T1 - Invitation To Tender

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

Attention: To whom it may concern

Date: 20-03-2022
Saif AL Abri Email: [email protected]
Contact Point:
Phone: (+968) 99772951/+968 2214 3739
Our Reference: 9900023021 / EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

Dear Sir,
OQ Gas Networks S.A.O.C. ('OQ') (hereinafter referred to as 'the Company) invites ‘Tenderer’ to
Tender for the Work or Services in accordance with the terms and conditions set down in the
Tender Documents. The Contract(s) will be signed between the Company and the Contractor. If
you are a successful Tenderer you shall be required to enter into a Contract in accordance with
the Form of Agreement.
The Tender Documents shall comprise the following Sections:
Section 1: Below documents are redundant after award and will not be part of the Contract
T1 Invitation to Tender
T2 Instructions to Tenderers
T3 Data to be provided by Tenderers
Section 2: The eventual Contract Documents after award
C1 Form of Agreement
C2 Special Conditions
C3 General Conditions
C4 Scope of Work
C5A Schedule of Rates
C5B Pricing Schedules (Excel Sheets)
C6 Technical Specifications
C7 ICV Specification
C8 Contract Procedures
C9 HSSE Specifications
C10 Data provided by Contractor
Only section T1 is provided; the other documents will be issued via OQ’s e-tendering portal at
https://tawreed.oq.com/ (hereinafter referred to as ‘Tawreed’) to interested Tenderers that;
• pay the Tender fee and submit payment confirmation in Tawreed (if required),
• submit the Tenderer Data Sheet attached under Appendix 1 in Tawreed,
• submit the Confidentiality Declaration attached under Appendix 2 in Tawreed.
In the preparation and submission of the Tender, Tenderer shall comply with the Tender
Documents. OQ reserves the right to disqualify the Tenderer if any of the requirements included in
the Tender Documents are not met.
Yours faithfully,
For OQ Gas Networks S.A.O.C.
Contract Engineer, Saif AL Abri

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

OQ Gas Networks S.A.O.C.

Tender Number: 9900023021

Tender Title: EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second

Loop Line project

T1, Invitation To Tender

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project


1.0 TERMS OF TENDER AND TENDER OVERVIEW .......................................................................... 4

2.0 REQUIREMENTS TO COLLECT TENDER DOCUMENT ................................................................. 5

3.0 CONTACT POINT – COMPANY CONTRACT ENGINEER .......................................................... 5

4.0 TENDER COLLECTION .......................................................................................................... 5

OPTIONAL FOR BELOW OMR 1,000,000] ........................................................................................ 5

6.0 SITE VISIT/ BID CLARIFICATION MEETING [OPTIONAL] ........................................................... 6

7.0 OUTLINE TENDER PROCESS AND SUBMISSION OF TENDER ..................................................... 6

8.0 TENDER AWARD.................................................................................................................. 6

9.0 APPENDIX 1 – TENDERER DETAILS FOR THIS TENDER ............................................................... 7

10.0 APPENDIX 2 – CONFIDENTIALITY DECLARATION................................................................ 8

11.0 APPENDIX 3 – ANTI BRIBERY & ANTI CORRUPTION FORM ................................................. 10

12.0 APPENDIX 4 – TENDER PROCESS OVERVIEW .................................................................... 11

THE TENDER PROCESS SHALL BE CONDUCTED THROUGH TAWREED. .............................................. 11

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

1.0 Terms of Tender and Tender Overview

1.1 Terms of Tender
1.1.1 The terms and conditions applicable to this Tender Process are detailed in Sections T1, T2
and T3. Complete Tender Documents will be available to the Tenderer after paying the
Tender Fee in Tawreed (if applicable). Tenderers have to submit signed and stamped
copy of Appendix 1, 2 & 3 in Tawreed before submitting their Tender.
1.2 Description of Scope of Work/Service/Supply
1.3 This scope of work is to construct a partial 42” loop line from FCS to BVS-6 increase gas
capacity to Sohar by adding 42” Loop Line from Fahud to BVS-6 as a base scope. The
scope of work covers the complete Engineering, Procurement, Construction, Testing-
commissioning, Commissioning, Guarantee run. Also, this scope of work cover extending
the 42” pipeline up to BVS-4 only (128 km) for cost optimization as Alternative scope.
As the FEED is completed for both options, the tender will be floated for both options and
later will confirm which option to followed before award.
Project Scope:

Base Scope: Fahud Compressor Station to Block Valve Station-06 (BVS06) – 42” -193 KM

Alternative scope: Fahud Compressor Station to Block Valve Station (BVS04) -42” – 128
KM pipeline
The key major scopes for above stated scopes will cover below but not limited to:
• Installation of the new 42-inch pipeline from Fahud compressor station to BVS-06 (193
Km) / BVS-04 (128KM) looping both 32” existing pipelines to Sohar.
• Installation of new/extension 6 no’s / 4 no’s Block Valve Stations (BVS) on the new 42”
loop line and interconnected with existing BVS’s.
• Connecting the new loop line to Ibri IPP, ARA and Oxy spur lines.
• Installation of new Launcher at Fahud compressor station and Receiver at BVS-6 / BVS-
• Installation of the power supply, control and telecom system (integrated system) for
the 42” new loop lines.
• Installation of a new CP system for the new 42” loop lines.
• Installation of a new 72 Core ducted Fiber optic cable along with the pipeline and
interconnecting at BVS-06 / BVS-04 and FCS.
• Installation of Fire & Gas instruments at each BVS (BVS-01 to BVS-05) as well as the new
launcher and receiver plots.
• Installation of CCTV cameras at each BVS (BVS-01 to BVS-05) as well as the new
launcher and receiver plots.
• Installation of Leak Detection System (LDS) Instruments of the new pipeline.

1.4 Minimum Requirements to Participate in Tender

1.4.1 Technical Requirements
Below are minimum requirements that the Tenderer has to meet to be considered for
further detailed technical evaluation.
No. Description
1 Proof of successful completion of similar nature of pipeline projects, in terms of pipeline
sizes (24” and above), Length (Minimum 100KM), in the last five years.
2 Valid Accredited Quality Management System (ISO 9001:2015)
3 Valid Accredited HSE Management System (ISO 14001: 2015, OHSAS18001:2007
or ISO 45001:2018).
Evidence for passing those requirements is required to be submitted as part of the
technical tender as further specified in document T3 Data to be Provided by Tenderers

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

1.4.2 Tenderer Registration Requirements

Tenderers shall be registered in the Joint Supplier Registration System (JSRS). As such,
Tenderers if not registered, shall complete their registration with Business Gateways and
submit JSRS certificate as part of their technical submission. Refer to the following URL for
the registration process: https://www.businessgateways.com
1.4.3 No affiliate of the Tenderer shall be eligible to Tender or participate in a Tender in any
capacity whatsoever unless it can be demonstrated that there is not a significant degree
of common ownership, influence or control amongst the Tenderer and the affiliate. This
may also include Approved Registration requirements with OQ or JSRS.

2.0 Requirements to Collect Tender Document

2.1 Tenderer Details Sheet
2.1.1 In order to correctly identify the Tenderer and the Tenderer’s point of contact for this
Tender Process, Appendix 1 Tenderer Data Sheet shall be completed, signed by an
authorised person, stamped with the Tenderers company stamp, and submitted to OQ
at the relevant section question within the Tawreed Technical Envelope.
2.2 Tender Fee
2.2.1 The Tender Fee for this Tender is OMR 3,000
2.2.2 Prior to access of the Tender Documents in Tawreed, the Tenderer is required to submit a
non-refundable ‘Tender Fee’ in Tawreed using the e-Payment Gateway.
2.3 Confidentiality Declaration
2.3.1 Should the tenderer purchase the tender documents, the tenderer is confirming
acceptance of the Confidentiality Declaration as included in Appendix 2.
2.3.2 The Confidentiality Declaration must be completed, signed by an authorised person,
stamped with the Tenderers company stamp, and submitted to OQ at the relevant
section question within the Tawreed Technical Envelope. Once payment has been
made, Tenderers shall have access to the Tender documents and the relevant submission
sections which includes the Tawreed Technical Envelope.
3.0 Contact Point – Contract Engineer
3.1.1 All communication with OQ shall be through Clarification Requests issued via the
messaging tool within Tawreed. No Clarification Requests shall be entertained after the
Clarification Request Closing Date included in the Table 1 below.
4.0 Tender Collection
4.1 Collection of Tender documents
4.1.1 Complete Tender Documents will be available to the Tenderer after paying the Tender
Fee in Tawreed (if applicable). Tenderers have to submit signed and stamped copy of
Appendix 1 & 2 in Tawreed before submitting their Tender.
4.1.2 Should a Tenderer be required to collect the documents from OQ’s offices then the
Contact Point shall provide details of the information/documentation required to obtain
a security gate pass for entry to Company.
5.0 Tender Bond
5.1 To ensure conformance of the Tender, OQ requires the Tenderer to issue a Tender Bond
in the exact format detailed in Section T3. The value of this Tender Bond shall be indicated
in Section T3. A scanned copy of the Tender Bond shall be uploaded within the Tawreed
Commercial Envelope and a sealed hard copy of the same to be sent on or before the
Bid Closing Date to the Secretary to Tender Board, OQ S.A.O.C., Muscat Grand Mall, PO
Box 261, PC 118, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

5.2 The Tender Bond shall be enforced in the event that Tenderer fails to submit and
substantiate a conforming tender or has failed to accept award of the contract or
purchase order.
6.0 Site Visit/ Bid Clarification Meeting
6.1.1 A Site visit/ Tender Documents clarification meeting will be held on the date included in
the Table 1 below. Details of the attendees (a maximum of two representatives) must be
submitted to the Contact Point by date advised through Tawreed messaging tool.
Details of the attendees must be submitted to the Company Contact Focal Point. All
visitors must provide and wear required safety equipment during the Site visit.
7.0 Outline Tender Process and Submission of Tender
7.1 OQ will be conducting all tendering, invoice management and associated activities
through Tawreed portal (https://tawreed.oq.com/)
7.2 For assistance please contact our Helpdesk: toll free Number: (800 71117 - within Oman),
+971 800 836 3377 - Outside Oman, email: [email protected]
7.3 Once registered on Tawreed portal, bidder is required to open this tender on the portal
and submit technical and commercial offer on the portal itself. Please do not submit any
hard copy offer.
7.4 The proposed Tender Process Overview is captured in Appendix 4
7.5 The Tender schedule is as follows:

Activity Date
Issue of T1 - Invitation to Tender either on Tawreed 20-03-2022
Tender Documents available for collection 21-03-2022
Final date for collection of Tender Documents 31-03-2022
Site Visit 20/21-04-2022
Clarification Request Closing Date 02-05-2022
Technical Tender Submission Date 19-05-2022
Commercial Tender Submission Date 03-07-2022
Table 1

8.0 Tender Award

8.1 In the event that OQ considers Tenderer to be potentially successful competitor for the
award of the Contract, OQ may subject Tenderer to a further technical and financial
evaluation. Only when a Tenderer satisfies the OQ’s technical, financial and commercial
requirements will a Contract be awarded.
8.2 OQ at its sole discretion reserves the right to split and make partial award of the Contract
to the successful Tenderer or award the contract to one or more than one Tenderer.
8.3 OQ reserves the right to accept or reject any Tender at its sole discretion and shall be
under no obligation to explain the reasons for doing so.

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

9.0 Appendix 1 – Tenderer Details for this Tender

Contract/ Tender Number 9900023021
Contract/ Tender Title EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project
Full name of Tenderer
Postal Address
Web site
Office main tel number
Country of registration
Status in Oman Agent / locally registered branch office / Omani LLC / foreign
Ownership details - XX% -
(percentages and names, - XX% -
indicate where Omani) - XX% -
Name of company and address to be awarded the Contract (if different from details above)
Full name
Registered address
Office main tel number
Status in Oman Agent / locally registered branch office / Omani LLC / foreign
Ownership details - XX% -
(percentages and names, - XX% -
indicate where Omani) - XX% -
Tenderer’s representative to which all Tender correspondence shall be addressed
Name of person
Telephone number
GSM number
E-mail address
Tenderer’s agent in Oman (if applicable)
Omani agent name
Postal address
Telephone number
GSM number
E-mail address

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

10.0 Appendix 2 – Confidentiality Declaration

The undersigned <<insert Tenderer Name here>> having its registered office at <<insert
Tenderer address here>> (the 'Tenderer') hereby declares to OQ S.A.O.C., Muscat Grand
Mall, PO Box 261, PC 118, Muscat, Sultanate of Oman, that any Confidential Information
(defined below) pertaining to the Work, which may be shared for the purposes of the
above mentioned Tender, is governed by the following Terms and Conditions.
10.1 Definitions
10.1.1 All definitions used in this Appendix have the meaning ascribed to them in T2 – Instructions
to Tenderer, unless otherwise defined herein.
10.1.2 Confidential Information
Shall mean all knowledge, data or information acquired by Tenderer from, or disclosed
to Tenderer by OQ, or on behalf of OQ, in connection with the Tender Documents,
Clarifications and the Tender Process in writing, drawings, magnetic tapes, computer
programs or in any other way, as well as all knowledge, data or information derived there
from, to the extent that such knowledge, data or information at the time of such
acquisition or disclosure is not either already in the unrestricted possession of Tenderer or
part of public knowledge or literature.
10.1.3 Confidential Record
Shall mean all Tender Documents, Clarifications and any other material containing
Confidential Information.
10.1.4 Third Party
Shall mean any party other than OQ or Tenderer.
10.2 Confidentiality
10.2.1 Tenderer shall preserve and cause its employees to preserve the confidentiality of any
Confidential Information.
10.2.2 Tender shall not for any purpose other than the preparation and submission of a Tender

• Disclose to any Third Party or enable any Third Party to note the fact that Tenderer
has been invited to submit a Tender and/or, if applicable, the fact that the Contract
is awarded to Tenderer;

• Reproduce, copy or use, or disclose to, place at the disposal of or use on behalf of
any Third Party or enable any Third Party to read, copy or use, any Confidential
except with the prior written consent of OQ.
10.2.3 The undertakings above shall continue insofar and for so long as the Confidential
Information or Confidential Record in question has not:
a) become part of the public knowledge of literature otherwise than through any act
or default on the part of Tenderer; or
b) been disclosed to Tenderer under an obligation to maintain secrecy by a Third Party
(other than one disclosing on behalf of OQ) who could lawfully do so and who did
not derive such Confidential Information or Confidential Record from OQ.
10.3 Copyright
10.3.1 The copyright in any Confidential Record shall, in the absence of any express provision
to the contrary thereon, be vested in OQ. Copyright in any record containing geological
or geophysical data acquired or generated by Tenderer in connection with the Contract
shall be vested in OQ.

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

10.4 Return of Confidential Record

10.4.1 If Tenderer declines to submit a Tender or is notified that its Tender is unsuccessful, upon
written notification thereof by OQ, Tenderer shall destroy electronic copies and return all
hard copy Tender Documents including Addenda and Clarifications to OQ.
10.5 Third Parties
10.5.1 Tenderer shall ensure that if under the terms of this confidentiality agreement any of the
Confidential Information comes to the knowledge and/or in the possession of any Third
Party, Tenderer shall require from such Third Party that it shall abide by stipulations
equivalent to those contained in this confidentiality agreement.
10.6 Validity
10.6.1 This Confidentiality Declaration shall be valid for a period of 3 (three) years from the date
signed by the Tenderer.
Agreed and accepted this

<<day>> day of <<month>> 202x

And signed by a duly authorized person on behalf of the Tenderer




Name of Tenderer

Tenderer Stamp:

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

11.0 Appendix 3 – Anti Bribery & Anti-Corruption Form

Having examined carefully the Instructions to Bidders & Service Order/General
Conditions, we hereby certify the following:

a) The Tenderer agrees and confirms that, in connection with the proposed contract,
and any and all transactions contemplated by the proposed contract, it will fully
comply with all applicable legislation, including, but not limited to, Royal Decrees
(including: Royal Decree 7 of 1974 promulgating the Oman Penal Code; Royal
Decree 112 of 2011 promulgating the Law of the Protection of Public Funds and
Avoidance of Conflicts; and Royal Decree 64 of 2013 ratifying the United Nations
Convention Against Corruption), regulations, ministerial directions and orders, of the
Sultanate of Oman relating to anti-bribery and anti-corruption.

b) The Tenderer agrees and confirms that it, and each of its affiliates, and their
respective directors, officers, employees, agents and any other person acting on its,
or their, behalf, has not, and will not, in order to induce or obtain an advantage in
promoting its, or their, business activities, offer, promise, mediate or become any way
involved in bribery, be it a payment or other transfer of anything in value, including
the provision of any service, gift or entertainment, directly or indirectly, to any third
party including, but not limited to: government officials (including directors, officers
and employees of government owned and/or controlled entities); any director,
officer or employee of OQ or its subsidiaries, or their relatives; any candidate for
public office; or any agents or intermediaries of any of the foregoing.

c) The Tenderer agrees and confirms that, in connection with the proposed contract,
and any and all transactions contemplated by the proposed contract, it has and will
apply effective anti-bribery and corruption reporting and disclosure controls and
procedures and has and will maintain internal accounting systems that are sufficient
to show, in reasonable detail, all transactions undertaken in relation thereto.

d) Without prejudice to any other rights that OQ may have under law or otherwise,
should the Tenderer be considered to be in breach of any of the above provisions,
OQ may, upon written notice, immediately disqualify the Tenderer from bidding,
tendering, applying for or otherwise entering into the proposed contract or terminate
the contract with the Tenderer (as the case may be) and refuse to allow the Tenderer
to bid, tender, apply or enter into any further or future contracts with OQ.

Agreed and accepted this

<<day>> day of <<month>> 202x

And signed by a duly authorized person on behalf of the Tenderer




Name of Tenderer

Tenderer Stamp:

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EPC Works for 42” Fahud-Sohar Second Loop Line project

12.0 Appendix 4 – Tender Process Overview

The Tender process shall be conducted through Tawreed.

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