Wilcoxon Sign Rank Test

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Wilcoxon Signed • It is the first step in the analytic process

• to explore the characteristics of the data
Rank Test • to screen for errors and correct them
• to look for distribution patterns - normal
Dr Azmi Mohd Tamil distribution or not
• May require transformation before further
analysis using parametric methods
• Or may need analysis using non-parametric

Nonparametric Test
Choosing an appropriate method
• Number of groups of observations • Statistic does not depend on population
• Independent or dependent groups of distribution
observations • Data may be nominally or ordinally scaled
• Type of data – Example: Male-female
• Distribution of data • May involve population parameters such
• Objective of analysis as median
• Based on analysis of ranks
• Example: Wilcoxon rank sum test
Advantages of
non-parametric tests Non-parametric Tests
Variable 1 Variable 2 Criteria Type of Test
Qualitative Qualitative Sample size < 20 or (< 40 but Fisher Test
• Used with all scales
Dichotomus Dichotomus with at least one expected • Easier to calculate
value < 5)
Qualitative Quantitative Data not normally distributed Wilcoxon Rank Sum – Developed before wide computer
Dichotomus Test or U Mann- use
Whitney Test
Qualitative Quantitative Data not normally distributed Kruskal-Wallis One • Make fewer assumptions
Polinomial Way ANOVA Test
Quantitative Quantitative Repeated measurement of the Wilcoxon Rank Sign
• Need not involve population
same individual & item Test parameters
Continous or Quantitative - Data not normally distributed Spearman/Kendall
ordinal continous Rank Correlation • Results may be as exact as
parametric procedures © 1984-1994 T/Maker Co.

Disadvantages of
Non-parametric Tests Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test
• May waste information • Two groups of paired observations
– If data permit using parametric © 1984-1994 T/Maker Co.

– Example: Converting data
from ratio to ordinal scale

• Difficult to calculate by hand

for large samples
• Tables not widely available
Example Step 2
nores bps1 bps2
237 147 131
• Calculate the
• Whether there
835 166 150
251 159 147 difference
is any 809 150 139 between the two
241 170 160
difference of 233 164 155
the systolic 272 154 145

blood pressure 239 186 178 • Rank them

taken at 2
261 155 147
246 176 170

different time 247 186 181 ignoring + or -.

254 155 150
for 36 patients. 258 151 147 • Total up the + & -
257 162 159

Refer to Table A7.

Step 3 Look at n=33.

• Total up the ranks of the positives and the Take the smallest value
negatives. These are T+ dan T-. T+=152. Critical value for
• T+ = 152 and T- = 409 n = 33 (3 zero values) for
• Take the smaller value i.e. 152 and refer to significance at 0.05 is 171.
the appropriate table. Critical value for n = 33
(3 zero values so 36 - 3) for significance at
Therefore 152 < critical
0.05 is 171. Therefore < critical range. range; 0.02 < p < 0.05
• Therefore : Null hypothesis rejected.
• Conclusion: There is a sig difference of blood
pressure measured at two different times. BP
before rest is sig higher than after rest.
SPSS Output

N Mean Rank Sum of Ranks

BPS2 - BPS1 Negative Ranks 21a 19.48 409.00
Pos itive Ranks 12b 12.67 152.00
Ties 3c
Total 36
a. BPS2 < BPS1
b. BPS2 > BPS1
c. BPS2 = BPS1

Te st Statis ticsb

Z -2.300a
A symp. Sig. (2-tailed) .021
a. Based on positive ranks.
b. Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Tes t

Presentation Take Home Message

• Never sufficient to present the results • Both parametric & non-parametric
solely as a p value methods can be used for continuous data
• Median and quartiles should be given • Parametric methods are preferred if all
assumptions are met
• For small samples, the median and range
• Reasons
can be given
– Amenable to estimation and confidence
– Readily extended to the more complicated
data structures
Take Home Message
• We should carry out either parametric or non-
parametric test on a set of data, not both.
• When there are doubts of the validity of the
assumptions for the parametric method, a non
parametric analysis is carried out
• If the assumptions are met, the two methods
should give very similar answers
• If the answers differ, then the non-parametric
method is more likely to be reliable

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