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doi: 10.34172/joddd.2023.40461
Original Article
S. mutans counts.24,25 Ozone water is not very durable, To determine S. mutans counts in both the case group
and its preparation requires special tools.26 On the other and the control group, during the first session, dental
hand, it is difficult to use mouthwashes in this age group. plaque samples were taken before determining the plaque
Therefore, in the present study, the gel form of ozone index, and each sample was separately transferred to
was used in the younger age group, and unlike previous the microbiology laboratory in previously prepared
studies, samples were taken from the dental plaque itself. microtubes. In the laboratory, each sample was dissolved
In addition, a previous study used the gel form of ozone in 500 mL of normal saline and evaluated to determine the
by rubbing it on teeth and gingiva to treat gingivitis.27 colony counts in one of the microtubes in each group to
However, no study has evaluated the effect of ozone gel on determine the proper dilution. In three microtubes, 45 µL
S. mutans in children. of normal saline was placed, and 5 µL from the microtubes
containing the dissolved plaque was transferred into
Methods the first microtube; 5 µL of the first microtube was
In the present double-blind, randomized clinical transferred into the second, and 5 µL from the second
trial, sixteen 6–12-year-old children referring to the was transferred into the third microtube. This way, three
Department of Pediatric Dentistry, Tabriz Faculty of dilutions were prepared in microtubes, and 10 µL from
Dentistry, were evaluated. First, the parents signed an each dilution was separately transferred into MSB (mitis
informed consent form. The inclusion criteria consisted salivarius bacterium) solid agar medium as a selective
of an age range of 6–12 years, systemic health, no known bacterial culture medium and spread on the plate surface
allergy, no antibiotic therapy in the previous three weeks, homogeneously. The plates were incubated for 48 hours
patients with a high risk of caries (dmft > 3),28 and consent at 37 ºC under 95% nitrogen and 5% carbon dioxide,
to participate in the study. The exclusion criteria consisted and the formed colonies were counted. The presence of
of a lack of cooperation in the sampling procedure at the S. mutans was evaluated under a microscope. Of all the
specific time interval, the incidence of allergy symptoms plates, the plate with the lowest colony counts was selected
and signs to the materials used in the study, and not as the proper dilution, and the same concentration was
observing the instructions provided. used for the rest of the microtubes. After counting, the
The sample size was determined at n = 50 in each group number of colonies was multiplied by the reverse of the
using the plaque index value from a study by Indurkar and selected dilution. Since 10 µL of the solution was used for
Verm 27 by considering type I error at 0.05 and an 80% culturing on the plate surface for counting the colonies,
study power. To improve the study’s validity, the sample the achieved numeric value was multiplied by 100 to
size was increased by 10%, and finally, 55 samples were achieve the colony counts in 1 mL. Therefore, S. mutans
included in each group. The samples were assigned to counts were estimated in CFU/mL.30 STATA software
three groups: ozone gel, CHX gel, and control, using the version 14 was used for the statistical analyses of the data
random allocation rule. The patients and the examiner with Wilcoxon, Kruskal-Wallis, and post hoc Dunn tests.
were blinded to the study groups. All the subjects Statistical significance was defined at P < 0.05.
were instructed in oral hygiene measures, including
toothbrushing and flossing. The subjects in the 20-ppm Results
ozone and 1% CHX gel groups rubbed the gels on their The median bacterial counts (the number of colonies)
tooth surfaces twice daily for three weeks in addition to decreased in all the environments after the intervention;
routine oral hygiene measures.29 In the control group, the however, this decrease was significant in CHX and ozone
subjects rubbed one clean finger twice daily on all the tooth environments, with the least median counts in the CHX
surfaces. The subjects refrained from drinking and eating environment (Figure 1). The results showed that the
for half an hour after using the gels.29 The educational film bacterial counts and plaque sizes significantly decreased
was displayed in the parents’ presence and handed to them in all the groups after the intervention (P < 0.05) (Table 1).
in person. The intervention in both groups continued for Table 2 shows no significant differences in bacterial counts
three weeks. Baseline sampling (before intervention) and (P = 0.466) and plaque sizes (P = 0.365) between the groups
three weeks after the intervention were carried out in before the intervention. However, there were significant
the early morning hours when the children were fasting, differences in these two variables between the groups
and it was recommended that they not brush their teeth after the intervention (P = 0.001 for bacterial counts and
or use dental floss before the sampling procedure. After P = 0.003 for plaque sizes). Two-by-two comparisons of
sampling, the subjects brushed their teeth and continued the groups showed that the bacterial counts in the CHX
their routine oral hygiene procedures. In all the subjects, and ozone groups were lower than the control group
the baseline plaque index and S. mutans counts were (P = 0.001); however, there was no significant difference
determined in the samples collected from the buccal between the CHX and ozone groups (P = 0.380) (Table 3).
surface of the most posterior maxillary tooth (right or left In addition, plaque sizes in the CHX and ozone groups
side). The samples were taken from all the surfaces of the were significantly less than those in the control group
tooth in question with a toothpick and transferred into a (P = 0.001). However, there was no significant difference
microtube.29 between the CHX and ozone groups (P = 0.430) (Table 3).
178 J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects, 2023, Volume 17, Issue 3
Ebrahim Adhami et al
Before After
Study groups P value*
Mean SD Mean SD
J Dent Res Dent Clin Dent Prospects, 2023, Volume 17, Issue 3 179
Ebrahim Adhami et al
in this study, Anumula et al23 reported that the effect of Formal analysis: Leila Erfanparast, Zahra Molaei, Javid Sadeghi,
ozone-containing water on decreasing S. mutans counts Azam Yazdanparast.
Funding acquisition: Ziya Ebrahim Adhami.
was higher than that of CHX; therefore, they suggested
Investigation: Leila Erfanparast, Zahra Molaei, Javid Sadeghi, Azam
continuous use of ozone-containing water as a mouthwash Yazdanparast.
to replace CHX. These researchers evaluated patients with Methodology: Leila Erfanparast, Zahra Molaei, Javid Sadeghi, Azam
a higher rate of dental caries, with an MS rate > 105 CFU. Yazdanparast.
CHX is one of the most commonly used oral Project Administration: Ziya Ebrahim Adhami.
Resources: Javid Sadeghi, Azam Yazdanparast.
antimicrobial agents in different formulations.37 CHX
Supervision: Ziya Ebrahim Adhami.
exerts lethal effects on bacterial membranes and is Validation: Ziya Ebrahim Adhami.
active on gram-negative and gram-positive bacteria. Writing–original draft : Ziya Ebrahim Adhami, Leila Erfanparast,
It lyses bacterial cell wall and precipitates bacterial Zahra Molaei, Javid Sadeghi, Azam Yazdanparast.
cytoplasmic contents. In addition, it destroys bacterial Writing–review & editing: Ziya Ebrahim Adhami, Leila Erfanparast,
Zahra Molaei, Javid Sadeghi, Azam Yazdanparast.
phosphoenolpyruvate and inhibits its metabolic activity.38
Moreover, CHX indirectly affects the enzymatic function Competing Interests
of dehydrogenase and adenosine triphosphates in the The authors deny any conflict of interest.
bacterial cell wall, disrupting the cellular membrane.39
Several other studies have shown the effects of ozone Ethical Approval
on decreasing S. mutans counts. For example, Polydoru et This study was approved by the Ethics Committee of (Ethics code:
IR.TBZMED.REC.1401.304) and registered at the Iranian Registry of
al40 showed the bactericidal effects of ozone on S. mutans Clinical Trials (Identifier: IRCT20220727055562N1; https://www.
after applying it for 80 seconds. In another study, these
researchers showed complete inhibition of S. mutans
growth after applying it for one minute after eight weeks Funding
of follow-up.41 The study was financially supported by Tabriz University of Medical
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