Running Head: Assesment Project

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Running head: Assesment project

Level of study:
Assesment project

Table of Contents
Table of Contents....................................................................................................... 2
Introduction................................................................................................................ 3
Information about the Learner....................................................................................3
Tools Used.................................................................................................................. 4
Tools Reliability and Validity.......................................................................................4
Data Collection........................................................................................................... 5
Data collected............................................................................................................7
Data Analysis and Discussion.....................................................................................8
Summary of the Findings............................................................................................9

It is essential that suitable educational programme or provisions be put in place to help
ensure that pupils make the best progress possible. Assesment of a childs needs in various
specific areas therefore forms a fundamental pillar in educational perspective. To achieve this,
some management tools must be developed in order to allow proper assesment of childs needs.
However its important to note that different areas of learning require dieferent assessment tools
in order to come up with fruitful results tat may be able to assist a child in his/her deducational
quest. This assesemnt project put focus on maths as an individual area of assesment.
The main aim of this project was to be able to access a childs area of weakness and
consequently make recommendations that may asssist children in maximising their potential. The
pproject baiscally focused on establishing the critical link between the student and the special
teaching that the student requires
Information about the Learner
Childs Name:


Examiners name:
Date of Test

25th November, 2009

Date of Birth

9th June, 2009

Chronological Age

12 years 4 months 16 days

Location of study:

female (girl)


physically fit

Family background: The child comes from a wellestabished family. The financial income of the
family is average. This child is the second born in a family of three.
Domain of assesment:


Medium of communication: The baisc communication language of the child is English. She has
good spoken and writtend English.
Level of motivation: This child shows little interest in learning and even in interacting with
other children. In the class the child seems quiet and again in the
playground the child likes playing alone or with utmost two others.
Tools Used
The tools used in this project include is basically the individualized Educational Programe,
questioonanires, and observation.
To be able to attain its assesment objective, the study will assess the following areas of ability of
the child;
Identifying different sizes of items i.e weights, curencies and other units of measurement
Writing down the correct dates from memory and memorize mathematical tables.

Counting numbers and identifying numbers both in words and digits.

Ability to perform calcuations involving Algebra.
Doing calculations involving multiplication
Ability to solve mathematics problems.
Tools Reliability and Validity
The tools used here can be said to exhibit high reliability as they are directly representative of the
sample under study. They intend to give a high percentage of the actual asesment data of the
child under study. Their validty is also unquestionable given that they assseess a specific child
and identify his prowess as well as weakness in mathematics. They are therefore able to help

attain the desired goal eficiently.

Data Collection
Activity Plan 1
Objectives: establish a cxhilds ability to read and understand English as this will be determinant
of how he will be able to solve mathematical probems presented as statements.
Step 1: Read out a statement, interpret it and ask the child to work out the problem.
Step2: Read out a stetement and leave the child to interpret and work out the problem
Step 3: issue a statement and ask the child to solve the problem.
Step 4: repeat 1, 2 and 3 as appropriate.

Activity Plan 2
Objectives: establish the childs ability to differentiate various units and their uses.
Materials: Stones, water, money
Step 1: demonstarte the diffrence between quantifying units.
Step2: ask the child to quantify each of the above mentioned
Step 3: correct wher necessary.
Step 4: Motivate children to model on clayreplaec the materials with other of similar
qualtificatication units.
Step 5: let the child quantify them
Activity Plan 3
OBJECTIVE: Identify the Childs ability to memorize
Step 1: ask the child to read out a colun from the multiplication tables.
Step2: as him some of the read out mulitipliations leaving them book with him to refer.
Step 3: take away the book and repeat 2 above.

Activity Plan 4
Objectives: establish the childs ability to identfy numbers both in words and in digits
Step 1: help the child identify the diffrence between ones, tens, hundreds, thousands e.t.c
Step2: read out numbers in words and let the children write them down
Step 3: give out numbers in digits and let the child write in words.
Step 4: do the vice-versa of 2 and 3 above.

Activity Plan 4
Objectives: establish the childs ability to solve algebra equations
Step 1: give the child some algebra equations to solve
Step2: give the child statements that require formulation of algebraic equations before solving.
Activity Plan 5
Interview the childs teacher:
Tese was done through presentation of the teacher with a questionnaire as he held the ability to
answer it.
Interview the childs parents:
This was also done through questionnaires presented to the parents
Interview the child:
This was done with the help of an interview schedule which had been prepared earlier.

Data collected
This test gives the status of the learner before administering it based on entry behavior.
Test charcteristics
Ability to read properly and comprehend sentences
Identifying different sizes of items i.e weights, curencies and

% score

other units of measurement

Writing down the correct dates from memory and memorize


mathematical tables.
Counting numbers and identifying numbers both in words and


Ability to perform calcuations involving Algebra.


Doing calculations involving multiplication


Ability to solve mathematics problems presented in statement



Graphical representation of the data collected.

A = Ability to read properly and comprehend sentences
B = Identifying different sizes of items i.e weights, curencies and other units of measurement
C = Writing down the correct dates from memory and memorize mathematical tables.
D = Counting numbers and identifying numbers both in words and digits.
E = Ability to perform calcuations involving Algebra.
F = Doing calculations involving multiplication
G = Ability to solve mathematics problems presented in statement forms.
To find the childs overal ability in mathematis, the mean percentage score of the above key
areas of mathematics within his level of study was calculated as 57.14286
Data Analysis and Discussion
From the data presented above its evident that the child experiences average performance in
mathematics. This is depicted by the average performance exhibited in general by the child.
The childs poor reading and understanding of English later comes out to play as an important

factor affecting the performance of the child in mathematics. This is so especially when it comes
to sums which are presented in statement form. While the child exhibits goodpefromance in sms
that do not involve statements, he finds difficulty reading and understanding statements with
mathematical problems. However when the statement are read out to him, she easily answers the
Summary of the Findings
The child is good in mathematics but her linguistic probems cross over to affect his mathematics
In conclusion its important to note that there exists some intererlations between subjects studied
by students. This is more so when it comes to langugae probles which cross over to affec
perfomance in ther areas of is therefore important to train children adequately in mathe
matics in order to enhance their performance in mathematics. The teachers should on the oter
hand develop programmes/activities that enable them to assess the specific areas affecting a
childs performance as it may not be posible to do this as a group. Parents should also help in
improving their childrens linguistic capabilities as well as assist in identifying hcildrens areas of
weaknesses. They sholud the recommend necessary steps to be taken there of.


John, R (1996).Childens Assesment Strategies. Jomo Kenyatta Foundation, Nairobi
Patton, M. Q. (2002). Qualitative evaluation and research methods (3rd ed.). Thousand Oaks,
CA: Sage Publications, Inc.
Kirk, J., & Miller, M. L. (1986). Reliability and validity in qualitative research. Beverly Hills:



1. How many children are in class?

2. How would you rate the childs general performance?
3. How would you rate the childs perfomance in Languages?
4. What are the childs strengths in mathematics?
5. What are the childs areas of weakness in mathematics?
6. Which tools do you use to identify a childs area of weakness and strength?


7. What measures do you take to correct the above?


1. When was your child born?

2. Does your child have any disabilities?

3. How do you assist your child in developimng mathematics abilities?
4. How regularly do you discuss your childs performance with the teacher?
5. How would you rate your child in mathematics?


6. How do you communicate with your child at home?

1. Do you like mathematics?
2. If yes which areas secifically? If no, why?
3. Which kind of questtionns precsent great challenges to you?


4. Would you want to pass in mathematics or would want maths scrapped away altogether?
5. Which is the worst topic youve had to do in maths?
6. Why?
7. What would you want to be done to help you improve mathematics?

Through this asssesment I have learnt the various startegies used in assesment. Most importantly
I have learnt that through assesment both preventives and curative starategies can be prescribec
to variuos probems within the society.
Self assesemnt = 90%
Justification: I have covered the key research areas with each area given are clear and elaborate
explanation. My data collection an analysis is reflective of the roblem under investigation and
this is deicted by the elabarate resus given.

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