Adding breakpoints Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Suspending threads

Debug preferences Debug view Run menu actions Run and debug toolbar actions Breakpoints view Console view Display view Expressions view Variables view


Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Evaluating expressions
In this section, you will evaluate expressions in the context of your running Java program.


Debug junit.samples.VectorTest.java to the breakpoint in the setUp() method and select Step Over twice to populate fFull. (See the Debugging your Programs section for full details.) Open the Display view by selecting Window > Show View > Display and type the following line in the view:


Select the text you just typed, and from its context menu, select Display. (You can also choose Display Result of Evaluating Selected Text ( ) from the Display view toolbar.)

4. The expression is evaluated and the result is displayed in the Display view.

5. On a new line in the Display view, type the following line:


Select this line, and select Inspect from the context menu. (You can also choose Inspect Result of Evaluating Selected Text ( ) from the Display view toolbar.) 7. A lightweight window opens with the value of the evaluated expression.

Next Section: Evaluating snippets


Evaluating expressions Displaying the result of evaluating an expression Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression

Expressions view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Evaluating snippets
In this section, you will evaluate Java expressions using the Java scrapbook. Java scrapbook pages allow you to experiment with Java code fragments before putting them in your program.

In the File menu select New > Other > Java > Java Run/Debug > Scrapbook Page. You will be prompted for a folder destination for the page.

2. 3. 4.


In the Enter or select the folder field, type or browse below to select the JUnit project root directory. In the File name field, type MyScrap. Click Finish when you are done. A scrapbook page resource is created for you with the jpage file extension. (The jpage file extension will be added automatically if you do not enter it yourself.) The scrapbook page opens automatically in an editor. In the editor, type System.get and then use content assist (Ctrl+Space) to complete the snippet as System.getProperties().


Select the entire line you just typed and select Display from the context menu. You can also select Display Result of Evaluating Selected Text from the toolbar.

7. When the evaluation completes, the result of the evaluation is displayed and highlighted in the scrapbook page. 8. You can inspect the result of an evaluation by selecting text and choosing Inspect from the context menu (or selecting Inspect Result of Evaluating Selected Text from the toolbar.) 9. When you are finished evaluating code snippets in the scrapbook page, you can close the editor. Save the changes in the page if you want to keep the snippets for future use. Next Section: Using the Java browsing perspective


Creating a Java scrapbook page Displaying the result of evaluating an expression Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression

New Java Scrapbook Page wizard Java scrapbook page Expressions view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Using the Java browsing perspective

In this section you will use the Java browsing perspective to browse and manipulate your code. Browsing Java elements with the Package Explorer gives an overview of using the Package Explorer to browse elements. In contrast to the Package Explorer, which organizes all Java elements in a tree, consisting of projects, packages, compilation units, types, etc., the browsing perspective

uses distinct views to present the same information. Selecting an element in one view, will show its content in another view. To open a browsing perspective activate Window > Open Perspective > Java Browsing from within the Java perspective or use the context menu of the Open a Perspective toolbar button.

The views of the perspective are connected to each other in the following ways:

Selecting an element in the Projects views shows its packages in the Packages view. The Types view shows the types contained in the package selected in the Packages view. The Members view shows the members of a selected type. Functionally, the Members view is comparable to the Outline view used in the normal Java perspective. Selecting an element in the Members view reveals the element in the editor. If there isn't an editor open for the element, double-clicking on the element will open a corresponding editor.

All four views are by default linked to the active editor. This means that the views will adjust their content and their selection according to the file presented in the active editor. The following steps illustrate this behavior:
1. 2. 3.

Select junit.extensions in the Packages view. Open type TestSetup in the editor by double-clicking it in the Types view. Now give back focus to the editor opened on file TestCase.java by clicking on the editor tab. The Packages, Types and Members view adjust their content and selections to reflect the active editor. The Packages view's selection is set to junit.framework and the Types view shows the content of the junit.framework packages. In addition, the type TestCase is selected.

Functionally, the Java browsing perspective is fully comparable to the Java perspective. The context menus for projects, packages, types, etc. and the global menu and tool bar are the same. Therefore activating these functions is analogous to activating them in the Java perspective. Next Section: Writing and running JUnit tests

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Basic tutorial

Writing and running JUnit tests

In this section, you will be using the JUnit testing framework to write and run tests. To get started with JUnit you can refer to the JUnit Cookbook.

Writing Tests
Create a project "JUnitTest". Now you can write your first test. You implement the test in a subclass of TestCase. You can do so either using the standard Class wizard or the specialized Test Case wizard:
1. 2. Open the New wizard (File > New > JUnit Test Case). Select New JUnit 3 test and enter "TestFailure" as the name of your test class:

Note: If you want to use JUnit 4 tests you have to make sure that your compiler compliance is set to 1.5.
3. 4. You will see a warning message asking you to add the junit library to the build path. Use the Click here link to add the junit library automatically. Click Finish to create the test class.

Add a test method that fails to the class TestFailure. A quick way to enter a test method is with the test template. To do so, place the cursor inside the class declaration. Type "test" followed by Ctrl+Space to activate code assist and select the "test" template. Change the name of the created method to testFailure and invoke the fail() method.
public void testFailure() throws Exception { fail(); }

Now you are ready to run your first test.

Running Tests
To run TestFailure hit the run button in the toolbar. It will automatically run as JUnit Test. You can inspect the test results in the JUnit view. This view shows you the test run progress and status:

The view is shown in the current perspective whenever you start a test run. A convenient arrangement for the JUnit view is to dock it as a fast view. The JUnit view has two tabs: one shows you a list of failures and the other shows you the full test suite as a tree. You can navigate from a failure to the corresponding source by double clicking the corresponding line in the failure trace. Dock the JUnit view as a fast view, remove the fail() statement in the method testFailure() so that the test passes and rerun the test again. You can rerun a test either by clicking the Rerun button in the view's tool bar or you can re-run the program that was last launched by activating the Run drop down. This time the test should succeed. Because the test was successful, the JUnit view doesn't pop up, but the success indicator shows on the JUnit view icon and the status line shows the test result. As a reminder to rerun your tests the view icon is decorated by a "*" whenever you change the workspace contents after the run. - A successful test run - A successful test run, but the workspace contents have changed since the last test run. In addition to running a test case as described above you can also:

Run all tests inside a project, source folder, or package Select a project, package or source folder and run all the included tests with Run as > JUnit Test. This command finds all tests inside a project, source folder or package and executes them. Run a single test method Select a test method in the Outline or Package Explorer and with Run as > JUnit Test the selected test method will be run. Rerun a single test Select a test in the JUnit view and execute Run from the context menu.

Customizing a Test Configuration

When you want to pass parameters or customize the settings for a test run you open the Launch Configuration Dialog. Select Open Run Dialog....in the Run drop-down menu in the toolbar:

In this dialog you can specify the test to be run, its arguments, its run-time class path, and the Java run-time environment.

Debugging a Test Failure

In the case of a test failure you can follow these steps to debug it:
1. 2. 3. Double click the failure entry from the Failures tab in the JUnit view to open the corresponding file in the editor. Set a breakpoint at the beginning of the test method. Select the test case and execute Debug As>JUnit Test from the Debug drop down.

A JUnit launch configuration has a "keep alive" option. If your Java virtual machine supports "hot code replacement" you can fix the code and rerun the test without restarting the full test run. To enable this option select the Keep JUnit running after a test run when debugging checkbox in the JUnit launch configuration.

Creating a Test Suite

The JUnit TestSuite wizard helps you with the creation of a test suite. You can select the set of classes that should belong to a suite.
1. 2. 3. Open the New wizard Select Java > JUnit > JUnit Test Suite and click Next. Enter a name for your test suite class (the convention is to use "AllTests" which appears by default).


Select the classes that should be included in the suite. We currently have a single test class only, but you can add to the suite later.

You can add or remove test classes from the test suite in two ways:

Manually by editing the test suite file By re-running the wizard and selecting the new set of test classes.

Note: the wizard puts 2 markers, //$JUnit-BEGIN$ and //$JUnit-END$, into the created Test suite class, which allows the wizard to update existing test suite classes. Editing code between the markers is not recommended. Next Section: Project configuration tutorial

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started

Project configuration tutorial

In this section, you will create and configure a new Java project to use source folders and to match some existing layout on the file system. Some typical layouts have been identified. Choose the subsection that matches your layout. Next Section: Detecting existing layout

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Detecting existing layout

Layout on file system

The source files for a product are laid out in one directory "src". The class files are in another directory "bin".

Steps for defining a corresponding project

1. 2. 3. 4.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "Product" in the Project name field. In Project layout group, change selection to Create separate source and output folders. In Contents group, change selection to Create project from existing source. Click Browse... and choose the Product directory on drive D:.


Click Next. Ensure that the source and output folders are detected.

Warning: If the Scrub output folders when cleaning projects preference in the Output folder section of the Java > Compiler > Building preference page is checked, clicking Finish will scrub the "bin" directory in the file system before generating the class files. Click Finish. 7. You now have a Java project with a "src" folder which contains the sources of the "Product" directory.

Note: This solution creates a ".project" file and a ".classpath" file in the "Product" directory. If you do not wish to have these files in the "Product" directory, you should use linked folders as shown in the Sibling products in a common source tree section. Next Section: Organizing sources

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Organizing sources
Layout on file system

In this section, you will create a new Java project and organize your sources in separate folders. This will prepare you for handling more complex layouts. Let's assume you want to put your sources in one folder and your tests in another folder:

Steps for defining a corresponding project

1. 2. 3. 4.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "MyProject" in the Project name field. In Project layout group, change selection to Create separate source and output folders and edit Configure default... to modify Source folder name from "src" to "sources".


Click OK to return on New Java Project wizard and then click Next.

6. 7.

To add another source folder to your project, click Create new source folder link in Details pane or button in view bar. In New Source Folder dialog, type "tests" in the Folder name field.

Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. 9. Your project setup now looks as follows:

10. 11.

Click Finish You now have a Java project with two source folders: sources and tests. You can start adding classes to these folders or you can copy them using drag and drop.

Next Section: Sibling products in a common source tree

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Sibling products in a common source tree

Layout on file system

The source files for products are laid out in one big directory that is version and configuration managed outside Eclipse. The source directory contains two siblings directories Product1 and Product2.

Steps for defining corresponding projects

1. 2. 3.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "Product1" in the Project name field. Click Next.

4. On the next page, Select "Product1" source folder. Click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.


In Link Source dialog click Browse.... and choose the D:\AllProducts\Product1\JavaSourceFiles directory.

Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. 7. Your project source setup now looks as follows:

Click Finish. 9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 for "Product2". 10. You now have two Java projects which respectively contain the sources of "Product1" and "Product2".

Next Section: Overlapping products in a common source tree

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Overlapping products in a common source tree

Layout on file system

The Java source files for products are all held in a single main directory. Products are separated into four siblings packages Product1, Product2, Product3 and Product4.

Steps for defining corresponding "Product1" and "Product2" projects

1. 2. 3.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "Product1" in the Project name field. Click Next.

4. On the next page, Select "Product1" source folder. Click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.


In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the D:\AllJavaSourceFiles directory. Type "src" in Folder name.

6. 7.

Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. Expand the "src" source folder. Select the three last packages and exclude them from build path using either Exclude from build path link or Exclude popup-menu item.

8. Your project source setup now looks as follows:

Click Finish. 10. Copy "Product1" project and paste it as "Product2".


Edit "Product2" project properties and go on Java Build Path page. In Source tab, expand "Product2/src" source folder, select Excluded and click Edit....


In Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns, select "com/xyz/product2" and click Edit....

12. Change "com/xyz/product2" to "com/xyz/product1".


Click OK to enter the change. Click Finish to validate and close Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns dialog. Click OK again to validate "Product2" project properties changes.

14. You now have two Java projects which respectively contain the sources of "product1", "product2".

Next Section: Product with nested tests

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Product with nested tests

Layout on file system

The Java source files for a product are laid out in a package directory. Source files of tests are laid out in a nested package directory.

Steps for defining a corresponding project

1. 2. 3.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "Product1" in the Project name field. Click Next.

4. On the next page, Select "Product1" source folder. Click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.


In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the D:\Product1\JavaSourceFiles directory. Type "src" in the Folder name field.

6. 7.

Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. Expand the "src" source folder. Select the empty package "tests" and set it as source folder using either Use as Source Folder popup-menu item or button in view bar.

8. Your project source setup now looks as follows:

9. 10.

Click Finish. You now have a Java project with two source folders: "src" and "src/tests" which contain respectively the D:\Product1\JavaSourceFiles directory and the D:\Product1\JavaSourceFiles\tests directory.

Next Section: Products sharing a common source framework

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Products sharing a common source framework

Layout on file system

The Java source files for two products require a common framework. Projects and common framework are in separate directories which have their own source and output folders.

Steps for defining corresponding projects

1. 2. 3.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "Product1" in the Project name field. Click Next.

4. On the next page, Select "Product1" source folder. Click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.


In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the D:\Product1\JavaSourceFiles directory. Type "src" in the Folder name field.

6. 7.

Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. Again, Select "Product1" and click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.


In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the D:\Framework\JavaSourceFiles directory. Type "src-common" in the Folder name field.


Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. Your project source setup now looks as follows:

Click Finish. Create project "Product2" repeating steps 2 to 5 choosing D:\Product2\JavaSourceFiles directory for source folder instead. 12. Click on Finish to create the project immediately. 13. Now, we'll see how to add a linked source folder when project is already created in workspace...
10. 11.

Edit project "Product2" properties and select Java Builder Path page. On Source tab, click Link Source....


In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the D:\Framework\JavaSourceFiles directory. Type "src-common" in the Folder name field.


Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. Click OK to apply project "Product2" properties changes.

16. You now have two Java projects which respectively contain the sources of "Product1" and "Product2" and which are using the sources of "Framework".

Note: Files in "src-common" are shared. So editing "Common.java" in "Product1" will modify "Common.java" in "Product2". However they are compiled in the context of their respective projects. Two "Common.class" files will be generated; one for each project. If the two projects have different compiler options, then different errors could be reported on each "Common.java" file. Next Section: Product nesting resources in output directory

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Nesting resources in output directory

Layout on file system

The Java source files for a product are laid out both in sources and deliverables directories.

All Java class files are laid out in deliverables directory. Project needs to use some libraries located in deliverables/libraries directory:

Steps for defining a corresponding project

1. 2. 3.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "Product" in the Project name field. Click Next.


On the next page, Type "Product/deliverables" in Default output folder field. Select "Product" source folder. Click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.


In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the D:\Product\sources directory.

6. 7.

Click Finish to validate and close the dialog. Again, Select "Product" and click Link additional source link in Details pane or button in view bar.


In Link Source click Browse.... and choose the D:\Product\deliverables directory.


Expand the "Product/deliverables" source folder. Select the "libraries" package and exclude it from build path using either Exclude 'libraries' from build path link or Exclude popupmenu item.

10. Your project source setup now looks as follows:


Select Libraries tab. Click on Add JARs....

12. Expand "Product" hierarchy to select jar files in "libraries" directory Click OK.


Click Finish to finalize project creation.

14. You now have a Java project with a "sources" folder and an output folder which contains nested library resources.

Next Section: Project using a source framework with restricted access

Java projects Java views

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started > Project configuration tutorial

Project using a source framework with restricted access

Layout on file system

The Java source files for a product requires a source framework. "Product" and "Framework" are in separate directories which have their own source and output folders.

Steps for defining corresponding projects

1. 2. 3. 4.

Click Window > Open Perspective > Other... > Java to change to the Java perspective. Click File > New > Other... > Java Project to open the New Java Project wizard. Type "Framework" in the Project name field. In Contents group, change selection to Create project from existing source. Click Browse... and choose the D:\Framework directory.

Click Next.

On the next page, verify that directory JavaSourceFiles has been automatically added as source folder. Expand it to preview your project source folder contents:

6. 7.

Click Finish. In Java perspective, type Ctrl+N to open New wizards dialog. Select Java project in the list of wizards and click Next.

8. 9.

On the next page, type "Product" in the Project name field. In Contents group, change selection to Create project from existing source. Click Browse... and choose the D:\Product directory.

10. 11.

Click Next. On the next page, verify that directory JavaSourceFiles has been automatically added as source folder. Expand it to preview your project source folder contents:


Select Projects tab. Click Add...to add a dependency to source framework project...


In Required Project Selection, check "Framework".

Click OK to validate and close dialog. 15. Now, let's put access rules on source framework content to authorize, discourage or forbid access to "Framework" source folders, package and classes...

In Projects tab, select "Access rules" of "Framework" depending project. Click Edit....


In Type Access Rules, click Add....


In Add Access Rule, select "Forbidden" for Resolution. Type "**/forbidden/**" in Rule Pattern field.

Click OK to validate access rule and close dialog. 19. Add another access rule:

Resolution: "Discouraged" and Rule Pattern: "**/internal/**". 20. Your access rules now look as follows:

Click OK to validate these new rules and close dialog. 22. Dependent project has now 2 access rules set.

Click Finish. 24. You now have a Java project which contains the source of "Product" and which is using the source of "Framework".

Some packages of the project "Framework" are restricted and if you try to import them, compiler displays either warnings or errors depending on your restriction level:

Next Section: Eclipse and J2SE 5.0

Java projects

New Java Project Wizard Package Explorer View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Getting Started

Eclipse and J2SE 5.0

Since release 3.1, Eclipse includes full support for the new Java language features of J2SE 5.0. One of the most important consequences of this support is that you may not notice it at all--everything you expect to work for J2SE 1.4, including editing, compiling, debugging, quick fixes, refactorings, source actions, searching, etc., will work seamlessly with J2SE 5.0's new types and syntax. In this

document, we will introduce some of the more interesting capabilities Eclipse users will find when working with J2SE 5.0. Note that both version numbers '1.5' and '5.0' are used to identify the release of the Java 2 Platform Standard Edition. Version '5.0' is the product version, while '1.5' is the developer version and also used for the compliance level.

In order to develop code compliant with J2SE 5.0, you will need a J2SE 5.0 or J2SE 6.0 Java Runtime Environment (JRE). If you start Eclipse for the first time using a J2SE 5.0 JRE, then it will use it by default. Otherwise, you will need to use the Java > Installed JREs preference page to register it with Eclipse. This document introduces some of the new language features in J2SE 5.0 very briefly, but it is not a proper tutorial for these features. See here for more information.

Compiler Compliance Level

To use the new J2SE 5.0 features, you must be working on a project that has a 1.5 compliance level enabled and has a 5.0 JRE. New projects will automatically get 1.5-compliance when choosing a 5.0 JRE on the first page of the New Java Project wizard:

To convert an existing J2SE 1.4 project to J2SE 5.0, you can simply: 1. 2. 3. Make sure you have a J2SE 5.0 JRE installed. Start using the 5.0 features in your code. When a compiler error is flagged, use Quick Fix to update the project's compliance level:


For more fine-tuned control, the compiler compliance level can be set globally for a workspace (with the Java > Compiler preference page) or individually for each project (from the project's context menu, choose Properties > Java Compiler).

Projects with different compliance levels can co-exist in the workspace, and depend on each other. You can also fine-tune the kinds of compiler warnings and errors produced for each project using Properties > Java Compiler > Errors/Warnings. The Generic Types and the Annotations section contain options added for J2SE 5.0.

Generic Types
Generic types allow objects of the same class to safely operate on objects of different types. For example, they allow compile-time assurances that a List<String> always contains Strings, and a List<Integer> always contains Integers.
Anywhere that Eclipse handles a non-generic type, it can handle a generic type:

Generic types can be safely renamed. Type variables can be safely renamed.

Generic methods can be safely extracted from / inlined into generic code. Code assist can automatically insert appropriate type parameters in parameterized types.

In addition, a new refactoring has been added: Infer Generic Type Arguments can infer type parameters for every type reference in a class, a package, or an entire project.

Invoking the refactoring produces:

Eclipse provides new options when searching for references to generic types. Consider this example:

Selecting the reference to List<Integer> and using Search > References > Project from the context menu will highlight the List types on all four lines:

Using the Search View menu, the results can be filtered:

Filter Incompatible Type Arguments leaves only references to types that are assignmentcompatible with the selected type:

Filter Inexact Type Arguments leaves only type references with the exact same signature:

Annotations attach metadata about how Java types and methods are used and documented to the Java source and can then affect compilation or be queried at run-time. For example, @Override will trigger a compiler warning if the annotated method does not override a method in a superclass:

Everything you can do with a Java type, you can do with an annotation:

Create new annotations using New > Annotation Refactor: rename, move, change signatures of members, etc. Search for occurrences Use code assist to fill in names and values

A very useful annotation with full support in Eclipse is @SuppressWarnings. For example, consider a private method that is currently unused, but you'd rather not delete:

Invoking quick fix on the warning proposes adding a @SuppressWarnings annotation:

Selecting the quick fix adds the annotation. The Eclipse compiler honors the annotation by removing the warning on foo:

Enumerations are types that are instantiated at runtime by a known, finite set of objects:

Again, anything you can do to a Java class can be done to an enumeration:

Create new enumerations using New > Enum Refactor: rename, move, rename constants, etc. Search for occurrences Use code assist to fill in constants

Autoboxing and auto unboxing allow for elegant syntax when primitive types are assigned to or retrieved from Object references:

Eclipse's source manipulation features handle autoboxing seamlessly, giving the correct types to new local variables and correct code assists. For code understanding, it is also possible to flag instances of autoboxing or autounboxing conversions:

mark them as compiler warnings or errors (Boxing and unboxing conversions in the Potential Programming Problems section of the Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings preference page) highlight them using syntax coloring (via the Java > Auto(un)boxed expressions section of the Java > Editor > Syntax Coloring preference page):

Enhanced for loop

For the common case of operating on each element of an array or collection in turn, J2SE 5.0 allows a new, cleaner syntax. Eclipse provides a "foreach" code template that can automatically guess the collection to be iterated:

Choosing the template produces:

Eclipse also provides a "Convert to enhanced for loop" quick-assist to upgrade 1.4-style for loops where possible.

Static Imports
Static imports allow you to use static fields and methods from other classes without qualification. Content assist in the Java editor can suggest such static members and adds a static import when required. To get such proposals, configure the static import favorites on the Java > Editor > Content Assist > Favorites preference page.

Converting J2SE 1.4 code to 5.0

Eclipse offers the following tools to help you bring J2SE 1.4 code to 5.0:

Clean Up action o Add missing @Override and @Deprecated annotations o Convert for loops to enhanced Infer Generic Type Arguments refactoring

Happy coding!

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide >


Java Projects Java Builder Java Perspectives Java Views Java Editor Quick Fix and Assist Templates Java Search Refactoring Support Debugger Scrapbook Local Debugging Remote Debugging Breakpoints String Externalization

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Java Projects
A Java project contains source code and related files for building a Java program. It has an associated Java builder that can incrementally compile Java source files as they are changed. A Java project also maintains a model of its contents. This model includes information about the type hierarchy, references and declarations of Java elements. This information is constantly updated as the user changes the Java source code. The updating of the internal Java project model is independent of the Java builder; in particular, when performing code modifications, if auto-build is turned off, the model will still reflect the present project contents. You can organize Java projects in two different ways:

Using the project as the source container. This is the recommended organization for simple projects. Using source folders inside the project as the source container. This is the recommended organization for more complex projects. It allows you to subdivide packages into groups.

Java builder

New Java project wizard

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Java Builder
The Java builder builds Java programs using its own compiler (the Eclipse Compiler for Java) that implements the Java Language Specification. The Java builder can build programs incrementally as individual Java files are saved. Note that the Eclipse Compiler for Java can also be invoked using Ant as described in the Using the ant javac adapter section of Compiling Java code Problems detected by the compiler are classified as either warnings or errors. The existence of a warning does not affect the execution of the program; the code executes as if it were written correctly. Compile-time errors (as specified by the Java Language Specification) are always reported as errors by the Java compiler. For some other types of problems you can, however, specify if you want the Java compiler to report them as warnings, errors or to ignore them. To change the default settings, use the Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings preference page. The Java compiler can create CLASS files even in presence of compilation errors. However, in the case of serious errors (for example, references to inconsistent binaries, most likely related to an invalid build path), the Java builder does not produce any CLASS files.

Build classpath

Java build path properties Java compiler preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Builder

Build Classpath
The build classpath specifies which Java source files and resource files in a project are considered by the Java builder and specifies how to find types outside of the project. The Java builder compiles the Java source files into the output folder and also copies the resources into it. The build classpath is specified for each project. In the project properties, it is referred to as the Java Build Path

Java builder Classpath variables Inclusion and exclusion patterns Access rules

Classpath variables preferences Java build path properties

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Builder > Build Classpath

Inclusion and Exclusion Patterns

Inclusion and Exclusion patterns can be configured for source folders. They define which files are considered by the Java builder and other Java tooling. This set of files consists of all files and folders where the path relative to the source folder matches an inclusion pattern but not an exclusion pattern. By default, all files and folders contained in a source folder are included. By defining an inclusion pattern, the set of included resources will be limited to the resources matching the inclusion pattern. Using exclusion patterns, some of these resources can be excluded again. Exclusion patterns are required when nesting source folders. The nested folder must be excluded from the outer source folder. The patterns have the same format as ANT patterns:

'*' matches zero or more characters, '?' matches one character. '/' is used to separate folders: This means the first segment in the pattern is matched against the most outer folder name in the path to match, the second segment with the second, and so on. '**' matches any number of folders

Java builder Classpath variables Access rules

Java Build Path properties

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Builder > Build Classpath

Access Rules
Access rules can be added to build classpath entries to specify which types in the given entry can be accessed and which not. If the compiler detects a type access to a type that should not be accessed, it will create a problem marker.

Non-accessible rules define types that must not be referenced. The compiler typically creates an error marker for accesses to these types. Discouraged rules define types that should not be referenced. The compiler typically creates a warning marker for accesses to these types. Accessible rules define types that can be referenced.

Each rule consist of a pattern (same format as ANT patterns) and one of the rule types listed above. Each classpath entry can have any number of rules defined. The compiler will process the list in the order defined and take the first matching rule. The severity of the problem marker generated for accesses to 'Non-accessible' and 'Discouraged' type can be configured on the Java compiler's Error/Warnings preference page.

Java builder Classpath variable Inclusion and exclusion patterns Access rules

Java build path properties Error/Warnings preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Builder > Build Classpath

Classpath Variables
The build path for a Java project can include source code files, other Java projects, folders containing class files and JAR files. JAR files can be specified using file system paths, or by using variables that refer to locations on the network. Classpath variables allow you to avoid references to the location of a JAR file or folders on your local file system. By using a classpath variable, you can specify a JAR file or folder using only a variable name, such as JRE_LIB, rather than specifying the location on your workstation. In this way, you can share build paths across teams and define the variables to refer to the correct location for your particular computer.

Java builder Classpath variable Inclusion and exclusion patterns Access rules

Classpath variables preferences Java build path properties

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Java Perspectives
The Java development tools contribute the following perspectives to the workbench:

A perspective designed for working with Java projects. It consists of an editor area and the following views:

Package Explorer Hierarchy Outline Problems Javadoc Declaration

Java Browsing
A perspective designed for browsing the structure of Java projects. It consists of an editor area and the following views:

Projects Packages Types Members

Java Type Hierarchy

A perspective designed for exploring a type hierarchy. It can be opened on types, compilation units, packages, projects or source folders and consists of the Hierarchy view and an editor.

A perspective designed for debugging your Java program. It includes an editor area and the following views.

Debug Breakpoints Variables Expressions Outline Console Tasks

Java views

Breakpoints view Console view

Debug view Display view Expressions view Java outline Package explorer view Type hierarchy view Variables view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Java Views
The Java development tools contribute the following views to the workbench:

Package Explorer View

The Package Explorer view shows a Java-specific view of resources inside Java projects in your workbench. The Java element hierarchy is defined by the project's build class paths and consists of elements like

source folders and libraries packages source and class files types, methods, fields and initialzers

Hierarchy View
The Hierarchy view allows you to look at the complete hierarchy for a type, only its subtypes, or only its supertypes. You can also open the hierarchy on a project, source folder or package.

Projects View
The Projects view shows Java projects, source folders, external and internal libraries. Note: source folders and libraries (both internal and external) presented in this view are not expandable. When they are selected, their contents are shown in the Packages view.

Packages View
The Packages view shows a list of Java packages from the currently selected Java projects, source folders or libraries. Typically, the Projects view is used to make this selection.

Types View
The Types view shows a list of Java types from the currently selected packages. Typically, the Packages view is used to make this selection.

Members View
The Members shows the content of a type, compilation unit or CLASS file. Typically, the Types view is used to make this selection.

View Customization
Both the appearance and behavior of the Java views can be customized.

Filtering Sorting Java element decorations Presentation options

Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the Console view

Breakpoints view Console view Debug view Display view Expressions view Java outline Package explorer view Type hierarchy view Call hierarchy view Variables view Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Views

Filtering in Java Views

Applying View Filters
All Java views allow to filter the displayed Java elements. The set of available filters depends on the view. To filter elements:
1. 2. 3. On the view toolbar, click the Menu button and choose Filters.... Select or clear the filters that you want to apply to the view (read Filter description to learn about the selected filter's functionality). Optionally, you can select patterns for filtering the view: o Select the Name filter patterns checkbox at the top of the dialog. o In the text field below, specify the desired patterns (names matching one of the patterns will be hidden).

Filtering Members
Several Java views (e.g. Outline, Type Hierarchy, Members) offer filtering of members (fields, types and methods). The filters are available as toolbar buttons or as view menu items, depending on the view. There are 3 member filters:

Hide Fields: when activated, this filter causes all fields to be removed from the view. Hide Static Fields and Methods: when activated, this filter causes all static members to be removed from the view. Hide Non-Public Members: when activated, this filter causes all non-public members to be removed from the view.

Additionally, the Package Explorer view can display or hide all elements inside compilation units.

To show or hide members in the Package Explorer view, select or clear the Show members in Package Explorer checkbox in the Java > Appearance preference page.

Filtering Working Sets

Several Java views (e.g. Package Explorer, Type Hierarchy) offer to filter by one or more working sets. The filters are available in the view menu. Only the elements that are contained in the selected working sets are shown in the view.

Java projects Working sets

Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Views

Sorting in Java Views

The Members and Outline views can present members sorted or in the order of declaration in the compilation unit. To sort members:

Toggle on the Sort toolbar button in the view toolbar. The sorting order can be configured on the on the Java > Appearance > Members Sort Order preference page. After the above sorting is performed, members in each group are sorted alphabetically.

To present members in the order of declaration in the compilation unit.

Toggle off the Sort toolbar button in the view toolbar.

Java toolbar actions -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Views

Java Element Decorations

Override Indicators
Java views can show special decoration icons to indicate methods that override or implement methods from supertypes. To show or hide the override indicators, select or clear the Java Method Override Indicator checkbox in the General > Appearance > Label Decorations preference page.

Java Type Indicator

The package explorer can indicate the kind of Java type (Enum, Interface, Annotation) contained in a Java file. Note:

If a Java file contains more than one top-level type, it is decorated according to its primary type. No decoration is shown for classes, except for abstract classes.

To show or hide the Java type indicators, select or clear the Java Type Indicator checkbox in the General > Appearance > Label Decorations preference page.

Appearance preference page Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts > Java Views

Presentation Options for Java Views

Showing and Hiding Method Return Types
Several Java views (e.g. Outline, Members) present methods and can also show their return types and type parameters. To show method return types in Java views select or clear the Show method return types or Show method type parameters checkbox in the Java > Appearance preference page.

Showing Full or Compressed Package Names

The Package Explorer and Packages views can show full or compressed package names. To show full package names:

Clear the Compress all package name segments, except the final segment checkbox on the preference page. Java > Appearance

To show compressed package names:

Select the Compress all package name segments, except the final segment checkbox on the Java > Appearance preference page. Compression patterns control how many characters of each package name segment are displayed. The last segment of a package name is always displayed. A compression pattern of "." indicates that only the separating periods are shown to represent a segment. A digit (n) in a compression pattern represents the first n characters of a package name segment. Examples are the best way to understand compression patterns. The package org.eclipse.jdt would be displayed as follows using the example compression patterns: . 0 2~ 3~ ..jdt jdt or~.ec~.jdt org.ecl~.jdt

Java appearance preference page Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Java Editor
The Java editor provides specialized features for editing Java code. Associated with the editor is a Java-specific Outline view, which shows the structure of the active Java compilation unit. It is updated as the user edits the compilation unit. The editor can also show a breadcrumb navigation bar. The breadcrumb shows the parent chain of the element at the current cursor position. It is also updated when the user edits the compilation unit or changes the selection. The Java editor can be opened on binary CLASS files. If a JAR file containing the CLASS files has a source attachment, then the editor shows the corresponding source. The editor includes the following features:

Syntax highlighting Content/code assist Code formatting Import assistance Quick fix Integrated debugging features

The Java editor can be configured to either show an entire compilation unit or a single Java element only. To change the setting, use the toolbar button Show Source of Selected Element Only. The most common way to invoke the Java editor is to open a Java file from the Package explorer using pop-up menus or by clicking the file (single or double-click depending on the user preferences). You can also open the editor by opening Java elements, such as types, methods, or fields, from other views.

Quick fix and assist Templates

Opening an editor for a selected element Viewing runtime exceptions Evaluating expressions

Quick assists Quick fixes Java editor actions Java editor preferences Java outline Java Editor Breadcrumb Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Quick Fix and Quick Assist

For most problems underlined with a problem highlight line, the Java editor can offer corrections. This is shown by the light bulb shown in the editor marker bar.

To see the correction proposals use the Quick Fix action

Set the cursor inside or near the highlight range, and select Quick Fix from the Edit menu or the context menu. Set the cursor inside or near the highlight range, and press Ctrl + 1 Click on the light bulb

Quick fix is also available on a problem entry in the Problem view. The Quick Fix action will open a dialog to select the correction. Note that the light bulb is only a hint. It is possible that even with the light bulb shown, it turns out that no corrections can be offered. A overview of quick fixes available in the Java editor can be found here. Quick Assists are proposals available even if there is no problem or warning. They use the same short cut and action like Quick Fix. Quick assists are used for local code manipulations. See the Quick assist reference for more information.

Java editor

Quick assists Quick fix Java editor preferences Edit menu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Editor Templates
Templates are a structured description of coding patterns that reoccur in source code. The Java editor supports the use of templates to fill in commonly used source patterns. Templates are inserted using content assist (Ctrl+Space). For example, a common coding pattern is to iterate over the elements of an array using a for loop that indexes into the array. By using a template for this pattern, you can avoid typing in the complete code for the loop. Invoking content assist after typing the word for will present you with a list of possible templates for a for loop. You can choose the appropriate template by name (iterate over array). Selecting this template will insert the code into the editor and position your cursor so that you can edit the details. Templates can contain template variables. Variables mark the editable locations. They can be resolves to a concrete value when the template is evaluated in its context. They can also provide a list of alternative proposals valid at the given location. Many common templates are already defined. These can be viewed with the Java > Editor > Templates preference page. You can also create your own templates or edit the existing ones.

Templates preferences Template variables Template editing Edit menu Java content assist

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

Java Search
The Java searching support allows you to find declarations, references and occurrences of Java elements (packages, types, methods, fields). Searching is supported by an index that is kept up to date in the background as the resources corresponding to Java elements are changed. The Java search operates on workspaces independent of their build state. For example, searches can be conducted when auto-build is turned off. The following searches can be initiated from the pop-up menus of Java elements or from the Java search dialog: Command References Declarations Implementors Read access Write access Match locations for type references Occurrences in File Description Finds all references to the selected Java element Finds all declarations of the selected Java element Finds all implementors of the selected Java interface Finds all read accesses to the selected Java field Finds all write accesses to the selected Java field Finds all type references at specified locations (in casts, as field type, ...) Finds all occurrences of the selected Java element in its file

The scope of the search is defined as: Workspace - all projects and files in the workspace are included in this search Enclosing Projects - the projects enclosing the currently selected elements Hierarchy - only the type hierarchy of the selected element is included in this search Working Set - only resources that belong to the chosen working set are included in this search

Search actions Java search tab

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

Refactoring Support
The goal of Java program refactoring is to make system-wide code changes without affecting the behavior of the program. The Java tools provide assistance in easily refactoring code. The refactoring tools support a number of transformations described in Martin Fowler's book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Addison Wesley 1999, such as Extract Method, Inline Local Variable, etc.. To get an overview of all offered refactorings look at the Refactor menu. Refactoring commands are also available from the context menus in many views or appear as quick assists. When performing a refactoring operation, you can optionally preview all of the changes resulting from a refactoring action before you choose to carry them out. When previewing a refactoring operation, you will be notified of potential problems and will be presented with a list of the changes the refactoring action will perform. If you do not preview a refactoring operation, the change will be made in its entirety and any resultant problems will be shown. If a problem is detected that does not allow the refactoring to continue, the operation will be halted and a list of problems will be displayed. Refactoring commands are available from the context menus of several Java views (e.g. Package Explorer, Outline) and editors. Many "apparently simple" commands, such as Move and Rename, are actually refactoring operations, since moving and renaming Java elements often require changes in dependent files. Refactorings can not only be performed interactively, but also from refactoring scripts. Most refactorings available in the Refactor menu are stored in the workspace refactoring history in order to be used in refactoring scripts afterwards. The refactoring tools support the creation of refactoring scripts based on refactorings in the workspace refactoring history. Refactoring scripts can then be applied to an arbitrary workspace. Applying a refactoring script launches a refactoring wizard which is able to replay the refactorings as if they had been initiated by the user which originally had created them. Related to refactoring scripts, the refactoring tools offer a refactoring to migrate a JAR File to a newer version, using refactoring information to avoid breaking changes in your workspace after the migration.

Refactoring actions Refactoring wizard Java preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

The Java development toolkit (JDT) includes a debugger that enables you to detect and diagnose errors in your programs running either locally or remotely.

The debugger allows you to control the execution of your program by setting breakpoints, suspending launched programs, stepping through your code, and examining the contents of variables. The debugger has a client/server design so you can debug programs running remotely on other systems in the network as well as programs running locally on your workstation. The debug client runs inside the workbench on your workstation. The debugger server runs on the same system as the program you want to debug. This could be a program launched on your workstation (local debugging) or a program started on a computer that is accessible through a network (remote debugging).

Java development tools (JDT) Breakpoints Remote debugging Local debugging

Adding breakpoints Changing debugger launch options Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration Disconnecting from a VM Evaluating expressions Launching a Java program Preparing to debug Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Suspending threads

Debug preferences Debug view Run menu actions Run and Debug toolbar actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

The Java development toolkit (JDT) contributes a scrapbook facility that can be used to experiment and evaluate Java code snippets before building a complete Java program. Snippets are edited and evaluated in the Scrapbook page editor, with resultant problems reported in the editor. From a Java scrapbook editor, you can select a code snippet, evaluate it, and display the result as a string. You can also show the object that results from evaluating a code snippet in the debuggers' Expressions View.

Java development tools (JDT) Debugger

Creating a Java scrapbook page Displaying the result of evaluating an expression Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression

New Java Scrapbook Page wizard Java Scrapbook page Expressions view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Local Debugging
The Java debugger has a client/server design so that it can be used to debug programs that run locally (on the same workstation as the debugger) or remotely (on another computer on the network). Local debugging is the simplest and most common kind of debugging. After you have finished editing and building your Java program, you can launch the program on your workstation using the Run > Debug Configurations... menu item on the workbench. Launching the program in this way will establish a connection between the debugger client and the Java program that you are launching. You may then use breakpoints, stepping, or expression evaluation to debug your program.


Adding breakpoints Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Suspending threads

Debug preferences Debug view

Run menu actions Run and Debug toolbar actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Remote Debugging
The client/server design of the Java debugger allows you to launch a Java program from computer on your network and debug it from the workstation running the platform. This is particularly useful when you are developing a program for a device that cannot host the development platform. It is also useful when debugging programs on dedicated machines such as web servers. Note: To use remote debugging, you must be using a Java VM that supports this feature. To debug a program remotely, you must be able to launch the program in debug mode on the remote machine so that it will wait for a connection from your debugger. The specific technique for launching the program and connecting the debugger are VM-specific. The basic steps are as follows: Ensure that you are building your Java program with available debug information. (You can control these attributes from the Java > Compiler preference page). 2. After you build your Java program, install it to the target computer. This involves copying the .CLASS files or .JAR files to the appropriate location on the remote computer. 3. Invoke the Java program on the remote computer using the appropriate VM arguments to specify debug mode and a communication port for the debugger. 4. Start the debugger using a remote launch configuration and specify the address and port of the remote computer.

When setting up the remote launch configuration there are a few items to take note of:

You must ensure you enter the correct hostname i.e. the name of the remote computer where you are currently running your code. The hostname can also be the IP address of the remote machine, for example using instead of localhost. The port number must be the number of the port on the remote machine.

Certain Java VMs support another way of starting a remote debug session. In this alternative connection type, the debugger is launched first. The debugger then waits and listens for the VM to connect to it. To debug this way, you must properly configure and launch a remote debug session, then launch the VM, specifying the location of your waiting debugger. For more information, see Using the remote Java application launch configuration.

Using the remote Java application launch configuration Disconnecting from a VM

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

A breakpoint suspends the execution of a program at the location where the breakpoint is set. Breakpoints can be enabled and disabled via the context menu in the Breakpoints View, or via the context menu in the Java Editor ruler.

An enabled breakpoint causes a thread to suspend whenever the breakpoint is encountered. Enabled breakpoints are drawn with a blue circle [ ] and have a checkmark overlay once successfully installed. A breakpoint can only be installed when the class the breakpoint is located in has been loaded by the VM. A disabled breakpoint will not cause threads to suspend. Disabled breakpoints are drawn with a white circle [ ].

Breakpoints are displayed in the vertical editor ruler and in the Breakpoints view.

Adding breakpoints Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Suspending threads

Debug preferences Debug view Run menu actions Run and debug toolbar actions Breakpoints view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Concepts

String Externalization
The Java tools help you to develop applications that can be run on international platforms. An important facet of designing a program for use in different countries is the localization, or externalization, of text that is displayed by the program. By externalizing strings, the text can be translated for different countries and languages without rebuilding the Java program. The JDT provides the following support for internationalization and string externalization:

A compiler option lets you mark non-externalized strings as compile-time warnings or errors. o See the Non-externalized strings option in the Code style section of the Java > Compiler > Errors/Warnings preference page. Tools that allow you to find strings that have not been externalized.

A wizard that will guide you through externalizing the strings. Tools that help you to find unused and incorrectly used keys for strings located in property files.

Comments can be used to denote strings that should not be externalized and should not result in compile-time warnings or errors. These comments are of form //$NON-NLS-n$ where n is the 1based index of the string in a line of code. Additional information about internationalized applications can be found in the following documents:

http://eclipse.org/articles/Article-Internationalization/how2I18n.html http://java.sun.com/docs/books/tutorial/i18n/intro/index.html

Finding strings to externalize Finding unused and incorrectly used keys in property files

Source menu Externalize strings wizard Java compiler preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide >


Customizing the Debugger and Console Creating JAR Files Using the Local History Externalizing Strings Navigating the Workbench Working with JREs Running and Debugging Using the Scrapbook Using the Formatter Application

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

Customizing the Debugger and Console


Changing the active perspective when launching Changing the appearance of the console view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Customizing the Debugger and Console

Changing the active perspective when launching

You can control which perspective becomes active when a program is launched and when it suspends. The setting is configurable for each launch configuration type, for each of the launch modes it supports. To activate a particular perspective when a program is launched, do the following:
1. 2.

Open the Run/Debug > Perspectives preference page. Select the Always option for the Open the associated perspective when launching preference. This will cause the perspective associated with a program to become active whenever it is launched.

To activate a particular perspective when a program is suspends, do the following:

1. 2.

Open the Run/Debug > Perspectives preference page. Select the Always option for the Open the associated perspective when an application suspends preference. This will cause the perspective associated with a program to become active whenever a program suspends.

To associate a particular perspective with a program, do the following: Open the Run/Debug > Perspectives preference page. Select the type of application that you would like to associate a perspective with (for example, Java Application). 3. For each launch mode, select the desired perspective using the combo box. This will cause the perspective you choose to become active based on your preference settings (i.e. when a program is launched and/or when it suspends).
1. 2.

If the specified perspective is not open at the time it needs to be activated, that perspective is created.

Debugger Remote debugging Local debugging Java perspectives

Running and debugging Setting execution arguments Launching a Java program

Console view Debug preferences Debug view Run Menu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Customizing the Debugger and Console

Changing the appearance of the console view

To set the types of output (and their colors) in the Console view: Open the Run/Debug > Console preference page. Checking the Show when program writes to standard out checkbox will make the Console view visible each time new output is written to the console from the program's standard output stream. If there is no Console view in the current perspective, one will be created. 3. Checking the Show when program writes to standard err checkbox will make the Console view visible each time new output is written to the console from the program's standard error stream. If there is no Console view in the current perspective, one will be created. 4. Click any of the color buttons to change the color for the corresponding text stream.
1. 2.

To set the fonts used in the Console view:

1. 2.

Open the General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts preference page. Select Console font from the Debug category and use the Change... button to change the font. (The Detail Pane Text Font can be used to change the font of the debugger's default Detail Pane).

Debugger Java views

Console view Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

Creating JAR Files

You can create and regenerate JAR files in the workbench.

Creating a new JAR file Regenerating a JAR file

JAR file exporter

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Creating JAR Files

Creating a New JAR File

To create a new JAR file in the workbench: In the Package Explorer, you can optionally pre-select one or more Java elements to export. (These will be automatically selected in the JAR Package Specification wizard page, described in Step 4.) 2. Either from the context menu or from the menu bar's File menu, select Export. 3. Expand the Java node and select JAR file. Click Next. 4. In the JAR File Specification page, select the resources that you want to export in the Select the resources to export field. 5. Select the appropriate checkbox to specify whether you want to Export generated class files and resources or Export Java source files and resources. Note: Selected resources are exported in both cases. 6. In the Select the export destination field, either type or click Browse to select a location for the JAR file. 7. Select or clear the Compress the contents of the JAR file checkbox. 8. Select or clear the Overwrite existing files without warning checkbox. If you clear this checkbox, then you will be prompted to confirm the replacement of each file that will be overwritten. 9. Note: The overwrite option is applied when writing the JAR file, the JAR description, and the manifest file. 10. You have two options: o Click Finish to create the JAR file immediately. o Click Next to use the JAR Packaging Options page to set advanced options, create a JAR description, or change the default manifest.

Setting advanced options Defining the JAR file's manifest Regenerating a JAR file

JAR file exporter Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Creating JAR Files

Setting Advanced Options

Follow the procedure for creating a JAR file, but click Next in the last step to go to the JAR Packaging Options page. 2. If you want to save the JAR file description, select the Save the description of this JAR in the workspace checkbox. A JAR file description can be used to regenerate a JAR file without using the wizard. 3. The compiler is able to generate CLASS files even when source contains errors. You have the option to exclude CLASS (but not source) files with compile errors. These files will be reported at the end, if reporting is enabled. 4. You can choose to exclude CLASS (but not source) files that have compile warnings. These files will be reported at the end. Note: This option does not automatically exclude class files with compile errors. 5. You can choose to include the source folder path by selecting the Create source folder structure checkbox. 6. Select the Build projects if not built automatically checkbox if you want the export to perform a build before creating the JAR file. 7. Click Finish to create the JAR file immediately or Next if you want to change the default manifest.

Creating a new JAR file Defining the JAR file's manifest Regenerating a JAR file

JAR file exporter

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Creating JAR Files

Defining the JAR File's Manifest

You can either define the important parts of the JAR file manifest directly in the wizard or choose to use a manifest file that already exists in your workbench.

Creating a new manifest

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Follow the procedure for creating a JAR file, but click Next in the last step to go to the JAR Packaging Options page. Set any advanced options that you want to set, and then click Next again to go to the JAR Manifest Specification page. If it is not already selected, click the Generate the manifest file button. You can now choose to save the manifest in the workbench. This will save the manifest for later use. Click Save the manifest in the workspace, then click Browse next to the Manifest file field to specify a path and file name for the manifest. If you decided to save the manifest file in the previous step and you chose to save the JAR description on the previous wizard page, then you can choose to reuse it in the JAR description (by selecting the Reuse and save the manifest in the workspace checkbox). This means that the saved file will be used when the JAR file is recreated from the JAR description.This option is useful if you want to modify or replace the manifest file before recreating the JAR file from the description. You can choose to seal the JAR and optionally exclude some packages from being sealed or specify a list with sealed packages. By default, nothing is sealed.


7. 8.

Click the Browse button next to the Main class field to specify the entry point for your applications. Note: If your class is not in the list, then you forgot to select it at the beginning. Click Finish. This will create the JAR, and optionally a JAR description and a manifest file.

Using an existing manifest

You can use an existing manifest file that already exists in your workbench. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Follow the procedure for creating a JAR file, but click Next in the last step to go to the JAR Packaging Options page. Set any advanced options that you want to set, and the click Next again to go to the JAR Manifest Specification page. Click the Use existing manifest from workspace radio button. Click the Browse button to choose a manifest file from the workbench. Click Finish. This will create the JAR and optionally a JAR description.

Creating a new JAR file Setting advanced options Regenerating a JAR file

JAR file exporter

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Creating JAR Files

Regenerating a JAR File

You can use a JAR file description to regenerate a previously created JAR file. 1. Select one or more JAR file descriptions in your workbench. 2. From the selection's pop-up menu, select Create JAR. The JAR file(s) are regenerated.

Creating a new JAR file Defining the JAR file's manifest

JAR file exporter

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

Using the Local History

The JDT extends the workbench concept of a local history in three ways:

A file can be replaced with an edition from the local history in the Package Explorer view.

The JDT allows you to compare and/or replace individual Java elements (types and their members) with editions from the local history. The JDT allows you to restore Java elements (and files) deleted from the workbench that have been kept in the local history.

Note: Files and Java elements such as types and their members change in time. A 'snapshot' of what they look like a point in time (as saved in the local history) is called an edition.

Java development tools (JDT) Java views

Replacing a Java element with a local history edition Comparing a Java element with a local history edition Restoring a deleted workbench element

Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Local History

Comparing a Java Element With a Local History Edition

1. Make sure that a Java view is visible. 2. Open a Java editor for the Java file in which you want to compare a Java element with an edition from the local history. 3. Activate the editor by clicking its tab in the editor area. The Outline view also displays the Java file. Note: The Package Explorer can be configured to show or not show Java elements in files. Use the Show Members in Package Explorer checkbox on the Java > Appearance preference page to set your preference. 4. Select the element that you want to compare in the Outline or the Package Explorer. 5. From the element's pop-up menu, select Compare With > Element from Local History. 6. The History view opens and shows all editions of the selected element available in the local history. 7. Select an edition in the hitory view to see the differences between the selected edition and the edition in the workbench in a comparison editor. 8. If you are done with the comparison, click close the comparison editor.

Java views Java editor

Using the local history

Java outline

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Local History

Replacing a Java Element With a Local History Edition

1. Make sure that a Java view is visible. 2. Open a Java editor for the Java file in which you want to replace a Java element with an edition from the local history. 3. Activate the editor by clicking its tab in the editor area. The Outline view also displays the Java file. Note: The Package Explorer can be configured to show or not show Java elements in files. Use the Show Members in Package Explorer checkbox on the Java > Appearance preference page to set your preference. 4. Select the element that you want to replace in the Outline or the Package Explorer. 5. From the element's pop-up menu, select Replace With > Element from Local History. 6. In the upper pane of the resulting dialog, all available editions of the selected element in the local history are displayed. 7. Select an edition in the upper pane to view the differences between the selected edition and the edition in the workbench. 8. When you have identified the edition with which you want to replace the existing Java element, click Replace. 9. The local history edition replaces the current one in the editor. Note: The changed compilation unit has not yet been saved at this point.

Java views Java editor

Using the local history

Java outline

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Local History

Restoring a Deleted Workbench Element

1. Ensure that a Java view that show Java elements inside files (such as the Outline view) is visible. 2. Open the compilation unit to which you want to add a previously removed Java element from the local history. 3. Activate the editor by clicking its tab in the editor area, and the Java view shows the content of the Java file. 4. In the Java view, select the element to whose container type you want to restore the deleted element. 5. From the type's pop-up menu in the Java view, select Restore from Local History. 6. In the upper left pane of the resulting dialog, all available editions of the selected element in the local history are displayed. 7. In the left pane check all elements that you want to replace. 8. For every checked element select an edition in the right hand pane and view its content in the bottom pane. 9. When you have identified the edition that you want to restore, press Restore. The local history editions are loaded into the editor.

Java editor

Using the local history

Java outline

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

Externalizing Strings
Finding strings to externalize Finding unused and incorrectly used keys in property files ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Externalizing Strings

Finding Strings to Externalize

To find strings to externalize:

In a Java view (e.g. Package Explorer), select a set of packages, source folders or projects. From the menu bar, select Source > Externalize Strings... A dialog comes up with a list of all compilation units that have some non-externalized strings

In the dialog, you can double click on a listed compilation unit or press the Externalize button to open the Externalize Strings wizard

String externalization

Finding unused and incorrectly used keys in property files

Externalize strings wizard Source menu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Externalizing Strings

Finding Unused and Incorrectly Used Keys in Property Files

Finding unused and incorrectly used keys in a property file:

in a Java view (e.g. Package Explorer), select a set of packages, source folders, projects, message property files, or resource bundle accessor classes from the menu bar, select Source > Find Broken Externalized Strings

After the search is finished, the Search Result view displays a list of unused keys in the propertie files and all incorrect references to non-existing keys.

String externalization

Externalizing strings Finding strings to externalize

Externalize strings wizard Source menu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

Navigating the Workbench


Opening an editor for a selected element Showing an element in the Package Explorer view Opening a type in the Package Explorer view Opening an editor on a type Opening a package

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Navigating the Workbench

Opening an Editor for a Selected Element

You can select the name of a type, method, or field in the Java source editor or in the scrapbook and open an editor on the definition of the element. 1. In the Java editor, select the name of a type, method, or field. You can also just click into the name once. 2. Do one of the following: o From the menu bar, select Navigate > Open Declaration o From the editor's pop-up menu, select Open Declaration o Press F3 or Hold down the Ctrl key. 2. In the Java editor, move the mouse over the name of a type, method, or field until the name becomes underlined. 3. Click the hyperlink once.

If there are multiple definitions of the same name, a dialog is shown, and you can select one definition that you want to open. An editor opens containing the selected element.

Java editor

Navigate menu Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Navigating the Workbench

Showing an Element in the Package Explorer View

You can reveal an element's location in the Package Explorer view

1. Select a Java element or activate a Java editor. 2. From the menu bar, select Navigate > Show In > Package Explorer. If the Package Explorer is not already open, then it opens in the current perspective. The workbench navigates to the selected element (or the edited compilation unit). From the Java editor's pop-up menu, select Show In > Package Explorer. The currently edited compilation unit will be revealed.

Note: The element might not be revealed if Package Explorer filters are active or the Show Members in Package Explorer preference is cleared on the Java > Appearance preference page.

Java views

Setting execution arguments

Java preference page Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Navigating the Workbench

Opening a Type in the Package Explorer View

You can open the Package Explorer on any type that is included on a project's class path.
1. 2.

3. 4.

From the menu bar, select Navigate > Go To > Type. The Go to Type dialog opens. In the Choose a type field, begin typing an expression to narrow the list of available types, using wildcards as needed. As you type, the list is filtered to display only types that match the current expression. In the Matching items list, select a type. Hint: you can press the Down key to move to the first type. Click OK when you are done. The selected type is displayed in the Package Explorer.

Note: The Goto Type dialog maintains a history of recently opened types. These are shown when the dialog is opened and stay above a separator line when you start to type a filter expression. Note: Revealing may not be possible if Package Explorer filters are applied.

Java development tools (JDT)

Showing a type's compilation unit in the Package Explorer

Navigate actions Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Navigating the Workbench

Opening an Editor on a Type

You can open an editor on any type in the workbench.
1. 2.

3. 4.

Press Ctrl+Shift+T or, select Navigate > Open Type from the menu bar. The Open Type dialog opens. In the Enter type name prefix or pattern field, begin typing an expression to narrow the list of available types, using wildcards as needed. As you type, the list is filtered to display only types that match the current expression. CamelCase notation is also supported; that means you aonly need to enter the capital letters of the type name. In the Matching items list, select a type. Hint: you can press the Down key to move to the first type. Click OK when you are done. An editor opens on the selected type.

Note: The Open Type dialog maintains a history of recently opened types. These are shown when the dialog is opened and stay above a separator line when you start to type a filter expression. Note: If you open a type from a CLASS or JAR file, you will see a special editor showing only method signatures unless you have attached source to it.

Java editor

Opening an editor for a selected element

Open type dialog Navigate actions Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Navigating the Workbench

Opening a Package

To reveal a package in the tree of the Package Explorer:

1. 2.


Select Navigate > Go To > Package from the menu bar. The Go to Package dialog opens. Type a package name in the Choose a package field to narrow the list of available packages, using wildcards as needed. As you type, the list is filtered to display only packages that match the current expression. Select a package from the list, then click OK. The selected package is displayed in the Package Explorer.

Java views

Navigate actions Package explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

Working with JREs

You can install as many different Java Runtime Environments (JREs) as you like. JREs are used to run and debug java programs. Your JREs are managed on the Installed JREs preference page. A JRE definition consists of:

The type of the JRE (e.g. Standard VM or Standard 1.x.x VM) A name The location where the JRE is installed The system libraries containing the Java system classes (like java.lang.Object). Optionally, the system libraries can be associated with the source file containing the source for the classes in the JRE's CLASS files and a javadoc location (URL). Other information needed by the VM to build, run and debug applications.

You can switch the default JRE for the workbench. The default JRE is used by default when building, running, and debugging applications. Alternatively, projects may specify a specific JRE that they should be built and run with.

Java development tools (JDT)

Adding a new JRE definition Deleting a JRE definition Choosing a default JRE Choosing a JRE for launching a project

Installed JREs preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Working with JREs

Assigning the default JRE for the workbench

The default JRE is used for compiling and launching Java programs in all projects unless you specifically override the default JRE on a project's build path or on a launch configuration. Here is how you can change the default JRE:
1. 2.


Open the Java > Installed JREs preference page. Check the box on the line for the JRE that you want to assign as the default JRE in your workbench. If the JRE you want to assign as the default does not appear in the list, you must add it. Click OK.

Note: Changing the default JRE may cause a build to occur if you have auto build enabled (Project > Build Automatically or in the General > Workspace preference page).

Java development tools (JDT)

Working with JREs Adding a new JRE definition Deleting a JRE definition Choosing a JRE for launching a project

Installed JREs preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Working with JREs

Adding a new JRE definition

In your workspace you can have any number of JRE definitions. You can also add as many JRE definitions as you want.

To add a new JRE definition:

1. 2. 3. Open the Java > Installed JREs preference page. Select the Add... button. The Add JRE wizard opens. You will have to select the type of JRE you would like to create: o Standard VM - You will select a folder where the JRE is installed. The details of the JRE will be determined by scanning the location. You can further customize the JRE install, specifying vm arguments, source attachments, etc. o Standard VM 1.x.x - Same options as a standard VM install, but the install is customized to handle the 1.x.x install o Execution Environment Description - You will select an execution environment (EE) file that describes all the details required to set up the JRE. You will be able to customize some aspects of the install.

Standard VM:
1. 2. 3. 4. In the JRE home field, click Browse... to select a path to the root directory of a JRE installation (usually the directory containing the bin and lib directories for the JRE). You may also type a folder name into this field. In the JRE name field, type a name for the new JRE definition. All JREs of the same type must have a unique name. In the Default VM Arguments field, you can add/edit the default arguments that will be passed to the VM when launching. The default libraries appear for the JRE in the JRE system libraries list. You can modify the libraries as desired. o Source and javadoc locations can be specified for the referenced JARs. The Javadoc location is used by the Javadoc export wizard as a default value and by the 'Open External Javadoc' action. o Jars can be added, removed, and reordered. Click Finish when you are done.


Standard 1.1.x VM:

Follow the same steps as for Standard VM JREs.

Execution Environment Files:

For more information on EE File structure see the Wiki Page.

1. 2. 3. 4.


In the Definition home directory field, click File... to select a execution environment description file to load the JRE installation from. You may also type a file path into this field. In the JRE name field, type a name for the new JRE definition. All JREs of the same type must have a unique name. In the Default VM Arguments field, you can add/edit the default arguments that will be passed to the VM when launching. The default libraries appear for the JRE in the JRE system libraries list. You can modify the libraries as desired. o Source and javadoc locations can be specified for the referenced JARs. The Javadoc location is used by the Javadoc export wizard as a default value and by the 'Open External Javadoc' action. o Jars can be added, removed, and reordered. Click Finish when you are done.

Java development tools (JDT)

Working with JREs Deleting a JRE definition Choosing a default JRE Choosing a JRE for launching a project

Installed JREs preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Working with JREs

Choosing a JRE for a launch configuration

Instead of using the default JRE for running and debugging all Java Application launch configurations, you can specifically assign a JRE for launching an individual configuration.
1. 2.

With a Java Application configuration selected in the Launch Configuration Dialog, select the JRE tab. In the list of available JREs, select the JRE you want to use to launch this configuration and click Apply, then Run or Debug.

Note: Changing the JRE used for running does not affect the way Java source is compiled. You can adjust the build path to compile against custom libraries.

Java development tools (JDT)

Working with JREs Adding a new JRE definition Deleting a JRE definition Choosing a default JRE

Installed JREs preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Working with JREs

Deleting a JRE definition

You can delete Java runtime environment definitions that are available for executing Java programs in the workbench. Open the Java > Installed JREs preference page. 2. Select the definition you want to delete and click Remove. 3. Check the box for the definition that you want to use as the default JRE for the workbench.

Java development tools (JDT)

Working with JREs Adding a new JRE definition Choosing a default JRE Choosing a JRE for launching a project

Installed JREs preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

Running and Debugging

You may launch your Java programs from the workbench. The programs may be launched in either run or debug mode.

In run mode, the program executes, but the execution may not be suspended or examined. In debug mode, execution may be suspended and resumed, variables may be inspected, and expressions may be evaluated.

Debugger Remote debugging Local debugging

Changing debugger launch options Choosing a JRE for launching a project Creating a Java scrapbook page Disconnecting from a VM Launching a Java program Local debugging Preparing to debug Re-launching a program Remote debugging Resuming the execution of suspended threads Setting execution arguments Stepping through the execution of a program Suspending threads

Run Menu Debug view Debug Preferences Console Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

A breakpoint suspends the execution of a program at the location where the breakpoint is set. Breakpoints can be enabled and disabled via the context menu in the Breakpoints View, or via the context menu in the Java Editor ruler.

An enabled breakpoint causes a thread to suspend whenever the breakpoint is encountered. Enabled breakpoints are drawn with a blue circle [ ] and have a checkmark overlay once successfully installed. A breakpoint can only be installed when the class the breakpoint is located in has been loaded by the VM. A disabled breakpoint will not cause threads to suspend. Disabled breakpoints are drawn with a white circle [ ].

Breakpoints are displayed in the vertical editor ruler and in the Breakpoints view.

Adding breakpoints Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Suspending threads

Debug preferences Debug view Run menu actions Run and debug toolbar actions Breakpoints view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Adding Line Breakpoints

Line breakpoints are set on an executable line of a program. 1. In the editor area, open the file where you want to add the breakpoint. 2. Directly to the left of the line where you want to add the breakpoint, open the marker bar (vertical ruler) pop-up menu and select Toggle Breakpoint. You can also double-click on the marker bar next to the source code line. A new breakpoint marker appears on the marker bar, directly to the left of the line where you added the breakpoint. Also, the new breakpoint appears in the Breakpoints View list.

While the breakpoint is enabled, thread execution suspends before that line of code is executed. The debugger selects the thread that has suspended and displays the thread's stack frames. The line where the breakpoint was set is highlighted in the editor in the Debug Perspective.

Debugger Java perspectives Java editor

Applying hit counts Catching Java exceptions Removing breakpoints Enabling and disabling breakpoints Managing conditional breakpoints Setting method breakpoints Stepping through the execution of a program

Breakpoints view ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Removing Line Breakpoints

Breakpoints can be easily removed when you no longer need them. 1. In the editor area, open the file where you want to remove the breakpoint. 2. Directly to the left of the line where you want to remove the breakpoint, open the marker bar pop-up menu and select Toggle Breakpoint. The breakpoint is removed from the workbench. You can also double-click directly on the breakpoint icon to remove it. Breakpoints can also be removed in the Breakpoints View. Select the breakpoint(s) to be removed and from the context menu select Remove. All breakpoints can be removed from the workbench using the Remove All action in the context menu of the Breakpoints View. If you find yourself frequently adding and removing a breakpoint in the same place, consider disabling the breakpoint when you don't need it (using Disable Breakpoint in the breakpoint context menu or the Breakpoints View) and enabling it when needed again.

Debugger Java perspectives Java editor

Adding breakpoints Enabling and disabling breakpoints Applying hit counts Catching Java exceptions Managing conditional breakpoints

Setting method breakpoints Stepping through the execution of a program

Breakpoints view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Enabling and disabling breakpoints

Breakpoints can be enabled and disabled as needed. When a breakpoint is enabled, thread execution suspends before that line of code is executed. When a breakpoint is disabled, thread execution is not suspended by the presence of the breakpoint. To disable a breakpoint in the Breakpoints View: Open the breakpoint's context menu and select Disable, or deselect the breakpoint's checkbox. 2. The breakpoint image will change to a white circle and its checkbox will be empty.

To disable a breakpoint in the marker bar of an editor: Open the breakpoint's context menu and select Disable Breakpoint. 2. The breakpoint image will change to a white circle.

To enable the breakpoint in the Breakpoints View: Open the breakpoint's context menu and select Enable, or select the breakpoint's checkbox. 2. The breakpoint image will change back to a blue circle, and its checkbox will be checked.

To enable a breakpoint in the marker bar of an editor: Open the breakpoint's context menu and select Enable Breakpoint. 2. The breakpoint image will change to a white circle.

Debugger Java perspectives Java editor

Applying hit counts Catching Java exceptions Removing breakpoints Setting method breakpoints Managing conditional breakpoints Stepping through the execution of a program

Breakpoints view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Setting Method Breakpoints

Method breakpoints are used when working with types that have no source code (binary types). Open the class in the Outline View, and select the method where you want to add a method breakpoint. 2. From the method's pop-up menu, select Toggle Method Breakpoint. 3. A breakpoint appears in the Breakpoints View. If source exists for the class, then a breakpoint also appears in the marker bar in the file's editor for the method that was selected. 4. While the breakpoint is enabled, thread execution suspends when the method is entered, before any line in the method is executed.

Method breakpoints can also be setup to break on method exit. In the Breakpoints view, select the breakpoint and toggle the Exit item in its context menu. Method breakpoints can be removed, enabled, and disabled just like line breakpoints.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Enabling and disabling breakpoints Applying hit counts Catching Java exceptions

Breakpoints view Java outline

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Applying Hit Counts

A hit count can be applied to line breakpoints, exception breakpoints, watchpoints and method breakpoints. When a hit count is applied to a breakpoint, the breakpoint suspends execution of a

thread the nth time it is hit, but never again, until it is re-enabled or the hit count is changed or disabled. To set a hit count on a breakpoint: 1. Select the breakpoint to which a hit count is to be added. 2. From the breakpoint's pop-up menu, select Hit Count. 3. In the Enter the new hit count for the breakpoint field, type the number of times you want to hit the breakpoint before suspending execution. Note: When the breakpoint is hit for the nth time, the thread that hit the breakpoint suspends. The breakpoint is disabled until either it is re-enabled or its hit count is changed.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Enabling and disabling breakpoints Setting method breakpoints

Breakpoints view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Managing conditional breakpoints

A conditional expression can be applied to a line breakpoint such that the breakpoint suspends execution of a thread in one of these cases:

when the result of the expression is true when the result of the expression changes

A conditional expression can contain arbitrary Java code and may contain more than one statement, allowing breakpoint conditions to implement features like tracing. For example, a condition can execute a print statement and then return a hard coded value to never suspend ("System.out.println(...); return false;"). To set a condition on a breakpoint: Find the breakpoint to which an enabling condition is to be applied (in the Breakpoints View or in the editor marker bar). 2. From the breakpoint's pop-up menu, select Breakpoint Properties.... The Breakpoint properties dialog will open. 3. In the properties dialog, check the Enable Condition checkbox. 4. In the Condition field enter the expression for the breakpoint condition. 5. Do one of the following:


If you want the breakpoint to stop every time the condition evaluates to true, select the condition is 'true' option. The expression provided must be a boolean expression. o If you want the breakpoint to stop only when the result of the condition changes, select the value of condition changes option. Select OK to close the dialog and commit the changes. While the breakpoint is enabled, thread execution suspends before that line of code is executed if the breakpoint condition evaluates to true.

A conditional breakpoint has a question mark overlay on the breakpoint icon.

Debugger Java perspectives Java editor

Adding breakpoints Applying hit counts Catching Java exceptions Removing breakpoints Setting method breakpoints Stepping through the execution of a program

Breakpoints view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Catching Java Exceptions

It is possible to suspend the execution of thread when an exception is thrown by specifying an exception breakpoint. Execution can be suspended at locations where the exception is uncaught, caught, or both.

Choose Add Java Exception Breakpoint from the Breakpoints View or the workbench Run menu.


A dialog listing all of the available exceptions is presented (see the following figure).

3. Type the name of the exception you want to catch or select it from the list. 4. At the bottom of the page, use the checkboxes to specify how you want execution to suspend at locations where the exception is thrown. o Select Caught if you want execution to suspend at locations where the exception is thrown and caught by a catch clause. o Select Uncaught if you want execution to suspend at locations where the exception is uncaught. Note: Exception breakpoints can be enabled and disabled and have hit counts just like regular breakpoints.

Java development tools (JDT) Breakpoints

Creating Exception Breakpoint Filters Suspending threads Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Enabling and disabling breakpoints Setting method breakpoints

Breakpoints view Add Java exception breakpoint

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Breakpoints

Create Exception Breakpoint Filtering

Type name and package name filtering can be set up for Java exception breakpoints. This can be done from an exception breakpoints' Filtering properties page, as shown in the following figure.

Using the Filtering properties page there are four ways to add filtering for a Java exception breakpoint:
1. 2. 3. 4. You can select specific threads to restrict the breakpoint to (which must be done while in a debug session) You can use the Add Class button to select a class via the Type Selection Dialog You can use the Add Package button to select a package using a filtered Type Selection Dialog You can use the Add button to define your own pattern to match as a class and/or package filter

Defining Your Own Filter Pattern

Using the Add button mentioned above, you can define your own pattern to be used as a filter for a Java exception breakpoint. Once pressed, you can then enter any expression in the new space in the Selected Locations list, as shown in the following figure.

There are some rules to follow when creating your own pattern.
1. 2. 3. Your pattern can only contain a '*' at the end Your pattern must be fully qualified, E.g. a.b.c.MyClass Your pattern cannot have spaces in it


a.b.c* - would match everything in the package a.b.c a.b.c.My* - would match anything in the a.b.c package that started with 'My' My* - would match anything in the default package that started with 'My'

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Local Debugging
The Java debugger has a client/server design so that it can be used to debug programs that run locally (on the same workstation as the debugger) or remotely (on another computer on the network).

Local debugging is the simplest and most common kind of debugging. After you have finished editing and building your Java program, you can launch the program on your workstation using the Run > Debug Configurations... menu item on the workbench. Launching the program in this way will establish a connection between the debugger client and the Java program that you are launching. You may then use breakpoints, stepping, or expression evaluation to debug your program.


Adding breakpoints Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Suspending threads

Debug preferences Debug view Run menu actions Run and Debug toolbar actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Local Debugging

Preparing to Debug
You can make your programs easier to debug by following these guidelines:

Where possible, do not put multiple statements on a single line, because some debugger features operate on a line basis. For example, you cannot step over or set line breakpoints on more than one statement on the same line. Attach source code to JAR files if you have the source code.

Debugger Remote debugging Local debugging

Changing debugger launch options Running and debugging

Debug preferences

Debug view Run Menu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Local Debugging

Launching a Java program in debug mode

Launching a program in debug mode allows you to suspend and resume the program, inspect variables, and evaluate expressions using the debugger. To launch a Java program in debug mode, In the Package Explorer, select the Java compilation unit or class file with the main method you want to launch. 2. Press the Debug [ ] button in the workbench toolbar or select Run > Debug from the workbench menu bar. Alternatively you can select Run > Debug As > Java Application from the workbench menu bar, or select Debug As > Java Application in the Package Explorer pop-up menu or in the drop-down menu on the Debug tool bar button. 3. Your program is now launched and the launched process appears in the Debug view.

If you want your program to stop in the main method so that you can step through its complete execution, create a Java Application launch configuration and check the Stop in main checkbox on the Main tab. You can also debug a Java program by selecting a project instead of the compilation unit or class file. You will be prompted to select a class from those classes that define a main method. (If only one class with a main method is found in the project, that class is launched as if you selected it.)

Java views Java editor Debugger

Connecting to a remote VM with the Java Remote Application launcher Re-launching a program Running and debugging Setting execution arguments Stepping through the execution of a program

Debug view Package Explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Local Debugging

Suspending Threads
To suspend an executing thread:
1. 2.

Select the thread in the Debug View. Click the Suspend button [ ] in the view toolbar.

The thread suspends its execution. The current call stack for the thread is displayed, and the current line of execution is highlighted in the editor in the Debug Perspective. When a thread suspends, the top stack frame of the thread is automatically selected. The Variables View shows the stack frame's variables and their values. Complex variables can be further examined by expanding them to show the values of their members. When a thread is suspended and the cursor is hovered over a variable in the Java editor, the value of that variable is displayed.

Debugger Java editor Java perspectives

Catching Java exceptions Evaluating expressions Resuming the execution of suspended threads Stepping through the execution of a program

Debug view Resume command Suspend command Variables view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Local Debugging

Resuming the execution of suspended threads

To resume the execution of a suspended threads:
1. 2.

Select the thread or its stack frame in the Debug View. Click the Resume button [ ] in the view toolbar (or press the F8 key).

The thread resumes its execution and stack frames are no longer displayed for the thread. The Variables View is also cleared.


Evaluating expressions Stepping through the execution of a program Suspending threads

Debug view Resume command Suspend command Variables View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Local Debugging

Stepping through the execution of a Java program

When a thread is suspended, the step controls can be used to step through the execution of the program line-by-line. If a breakpoint is encountered while performing a step operation, the execution will suspend at the breakpoint and the step operation is ended.

Step over
1. 2. Select a stack frame in the Debug View. The current line of execution in that stack frame is highlighted in the editor in the Debug Perspective. Click the Step Over button [ ] in the view toolbar, or press the F6 key. The currently-selected line is executed and suspends on the next executable line.

Step into
1. 2. Select a stack frame in the Debug View. The current line of execution in the selected frame is highlighted in the editor in the Debug Perspective. Click the Step Into button [ ] in the view toolbar, or press the F5 key. The next expression on the currently-selected line to be executed is invoked, and execution suspends at the next executable line in the method that is invoked.

Step into Selection

1. 2. 3. Select a stack frame in the Debug View. The current line of execution in the selected frame is highlighted in the editor in the Debug Perspective. In the Java Editor, within the current line of execution, place the cursor on the name of a method that you would like to step into. Click the Step into Selection action in the Run menu or Java editor context menu, or press the Ctrl-F5 key. Execution resumes until the selected method is invoked.

Step with filters

1. Toggle the Use Step Filters button [ ] in the Debug view toolbar, or use Shift+F5. When the action is toggled on, each of the step actions (over, into, return) will apply the set of step filters which are defined in the Java > Debug > Step Filtering preference page. When a step action is invoked, stepping will continue until an unfiltered location is reached or a breakpoint is encountered.

Step Return
1. 2. Select a stack frame in the Debug View. The current line of execution in the selected frame is highlighted in the editor in the Debug Perspective. Click the Step Return button [ ] in the view toolbar or press the F7 key. Execution resumes until the next return statement in the current method is executed, and execution suspends on the next executable line.

Run to line
When a thread is suspended, it is possible to resume execution until a specified line is executed. This is a convenient way to suspend execution at a line without setting a breakpoint.
1. 2. Place your cursor on the line at which you want the program to run. Select the Run to Line command [ ] from the pop-up menu or use Ctrl+R. Program execution is resumed and suspends just before the specified line is to be executed.

It is possible that the line will never be hit and that the program will not suspend. Breakpoints and exceptions can cause the thread to suspend before reaching the specified line.

Breakpoints Java perspectives

Adding breakpoints Launching a Java program Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Setting execution arguments Suspending threads

Debug view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Local Debugging

Inspecting values
When a stack frame is selected, you can see the visible variables in that stack frame in the Variables View. The Variables view shows the value of primitive types. Complex variables can be examined by expanding them to show their members.

Inspecting Values in the Expressions View Inspecting Values in the Variables View Inspecting Values in other views


Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Local Debugging

Evaluating expressions
When the VM suspends a thread (due to hitting a breakpoint or stepping through code), you can evaluate expressions in the context of a stack frame. 1. Select the stack frame in which an evaluation is to be performed. The evaluation context will be the currently selected variable in the view. If no variable is selected, the selected stack frame will be the context. 2. Expressions can be entered and evaluated in the following areas: o Display View o Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View) o Java Editor when it is displaying source and it is not read-only 3. Select the expression to be evaluated and select Display, Inspect or Execute from the context pop-up menu. The result of a Display or Inspect evaluation is shown in a popup window. Note that Execute does not display a result - the expression is just executed. 4. The result popup window can be dismissed by clicking outside of the popup window or by pressing Esc. The result can be persisted to the Display view (if Display was chosen) or Expressions view (if Inspect was chosen) by pressing the key sequence shown at the bottom of the popup window. For example, to move the result of an Inspect evaluation to the Expressions view press Ctrl-Shift-I. Note that when the Display action is used from the Display view the result is written to the Display view rather than a popup Note: Evaluations cannot be performed in threads that have been manually suspended.

Debugger Java editor

Suspending threads Resuming the execution of suspended threads

Detail Pane Display view Expressions view Variables view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Remote Debugging
The client/server design of the Java debugger allows you to launch a Java program from computer on your network and debug it from the workstation running the platform. This is particularly useful when you are developing a program for a device that cannot host the development platform. It is also useful when debugging programs on dedicated machines such as web servers. Note: To use remote debugging, you must be using a Java VM that supports this feature.

To debug a program remotely, you must be able to launch the program in debug mode on the remote machine so that it will wait for a connection from your debugger. The specific technique for launching the program and connecting the debugger are VM-specific. The basic steps are as follows: Ensure that you are building your Java program with available debug information. (You can control these attributes from the Java > Compiler preference page). 2. After you build your Java program, install it to the target computer. This involves copying the .CLASS files or .JAR files to the appropriate location on the remote computer. 3. Invoke the Java program on the remote computer using the appropriate VM arguments to specify debug mode and a communication port for the debugger. 4. Start the debugger using a remote launch configuration and specify the address and port of the remote computer.

When setting up the remote launch configuration there are a few items to take note of:

You must ensure you enter the correct hostname i.e. the name of the remote computer where you are currently running your code. The hostname can also be the IP address of the remote machine, for example using instead of localhost. The port number must be the number of the port on the remote machine.

Certain Java VMs support another way of starting a remote debug session. In this alternative connection type, the debugger is launched first. The debugger then waits and listens for the VM to connect to it. To debug this way, you must properly configure and launch a remote debug session, then launch the VM, specifying the location of your waiting debugger. For more information, see Using the remote Java application launch configuration.

Using the remote Java application launch configuration Disconnecting from a VM

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Remote Debugging

Using the remote Java application launch configuration

The Remote Java Application launch configuration should be used when debugging an application that is running on a remote VM. Since the application is started on the remote system, the launch configuration does not specify the usual information about the JRE, program arguments, or VM arguments. Instead, information about connecting to the application is supplied. To create a Remote Java Application launch configuration, do the following:


Select Run > Debug Configurations... from the workbench menu bar (or Debug Configurations... from the drop-down menu on the Debug tool bar button) to show the launch configuration dialog. Select the Remote Java Application in the list of configuration types on the left.

3. 4. 5.


7. 8.


Click the New toolbar button. A new remote launch configuration is created and three tabs are shown: Connect, Source, and Common. In the Project field of the Connect tab, type or browse to select the project to use as a reference for the launch (for source lookup). A project does not need to be specified. The Connection Type field of the Connect tab allows you to choose how you will connect to the virtual machine. In most cases, you will be attaching to the vm at a specific location, in which case select Standard (Socket Attach). the rest of these instructions assume you have chosen this option. The Standard (Socket Listen) connection type creates a launch that will listen for incoming connections from a remote VM. You will need to specify a port that the launch will listen at. In the Host field of the Connect tab, type the IP address or domain name of the host where the Java program is running. If the program is running on the same machine as the workbench, type localhost. In the Port field of the Connect tab, type the port where the remote VM is accepting connections. Generally, this port is specified when the remote VM is launched. The Allow termination of remote VM flag is a toggle that determines whether the Terminate command is enabled in the debugger. Select this option if you want to be able to terminate the VM to which you are connecting. Click Debug. The launch attempts to connect to a VM at the specified address and port, and the result is displayed in the Debug view. If the launcher is unable to connect to a VM at the specified address, an error message appears.

Specific instructions for setting up the remote VM should be obtained from your VM provider.

Debugger Remote Debugging

Launching a Java program Disconnecting from a VM Setting execution arguments

Debug view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Remote Debugging

Disconnecting from a VM
To disconnect from a VM that was connected to with a Remote Java Application launch configuration:
1. 2.

In the Debug View, select the launch. Click the Disconnect button [ ] in the view toolbar.

Communication with the VM is terminated, and all threads in the remote VM are resumed. Although the remote VM continues to execute, the debug session is now terminated.


Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration Running and debugging

Debug view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Creating a Java application launch configuration

When you choose Run >Run As >Java Application to launch your class, you are running your class using a generic Java Application launch configuration that derives most of the launch parameters from your Java project and your workbench preferences. In some cases, you will want to override the derived parameters or specify additional arguments. You do this by creating your own Java Application launch configuration.


Select Run > Run Configurations... or Run > Debug Configurations... from the workbench menu bar. This opens a dialog that lets you create, modify, and delete launch configurations of different types. Select Java Application in the left hand list of launch configuration types, and press the New button in the toolbar. This will create a new launch configuration for a Java application. The tabs on the right hand side allow you control specific aspects of the launch. The Main tab defines the class to be launched. Enter the name of the project containing the class to launch in the project field, and the fully qualified name of the main class in the Main class field. Check the Stop in main checkbox if you want the program to stop in the main method whenever the program is launched in debug mode. Note: You do not have to specify a project, but doing so allows a default classpath, source lookup path, and JRE to be chosen. The Arguments tab defines the arguments to be passed to the application and to the virtual machine (if any). You can also specify the working directory to be used by the launched application. The JRE tab defines the JRE used to run or debug the application. You can select a JRE from the already defined JREs, or define a new JRE. The Classpath tab defines the location of class files used when running or debugging an application. By default, the user and bootstrap class locations are derived from the associated project's build path. You may override these settings here. The Source tab defines the location of source files used to display source when debugging a Java application. By default, these settings are derived from the associated project's build path. You may override these settings here. The Environment tab defines the environment variable values to use when running or debugging a Java application. By default, the environment is inherited from the Eclipse runtime. You may override or append to the inherited environment. The Common tab defines general information about the launch configuration. You may choose to store the launch configuration in a specific file

and specify which perspectives become active when the launch configuration is launched.

Debugger Local debugging

Choosing a JRE for launching a project Launching a Java program Setting execution arguments Changing debugger launch options

Debug preferences Debug view Run Menu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Launching a Java Program

The simplest way to launch a Java program is to run it using a Java Application launch configuration. This launch configuration type uses information derived from the workbench preferences and your program's Java project to launch the program.
1. 2.


In the Package Explorer, select the Java compilation unit or class file with the main method you want to launch. Press the Run [ ] button in the workbench toolbar or select Run > Run from the workbench menu bar. Alternatively, select Run As > Java Application in the Package Explorer pop-up menu, or select Run > Run As > Java Application in the workbench menu bar, or select Run As > Java Application in the drop-down menu on the Run tool bar button. Your program is now launched, and text output is shown in the Console View.

You can also launch a Java program by selecting a project instead of the compilation unit or class file. You will be prompted to select a class from those classes that define a main method. (If only one class with a main method is found in the project, that class is launched as if you selected it.)

Java views Java editor Debugger

Connecting to a remote VM with the Java Remote Application launcher

Re-launching a program Running and debugging Setting execution arguments Stepping through the execution of a program

Console View Debug view Package Explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Launching a Java applet

If your Java program is structured as an applet, you can use the Java Applet launch configuration. This launch configuration uses information derived from the workbench preferences and your program's Java project to launch the program. In the Package Explorer, select the Java compilation unit or class file containing the applet you want to launch. 2. Press the Run [ ] button in the workbench toolbar or select Run > Run from the workbench menu. Alternatively, select Run As > Java Applet from the Package Explorer pop-up menu, select Run > Run As > Java Applet in the workbench menu bar, or select Run As > Java Applet in the drop-down menu on the Run tool bar button. 3. Your program is now launched.

You can also launch a Java applet by selecting a project instead of the compilation unit or class file. You will be prompted to select a class from those classes that extend Applet. (If only one applet class is found in the project, that class is launched as if you selected it.)


Re-launching a program Running and debugging Stepping through the execution of a program

Debug view Package Explorer

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Setting execution arguments

If you want to specify execution arguments for your program, you must define a launch configuration that specifies the arguments.

2. 3.


Select Run > Run Configurations... or Run > Debug Configurations... from the workbench Run menu to open the list of launch configurations. Launch configurations for Java programs are shown underneath Java Application in this list. Select an existing configuration or create a new launch configuration by pushing the New button after selecting Java Application. On the Arguments tab for the configuration, you can specify the following fields as necessary: o Program Arguments: Application-specific values that your code is expecting (a user name or a URL for locating help files, for example). o VM Arguments: Values meant to change the behavior of the Java virtual machine (VM). For example, you may need to tell the VM whether to use a just-in-time (JIT) compiler, or you may need to specify the maximum heap size the VM should use. Refer to your VM's documentation for more information about the available VM arguments. o Working Directory: The working directory used for the launched process. To change from using the default working directory, select Other and specify the workspace or local directory to use for the working directory of the launched process. Click Apply or Close when you are done. Every time you launch this configuration, these execution arguments will be used.

Creating a Java Application launch configuration Launching a Java program

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Re-launching a program
The workbench keeps a history of each launched and debugged program. To relaunch a program, do one of the following:

Select a previous launch from Run or Debug button pull-down menus. From the menu bar, select Run > Run History or Run > Debug History and select a previous launch from these sub-menus. In the Debug View, select a process that you want to relaunch, and select Relaunch from the process's pop-up menu.

To relaunch the most recent launch, do one of the following:

Click the Run or Debug buttons (without using the button pull-down menu). Select Run > Run Last Launched (Ctrl+F11), or Run > Debug Last Launched (F11) from the workbench menu bar.

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Debug view Relaunch command Terminate and Relaunch command

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging

Inspecting memory in the Memory view

With the Memory view, you can look at the contents of memory at a specific address. The address can be obtained from an expression that references a variable or a register. When you monitor memory, you can set the monitor to be rendered in various data formats. The Memory view is comprised of two portions:

The Monitors pane is located on the left-hand side of the view. This portion of the view contains a list of expressions, variables, and registers that you have added for monitoring. The Renderings pane is located on the right-hand side of the view (if the view is set to horizontal orientation). You use it to set the data format (or formats) that you want displayed for monitored memory.

When you monitor an address or expression from the Monitors pane, the Renderings pane becomes populated with a set of default renderings provided by your debugger. When you monitor an address or expression from the Renderings pane, the pane becomes populated with a list of renderings from which you can choose one to display. You can monitor multiple variables, expressions, and registers in the Memory view - and you can add multiple renderings to the Renderings pane. In the Monitors pane, each variable, expression, or register that you have added is listed. In the Renderings pane, only the memory rendering(s) for the currently-selected monitor in the Memory view is displayed (multiple renderings are separated by tabs or a split pane). You can set the two panes in the Memory view to display in a horizontal orientation (side-by-side) or in a vertical orientation (top-to-bottom). To set the layout of the view, click the Memory view down-arrow icon and select Layout from the menu. This will open a submenu, from which you can choose the orientation that you want to display.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Inspecting memory in the Memory view

Adding a variable, expression, or register to the Memory view

You can add a register, variable name, or expression (such as a raw address, for example, 0x00000234) to a memory monitor from the Memory view. To add a new memory monitor from the Memory view: Click the Memory view Add Memory Monitor push button ( ). This button is located in the Monitors pane. 2. In the Monitor Memory dialog box, enter the address or expression in the field (expressions must evaluate to an address). This entry does not need to be case-sensitive. Alternatively, if you have previously monitored the address or expression when debugging this application, choose it from the pull down list. Depending on the debug engine that the debugger user interface is connected to, examples of valid expressions include register names, variables, and HEX addresses.

Note: When adding a register to a memory monitor, the Registers view is a convenient location to see the names of all registers in your application. You can make note of the name of a register from the view and then use it when adding a memory monitor.

Click OK.

After adding the new memory monitor you can choose the memory format that you want to display in the Renderings pane. You can also add a new memory monitor from the Memory view Renderings pane: Click the Memory view Add Rendering(s) push button ( ). This button is located in the Renderings pane. 2. In the Add Memory Rendering dialog box, select an existing memory monitor from the pulldown list - or add a new memory monitor by clicking Add New. If you add a new memory monitor, you will be prompted via the Monitor Memory dialog box to enter an address or expression to monitor. Click OK to return to the Add Memory Rendering dialog box. 3. Do one of the following: o Select the memory rendering that you want to display for the memory monitor and click OK. o Click Cancel and then choose the memory rendering that you want to display right from the Renderings pane.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Inspecting memory in the Memory view

Adding multiple memory renderings and removing renderings

When you add a variable, expression, or register to the Memory view, you can do so multiple times, each time adding a new (or the same) rendering. Alternatively, once you have added a memory monitor and rendering, you can go to the Renderings pane and click the Add Rendering(s) push button ( ). This will prompt you with a dialog to select the rendering that you want to add to the view. In this dialog, you can select more than one rendering by using the keyboard Shift or Ctrl keys - doing this will cause a rendering to be opened for each rendering format that is selected. When you add multiple memory renderings, they are separated by tabs.

You can also split the Memory Renderings pane by selecting the Toggle Split Pane push button ( ). When the Renderings pane is split, you can view two renderings side-by-side. When you have multiple memory renderings for a memory monitor, you can set the renderings to be linked with one another. To do this, select the Link Memory Rendering Panes push button ( ). When renderings are linked, they are synchronized with each other (for example, if you change the column size in one rendering, the column size in the other rendering will also change - or if you scroll or move the cursor in one rendering, the other rendering will scroll or follow the same cursor movement). Linking memory renderings only applies to the current Memory view. If you have multiple Memory views open, they do not link to each other. To remove a rendering, select it in the Renderings pane and click Remove Rendering ( ). When you remove all memory renderings for a monitored expression, variable, or register, the Renderings pane will be populated with the memory rendering selection list. From this list, you can select the data format that you want to use for the memory rendering and then click Add Rendering(s).

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Inspecting memory in the Memory view

Working with memory monitors

To view the contents of memory from the Memory view:



In the Monitors pane, select the memory monitor that contains the memory location that you want to view. Memory will appear in the Renderings pane, where you will perform all other steps. If you have added multiple renderings, select the tab that contains the rendering that you want to view. If desired, split the Renderings pane by selecting the Toggle Split Pane push button ( ). By default, the Memory view only displays one rendering pane. When you click Toggle Split Pane, a second rendering opens and displays as a split pane. If necessary, use the scroll bar in the rendering to view memory locations above or below the base address of the memory monitor being shown by the current rendering. Alternatively, you can right-click in the rendering and choose the Go to Address pop-up menu item or hit Ctrl+G. This will open a section at the bottom of the rendering, in which you can perform the following actions: o Select the Go to Address pull-down menu item and then enter an address that you want to jump to. The rendering will be positioned so that the address entered is visible and selected. o Select the Go to Offset pull-down menu item and then enter the offset. The rendering will be positioned so that the address of the expression (base address), plus the offset entered, is visible and selected. A negative value will position the rendering back from the base address. o Select the Jump Memory Units pull-down menu item. This function takes the currently-selected address and adds the number of memory units that you specify to it. The resulting address is selected. A negative value will position the rendering back from the current address. For all of these entries, you can input them as HEX by selecting the Input as Hex check box (if this check box is not selected, input will be decimal). Once you have made the entry in the field, hit Enter or click OK to go to the location in the rendering. To close this section, click Cancel or hit Ctrl+G.

Note: Input is also treated as HEX if it is prefixed with 0x. If you want, change the width of any column by clicking the left or right side of its header cell and dragging it to alter the width of the column - or right-click inside the rendering and select Resize to Fit from the pop-up menu so that all columns are re-sized so that all text within them can be viewed. Alternatively, you can right-click inside the rendering and select Format from the pop-up menu. This will open the Format dialog box. In this dialog box, you can set the number of units per row and the number of units per column. As you make these settings, a Preview window in the dialog box displays the rendering layout that you are setting. To save these settings as the default layout, click Save as Defaults. 5. You can also hide elements of the Memory view for easier viewing: o You can hide the Monitors pane by deselecting the Toggle Memory Monitors Pane toggle. o You can hide the Address column by right-clicking inside the rendering and selecting Hide Address Column. To restore a the address column when it is hidden, right-click inside the rendering and select Show Address Column from the pop-up menu.

If you are in a memory rendering and move away from the address that you originally set to monitor, choosing the Reset to Base Address pop-up menu item will position the cursor back to the base address of the memory monitor. Alternatively, you can reset all renderings for a memory monitor by right-clicking the monitor and selecting Reset (or, you can select multiple monitors and choose this action). When you reset a monitor, by default, the visible renderings will be reset to the base address. To reset all renderings in the current Memory view to the base address, modify the Memory view preferences.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Inspecting memory in the Memory view

Changing the contents of a memory location

To change the contents of a memory location in a memory monitor in the Memory view: In the Monitors pane, select the memory monitor that contains the memory location that you want to edit. Memory will appear in the Renderings pane, where you will perform all other steps. If you have added multiple renderings, select the tab that contains the rendering that you want to edit. 2. Scroll down to the memory location you want to change. Alternatively, right-click in the monitor and choose the Go to Address pop-up menu item. This will open a Go To Address section at the bottom of the rendering, in which you can enter an address that you want to jump to. 3. Select the row containing the value that you want to change and then double-click the value that you want to change.

Tip: If the rendering is currently in focus, you do not need to double-click the value that you want to change to be able to edit it. Rather, you can simply start typing the change and the editor will activate. 4. Enter a valid value for that memory location. 5. Press Enter to submit the change. The debugger checks for a valid value.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Inspecting memory in the Memory view

Memory view preferences

You can set table rendering, codepage, and padded string preferences for memory renderings. In addition, you can modify the preferred behavior for resetting memory renderings. Memory view preference dialog boxes are opened from the Memory view down-arrow icon menu. To open the Memory view Preferences dialog box, click the Memory view down-arrow icon and select Preferences from the menu. To open the Memory view table renderings Preferences dialog box, click the Memory view down-arrow icon and select Table Renderings Preferences from the menu. To restore any changes that you make in the preferences to their default settings, click Restore Defaults.

Preferences: Reset Memory Monitor

You can reset a rendering to the base address if you have moved away from it. When you reset a rendering to the base address, you can set it to reset only the visible renderings - or you can set it to reset all renderings. If you choose to reset all renderings, performance of the reset operation can be negatively impacted. To set this preference, open the Preferences dialog box and then select the Reset Memory Monitor node. In the Reset Memory Monitor page, choose the appropriate radio button.

Preferences: Padded String

The padded string is the string that will appear in memory contents when memory cannot be retrieved. To set the padded string, open the Preferences dialog box and select the Padded String node. In the Padded String page, specify the string that you want to display when memory contents cannot be determined.

Preferences: Select Codepages

When monitoring ASCII and EBCDIC text-based renderings (and mapped memory, if it is available in the product that you installed this debugger with) in the Renderings pane, you can set the codepage in which you want the rendering to be displayed. To set the codepage for rendering memory to ASCII/EBCDIC, open the Preferences dialog box and select the Select Codepages node. In the Select Codepages page, specify the codepage of the character set that you want to change (for ASCII renderings, EBCDIC renderings, or both).

Table Renderings Preferences

To set preferences for memory renderings that are displayed in a table, click the Memory view down-arrow icon and select Table Renderings Preferences. In the resulting preferences dialog box, there are two options:

Automatic radio button: Select this if you want the debugger to automatically preload a buffer of memory before and after the visible region in the Memory view. When you select this setting, you can easily scroll away from the visible region of memory with scroll and page up/down actions.

If the buffer size is large, the performance of refreshing the Memory view can be negatively impacted (the Memory view refreshes when there is a potential for memory change - so, for example, the Memory view refreshes when you step, suspend after running, change a

variable or register, or modify memory). This is because a request for more memory must be made from the debug engine for each refresh. On the other hand, if the buffer size is too small, the performance of scrolling can be negatively impacted. This is because a request for more memory must be made from the debug engine when the buffer is exhausted. Given this performance trade-off, you need to set this option to suit your needs.

Manual radio button: If you select this setting, then the number of lines per page that you specify will be loaded into the Renderings pane. When using this setting, you have more control in choosing exactly what you want to monitor, however, you will not be able to scroll outside the buffer defined by this page size setting. Instead, to view memory from the next page or previous page, you must right-click to use the Previous Page and Next Page actions from the pop-up menu.

If the buffer size is large, the performance of refreshing the Memory view can be negatively impacted (the Memory view refreshes when there is a potential for memory change - so, for example, the Memory view refreshes when you step, suspend after running, change a variable or register, or modify memory). This is because a request for more memory must be made from the debug engine for each refresh.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Inspecting memory in the Memory view

Working with multiple Memory views

You can add additional Memory views to the workbench. To do this, click New Memory View ( ). When you have multiple Memory views open, you cannot link their renderings to each other. However, you can pin the contents of a Memory view so that memory renderings that are added to one view do not affect the other view. To pin a memory monitor, ensure that the Pin Memory Monitor button ( ) in the Memory view is toggled on. If you then go to another Memory view and add a memory monitor, it will show up in both Memory views, however, the memory rendering that is currently displayed in the pinned monitor will not change. When you add a new Memory view, its Renderings pane will be populated with the memory rendering selection list. From this list, you can select the data format that you want to use for the memory rendering and then click Add Rendering(s).

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Running and Debugging > Inspecting memory in the Memory view

Removing memory monitors from the Memory view

To remove a memory monitor from the Memory view:
1. 2.

Select the memory monitor that you want to remove (by selecting it in the list in the Monitors pane). Click the Remove Memory Monitor push button ( ).

To remove multiple memory monitors, select them using the keyboard Ctrl or Shift keys, and then click Remove Memory Monitor. To remove all memory monitors, click Remove All.

Note: If you have added multiple renderings for a memory monitor, all renderings will be removed when you choose to remove the monitor.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks

The Java development toolkit (JDT) contributes a scrapbook facility that can be used to experiment and evaluate Java code snippets before building a complete Java program. Snippets are edited and evaluated in the Scrapbook page editor, with resultant problems reported in the editor. From a Java scrapbook editor, you can select a code snippet, evaluate it, and display the result as a string. You can also show the object that results from evaluating a code snippet in the debuggers' Expressions View.

Java development tools (JDT) Debugger

Creating a Java scrapbook page Displaying the result of evaluating an expression Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression

New Java Scrapbook Page wizard Java Scrapbook page Expressions view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook

Creating a Java Scrapbook Page

The scrapbook allows Java expressions, to be run, inspected, and displayed under the control of the debugger. Breakpoints and exceptions behave as they do in a regular debug session. Code is edited on a scrapbook page. A VM is launched for each scrapbook page in which expressions are being evaluated. The first time an expression is evaluated in a scrapbook page after it is opened, a VM is launched. The VM for a page will remain active until the page is closed, terminated explicitly (in the debugger or via the Stop the Evaluation button in the editor toolbar), or when a System.exit() is evaluated.

There are several ways to open the

New Java Scrapbook Page wizard.

Create a file with a .jpage extension From the menu bar, select File > New > Other.... Then select Java > Java Run/Debug > Scrapbook Page. Then click Next.

Once you've opened the New Java Scrapbook Page wizard:.

1. 2. 3.

In the Enter or select the folder field, type or click Browse to select the container for the new page. In the File name field, type a name for the new page. The .jpage extension will be added automatically if you do not type it yourself. Click Finish when you are done. The new scrapbook page opens in an editor.

Scrapbook Java projects

Running and debugging

Java scrapbook page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook

Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression

Inspecting shows the result of evaluating an expression in the Expressions view. In the scrapbook page, either type an expression or highlight an existing expression to be inspected. For example: System.getProperties(); 2. Click the Inspect button in the toolbar (or select Inspect from the selection's pop-up menu). 3. The result of the inspection appears in a pop-up. 4. The result can be inspected like a variable in the debugger (for example, children of the result can be expanded).


Creating a Java scrapbook page Displaying the result of evaluating an expression Executing an expression Viewing runtime exceptions

Expressions view Java scrapbook page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook

Displaying the result of evaluating an expression

Displaying shows the result of evaluating an expression in the scrapbook editor. In the scrapbook page, either type an expression or highlight an existing expression to be displayed. For example: System.getProperties(); 2. Click the Display button in the toolbar (or select Display from the selection's pop-up menu.) 3. The result of the evaluation appears highlighted in the scrapbook editor. The result displayed is either o the value obtained by sending toString() to the result of the evaluation, or o when evaluating a primitive data type (e.g., an int ), the result is the simple value of the result.

For example:

Type and highlight new java.util.Date() in the editor, and click Display. A result such as (java.util.Date) Tue Jun 12 14:03:17 CDT 2001 appears in the editor. As another example, type and highlight 3 + 4 in the editor, and press Display. The result (int) 7 is displayed in the editor.


Executing an expression Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression Viewing runtime exceptions

Java scrapbook page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook

Executing an expression
Executing an expression evaluates an expression but does not display a result.

If you select the expression to execute and click the Execute button in the toolbar, no result is displayed, but the code is executed. For example, if you type and highlight System.out.println("Hello World"), and click the Execute button, Hello World appears in the Console view, but no result is displayed in the scrapbook editor or the Expressions view.

Java views

Displaying the result of evaluating an expression Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression Viewing runtime exceptions

Expressions view Console view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook

Using code assist

The scrapbook editor supports code assist similarly to the regular Java editor. For example, type TestCase in the scrapbook editor and press Ctrl+Space. Code assist prompts you with possible completions.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook

Scrapbook error reporting

Java scrapbook errors are reported in the scrapbook page editor.

Viewing compilation errors Viewing runtime exceptions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook > Scrapbook error reporting

Viewing compilation errors

If you try to evaluate an expression containing a compilation error, it will be reported in the scrapbook editor. For example, type and select the (invalid) expression System.println("hi") in the editor and click Execute in the toolbar. The error message The method println(java.lang.String) is undefined for the type java.lang.System appears in the editor at the point of the error.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Scrapbook > Scrapbook error reporting

Viewing runtime exceptions

If an expression you evaluate causes a runtime exception, the exception will be reported in the editor. For example: Type and select the expression Object x = null; x.toString() in the editor and click Display in the toolbar. The error message: An exception occurred during evaluation: java.lang.NullPointerException will be displayed in the editor.

Java editor

Displaying the result of evaluating an expression Inspecting the result of evaluating an expression Executing an expression


Java development user guide > Tasks

Using the Formatter Application

The JDT has a command line Eclipse application that allows users to format Java source code either with the Eclipse default code formatter options or with custom options.

Running the formatter application

Code Formatter

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Formatter Application

Running the Formatter Application

Running the formatter application is as simple as running the org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCodeFormatter application from the commandline:
eclipse -vm <path to virtual machine> -application org.eclipse.jdt.core.JavaCodeFormatter [ OPTIONS ] <files>

<files> OPTIONS -config <file> -help -quiet -verbose

Java source files and/or directories to format. Only files ending with .java will be formatted in the given directory. Description Use the formatting style from the specified properties file. Refer to Generating a config file for the formatter application for details. Display the help message. Only print error messages. Be verbose about the formatting job.

Code formatter

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Tasks > Using the Formatter Application

Generating a Config File for the Formatter Application

Generating a config file for the formatter application involves modifying the code formatter settings for a Java project and copying org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs out of the .settings directory for that project. Select a Java project, open the pop-up menu and choose Properties. Select the Java Code Style > Formatter page and check Enable project specific settings. 3. Select or edit a profile as explained above. 4. Click OK when you are done. 5. Use either a file manager or the command line to copy workspace/YourJavaProject/.settings/org.eclipse.jdt.core.prefs to a new location. 6. If the files you want to format are using 1.5 constructs, you must add the following lines inside the preference file you just created:
1. 2.

org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.compliance=1.5 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.codegen.targetPlatform=1.5 org.eclipse.jdt.core.compiler.source=1.5

Code formatter

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide >


Breakpoints Menus and Actions Preferences Property Pages Refactoring Search Toolbar Views Java Editor Wizards and Dialogs Frequently-Asked Questions: JDT Glossary Icons Available Quick Assists Available Quick Fixes List of JDT Key Bindings


Java development user guide > Reference

A breakpoint suspends the execution of a program at the location where the breakpoint is set. Breakpoints can be enabled and disabled via the context menu in the Breakpoints View, or via the context menu in the Java Editor ruler.

An enabled breakpoint causes a thread to suspend whenever the breakpoint is encountered. Enabled breakpoints are drawn with a blue circle [ ] and have a checkmark overlay once successfully installed. A breakpoint can only be installed when the class the breakpoint is located in has been loaded by the VM. A disabled breakpoint will not cause threads to suspend. Disabled breakpoints are drawn with a white circle [ ].

Breakpoints are displayed in the vertical editor ruler and in the Breakpoints view.

Adding breakpoints Resuming the execution of suspended threads Running and debugging Suspending threads

Debug preferences Debug view Run menu actions Run and debug toolbar actions Breakpoints view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Breakpoint Enable Condition

Select the Enable Condition option to enable the ability to provide a custom condition for the breakpoint. Each breakpoint can have a unique condition that determines when the breakpoint will be hit. A condition for a breakpoint can be any logical expression that evaluates to either true or false. The expression is evaluated in the scope of the breakpoint location, meaning you cannot make reference to a class, etc., outside the scope of the breakpoint location when composing your expression. Consider the following example:
public class Person { String name = "";

int age = 0; public Person(String name, int age) { this.name = name; this.age = age; //breakpoint here

} };

If we take the above example, place a breakpoint where indicated and go to the breakpoint properties we can add our condition. In this case we are limited only to the members of the class the breakpoint is contained in and those provided by Object. For example a valid condition could be:
age == 56

meaning the breakpoint would only suspend when age was equal to 56. Conditions can be added to breakpoints with the Breakpoints Properties... shown below.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Enabled Option Hit Count Suspend Policy Method Entry Method Exit

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Breakpoint Enabled
Select the Enabled option to enable or disable a breakpoint. This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., by right-clicking a breakpoint, or by selecting the breakpoint or its grouping in the Breakpoints View.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Hit Count Suspend Policy

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Exception Breakpoint Caught Exception

Select the Caught Exception option to suspend execution when an exception of the same type as the breakpoint is thrown in a caught location. This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking an exception breakpoint.


Catching exceptions Creating Exception Breakpoint Filters Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Add Java exception breakpoint Enabled Option Hit Count Suspend Policy

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Exception Breakpoint Suspend on Subclass of this Exception

Select the Suspend on Subclass of this Exception option to suspend execution when subclasses of the exception type are encountered. For example, if an exception breakpoint for RuntimeException is configured to suspend on subclasses, it will also be triggered by a NullPointerException. This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking a breakpoint.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Add Java exception breakpoint Enabled Option Hit Count

Suspend Policy Caught Option Uncaught Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Exception Breakpoint Uncaught Exception

Select the Uncaught Exception option to suspend execution when an exception of the same type as the breakpoint is thrown in an uncaught location. This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking an exception breakpoint.


Catching exceptions Creating Exception Breakpoint Filters

Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Add Java exception breakpoint

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Breakpoint Hit Count

Select the Hit Count option to define a hit count for the selected breakpoint. The Hit Count option is used to determine when your program should suspend on that breakpoint. If a breakpoint has a hit count of N, execution will suspend when the breakpoint is encountered for the Nth time. After being hit, the breakpoint is disabled until either it is re-enabled or its hit count is changed. This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking a breakpoint.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Enabled Option Suspend Policy

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Breakpoint Method Entry

Select the Method Entry option to suspend execution when the method associated with the breakboint is entered. This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking a method breakpoint.


Setting method breakpoints Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Enabled Option Hit Count Suspend Policy Method Exit Breakpoint Conditions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Breakpoint Method Exit

Select the Method Exit option to suspend execution when the method associated with the breakpoint is exited. This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking a method breakpoint.


Setting method breakpoints Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Enabled Option Hit Count Suspend Policy Method Exit Breakpoint Conditions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Breakpoint Suspend Policy

The Suspend Policy option is used to indicate what should be suspended when a breakpoint is hit. There are two options for Java breakpoints:

Suspend Thread - suspends only the thread that encountered the breakpoint Suspend VM - suspends the entire VM when the breakpoint is encountered

This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking a breakpoint.

You can also change the default setting for the suspend policy for all newly created breakpoints. To do this go to the Java >Debug preference page and change it there.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Enabled Option Hit Count


Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Watchpoint Field Modification

Select this option to suspend execution when the associated field is modified (written). This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking a watchpoint.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Opening the Breakpoint Properties Dialog Watchpoint Modification Context Action Enabled Option Hit Count Suspend Policy

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Breakpoints

Watchpoint Field Access

Select the Field Access option to suspend execution when the associated field is accessed (read). This option can be changed with the Breakpoint Properties..., or by right-clicking a watchpoint.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Opening the Breakpoint Properties Dialog Watchpoint Access Context Action Enabled Option

Hit Count Suspend Policy

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

JDT Actions
JDT actions are available from

Menu bar Toolbar Context menus in views

Java development tools (JDT)

Frequently asked questions on JDT JDT glossary File menu actions Edit menu actions Source menu actions Refactor menu actions Navigate menu actions Search menu actions Project menu actions Run menu actions Java toolbar actions Run and debug toolbar actions Java editor actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Menus and Actions

File actions
File menu commands: Name New Function Create a Java element or a new resource. Configure which elements are shown in the submenu in Window > Customize Perspective. In Keyboard Shortcut Alt + Shift + N

a Java perspective, by default action for creating a project, package, class, interface, enum, annotation, source folder, Java working set, JUnit test, file and folder are available. Open File Close Close All Save Save As Save All Revert Move Opens a file from the file system in an editor. Close the current editor. If the editor contains unsaved data, a save request dialog will be shown. Close all editors. If editors contains unsaved data, a save request dialog will be shown. Save the content of the current editor. Disabled if the editor does not contain unsaved changes. Save the content of the current editor under a new name. Save the content of all editors with unsaved changes. Disabled if no editor contains unsaved changes. Revert the content of the current editor back to the content of the saved file. Disabled if the editor does not contain unsaved changes. Move a resource. Disabled on Java Elements. To move Java elements use Refactor > Move (with updating all references to the file) or Edit > Cut / Paste (no updating of references). Renames a resource. Disabled on Java Elements. To rename Java elements use Refactor > Rename (with updating all references to the file). Refreshes the content of the selected element with the local file system. When launched from no specific selection, this command refreshes all projects. F5 Ctrl + Shift + S Ctrl + W Ctrl + Shift + W Ctrl + S



Convert Line Convert the line delimiters of all the text files in the selection to the Delimiters To selected delimiter kind. Print Switch Workspace Restart Import Export Properties Prints the content of the current editor. Enabled when an editor has the focus. Switch to another workspace. Restarts the application. Opens the import wizard dialog. JDT does not contribute any import wizards. Opens the export wizard dialog. JDT contributes the JAR file export wizard and the Javadoc generation wizard. Opens the property pages of the select elements. Opened on Java projects the Java Build Path page and the Javadoc Location page are available. For JAR archives, configure the JAR's Source Attachment and Javadoc Location here. Exit Eclipse Alt + Enter Ctrl + P


Java development tools (JDT)

Creating JAR files

New Java project wizard New Java package wizard New Java class wizard New Java enum wizard New Java interface wizard New Java annotation wizard JAR file exporter Javadoc generation Javadoc location properties Java build path properties Source attachment properties

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Menus and Actions

Edit actions
Edit menu commands shown when a Java editor is visible: Name Undo Redo Cut Function Revert the last change in the editor Revert an undone change Copies the currently selected text or element to the clipboard and removes the element. On elements, the remove is not performed before the clipboard is pasted. Copies the currently selected text or elements to the clipboard Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + Z Ctrl + Y Ctrl + X Ctrl + C


Copy Qualified Copies the fully qualified name of the currently selected element Name to the clipboard Paste Delete Select All Expand Selection To Paste the current content as text to the editor, or as a sibling or child element to the a currently selected element. Delete the current text or element selection. Select all the editor content.

Ctrl + V Delete Ctrl + A Alt + Shift + Arrow Keys

Enclosing Element: Selects the enclosing expression, block, or method in the code. This action is aware of the Java syntax. It may not function properly when the code has syntax errors. (Arrow Up)

Next Element: Selects the current and next elements. (Arrow Right) Previous Element: Selects the current and previous elements. (Arrow Left) Restore Last Selection: Restores the previous selection after an invocation of Expand Selection To. (Arrow Down) Ctrl + F Ctrl + K

Find / Replace Find Next

Open the Find / Replace dialog. Editor only. Finds the next occurrence of the currently selected text. Editor only.

Find Previous Incremental Find Next Incremental Find Previous

Finds the previous occurrence of the currently selected text. Editor Ctrl + Shift + only. K Starts the incremental find mode. After invocation, enter the search text as instructed in the status bar. Editor only. Starts the incremental find mode. After invocation, enter the search text as instructed in the status bar. Editor only. Ctrl + J Ctrl + Shift + J

Add Bookmark Add a bookmark to the current text selection or selected element. Add Task Add a user defined task to the current text selection or selected element. Toggles the Insert Mode. When smart insert mode is disabled, Ctrl + Shift + typing aids like automatic indentation, closing of brackets etc. are Insert disabled. Shows the value of a hover that would appear at the current cursor location. The dialog shown is scrollable and does not shorten F2 descriptions. Opens a content assist dialog at the current cursor position. By default content assist supports five different categories of proposals. 1. Default - union all of proposals 2. Type Proposals (e.g. java.lang.String, List) 3. Other Java Proposals (e.g. method or field names) 4. Template Proposals (e.g. 'iterate over array' template) 5. Word Proposals (Proposes words which have been typed already) See the Java Editor preference page for configuring the behavior of code assist and the contents of the Default proposal category. See the Templates preference page for available templates. Word Completion Quick Fix Set Encoding Proposes word completions for the current string based on all words found in any open editor. Works in all text based editors. Alt + /

Smart Insert Mode Show Tooltip Description

Content Assist

Ctrl + Space

Opens a dialog with possible solutions if the cursor is located near Ctrl + 1 a problem indication. Toggles the encoding of the currently shown text content.

Java editor Java development tools (JDT)

Java editor Java editor preferences Java outline Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Menus and Actions

Source Actions
Source menu commands: Name Toggle Comment Add Block Comment Remove Block Comment Generate Element Comment Shift Right Function Comment or uncomment all lines containing the current selection. Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + /

Adds a block comment around all lines containing the current Ctrl + Shift selection. +/ Removes a block comment from all lines containing the current selection. Ctrl + Shift +\

Adds a comment to the selected element. See the Code templates preference page to specify the format of the Alt + Shift + generated comments. Available on types, fields, constructors, J and methods. Increments the level of indentation of the currently select lines. Only activated when the selection covers multiple lines or a single whole line. Decrements the level of indentation of the currently select lines. Only activated when the selection covers multiple lines or a single whole line. Corrects the indentation of the lines denoted by the current text selection. Ctrl + I

Shift Left

Correct Indentation Format

Uses the code formatter to format the current text selection. Ctrl + Shift The formatting options are configured on the Code Formatter +F preference page. Uses the code formatter to format the Java element comprising the current text selection. The Format Element action works on method and type level. The formatting options are configured on the Code Formatter preference page.

Format Element

Add Import

Creates an import declaration for a type reference currently Ctrl + Shift selected. If the type reference if qualified, the qualification +M will be removed if possible. If the referenced type name can not be mapped uniquely to a type of the current project you will be prompted to specify the correct type. Add Import tries to follow the import order as specified in the Organize Import preference page Organizes the import declarations in the compilation unit currently open or selected. Unnecessary import declarations are removed, and required import declarations are ordered as specified in the Organize Imports preference page. Organize imports can be executed on incomplete source and will Ctrl + Shift prompt you when a referenced type name can not be mapped + O uniquely to a type in the current project. You can also organize multiple compilation units by invoking the action on a package or selecting a set of compilation units. Sorts the members of a type according to the sorting order specified in the Member Sort Order preference page Performs various changes in order to clean up your code according to the settings specified in the Clean Up preference page Opens the Override Method dialog that allows you to override or implement a method in the current type. Available on types or on a text selection inside a type. Opens the Generate Getters and Setters dialog that allows you to create Getters and Setters for fields in the current type. Available on fields and types or on a text selection inside a type. Opens the Generate Delegate Methods dialog that allows you to create method delegates for fields in the current type. Available on fields and types with fields. Opens the Generate HashCode and Equals dialog that allows you to start and control the generation of hashCode and equals methods in the current type. Opens the Generate toString() dialog that allows you to start and control the generation of a toString() method in the current type. Adds constructors which initialize fields for the currently selected types. Available on types, fields or on a text selection inside a type.

Organize Imports

Sort Members Clean Up

Override/Implement Methods Generate Getter and Setter

Generate Delegate Methods Generate hashCode() and equals() Generate toString()

Generate Constructor using Fields

Adds constructors as defined in the super class for the Add Constructor from currently selected types. Available on types or on a text Superclass selection inside a type. Surround the selected statements with a code template. Create your own templates on the Template preference page. Alt + Shift + Further, you can use Expand Selection to from the Edit menu Z to get a valid selection range.

Surround With

Externalize Strings Find Broken Externalized Strings

Opens the Externalize strings wizard. This wizards allows you to replace all strings in the code by statements accessing a property file. Searches for broken externalized strings in a selected property file, package, project or set of projects.

Java editor String externalization Java development tools (JDT)

Externalizing strings

Java editor Java editor preferences Java outline Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Refactoring

Refactor Actions
Refactor menu commands: Name Rename Description Renames the selected element and (if enabled) corrects all references to the elements (also in other files). Available: Methods, method parameters, fields, local variables, types, type parameters, enum constants, compilation units, packages, source folders, projects and on a text selection resolving to one of these element types Shortcut: Options: Alt + Shift + R Renaming a type does allow to rename similarly named variables and methods. Enable 'Update similarly named variables and methods' in the Rename Type dialog. Select 'Configure...' to configure the strategy for matching type names. Renaming a package does allow to rename its subpackages. Enable 'Rename subpackages' in the Rename Package dialog. Enable 'Keep original method as delegate to changed method' to

keep the original method. Optionally you can deprecate the old method. Move Moves the selected elements and (if enabled) corrects all references to the elements (also in other files). Available: Instance method (which can be moved to a component), one or more static methods, static fields, types, compilation units, packages, source folders and projects and on a text selection resolving to one of these element types Shortcut: Options: Change Method Signature Alt + Shift + V You can use Drag & Drop in the Package Explorer to start this refactoring.

Changes parameter names, parameter types, parameter order and updates all references to the corresponding method. Additionally, parameters and thrown exceptions can be removed or added and method return type and method visibility can be changed. Available: Methods or on text selection resolving to a method Shortcut: Options: Alt + Shift + C Enable 'Keep original method as delegate to changed method' in the Change Method Signature dialog to keep the original method.

Extract Method

Creates a new method containing the statements or expression currently selected and replaces the selection with a reference to the new method. This feature is useful for cleaning up lengthy, cluttered, or overly-complicated methods. Available: You can use Expand Selection to from the Edit menu to get a valid selection range. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on statements and expressions selected in the editor. Shortcut: Alt + Shift + M

Extract Local Variable

Creates a new variable assigned to the expression currently selected and replaces the selection with a reference to the new variable. Available: Text selections that resolve to local variables. You can use Expand Selection to from the Edit menu to get a valid selection range. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on expressions selected in the editor. Shortcut: Alt + Shift + L

Extract Constant

Creates a static final field from the selected expression and substitutes a field reference, and optionally rewrites other places where the same expression occurs. Available: Constant expressions or text selections which resolve to constant expressions This refactoring is also available as quick assist on expressions selected in the editor. Inline local variables, methods or constants. Available: Methods, static final fields and text selections that resolve to methods, static final fields or local variables This refactoring is also available as quick assist on local variables selected in the editor.


Shortcut: Convert Anonymous Class to Nested Convert Member Type to Top Level

Alt + Shift + I

Converts an anonymous inner class to a member class. Available: Anonymous inner classes Creates a new Java compilation unit for the selected member type, updating all references as needed. For non-static member types, a field is added to allow access to the former enclosing instance, if necessary. Available: Member types or text resolving to a member type. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on member classes selected in the editor. Turn a local variable into a field. If the variable is initialized on creation, then the operation moves the initialization to the new field's declaration or to the class's constructors. Available: Text selections that resolve to local variables. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on local variables selected in the editor. Extracts a common superclass from a set of sibling types. The selected sibling types become direct subclasses of the extracted superclass after applying the refactoring. Available: Types Options: Enable 'Use the extracted class where possible' to use the newly created class wherever possible. See Use Supertype Where Possible.

Convert Local Variable to Field

Extract Superclass

Extract Interface

Creates a new interface with a set of methods and makes the selected class implement the interface. Available: Types Options: Enable 'Use the extracted interface type where possible' to use the newly created interface wherever possible. See Use Supertype Where Possible.

Use Supertype Where Possible

Replaces occurrences of a type with one of its supertypes after identifying all places where this replacement is possible. Available: Types Moves a set of methods and fields from a class to its subclasses. Available: One or more methods and fields declared in the same type or on a text selection inside a field or method Moves a field or method to a superclass of its declaring class or (in the case of methods) declares the method as abstract in the superclass. Available: One or more methods, fields and member types declared in the same type or on a text selection inside a field, method or member type Replaces a set of fields with new container object. All references to the fields are updated to access the new container object. Available: The set of fields or a type containing fields Options: Enable 'Create Getter and Setters' to add accessor methods to the

Push Down

Pull Up

Extract Class

new type Introduce Replaces a set of parameters with a new class, and updates all callers of the Parameter Object method to pass an instance of the new class as the value to the introduce parameter. Available: Methods or on text selection resolving to a method Options: Introduce Indirection Enable 'Keep original method as delegate to changed method' in the Introduce Parameter Object dialog to keep the original method.

Creates a static indirection method delegating to the selected method. Available: Methods or on text selection resolving to a method Options: Enable 'Redirect all method invocations' to replace all calls to the original method by calls to the indirection method.

Introduce Factory Creates a new factory method, which will call a selected constructor and return the created object. All references to the constructor will be replaced by calls to the new factory method. Available: Constructor declarations Introduce Parameter Replaces an expression with a reference to a new method parameter, and updates all callers of the method to pass the expression as the value of that parameter. Available: Text selections that resolve to expressions

Encapsulate Field Replaces all references to a field with getter and setter methods. Available: Field or a text selection resolving to a field. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on field declarations and references selected in the editor. Generalize Declared Type Allows the user to choose a supertype of the reference's current type. If the reference can be safely changed to the new type, it is. Available: Type references and declarations of fields, local variables, and parameters with reference types Replaces raw type occurrences of generic types by parameterized types after identifying all places where this replacement is possible. Available: Projects, packages, and types Options: 'Assume clone() returns an instance of the receiver type'. Wellbehaved classes generally respect this rule, but if you know that your code violates it, uncheck the box. 'Leave unconstrained type arguments raw (rather than inferring <? >)'. If there are no constraints on the elements of e.g. ArrayList a, uncheck this box will cause Eclipse to still provide a wildcard parameter, replacing the reference with ArrayList<?>. Migrate JAR File Migrates a JAR File on the build path of a project in your workspace to a newer version, possibly using refactoring information stored in the new JAR File to avoid breaking changes. Available: JAR Files on build path Create Script Creates a script of the refactorings that have been applied in the workspace. Refactoring scripts can either be saved to a file or copied to the clipboard. See Apply Script.

Infer Generic Type Arguments

Available: Always Apply Script Applies a refactoring script to projects in your workspace. Refactoring scripts can either be loaded from a file or from the clipboard. See Create Script. Available: Always Browses the workspace refactoring history and offers the option to delete refactorings from the refactoring history. Available: Always


Refactoring commands are also available from the context menus in many views and the Java editor.

Refactoring support

Refactoring dialogs Java preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Menus and Actions

Navigate Actions
Navigate menu commands: Name Go Into Go To Function Sets the view input to the currently selected element. Supported by the Package Explorer view.

Keyboard Shortcut

Back: Sets the view input to the input back in history: Only enabled when a history exists (Go Into was used) Forward: Sets the view input to the input forward in history: Only enabled when a history exists (Go Into, Go To > Back were used) Up One Level: Sets the input of the current view to its input's parent element Type: Browse for a type and reveal it in the current view. Supported by the Package Explorer view Package: Browse for a package and reveal it in the current view. Supported by the Package Explorer view Resource: Browse for a resource and reveal it in the current view. F3

Open Declaration

Tries to resolve the element referenced at the current code

selection and opens the file declaring the reference. Open Type Hierarchy Tries to resolve the element referenced at the current code selection and opens the element in the Type Hierarchy view. F4 Invoked on elements, opens the type hierarchy of the element. Supported in the Java editor and views showing Java elements. Ctrl + Alt + H

Open Call Hierarchy Tries to resolve the method referenced at the current code selection and opens the element in the Call Hierarchy view. Open Super Implementation Open an editor for the super implementation of the currently selected method or method surrounding the current cursor position. No editor is opened if no method is selected or the method has no super implementation. Opens the Javadoc documentation of the currently selected element or text selection. The location of the Javadoc of a JAR or a project is specified in the Javadoc location property page on projects or JARs. Note that this external Javadoc documentation may not be up to date with the Javadoc specified in the current code. You can create Javadoc documentation for source files in a Java project using the Javadoc export wizard. Brings up the Open Type dialog to open a type in the editor. The Open Type selection dialog shows all types existing in the workspace.

Open External Javadoc

Shift + F2

Open Type

Ctrl + Shift +T

Open Type In Hierarchy Open Resource Show In Breadcrumb Show In

Brings up the Open Type dialog to open a type in the editor and Ctrl + Shift the Type Hierarchy view. The Open Type selection dialog +H shows all types that exist in the workspace. Opens the Open Resource dialog to open any resource in your workspace. Shows the currently selected element in the breadcrub bar of the Java editor. Choose to show the currently selected element in

Ctrl + Shift +R Ctrl + Shift +B Alt + Shift + W

Package Explorer History Navigator Outline Ctrl + O Ctrl + T

Quick Outline Quick Type Hierarchy Next / Next Annotation / Next Thread Previous / Previous Annotation / Previous Thread Last Edit Location

Opens the lightweight outliner for the currently selected type. Opens the lightweight hierarchy viewer for the currently selected type. Selects the next annotation in the Java editor. Selects the next suspended thread in the Debug View. Selects the previous annotation in the java editor. Selects the previous suspended thread in the Debug View. Reveals the location where the last edit occurred.

Ctrl + .

Ctrl + , Ctrl + Q

Go to Line Back Forward

Opens an a dialog which allows entering the line number to which the editor should jump to. Editor only. Reveals the previous editor location in the location history. Reveals the next editor location in the location history.

Ctrl + L Alt + Left Alt + Right

Java views Java development tools (JDT)

Opening an editor for a selected element Showing an element in the package explorer Opening a type in the package explorer Opening an editor on a type Opening a package

Package explorer view Type hierarchy view Javadoc location properties Javadoc export wizard

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Search

Search Actions
Search menu commands: Name Search... File... Java... Text Opens the search dialog Opens the search dialog on the File search page Opens the search dialog on the Java search page Searches for the selected text in the chosen scope:


Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + H

Workspace (Ctrl + Alt + G) Project Hierarchy Working Set


Finds all references to the selected Java element in the chosen


Workspace (Ctrl + Shift + G) Project Hierarchy Working Set

Finds all declarations of the selected Java element in the chosen scope: Declarations

Workspace (Ctrl + G) Project Hierarchy Working Set


Finds all implementors of the selected interface in the chosen scope: (Workspace, Project or Working Set)

Workspace Project Working Set

Read Access

Finds all read accesses to the selected field in the chosen scope:

Workspace Project Hierarchy Working Set

Write Access

Finds all write accesses to the selected field in the chosen scope:

Workspace Project Hierarchy Working Set

Occurrences in File

Finds all occurrences of the selected Java element in its file

Identifier: Occurrences of all identifiers resolving to the selected element Implementing Methods: All methods implemented by the selected super-interface declaration Throwing Exceptions: All statements that possible throw Ctrl + Shift + U the selected declared exception Method Exits: All statements that can exit the method of the selected return type Break/Continue Target: The targets of the selected break and continue statement

Referring Tests

Finds all JUnit tests that refer to the currently selected type

Search scopes submenu:

Scope Workspace Project Hierarchy

Availability all elements all elements

Description Searches in the full workspace Searches in the project enclosing the selected element

types and members Searches in the type's hierarchy Searches in a working set

Workings Set all elements

Scopes can be saved and names in the working set dialog. Existing instances of working sets are also available in the Search Scope submenu A Java search can also be conducted via the context menu of all Java views. The search context menu is also available in the Java editor. The search is only performed if the currently selected text can be resolved to a Java element. The type of the selected Java element defines which search context menus are available. The Java editor does not constrain the list of available Java searches based on the selection.

Java search

Java search tab

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Menus and Actions

Project Actions
Project menu commands: Name Open Project Close Project Build All Function Shows a dialog that can be used to select a closed project and open it Closes the currently selected projects Builds all projects in the workspace. This is an incremental build, meaning that the builder analyzes the changes since the last time of Ctrl + B build and minimizes the number of changed files. Builds the currently selected project. This is an incremental build, meaning that the builder analyzes the changes since the last time of build and minimizes the number of changed files. Builds the projects contained in the currently selected working set. This is an incremental build, meaning that the builder analyzes the Keyboard Shortcut

Build Project

Build Working Set

changes since the last time of build and minimizes the number of changed files. Clean... Build Automatically Generate Javadoc... Properties Shows a dialog where the projects to be cleaned can be selected. If selected, all modified files are automatically rebuilt if saved. This is an incremental build, meaning that the builder analyzes the changes since the last time of build and minimizes the number of changed files. Opens the Generate Javadoc wizard on the currently selected project. Opens the property pages on the currently selected project.

Java projects Java builder

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Menus and Actions

Run Menu Actions

The Run Menu, found on the main menu of the Eclipse workbench contains all of the actions required run, debug, step through code and work with breakpoints. Different parts of the menu are visible at different times, as each perspective can be customized to show only specific capabilities. The Run Menu commands.

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. Presents a sub menu of registered run launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Run As

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in run mode F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Run History

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume

Run Last Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in Ctrl + F11 Launched / Run run mode or quickly run the selected resource, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. settings). Run To Line Executes the program to the currently selected line in Ctrl + R F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. the editor Step Into Steps into the current statement. F5 F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. Steps into the selected statement in the editor F8 Ctrl + F5 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Step Into Selection

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. Steps over the highlighted statement. Execution will continue at the next line either in the same method or (if you are at the end of a method) it will continue in F8 F6 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Step Over

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. the method from which the current method was called. The cursor jumps to the declaration of the method and F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. selects this line. F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. Steps out of the current method. This option stops execution after exiting the current method. F8 F7 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Step Return

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. Suspends the selected thread of a target so that you can browse or modify code, inspect data, step, and so on. F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Suspend

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. Terminates the selected debug target. Toggles the appropriate type of breakpoint based on F8 Ctrl + F2 Ctrl + Shift Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Terminate Toggle

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. what is currently selected Toggles a line breakpoint on the current executable F8 +B Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Breakpoint Toggle Line

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. line of code Toggles a method breakpoint on the currently selected F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Breakpoint Toggle Method

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. method declaration Toggles a watchpoint on the currently selected field F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Breakpoint Toggle

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume Watchpoint Use Step Filters

Toggles step filters on/off. When on, all step functions Shift + F5

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. apply step filters. Watch Used to create a watch item. A watch item is an F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume

Run Menu Commands Command Name Add Java Exception Breakpoint Description Opens the Add Java Exception dialog to select the exception breakpoint type to create Shortcut

Add Class Load Opens the Select Type dialog to select the Java type to Breakpoint add a class load breakpoint to All Instances... Displays all of the instances of the selected type in the Ctrl + Shift current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 +N VM)

All References... Displays all of the references of the selected type in the current VM in a popup (only available with a Java 1.6 VM) Debug As Presents a sub menu of registered debug launch shortcuts. Launch shortcuts provide support for workbench or active editor selection sensitive launching. Presents a sub menu of the recent history of launch configurations launched in debug mode Allows you to quickly repeat the most recent launch in F11 debug mode or to debug the current selection, if that mode is supported (based on your current launch settings). Uses the Display view to show the result of evaluating Ctrl + Shift the selected expression in the context of a stack frame + D or variable in that thread. If the current active part is a Java Snippet Editor, the result is displayed there. Within the context of the Java snippet editor, this command allows you to evaluate an expression but does not display a result. Forces the current method to return with the specified value Uses the Expressions view to show the result of inspecting the selected expression or variable in the context of a stack frame or variable in that thread. This command opens the launch configuration dialog to manage debug mode launch configurations. Opens the launch configuration dialog to manage run mode launch configurations. Removes all of the breakpoints from the current workspace Resumes a suspended thread. expression in the Expressions view whose value is updated as you debug. F8 Ctrl + E

Debug History Debug Last Launched / Debug Display


Force Return Inspect

Alt + Shift +F Ctrl + Shift +I

Open Debug Dialog... Open Run Dialog... Remove All Breakpoints Resume

Debugger Java development tools (JDT) Local Debugging Remote Debugging

Running and Debugging Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration Adding Line breakpoints Setting method breakpoints Catching exceptions

Debug Preferences Run and Debug toolbar actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Toolbar

Java Toolbar Actions

Java Actions Toolbar Button Command Create a Java Project Description This command helps you create a new Java project. See new Java project wizard Create a Java Package This command helps you create a new Java package. See new Java package wizard Create a Java Class This command helps you create a new Java class. See new Java class wizard Create a Java enum This command helps you create a new Java enum. See new Java enum wizard Create a Java This command helps you create a new Java interface.

Interface See new Java interface wizard Create a Java annotation This command helps you create a new Java annotation. See new Java annotation wizard Create a JUnit test case Open Type This command helps you create a new JUni test case. This command allows you to browse the workspace for a type to open in the defined default Java editor. You can optionally choose to display the type simultaneously in the Hierarchy view. See Open Type dialog.

Java development tools (JDT)

Opening an editor on a type

New Java project wizard New Java package wizard New Java class wizard New Java enum wizard New Java interface wizard New Java annotation wizard New Java scrapbook page wizard Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Toolbar

Run and Debug toolbar actions

Run and Debug toolbar actions Toolbar Button Command Run Description This command re-launches the most recently launched application, or launches the selected resource or active editor depending on the launch operation preference settings found on the Run/Debug > Launching preference page

Run and Debug toolbar actions Toolbar Button Command Debug Description This command re-launches the most recently launched application under debugger control, or launches the selected resource or active editor depending on the launch operation preference settings found on the Run/Debug > Launching preference page

Debugger Local Debugging Remote Debugging

Running and Debugging Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration Line breakpoints Setting method breakpoints Catching exceptions

Debug View Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Run menu actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

Java editor
Toolbar actions
Toolbar Button Command Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb Toggle Mark Occurrences Toggle Block Selection Mode Show Whitespace Characters Description This button enables the Java editor breadcrumb. The enablement is remembered for each perspective separately. Turns mark occurrences on and off in the Java editor. This button enables block (aka column) selection mode in the editor. This button enables the display of whitespace characters in an editor.

Toolbar Button

Command Show Source of Selected Element Only

Description This button enabled display of a segmented view of the source of a compilation unit. This button is only shown if you customize your perspective to show the Editor Presentation actions. For example, if a method is selected in the Outline view, the Show Source Of Selected Element Only option causes only that method to be displayed in the editor, as opposed to the entire class. Off: The entire compilation unit is displayed in the editor, with the selected Java element highlighted in the marker bar with a range indicator. On: Only the selected Java element is displayed in the editor, which is linked to the selection in the Outline or Hierarchy view.

Go to Next Problem This command navigates to the next problem marker in the active editor. Go to Previous Problem This command navigates to the previous problem marker in the active editor.

Key binding actions

The following actions can only be reached through key bindings. The Key bindings field in Window > Preferences > General > Keys must be set to 'Emacs'. Key binding
Alt+0 Ctrl+K, Esc 0 Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+2 Ctrl+X Ctrl+X

Description Deletes from the cursor position to the beginning of the line. Deletes from the cursor position to the end of the line. Sets a mark at the current cursor position. Swaps the cursor and mark position if any.

Java editor

Opening an editor for a selected element

Java outline Java editor preferences JDT actions Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference


Java Run/Debug

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences

Java Preferences
The following Java preferences can be set on the

Java preference page and its sub-pages.

Appearance Build Path Code Style Compiler Debug Editor Installed JREs JUnit Properties File Editor Option Description Go into the selected element When you double click a container, a Go Into command is executed. See Go Into from the Navigate menu. Expand the selected element When you double click a container, it is expanded and its children are revealed. Default Expand the selected element

Action on double click in the Package Explorer

When opening a Type Hierarchy

Open a new Type Hierarchy Perspective Show the Type Opens a new Type Hierarchy perspective Hierarchy View in the whenever a Type Hierarchy view is opened. current perspective Show the Type Hierarchy View in the current perspective The Type Hierarchy view is displayed in the current perspective. Note: On the Workbench preferences page, you can choose whether new perspectives open in a new window, in the current window, or as a replacement for the current perspective.

Option Refactoring Java code

Description Save all modified resources automatically prior to Off refactoring If this option is turned off, refactorings may prompt to save modified files if required. If it is turned on, all modified files are saved without prompting prior to opening a refactoring wizard. Rename in editor without dialog If this option is turned on, then the rename refactoring will not show a dialog if invoked inside a Java editor. Instead the new name for the element to rename can be typed into the editor right away. On



Use reduced search menu If this option is turned on, the search context menus show only the most frequently used search actions.


Java dialogs

Clear all 'do not show again' settings and show all Button hidden dialogs again If pressed, all 'do not show' settings are cleared.

Java views

Package explorer view Type hierarchy view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Java Appearance Preferences

The appearance of Java elements in views can be configured on the preference page and on its sub pages:

Java > Appearance

Member sort order Type filters

The options are: Option Show method return types Description If enabled, methods displayed in views show the return type. Default Off

Option Show method type parameters Show categories Show members in Package Explorer Fold empty packages in hierarchical layout Compress package name segments Stack views vertically in the Java Browsing perspective

Description If enabled, methods displayed in views show their type parameters. If enabled, method, field and type labels contain the categories specified in their Javadoc comment. If enabled, Java elements below the level of Java files and Class files are displayed as well. If enabled, empty packages which do not contain resources or other child elements are folded. If enabled, package names, except for the final segment, are compressed according to the compression pattern. If enabled, views in Java Browsing perspective will be stacked vertically, rather than horizontally.

Default On On On On Off Off

Note: The Colored Labels settings is now available on the page.

General > Appearance preference

Java views

Package Explorer view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Appearance

Member Sort Order Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Member Sort Order settings on the Member Sort Order preference page. Java > Appearance > This settings are used by Java views as well as by the Sort Members Action. Option Choose the order in Up which members will be displayed. Down Move members of selected category closer to the end of a type. Sort members in same category by visibility If enabled, members of same category are sorted by visibility Off Description Default

Types, Static Fields, Static Initializers, Move members of Static Methods, Fields, Initializers, selected category closer to Constructors, Methods the beginning of a type.


Description within the category.

Default Public, Private, Protected, Default

Up Move members of selected visibility closer to the beginning of a category. Down Move members of selected visibility closer to the end of a category.

Java views

Package Explorer view Source Actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Appearance

Type Filters Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Type Filters settings on the preference page. Java > Appearance > Type Filters Specify types and packages to hide in the 'Open Type' dialog and content assist or quick fix proposals on this preference site. If a qualified type name or a package match one of the checked entries in the list, they will be hidden. The default is to hide nothing. Option Add Add Packages Edit Remove Check All Uncheck All Description Adds a new entry to the list. Entries will be compared against qualified type name (using dots as package name separators) and can use wild cards ('*' and '?') Adds a new entry to the list from the list of existing packages currently in the workspace. Edits the currently selected entry Removes the currently selected entries Sets the checkmark on all entries Removes the checkmark on all entries

Quick fix

Open type Content/Code assist

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Java Build Path Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Build Path settings on the and its sub pages:

Java > Build Path preference page

Classpath Variables User Libraries

The options are: Option Source and output folder Description Project Use the project root folder as the folder where Java source files and the generated class files are stored by default. Folders Specify separate source and output folders to store the Java source files separated from the generated class files. Select what kind of JRE library should be used for newly created Java projects. Default Folders Source Folder: src Output Folder: bin JRE container

As JRE library use

Classpath variables

New Java project wizard

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Build Path

Classpath Variables Preferences

Configurable variables
Classpath variables can be used in a Java Build Path to avoid a reference to the local file system. Using a variable entry, the classpath only contains a variable and the build path can be shared in a team. The value of such variables is configured on the Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables preference page.

Command New... Edit...

Description Adds a new variable entry. In the resulting dialog, specify a name and path for the new variable. You can click the File or Folder buttons to browse for a path. Allows you to edit the selected variable entry. In the resulting dialog, edit the name and/or path for the variable. You can click the File or Folder buttons to browse for a path. Removes the selected variable entry.


Reserved class path variables

Certain class path variables are set internally and can not be changed in the Classpath variables preferences:

JRE_LIB: The archive with the runtime JAR file for the currently used JRE. JRE_SRC: The source archive for the currently used JRE. JRE_SRCROOT: The root path in the source archive for the currently used JRE.

These variables are deprecated and should not be used anymore. Instead use a JRE System Library.

Classpath variables

Installed JREs

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Build Path

User Libraries Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the User Libraries settings on the Libraries preference page. Java > Build Path > User A user library is a set of JAR files. A user library can be added to a projects build path through the build path properties page. The User Libraries preference page allows to define, edit, import, export, or remove user libraries.

Option New... Edit... Add JARs... Remove.. Up Down Import... Export... Creates a new user library


Edits the currently selected library, JAR or JAR attribute Adds one or more JARs to the currently selected user library Removes the currently selected user library or JAR Moves the currently selected JAR up in the list of JARs of a user library. The order can be important if more than one JAR contain a type with the same qualified name. Moves the currently selected JAR down in the list of JARs of a user library. The order can be important if more than one JAR contain a type with the same qualified name. Adds new libraries from an import file Exports libraries to an import file

Java Build Path page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Java Code Style Preferences

The Java > Code Style preference page allows to configure naming conventions, style rules and comment settings. These preferences are used when new code has to be generated. Sub pages offer more code style settings:

Clean Up Code Templates Formatter Organize Imports

The options are:

Naming Conventions
The list defines the naming conventions for fields (static and non-static), parameters and local variables. For each variable type it is possible to configure a list of prefix or suffix or both. Naming conventions are used by all actions and 'Quick Fix' proposals that create fields, parameters and local variables, in particular the Source actions. Action Edit... Description Opens a dialog to edit the list of prefix and suffixes for the currently selected variable type

Code Conventions
The following settings specify how newly generated code should look like. The names of getter methods can be specified as well as the format of field accesses, method comments, annotations and exception variables. Action Description Default Off

Qualify all generated If selected, field accesses are always prefixed with 'this', field accesses with regardless whether the name of the field is unique in the 'this.' scope of the field access or not. Use 'is' prefix for getters that return boolean Add '@Override' annotation for overriding methods If selected, the names of getter methods of boolean type are prefixed with 'is' rather than 'get'. If selected, methods which override an already implemented method are annotated with an '@Override' annotation. See the Compiler preference page for settings related to annotations.



Exception variable Specify the name of the exception variable declared in name in catch blocks catch blocks.

Source actions Java editor Java editor preferences Java compiler preferences Code templates preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Code Style

Clean Up Preferences
The Java > Code Style > Clean Up preference page lets you manage your code clean up profiles for the Java code clean up. Action Active profile Edit... Remove New... Description Selects the profile active for the workspace or current project. Shows a dialog which displays the settings stored in the active profile. Only user-defined profiles can be modified. Removes the selected profile. This action is only available on userdefined profiles. Shows the dialog to create a new profile. The dialog requires you to enter a name for the new profile. Additionally, you may select a built-in or user-defined existing profile to base your new profile on.

Action Import... Details

Description Imports profiles from the file system. Displays a summary of the enabled options of the active profile

Disable Show profile selection dialog for the 'Source > Clean Up' action to apply the active profile when you invoke Source > Clean Up without being disturbed by a dialog.

Java editor Java editor preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Code Style

Code Templates Preferences

The Java > Code Style > Code Templates preference page lets you configure the format of newly generated code and comments.

Code and Comments

The code and comment page contains code templates that are used by actions that generate code. Templates contain variables that are substituted when the template is applied. Some variables are available in all templates, some are specific to templates. Action Edit... Import... Export... Export All... Automatically add comments for new methods and types Description Opens the Code Template dialog to edit the currently selected code template. Imports code templates from the file system. Exports all selected code templates to the file system. Exports all code templates to the file system. If selected, newly generated methods and types are automatically generated with comments where appropriate. The formats of the generated comments are defined by the Comment Templates. Default

n/a n/a n/a


Comment Templates
Comment templates can contain the variable ${tags} that will be substituted by the standard Javadoc tags (@param, @return..) for the commented element. The 'Overriding method' comment can additionally contain the template ${see_to_overridden} Template Name Files Specifies Header comment for new files.

Template Name


Note that this template can be referenced in the 'New Java File' template with ${filecomment}. Types The comment for new types. Note that this template can be referenced in the 'New Java File' template with ${typecomment}. Fields Constructors Methods Overriding methods The comment for new fields. The comment for new constructors. The comment for new methods that do not override an method in a base class and that do not delegate to any other method. The comment for new methods that override an method in a base class. By default the comment is defined as a non-Javadoc comment (Javadoc will replace this comment with the comment of the overridden method). You can change this to a real Javadoc comment if you want Delegating methods The comment for new methods which delegate to existing methods. Such methods can be created with the Source > Generate Delegate Methods... action. Getters Setters The comment for getter methods. The comment for setter methods.

Code Templates
Template Name New Java files Description Used by the New Type wizards when a new Java file is created. The template can specify where comments are added. Note that the template can contain the variable ${typecomment} and $ {filecomment} that will be substituted by the evaluation of the Types respectively Files comment template. Class body Interface body Enum body Annotation body Method body Used by the New Class wizards when a new Java class is created. Used by the New Interface wizards when a new Java interface is created. Used by the New Enum wizards when a new Java enum is created. Used by the New Annotation wizards when a new Java annotation is created. The 'Method body' templates are used when new method with a body is created that still needs some code to complete its functionality. It contains the variable ${body_statement} that resolves to a return

Template Name

Description statement or/and a super-call.

Constructor body

The 'Constructor body' templates are used when new method or constructor with body is created. It contains the variable ${body_statement} that resolves a super call.

Getter body

The 'Getter body' templates are used when new getter method is created. It contains the variable ${body_statement} that resolves to the appropriate return statement.

Setter body

The 'Setter body' templates are used when new setter method is created. It contains the variable ${body_statement} that resolves to the appropriate assignment statement.

Catch block body

The 'Catch block body' template is used when a catch block body is created. It can use the variables ${exception_type} and ${exception_var}.

Code Template dialog

The following fields and buttons appear in the dialog: Action Description Pattern Insert Variables... A description of the template The template pattern. Displays a list of pre-defined template specific variables. Description

Source actions Java editor Java editor preferences Templates preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Code Style

Code Formatter Preferences

The Java > Code Style > Formatter preference page lets you manage your code formatter profiles for the Java code formatter. Action Active profile Edit... Remove New... Description Selects the profile active for the workspace or current project. Shows a dialog which displays the settings stored in the active profile. Only user-defined profiles can be modified. Removes the selected profile. This action is only available on userdefined profiles. Shows the dialog to create a new profile. The dialog requires you to enter a name for the new profile. Additionally, you may select a built-in or user-defined existing profile to base your new profile on. Imports profiles from the file system. Displays a sample how the active profile formats a Java code snippet

Import... Details

To change your formatter options you can either select one of the built-in profiles or create a new profile. To create a new profile select New.... You can then edit the new profile by selecting Edit.... If your project is shared, e.g. through CVS, and uses a formatter profile which is not managed by yourself (you have not created the profile) then the profile will be marked as Unmanaged Profile. You are not allowed to change such a profile, only the creator (manager) of the profile can change it.

Java editor Java editor preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Code Style

Organize Imports Preferences

The Java > Code Style > Organize Imports preference page defines how the Organize Imports command generates the import statements in a compilation unit. Option Import order list Description This list of prefixes shows the sequential order for packages imported into a Java compilation unit. Each entry defines a block. Different blocks are separated by a spacer line. Adds a package name prefix to the import order list. In the resulting dialog, type a package name or package name prefix. Adds a package name prefix to the import order list. In the resulting dialog, type a package name or package name prefix. Default java javax org com n/a n/a

New... New Static...

Option Edit... Remove Up Down Import... Export... Number of imports needed for .*



Edits the currently selected entry in the import order list. In the n/a resulting dialog, type a package name or package name prefix. Removes the currently selected entry from the import order list. n/a

Moves the selected package name prefix up in the import order n/a list. Moves the selected package name prefix down in the import order list. Loads a list of package name prefixes from a file. Saves the list of package name prefixes to a file. The number of import statements that are allowed for types in the same package before <package>.* is used. n/a n/a n/a 99 99 On

Number of static imports The number of static import statements that are allowed for needed for .* static members of the same type before type is used. Do not create imports for If enabled, types starting with a lowercase letter are not types starting with a imported. lower case letter

Source actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Java Compiler Preferences

The Java > Compiler preference page lets you configure the various settings related to compiling of Java source code and class file generation. Sub pages offer more compiler settings:

Building Error/Warnings Javadoc Task Tags

The options are:

JDK Compliance
Option Compiler compliance Description Specifies the compiler compliance level. Default 1.4

level Use default compliance settings Generated class files compatibility Source compatibility Disallow identifiers called 'assert' Disallow identifiers called 'enum' If enabled, the default compliance settings for the compiler compliance level are applied. Specifies the generated class file compatibility. Specifies the compatibility of the accepted source code. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever 'assert' is used as an identifier (reserved keyword in J2SE 1.4). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever 'enum' is used as an identifier (reserved keyword in J2SE 1.5). On 1.2 1.3 Warning


Classfile generation
Add variable attributes to generated class files Add line number attributes to generated class files If enabled, variable attributes are added to the class file. This will enable local variable names to be displayed in the debugger (in places where variables are definitely assigned) The resulting .class file is then bigger. If enabled, line number information is added to the class file. This will enable source code highlighting in the debugger. On


Add source file name If enabled, the source file name is added to the class file. This will to generated class enable the debugger to present the corresponding source code. file Preserve unused local variables Inline finally blocks


If enabled, unused local variables (i.e. never read) are not stripped from On the class file. If stripped this potentially alters debugging. If enabled, finally blocks are inlined in the generated class files. This positively affects performance, but may result in larger class files. Off

Java builder

Working with JREs

Classpath variables preferences Java build path properties Building preference page Errors/Warnings preference page Javadoc preference page Task tags preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Compiler

Java Building Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Building settings on the preference page. Java > Compiler > Building

Option Maximum number of reported problems per compilation unit Enable use of exclusion patterns in source folders Enable use of multiple output locations for source folders Description Specifies how many problems should be reported for a compilation unit. When disabled, no entry on a project classpath can be associated with an exclusion pattern. When disabled, no entry on a project classpath can be associated with a specific output location, preventing thus usage of multiple output locations. Default 100

On On

Build path problems

Abort build when build Allow to toggle the builder to abort if the classpath is invalid. path errors occur Incomplete build path On

Indicate the severity of the problem reported when an entry on the Error classpath does not exist, is not legitimate or is not visible (e.g. a reference project is closed). Indicate the severity of the problem reported when a project is involved in a cycle. Indicated the severity of the problem reported when a project requires incompatible binaries. Error Ignore

Circular dependencies Incompatible required binaries

Output folder
Duplicated resources Indicate the severity of the problem reported when more than one occurrence of a resource is to be copied into the output location. Indicate whether the Java Builder is allowed to clean the output folders when performing full build operations. Indicate whether class files which have been modified by others should be rebuilded to undo the modification. Warning

Scrub output folders when cleaning projects Rebuild class files modified by others Filtered resources

On Off

A comma separated list of file patterns which are not copied to Empty the output folder.

Java builder Inclusion and exclusion patterns Build classpath

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Compiler

Java Compiler Errors/Warnings Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Errors/Warnings settings on the Errors/Warnings preference page. Java > Compiler >

Code style
Option Non-static access to a static member Description Default

When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning Warning whenever a static field or method is accessed with an expression receiver. A reference to a static member should be qualified with a type name. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a static field or method is indirectly accessed. A static field of an interface should be qualified with the declaring type name. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters a field access which is not qualified (e.g. misses a 'this'). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an empty block statement with no explaining comment. Ignore

Indirect access to a static member

Unqualified access to instance field Undocumented empty block Access to a nonaccessible member of an enclosing type Method with a constructor name



When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning Ignore whenever it emulates access to a non-accessible member of an enclosing type. Such accesses can have performance implications. Naming a method with a constructor name is generally considered poor style programming. When this option is enabled, the compiler will signal such scenario either as an error or a warning. Warning

Parameter assignment

Assigning a value to a parameter is generally considered poor Ignore style programming. When this option is enabled, the compiler will signal such scenario either as an error or a warning. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for non externalized String literal (i.e. non tagged with // $NON-NLS-<n>$) or for non externalized String tags which do not belong to a String. Ignore

Non-externalized strings

Potential programming problems

Serializable class without serialVersionUID Assignment has no effect (e.g. 'x = x') Possible accidental boolean assignment (e.g. 'if (a = b)') 'finally' does not complete normally Empty statement

When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a type implementing 'java.io.Serializable' does not contain a serialVersionUID field. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever an assignment has no effect (e.g. 'x = x'). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters a possible accidental boolean assignment (e.g. 'if (a = b)'). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a 'finally' statement does not complete normally (e.g. contains a return statement). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an empty statement (e.g. a superfluous semicolon). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a char[] expression is used in String concatenations,
"hello" + new char[]{'w','o','r','l','d'}


Warning Ignore



Using a char array in string concatenation


Hidden catch blocks

Locally to a try statement, some catch blocks may hide others , e.g.
try { throw new java.io.CharConversionException(); } catch (java.io.CharConversionException e) { } catch (java.io.IOException e) {}.


When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for hidden catch blocks corresponding to checked exceptions. Inexact type match for vararg arguments When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an inexact type match for vararg arguments. Warning

Boxing and unboxing When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning conversions whenever it encounters a boxing or unboxing conversion. Autoboxing may affects performance negatively. Enum type constant not covered on 'switch' 'switch' case fallthrough Null pointer access


When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning Ignore whenever it encounters a switch statement which does not contain case statements for every enum constant of the referenced enum. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters a switch case without a 'break' statement. Empty switch cases are allowed. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when it encounters that a local variable which is certainly null is dereferenced. Note that the analysis can not find all null pointer accesses, see Potential null pointer access. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning when it encounters that a local variable which may be null is dereferenced. Note that the analysis is fairly conservative, it only considers cases where there is something suspicious. Ignore


Potential null pointer access


Comparing identical

When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if a comparisonis involving identical operands (e.g 'x == x')..


Name shadowing and conflicts

Field declaration hides another field or variable When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if Ignore a field declaration hides another inherited field.

Local variable When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if Ignore declaration hides another a local variable declaration hides another field or variable. field or variable Include constructor or setter method parameters Type parameter hides another type Method does not override package visible method Interface method conflicts with protected 'Object' method When enabled, the compiler additionally will issue an error or a warning if a constructor or setter method parameter hides another field or variable. Off

When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning if Warning i.e. a type parameter of an inner class hides an outer type. A package default method is not visible in a different package, Warning and thus cannot be overridden. When this option is enabled, the compiler will signal such scenario either as an error or a warning. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever an interface defines a method incompatible with a non-inherited Object method. Until this conflict is resolved, such an interface cannot be implemented, e.g.
interface I { int clone(); }


Deprecated and restricted API

Deprecated API Signal use of deprecated API inside deprecated code When enabled, the compiler will signal use of deprecated Warning API either as an error or a warning. When enabled, the compiler will signal use of deprecated Off API inside deprecated code. The severity of the problem is controlled with option "Deprecated API". Off

Signal overriding or When enabled, the compiler will signal overriding or implementing deprecated implementing a deprecated method The severity of the method problem is controlled with option "Deprecated API". Forbidden reference (access rules) When enabled, the compiler will signal a forbidden reference specified in the access rules.

Error Warning

Discouraged reference (access When enabled, the compiler will signal a discouraged rules) reference specified in the access rules.

Unnecessary code
Local variable is never read When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a local variable is declared but never Warning

used within its scope. Parameter is never read When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a Ignore warning whenever a parameter is declared but never used within its scope. When enabled, the compiler will not issue an error or a On warning whenever a parameter is declared but never used within its scope in a method that overrides or implements another method. When enabled, the compiler will not issue an error or a warning whenever an unread parameter is documented with an '@param' tag. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning for unused import reference. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a local or private member is declared but never used within the same unit. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever a local variable which can not be null is tested for null. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unnecessary else statement (e.g. if (condition) return; else doSomething();). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unnecessary cast or 'instanceof' operation (e.g. if (object instanceof Object) return;). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unnecessary declaration of a thrown exception. When enabled, the compiler will not issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unnecessary declaration of a thrown exception in a method that overrides or implements another method. When enabled, the compiler will not issue an error or a warning whenever an an unnecessary declaration of a thrown exception is documented with an '@throws' or '@exception' tag. When enabled, the compiler will not issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unnecessary declaration of 'Exception' and 'Throwable' exception When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unused 'break' or 'continue' label. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters a type which explicitly implements an interface that is already implemented by On

Ignore in overriding and implementing methods

Ignore parameters documented with '@param' tag Unused import Unused local or private members Redundant null check

Warning Warning


Unnecessary 'else' statement


Unnecessary cast or 'instanceof' operation


Unnecessary declaration of thrown exception Ignore in overriding and implementing methods



Ignore exceptions documented with '@throws' or '@exception' tags Ignore 'Exception' and 'Throwable' Unused 'break' or 'continue' label Redundant super interface





any of its supertypes.

Generic types
Unchecked generic type operation Usage of a raw type When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning Warning whenever it encounters an unchecked generic type operation. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning Warning whenever it encounters a usage of a raw type (i.e. List instead of List<String>). When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning Warning whenever it encounters a type bound involving a final type.

Generic type parameter declared with a final type bound

Missing '@Override' annotation When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters a method overriding another implemented method, and the '@Override' annotation is missing. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters a deprecated type without additional '@Deprecated' annotation. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters a type implementing an annotation. Although possible, this is considered bad practice. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unhandled token in a '@SuppressWarnings' annotation. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or a warning whenever it encounters an unused token in a '@SuppressWarnings' annotation. When enabled, the compiler will process '@SuppressWarnings' annotations. Ignore

Missing '@Deprecated' annotation Annotation is used as super interface Unhandled token in '@SuppressWarnings' Unused '@SuppressWarnings' token Enable '@SuppressWarnings' annotations






When Treat errors like fatal compile errors is enabled, all generated errors, fatal or configurable, lead to non-executable code. If disabled, then your code can be executed as long as it has no fatal error (i.e. syntax error).

Problems View Quick Fix Java builder


Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Compiler

Java Compiler Javadoc Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Javadoc settings on the page. Option Process Javadoc comments (includes search and refactoring) Malformed Javadoc comments Only consider members as visible as Java > Compiler > Javadoc preference

Description The builder detects problems in Javadoc comments if this option is enabled. For search and refactoring to work on Javadoc comments it is also required to enable this option. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters a malformed Javadoc comment. The compiler does only check members with the specified or a broader visibility.

Default On


Public Off

Validate tag arguments When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or (@param, @throws, warning whenever it encounters an error in a Javadoc @exception, @see, @link) comment tag argument for @param, @throws, @exception, @see or @link. Report non visible references Report deprecated references Missing tag descriptions When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters a reference to a non visible element. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters a reference to a deprecated element.



Choose between 'Validate all standard tags', 'Validate 'Validate @return tags' and 'Ignore'. When enabled, the compiler @return will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters a tags' missing tag description When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters a missing Javadoc tag (i.e. missing @param tag for a parameter). The compiler does only check members with the specified or a broader visibility. When enabled, also overriding and implementing methods are checked for missing Javadoc tags. When enabled, the compiler will issue an error or warning whenever it encounters a missing Javadoc comment for a Java member. The compiler does only check members with the specified or a broader visibility. When enabled, also overriding and implementing methods are checked for missing Javadoc comments. Ignore

Missing Javadoc tags

Only consider members as visible as Check overriding and implementing methods Missing Javadoc comments

Public Off Ignore

Only consider members as visible as Check overriding and implementing methods

Public Off

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Compiler

Java Task Tags Preferences

Task tags can be configured on the Java > Compiler > Task Tags preference page. When the tag list is not empty, the compiler will issue a task marker whenever it encounters one of the corresponding tag inside any comment in Java source code. Generated task messages will include the tag, range until the next line separator, comment ending or non-empty tag, and will be trimmed. If the same line of code carries multiple tags, they will be reported separately. See the Compiler preference page for information on how to enable task tags in your source code. Action New... Description Adds a new task tag. In the resulting dialog, specify a name and priority for the new task tag.

Remove Removes the selected task tag. Edit... Default Allows you to edit the selected task tag. In the resulting dialog, edit the name and/or priority for the task tag. Sets the currently selected task tag as the default task tag. The default task tag is the one that is used in the code templates as specified on the Code Templates preference page. The default task tag is displayed in bold font.

Case sensitivity of the task tags can be specified at the bottom of the preference page using the option Case sensitive task tag names.

Java compiler preferences Code template preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Java Debug Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the Java > Debug preference page. These options apply to java specific debuggers and have to do with suspending options and hot code replace. Option Suspend execution on uncaught exceptions Description This option controls if a program will suspend if an uncaught Default On

Option exception is thrown.



For example if you try to call a method on a null object and a NullPointerException is thrown, with this option on your prgram will suspend at the location the exception was thrown Suspend execution on compilation errors Suspend on breakpoints during evaluations Open popup when suspended on exception Default suspend policy for new breakpoints Show error when hot code replace fails Show error when hot code replace is not supported Show error when obsolete methods remain after hot code replace Replace class files containing compilation errors Debugger timeout This option controls if a program will suspend when a compilation error is encountered This options controls if breakpoints will suspend during an evaluation of code containing a breakpoint. For more information about evaluations go here This option controls if a popup window will be displayed when execution of a program stops on an exception. The exception the program suspended on is made available for inspection in the popup This option allows the default suspend policy to be set for new breakpoints. The suspend policy is used by breakpoints to tell the VM what to suspend, in this case either the thread the breakpoint is active in or the entire running VM This option controls if the user will be presented with an error dialog when a hot code replace fails This option controls if the user will be presented with an error dialog when hot code replace is not supported, and the user has made and saved changes to currently running code This option controls if the user will be presented with an error dialog when a hot code replace completed, but there were obsolete methods left over This option controls is class files containing compilation errors will be replaced This option describes the length of time (in milliseconds) the debugger will wait trying to communicate with a running VM before giving up and disconnecting This option describes the length of time (in milliseconds) that a launch will wait to complete the launching process before giving up and terminating. This option has no bearing on the length of time a program will run, only how long the process of trying to run a program will wait This option controls if the user will be notified if they try to set a line breakpoint on a line that has invalid line information On On


Suspend Thread

On On




Launch timeout


Warn when unable to install breakpoint due to missing line number attributes


Debugger Java perspectives

Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Detail Formatters Preferences Heap Walking Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Logical Structures Preferences Primitive Display Preferences Run/Debug Preferences Step Filtering Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Debug

Detail Formatters Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the page. Java > Debug > Detail Formaters preference Thess preferences are used to create and manage detail formatters, which are used in the details panes of variables views, or for varibale labels themselves. Option Types with detial formatters Add button Edit button Remove button Detail formatter code snippet for selected type Description The listing of types that currently have detail formatters (the list itself), and trhe enabled state of the detail formatter, i.e. if it is on use (the checked state of a list item) Used to add a new detail formatter to the current listing Used to edit the selected detail formatter Used to remove the selected detail formatter Displays the current code snippet in use for the detail formatter of the selected type. This field is not editable, the only way to edit a detila formatter is to use the Edit... button Default

Show variables details This option controls where you want to see the detial formatter appear, you have one of three choices:

As a label for variables with detail formatters - will appear as the primary display label only for associated variables the have detial formatters As a label for all variables - will appear for all associated


Description variables, regardless of them having detail formatters already


In detail pane only - will only appear in variables view detials panes and nowhere else

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Heap Walking Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Logical Structures Preferences Primitive Display Preferences Run/Debug Preferences Step Filtering Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Debug

Heap Walking Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the Java > Debug > Heap Walking preference page. These preferences allow count settings for Java 1.6 heap walking features to be changed. Option Maximum instances to display Maximum references to display Description The maximum number of type instances to display using the all instances command. Entering zero will always show all of the instances of the selected type in the current VM The maximum number of type references to display using the all references command. Entering zero will always show all of the references to the selected type in the current VM Default 100


Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Detail Formatters Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Logical Structures Preferences Primitive Display Preferences Run/Debug Preferences Step Filtering Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Debug

Logical Structures Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the page. Java > Debug > Logical Structures preference These preferences are used to add, edit and remove logical structures, which are used to display collection-type objects Option Logical Structures Add button Edit button Remove button Preview Description Shows a listing of all of the current logical structures available. Note that logical structures with a yellow background cannot be edited or removed Used to add a new logical structure to the listing Used to edit the selected logical structure Used to remove the selected logical structure Shows the code snippet to the selected logical structure. This preview is not editable, you must use the Edit... button to edit a logical structure Default

Debugger Java perspectives Java views

Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Detail Formatters Preferences Heap Walking Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Primitive Display Preferences Run/Debug Preferences Step Filtering Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Debug

Primitive Display Options Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the preference page. Java > Debug > Primitive Display Options These preferences effect how primitive values are displayed (int, double, etc). Option Display hexadecimal values (byte, short, char, int, long) Display ASCII char value (byte, short, int, long) Description Default

This option controls whether hexadecimal values will be Off displayed for the primitive types byte, short, char, int and long This option controls whether ASCII char values will be displayed for the primitive types byte, short, int and long Off Off

Display unsigned values (byte) This option controls whether unsigned values will be displayed for bytes

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Detail Formatters Preferences Heap Walking Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Logical Structures Preferences Run/Debug Preferences Step Filtering Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Debug

Step Filtering Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the Java > Debug > Step Filtering preference page. These preferences are used to configure step filters and step filtering options. Option Use step filters Defined step filters Add Filter button Add Class button Description Default

This option controls is step filtering should be enabled or not. See also the On step filtering command in the Debug View This is a listing of all of the defined step filters (the listing itself) and whether the step filters are in use or not (the checked state of step filter) Used to add a new step filter that is based on a regular expression Used to add a new Java class to the listing of step filters

Add Packages Used to add new Java packages to the listing of step filters button Remove button Select All button Deselect All button Filter synthetic methods Filter static initializers Filter constructors Step through Used to remove the selected step filter(s) Used to set all defined step filters as enabled (or checked) Used to set all defined step filters as disabled (or unchecked) This option controls if synthetic method should always be filtered or not while stepping. This option requires that the VM used support synthetic methods This option controls if static initializers should always be filtered or not while stepping This option controls if constructors should always be filtered or not while stepping Off

Off Off

This option controls step filters to always return from a filtered location or On

Option filters

Description step through to a non-filtered location. For example, if java.util is a filtered location, stepping into code in HashMap could result in a call-back to your application code to check the equality of an object. If you choose to Step through filters a step into would end up in your application code. However, when the Step through filters option is disabled, a step into HashMap would behave like a step over.


Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Detail Formatters Preferences Heap Walking Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Logical Structures Preferences Primitive Display Preferences Run/Debug Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Java Editor Preferences

The following Java editor preferences can be set on the sub-pages.

Java > Editor preference page and its

Content Assist o Advanced o Favorites Folding Hovers Mark Occurrences Save Actions Syntax Coloring Templates Typing

Note that some options that are generally applicable to text editors can be configured on the text editor preference page. Option Smart caret positioning in Java names (overrides platform behavior) Report problems as you type Description If enabled, there are additional word boundaries inside | Camel|Case| Java names. If enabled, the editor marks errors and warnings as you type, even if you do not save the editor contents. The problems are updated after a short delay. If enabled, whenever the cursor is next to a parenthesis, bracket or curly braces, its opening or closing counter part is highlighted. The color of the bracket highlight is specified with Appearance color options. Light bulb for quick assists If enabled, a shows up in the vertical ruler whenever a quick assist is available. See the quick assist section for a list of the available assists. If enabled, the Java editor will only show the selected Java element which is currently selected (i.e. in the Outline View or the Package Explorer). Off Default On


Highlight matching brackets


Only show the selected Java element Appearance color options


The colors of various Java editor appearance features are default specified here. colors Matching brackets highlight The color of brackets highlight. Parameter hints background The background color of the parameter hint window Parameter hints foreground The foreground color of the parameter hint window Completion overwrite background The background color of the completion overwrite window Completion overwrite foreground The foreground color of the completion overwrite window Source hover background The background color for the source hover. The source hover shows the source code of the element under the mouse pointer.

Java editor

Java editor Code formatter preferences Java outline Java content assist Quick Fix Quick Assist

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Java Content Assist Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Content Assist settings on the preference page. Option Completion inserts/Completion overwrites Description If Completion inserts is on, the completion text is inserted at the caret position, so it never overwrites any existing text. If Completion overwrites is on, the completion text replaces the characters following the caret position until the end of the word. Note that pressing Ctrl when applying a completion proposal toggles between the two insertion modes. Insert single proposals automatically Insert common prefixes automatically If enabled, code assist will choose and insert automatically single proposals. If enabled, code assist will automatically insert the common prefix of all possible completions similar to Unix shell expansion. This can be used repeatedly, even while the code assist window is being displayed. If enabled, type proposals which are in other packages will invoke the addition of the corresponding import declaration. Otherwise, the type will be inserted fully qualified. If enabled, method proposals for static methods will invoke the addition of the corresponding static import declaration. Otherwise, a non static import for the declaring type will be added. Add the method or type containing the method to the Favorites preference page to get a proposal for such methods. Fill method arguments and show guessed arguments If enabled, code assist will add argument when completing a method. It will also offer matching variables, fields or method invocations from the context where a method proposal is inserted. On On Off Java > Editor > Content Assist

Default Completion inserts

Add import instead of qualified name


Use static imports


Insert parameter names If selected, code assist will fill the arguments with the



Description parameter names used in the method declaration.


Insert best guessed arguments Sort proposals Hide proposals not visible in the invocation context Show camel case matches Hide forbidden references Hide discouraged references Hide deprecated references Enable auto activation

If selected, code assist will fill the arguments with the best Off matching variable, field or method invocation from the context where a method proposal is inserted. Select how the proposals should be sorted in the content assist pop up. If enabled, the Java element proposals are limited by the rules of visibility. For example, private field proposals of other classes would not be displayed. If enabled, camel case matches are displayed (i.e. NPE is expanded to NullPointerException). If enabled, references to Java elements forbidden by access rules are not displayed. If enabled, references to Java elements discouraged by access rules are not displayed. by relevance On

On On Off

If enabled, references to deprecated Java elements are not Off displayed. If enabled, code assist can be invoked automatically. The condition for automatic invocation is specified with the preferences Auto activation delay, Auto activation triggers for Java and Auto activation triggers for Javadoc. On

Auto activation delay

If the time starting when an auto activation trigger character is encountered until a new character is typed exceeds the auto activation delay, code assist is invoked.


Auto activation triggers for Java

If one of the trigger characters is typed inside Java source '.' code (but not inside a Javadoc comment) and no other character is typed before the auto activation delay times out, the code assist is invoked. If one of the trigger characters is typed inside a Java doc and no other character is typed before the auto activation delay times out, the code assist is invoked. '@#'

Auto activation triggers for Javadoc

Content/Code Assist

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist

Advanced Java Content Assist Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Advanced settings on the Advanced preference page. Option Description

Java > Editor > Content Assist >

Default Other Java Proposals, SWT Template Proposals, Template Proposals, Type Proposals Template Proposals, SWT Template Proposals

Select the proposal Select all the proposal kinds which are contained in kinds contained in the content assist list when invoking content assist the 'default' content the first time with Ctrl+Space. assist list Content assist cycling Select the proposal kinds to cycle through and the cycle order when repeatedly invoking content assist (Ctrl+Space). Select a proposal kind and invoke Up or Down to change the order.

Timeout for fetching a parameter name from attached Javadoc

If a parameter name could not be fetched from 50 ms attached Javadoc within the specified amount of time then the attempt to fetch it is abandoned. Increase the value if you have problems fetching the name, for instance due to a slow network connection.

Content/Code Assist Content Assist preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor > Content Assist

Java Content Assist Favorites Preferences

Indicate your preferences settings for the content assist for static members on the > Content Assist > Favorites preference page. Java > Editor You can define a list of static members and types containing static members on this page. Content assist will propose those members even if the import is missing. To see the static import proposals, make sure Use static imports is enabled on the preference page Action New Type New Member Edit Remove Description Add a new type to the list. All static members declared by the added type will be proposed by content assist. Add a static member to the list. The member will be proposed by content assist. Edit the selected entry. Removes the selected entry from the list. Content Assist

Content/Code assist Content assist preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Java Editor Folding Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Folding settings on the page. Option Enable folding Comments Header Comments Inner types Members Imports Java > Editor > Folding preference

Description If enabled, different sections in the Java editor can be folded and expanded. If enabled, comments are folded when opening a new editor. If enabled, header Comments are folded when opening a new editor. If enabled, inner types are folded when opening a new editor. If enabled, Java members are folded when opening a new editor. If enabled, imports are folded when opening a new editor.

Default On Off On Off Off On

Java Editor preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Java Hovers Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Hovers settings on the page. Option Expand vertical ruler icons upon hovering Text Hover key Description If enabled, when there are multiple icons per line shown on Off vertical ruler, then the icons are expanded when hovering over it. This allows to see all icons. Changing this preference does not affect already opened editors. The selected hovers in this list are used to generate the hover Combined Java > Editor > Hovers preference


Option modifier preferences



content. A key modifier can be given to each hover type to Hover, Source force the editor to only evaluate this hover when pressing the (with Shift) assigned key modifier.

Java editor preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Mark Occurrences Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Mark Occurrences settings on the Occurrences preference page. Option Mark occurrences of the selected element in the current file Description If enabled, then you'll see within a file, where a variable, method, type or other element is referenced. Java > Editor > Mark

Default On

A list of elements can be enabled and disabled on this preference page. All are enabled by default.

Java Editor preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Java Save Actions Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Save Actions settings on the preference page. Java > Editor > Save Actions A set of actions which are executed on each save of the Java editor can be specified on this page. Option Description Default Off

Perform the If enabled, then the selected actions below will be executed on save. selected actions on save Format source code If enabled, then the source code will be formatted on each save. The code will be formatted according to the active profile selected on the



Description Java > Code Style > Formatter preference page.


Format all lines Format edited lines Organize imports

If selected, all lines in the file will be formatted on save. If selected, only the lines that have been modified since the last save are formatted on save. If enabled, then the imports will be organized on each save. Change the organize import settings on the Java > Code Style > Organize Imports preference page. If enabled, then additional actions will be executed on save. To add and remove actions select Configure....

On Off On

Additional actions


Java editor preference page Clean Up preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Java Syntax Coloring Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Syntax Coloring settings on the Coloring preference page. Java > Editor > Syntax Syntax Coloring specifies how Java source code is rendered. Note that general text editor settings such as the background color can be configured on the general 'Text Editors' preference pages. Fonts may be configured on the general 'Colors and Fonts' preference page. Option Description Default default colors and styles

Element Each category (Java, Javadoc and Comments) contains a list of language elements that may be rendered with its own color and style. Note that some semantic highlighting options can be disabled by the user in order to ensure editor performance on low-end systems.

Preview Displays the preview of a Java source code respecting the current colors n/a and styles.

Java editor

Java editor preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Java Editor Templates Preferences

The Java > Editor > Templates preference page allows to create new and edit existing templates. A template is a convenience for the programmer to quickly insert often reoccurring source code patterns. The following buttons allow manipulation and configuration of templates: Action New... Edit... Remove Restore Removed Revert to Default Import... Export... Use code formatter Description Opens the Template dialog to create a new template. Opens the Template dialog to edit the currently selected template. Removes all selected templates. Restores any preconfigured templates that have been removed. Restores any preconfigured templates to their default. This does not modify usercreated templates. Imports templates from the file system. Exports all selected templates to the file system. If enabled, the template is formatted according to the code formatting rules specified in the Code Formatter preferences, prior to insertion. Otherwise, the template is inserted as is, but correctly indented.

Templates Template variables

Template editing Java content assist Task tag preferences Code templates preferences Code style preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Editor

Java Editor Typing Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Typing settings on the page. Option Automatically close

Java > Editor > Typing preference

Description Select for which characters a closing character should be inserted when typing the opening character.

Default All on All off On On On On

Automatically insert at correct Select which characters should be automatically inserted position when they are required. Tab key adjusts the indentation of the current line Adjust indentation Update imports Wrap automatically Escape text when pasting into a string literal If enabled then the tab key can be used to indent the current line. When pasting Java code from the clipboard adjust its indentation to the current indentation level. When pasting Java code from the clipboard add the required import statements to the import section. If enabled, string literals are wrapped when they exceed the max line length.

If enabled, special characters in pasted strings are escaped Off when they are pasted into an existing string literal.

Java editor preference page

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Installed JREs Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the Java > Installed JREs preference page. This page allows a default JRE to be selected as well as adding new JRE installations. Option Installed JREs Add... Edit... Duplicate... Remove Search... Description The current listing of installed JREs, allowing you to select the one to act as the workspace default Adds a new JRE definition to the workbench. Allows you to edit the selected JRE. Creates a new JRE with the same attributes as the selected JRE. Removes the selected JRE from the workbench. Automatically searches for JREs installed in the local file system and creates corresponding JRE definitions in the workspace.

Classpath Variables Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Working with JREs Adding a new JRE definition Deleting a JRE definition Assigning the default JRE for the workbench Choosing a JRE for launching a project Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Execution Environment Preferences Java Debug Preferences Run/Debug Preferences Source Attachment

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java > Installed JREs

Execution Environments Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the page. Java > Execution Environments preference These preferences describe all of the available execution environments, allowing default JRE installations to be specified for any given environment. Option Execution environments Compatible JREs Description The listing of all available execution environments The listing of compatible JRE installations that are compatible with the selected execution environment. You can select one (or none) of the installations to use as the default for the selected execution environment Any JRE installations that perfectly match the execution environment are marked with a label '(perfect match)' Environment description Provides a description of the selected execution environment Default

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Run/Debug Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

JUnit Preferences
The Java > JUnit preference page lets you configure the stack trace filter patterns for JUnit. The patterns are used in the JUnit view to control which entries are visible in stack traces. Action Description

Enable assertions for If enabled, then JUnit test will be launched with assertions enabled. new JUnit launch configurations Add Filter Add Class... Add Packages... Allows to add a custom filter pattern. This action inserts an empty pattern which can be edited. Allows to add classes to be filtered. This action opens the Open Type dialog to choose a type to be filtered in the stack traces. Allows to add packages to be filtered. This action opens a package selection dialog to choose the packages to be filtered in the stack traces. Removes the currently selected stack trace filter pattern. Enables all stack trace filter patterns. Disables all stack trace filter patterns.

Remove Enable All Disable All

Using JUnit

Open type

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Java

Properties Files Editor Preferences

Indicate your preferences for the Properties Files Editor settings on the Editor preference page. Java > Properties Files Syntax coloring specifies how the content of '.properties' files rendered. Note that general text editor settings such as the background color can be configured on the general 'Text Editors' preference pages. Option Description Default default colors and styles n/a

Element A list of elements that may be rendered with its own foreground color and style. Preview Displays the preview of a properties file respecting the current colors and styles.

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences

Debug Preferences
The following preferences can be set using the Run/Debug preference page. The preferences here are generic to all debuggers, and govern stylistic and prompting options Option Reuse editor when displaying source code Description Default

The debugger displays source code in an editor when stepping On through an application. When this option is on, the debugger will reuse the editor that it opened to display source from different source files. This prevents the debugger from opening an excessive number of editors. When this option is off, the debugger will open a new editor for each source file that needs to be displayed. This option brings attention to the debugger when a breakpoint is On encountered, by activating the associated window. The visual result varies from platform to platform. For example, on Windows, the associated window's title bar will flash. This option brings attention to the debug view when a breakpoint is encountered. If the view is already open it will be activated. If On

Activate the workbench when when a breakpoint is hit Activate the debug view when a

breakpoint is hit

the view is not already open it will be opened automatically. Off

Skip breakpoints This option controls whether breakpoints are ignored when during a 'Run to Line' performing a 'Run to Line' operation. When the option is on, the operation debugger does not suspend at breakpoints encountered when a 'Run to Line' operation is invoked. When the option is off, breakpoints behave normally. Prompt for conformation when deleting all breakpoints Prompt for confirmation when deleting breakpoint containers Changed value colour Changed value background colour Memory unbuffered colour Memory buffered colour This option controls whether you will be prompted for confirmation when you try to delete all of your breakpoints


This option controls if you will be prompted for confirmation when you try to delete a breakpoint container, e.g. a breakpoint working set This option allows you to change the colour of a changed value in the variables view, expressions view, memory view, anywhere running program variables are rendered



This option allows you to change the selection colour of a changed Yellow variable, e.g. in the variables view showing columns This option allows you to change the rendering colour of unbuffered memory blocks in the memory view This option allows you to change the rendering colour of buffered memory blocks in the memory view Grey Black

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Console Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Perspectives Preferences String Substitution Preferences View Management Preferences


Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Run/Debug

Console Preferences
The following preferences can be set using the Run/Debug > Console preference page. The console displays output from running applications, and allows keyboard input to be read by running applications. Option Fixed width console Description This preference controls whether the console has a fixed character width. When on, a maximum character width must also be specified. Some applications write long lines to the console which require horizontal scrolling to read. This can be avoided by setting the console to use a fixed width, automatically wrapping console output. This preference limits the number of characters buffered in the console. When on, a maximum buffer size must also be specified. When console output surpasses the specified maximum, output is truncated from the beginning of the buffer. Allows the default width, in characters, of a tab to be specified Default Off

Limit console output


Displayed Tab Width

8 On

Show When This preference will force the console to show when something is Program Writes to written to the system out stream. A forced-show can mean that a Standard Out console will be opened, or that the console will be brought to the top if it is already open. Show When This preference will force the console to show when something is Program Writes to written to the system err stream. A forced-show can mean that a Standard Error console will be opened, or that the console will be brought to the top if it is already open. Standard Out Text This preference controls the colour of text written to the standard Color output stream by an application. Standard Error Text Color Standard In Text Color Background Colour This preference controls the colour of text written to the standard error stream by an application.


Black Red

This preference controls the colour of text typed into the console to be Green read by an application. This preference controls the colour of the background of the console White

You can also click the Change button to set the font for the Console.

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Console View Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Perspectives Preferences Run/Debug Preferences String Substitution Preferences View Management Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Run/Debug

Launching Preferences
These preferences allow you to configure options related to launching programs in general, and govern such things as waiting for builds, saving files before launching, etc. The following preferences can be set using the Option Save required dirty editors before launching Run/Debug > Launching preference page. Description This option controls whether the user will be prompted to save any dirty editors before an application is launched. The allowable settings are:

Default Prompt

Always - when this option is selected, the user is never prompted to save dirty editors, and editors are automatically saved. Never - when this option is selected, the user is never prompted to save dirty editors, and editors are not automatically saved. Prompt - when this option is selected, the user is prompted to save dirty editors before launching an application. Always

Wait for ongoing build to complete before launching

This option controls whether a launch will wait for an already executing build to complete before launching an application. The allowable settings are:

Always - when this option is selected, a launch will always wait for the pending build to complete Never - when this option is selected, a launch will never wait for the pending build to complete

Prompt - when this option is selected, the user is prompted to wait for the pending build to complete when they launch Never

Launch in debug mode whenever the workspace contains breakpoints

This option controls whether a launch will be performed in debug mode, even when run is pressed, when the workspace contains breakpoints. The allowable options are:

Always - when this option is selected, a launch will always be performed in debug mode when breakpoints are present, no matter which launch button is pressed (run or debug) Never - when this option is selected, a launch will always be performed in the user specified mode Prompt - when this option is selected, the user is prompted to launch in debug mode when the workspace contains breakpoints Prompt

Continue launch if project contains errors

This option controls whether a launch should be performed when a related project contains an error. The allowable options are:

Always - when this option is selected, a launch will continue in the face of compilation errors Prompt - when this option is selected, the user is prompted to proceed with a launch when relevant compilation errors are in an associated project On On

Build (if required) before launching Remove terminated launches when a new launch is created Size of recently launched applications list Launch Operation

If the workspace requires building, an incremental build will be performed prior to launching an application. When an application is launched, all terminated applications in the Debug view are automatically cleared.

This option controls how many launches will appear in the 10 Run/Debug pull-down launch history menus. New in 3.3 is the ability to launch the selected resource or Launch editor. The launch operation preference allows users to Selected with switch between using the old 'always launch last' behavior Launch Project and the new 'launch selected resource or editor' behavior. If the preference to use launch selected resource or editor is selected, you can then customize what happens if the selected resource or editor is not launchable. There are two choices for this 1. try to launch the parent project of the resource or editor 2. launch the previous thing you launched.

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Run and Debug toolbar actions Console Preferences Default Launchers Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launch Configurations Preferences Perspectives Preferences Run/Debug Preferences String Substitution Preferences View Management Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching

Default Launchers Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the preference page. Run/Debug > Launching > Default Launchers The Default Launchers preference allows you to select what launch tooling is to be used if more than one kind of tooling exists for the same thing, for example, consider using two profilers at the same time for Java programs. For the most part, this page remains disabled, as concurrent overlapping tooling is very rare, but in the event there is overlap, the page will enable and present the user with the launch types that conflict and what modes they conflict on. The following image shows the page with conflicting tooling for Java types in the run, debug and Alternate2 modes. In this example a preferred launcher can be selected independently for each of the conflicting modes.

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launch Configurations Preferences Launching Preferences Run/Debug Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Run/Debug > Launching

Launch Configurations Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the Configurations preference page. Run/Debug > Launching > Launch This page allows you set filtering options that are used throughout the workbench to limit the exposure of certain kinds of launch configurations. These filtering setting effect the launch dialog, launch histories and the workbench. Option Filter configurations in closed projects Filters configuration in deleted or missing projects Apply windows working set Description Filter out configurations that are associated with a project that is currently closed Filter out configurations that are associated with a project that has been deleted or are simply no longer available (not in the workspace, etc) Applies the filtering from any working sets currently active to the visibility of configurations associated to resources in the active working sets. i.e. if project P has two configurations associated with it, but is not in the currently active working set, the configurations do not appear in the UI, much like P does not. Default On On


Filter check configuration types

Filter all configurations of the selected type regardless of the other Off filtering options. For example if you specify to filter Java type configurations, all Java type configurations will be filtered from the UI, not just ones that fall under the other filtering categories. On

Delete configurations Any launch configurations associated with a project being deleted when associated will also be deleted if this option is enabled. Once deleted the project is deleted configurations are not recoverable. Migration As Eclipse matures and new features are added to the launching framework, there sometimes exists the need to make changes to launch configurations. Some of these changes are made automatically, but those that are not (nonreversible ones) are left up to the end-user. The migration section allows users to self-migrate any launch configurations that require it. Upon pressing the Migrate... button, if there are any configurations requiring migration, they are presented to the user, and the user can select the ones they want to migrate. Configuration migration is not un-doable.

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Default Launchers Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Run/Debug Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Run/Debug

Perspectives Preferences
The following preferences can be set using the Run/Debug > Perspectives preference page. The preferences on this page allow you to set which, if any perspectives are automatically opened when launchers are used in certain modes Option Open the associated perspective when launching Description This option controls if the specified perspective will be switched to automatically or not when launching

Default Never

Always - the specified perspective will always be opened Never - the specified perspective will never be opened Prompt - the user will be prompted to switch to the specified perspective Prompt

Open the associated perspective when an application suspends

This option controls if the specified perspective will be switched to when the application susupends

Always - the specified perspective will always be opened Never - the specified perspective will never be opened Prompt - the user will be prompted to switch to the specified perspective

Launcher / Perspective This option area allows you to customize what perspective will be choices opened for a given launch and mode that it supports. For example, you can say that you want to open the Java perspective when using the Java JDT launcher in the run mode only.

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Console Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Run/Debug Preferences String Substitution Preferences View Management Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Run/Debug

String Substitution Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the page. Run/Debug > String Substitution preference This preference page is used solely for the purpose of creating string variables to be reused in other locations that accept string variable substitution. The platform SDK for Eclipse uses string variables in the launch dialog for setting program and VM arguments for certain types of launch configurations, as well as allowing substitutions for Ant targets in the External Tools launch dialog. Consider the following screen shot which shows the String Substitution preference page with a new TEST string variable created.

In this case the TEST variable does nothing, but in the 'real' world it could point to a directory or program that you would like to reuse the path for in configurations, etc. If we now want to leverage this new variable, we can do so from the launch dialog on the arguments tab (for those configurations that have a standard arguments tab), by selecting the Variables... button for either the program or VM arguments text area. Selecting the Variables button opens a dialog with a listing of all of the string variables available. In the following screen shot we can see the TEST variable available in the list.

We can now select the TEST variable and insert in as an argument if we wish, as shown in the following screen shot.

The other mentioned platform use of string substitution in in the External Tools launch dialog, used with Ant configurations, as shown in the following screen shot.

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Console Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Perspectives Preferences

Run/Debug Preferences View Management Preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Preferences > Run/Debug

View Management Preferences

The following preferences can be set using the page. Run/Debug > View Management preference These preferences allow you to configure which views will actively support automatic view opening. Option Perspectives Do not automatically open/close views which have been manually opened/closed Reset button Description The listing of perspectives to select which ones will support automatic view opening This option controls if views manually opened/closed will be effected by view managment Resets the listing of supporting perspectives. On Default

Debugger Java perspectives Java views Local debugging Remote debugging

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Console Preferences Installed JREs Preferences Java Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Perspectives Preferences Run/Debug Preferences String Substitution Preferences


Java development user guide > Reference

Property Pages

Javadoc Location Java Build Path Java Compiler Java Task Tags Source Attachment Run / Debug

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Property Pages

Javadoc Location Dialog

This dialog lets you define the location of the Javadoc documentation for a JAR or a Java project. You can reach this dialog the following ways:

Select a JAR or Java project, open the context menu and select Properties > Javadoc Location or use Properties from the File menu In the Javadoc generation wizard, on the Standard doclet settings page, choose Configure

Javadoc can be attached to JARs, class folders or Java projects. For projects it documents the elements of all source folders, for JARs and class folders, elements contained in the JAR are documented. The location is used by

Open External Javadoc in the Navigate menu to find the Javadoc location of an element Context Help (F1) to point to a Javadoc location Javadoc Export Wizard to link to other documentation or as default destination for a project's documentation

Valid locations are URLs that point to a folder containing the API documentation's index.html and package-list file. Examples are: file:///M:/JAVA/JDK1.2/DOCS/API/ http://java.sun.com/j2se/1.4/docs/api/ Option Javadoc URL Validate Description Specify the location of the generated Javadoc documentation. You can Browse in the local file system for a Javadoc location (will result in a file:// URL) Validate the current location by trying to access the index.html and packagelist file with the given URL. If the validation was successful, you can directly open the documentation. Default <empty>

Javadoc for JARs and class folders can also be located inside an archive available on the local file system. In that case the location of the archive as well as the location of the doc inside the archive has to be specified. Option Archive location Path within archive Validate Description Specify the location of the archive that contains the generated Javadoc documentation. You can Browse in the local file system for a Javadoc location Specify the path inside the archive that contains the generated Javadoc documentation. You can Browse to see the content of the archive. Validate the current location by trying to access the index.html and package-list file with the given URL. If the validation was successful, you can directly open the documentation. Default <empty>


----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Wizards and Dialogs > Create New Elements > New Java Project Wizard

Java Build Path

The options in this page indicate the build path settings for a Java project. You can reach this page through the project properties (Project > Properties > Java Build Path) from the context menu on a created project or the File menu of the workbench. The build class path is a list of paths visible to the compiler when building the project.

Source tab
Source folders are top-level folders in the project hierarchy. They are the root of packages containing .java files. The compiler will translate the contained files to .class files that will be written to the output folder. Source folders allow to structure the project, for example to separate test from the application in two source folders. Within a source folder, a more detailed structuring can be acived by using packages. Each source folder can define an exclusion filter to specify which resources inside the folder should not be visible to the compiler. Resources existing in source folders are copied to the output folder unless the setting in the Java > Compiler > Building preference page specifies that the resource is filtered. The output folder is defined per project except if a source folder specifies its own output folder.
Source folder options: Option Add Folder Link Source Edit Remove Creates a new folder to contain source Creates a new folder that links to an location outside of the workspace Allows to modify the currently selected source folder or source folder attribute. Removes the selected folders from the class path. This does not delete the folders nor their contents. Description

Allow output folder per source folder

Shows/Hides the 'output folder' attribute of the source folders

Source folder attributes: Attribute Exclusion filter Output folder Native library location Description Selects which resources are not visible to the compiler Only available when Allow output folder per source folder is checked. Defines a source folder specific output location. If not set the project's default output folder is used. Defines the folder that contains the native libararies (for example 'dll' or 'o' files) required at runtime by the sources in the source folder.

At the bottom of this page, the Default output folder field allows you to enter a path to a folder path where the compilation output for this project will reside. The default output is used for source folders that do not specify an own output folder. Use Browse to select an existing location from the current project.

Projects tab
In the Required projects on the build path list, you can add project dependencies by selecting other workbench projects to add to the build path for this new project. Adding a required project indirectly adds all its classpath entries marked as 'exported'. Setting a classpath entry as exported is done in the Order and Export tab. The projects selected here are automatically added to the referenced projects list. The referenced project list is used to determine the build order. A project is always build after all its referenced projects are built.
Action Add Edit Remove Description Add another project in the workspace to the build path of this project. Edit the classpath attribute of a required project. Removes the selected required projects from the list. Project entry attributes: Attribute Native library location Access rules Description Specifies where native library required for the project to operate can be found. Specifies access rules for project contained in the library. This allows to hide content of a project.

Libraries tab
On this page, you can add libraries to the build path. By default, the library list contains an entry representing the Java runtime library. This entry points to the JRE selected as the default JRE. The default JRE is configured in the Java > Debug > Installed JREs preferences page.
Libraries tab options: Option Add JARs Add External JARs Add Variable Description Allows you to navigate the workbench hierarchy and select JAR files to add to the build path. Allows you to navigate the file system (outside the workbench) and select JAR files to add to the build path. Allows you to add classpath variables to the build path. Classpath variables are an indirection to JARs with the benefit of avoiding local file system paths in a classpath. This is needed when

projects are shared in a team. Variables can be created and edited in the Java > Build Path > Classpath Variables preference page. Add Library Add Class Folder Add External Class Folder Edit Remove Migrate JAR File Allows to add a predefined libraries like the JRE System Library. Such libraries can stand for an arbitrary number of entries (visible as children node of the library node) Allows to navigate the workbench hierarchy and select a class folder for the build path. The selection dialog also allows you to create a new folder. Allows to navigate the file system (outside the workbench) and select a class folder for the build path. The selection dialog also allows you to create a new folder. Allows you to modify the currently selected library entry or entry attribute Removes the selected element from the build path. This does not delete the resource. Migrate a JAR on the build path to a newer version. If the newer version contains refactoring scripts the refactoring stored in the script will be executed.

Libraries have the following attributes (presented as library entry children nodes):
Library entry attributes: Attribute Javadoc location Source attachment Native library location Access rules Description Specifies where the library's Javadoc documentation can be found. If specified you can use Shift+F2 on an element of this library to open its documentation. Specifies where the library's source can be found. Specifies where native library required for the library to operate can be found. Specifies access rules for resources contained in the library. This allows to hide content of a library.

Order and Export tab

In the Build class path order list, you can click the Up and Down buttons to move the selected path entry up or down in the build path order for this new project. Checked list entries are marked as exported. Exported entries are visible to projects that require the project. Use the Select All and Deselect All to change the checked state of all entries. Source folders are always exported, and can not be deselected.

Build classpath Classpath variables

Frequently asked questions on JDT Classpath variables preferences Build path preferences Compiler preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Property Pages

Java Compiler Page

The options in this page indicate the compiler settings for a Java project. You can reach this page through the

Java Compiler property page (File > Properties > Java Compiler) from the context menu on a created project or the File menu

A project can either reuse workspace default settings or use its own custom settings. Option Description

Enable project Once selected, compiler settings can be configured for this project. All Java specific settings compiler preferences can be customized. At any time, it is possible to revert to workspace defaults, by using the button Restore Defaults.

Build classpath

Java compiler preferences Java Build Path properties Frequently asked questions on JDT

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Property Pages

Java Task Tags Page

The options in this page indicate the task tags for a Java project. You can reach this page through the

Java task tags property page (File > Properties > Java Compiler > Task Tags) from the context menu on a created project or the File menu

A project can either reuse workspace default settings or use its own custom settings. Option Enable project specific settings Description Once selected, task tags can be configured for this project as in the Task tags preference page. At any time, it is possible to revert to workspace defaults, by using the button Restore Defaults.

Task tag preferences


Java development user guide > Reference > Wizards and Dialogs > Create New Elements > New Java Project Wizard

Source Attachment Property Page

To browse the source of a type contained in library you can attach a source archive or source folder to this library. The editor will then show the source instead of a the decompiled code. Setting the source attachment also allows source level stepping with the debugger. The Source Attachment dialog can be reached in several ways:

Select a JAR in the Package Explorer and choose Properties > Java Source Attachment from the context menu or the Project menu Open the Java Build Path page of a project (Projects > Properties > Java Build Path). On the Libraries page expand the library's node and select the Source attachment attribute and press Edit Open an editor on a class file. If the source attachment has not already been configured for this JAR, the editor contains a button Attach Source

Depending of how a JAR was contributed to the classpath, you can see different types of Source attachment dialogs:

In the Location path field, enter the path of an archive or a folder containing the source. Use either the Workspace, External File or the External Folder button to browse for a location.

In the Location Variable Path field enter a variable path that points to the source attachment's location. A variable path has as first segment a variable (which will resolve to a folder or file), the rest is an optional path extension (e.g.MYVARIABLE/src.jar ). Use either the Variable button to select an existing variable and the Extension button to select the extension path. The Extension button is only enabled when the variable can be extended (resolves to a folder) JRE_SRC is a reserved variable that points to a JRE selected in the Installed JREs preference page ( Java > Installed JREs). Go to this preference page to configure the source attachment for the JRE's library..

Build classpath

Installed JREs preferences Java build path properties

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Property Pages

Run / Debug Properties Page

This property page allows you to view and manage all launch configurations that apply to the pages' corresponding resource.

Option Launch Configuration List New...

Description The list shows all of the launch configurations in the current workspace that apply to the property pages' corresponding resource. The New... button can be used to create a new launch configuration that applies to the corresponding resource. When selected, the New... button will present you with a dialog of all of the launch configuration types that can be used to make a configuration that applies to the corresponding resource. The Duplicate button is used to make an identical copy of a selected launch configuration. The Edit... button will open the launch configuration edit dialog, allowing you to change the selected launch configuration. The Delete button is used to delete the selected launch configuration.

Duplicate Edit... Delete

Local Debugging Remote Debugging

Launching a Java Program Launching a Java program in debug mode Preparing to Debug Re-launching a program Launching a Java applet Disconnecting from a VM Using the remote Java application launch configuration

Run and Debug toolbar actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

Refactoring Support
The goal of Java program refactoring is to make system-wide code changes without affecting the behavior of the program. The Java tools provide assistance in easily refactoring code. The refactoring tools support a number of transformations described in Martin Fowler's book Refactoring: Improving the Design of Existing Code, Addison Wesley 1999, such as Extract Method, Inline Local Variable, etc.. To get an overview of all offered refactorings look at the Refactor menu. Refactoring commands are also available from the context menus in many views or appear as quick assists. When performing a refactoring operation, you can optionally preview all of the changes resulting from a refactoring action before you choose to carry them out. When previewing a refactoring operation, you will be notified of potential problems and will be presented with a list of the changes the refactoring action will perform. If you do not preview a refactoring operation, the change will be made in its entirety and any resultant problems will be shown. If a problem is detected that does not allow the refactoring to continue, the operation will be halted and a list of problems will be displayed. Refactoring commands are available from the context menus of several Java views (e.g. Package Explorer, Outline) and editors. Many "apparently simple" commands, such as Move and Rename, are actually refactoring operations, since moving and renaming Java elements often require changes in dependent files. Refactorings can not only be performed interactively, but also from refactoring scripts. Most refactorings available in the Refactor menu are stored in the workspace refactoring history in order to be used in refactoring scripts afterwards. The refactoring tools support the creation of refactoring scripts based on refactorings in the workspace refactoring history. Refactoring scripts can then be applied to an arbitrary workspace. Applying a refactoring script launches a refactoring wizard which is able to replay the refactorings as if they had been initiated by the user which originally had created them. Related to refactoring scripts, the refactoring tools offer a refactoring to migrate a JAR File to a newer version, using refactoring information to avoid breaking changes in your workspace after the migration.

Refactoring actions Refactoring wizard Java preferences ----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Refactoring

Refactor Actions
Refactor menu commands: Name Rename Description Renames the selected element and (if enabled) corrects all references to the elements (also in other files). Available: Methods, method parameters, fields, local variables, types, type parameters, enum constants, compilation units, packages, source folders, projects and on a text selection resolving to one of these element types Shortcut: Options: Alt + Shift + R Renaming a type does allow to rename similarly named variables and methods. Enable 'Update similarly named variables and methods' in the Rename Type dialog. Select 'Configure...' to configure the strategy for matching type names. Renaming a package does allow to rename its subpackages. Enable 'Rename subpackages' in the Rename Package dialog. Enable 'Keep original method as delegate to changed method' to keep the original method. Optionally you can deprecate the old method. Move Moves the selected elements and (if enabled) corrects all references to the elements (also in other files). Available: Instance method (which can be moved to a component), one or more static methods, static fields, types, compilation units, packages, source folders and projects and on a text selection resolving to one of these element types Shortcut: Options: Change Method Signature Alt + Shift + V You can use Drag & Drop in the Package Explorer to start this refactoring.

Changes parameter names, parameter types, parameter order and updates all references to the corresponding method. Additionally, parameters and thrown exceptions can be removed or added and method return type and method visibility can be changed. Available: Methods or on text selection resolving to a method Shortcut: Options: Alt + Shift + C Enable 'Keep original method as delegate to changed method' in the Change Method Signature dialog to keep the original method.

Extract Method

Creates a new method containing the statements or expression currently selected and replaces the selection with a reference to the new method. This feature is useful for cleaning up lengthy, cluttered, or overly-complicated methods. Available: You can use Expand Selection to from the Edit menu to get a valid selection range. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on statements and expressions selected in the editor. Shortcut: Alt + Shift + M

Extract Local Variable

Creates a new variable assigned to the expression currently selected and replaces the selection with a reference to the new variable. Available: Text selections that resolve to local variables. You can use Expand Selection to from the Edit menu to get a valid selection range. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on expressions selected in the editor. Shortcut: Alt + Shift + L

Extract Constant

Creates a static final field from the selected expression and substitutes a field reference, and optionally rewrites other places where the same expression occurs. Available: Constant expressions or text selections which resolve to constant expressions This refactoring is also available as quick assist on expressions selected in the editor. Inline local variables, methods or constants. Available: Methods, static final fields and text selections that resolve to methods, static final fields or local variables This refactoring is also available as quick assist on local variables selected in the editor. Shortcut: Alt + Shift + I


Convert Anonymous Class to Nested Convert Member Type to Top Level

Converts an anonymous inner class to a member class. Available: Anonymous inner classes Creates a new Java compilation unit for the selected member type, updating all references as needed. For non-static member types, a field is added to allow access to the former enclosing instance, if necessary. Available: Member types or text resolving to a member type. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on member classes selected in the editor. Turn a local variable into a field. If the variable is initialized on creation, then the operation moves the initialization to the new field's declaration or to the class's constructors. Available: Text selections that resolve to local variables. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on local variables selected in the editor. Extracts a common superclass from a set of sibling types. The selected sibling types become direct subclasses of the extracted superclass after applying the refactoring.

Convert Local Variable to Field

Extract Superclass

Available: Types Options: Enable 'Use the extracted class where possible' to use the newly created class wherever possible. See Use Supertype Where Possible.

Extract Interface

Creates a new interface with a set of methods and makes the selected class implement the interface. Available: Types Options: Enable 'Use the extracted interface type where possible' to use the newly created interface wherever possible. See Use Supertype Where Possible.

Use Supertype Where Possible

Replaces occurrences of a type with one of its supertypes after identifying all places where this replacement is possible. Available: Types Moves a set of methods and fields from a class to its subclasses. Available: One or more methods and fields declared in the same type or on a text selection inside a field or method Moves a field or method to a superclass of its declaring class or (in the case of methods) declares the method as abstract in the superclass. Available: One or more methods, fields and member types declared in the same type or on a text selection inside a field, method or member type Replaces a set of fields with new container object. All references to the fields are updated to access the new container object. Available: The set of fields or a type containing fields Options: Enable 'Create Getter and Setters' to add accessor methods to the new type

Push Down

Pull Up

Extract Class

Introduce Replaces a set of parameters with a new class, and updates all callers of the Parameter Object method to pass an instance of the new class as the value to the introduce parameter. Available: Methods or on text selection resolving to a method Options: Introduce Indirection Enable 'Keep original method as delegate to changed method' in the Introduce Parameter Object dialog to keep the original method.

Creates a static indirection method delegating to the selected method. Available: Methods or on text selection resolving to a method Options: Enable 'Redirect all method invocations' to replace all calls to the original method by calls to the indirection method.

Introduce Factory Creates a new factory method, which will call a selected constructor and return the created object. All references to the constructor will be replaced by calls to the new factory method. Available: Constructor declarations Introduce Parameter Replaces an expression with a reference to a new method parameter, and updates all callers of the method to pass the expression as the value of that parameter.

Available: Text selections that resolve to expressions Encapsulate Field Replaces all references to a field with getter and setter methods. Available: Field or a text selection resolving to a field. This refactoring is also available as quick assist on field declarations and references selected in the editor. Generalize Declared Type Allows the user to choose a supertype of the reference's current type. If the reference can be safely changed to the new type, it is. Available: Type references and declarations of fields, local variables, and parameters with reference types Replaces raw type occurrences of generic types by parameterized types after identifying all places where this replacement is possible. Available: Projects, packages, and types Options: 'Assume clone() returns an instance of the receiver type'. Wellbehaved classes generally respect this rule, but if you know that your code violates it, uncheck the box. 'Leave unconstrained type arguments raw (rather than inferring <? >)'. If there are no constraints on the elements of e.g. ArrayList a, uncheck this box will cause Eclipse to still provide a wildcard parameter, replacing the reference with ArrayList<?>. Migrate JAR File Migrates a JAR File on the build path of a project in your workspace to a newer version, possibly using refactoring information stored in the new JAR File to avoid breaking changes. Available: JAR Files on build path Create Script Creates a script of the refactorings that have been applied in the workspace. Refactoring scripts can either be saved to a file or copied to the clipboard. See Apply Script. Available: Always Applies a refactoring script to projects in your workspace. Refactoring scripts can either be loaded from a file or from the clipboard. See Create Script. Available: Always Browses the workspace refactoring history and offers the option to delete refactorings from the refactoring history. Available: Always

Infer Generic Type Arguments

Apply Script


Refactoring commands are also available from the context menus in many views and the Java editor.

Refactoring support

Refactoring dialogs Java preferences

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Refactoring

Refactoring Wizard
A dialog based user interface guides you through the steps necessary to execute a selected refactoring. Depending on the complexity of the refactoring, either a wizard or a simple dialog is used to gather information that is required for the refactoring.

Input pages
The input pages gather information that is required for the refactoring. After you have provided the required input you can click Ok or Finish to carry out the refactoring without previewing the results. If you want to preview the changes press Preview or Next

Preview page
The JDT allows you to preview the results of a refactoring action before you execute it. The preview page consists of two parts:

A tree at the top containing all Java elements affected by the refactoring. Each top-level node in the tree represents one compilation unit. Some refactorings allow to filter the tree by different kind of changes made by the refactoring. Use the Filter Changes drop down to change the filtering.

A compare viewer at the bottom. The left side of the compare viewer shows the original, the right side displays the refactored source.

Problem page
The Refactoring Problem page indicates if there are suspected, potential, or definite problems with the refactoring action you are attempting. Four types of problems are possible:
Information A problem described as Information will not affect the refactoring in any way, nor will it negatively affect the code in the workbench. You can most likely ignore this type of problem. Warnings Warnings attempt to predict compiler warnings. This type of problem most likely will not negatively affect the code in your workbench. Errors A problem described as an Error is very likely to cause compiler errors or change your workbench code semantically. You can choose to continue with the refactoring in spite of these errors, although it is not recommended. Stop problems This type of problem prevents the refactoring from taking place. For example, if you select a comment and choose the Extract Method command from it, the workbench will issue a stop problem on the refactoring attempt because you cannot extract a comment.

If there aren't any stop problems then the refactoring can be carried out by pressing the Finish button. To preview the results of the refactoring action, press the Next > button.

Refactoring without Dialog

It is also possible to rename a Java element without showing a dialog. This can be enabled and disabled on the Java preference page. If enabled, then the new name for an Java element can be typed into the editor when the rename refactoring is invoked.

Refactoring support

Refactoring actions Icons

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Refactoring

Extract Method Errors

When you attempt to extract a method, you may get one or more of the following common errors:

A local type declaration is not part of the selection but is referenced by one of the statements selected for extraction. Either extend the selection that it includes the local type declaration or reduce the selection that no reference to the local type declaration is selected.
Selected block references a local type declared outside the selection A local type declared in the selected block is referenced outside the selection The selection covers a local type declaration but the type is also referenced

outside the selected statements. Either extend the selection that is includes all references to the local type or reduce the selection that the local type declaration isn't selected.
Ambiguous return value: selected block contains more than one assignment to local variable More than one assignment to a local variable was found inside the

selected block. Either reduce the selection that only one assignment is selected or extend the selection that at least all reference except of one to the local variables are covered by the selection too.
Ambiguous return value: expression access to local and return statement selected The selected statement generates more than one return value. This is for example

the case if an expression is selected and an expression's argument is modified as well. To remedy this problem extend the selection to cover the read access of the modified argument as well.
Selection contains a break statement but the corresponding break target isn't selected To remedy the problem either extend the selection to include the break

continue target or reduce the selection that the break / continue statement isn't covered by the selection.
Selection contains a continue statement but the corresponding continue target isn't selected To remedy the problem either extend the selection to include


break / continue target or reduce the selection that the break / continue statement isn't covered by the selection. Selection starts inside a comment Parts of a comment cannot be extracted. Either extend the selection that it covers the whole comment or reduce the selection that the comment isn't covered at all.

Parts of a comment can't be extracted. Either extend the selection that it covers the whole comment or reduce the selection that the comment isn't covered at all. Cannot extract selection that ends in the middle of a statement Adjust selection so that it fully covers a set of statements or expressions. The users can extend the selection to a valid range using the Expand Selection to in the Edit menu.
Selection ends inside a comment

Java development tools (JDT) Refactoring support

Source menu Refactor menu

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference


Java Search Tab Java Search Actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Search

Java Search Tab

This tab in the Search dialog allows you to search for Java elements. To show the tab invoke Search > Java.

Search string
In this field, type the expression for which you wish to search, using the wildcard characters mentioned in the dialog as needed. This field is initialized based on the current selection.

Depending on what is searched for, the search string should describe the element: o Type: the type name (may be qualified or not). Examples: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement Foo Method: the defining type name (may be qualified or not as for Type search, optional), the method selector and its parameters (optional). Examples:


org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement.getHandleFromMemento(MementoTokenizer, WorkingCopyOwner) equals(Object)

o o

foo Package: the package name for a package (e.g. org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core) Constructor: the defining type name (may be qualified or not as for Type search, optional) and the constructor parameters (optional). Examples: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement(JavaElement, String)


Note that the constructor name should not be entered as it is always the same as the type name.

Field: the defining type name (qualified or not as for Type search, optional) and the field name. Examples: org.eclipse.jdt.internal.core.JavaElement.name


From the drop-down menu, you can choose to repeat (or modify) a recent search. Select the Case sensitive field to force a case aware search. Case sensitive is enabled when a custom search string is entered.

Search For
Select to search for one of the following kinds of elements:

Type Method Package Constructor Field

Limit To
Select to limit your search results to one of the following kinds of matches:

Declarations Implementors (available only when searching for types) References All occurrences Read access (available only when searching for fields) Write access (available only when searching for fields) Match locations (available only when searching for types). Match locations allow to further narrow the location of matches. Select the location where to search for the type reference. o Super class declarations o Annotations o Field types o Local variable types o Method return types o Method parameter types o Thrown exception types o Type parameter bounds o Wildcard bounds o Type argument o Cast expressions o Catch clauses o Class instance creations o 'instanceof' checks

Search In
Select where in the scope to search for results

Sources: Search in all source files in the scope Required projects: Search in all required projects JRE libraries: Search in JRE libraries on the build path Application libraries: Search in libraries on the build path

Select to limit your search results to one of the following scope

Workspace Selected resources Enclosing Projects Working Set

Press Choose to select or create a working set.

Java search


----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Search

Search Actions
Search menu commands: Name Search... File... Java... Text Opens the search dialog Opens the search dialog on the File search page Opens the search dialog on the Java search page Searches for the selected text in the chosen scope:


Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl + H

Workspace (Ctrl + Alt + G) Project Hierarchy Working Set


Finds all references to the selected Java element in the chosen scope:

Workspace (Ctrl + Shift + G) Project Hierarchy Working Set


Finds all declarations of the selected Java element in the chosen


Workspace (Ctrl + G) Project Hierarchy Working Set


Finds all implementors of the selected interface in the chosen scope: (Workspace, Project or Working Set)

Workspace Project Working Set

Read Access

Finds all read accesses to the selected field in the chosen scope:

Workspace Project Hierarchy Working Set

Write Access

Finds all write accesses to the selected field in the chosen scope:

Workspace Project Hierarchy Working Set

Occurrences in File

Finds all occurrences of the selected Java element in its file

Identifier: Occurrences of all identifiers resolving to the selected element Implementing Methods: All methods implemented by the selected super-interface declaration Throwing Exceptions: All statements that possible throw Ctrl + Shift + U the selected declared exception Method Exits: All statements that can exit the method of the selected return type Break/Continue Target: The targets of the selected break and continue statement

Referring Tests

Finds all JUnit tests that refer to the currently selected type

Search scopes submenu: Scope Workspace Project Hierarchy Availability all elements all elements Description Searches in the full workspace Searches in the project enclosing the selected element

types and members Searches in the type's hierarchy

Workings Set all elements

Searches in a working set

Scopes can be saved and names in the working set dialog. Existing instances of working sets are also available in the Search Scope submenu A Java search can also be conducted via the context menu of all Java views. The search context menu is also available in the Java editor. The search is only performed if the currently selected text can be resolved to a Java element. The type of the selected Java element defines which search context menus are available. The Java editor does not constrain the list of available Java searches based on the selection.

Java search

Java search tab

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference


Java Toolbar Actions Java Editor Toolbar Actions Run and Debug Toolbar Actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Toolbar

Java Toolbar Actions

Java Actions Toolbar Button Command Create a Java Project Description This command helps you create a new Java project. See new Java project wizard

Create a Java Package

This command helps you create a new Java package. See new Java package wizard

Create a Java Class

This command helps you create a new Java class. See new Java class wizard

Create a Java enum

This command helps you create a new Java enum. See new Java enum wizard

Create a Java Interface

This command helps you create a new Java interface. See new Java interface wizard

Create a Java annotation

This command helps you create a new Java annotation. See new Java annotation wizard

Create a JUnit test case Open Type

This command helps you create a new JUni test case. This command allows you to browse the workspace for a type to open in the defined default Java editor. You can optionally choose to display the type simultaneously in the Hierarchy view. See Open Type dialog.

Java development tools (JDT)

Opening an editor on a type

New Java project wizard New Java package wizard New Java class wizard New Java enum wizard New Java interface wizard New Java annotation wizard New Java scrapbook page wizard Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

Java editor
Toolbar actions
Toolbar Button Command Toggle Java Editor Breadcrumb Toggle Mark Occurrences Toggle Block Selection Mode Show Whitespace Characters Show Source of Selected Element Only Description This button enables the Java editor breadcrumb. The enablement is remembered for each perspective separately. Turns mark occurrences on and off in the Java editor. This button enables block (aka column) selection mode in the editor. This button enables the display of whitespace characters in an editor. This button enabled display of a segmented view of the source of a compilation unit. This button is only shown if you customize your perspective to show the Editor Presentation actions. For example, if a method is selected in the Outline view, the Show Source Of Selected Element Only option causes only that method to be displayed in the editor, as opposed to the entire class. Off: The entire compilation unit is displayed in the editor, with the selected Java element highlighted in the marker bar with a range indicator. On: Only the selected Java element is displayed in the editor, which is linked to the selection in the Outline or Hierarchy view. Go to Next Problem This command navigates to the next problem marker in the active editor. Go to Previous Problem This command navigates to the previous problem marker in the active editor.

Key binding actions

The following actions can only be reached through key bindings. The Key bindings field in Window > Preferences > General > Keys must be set to 'Emacs'. Key binding
Alt+0 Ctrl+K, Esc 0 Ctrl+K Ctrl+K Ctrl+Space, Ctrl+2 Ctrl+X Ctrl+X

Description Deletes from the cursor position to the beginning of the line. Deletes from the cursor position to the end of the line. Sets a mark at the current cursor position. Swaps the cursor and mark position if any.

Java editor

Opening an editor for a selected element

Java outline Java editor preferences JDT actions Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Toolbar

Run and Debug toolbar actions

Run and Debug toolbar actions Toolbar Button Command Run Description This command re-launches the most recently launched application, or launches the selected resource or active editor depending on the launch operation preference settings found on the Run/Debug > Launching preference page This command re-launches the most recently launched application under debugger control, or launches the selected resource or active editor depending on the launch operation preference settings found on the Run/Debug > Launching preference page


Debugger Local Debugging Remote Debugging

Running and Debugging Connecting to a remote VM with the Remote Java application launch configuration Line breakpoints Setting method breakpoints Catching exceptions

Debug View Debug Preferences Launching Preferences Run menu actions

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference

Java Views and Editors

Java editor Java views Java development tools (JDT)

Changing the appearance of the console view Opening an editor for a selected element Opening an editor on a type

Java editor actions Breakpoints view Console view Debug view Display view Expressions view Java editor Package explorer view Variables view Java outline Java scrapbook Page Type hierarchy view Call hierarchy view

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views

Breakpoints View
The Breakpoints View lists all the breakpoints you currently have set in your workspace.

You can double-click a breakpoint to display its location in the editor (if applicable). You can also enable or disable breakpoints, delete them, add new ones, group them by working set, or set hit counts. In the example shown below the Group by > Breakpoint Types option is turned on.

The commands available in the Breakpoints View are listed below. Breakpoints View Commands Command Name Access Add Exception Breakpoint Breakpoint Properties... Caught Description Changes if the selected watchpoint should suspend on access to its associated field. Opens the create exception breakpoint dialog. Opens the breakpoints properties dialog. Availability Context menu View action Context menu

Changes if the selected exception breakpoint Context menu should suspend when the specified type of exception is caught. Collapses all of the items in the view. Copies the selected breakpoints to the system clipboard. Changes the selected breakpoint(s) to be disabled. Changes the selected breakpoint(s) to be enabled. Changes if the selected method breakpoint should suspend on entry to the associated method. Changes if the selected method breakpoint should suspend on exit from the associated method. Expands all of the items in the view. Opens the export breakpoints wizard. View action Context menu Context menu Context menu Context menu

Collapse All Copy Disable Enable Entry


Context menu

Expand All Export Breakpoints...

View action Context menu

Breakpoints View Commands Command Name Go to File Group By... Hit Count Import Breakpoints... Link with View Modification Description Opens the corresponding location of the breakpoint in the java editor. Allows you to select an alternate grouping for your breakpoints or create your own. Availability Context menu and view action View action

Allows you to set or change the hit count for Context menu the selected breakpoint. Opens the import breakpoints wizard. Changes if the breakpoints should be linked to the Debug View. Changes if the selected watchpoint should suspend when its associated field is modified. Pastes copied breakpoints into the view. Removes all breakpoints from the view. Removes only the selected breakpoint(s) from the view. Selects all of the breakpoints in the view. Allows you to choose which working set will be the default one. Changes if qualified names are shown or not. Changes if only supported breakpoints should be shown or not. Sets all breakpoints to be skipped. Context menu View action Context menu

Paste Remove All Remove Selected Breakpoints Select All Select Default Working Set Show Qualified Names Show Supported Breakpoints Skip All Suspend Uncaught

Context menu Context menu and view action Context menu and view action Context menu View action View action View action View action

Allows you to choose what to suspend when Context menu the selected breakpoint is hit. Changes if the selected exception breakpoint Context menu should suspend when the specified type of exception is not caught. Opens the working sets dialog. View action

Working Sets...

Breakpoints Java views Java perspectives

Adding breakpoints Applying hit counts Catching Java exceptions Removing breakpoints Enabling and disabling breakpoints Managing conditional breakpoints Setting method breakpoints

Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Watchpoint Access
Select the Access command to change if the currently selected watchpoint will suspend when its associated field is accessed or read.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Watchpoint Access Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Add Java Exception Breakpoint

Select the Add Exception Breakpoint command [ In the resulting dialog:

] to add a Java exception breakpoint.

In the Choose an Exception field, type a string that is contained in the name of the exception you want to add. You can use wildcards as needed ("* " for any string and "? " for any character). In the Matching types list , select the exception you want to add. Select Caught and Uncaught as needed to indicate on which exception type you want to suspend the program.

The Add Java Exception Breakpoint Dialog.


Catching Java exceptions Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Run Menu Caught Exception Option Uncaught Exception Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Breakpoint Properties...
Select the Breakpoint Properties... command to open the breakpoint properties dialog for the currently selected breakpoint.

There are separate properties for each type of breakpoint, thus resulting in varying properties dialogs. The example given below is for a line breakpoint.

Adding breakpoints Applying hit counts Catching Java exceptions Removing breakpoints Enabling and disabling breakpoints Managing conditional breakpoints Setting method breakpoints

Breakpoints View Condition option Enabled option Hit count option Exception breakpoint caught option Exception breakpoint suspend on subclass option Exception breakpoint uncaught option Method breakpoint entry option Method breakpoint exit option Suspend Policy Watchpoint access option Watchpoint modification option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Exception Breakpoint Caught

Select the Caught command to change if the currently selected Java exception breakpoint will suspend on caught exceptions of the same type.


Adding breakpoints Catching Java exceptions Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Caught Exception Option


-----------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Collapse All
Select the Collapse All command [ This command applies to:

] to collapse all of the currently elements in the view.

Breakpoints View Expressions View Registers View Variables View

-----------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select the Copy command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view onto the system clipboard. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Debug View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Disable Breakpoints
Select the Disable command [ ] to disable the currently selected breakpoint(s).


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Breakpoint Enabled Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Enable Breakpoints
Select the Enable command [ ] to enable the currently selected breakpoint(s).


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Breakpoint Enabled Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Method Breakpoint Entry

Select the Entry command to change if the selected method breakpoint will suspend on entry to the associated method.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Method Breakpoint Entry Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Method Breakpoint Exit

Select the Exit command to change if the selected method breakpoint will suspend on exit from the associated method.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Method Breakpoint Exit Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Expand All
Select the Expand All command [ ] to expand all of the items in the Breakpoints View.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Export Breakpoints
Select the Export Breakpoints... command [ will help you export breakpoints to a file. ] to start the Export Breakpoints wizard which


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Export Breakpoints wizard Import Breakpoints wizard Import Breakpoints command

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Go to File for Breakpoint

Select the Go to File command [ ] to open the associated resource for the breakpoint, make it active and highlight the location of the breakpoint. If the resource is already open it is made active and the breakpoint location is highlighted.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Group Breakpoints By
Select the Group By view menu item to group the breakpoints in the Breakpoints View in one of a choice of predefined orderings.

The orderings are as follows:

Breakpoints - a standard list of all breakpoints Breakpoint Types - all breakpoints organized into their respective types Breakpoint Working Sets - all breakpoints are organized into the working sets they belong to Files - all breakpoints are organized by the files that they belong to Projects - all breakpoints are organized by the project that they belong to Resource Working Sets - all breakpoints are organized by the resource working sets that they belong to Advanced...- See below.

The Advanced... command opens a dialog that allows you to specify multiple levels of groupings for your breakpoints. For example you could have breakpoint grouped by type, which are then further grouped by resource working set, which are then further grouped by projects.

Below is the Group Breakpoints dialog.


Adding breakpoints Create a breakpoint working set Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Breakpoint Hit Count

Select the Hit Count command [ ] to edit the hit count for the currently selected breakpoint. The command opens the Set Breakpoint Hit Count dialog which allows you to enter an integer value hit count to apply to the selected breakpoint. The Set Breakpoint Hit Count Dialog.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Breakpoint Hit Count Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Import Breakpoints
Select the Import Breakpoints... command [ ] to start the will help you import breakpoints into your workspace. Import Breakpoints wizard which


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Export Breakpoints wizard

Import Breakpoints wizard Export Breakpoints command

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Link Breakpoints View with Debug View

Select the Link with Debug View command [ ] to have the Breakpoints View be updated with information from the Debug View. When an application suspends on a breakpoint in the Debug View, the associated breakpoint will be highlighted in the Breakpoints View.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Watchpoint Modification
Select the Modification command to change if the currently selected watchpoint will suspend when its associated field is modified or written to.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Watchpoint Modification Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Paste command [ ] to copy material from the system clipboard into the current view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View

Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Remove Selected Breakpoint

Select the Remove command [ View. ] to remove the selected breakpoint(s) from the Breakpoints


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Remove All Breakpoints

Select the Remove All command [ ] to remove all breakpoints from the Breakpoints View.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select All
Choose this command to select all of the content in the view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Select Default Breakpoint Working Set

Choose the Select Default Working Set... command [ ] to select a default working set. The command opens the Select Default Working Set dialog, which is then used to select a working set to be the default.


Adding breakpoints Create Working set Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > View Display Commands

Show Qualified Names

Select the Show Qualified Names command [ shown in the view or not. This command applies to:

] the change whether qualified names should be

Breakpoints View Expressions View Variables View

View Display Commands

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Show Supported Breakpoints

Select the Show Supported Breakpoints command [ ] to indicate if only breakpoints applicable to the current debug target should be visible in the Breakpoints View. Example: If you have C/C++ and Java breakpoints, with this option turned on you will only see those breakpoints applicable to what you are currently debugging. Meaning that when you are debugging a Java program the Breakpoints View will only display Java breakpoints.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Skip All Breakpoints

Select the Skip All Breakpoints command [ ] to mark all breakpoints in the current view as skipped. Breakpoints marked as skipped will not suspend execution. The Breakpoints View showing all breakpoints marked as skipped.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Breakpoint Suspend
Select the Suspend command [ ] to change the suspend policy of a breakpoint between suspending the entire VM and the thread in which the breakpoint suspended. There is only one menu item visible at any one given time, showing you which suspend policy you will be changing to should you select it. You can change the default suspend policy for all newly created breakpoints on the Debug preference page. Java >


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Breakpoint Suspend Policy Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Breakpoint View Working Sets

Select the Working Sets... command to open the working sets dialog, which allows you to add/remove/edit working sets. The Working Set... command.

The Select Working Set dialog.


Adding breakpoints Create Working set Removing breakpoints Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Breakpoints View

Exception Breakpoint Uncaught

Select the Uncaught command to change if the selected Java exception breakpoint will suspend for uncaught exceptions of the same type.


Adding breakpoints Removing breakpoints

Launching a Java program Running and debugging

Breakpoints View Exception Breakpoint Uncaught Option

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views

Console View
The Console View displays a variety of console types depending on the type of development and the current set of user settings.

The three consoles that are provided by default with the Eclipse Platform are:

The Process Console The Stacktrace Console The CVS Console Run/Debug > Console preference page.

You can change settings for consoles on the

The commands available in the Console View are listed below. Console View Commands Command Name Clear Console Description Clears the currently active console, and is available as both a view command and a contextual menu item. Opens a listing of current consoles and allows you to select which one you would like to see. Opens a new console of the selected type. Availability Context menu and view action View action

Display Selected Console Open Console Pin Scroll Lock

View action

Pins the current console to remain on top of all View action other consoles. Changes if scroll lock should be enabled or not Context menu and

Console View Commands Command Name Description in the current console. Availability view action

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console Preferences CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Views and editors

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

CVS Console
The CVS Console displays the output from current and recent CVS operations.

The extra commands available in the CVS Console are listed below.

CVS Console Commands Command Copy Cut Find/Replace Open Link Name Description Copies the selected material from the console onto the system clipboard. Availability Context menu

Copies the selected material to the system Context menu clipboard and removes it from the console. Allows you to search for and replace a specified expression. Allows you to follow the hyperlink which was right-clicked on in the current stacktrace. Pastes material saved on the system clipboard into the current console. Selects all of the contents of the current console. Context menu Context menu

Paste Select All

Context menu Context menu

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View Process Console Stacktrace Console

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select the Copy command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view onto the system clipboard. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Debug View Display View

Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Cut command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view to the system clipboard and remove the selection from the view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X. This command applies to:

Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Find/Replace command to search for and replace specific statements or portions of statements. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. The resulting find/replace dialog.

This command applies to:

Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Stacktrace Console

Open Link
Select the Open Link command to follow a detected hyperlink in the Stacktrace Console or the CVS Console.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Paste command [ ] to copy material from the system clipboard into the current view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select All
Choose this command to select all of the content in the view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

Process Console
The Process Console shows the output of a process and allows you to provide keyboard input to a process.

The Process Console shows three different kinds of text:

Standard output Standard error Standard input Run/Debug > Console

You can choose the different colors for these kinds of text on the preference page.

The extra commands available in the Process Console are listed below. Process Console Commands Command Copy Cut Name Description Copies the selected material from the console onto the system clipboard. Copies the selected material to the system clipboard and removes it from the console. Allows you to search for and replace s specified expression. Pastes material saved on the system clipboard into the current console. Availability Context menu Context menu

Find/Replace Paste Preferences... Remove All Terminated Launches Remove Launch

Context menu Context menu

Opens the Console Preference Page, Context menu allowing you to customize you consoles. Removes all of the terminated launches from the current console. Removes the current launch from the Context menu and view action View action

Process Console Commands Command Copy Cut Name Description Copies the selected material from the console onto the system clipboard. Copies the selected material to the system clipboard and removes it from the console. Allows you to search for and replace s specified expression. Pastes material saved on the system clipboard into the current console. console. Terminate Select All Terminates the running launch in the current console. Selects all of the contents of the current console. View action Context menu Availability Context menu Context menu

Find/Replace Paste

Context menu Context menu

Show Console When Will open (if needed) and bring a View Action Standard Out Changes console to the front when information is written to the System.out stream Show Console When Standard Error Changes Will open (if needed) and bring a View Action console to the front when information is written to the System.err stream

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View Stacktrace Console CVS Console

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View


Select the Copy command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view onto the system clipboard. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Debug View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Cut command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view to the system clipboard and remove the selection from the view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X. This command applies to:

Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Process Console

Console Preferences
Select the Preferences... command to open the Run/Debug > Console preference page. This command only applies to the Process Console.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Find/Replace command to search for and replace specific statements or portions of statements. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. The resulting find/replace dialog.

This command applies to:

Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Paste command [ ] to copy material from the system clipboard into the current view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Process Console

Remove All Terminated Launches

Select the Remove All Terminated command [ the Process Console. ] to remove all of the terminated launches from

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Process Console

Remove Launch
Select the Remove Launch command [ Console. ] to remove the current launch from the Process

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select All
Choose this command to select all of the content in the view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Process Console

Show Console When Standard Out Changes

Select the Show Console When Standard Out Changes command [ ] to have a console opened (if not open already) and brought to the front if the associated process of the current Process Console writes to Standard.out.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Process Console

Show Console When Standard Error Changes

Select the Show Console When Standard Error Changes command [ ] to have a console opened (if not open already) and brought to the front if the associated process of the current Process Console writes to Standard.err.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Process Console

Select the Terminate command [ Process Console. ] to terminate the process that is associated with the current

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console


Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

Stacktrace Console
The Stacktrace Console displays a Java stacktrace in a nicely formatted manner, providing hyperlink support to quickly jump to source code locations.

The extra commands available in the Stacktrace Console are listed below. Stacktrace Console Commands Command Name Auto Format Copy Cut Find/Replace Format Description Automatically formats stacktraces when pasted into a stacktrace console Copies the selected material from the console onto the system clipboard. Copies the selected material to the system clipboard and removes it from the console. Allows you to search for and replace s specified expression. Reformats the current stacktrace. This command in only available to stacktrace consoles. Allows you to follow the hyperlink which was right-clicked on in the current stacktrace. Pastes material saved on the system clipboard into the current console. Selects all of the contents of the current console. Availability View Action Context menu Context menu Context menu Context menu

Open Link

Context menu

Paste Select All

Context menu Context menu

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Stacktrace Console

Console Autoformat
Select the Autoformat command [ ] to automatically reformat any stacktrace pasted into the Stacktrace Console. This command is only available to stacktrace consoles.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select the Copy command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view onto the system clipboard. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Debug View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View

Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select the Copy command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view onto the system clipboard. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+C. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Debug View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

----------------------------------------------------------------------------Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Cut command [ ] to copy the selected contents from the view to the system clipboard and remove the selection from the view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+X. This command applies to:

Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane

Select the Find/Replace command to search for and replace specific statements or portions of statements. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+F. The resulting find/replace dialog.

This command applies to:

Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Stacktrace Console

Console Format
Select the Format command to reformat the current stacktrace in the Stacktrace Console. You can also use the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F. This command is only available to stacktrace consoles.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View > Stacktrace Console

Open Link
Select the Open Link command to follow a detected hyperlink in the Stacktrace Console or the CVS Console.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View > Detail Pane


Select the Paste command [ ] to copy material from the system clipboard into the current view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+V. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Display View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Variables View

Select All
Choose this command to select all of the content in the view. You can also use the standard keyboard shortcut Ctrl+A. This command applies to:

Breakpoints View Console View Display View Expressions View Registers View Variables View Detail Pane (in the Expressions View and Variables View)

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

Clear Console
Select the Clear Console command [ ] to clear all of the contents in the Console View .

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console

Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

Display Selected Console

Select the Display Selected Console command [ resulting list into focus. ] to bring the console selected from the Note: this command is only enabled if you have more than one console open.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

Open Console
Select the Open Console command [ View . ] to open a new specific type of console in the Console The resulting menu from selecting the drop down arrow on the command.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

Pin Console
Select the Pin Console command [ consoles. ] to ensure that the current console remains on top of all other For example if you had two consoles, say a Process Console and a Stacktrace Console, and you had the stacktrace console pinned, even if output is written to the process console it will not come to focus in front of the stacktrace console.

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console Java development user guide > Reference > Views > Console View

Scroll Lock
Select the Scroll Lock command [ for all open consoles. ] to change whether scroll lock should be enabled or disabled

Java views Java perspectives

Changing the appearance of the console view Views and editors

Console View CVS Console Process Console Stacktrace Console stignav do : java-tasks-reference-views-debug view -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------





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