A Maize CONSTANS-like Gene, Conz1, Exhibits Distinct Diurnal Expression Patterns in Varied Photoperiods

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Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388

DOI 10.1007/s00425-008-0709-1


A maize CONSTANS-like gene, conz1, exhibits distinct diurnal

expression patterns in varied photoperiods
Theresa A. Miller · Elizabeth H. Muslin ·
Jane E. Dorweiler

Received: 21 December 2007 / Accepted: 5 February 2008 / Published online: 27 February 2008
© Springer-Verlag 2008

Abstract Maize (Zea mays ssp. mays L.) was domesti- Keywords Circadian · Flowering · qPCR · Teosinte · Zea
cated from teosinte (Z. mays L. ssp. parviglumis Iltis &
Doebley), a plant requiring short day photoperiods to
Xower. While photoperiod sensitive landraces of maize Introduction
exist, post-domestication breeding included eVorts to grow
maize in a broad range of latitudes. Thus, modern maize is The transition from vegetative to reproductive growth is an
often characterized as day-neutral because time to Xower is important developmental switch in angiosperms. Many
relatively unaVected by photoperiod. We report the Wrst genetic and molecular components underlying the Xoral
identiWcation of maize constans of Zea mays1 (conz1), a transition have been characterized in Arabidopsis (Arabid-
gene with extensive sequence homology to photoperiod opsis thaliana (L.) Heynh.) and rice (Oryza sativa L.).
genes CONSTANS (CO) in Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thali- Extensive work in Arabidopsis has identiWed a complex
ana (L.) Heynh.) and Heading date1 (Hd1) in rice (Oryza network of both activators and repressors of this transition.
sativa L.). conz1 maps to a syntenous chromosomal loca- The molecular components function in several regulatory
tion relative to Hd1. Additionally, conz1 and two maize pathways: autonomous, gibberellin, photoperiod and ver-
homologs of another photoperiod gene exhibit diurnal nalization pathways. Each independent pathway works in
expression patterns notably similar to their Arabidopsis and response to diVerent environmental and endogenous sig-
rice homologs. The expression pattern of conz1 in long nals. These pathways converge to regulate the expression of
days is distinct from that observed in short days, suggesting Xoral integrators, namely FLOWERING LOCUS T (FT),
that maize is able to discern variations in photoperiod and SUPRESSOR OF CONSTANS1 (SOC1) and LEAFY (LFY)
respond with diVerential expression of conz1. We oVer in Arabidopsis (Parcy 2005), ultimately responsible for the
models to reconcile the diVerential expression of conz1 transition to reproductive growth. These networks reveal an
with respect to the photoperiod insensitivity exhibited by intricate system of checks and balances that ensure promo-
temperate inbreds. tion of Xowering when environmental and endogenous con-
ditions are optimal for successful generation of progeny. A
growing body of evidence suggests that a majority of these
Electronic supplementary material The online version of this
article (doi:10.1007/s00425-008-0709-1) contains supplementary Xoral regulators and their networks are well conserved in
material, which is available to authorized users. rice (reviewed in Izawa et al. 2003; Izawa 2007a).
In contrast to rice and Arabidopsis, little is known about
Sequence data from this article can be found in the GenBank (http:// the molecular mechanism underlying this transition in
www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/) data library under the following accession
numbers:conz1 mRNA: EU098139, EU098140; gigz1A: BK006299; maize (Zea mays L. ssp. mays) despite its economic impor-
gigz1B: BK006298. tance. Characterization of the molecular components of the
maize Xoral network has begun relatively recently and in
T. A. Miller · E. H. Muslin · J. E. Dorweiler (&) most cases was aided by homology with previously identi-
Department of Biological Sciences, Marquette University,
P. O. Box 1881, Milwaukee, WI 53201-1881, USA
Wed genes in Arabidopsis. Genes in the maize network
e-mail: [email protected] include delayed Xowering1 (dlf1), Z. mays Floricaula/

1378 Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388

Leafy genes (zX1 and zX2), dwarf8 (d8), and indeterminate1 santi and Sundaresan 1996). Based on genetic and expres-
(id1) (Colasanti et al. 1998; Thornsberry et al. 2001; Bom- sion data, it has recently been proposed that id1 activates
blies et al. 2003; Muszynski et al. 2006). Several EMS alle- dlf1 (Muszynski et al. 2006), albeit not necessarily in a
les of dlf1 were isolated and characterized by M. G. NeuVer direct manner.
over a decade ago. This late Xowering mutant produces four With the exception of id1, the aforementioned examples
to six additional leaves relative to wild-type siblings (Neu- demonstrate the usefulness of Arabidopsis as a framework
Ver et al. 1997). Recent characterization, including identiW- from which to expand our knowledge of Xowering in
cation of Mutator insertion alleles, enabled cloning of dlf1, maize. Additionally, rice is rapidly developing as a mono-
which was found to be homologous to Arabidopsis FD cot model for the study of Xowering time, particularly with
(Muszynski et al. 2006). In Arabidopsis, a protein complex respect to the photoperiod pathway. This has proven infor-
comprised of FD and the Xoral integrator FT is required to mative given that rice and Arabidopsis have opposite
promote the expression of meristem identity genes that responses to photoperiod. Arabidopsis is a long day plant,
cause the shoot apical meristem to switch from vegetative Xowering much more rapidly in long days than in short
to reproductive growth (Abe et al. 2005). days, whereas rice is a short day plant. Despite this distinc-
zX1 and zX2 are orthologous to two meristem identity tion, the speciWc molecular components involved in the
genes, FLORICAULA in Antirrhinum majus L. (snap- photoperiod pathway are strikingly conserved, although
dragon) and LEAFY in Arabidopsis (Bomblies et al. 2003). some appear to diVer in their mode of regulation. Photope-
The carboxy-termini of the zX genes are most similar to riod sensitivity in Arabidopsis and in rice is largely depen-
LEAFY, a transcription factor with reported DNA-binding dent upon the homologous Xoral regulators CONSTANS
capability (Weigel et al. 1992; Parcy et al. 1998; Busch (CO) (Putterill et al. 1995, 2004; Parcy 2005) and Heading
et al. 1999; Wagner et al. 1999). These genes all share con- Date1 (Hd1) (Yano et al. 2000; Hayama et al. 2003; Imaiz-
served proline-rich, leucine-rich, basic and acidic domains umi and Kay 2006), respectively. CO has been shown to
(Coen et al. 1990; Weigel et al. 1992; Bomblies et al. function as a Xoral activator in inductive long days, but has
2003), although the biochemical functions of these domains no function in short days (Putterill et al. 1995). Similarly,
remain unknown. HD1 is suggested to function as a Xoral activator under
While dlf1and the zX genes function immediate to and inductive short days, but is distinct from CO in that under
during the Xoral transition, respectively, d8 is predicted to non-inductive photoperiod conditions it functions as a Xoral
work farther upstream in the Xoral pathway. d8 was origi- repressor (Hayama et al. 2003).
nally characterized as a dominant, dwarf mutant that was Transcriptional regulation of CO and Hd1 in response to
insensitive to gibberellic acid treatment (Phinney 1956). photoperiod results in circadian patterns of expression.
d8 encodes a DELLA protein (Thornsberry et al. 2001) Photoperiod serves as an important environmental cue in
orthologous to GIBBERELLIN INSENSITIVE (GAI) in setting the circadian clock. GIGANTEA (GI) in Arabidopsis
Arabidopsis which modulates gibberellic acid responses and OsGI in rice are direct outputs of the circadian clock
(Peng et al. 1999). Analysis of intragenic sequence poly- and promote the expression of CO and Hd1, respectively
morphisms among d8 alleles in a diverse set of maize (Fowler et al. 1999; Park et al. 1999; Cremer and Coupland
lines identiWed a signiWcant association with Xowering 2003; Hayama and Coupland 2003; Mizoguchi et al. 2005).
time variation (Thornsberry et al. 2001; Andersen et al. As a result, a distinct circadian rhythm characterizes the
2005). expression of both GI/OsGI and CO/Hd1. These genes tend
Unlike the maize genes mentioned above, id1 has no to exhibit a single prominent peak of expression per 24-h
clear Arabidopsis ortholog (Colasanti et al. 2006) and, thus, period, with the expression of GI/OsGI preceding CO/Hd1
the relative position of id1 within the Xoral induction net- by approximately 3–6 h (Park et al. 1999; Suarez-Lopez
work is unclear. ID1 protein is the founding member of a et al. 2001; Hayama et al. 2002; Shin et al. 2004). One
family of plant-speciWc zinc-Wngers (Colasanti et al. 1998) exception is a subtle, but reproducible, biphasic pattern of
and has DNA binding capabilities which suggest a function CO expression when Arabidopsis is entrained in inductive
in transcriptional regulation (Kozaki et al. 2004). The id1 long days (Suarez-Lopez et al. 2001). This pattern of
mutant exhibits an extensive vegetative phase, and while expression can be accounted for by CDF1 (CYCLING
the initial report suggested a requirement for short days to DOF FACTOR 1) repressing CO expression during the Wrst
eventually Xower (Singleton 1946), more recent reports half of the day (Imaizumi et al. 2005), and then FKF1
suggest that id1 transcript and protein levels do not Xuctu- (FLAVIN-BINDING, KELCH REPEAT, F-BOX 1) works
ate in relation to light–dark cycles (Wong and Colasanti with GI to relieve the repression of CO by CDF1 later in the
2007) consistent with id1 acting independently from the day (Sawa et al. 2007).
photoperiod pathway (Coneva et al. 2007). Rather, it is The importance of the photoperiod pathway in the Xoral
thought that id1 may act in the autonomous pathway (Cola- network of Arabidopsis and rice as evidenced by GI/OsGI

Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388 1379

and CO/Hd1 prompted us to investigate the role of the Plant growth conditions
photoperiod pathway in maize. Maize was domesticated
from teosinte (Z. mays L. ssp. parviglumis Iltis & Doeb- Seed from maize inbred B73, the genome of which is cur-
ley), a short day plant (Emerson 1924). While breeding rently being sequenced, were planted in individual plastic
eVorts have continued to select for insensitivity to photo- pots and were grown for 3 weeks in a Percival growth
period in regards to Xowering, numerous tropical land- chamber (PGC-15.5-AR). Plants were grown in either short
races of maize remain sensitive to photoperiod and Xower days (8 h light, 16 h dark) or long days (16 h light, 8 h
faster in response to short days. Furthermore, although the dark). The temperature in the chamber was maintained at
majority of maize inbreds are generally characterized as 26°C during light, dark and constant light conditions for all
day-neutral, a large number of temperate inbreds retain photoperiod experiments. Light in the chamber measured
some detectable level of photoperiod sensitivity (Francis 700–900 mol m¡2 s¡1. A subsequent experiment repli-
et al. 1969; Russell and Stuber 1983; Mungoma and Pollak cated the results for B73 under comparable long day condi-
1991; Ellis et al. 1992; Bonhomme et al. 1994; Moutiq tions and simultaneously tested teosinte.
et al. 2002). Indeed, meta-analyses of numerous QTL stud-
ies involving a wide array of inbred lines, and extrapola- Tissue collections and sample preparation
tion of consensus Xowering time QTLs to syntenous
regions of rice, suggested that several orthologs of photo- After 3 weeks of growth, tissue samples were taken from
period pathway genes may continue to make important plants every 3 h for a 48 h period. Each tissue sample con-
contributions toward Xowering time variation in maize sists of three paper-hole punches from the newest leaf of
(Chardon et al. 2004). Aside from studies of a few circa- three diVerent, randomly-selected plants. Two biological
dian clock components and speciWc photoreceptors, to our replicates were collected at the same time; thus the replicate
knowledge there have been no studies of maize genes consisted of tissue from three plants distinct from those
directly involved in the photoperiod pathway to date. Fur- used in the Wrst replicate sample. The tissue samples were
thermore, it is not known how breeding eVorts have ren- collected in pre-chilled tubes, placed immediately on dry
dered maize relatively insensitive to photoperiod. We ice, and then stored at ¡80°C.
report here the identiWcation of maize genes with sequence Total RNA was extracted from each tissue sample using
homology to two photoperiod genes in Arabidopsis (GI TRIzol® from Invitrogen (Cat. No. 15596-018) following
and CO) and rice (OsGI and Hd1). We further characterize manufacturer’s protocol including the optional step for
these genes and show that the mRNA of the maize genes is removal of excess polysaccharides. Each RNA sample was
expressed in diurnal patterns, similar to the transcriptional treated with Ambion’s TURBO DNA-free™ (Cat. No.
regulation of their homologs. The expression proWle of the 1907) following manufacturer’s “Rigorous Treatment” pro-
maize CONSTANS homolog, conz1, is diVerent in long- tocol in an eVort to remove any residual genomic DNA
versus short-days, suggesting that maize diVerentiates (gDNA). DNase treated RNA was subjected to reverse
photoperiod at the transcriptional level. Finally, we dem- transcriptase reactions using oligo-dT primer and M-MLV
onstrate that the conz1 expression pattern diVers between Reverse Transcriptase (Promega Cat. No. M1705) as fol-
teosinte and maize under long-days, which is the non- lows: 1,000 ng total RNA, 1 L 10 mM oligo-dT and dH2O
inductive photoperiod for teosinte, and discuss the impli- (to 16 L) were mixed and incubated at 70°C for 5 min and
cations of these data. Xash cooled on ice. M-MLV Reaction buVer, 2 L 2.5 mM
dNTP and 200 Units M-MLV enzyme were added to the
reaction and incubated at 37°C for 60 min followed by
Materials and methods 15 min at 70°C.

Plant materials Real time PCR

Zea mays ssp. mays L. (maize) inbred B73 from the Maize Quantitative Real-Time PCR (qPCR) was performed on a
Genetics COOP Center at S-123 Turner Hall, 1102 South Bio-Rad MyIQ Single Color thermocycler with Bio-Rad
Goodwin Avenue, Urbana, IL 61801-4730, USA; http:// SYBR Green Supermix (Cat. No.170-8884). Reaction vol-
www.maizegdb.org was used in a majority of the experi- umes were 25 L and consisted of 12.5 L SYBR Green
ments. One experiment (Fig. 8) also used Z. mays L. ssp. Supermix, 2 L 5 mM primer mix (forward and reverse),
parviglumis Iltis & Doebley (teosinte, Maiz de Huiscatote) and cDNA template (10.5 L of a 40:1 dilution of the RT
accession #566688 from USDA GRIN at Regional Plant reaction). Each reaction was performed in triplicate using
Introduction Station, Ames, IA 50011-1170, USA; http:// the following conditions: 10 min activation at 95°C, 40
www.ars-grin.gov. cycles of three-step ampliWcation (10 s at 95°C, 20 s at the

1380 Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388

determined optimal annealing temperature (varies by Results

primer pair) and 20 s at 72°C), and a Wnal extension of
1 min at 72°C followed by the melt curve (80 cycles of 7 s IdentiWcation of a maize CONSTANS homolog
at increasing temperatures starting at 55°C and increasing
by 0.5°C at each cycle). We searched publicly curated databases (MaizeGDB, http:/
/www.maizegdb.org/, MAGI, http://www.plantgenom-
Primer design ics.iastate.edu/maize/, and PlantGDB, http://www.plant-
gdb.org/) and the DuPont/Monsanto/Ceres Maize Sequence
Primers were designed for PCR using Gene Runner v. 3.05 Information Sharing Program database (http://www.maiz-
(Hastings Software, Inc.), which facilitated in silico pre- eseq.org/) for sequences with strong similarity to Arabidop-
screening to eliminate pairs with stable hairpin loops, sis thaliana CONSTANS (CO) and Oryza sativa Heading
dimers, bulge loops and internal loops. Experimentally Date1 (Hd1). These searches identiWed several sequences
optimal primers were identiWed based upon their ability to predicted to encode proteins similar to CO and Hd1. Most
meet several standards: (1) Robustness—successful ampli- of the sequences were incomplete, lacking some of the con-
Wcation over a range of annealing temperatures, (2) Speci- served domains, and appeared to be mis-spliced transcripts
Wcity—generation of a single signiWcant peak in the melt (see below), however, one assembled DuPont sequence,
curve and (3) Consistency—highly reproducible Ct values 49498.1 (accession #EU098139), appeared to be full-
within the reactions of a triplicate. length. Primers were designed to the 5⬘ and 3⬘ UTRs of
The primers used for conz1 are JD170f: 5⬘-ggtcagtgctt- 49498.1 for independent ampliWcation, cloning and
acacagattc-3⬘, JD170r: 5⬘-gagcttggcatgtctgtc-3⬘; for gigz1A sequencing of the entire coding region (accession
are JD242f: 5⬘-gatcactgacatattgctagcc-3⬘, JD242r: 5⬘-ccaga #EU098140). Translation of the full sequence revealed
tcctcggctgc-3⬘; for gigz1B are JD241f: 5⬘-ctataggaaatgaa 65% amino acid identity with HD1 (Fig. 1) and the pres-
tctgacc-3⬘, JD241r: 5⬘-ataagttgtgggtgctttc-3⬘; for ubi1 are ence of B-box-type zinc Wngers and a CCT domain (Fig. 1),
JD82f: 5⬘-gtttaagctgccgatgtgcctg-3⬘, JD82r: 5⬘-gacacgactca both characteristic domains of CO, Hd1 and the CO-like
tgacacgaacagc-3⬘; and for -tub are JD83f: 5⬘-agaactgc protein families (GriYths et al. 2003). The B-box regions
gactgcctccaagg-3⬘, JD83r: 5⬘-agatgagcagggtgcccattc-3⬘. of the predicted maize protein and HD1 are 89% identical;
Where possible, primers were designed to span an intron of the CCT domains are 93% identical. Furthermore, both
the respective gene such that any residual gDNA would B-box type zinc Wngers of the predicted maize protein
generate a diVerent size product from the cDNA product retain the Wve requisite and correctly spaced Cysteine resi-
and would be visible on the melt curve. In these cases, no dues (Fig. 1). Despite the divergence of monocots and
(or negligible) products from gDNA were visible. dicots, the maize sequence also maintains signiWcant simi-
larity with the functional domains of the Arabidopsis CON-
Data analysis STANS protein: the B-boxes are 69% identical and the
CCT domains are 83% identical. Given the potential for
The results of Real-Time PCR were analyzed using this transcript to encode a protein homologous to CO and
DART-PCR (Peirson et al. 2003), a program that facili- Hd1, in contrast to the aforementioned incomplete or poten-
tates the analysis of the kinetics of each reaction per- tially mis-spliced transcripts, we will refer to this transcript
formed. The average ampliWcation eYciency of each herein as the “normal” transcript. In an eVort to determine
primer pair was determined, and primers performing where the maize gene resides, additional primers were
poorly were replaced. The average eYciency of all of the designed to the normal transcript and PCR was performed
primer pairs discussed in this study ranged between 0.95 using genomic DNA from the Oat–Maize addition lines
and 1.0. DART-PCR then uses the ampliWcation eYciency (Riera-Lizarazu et al. 1996; Ananiev et al. 1997) as tem-
of each primer pair to calculate a value (R0) representative plates. This assay demonstrated that conz1 is located on
of the initial template concentration. The R0 values for chromosome 9 because a positive PCR product was
ubiquitin and experimental genes were used to calculate observed only from the Oat–Maize line containing maize
expression levels relative to ubiquitin1 (ubi1). ubi1 was chromosome 9 (Fig. 2).
used as a normalization control because independent trials
of several housekeeping genes had found it to be the most The maize homolog and Hd1 map to syntenous
reproducible in our hands across various genotypes and chromosomal locations
tissues (J. Nobler and J. Dorweiler, unpublished results).
The only exception was the teosinte experiment, where Given that CO is part of a large gene family (Robson et al.
-tubulin was used because it proved more reproducible 2001; GriYths et al. 2003) we wanted to verify that we
than ubi1. were working with the evolutionary ortholog of CO and

Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388 1381

B-box 1
B-box 2







Fig. 1 Alignment of the CONSTANS homologs from Arabidopsis (At- ilies are boxed. Amino acids conserved among all three proteins are
CO), rice (OsHd1), and maize (conz1). The conserved B-Box and CCT shaded in black. Amino acids identical between OsHd1 and conz1 are
domains characteristic of the CONSTANS/CONSTANS-like gene fam- shaded in gray

chromosome 6. Using the Hd1 locus as an anchor, the
M M M bp
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Comparative Map Viewer (CMAP) function of Gramene
(http://www.gramene.org) enabled us to identify two con-
tigs of maize BAC clones, both mapping to chromosome 9,
Maize 750 based on presence of a conserved molecular marker,
500 PCO105988 (ctg362 and ctg366, AGI FPC Map October
2004; http://www.genome.arizona.edu/fpc/maize/). Using
individual BAC clones predicted to contain PCO105988 as
templates, PCR was performed with the gene-speciWc prim-
Fig. 2 PCR of Oat–Maize Addition lines. An inverted image of an ers used on the Oat–Maize addition lines (see above). A
ethidium-bromide stained gel reveals PCR products obtained from positive PCR product of the correct size was ampliWed from
gDNA of the oat parental lines and the maize parental lines (left). PCR BAC clone ZMMBBc0036D18 (data not shown). Sequenc-
products were obtained from gDNA of the Oat–Maize Addition lines
(right). The number above each lane corresponds to the maize chromo- ing of this BAC clone is in progress as part of the Maize
some introduced into that oat line; (M) corresponds to the molecular Genome Sequencing Project (accession #AC189064). The
weight marker of which relevant sizes are designated (far right) in base sequence of the clone aligns perfectly with the cDNA
pairs (bp) sequence we identiWed. The signiWcant sequence similarity
the maize gene shared with CO and Hd1 and the fact that
Hd1 as opposed to a closely related family member. In this the maize gene lies in a syntenous location to Hd1 is consis-
context, we use the term ortholog as Wrst deWned by Fitch tent with these genes deriving from a common ancestor
(1970) to describe genes related through speciation from a through speciation. Thus, we have designated this gene
common ancestor, rather than a gene family member cre- conz1 for constans of Zea mays1.
ated via duplication and speciation. In this sense, orthologs
may not necessarily retain the same function. To assess the Expression of a conz1 paralog has not been detected
evolutionary relationship of the normal transcript to Hd1,
we made use of the synteny between the maize and rice In addition to the aforementioned normal, full-length tran-
genomes. The Hd1 locus of rice (LOC_Os06g16370) is on script, our initial screens identiWed several additional EST

1382 Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388


Fig. 3 Several diVerentially spliced transcripts originate from the script and in those represented by d, is indicated by the vertical line.
conz1 locus. Diagram depicting the intron/exon structure of the conz1 Some ESTs are limited to one side of this splice junction, and thus are
locus, including several diVerentially spliced transcripts, relative to the shown only as a light gray outline, whereas the shaded yellow boxes
genomic sequence. a The conz1 gene is composed of two exons sepa- depict one or more ESTs that are spliced as shown (See Supplementary
rated by an intron of 298 bp. The location of primers used in assays Table S1 for additional details). The positions of stop codons are indi-
shown in Figs. 2, 4, 5 and 8 is indicated by arrows. Black boxes delin- cated by vertical red lines within the yellow box when in-frame relative
eate the ORF, the translation of which is shown in Fig. 1. The purple to the CCT domain, and above or below the box when frame-shifted
and blue boxes indicate the location of the B-boxes and CCT domain, §1, respectively. There are numerous additional stop codons 3⬘ of the
respectively. b through e At least 33 EST sequences (Supplementary normal stop codon (not shown). The position of the 5⬘ most ATG in-
Table S1) support the presence of alternative transcripts originating frame relative to the CCT domain is indicated by a green vertical line.
roughly 3 kb upstream of the Wrst exon of conz1, although completely f Contiguous genomic sequence (AC189064) corresponds to all of the
bypassing that exon, and using one of several possible acceptor sites above transcripts
for the last exon. The canonical acceptor site, used in the normal tran-

sequences in publicly curated databases. The majority of normal transcript (see below). Thus, we are unable to sug-
these transcripts are currently annotated as Hd1 homologs. gest particular signiWcance for the alternative splicing,
To clarify the nature of these transcripts and to identify the although more experiments are needed. Circumstances in
relationship of these transcripts, if any, with the normal which a majority of transcripts are alternatively or incor-
transcript, we did extensive bioinformatic work including rectly spliced are not novel; for instance, it has also been
BLAST searches and alignments. Relative to the normal observed for the CO ortholog in Pharbitis nil (Japanese
transcript, these sequences were predicted to encode nearly Morning Glory; Liu et al. 2001), PnCO. Because the
identical CCT domains but had completely diVerent 5⬘ incomplete ESTs we identiWed map to the same genomic
ends. Given the ancient allotetraploid origin of maize (Gaut locus as conz1 and because no additional full-length or par-
and Doebley 1997), one possibility was that these tial ESTs show higher predicted amino acid similarity to
sequences may originate from a conz1 paralog. Instead, we CO or Hd1 than conz1, there is currently no evidence for
found that all of these sequences correspond to the same expression of a conz1 paralog.
BAC clone that harbors the conz1 locus, ZMMBB
c0036D18 (accession #AC189064). These sequences conz1 expression in short days has diurnal Xuctuations
appear to represent alternatively spliced transcripts lacking
the Wrst coding exon, which encodes the B-boxes, instead To further test the hypothesis that conz1 is homologous to
consisting of extra sequences from farther upstream spliced CO and Hd1, we set out to determine if conz1 expression is
directly to the second coding exon, encoding the CCT similar to that of CO and Hd1. Because our RT-PCR assays
domain, with some variation as to the splice acceptor site measure mRNA abundance, which could reXect diVerences
used (Fig. 3; Supplementary Table 1). The upstream in transcription or in mRNA stability, we generally use the
sequences contain stop codons in all three reading frames. term expression in this manuscript. Maize plants (inbred
The longest contiguous ORF in the 5⬘ most portion of these B73) were germinated and entrained in short day photoperi-
alternative transcripts is 156 amino acids, but lacks a start ods for 3 weeks. To assay conz1 expression, leaf samples
codon (Fig. 3b). Each of these alternative transcripts has the were collected every 3 h over a 96-h period: 48 h of short
potential to encode the entire CCT domain within the sec- day conditions followed by 48 h of constant light. Two
ond coding exon, as well as some additional N-terminal independent samples, consisting of pools of tissue from
amino acids upstream of the CCT domain (Fig. 3). Given three diVerent plants each, were collected for each time
that alternative splicing is a common mechanism of post- point. Expression was assayed with real-time RT-PCR
transcriptional regulation (reviewed in Reddy 2007), we using primers demonstrated to be speciWc and reproducible
evaluated the abundance of these transcripts by real-time (see “Materials and methods”). Real-time PCR was used as
PCR (data not shown) and found the same pattern of a sensitive assay to detect and quantify the rare conz1 tran-
mRNA abundance when compared with the pattern of the script. The low level of conz1 transcript is not novel, as

Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388 1383

conz1 Expression in Short Days conz1 Expression in Long Days

0.035 0.06
0.030 a
Expression (per ubi1)

0.05 b

Expression (per ubi1)

0.025 b
0.015 0.03

Light Condition
Light Condition
Fig. 4 Expression patterns of conz1 in two independent replicates
(a, b) reXect a diurnal rhythm in plants grown in short days (8 h light, Fig. 5 Expression patterns of conz1 in two independent replicates
16 h dark). Expression as determined by Real-Time RT-PCR was nor- (a, b) reXect a diurnal rhythm in plants grown in long days (16 h light,
malized to ubiquitin1 in all cases. Each data point represents expres- 8 h dark). Expression as determined by Real-Time RT-PCR was nor-
sion of conz1 from a pool of three diVerent individuals grown malized to ubiquitin1 in all cases. Each data point represents expres-
concurrently. Light conditions are indicated by the colored bar at the sion of conz1 from a pool of three diVerent individuals grown
bottom of the graph, with the hatched boxes representing constant light concurrently. Light conditions are indicated by the colored bar at the
condition corresponding to subjective dark bottom of the graph, with the hatched boxes representing constant light
condition corresponding to subjective dark

both CO and Hd1 transcripts are rare and undetectable by

RNA gel blot (Putterill et al. 1995; Yano et al. 2000). Prim- short- and long-day photoperiods, despite characterization
ers for conz1 expression analyses span the 298 bp intron of of maize as day-neutral, led us to explore this photoperiod
the normal transcript (as shown in Fig. 3a). All reactions response more extensively.
were performed in triplicate, and normalized relative to
ubiquitin. Consistent with the expression pattern seen for An upstream component of the photoperiod pathway
CO and Hd1 in short days, the expression of conz1 in short is conserved in maize
days exhibits diurnal Xuctuations, peaking in the dark
period at about 15 h “post-dawn” (Fig. 4). We asked whether the distinct expression pattern seen in
long days could be explained by the expression of genes
Expression pattern of conz1 is distinct in long days upstream in the photoperiod pathway. To begin to address
this question, we returned to the databases in search of a
Because Xowering in maize is generally thought to be homolog (or homologs) of GIGANTEA [GI in Arabidopsis
insensitive to day-length, we considered several hypothe- (Fowler et al. 1999); OsGI in rice (Hayama et al. 2003)].
ses. Relative insensitivity to daylength may have been We identiWed two putative homologs (Supplementary
achieved by a loss of function: either via inability to per- Figs. S1, S2), consistent with the ancient allotetraploid ori-
ceive daylength, or disruption of the regulatory cascade gin of maize (Gaut and Doebley 1997). For convenience,
linking daylength to Xoral induction. Alternatively, the per- these genes are referred to as gigantea of Zea mays1 A and
ception of daylength may be intact, but other (i.e., gain of B (gigz1A and gigz1B), respectively. Supplementary
function) modiWcations may have enabled maize to Xower Fig. S1, published as supporting material online, shows the
despite varied photoperiods. To explore these possibilities, amino acid alignment for GI, OsGI, and the two maize
we examined the conz1 expression pattern in varied day- genes, and Supplementary Fig. S2 shows the intron/exon
lengths. A comparable circadian experiment to that structure of the two maize loci. Using the same cDNA tem-
described above was repeated under long day photoperiods. plates as used in the conz1 photoperiod experiments, PCR
The expression of conz1 in long days was strikingly distinct was performed with primers designed to speciWcally
from that seen in short days. Whereas conz1 expression in amplify gigz1A or gigz1B. Both genes exhibited diurnal
short days peaked once per 24-h period, the expression of Xuctuations in expression in short days (Fig. 6) and in long
conz1 in long days peaked twice. The Wrst long day peak days (Fig. 7). In short days, gigz1A and gigz1B expression
occurred at roughly the same time as the peak in short days: began to increase during the light at 6–9 h after dawn and
12–15 h after dawn (Fig. 5). Expression then decreased dra- remained high throughout the light phase and into the dark
matically at 18 h after dawn only to increase again at 21 h (Fig. 6)—thus the initial increases in gigz1A and gigz1B
after dawn. The distinct conz1 expression patterns seen in expression occurred 6 h before the peak in conz1 expres-

1384 Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388

Expression of GIGANTEA homologs in Short Days Expression of GIGANTEA homologs in Long Days
0.35 0.5 1.6 0.06
gigz1A gigz1A

Expression (per ubi1)

0.3 0.05
Expression (per ubi1)

gigz1B 0.4 gigz1B

0.25 0.04
0.8 0.03
0.15 0.2 0.6
0.1 0.4
0.1 0.01
0.05 0.2
0 0 0 0

Light Condition Light Condition

Fig. 6 Expression patterns of gigz1A and gigz1B reXect a diurnal Fig. 7 Expression patterns of gigz1A and gigz1B reXect a diurnal
rhythm in plants grown in short days (8 h light, 16 h dark). Expression rhythm in plants grown in long days (16 h light, 8 h dark). Expression
as determined by Real-Time RT-PCR was normalized to ubiquitin1 in as determined by Real-Time RT-PCR was normalized to ubiquitin1 in
all cases. Each time point represents expression of gigz1A and gigz1B all cases. Light conditions are indicated by the colored bar at the bot-
from a pool of three diVerent individuals grown concurrently. Light tom of the graph, with the hatched boxes representing constant light
conditions are indicated by the colored bar at the bottom of the graph, condition corresponding to subjective dark.
with the hatched boxes representing constant light condition corre-
sponding to subjective dark
experiments and was reverse transcribed. The primers used
to amplify conz1 from B73 were able to amplify conz1
sion, consistent with the idea that GI is upstream of CO in from teosinte (amplicon size, melt curve and ampliWcation
the photoperiod pathway (Mizoguchi et al. 2005). Simi- eYciency were all comparable to that seen for B73; data
larly, in long days, gigz1A and gigz1B showed a single peak not shown) and were, thus, used in real-time PCR reactions
in expression, at 12–15 h post dawn (Fig. 7), 6–9 h before as previously described. In this experiment, ampliWcation
the second peak in conz1 expression. Thus, this single peak of ubiquitin1 (ubi1; as done previously with B73) was less
in gigz1A and gigz1B expression may account for the sec- than ideal (exhibiting higher variations in ampliWcation
ond peak of conz1 expression, but fails to account for the eYciency, melt curves and Ct values among data points
Wrst peak. It is also worth noting that the peak of gigz1A than all prior experiments), such that normalization of
and gigz1B expression occurred later in long days than it conz1 per ubi1 made it diYcult to conWdently discern a pat-
did in short days. The distinct long versus short day pat- tern of conz1 expression. In contrast, -tubulin (-tub)
terns of conz1 and the diVerent peak time of the gigz gene ampliWed well in teosinte samples (exhibiting tight melt
expression support the idea that maize both perceives var- curves and mean ampliWcation eYciencies of 1.0 § 0.014
ied day lengths and transmits that signal to genes predicted SE), therefore the expression of conz1 was normalized to
to function within the photoperiod pathway. Given that -tub for this experiment. As shown in Fig. 8, conz1
maize is insensitive to daylength, it remains to be seen expression in teosinte grown in long-days has one major
whether this pathway still functions in maize, or represents peak per 24-h period. Despite poor ubi1 ampliWcation, the
a vestigial remnant of an ancestral regulatory pathway. general trend observed upon normalization of conz1
expression to ubi1 is still consistent with the pattern seen
conz1 expression in long-day grown teosinte resembles using -tub (data not shown). The overall pattern of one
conz1 expression in short-day grown B73 peak per day is similar to conz1 expression for B73 grown
in short days, and to the expression of Hd1 in short-day rice
Even though the expression of gigz1A and gigz1B did not (Kojima et al. 2002, Hayama et al. 2003, Shin et al. 2004).
account for the biphasic conz1 expression pattern in long Thus, the expression of conz1 in long-day grown B73 has
days, we reasoned that this diVerence in expression of been altered relative to teosinte.
conz1 could be related to the insensitivity of B73 to photo-
period with regards to Xowering. We thus asked whether
the expression of conz1 in photoperiod-sensitive teosinte Discussion
would be distinct from that observed in photoperiod insen-
sitive B73. To address this question, we obtained seed and We have cloned and characterized the expression of con-
grew teosinte plants (alongside maize B73, for replication) stans of zea mays1 (conz1), a maize gene with signiWcant
under non-inductive long-day photoperiods as done previ- sequence similarity to CONSTANS (CO) from Arabidopsis
ously. RNA was collected as described for the previous and Heading date1 (Hd1) from rice. The conz1 gene is in a

Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388 1385

conz1 Expression in Teosintein Long Days occurred 6–9 h before the second peak in conz1 expression.
Avg. Expression (per b-tubulin)
Thus, the expression of these maize GI homologs does not
1.4 account for the presence of an additional peak in conz1
1.2 expression. A regulatory factor in addition to gigz1A and
1 gigz1B may act upon conz1 to induce the Wrst peak in conz1
0.8 expression in long day photoperiods. One possible regula-
0.6 tory factor is a homolog of FKF1. In Arabidopsis, FKF1
0.4 has recently been shown to form a complex with GI that is
0.2 required for relieving the repression of CO by CDF1 (Sawa
0 et al. 2007).
0 10 20 30 40 The similar expression of gigz1A/B and of conz1 in short
days to the expression of homologous genes in photoperiod
Hours Post-Dawn sensitive plants was expected given that maize was domes-
ticated from teosinte, which requires short days to Xower
Fig. 8 Average expression of conz1 in teosinte from two independent
replicates reXects a diurnal rhythm in plants grown in long days (16 h (Emerson 1924). The dramatic diVerence in conz1 expres-
light, 8 h dark). Expression as determined by Real-Time RT-PCR was sion in long-days (compared with the expression in short-
normalized to -tubulin in all cases. Each data point represents the days), however, was striking, as modern maize is relatively
average expression (§SE) of conz1 from two replicates each consist-
ing of a pool of three diVerent individuals grown concurrently. Num-
insensitive to photoperiod with regards to Xowering. Thus,
bers at the bottom of the graph represent the number of hours since the the expression data presented here suggest that modern
initial dawn at the beginning of the experiment. Light conditions are maize is able to discern variations in photoperiod despite
indicated by the colored bar at the bottom of the graph being insensitive to photoperiod in terms of Xowering. The
diurnal Xuctuations seen in our data are consistent with the
syntenous location relative to Hd1 and, similar to both Hd1 expression of the homologous photoperiod pathway genes
and CO, exhibited a diurnal expression pattern. Thus, all of in daylength sensitive species, like Arabidopsis and rice.
our data strongly supports conz1 as orthologous to Hd1 and This suggests the possibility that the photoperiod pathway
CO. Additionally, we characterized the expression of may continue to inXuence Xowering in maize. Indeed
gigantea of Zea mays1A and B (gigz1A and gigz1B), homo- regions of maize chromosomes syntenous with both Hd1
logs of genes upstream of CO and Hd1 in the photoperiod and OsGI in rice are associated with Xowering time QTL
pathway. (Chardon et al. 2004). However, temperate inbreds have
gigz1A and gigz1B have virtually identical expression undergone relatively recent selective pressures aimed at
patterns and their expression is consistent with Arabidopsis growing maize in a broader range of latitudes and are, thus,
GIGANTEA (GI) and rice OsGI. Regardless of photoperiod, relatively insensitive to photoperiod (Francis et al. 1969;
gigz1A and gigz1B expression peaks during the light phase. Russell and Stuber 1983; Mungoma and Pollak 1991; Ellis
In short days, gigz1A and gigz1B expression began to et al. 1992; Bonhomme et al. 1994; Birch et al. 1998). With
increase at 6–9 h after dawn and remained elevated into the such recent selection for relative insensitivity to daylength
dark period (Fig. 6). The expression of conz1 in short days in the regulation of Xowering, diurnal Xuctuations within
followed the expression of gigz1A and gigz1B by approxi- this pathway could represent vestigial patterns of gene
mately 6 h, peaking in the dark at 15 h post-dawn (Fig. 4). expression that no longer inXuence Xowering. In order to
This pattern is consistent with that seen in Arabidopsis and determine if the long-day expression pattern is ancestral or
rice, where GI and OsGI expression precede the expression unique to the photoperiod insensitive inbreds, we looked at
of CO and Hd1, respectively (Suarez-Lopez et al. 2001; conz1 expression in the short day progenitor of maize.
Hayama et al. 2002; Kojima et al. 2002; Hayama and conz1 expression in teosinte grown in non-inductive long
Coupland 2003). days exhibits only a single peak per 24 h period (Fig. 8).
Unlike the situation in short days, where the expression This suggests that changes have occurred within the photo-
of gigz1A and gigz1B correlates with the subsequent period pathway during the domestication of maize from
expression of conz1, the expression of gigz1A and gigz1B teosinte, possibly in response to the selective pressure
in long days does not readily predict the expression pattern towards daylength insensitivity. Precedence for this idea
of conz1. In long days, gigz1A and gigz1B showed one peak comes from other grasses including Avena and O. sativa.
in expression in the light phase, at 12–15 h post dawn Selective breeding of oat (A. sativa) led to daylength insen-
(Fig. 7). conz1 expression in long days, however, had two sitive lines of oat in which a single gene, designated Di1,
peaks per day (Fig. 5). The Wrst conz1 peak occurred in the confers the daylength insensitive trait (Burrows 1986).
light phase at 15 h post-dawn, coincident with gigz1A and Comparative mapping has recently shown that the Di1
gigz1B expression. However, the gigz1A and gigz1B peak locus is syntenous with the Hd1 locus in rice (Locatelli

1386 Planta (2008) 227:1377–1388

et al. 2006). Furthermore, in rice, selective pressures to et al. 2003). Careful analysis of a loss-of-function conz1
grow rice in a broader range of latitudes led to changes in mutant would reveal if Xowering time in maize is altered in
Xowering time and, speciWcally, the Hd1 and Ehd1 loci (see either photoperiod. The phenotype of a conz1 mutant would
below; reviewed in Izawa 2007b). suggest function of CONZ1 as Xoral activator, repressor,
Photoperiod insensitivity in temperate inbreds, like B73 both, or unrelated to Xowering. Searches of available
used here, could be achieved in a variety of ways, including mutant lines have, thus far, failed to identify such a mutant.
inactivating, overriding or modifying the photoperiod path- Assaying CONZ1 protein levels in varying photoperiod
way. For instance, the photoperiod pathway could still conditions will give an indication as to the possible func-
specify that maize be sensitive to daylength, but another tion of the CONZ1 protein in Xowering, based on the pro-
pathway, such as an autonomous pathway could override tein stability models in Arabidopsis and rice. EVorts to
the input from the photoperiod pathway and initiate the generate an anti-CONZ1 antibody are in progress, such that
developmental transition regardless of photoperiod. This future analyses will reveal if CONZ1 stability is inXuenced
model is consistent with maize inbreds, including B73, by light.
Xowering at approximately the same time regardless of the The data presented here suggest the possibility that
photoperiod in which they were grown (Birch et al. 1998). maize is not day-neutral with regards to perception of day-
Alternatively, other conz1-independent factors may be length, but has modiWed the photoperiod pathway down-
aVecting Xowering. In rice, for example, Ehd1 works in stream of conz1 transcription. Alternatively, it is possible
response to short days (preferentially) and long days to ini- that maize may have developed relative insensitivity to
tiate Xowering independently of Hd1 (Doi et al. 2004). photoperiod by activating an alternative Xowering pathway
Thus far there have been no reports of an Ehd1 homolog in to override input from the photoperiod pathway. Determin-
maize. Our results demonstrate that maize still perceives ing how the regulation of conz1 has been altered could
diVerences in daylength (as shown by the distinct patterns facilitate breeding strategies (e.g. using marker assisted
of conz1 expression and by the diVerential timing of gigz1 selection) such that photoperiod insensitivity of temperate
peaks relative to dawn in diVerent photoperiods), but we inbreds could be maintained while introducing valuable
cannot rule out the possibility of another pathway ulti- traits from photoperiod sensitive landraces of maize, or
mately overriding the input from the photoperiod pathway, even suggest strategies for establishing day-neutral lines of
the possibility of post-transcriptional modiWcations made to other important photoperiod sensitive crops.
components of the pathway that aVect Xowering, nor the
possibility of mutations that disrupt the potential for activa- Acknowledgments We thank Ron Phillips (University of Minne-
sota) and his research group for providing the Oat–Maize Addition
tion of a Xoral integrator by the photoperiod pathway. lines. Also, we thank the DuPont/Monsanto/Ceres Maize Sequence
The expression patterns of conz1 in short- and long-day Information Sharing Program (available at http://www.maizeseq.org/)
photoperiods suggest that maize, like Arabidopsis and rice, for sequence information used to identify conz1. Our thanks also go to
is able to discern variations in day-length. In other plants, Judd F. Hultquist, K. Dale Noel, Gail L. Waring (Marquette Univer-
sity) and several anonymous reviewers for their critical reading of this
critical aspects that diVerentiate the inductive versus non-
manuscript and for their helpful suggestions. This project was sup-
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