Time 1980-01-28 - Text
Time 1980-01-28 - Text
Time 1980-01-28 - Text
8mg.tar 9mg.tar
the public. This card also includes a more than ever, journalists must be
reminder of the people’s First Amend- prepared to move quickly and effec-
ment rights to a free and unfettered tively to defend the public's right to
press. know—the cornerstone of our rights
The next morning WXIA-TV sent as a free people in a free society.
its legal counsel from Atlanta to Rome At Gannett, we have a commitment
by helicopter to back up Craig's pro- to freedom in every business we are
test. But before this attorney arrived, in, whether it’s newspapers, television,
the judge reversed his decision and radio, outdoor advertising or public
reopened the courtroom doors. opinion research.
The quick use of The Gannett And so from Chicago to Shreve-
ATLANTA, Georgia— During the Card by reporters, coupled with the port, from Nashville to Niagara Falls,
trial of apornography king in Rome, Ga., capable support of local counsel, has every Gannett newspaper, every televi-
the judge suddenly ordered the doors kept courtroom doors open to Gannett sion and radio station is free to express
of justice shut on the public and their reporters in 11 of 15 cases in the five its own opinions. Each is free to serve
free press while he heard the testimony months following the U.S. Supreme the best interests of its own commu-
of a key witness. Court decision in Gannett v. DePas- nity in its own way.
Reporter Neil Craig of WXIA-TV, quale. (This decision allowed court-
the Gannett television station in Atlanta, room doors to be closed in certain
objected. He read into the record a cases.) In the same five-month period,
statement of protest from The Gannett the national scoreboard on courtroom
Card, a wallet-size card which equips closings has been more frightening—
all Gannett newsstaffers with a pre- only 42 of 107 were decided in favor of
pared plea for a hearing on any move the people and their free press. A World Of Different Voices
to close a courtroom to the press or At Gannett we believe that today, Where Freedom Speaks
8 34 62
Cover: Soviet moves World: Moscow's pup- Gold’s Psychology:
in Afghanistan draw pet government in Af- The rush to precious
anger in the U.N. and ghanistan bids for metals becomes a
force new priorities in legitimacy. » Paki- global stampede as
US. policy. The na- stan’s Zia holds out political tensions in-
tion and Congress are for more than “pea- crease, speculators go
in a get-tough mood nuts.” » Threats ofa for broke and ordi-
more defense, aid to US. boycott heat up nary people by the
Pakistan and, per- the hostage crisis in thousands catch gold-
haps,an Olympic boy- Iran. » Nkomo gets a bug fever. See ECONO-
cott. See NATION. hero's welcome. MY & BUSINESS.
54 61 64 68 70 7s
Education Religion Economy & Business Medicine
A school aboard a Seven bishops from A scrappy Japanese A thousand journal- The sad ballad of El- On John Hancock’s
schooner gives stu- the troubled and carmaker decides to ists meet 3,000 stuffed vis Presley.» Trouble birthday, penmakers
dents sea legs and col- balky Dutch Catholic build in the US, chicken thighs atSu- for women smokers. press a point about
lege credits. » Clark Church are sum- > Atlantic Richfield per Bowl XIV > Monitoring drug the problem of poor
Kerr retires from the moned to Rome to bets a bundle on a so- > Confessions of a use at the Winter handwriting. » The
Carnegie Council face the Pope. lar maverick. football “assassin.” Olympics. “Bo” look catches on.
82 83 84 90 4Letters
Television Law Press Essay 52 People
Charles Darwin, William O. Douglas, Three days after Iran As the decade begins, 69 Science
King Edward VIII passionate civil liber- expels its U.S. jour- the U:S. faces yet an- 79 Art
and a liberated wom- tarian who served nalists, the Soviet-in- other shortage: our 85 Books
an factory worker are longer than any other stalled government in vocabulary is shrink- 89 Theater
the subjects of a trio Supreme Court Jus- Afghanistan follows ing, and many new 89 Milestones
of new dramas. tice, dies at 81 Tehran's example. words just won't do.
TIME (ISSN 0040-78 1X) is published weekly at the subscription price of $31 per year, by Time Inc., 541 N. Fairbanks Court, Chica; , Ill, 6061 1, Principal office: Rockefeller Center, New York,
N.Y. 10020, James R. Shepley, President; J. Winston Fowlkes, Treasurer; Charles 8. Bear, Secretary. Second class postage paid at Chicago, Iil., and at additional mailing offices. Vol. 115 No. 4
© 1980 Time inc. All rights reserved. Reproduction in whole or in part without written permission is prohibited. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to TIME, Time/Life Building, 541 N. Fairbanks
Court, Chicago, !l!,60611
Bear Hug
To the Editors:
TIME’s cover of Jan. 15, 1979 (below),
is just as timely for this year. The only
change, distressingly enough, is that the
contemplative Russian bear depicted
there is now on the move: Afghanistan
[Jan. 7) is caught between its jaws, and
paw prints are discernible in Iran and
elsewhere around the Persian Gulf. I
dread to think what updating will be nec-
essary for your cover a year from now
Edward E. Plowman
Washington, D.C.
state is founded. It did not commit an act
of war in the name of Communism. Nay,
it did it for the lust of empire.
Michael Gold
OC ELC toky6, Japan Eugene, Ore.
In a class by itself
Iwajiro Noda, Chairman What a pity you did not wait just a lit-
tle longer to make your Man of the Year
Host to chiefs of state, financial leaders and executive travelers from around the world.
Hotel Okura is conveniently located adjacent to the American Embassy.
award. You could easily have chosen that
friendly, honest and trustworthy Soviet
See your travel agent or our hotel representatives: >] fellow who ordered the invasion of Af-
Hotel Representative Inc. Tel: 212-838-3110 Collect, 800-223-6800 Toll Free. 2
ghanistan, Leonid Brezhnev.
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William R. Gregory
John A. Tetley Co. Tel: 213-388-1151, 800-252-0211 Toll Free. a
Rensselaer, N.Y.
TIME, JANUARY 28, 1980
Some car enthusiasts think of Mazda LPONTIAC fe) annual fuel costs on each car's
RX 7 "S" as an economical, sporty estimated mpg’ for 15,000 miles at
import. If you're one of them, here's 90¢ per gallon. However, the annual
surprising news from Pontiac fuel costs quoted here are based on
FIREBIRD OFFERS BETTER a more realistic fuel price of $1.10
Pontiac Firebird rates 20 EPA EST. FIREBIRD HAS A LOWER
MPG while Mazda RX 7 "'S" offers INITIAL PRICE.
only 16 EPA EST. MPG. Multiply At $6132, Firebird is priced at $1748
Firebird's 20 EPA EST. MPG by its 21 less than Mazda RX 7 "'S:’ This base
gallon fuel tank, and you'll see Firebird car comparison of manufacturer
has an estimated range of 420 miles suggested retail prices includes
Mazda RX 7 "S" has a fuel capacity automatic transmission and dealer
of 14.5 gallons, giving it an estimated prep. Taxes, license and available
range of only 232 miles. Remember aot ee | equipment additional. Destination
Compare the "estimated mpg” to the |_
ESPEN Heer SEES charges vary by location and affect
estimated mpg” of other cars. You divisions. See your dealer for details comparison, Level of standard
may get different mileage and range FIREBIRD HAS LOWER equipment varies
depending on how fast you drive ANNUAL FUEL COSTS. Add up what you save on annual
weather conditions and trip length According to the fuel economy sticker fuel costs and base
Firebird mileage and range lower in the government requires on every price, and Firebird
California — Mazda's are the same new car sold in America, Firebird wins by $1954. See
Firebirds are equipped with GM-
As a member of an “unprogrammed”
meeting of the Religious Society of
Friends (Quakers), I wish your article on
preaching had mentioned that many find
God without the debatable aid of a hired
vocal ministry.
William Cooper
Martinez, Calif.
New Wkwouliitbe
(The Rev.) James M. Logan
Catalina Baptist Church
very rich cultural identity under the ti-
tles of art collector and art protector
However, like any other natural resource,
there is a finite supply
Gail Kosloff
Framingham, Mass
Since the IRS makes it worthwhile for
Enter the world of Benihana 4 Then the main course
the rich to benefit from purchasing art,
Feel rhe warmth of rhe Your choice of entrees. Like
graceful oriental decor, the soft, the IRS also has a moral obligation to
tender boneless breasts of
relaxing samisen music. And chicken. Specially selected make it easier for artists to survive. The
get ready for an orienral steaks. Plump lobster. Plus fact is that without the contribution ofart-
masterpiece. Ahhh fresh bean sprouts ists’ creations, our lives would be very dull.
Suddenly your chef Mushrooms. Zucchini Ken S. Huang
appeors and rhe feasr And onions. Sliced and Memphis
begins. Prepared on a diced into slender mouth-
hibachi grill right before @ watering slivers. And rice The whole world is so rotten with rev-
your eyes ‘ And piping hot green erence for pelf, one is not surprised to see
For openers, there's tea. Ahhh. a work of art esteemed only for its cash
onion soup, Japanese Irs a complete dinner— value. In today’s world economy, which |
style. Next, crisp, green all included in a mag- resembles nothing so much as Goya's pic-
salad. Sizzling, succulent ical experience you ll ture of Saturn eating his children, art is
shrimp. Ahhh never forger. Ahhh just one more object of sacrifice
James Sullivan
Barre, Mass.
I am surprised that the Gablers al-
COPY DESK: Susan B. HahnKeg dEleanor Edgar. Judth Anne Paul (Deputies);
Frances Bander, Minda Bikman, ‘ane, Madelme Butler, Joan Cleary, Leo Deuel,
low the American Revolution to be Cia Elkin, Lucia Hamet, Evelyn Hannon, Katherine Mibiok, Marl Minden, Emily Mitchell,
| Dept. TM-61, Box 2030, Tampa, Florida 33601 Maria Paul, Amelia Werss, Zimmerman
| taught. Do they want impressionable kids PRODUCTION: Sve Aitkin (Chief); Manuel Delgado, Agustin Lamboy, Lee R.Sparks,
Enclosed is $1.00. Please send my Traveling
| Man’s Humidor packed with three #95 English to get the idea that a bunch of hotheads Pearl Amy Sverdin, Alan Washburn
LETTERS: Maria Luisa Cisneros (Chie!)
Market Selection all natural leaf cigars. who think they know better than their | EDITORIAL SERVICES: Norman Airey (Director); George Karas, Michael £. Keene,
| Name rightful ruler are good guys? Benjamn Lightman, CarolynR.Pappas, Elizabeth G. Young
in AWeyes
Thomas N. Longstreth Associate Publisher: Regealt K. Brack Ir
Brooklandville, Md.
General Manager: Donal |. Spurdie
Promotion Director: Robert D. Sweeney
Circulation Director: Richard W. Angle Jr
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State zp
Address Letters to TIME, Time & Life Build- U.S. Advertising Sales Manager: George W. McClellin
Please print legibly—Do not abbrewate ing, Rockefeller Center, New York, N.Y. 10020
Associate U.S. Adv. Sales Directors: Kenneth £ Clirke, Jotn A. Higgons
ieee — fer expires June 30, 1980
problem will be to see that we spend it cow its most serious U.N. setback since tary of State Cyrus Vance, whose pen-
for the right things.” the 1956 condemnation of the Soviet in- chant for using delicate diplomatic
Round the globe, other nations were vasion of Hungary. Dozens of Third language is legendary, sounded stern. Said
also anxiously reassessing the interna- World states that have long followed the he: “The Soviet Union clearly crossed a
tional situation in the wake of the Soviet Moscow line almost automatically on in- threshold in its action.” He warned that
move into Afghanistan. One nearly uni- ternational affairs last week went on rec- “they are going to have to pay a cost as
versal conclusion: the U.S.S.R. is an ag- ord against the U.S.S.R. Commented a long as their troops stay in Afghanistan
gressor and must be so branded. All senior West German official in Bonn In addition, they are going to have to re-
Washington's allies, though hesitant “That's the advantage of Afghanistan.” alize that this kind of action is going to
about joining the U.S. in retaliatory mea- Despite all the talk in recent years be met by a firm and protracted response
sures, sharply denounced the Soviet ac- about the world’s having changed into a so that such adventures will not happen
tion. British Prime Minister Margaret place with several centers of power, the in the future
Thatcher said: “We cannot just stand dominant relationship still is that between But it was Carter who used almost
back and see Russia do what they have the US. and the Soviet Union. Thus it every opportunity to blast the Kremlin
done in Afghanistan West German was to Washington that other nations To a White House Conference on Small
Chancellor Helmut Schmidt, in an ad- were looking for leadership. The Admin- Business, for instance, he said that “we
dress to the Bundestag, used some of his istration was clearly angry. Even Secre- are Outraged that armed forces of the
strongest language so far to condemn the
Soviet aggression He warned that it not
only “directly affects the interests of the
Third World and adjoining countries” but
also “has an unavoidable effect on Eu-
rope and us in Germany.” In Melbourne
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Fra
ser asserted that the Soviet action “poses
dangers to world peace greater than any
in the past 35 years.” He called on the na
tions of the world “to show that a line
can and wil! be drawn against Soviet ex-
pa sion Even Indira Gandhi, India’s
ne y re-elected Prime Minister, who at
first seemed to back the Soviet move, told
a New Delhi press conference last week
that no “country is justified in entering an
other country
the allies, as is the possibility of more
=| strictly limiting the sale of high-technol- e
© ogy items to the Soviets. On the parallel | z
matter of possible economic moves
against Iran, each ofthe allies merely of-
fered “to do what was possible to carry
out the spirit of the sanctions.”
Who Needs Their Vodka? he: “If Ihave to lose myjob to show the Soviets that we won’t
be pushed around, it’s worth it.” At Kennedy baggage han-
dlers, who belong to the Teamsters, refused to unload Aero-
A New York airports, traffic controllers and baggage han- flot airliners, forcing Soviet management personnel to do the
dlers harass incoming flights of Aeroflot, the Soviet air- job. The Teamsters asserted that members would also with-
line. In California, restaurants stop serving Russian or Ira- hold ground service for Aeroflot planes landing at Dulles In-
nian caviar, and in Chicago, Restaurateur Gene Sage pub- ternational Airport near Washington.
licly pours Russian vodka onto Lake Shore Drive. Other citizens took out their rage on vodka and caviar.
These are a few indications of the national mood in the In San Francisco, Victor Bergeron, owner of the 20-restau-
wake ofthe Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. That mood, com- rant Trader Vic’s chain, sent a cable to all members forbid-
pounding the anger caused by the seizure ofhostages in Iran, ding them to buy or sell either product. Then he personally
is unmistakably indignant, but it is also puzzled and frustrat- smashed his last six bottles of Stolichnaya vodka. The five
ed. People feel injured in their national pride and yearn for Fairmont hotels throughout the country also announced that
tougher action. But they are not ready for war, and are un- they will not stock Russian vodka, or caviar from the Soviet
able to figure out what nonmilitary actions might impel the Union or Iran. Though no figures are available, the boycott
Soviets to pull out of Afghanistan or the Iranians to free the will have little effect. Most vodka consumed in the U’S. is do-
hostages. Kenneth Stein, an assistant professor of Middle mestically distilled; the liquor from the Soviet Union sells in
Eastern history at Emory University, describes the feeling as limited quantity at high prices.
“a sense of impotence and frustration.” In some cases citizens went beyond the Government in
Accordingly, citizens are venting their emotions in sym- their expressions of anti-Soviet fury. Two weeks ago, the In-
bolic actions. Some are meant simply to express renewed pa- ternational Longshoremen’s Association announced that its
triotism. The American Savings & Loan Association of Flor- members would not load cargo aboard ships bound for the
ida has given out 80,000 free American flag lapel pins since it Soviet Union. Last week President Carter called I.L.A. Pres-
began running newspaper ads offering “to give you some- ident Thomas Gleason to the Oval Office and told him, “as
thing that money can’t buy: pride.” your President and Commander in Chief,” to “unclog the dis-
But the anger that Americans originally focused on Iran, tribution system.” Gleason promised no more than to discuss
while hardly forgotten, is mainly being directed against a the request with his membership. But the Government itself
new target: the Soviet Union. In New York, a man in a ski is moving to cut down cultural exchanges; last week it made
mask left a bomb at Aeroflot’s Manhattan office Sunday it known that it would cancel a Washington exhibition of art-
night, Jan. 13; the explosion stunned three French passers- works from the Hermitage Museum in Leningrad.
by. At Long Island-MacArthur Airport, which handles radar These outbursts of indignation may make the Americans
controls for the area’s three major airports, Controller Tony displaying them feel better. But their probable effect on So-
Maimone refused to guide an Aeroflot jet into Kennedy. Said viet foreign policy is too infinitesimal to calculate.
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create new pressures on West Berlin,
make it more difficult for West Germans
to visit relatives in East Germany, and
lead to a cutoff of the steady repatriation °
from Poland and the U.S.S.R. of tens of >
his allied passivity, some argue, bassador in Moscow for three years. Says est and would move in with all their
may be an early form of “Finland- he: “We have tended to shove aside our power to protect that interest.’ The State
ization.” But whether it genuinely real perception of the Soviet threat. We Department, however, asserts that Toon’s
reflects popular attitudes is open have underestimated the competitive as- cables called a Soviet invasion “very
to question. In fact, there were mounting pects of the relationship and overestimat- unlikely.”
signs last week that the West German and ed the cooperative ones.” He urges the The Administration also might be
French public sided with the U.S. Said Po- US. to have no “illusions that the Soviets faulted for sending unclear signals to Mos-
litical Scientist Pierre Hassner: “Public are, like us, interested in world peace and cow and frequently changing direction
opinion is ahead here. The people are reducing tensions.” For example, Carter, in a major foreign
really taking these events seriously, and Apparently Toon was nudged out of policy speech at the U.S. Naval Acad-
the governments of France and West Ger- his Moscow post last October because emy in June 1978, simultaneously warned
many look as though they are clinging to Washington was annoyed by his repeat- the Soviets of U.S. strength and appealed
old notions. They are out of touch with ed warnings of potential Soviet aggres- for compromise, leaving observers won-
their people on this issue.” Across the bor- sion. He told TIME: “It seemed obvious dering whether he was waving a saber
der, Frankfurt’s respected Frankfurter | to us in Moscow that the Soviets re- or an olive branch. The dovish stance
Allgemeine Zeitung editorialized that “the garded Afghanistan in their vital inter- he seemed to be taking when he can-
: ;
question now is whether the friends and f celed the B-I supersonic bomber and
allies of the U.S, will show the required de- indefinitely postponed production of the
gree of solidarity, even if it is at their ex- neutron warhead appeared to be con-
pense. At least an attempt must be made
to contain Soviet arrogance.”
Implicit in the process of forging a
Good Old Days | tradicted by his approval of the MX mo-
bile missile and his frequent denunciation
of Soviet human rights violations. Part
new approach to America’s foreign rela- here once was a simpler way to deal of the problem has been that Carter has
tions is a scrutiny of the policies that have with the Soviets, Senator Henry been receiving almost diametrically con-
guided the Administration up to now. One Jackson recalled last week—and it in- flicting advice from his two top foreign
unavoidable question: To what extent did volved another Iran crisis. In 1946 the affairs aides, the generally conciliatory
Washington itself bring on the current cri- Soviets and British agreed to end their Vance and the relatively hard-line
sis? Some experts charge that the Admin- World War II occupation of Iran, but Brzezinski
istration underestimated the Kremlin the Soviets reneged. They increased Many experts believe that Carter's
They argue that Secretary of State Vance their forces and set up autonomous re- zigzagging policy has confused, irritated
and his Soviet affairs specialist, Marshall gimes in the northwestern provinces of and at times infuriated the Soviets. But it
Shulman, dismissed Soviet interference Azerbaijan and Kurdistan. is also possible (and the two points are
(either direct or with Cuban proxies) in In a little-known episode of nucle- not contradictory) that the fumbling U.S
Angola and Ethiopia as simply opportu- ar diplomacy that Jackson said he had policy led Moscow to conclude that it
nities that were too tempting for Moscow heard from Harry Truman, the Presi- might be able to take advantage of a Pres-
to ignore. The long-range consequences dent summoned Soviet Ambassador ident who appeared so unsure of himself.
of such moves would not necessarily be se- Andrei Gromyko to the White House. Another element that may have con-
rious, the State Department often said, be- Truman told Gromyko that Soviet tributed to the current crisis is the Ad-
cause the Soviets had on several occasions troops should evacuate Iran within 48 ministration’s declining ability to use
been expelled from countries they had hours—or the U.S. would use the new force. The steady drop in defense spend-
seemed to be dominating. Chiefexamples: | superbomb that it alone possessed. ing for almost the entire decade after 1966 |
Egypt, Sudan and Somalia ““We're going to drop it on you,’ ” has limited the President’s capacity to de-
One of the most forceful critiques of Jackson quoted Truman as saying. ter or respond to Soviet adventurism. Sim-
such assessments of the Kremlin comes | “They moved in 24 hours.” ilarly, the President has been deprived of
from Malcolm Toon, a recently retired ca- considerable flexibility in pursuing pol-
reer diplomat who served as U.S. Am- icy because ofthe statutes, enacted in the
TIME, JANUARY 238, 1980
a 13
Nation |
mid-1970s, that restrict his deployment of | an especially useful foreign policy instru- anti-Soviet diplomatic offensive. To sus-
| USS. troops overseas and his covert use of ment. Said a State Department official last | tain this, the U.S. would have to court
intelligence agents. Indeed, the erosion of week at Foggy Bottom: “There are no much of the Third World assiduously,
American strength is a fact that is now | doves left in this building.” playing on its fears of Soviet aggression
openly trumpeted by Moscow. A commu- In confronting potential Soviet ag- and stressing the advantages of friendship
niqué issued two weeks ago by the Krem- gression, the key military consideration with the U.S. A major obstacle to forging
lin at the conclusion of a visit by French for the US. is the President’s ability to dis- such an anti-Soviet front in the Third
Communist Party Boss Georges Marchais patch well-equipped troops to endangered World, however, is the still volatile Arab-
proclaimed: “The principal fact of the cur- areas quickly. Carter would have great Israeli situation. Especially troublesome
rent world situation is the change in the difficulty doing this today. Although the has been the inability, so far, of Egypt
balance of forces. That is a powerful en- US. has a very powerful Army, Navy and | and Israel to agree on a formula that
couragement for the development of the Air Force, it actually is short of the ships | would grant Palestinians in the West
class struggles in the world.” and planes needed to transport large num- Bank and the Gaza Strip the autonomy
Administration aides do not deny that bers of troops rapidly overseas. It also mandated by the Camp David accords.
mistakes have been made. But they stress lacks sufficient quantities of ammunition, Says former Under Secretary of State
the gains achieved by Carter, especially weapons, fuel and other battlefield sup- George Ball: “As long as that West Bank
in the Middle East. Says White House plies. It is to end these shortages that the thing continues to fester, there isn’t a
Chief of Staff Hamilton Jordan: “Imagine Administration, after several years of de- chance ofour having decent relations with
| the states in the Middle East.”
rd> > Washington could mount economic
° pressure on the Soviet bloc. Says Harvard
Soviet Expert Adam Ulam: “We might
stop helping the East European clients of
Russia and thereby put more pressure on
the Soviet economy.” In his memoirs, Kis-
singer noted that the West has never se-
riously tested whether the Soviets would
prefer economic development to foreign
adventures. For such a policy to have im-
pact, however, the NATO allies would have
to cooperate on economic measures to an
unprecedented extent.
> Washington could further cement its
ties to Peking in order to create new un-
certainties on the U.S.S.R.’s eastern bor- |
der. During his visit to China earlier
this month, Defense Secretary Harold
Brown pointedly stated that Moscow’s
new aggression could prompt the U.S.
and China to coordinate their military
as well as their diplomatic response to
Massing before the Soviet embassy in Rome, protesters denounce the invasion of Afghanistan the Soviet threat. Indeed, Washington is
already buzzing privately with some talk
The condemnation by an outraged world has been more than Moscow bargained for.
of a U.S.-Chinese military tie. Congress
the position that our country would be in lay, has asked Congress to move quickly seems ready, moreover, to grant Peking
today in responding to the situation in to appropriate some $10 billion over the most-favored-nation trade privileges.
Iran and Afghanistan if Egypt and Israel | next five years for a Rapid Deployment The Soviets may have invaded Af-
were headed toward another war. Or if Force. If Congress approves the new pro- ghanistan because they thought the risks
we lacked a solid relationship with the gram, the first new forward-deployed sup- were small, and they may have been star-
Saudi Arabians. Or if we had not yet nor- ply vessels could be ready in 1983. tled and dismayed by the world’s strong
malized our relations with the People’s reaction. In light of the past week’s events,
Republic of China.” Still, the Soviet efore then the U.S. could attain the however, it is just about impossible to
march into Afghanistan jolted Carter so ability to fight at short notice in imagine the Kremlin misreading the
badly that he seems to have recognized troubled areas by establishing new mood of the Administration and the
the inadequacy—even the inherent con- military bases overseas. Henry nation.
tradictions—of some of his previous pol- Kissinger has suggested that “in addition Jimmy Carter not only is angry but in-
icies. Tempting as it might have been last to whatever arms we give Pakistan, we tends to stay that way, according to his
week, he indulged in no recriminations ought to discuss with Pakistan the possi- White House aides. Says one: “Even if
against those whose advice he had fol- bility of establishing some American air the Soviets get out of Afghanistan quick-
lowed. There was too much work to be and maybe naval bases in that country.” | ly, he wants to keep many of these pu-
done on formulating a new policy toward He feels that the presence of U.S. troops nitive measures in place for a long time.”
the Soviet Union. will reassure New Delhi that the military Indeed, even a withdrawal of the Soviet
This new US. policy, like every oth- | supplies that would be shipped to Pakistan invading force, which would presumably
er foreign policy, will be composed of a | would not be “suitable for a war of aggres- occur only after the imposition of total So-
mixture of those instruments that influ- sion against India.” viet authority, would neither erase the
ence the behavior of nations. The precise The use of military force is almost al- original aggression nor make the
mix—running from reward to punish- ways a last resort. Indeed, the main ef- USS.R.’s jittery neighbors rest any eas-
ment, moral suasion to force—is what forts of the nation’s diplomats almost cer- ier. A re-establishment of stability in
gives a policy its distinctive character. In tainly would be to check Soviet expansion Southwest Asia can only come from a sus-
international relations, the toughest in- without having to order Americans into tained effort by the US., its allies and
strument is, of course, armed might. With battle. There are a number of methods other concerned states. For this, Jimmy
| abatensions now running very high, the available. Among them: Carter must take the lead—something he
ability to apply force would appear to be > Washington could orchestrate a broad now seems ready to do. a
ue |
TIME, JANUARY 28, 1980
Olympics: To Go or Not to Go the Games. More than 100 members of
Parliament signed motions urging the
L.0.C. to move the Olympiad.
The U.S. weighs hitting Moscow where it would reall ly hurt For its part, the 1.0.C. is adamantly
opposed to moving the Games. “It’s Mos-
» In Moscow last week, truck af-
cow or nowhere,” said Lord Killanin, an |
i d ter truck rolled to a stop out-
Irish peer who has served as president of
side the new press building
the I.0.C. since 1972. Killanin argued thay
near the Foreign Ministry, and
it would be “virtually physically impossi-
fur-hatted workers unloaded crates of
ble” to shift the Games to another site, and
telephone and telex equipment. A mile
that in any case the I.O.C. is obligated to
north of the Kremlin, electricians toiled
fulfill its 1974 contract with the Soviet
in the Olimpiisky Sports Center, which
Union for the Moscow Games. US. offi-
will be the largest covered stadium in Eu-
cials nonetheless plan to ask the I.0.C. to
rope. Near by, other workers rushed to
take up the question of moving the Sum-
finish a huge swimming arena. In class-
mer Games at its next scheduled meeting,
rooms and auditoriums all over Moscow,
at Lake Placid, N.Y., early next month.
some 200,000 prospective tour guides, But the request will almost certainly be
waiters and other staffers continued learn- International Olympic President Lord Killanin turned down. Said a top I.0.C. official: |
ing foreign languages and the foibles of
“Those who believe that there will be no
——s the 300,000 tourists who are expected at Moscow Games are the victims of wishful
this summer's Olympic Games.
thinking. So far, all our national commit-
Thus, as far as Soviet officials were tees are against [any change].”
concerned, the Games were still on. But
around the world there was a growing de-
S an alternative, Christopher talked
bate among diplomats, Olympic officials,
with NATO members about boycotting
champion athletes, politicians and sports
the Moscow Games. To muster support
fans over the Carter Administration’s pro-
for a boycott, U.S. officials have suggest-
posal that the Games be moved to an-
ed holding an alternate set of games, a
other country, postponed or boycotted to
sort of “Free World Olympics” in which
protest the Soviet invasion of Afghani-
nations boycotting the Moscow Games
stan. The Soviets reacted with anger. Said
would compete. This would enable ath-
one editor about Carter: “He is going too
letes from the U.S. and other nations who
far. This has nothing to do with Afghan-
have been training for years to take part
istan. It is America’s pure anti-Sovietism
in an international contest, though obvi-
| coming out again.” U.S. Olympic President Robert Kane ously not one carrying the historic pres-
The fact is that there is probably no “It’s Moscow or nowhere.” tige ofan Olympiad.
single action short of war that would pun-
The boycott idea proved unpopular
| ish Moscow more than to have the Olym- Sports Jean-Pierre Soisson: “The Olym- with most governments. The Nether-
0 pics taken away or spoiled. As the first pics are a sporting event, nota political af- lands, however, has stopped funding its
Communist country to play host to the fair.” That, of course, is not true. The Olympic teams, and Canada has ex-
modern Games in their 84-year history, Olympics long ago became politicized, pressed strong interest in a boycott.
the U.S.S.R. is determined to turn them with authoritarian societies like Nazi Ger- On Sunday Carter said that he op- |
into a model show. Over the past three many and the Soviet Union sparing no ef- posed U.S. participation in the Games
years, the Soviets have spent, by their of- fort to train their athletes—all in the “regardless of what other nations do,” In
ficial figures, $375 million in preparation hopes of piling up gold medals as proof of theory, an American boycott decision
for the Olympics, including the construc- the superiority of their political systems. would rest with the U.S. Olympic Com-
tion of 99 arenas, dormitories and other The only exception in Europe was mittee. But the President’s call for a with-
buildings. The Moscow Olympics are Great Britain, where Prime Minister Mar- drawal. which will probably be backed
meant to be a monument to the Soviets’ garet Thatcher, appearing before the by Congress, will be difficult for the
self-esteem, an extravaganza of self-con- | House of Commons, endorsed a shift of U.S.0.C. to reject. Its leaders are naturally
gratulation that in a way betrays their pro-
found insecurities. With so tempting a tar-
get, the Carter Administration last week
was doing some purposeful sighting. Sec-
retary of State Cyrus Vance announced a
mid-February deadline for a Soviet pull- Kammer
out from Afghanistan if the Games are to (and sickLe)
go on as scheduled. Appearing on NBC’s 3DND0(AO¥d
Meet the Press, the President said that he
had asked the U.S. Olympic Committee to
boycott the summer Games or move the
Olympics to another city unless the Sovi-
ets withdrew from Afghanistan by the MiLTING
February deadline. Said Carter: “Neither SCULLING
I nor the American people will support |
sending the American team to Moscow __—Track
while Soviet troops are in Afghanistan.” | (AND FIELD
Only the International Olympic Com- aFTiLbery)
| mittee can make the decision to move the
Games. Deputy Secretary of State Warren
Christopher, who at the President’s behest
sounded out NATO members about shift-
ing the Games, found them cool to the
idea. Said French Minister of Youth and
TIME, JANUARY 28, 1980
Nation |
| at such a prospect. Said Robert tantly boycott Moscow if asked to do so by well as its best chance of getting out
Kane, 67, president of the U.S.O.C. since the President. Said Craig Masback, 24, of of last place in the network ratings.
1977: “I do not favor the concept of a boy- White Plains, N.Y., one of the world’s Merchandising mghts for the 1980
cott at all. The Games do not belong to fastest milers: “As an athlete, I am very Olympics in the Western Hemisphere are
the Soviet Union. They belong to the In- frustrated and disappointed. But I am also owned by Stanford Blum, president of Im-
ternational Olympic Committee. To boy- well aware of what an important political age Factory Sports, Inc., in Los Angeles.
cott the Games would be to show disloy- tool the Olympic Games represent, not He has sold licenses to 58 companies to
alty to the organization to which we only to the Soviet Union but to the entire market Olympic trinkets, ranging from
belong and to the Olympics.” Moreover, Eastern bloc. Our boycotting the Games stuffed Misha bears (the official symbol
said Kane, “a unilateral boycott would not would be both valid and effective.” of the Games) to pajamas and key chains.
be very effective.” Not, perhaps, in halt- Dwight Stones, 26, a high jumper from Because ofthe possible U.S. boycott, many
ing the Games, but certainly in robbing Long Beach, Calif., who won bronze med- retail stores have stopped ordering the
the medals of much of their validity and | als at both the 1972 and 1976 Games, souvenirs, and production has halted on
prestige in sports where the U.S. would thinks the U.S. should take more immedi- some items. For example, US Americans,
have been strong. ate action. Said he: “Why not bar the So- a firm based in Los Angeles, is stuck with
Last week Kane met with Vance and viet Union from coming here for the Win- an order of 15.5 million plain drinking
White House aides in Washington and re- ter Games?” Said Bill Toomey, 41, who glasses; until the boycott issue is resolved,
peated the U.S.O.C.’s strong opposition to won a gold medal in the decathlon in the the company does not dare follow through
a boycott. If the President did request one, 1968 Games; “We would be naive to place on plans to imprint the Moscow Games
Kane announced later, the U.S.0.C. would track and field ahead of world events. insignia on them. Groused Blum: “The
sales being blown away are between $50
million and $100 million, Premium pro-
motions are hurting because companies
don't want to be identified with things
that have ‘Moscow’ written on them.”
Whatever happens, Blum will not look to
Moscow for a refund. Said he, with a
shrug: “The Soviets will simply say, ‘It
isn’t our fault.’
Inside Moscow's Druzhba Hall, the volleyball arena built for the 1980 Games
still in the U.S.
The Kremlin is counting on the LO.C.
to hold firm and keep the Games in Mos-
Few acts would punish the Soviet Union so much as spoiling its Olympiad. cow. Soviet officials argue that, since the
U.S.S.R. has fulfilled its agreement with
poll prospective team members before | Sports cannot live outside reality.” Last the L.O.C., there is no reason for moving
making a decision. Many champion ath- week the Muhammad Ali Amateur Sports the Games elsewhere. The Kremlin ex-
letes in the U.S. oppose a boycott. Said Club in Santa Monica, Calif., decided not pects some athletes to withdraw, but as in-
Al Feuerbach, 32, of San Jose, Calif., a to wait for the White House and an- dividuals and not as entire national teams.
shot putter who finished fourth in the 1976 nounced its own boycott. The group, con- If nations do boycott the Games, Mos-
Olympics: “I am 100% opposed to any sisting of 32 athletes, agreed to the move cow is determined to go on with the Olym-
pullout, for any reason. We make the sac- after listening to an emotional speech by piad. Four years later, however, it might
rifice, we pay our own way, we're not con- .Ali. At least half a dozen club members pay back the U.S. by boycotting the Sum-
nected to the Government. It’s not their | —including Sprinter Houston McTear mer Games scheduled for Los Angeles.
life dream that’s being tampered with.” and Hurdler Greg Foster—were consid- If so, the Olympic movement might
Added Mark Belger, 23, who specializes ered top Olympic contenders. be mortally wounded. Said Kane: “There
in the 800-meter run: “We are being ex- An American boycott of the Mos- would no longer be Olympic Games. They
ploited to the fullest extent. Exploitation cow Games would mean millions of dol- would not be a global enterprise any
is taking away the right to run in the lars in losses for dozens of U.S. com- more.” On the other hand, the threat of
Olympics after working with that objec- panies. NBC, for example, has paid the boycott revived an old suggestion: that
tive in mind for years.” Agreed a former Soviets $87 million for the television rights the Games be permanently located in a
Olympic star, Bob Mathias, 49, of Col- and plans to broadcast more than 150 small country, thus making them less
orado Springs, Colo., who won gold med- hours of the Games this summer. If the vulnerable to the pressures of high-pow-
als in the decathlon in 1948 and 1952: US. withdraws, NBC has decided not to ered international politics. President
“Our people want to go to Moscow to beat cover the Games at all. Though the net- Carter favors this step. He believes that
the hell out of those guys and tell them work would recover almost all of the fee the most logical site would be Greece,
face to face what’s wrong with them.” from its insurance company, it would where the Olympic torch first flickered
But many other athletes would reluc- lose expected advertising revenues, as in 776 B.C. a
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tia, warned, “It is time for the U.S. to
learn to behave with greater modesty.
That will be better for both America it-
self and the whole world.” The man in
7 Representative Agha
\gha Shah
hal ___ Afghan Foreign Minister Mohammed Dost the Moscow street often echoed his lead-
“We refuse to be a pawn in the hands of any power bloc.” ers’ sentiments. “Why are you pushing us
around?” asked an economics teacher.
vide another ingredient in the Soviets’ some value. For one thing, the U.N. pro- “Afghanistan is a Marxist country.”
decision-making process.” vides the only arena where diplomats of While assailing the U.S., Moscow
Still more important, in the eyes of all persuasions can meet and deal in pri- sought to soothe other countries. Literary
most observers, was the profound shift in vate. For another, it can provide a mech- Gazette assured the Muslim world that al-
allegiances in the U.N. membership as a anism, in areas of limited agreement, for though the U.SS.R. is atheist, it is not at
whole. The Soviets had lost votes before, such peace-keeping forces as those that war with any religion. Brezhnev asserted
often in the Security Council, but they had guard Cyprus and southern Lebanon. For that the Soviets want continued détente
almost always been able to limit the dam- yet another, it is the only forum in which with Western Europe.
age by casting a veto against resolutions the world can state a collective view. And
of substance. Last week’s debacle, how- finally, it provides a wide variety of tech- f there was any dissent about the in-
ever, was the first occasion when a more nical assistance—shelter for refugees, rice vasion inside the Kremlin, it was well
than two-thirds majority of the U.N.’s 152 and malaria pills for the sick and des- concealed. Despite persistent rumors that
members had challenged and overridden titute. Says U.S. Ambassador Donald Mc- the ailing Brezhnev was not fully in com-
the veto specifically to condemn Mos- Henry: “You can use the U.N. to blow mand, there was no evidence that he
cow’s actions. For some 24 decades, Mos- off steam, to express moral outrage, to ex- | did not make, or at least concur in, the
cow had been virtually assured of U.N. ert political pressure.”” Adds U.N. Under decision to invade. Soviet Ambassador
support every time a debate was directed Secretary-General Brian Urquhart, a 35- Anatoli Dobrynin, who has maintained
at “imperialism,” “colonialism” or “Zi- year veteran: “In emergencies, the U.N. an affable relationship with Washington
onism,” simply by the preponderance of is extremely useful. The U.N. can alter at- policymakers for some 20 years, was in
former Western colonial territories titudes, and that’s a beginning, a mighty Moscow when the decision was reached,
among the nearly 100 new nations that important one, these days.” but it is not known what he advised. Am-
joined the U.N. in that period. That alteration is not expected to pro- ericanologist Georgi Arbatov suffered a
This very influx of Asian and Afri- vide the U.S. with any permanent new al- heart attack in November and probably
can countries, many of them small and lies. Delegate after delegate insisted last did not contribute to the invasion plan
most of them poor, contributed to wide- week that the nonaligned want to remain or an assessment of an American
spread disillusionment with the U.N. nonaligned. For once, however, they reaction.
among many Americans, who for years could express the world’s conscience, and Among Communists elsewhere, there
| had paid more than 25% of U.N. expens- the clumsy, unwieldy, hypocritical and in- was far less unanimity. Although the
es. The organization that had once sym- efficient U.N. provided the only way in Eastern European satellite regimes gen-
bolized the world’s hope for peace had which they could do so. a erally acquiesced as supinely as ever, both
come to seem little more than an anti- Yugoslavia and Albania protested the in-
Western debating society. In 1974 Pres-
ident Ford warned against the “tyranny In Moscow: vasion. French Communist
Georges Marchais, who once pretended
my re Z
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“Who Lost Afghanistan?”
A sad chronicle of surprises and miscalculations
wy The virtual annexation of Af- advisers in all the important ministries
4 ghanistan by the Soviet Union and down to the company level in the
t represents not only a strategic armed forces
setback for the U.S. but a po- The Carter Administration under-
tential political liability for Jimmy Carter reacted. Soviet aggressiveness in Afghan-
as well. TIME Diplomatic Correspondent istan would be bad news for détente and
Strobe Talbott examines the historical for U.S. peace initiatives in the Middle Former Presidents Daoud and Teraid
background of the crisis: East. Also, in its eagerness to make friends
in the Third World, the Administration was disbanded.) Insofar as U.S. diplomats
The question “Who lost Afghani- tended to give the benefit of the doubt to and intelligence experts focused on Af-
stan?” is probably inevitable in the pres- leftists who also seemed to be nationalists. ghanistan at all, they made two miscal-
idential campaign, if only because it Pakistan’s strongman, Mohammed Zia culations. First, they believed that the So-
echoes last year’s refrains of “Who lost ul-Haq, warned that a Marxist govern- viets’ desire to preserve détente would
Iran?” and “Who lost Nicaragua?” The ment in Kabul, supported by the Soviets, restrain them in Afghanistan. Second,
temptation to blame Jimmy Carter is un- had gravely upset the balance of power they had long since written off Babrak
derstandable—and, for his critics, irresist- in the region. “The Russians are now at Karmal and his comrades in the pro-So-
ible. After all, even though his predeces- the Khyber Pass,” Zia told TIME in Sep- viet faction, whom the more independent
sors had unwittingly contributed to the tember 1978—but that was simply not a Marxists ruling in Kabul had purged or
leftward drift of the Kabul government, message Washington wanted to hear. driven into East European exile. Even in
it was during Carter’s watch—and partly In 1979 the Soviets escalated their in- the early fall of last year, when an in-
because of his misjudgments—that Af- tervention against Afghanistan’s Muslim teragency intelligence report seriously
ghanistan finally slipped from its tradi- militants and recalcitrant tribesmen who raised the possibility that the Soviets
tional neutrality into the Soviet orbit. had been waging a long simmering and might launch a full-scale “pacification”
But Afghanistan, unlike Iran and Nic- spreading rebellion. The insurgents, in campaign in order to prevent Afghanistan
aragua, was never really “ours” to lose. turn, received more covert assistance from from becoming a hostile Islamic repub-
The British raj stopped at the Afghan bor- China, Pakistan and other countries. But lic, many U.S. experts were betting that
der, and so did the post-World War II by now the U.S. was distracted by a new the Soviets would put that campaign in
Pax Americana. In 1955 John Foster Dul- preoccupation, right next door in Iran. the hands of a nationalistic general, Mo-
les helped set up what became known as (One immediate consequence of the col- hammed Aslam Watanjar. The notion of
the Central Treaty Organization (CENTO) lapse of the Shah: CENTO, long moribund, the Soviets flying Karmal home from
as part ofa global network of anti- srvorv—syewa Eastern Europe seemed too ham-
Soviet alliances. In effect, Dulles handed and provocative, given the |
was drawing a line in the dust that Communists’ obvious need to
the Soviets dared not step across broaden the political base of the
lest they incur the thermonuclear Kabul regime. An armed Soviet
wrath of the West. That line ran takeover of the country was dis-
along the northern frontiers of counted for the same reason. More
| Turkey, Iran and Pakistan, which prescient intelligence would have
were all members of CENTO. In enabled the U.S. to mount a dip-
keeping with Afghanistan’s policy lomatic offensive to deter the So-
of nonalignment, it remained be- viets, or at least to prepare coun-
yond the American “security pe- termeasures in advance
rimeter” and was therefore vul-
nerable to its giant neighbor. ow Karmal is President. (Wa- |
U.S policymakers left Af- tanjar is Minister of Commu-
ghanistan largely out of their geo- nications and No. 6 in the lead-
political calculations, implicitly ership.) Afghanistan has a made-
conceding it to the Soviet sphere * in-Moscow presidium and the
of influence. When Henry Kissin- ruble is the coin ofthe realm. Hav-
ger stopped off in Kabul to show ing become a de facto Soviet sat-
the flag for a few hours in 1974, ellite two years ago, the benighted
he spent almost as much time nation is now in danger of be-
watching buzkashi, a primitive coming the de facto 16th repub- |
and violent form of polo, as he did | lic of the U.S.S.R. That sorry pros-
talking business with President pect leaves the U.S. to polish its
Mohammed Daoud. Says a veter- intelligence community's crystal
an of the Nixon and Ford Admin- ball and to rebuild the original
istrations: “We had no illusions “security perimeter” south of
that the Afghans would or could Afghanistan with new alliances,
defy Moscow. They were more fresh diplomatic offensives, and
Finlandized than the Finns.” © reinforced military deployments.
The Marxist coup in which _ Of course, the U.S. can also hope
Noor Mohammed Taraki over- = that the Afghan guerrillas will
threw Daoud in April 1978 sur- 3 eventually wear out the superior
prised the Soviets as much as it Soviet force in a war of attrition.
did the Americans. Western in- s The odds are against that, but
telligence has not been able to find then, the odds were against a So-
Russian fingerprints on the scene viet occupation in the first place.
of “the April revolution,” but the Afghanarmy tanks in Kabul during Marxist coup of 1978 ___ Now Afghanistan is the Soviets’ |
Soviets wasted no time in placing An armed Soviet takeover was discounted. to lose. ©
TIME, JANUARY 28, 1980 ; 33
The Presidency/ Hugh Sidey
AES ee
In the Dock
The trial of the President's pal
Portrait of aMan Grown Larger and in hand, smiling and seemingly |
without a care in the world, Bert and
resident Carter now has the LaBelle Lance last week strode into the
body and face of a far young- Richard Russell Federal Building in At-
er man. His running has boiled off lanta. They headed for the gold-uphol-
even the traces of fat, made his stered ceremonial courtroom on the 23rd
stomach almost concave. His floor, site of the most unpleasant event in
muscles and bones have adjusted Lance’s go-go career. His long awaited tri-
to the new physical challenge. The FHL
ASBANNOD al for violating U.S. banking laws was
corners show. His face seems about to begin, and he professed to be ea-
square from his jaw to his haircut, ger to get started. Said Lance: “We're
which has exposed his ears more ready to move ahead.”
and flattened the top. More an- One of President Carter's closest
gles. The stringiness so apparent friends, Lance served as Director of the
when he first began jogging has Office of Management and Budget until
disappeared. He is coiled phys- he was forced to resign in September 1977.
ical vitality behind the desk in Three of his associates are on trial with
the Oval Office or sitting in an him: Thomas M. Mitchell, a member of
overstuffed chair in the family the Georgia state transportation board; H.
quarters. Jackson Mullins, a former pharmacist;
Carter is a rather small man. and Richard T. Carr, a onetime Georgia
He weighs 151 Ibs., stands 5 ft. 94 bank president. The four defendants are
in. Plain, muted suits and ties en- charged with a variety ofillegal acts in ob-
hance his slenderness. Yet when taining more than $20 million in loans
he talks these days he seems big- Cincinnati Enquirer by William Michael Harnett from 41 banks in Georgia, Tennessee,
ger. His principal concern is world New York, Hong Kong and Luxembourg.
peace. His thoughts must embrace the entire globe. For three years he used to According to the indictment, they made
rush back from every excursion into Big Power and drop out with town meetings false entries in bank records, misapplied
and backyard picnics. He cannot do that today. Events are on the march, and ei- funds, willfully overvalued property and
ther he plays the central role or no one does. Soviet intentions must be redefined, conspired to gain unwarranted extensions
free-world interests stated, and American power positioned to provide political of credit.
unity and hold territory. It is not the sort of thing most Presidents like to do. It is The first week of the trial was devoted
dangerous work. Harry Truman, it is said, would just assoon have ducked US. in- to selecting a panel of 56 jurors and alter-
volvement in the Greek-Turkish crisis of 1947. He concluded he could not, and nates, a painstakingly slow process. By
the Truman Doctrine was born. It was perhaps his finest hour. week’s end 53 had been chosen. All had
The question: Is this new Carter big enough inside to understand the enor- been required to answer 70 written inqui-
mousness of the challenge the U.S. faces and reach beyond anything he has imag- ries about their education, employment,
ined before to establish a principle for free-world survival? health—even their hobbies and reading
There are some good signs. Carter reads the hot-line messages from Leonid habits. In court, Edwin J. Tomko, a mem-
Brezhnev with knitted brows. Question marks. He handles the few pages as if they ber of the Justice Department's fraud sec-
were radioactive. They could be. He says each critical word as if destiny were bur- tion, asked each potential juror in a high-
ied in its syllables. That could be too. He talks about power and the possibility of pitched voice whether he or she had seen
war as he used to talk Government reorganization and revenue sharing. His mind or heard any accounts ofthe case, formed
probes beyond the merely visible. If the Soviet moves in Afghanistan are unop- an opinion or read LaBelle’s book This
posed, that confirms to the men in the Politburo that they can invade the soft Too Shall Pass. In a silky Southern voice,
spots of the free world with impunity. If that attitude survives these months, then Defense Attorney Nickolas P. Chilivis
cataclysm lies ahead. Carter must move on instinct, something he has avoided for asked jury candidates if they had had sat-
three years. isfactory or unsatisfactory experiences
He reads the old documents, like the account of the Soviet invasion of Czecho- with banks, if they had ever applied for a
slovakia in 1968. He worries on the phone with France’s President Giscard d’Es- loan, if they had ever had an overdraft.
taing, and he probes cautiously on a call to India’s newly elected and infuriating Asked whether she had heard anything
Indira Gandhi. The President’s international phoning is now done with the same about the case, Bookkeeper Rebekah M.
casualness he uses for lowa’s caucus votes. His list includes Pakistan's Zia, Ger- Bartlett, 61, replied, “I’m sure we all have
many’s Schmidt, Egypt’s Sadat, Britain’s Thatcher. He still writes Brezhnev reg- unless we've been out of the country.”
ular personal letters, Jury selection was so prolonged that
Carter’s mind has never had to embrace so much. One second it is on China Tomko joked, “At this rate, my new-
and the next on the U.N., then on the Third World and again on the oil supplies born daughter will be | |.
of the Persian Gulf, from there to the Islamic conference in Pakistan and back to in first grade by the ‘3
US. military capability. The breadth and difficulty of these unsolved equations of time we begin.” And
power are Churchillian. in graduate school be-
Upstairs in the mansion, in the west sitting hall, he can occasionally be fore they end. Together
glimpsed in the morning light beneath his favorite painting, a still life by William the two sides may call |
Michael Harnett in 1888. It shows a table with books, a copy of the Cincinnati En- between 150 and 200
quirer, a pipe and spilled ashes, a brass candlestick. It is a scene that is left by a witnesses before the
man in thought. One senses some resonance between Carter and the painting. case goes to the jury
The time of Carter’s contemplation of this strained world is about over. What has and the fate of Jimmy
been read and thought must now be brought to life. Carter’s old friend is
decided. a Lance in Atlanta
24 TIME, JANUARY 28, 1980
A report on the great American forest.
Look whath
when Mother Nature gets
alittle help.
These log
slices dramat-
that is
ically show
the value of
of, and
modern, scien-
tific forest
Both (shown
for, growing
36% of actual
size) are from trees
crops of trees
of about the same
for harvest. It in-
age. The smaller one grew
cludes land in Na-
in an unmanaged, overcrowded stand where it had to tional Forests but not
compete for sunlight and moisture. The other is from in National Parks or Wilderness areas.)
a grove that was thinned to give the best trees room But trees aren’t grown equally fast by all com-
to thrive. mercial forest owners. Though industry has made
This is just one of many ways forest management striking advances on its lands, productivity is lower
can help meet a predicted doubling of domestic demand on privately owned lands and seriously lagging in
for wood and paper products in the next 50 years. National Forests.
The forest industry has learned how to help
Mother Nature grow more trees, faster, by applying Productivity
not uptopotential.
scientific forest management techniques: encourag-
ing natural regrowth, planting superior seeds and Overall, the U.S. Forest Service estimates aver-
seedlings, fertilizing, protecting against disease and age productivity of all commercial forestland is only
insects, thinning, watching carefully until time to 61 percent of potential. And at the same time, actual
harvest — then starting the cycle again. acreage in commercial forests keeps shrinking, as
land is withdrawn for homes, highways and other
needs of an expanding population.
So we as a nation still havea long way to go if
Forest management like this is vital because our wood and paper products are not to become scarce
every year Americans need more homes, more paper and expensive.
products, more packaging and containers, more fuel- If you'd like to be better informed on how impor-
wood, more of the thousands of other essential prod- tant it is to keep America’s forests productive, write
ucts that only the forest can provide. American Forest Institute, P.O. Box 873, Springfield,
So far, the country’s commercial forest has been VA 22150 for a free booklet, “The Great American
able to keep up with demand. (Commercial forest, as Forest.”
defined by the U.S. Forest Service, is all forestland— The great American forest. Trees for tomorrow.
whether owned by individuals, government or the And tomorrow. And all the tomorrows after that.
Early and accurate diagnosis... more often than than any other gamma camera now available.
not it’s the key to successful medical treatment. Already the new camera is in use at such major
Today, doctors make use of a broad array of medical centers as Baptist Memorial Hospital in
diagnostic tools and techniques. Often the most Memphis, Northwestern Memorial Hospital
effective “tools” are the sensitive fingers and in Chicago, and, most recently. Boston's
discerning eyes of the trained physician. At Lahey Clinic.
other times, only sophisticated electronic equip- X-rays, of course, have long been a main-
ment can give doctors the information they need. stay of medical diagnosis. Raytheon’s involve-
This new Raytheon gamma camera, for ment in X-ray technology goes back to the turn
example, allows doctors to examine internal of the century. Machlett Laboratories, a
organs in great detail, reveals characteristics Raytheon company, was one of the pioneer
that are not available through X-raysor other manufacturersof X-ray tubes and devices and
means. It offers a clearer image, is faster to continues today as a leading supplier. Recently,
operate, and provides greater patient comfort Raytheon expanded its capabilities to include
complete X-ray systems marketed under both the part of our large and diversified electronics busi-
Amrad and Raytheon Medical Imaging names. ness. one of five basic business areas at Raytheon.
At the leading edge of X-ray technology, The others are major appliances, energy ser-
Raytheon has just completed design and con- vices. heavy construction equipment, and educa-
struction of a highly sophisticated X-ray scanner tional publishing. For copies of our latest
for the Mayo Clinic. Called a Dynamic Spatial financial reports, please write Raytheon
Reconstructor. this huge. 25-foot X-ray machine Company, Public Relations, 141 Spring Street,
provides three-dimensional picturesof moving Lexington, Massachusetts 02173.
organs. It will be used to conduct advanced
research in heart disease.
The art of healing...asold as civilization
itself, yet as changeable as tomorrow. At
Raytheon, our electronics technology is helping
it change for the better. Medical electronics is a
The Volkswagen Dasher | Dasher wagon holds 40 cubic feet of
isn't a down-sized something anything. Need still more? In 30 sec-
else. It wasn't wenched into onds, the rear seats fold down and
shape overnight you have 51.6 cubic feet.
Its exactly the size we had More luxury than you thought: the
in mind, and so we've had carpeting in every Dasher: is really
plenty of time to make it more of a plush and really everywnere. The
car instead of less | AM/FM stereo radio is standard. So is
For example, you have more than | the electric rear window defogger
one choice: the 2-door hatch- The steel-belted radials. The quartz
back, the 4-door hatchback or clock.
what we feel is the world’s most There’s nothing cheap about the
fascinating station wagon Dasher, including the price. But the fit
Whichever you choose, you and finish are equal to just about
also get to choose either the any car made.
fuel-injected gasoline engine The only thing you give up are
or the optional diesel engine some old-fashioned ideas about
The Dasher Diesels deliver an EPA what a car ought to be
estimated [36]mpg and an extraordi- “Dasher Diesel Sedan 0-50 mph in
nary 49 mpg highway estimate. And 13.0 sec.
the gasoline _engine is no slouch,
[23] estimated mpg, 35
either, with
mpg highway estimate. Use “esti-
mated mpg” for comparisons. Mpg
varies with speed, trip length, and
weather. Actual highway mpg will
probably be less
Don’t go away. There’s more per-
formance than you thought: a
gasoline Dasher Sedan will propel
you from 0 to 50 mph in only 8.1
seconds’ quicker than a few
More room than you thought: the
the role of the parties has diminished. The mere three weeks. In the U.S., caucuses To give seasoned political leaders
candidate builds his personal campaign and primaries now stretch from January more say in the nomination, a number of
structure. This tightly knit, often amateur to June of election year and could be com- delegate seats could be automatically al-
group, its fortunes wedded to one man, is pressed. Democratic Congressman Morris lotted to them. Tim Hagan, Democratic
inevitably antagonistic to the party, a sit- Udall, who ran unsuccessfully in 1976, Party chairman of Ohio’s Cuyahoga
uation that carries over to the White suggests limiting the contests to four dates: County, recommends letting state parties
House when the winner arrives there. the first Tuesday of each month from add at least 25 delegates from their own
Alan Baron, who was a chief instigator of March to June. “This would provide a ranks who would be uncommitted to any
party reforms and now publishes a news- smorgasbord of elections around the particular candidate. That would leave
letter, the Baron Report, in Washington, country instead of these overblown sin- them free to bargain with other delega-
feels that Carter won “on the basis of be- gle primaries,” he explains. tions at the convention. Says Hagan: “I
ing able to appeal successfully to individ- Another alternative, not necessarily see nothing wrong with 100 county chair-
an improvement, is to consolidate the pri- men from across the country having some
maries on a regional basis, though that say about what direction they want to go
might give an unfair advantage to one in. At least they would be a check on the
candidate over another. In 1976, for ex- possibility that someone runs through
ample, Carter would probably have lost these primaries without great scrutiny.”
the nomination if the first regional pri-
mary had been held in the West, where inow proposes a more elaborate
he did poorly. An even more extreme so- scheme to give political leaders ad-
lution would be a national primary, which ditional influence. No delegate would be
would reduce the whole election process bound to any candidate if the primary
to two nationwide votes. Such a plan vote is less than two-thirds of the par-
would eliminate local issues, however, and ty’s registered voters. In practice, that
would put more emphasis than ever on would mean that almost all delegates
the oversimplified approaches that work would go to the convention uncommitted.
best on television. Political Consultant Furthermore, independents would not be
David Garth believes that a national pri- allowed to cast their ballots in the party
primaries. Instead, they would have a
vote of their own. The independent vote
would have no official standing, but it
would be taken into consideration by
the party delegates when they attend
the convention. They would have a good
indication of which candidates have the
broadest appeal, but they would still
be free to exercise their independent
A larger role for regulars would rein-
force the weakened two-party system. The
ual voters, not on the basis of building co- influence of television advisers and single-
alitions and forging ties among various
groups that are necessary for governing
the country. We have divided the presi-
dential election process from the govern-
ing process.” Adds Chris Arterton, profes-
sor of political science at Yale and author
of a forthcoming book on the nominating
process: “It is somewhat troublesome to
find a President coming to office who
needs three or four years to figure out what
his coalition is. Carter said he was the
least encumbered President in American
history. He’s right, and we've paid for it.”
et the growing number of observers mary would lead to what “Nelson Rocke-
who are unhappy with the current sys- feller used to call BOMFOG—the brother-
tem take a pragmatic view of changing hood of man and the fatherhood of God issue zealots would be reduced. The par-
it. They do not want to repeat the mis- —and never get into issues.” ties could be strengthened if federal funds
take of the reformers who drastically cur- Without abolishing the primaries, as were given to them instead of to the can-
tailed the power of party leaders and Gov- Barry Goldwater has proposed, the role didates. The current law, requiring a can-
ernment officials without adequately of party leaders and officeholders can be didate to qualify for matching funds by
considering the consequences. There are increased. Minneapolis Attorney David raising in 20 states at least $5,000 in in-
distinct advantages to a more open sys- Lebedoff, a longtime activist in Minne- dividual contributions of no more than
tem, however few people take advantage sota’s Democratic Farmer-Labor Party, $250, encourages separatism. The parties
of it. Says Jonathan Moore, director of asks: “If we have representative govern- could also be given free time on televi-
the John F. Kennedy School of Govern- ment, why can’t we have representative sion to develop issues and present their
ment’s Institute of Politics at Harvard: politics? No one says that there should candidates. However imperfectly, the par-
“We have a very flexible, very pluralistic be a town meeting of 100 million people ties have traditionally mediated among
system with a lot of freedom of choice through two-way TV for a vote on the the contending groups of the electorate,
and diversity within it.” SALT treaty.” Everett C. Ladd of the So- producing a candidate who is at least ac-
Still, there is room for improvement cial Science Data Center at the Univer- ceptable to all factions, and at best high-
without junking the present setup. For one sity of Connecticut argues that the alleged ly qualified. After all, the point of the
thing, the process is too long. Great Brit- glories “of participatory democracy have nominating process is to find someone
ain’s national election is disposed of in a neutralized representative democracy.” who can run the country.
TIME, JANUARY 238, 1980
| Disputed channel in 1969: open inMay (see lower right in first photo, left), still open in July, closed in November
nl Experience.
It's one of our
TIME, JANUARY 238, 1980
ae a |
Soviet daiton dagiesr a sei of daph-ahealed BIR cand cavisaned ates alongahighway sear Rad
An Army That Needs Some Help erate 16- and 17-year-old boys from rural
backgrounds. Other observers note that
the quality of noncommissioned officers
Old trucks, new m issiles, tough soldiers and plenty of bravado is below par because of the inordinate
time needed to educate them. In addi-
4é his is peanuts,” scoffed Pakistan's tion, the regular officer corps is below
President, General Mohammed strength because the military regime in-
Zia ul-Haq. That was his ungracious com- stalled by Zia in 1977 has drawn many
ment on the report that the U.S. was set top-ranking officers into the civil admin-
to give him $400 million over the next istration of the country
two years to shore up Pakistan’s defenses On a one-day visit to Washington two
against the potential threat posed by weeks ago, Pakistan's senior foreign af-
80,000 Soviet troops in neighboring Af- fairs adviser, Agha Shahi, asked the US. |
ghanistan. Zia’s outburst of piqued sur- for antitank missiles, air defense missiles,
prise was a bit unfair since the offer had combat tanks, field artillery for its ground
already been discussed with his chief for- forces and transport aircraft for its air
eign affairs adviser. In fact, the U.S. was force. This new equipment is intended to
far from being stingy; it was acting out of supplement the 60 French Mirage III and
vital concern for the fate of Pakistan Mirage 5 fighters, the 700 Chinese T-59
Seeking to reassure Zia that more sup- tanks and the assorted British, Soviet,
port would be forthcoming, Washington Swedish and Argentine weapons. Islam-
pressed forward with quiet negotiations abad purchased them—in large part with
with its Western allies, some friendly Saudi Arabian money—afler Washington
OPEC nations and China to establish an in- began limiting arms aid to Pakistan in
formal “consortium” that would supply 1965 because American weapons had
the Islamabad government with addition- been used by both sides in the India-
al military and economic assistance. Pakistan war that year
How good would Pakistan’s forces be The US. is likely to meet many of Is-
against a Soviet incursion? Zia’s answer lamabad's specific requests. It will not,
was bold and unqualified. “As far as the however, provide Pakistan with attack
Pakistan army is concerned,” he told re- aircraft and other offensive weapons that
porters last week, “it is capable of defend- are likely to cause alarm in New Delhi.
ing our borders against any aggression.” President Mohammed Zia ul-Haq The new government of Prime Minister
That bravado is not necessarily shared by Indira Gandhi has been extremely wary
Pakistani military commanders stationed lieve that Pakistan’s 430,000 troops are of American arms sales to Islamabad be-
along the country’s 800-mile frontier with highly professional, tough, disciplined cause of fear that once again Pakistan’s
Afghanistan. An entirely different assess- fighters. Says one top Washington ana- weapons might be turned on India.
ment was given visiting British Foreign lyst: “On an individual basis, the Paki- Pakistan will also need aid to cope
Secretary Lord Carrington last week by stani soldiers are as good as any in the with the unending tide of refugees cross-
Lieut. General Fazal e-Haq, commander world. In terms of resisting small units of ing the mountain passes from Afghani-
of Pakistan's Northwest Frontier. Point- Soviets coming across a rough border with stan. There are now about 450,000 refu-
ing across the legendary Khyber Pass to- which the Pakistanis are entirely famil- gees in the Northwest Frontier province
ward Kabul, Fazal said that the occupy- iar, I think they'd give an extremely good alone, many of whom are being sheltered
ing Soviet armies would be able to strike account of themselves.” by their tribal cousins in the area, but the
across the border “with impunity.” Analysts concede, however, that mo- countrywide total is expected to reach
Fazal showed Carrington and accom- rale is sagging in Pakistan’s volunteer 1 million by April. This huge population
panying foreign correspondents a British- of uprooted peoples represents a threat
built defense network of underground both to the Soviets and to Zia. The bitter-
bunkers, bridges and tank traps that are ly anti-Communist refugees have no love
sorely in need of repair. Reason: Paki- for the new regime in Kabul; the Pushtun
stan has concentrated four-fifths of its tribesmen in the province have long
armed forces along the eastern border | chafed under Islamabad's callous rule.
shared with its historic enemy, India. Fa-
| zal currently commands only two infan- f the Soviets were to launch a military
try divisions, plus the famed Khyber Ri- attack, chances are that it would be not
fles formed by the British a century ago. in the Northwest Frontier but along the
Of the 40,000 men under Fazal’s com- 300-mile stretch of border that cuts
mand, 18,000 are paramilitary troops through lands occupied by the rebellious
equipped only with rifles. Baluch peoples, who live astride Iran, Af-
Fazal's divisions are armed with such ghanistan and Pakistan. The Baluchis,
obsolete equipment as 24-ton American who have long yearned for autonomy,
trucks, reconditioned after the Korean might welcome a Soviet-inspired Afghan
War. Roads in the area are not wide invading force that would promise to hon-
enough for modern tanks, and radar is vir- or the Baluchis’ “legitimate aspirations”
tually nonexistent along the western fron- —as Afghanistan’s new President, Ba-
tier. Nonetheless, Fazal estimated that the brak Karmal, has vowed to do. A friendly
border could be made defensible within regime in a breakaway Baluchistan would
ten months by widening roads, upgrading give the Soviets an outlet to the Arabian
communications and improving local rail- Sea at the port of Gwadar and, from there,
roads. The cost: $1 billion. access to the Persian Gulf. “If I were a
An additional $1 billion, however, Russian,” General Fazal told Carrington,
might be needed for new weapons and “T would take the soft underbelly of Pak-
equipment to upgrade the Pakistani Pakistani soldiers on guard at Peshawar istan in Baluchistan and head straight for
armed forces. U.S. military experts be- Most of the army is on the Wrong |border. i the warm waters of the Persian Gulf.” S
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ZIMBABWE RHODESIA the guerrillas’ economically ailing front-
Triumphant Return of an Exile line allies are determined to avoid any re-
sumption of civil war. Mozambique’s
President Samora Machel, for example,
But anger and accusations mar the election campaign supports Mugabe, but he is also commit-
ted to peaceful relations with the new
ay a tragedy that we had to fight | Mozambican capital of Maputo, Mugabe Zimbabwe regime regardless of the elec-
But, having fought, let us now say: bitterly accused Soames of trying to sab- tion’s outcome. Machel underscored that
‘It is all over.’ * Those conciliatory words otage his election chances. Said he: “I commitment last week by reopening his
were spoken by Joshua Nkomo after he | never knew they [the British] were ca- border to Rhodesia for the first time since
emerged from a green and white Zambia pable of this dishonesty. It's really 1976. Within days, Rhodesians were eat-
Airways jet onto the tarmac of Salisbury shocking.” ing prawns and butterfish in the port of
airport. The bulky, silver-haired black na- Mugabe was not alone in his anger Beira, while Mozambican railway and
tionalist leader had returned to Rhodesia, Soames has recently received a barrage trade officials were flying to Salisbury to
after more than three years of exile, to of criticism from both Patriotic Front begin re-establishing commercial ties.
begin campaigning for next month’s in- wings, as well as their allies in the front- The long-range economic and polit-
dependence elections. Because of a flurry line and Commonwealth states. Critics of ical future of Zimbabwe Rhodesia ulti-
of death threats, security at the airport the British viceroy accuse him of blatant mately hinges on the outcome of the elec-
was extremely heavy: grim reminders of bias for authorizing the Rhodesian secu- tions. Voting separately, whites will fill
lingering white bitterness over Nkomo’s rity forces to track down and shoot guer- 20 seats and blacks 80 seats in the new
role in Rhodesia’s bloody seven-year guer- rillas who “unlawfully” remain outside 100-member House of Assembly. Though
rilla war. At nearby Highfield Stadium, the cease-fire camps. Claiming that 17 of no fewer than ten black parties are in the
however, some 150,000 shouting, ululating his men were killed by the Rhodesians running, the real contest boils down to
African supporters gave a tumultuous last week while trying to get to a camp, three men: Nkomo, Mugabe and former
welcome to the man they call “Zim- Nkomo demanded that the 1,200-man Prime Minister Bishop Abel Muzorewa.
babwe’s Savior.” Commonwealth observer force be rein-
Nkomo’s dramatic return came at a forced by 5,000 or 10,000 additional ince no one appears strong enough
time of mounting concern over the sta- troops. to win an outright majority, some sort
bility of the month-old cease-fire. Though The governor has also been attacked of coalition government seems inevitable.
more than 21,000 guerrilla troops have for violating the peace settlement by al- Muzorewa, whose party polled 67% of
gathered peacefully at 16 remote assem- lowing a 250-man South African army the vote last April (without Patriotic
bly camps, several thousand others re- unit to remain just inside the border at Front participation), should retain a sub-
main at large in the bush. There have Beitbridge to protect the vital rail bridge stantial bloc. His party is by far the
been at least 38 confirmed cease-fire vi- linking the two countries. Tanzanian best organized, and he will surely ben-
olations and 158 deaths since the agree- President Julius Nyerere made blustering efit from the rift within the Patriotic
ment took effect on Dec. 21. British of- threats to break off relations with Britain Front. Some observers feel that Nkomo’s
ficials say Nkomo’s ZIPRA forces appear unless Soames ousts Pretoria’s troops and recently adopted conciliatory tone sug-
to be honoring the truce far more scru- stops deploying the Rhodesian security gests a pragmatic attempt to forge links
pulously than the more numerous ZANLA forces. with whites as well as other black fac-
troops loyal to Robert Mugabe, Nkomo’s Perhaps the most embarrassing re- tions, including members of the Bishop's
co-leader in the now divided Patriotic buke came from the London-based Am- own party. Mugabe, who has yet to re-
Front alliance nesty International, which charged the turn to Rhodesia and begin campaigning,
A spokesman for Lord Soames, Rho- British administrators with violating hu- apparently hopes to win an outright ma-
desia’s British caretaker governor, last man rights in Rhodesia. This charge jority and is wary of any political pacts
week charged Mugabe’s Mozambique- stems mainly from Soames’ continued de- Thus internal divisions within the black
based forces with flagrant cease-fire vi- tention of political offenders under the parties could well leave the balance of
olations. Soames extended the state of state of emergency regulations power in the hands of the 20 white M.P.s
emergency, which was due to expire this British officials remain confident that and their presumed leader, former Prime
week, for another six months. From the the cease-fire will hold, largely because Minister Ian Smith ie
Jubilant Patriotic Front supporters celebrate Nkomo’s homecoming in Salisbury “Zimbabwe's Savior” addresses the faithful
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©Si¥Y Hd¥eo
It was no surprise that
Beautiful-People Photogra- |
| pher Francesco Scavullo cele-
brated his Sist birthday at
Manhattan’s Studio 54, the
tacky ex-TV studio that has
been built into the Big Ap-
ple’s most celebrated disco
| with the help of hype-hungry
celebs. But why was his party
so subdued? Why did Co-Own-
er Steven Rubell, 36, cross his
| wrists as though he were wear-
ing handcuffs? Premonition, |
| possibly. Two days later a fed- |
eral judge, considering guilty
pleas from Rubell and Partner
lan Schrager to charges of fail-
ing to pay $400,000 in taxes
on income skimmed from dis-
co receipts, hit them with 42-
month jail terms and fines to-
taling $40,000.
an investment banker who met
Widow Feinstein, 46, when
they were brought together to
discuss finances, joined the
Harper, Newman and Woodward together on The Shadow Box set | lady in her mayoral chambers
last week to share a prenuptial |
the Family. Paul Newman, direc- ny Ms. Nutzy of the Rhoda se- toast. After the wedding and a
tor; Wife Joanne Woodward, ries, plays the deadly serious reception to which four San
star; Daughter Susan Newman, Francisco was invited, Blum
wife ofa fast-fading truck driv-
co-producer. Actually, it’s The er. Woodward is a boozing will discover what it means to
Shadow Box, an ABC-TV mov- broad who sleeps with anyone take on city hall. The honey-
ie adaptation of the prizewin- That was the director’s idea moon includes four days in
ning play about three terminal- | Says Newman, who last direct- Washington, where the mayor
ly ill patients and their ed his wife twelve years ago in | plans a series of conferences
families. Valerie Harper, the fun- Rachel, Rachel: “Y'm sick and with federal officials.
2s) 42¥1NO2—ONYI¥EI®
|Miss Piggy
jors and others interest- tory at Woods Hole, students pick a re- winch operator in lower-
ed in learning about the
| search topic to pursue at sea. ing net for ocean tow.
the sun oceans. As SEA’s execu-
| The excitement builds as students | Put bottles on wire in Reviewing notes |
Valedictory —
on report form. Attended science lecture. If schools yield to economic pressures,
Climbed rigging 40 ft. above deck to the council predicts, the considerable es-
change light bulbs in the foremast teem in which the public still holds high-
shroud.” Excellence vs. survival er education will decline—especially ifthe
The pragmatic learning by doing 3,000 American colleges begin competing
aboard Westward comes as a shock to hen a railroad worker retires, the noisily for students and funds. To make
many students. “When you get science in company traditionally gives him a matters worse, the council confirms,
school, it’s so pure,” says Debbie Merrill, gold watch. When Educational Statesman “fraud, error and abuse” are on the in-
20, a sophomore majoring in environmen- Clark Kerr retires later this month at 68, crease among both students and schools.
tal studies at the University of Vermont. his nonprofit firm, the 15-member Car- Defaults on low-interest federally insured
“You never hear about how the research- negie Council on Policy Studies in High- student loans have totaled $668 million
ers lost some of the sampling bottles in er Education, will mark the occasion in since 1967. And a report by HEW’s in-
the ocean, or how sick they were at the its own special style, by issuing a 155- spector general says the incidence of fraud
rail.” Arndt Braaten, 19, a junior at Lu- page report on a weighty and favorite and abuse in the $3.6 billion spent on five
ther College, discovered during spectro- theme: the equivocal prospects of U.S. major student-financial-aid programs
photometric analysis in Westward’s lab higher education. may run as highas 10%.
that tiny particles of iron peel away from Entitled “Three Thousand Futures There are some bright spots. The re-
the ship’s hull and form measurable con- —the Next Twenty Years in Higher Ed- port rejects the standard view that the
centrations in water samples taken with- ucation,” the report warns that U.S. col- 1970s was a “decade of disaster” for high-
in a few feet of the ship, a possible source leges are entering an era of “consumer er education. In fact, it claims that peda-
of error in chemical analyses of sea wa- sovereignty.” Laws of the marketplace gogically the decade was among the best
ter. Braaten hopes to publish his findings hold that it is good when the buyer is treat- ever. College presidents surveyed by the
in a scientific journal. Says he: “The sea ed like a king. But the council, like most council report that the quality of their fac-
isn’t something you can easily generalize ulties improved during the 1970s. Average
about. It changes so much.” full-time enrollment rose 16% at private
Though the rough and tumble of the colleges, to an unprecedented 2.5 million
sea leads some students to reject careers —though tuition is generally costlier at
in marine science, approximately half private colleges and universities than at
of the program’s 1,100 alumni say they public ones. Also, state support of higher
are pursuing related careers—including education hit a record $16.5 billion. De-
maritime law, environmental planning, spite its dire warnings of trouble ahead,
oceanography. A few have even gone to the council characteristically remains “on
work as yachting and fishing-boat crew. the optimistic side of pessimism.”
aptain Miller ran away to sea al age Tx penchant for the big picture and
16. He thinks of the semester as a the balanced upbeat view reflects the
“total immersion,” with an impact great- style of Council Chairman Kerr, who
er than the academic work load. “My taught industrial relations before becom-
theory is that people are split apart more ing president of the University of Califor-
and more, alone at home watching tele- nia in 1958. It became the country’s most
vision,” he says. “At sea they are thrown prominent model of what Kerr called a
together as a group. That fills a basic “multiversity,” a far-flung, state-support-
human need. How else can you explain ed educational emporium that served so-
the intensity of feeling the students ciety in all sorts of ways. While some stu-
develop?” dents were majoring in winemaking or
Though it is not billed as an ad- arts and crafts, others were pursuing ad-
venture or endurance test, Sea Semester vanced degrees in psychotherapy or plas-
tends to attract students who are tinged ma physics. During Kerr’s reign, the Uni- |
with wanderlust. Says Greg Montgomery, versity of California grew from two to
20. a University of Virginia junior: “At eight main campuses, with 87,000 en-
school I have a 3.5 average, and I take RetiringClark Kerr with final rolled students. The mulliversity provec
academics very seriously, but I was get- “On the optimistic side of pessimism.” all but unmanageable, though for years
ting stale.” “Most kids this age are dying Kerr succeeded in mediating the diver-
for a way to prove themselves,” says Cra- educators, resists the idea that tuition gent demands of students, faculty and
mer. “The Peace Corps appealed to that. money should talk too loudly in academia. California’s conservative Regents. But as
How many other ways are there today Schools are already hard-pressed to California schools were hit by the unrest
for a 20-year-old to exercise real re- finance quality instruction in fields like that was soon to turn many a college cam-
sponsibility and show that he’s good?” classics and philosophy, which may edu- pus into a shambles, Kerr was attacked by
Frequently students tell him that the cate but rarely lead to a paying job. Governor-elect Ronald Reagan. Berke-
program has changed them deeply. Paul Besides, budgets are growing tighter. ley, Reagan claimed, was a “hotbed of
McDowell, who raced small sailboats be- Total enrollment is expected to shrink Communism and homosexuality.” In
fore his Westward voyage, says the semes- dramatically from the present record 11.5 1967 Kerr was fired. The same year he
ter has changed his view of the oceans: million as the last of the baby-boom gen- joined Carnegie. ;
“As a racer, I've always tried to get from eration graduate by 1983. Pinched by the | Last year Kerr let it be known that
one place to another across the sea as fast loss of all that tuition and by rising costs, he planned to retire from the council and
as I could. But aboard Westward we've schools will be under pressure to hawk devote his time to consulting, lecturing
learned how to work with the sea. I have their wares in the student marketplace. and writing a book on industrial relations.
learned about what lives in the sea, how As the council sees it, the result will be a He will also pursue his hobby, growing ap-
we affect the sea. Sailing isn’t just compet- shift away from traditional academic dis- ples in his Alta, Calif., orchard. The coun-
itive now.” Explains Chief Scientist Don- ciplines and toward instruction in voca- cil decided that Kerr was an indispensable
ald Drost, 36: “We're all interested in this tional skills like nursing and accounting. man: after five years and 35 comprehen-
because we love the sea. That's why we The change is already visible in commu- sive reports, it has announced it will close
want to show it to others.” a nity colleges and lesser-ranked four-year | its doors at the end of this month. 5
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In the Vatican's Hall of Broken Heads, the Pope ieaular;in
pm opens thepo cso on the state of the Dutch church
sen set about creating a church within a
Gl PhilippineAirlines
planes across the Pacific.
The Workers Know Best
president, founder and principal stock-
holder of Energy Conversion Devices of
Troy, Mich. Arco, which initially gave
ECD $3.3 million in funding last May, Boosting productivity and morale with IMPS and VIPS
now believes the company’s research in
new ways of converting sunlight into elec- > the jowls of an aging Hollywood tened their circles with such acronyms as |
tricity has bright potential. Says Cham- star, U.S. productivity is sagging, and VIPS (Volunteers Interested in Perfection),
bers: “The funding is our way of express- the blame has been placed on everything IMPS (Improved Methods and Products
ing confidence.” from Government regulation to declines Seekers) and TOPS (Turned Onto Produc-
Arco’s smart managers seem to be in business investment. But experts in- tivity and Savings). By any name, they
making quite a gamble. Ovshinsky is a creasingly believe a primary reason is that have already generated savings of at least
self-taught physicist without a college de- remote corporate bureaucracies have iso- $800,000. Examples:
gree. ECD, which he founded in 1960, has lated workers from all decision making, > A group of people who use wire-bond-
never had a commercial success, has had turning many of them into uncaring ing machines suggested that if a single
only one profitable year (1964) and last automatons. worker came in 15 minutes early each
year lost $3.4 million (on revenues of $1.6 To change that, more and more U.S. morning to warm up all the machines, ev-
million, largely from Arco funding for the companies are returning the responsibil- eryone could start work as soon as he ar-
solar project). The company’s over-the- ity for solving factory floor problems to rived. The saving: about $22,000 a year.
counter stock price has fluctuated sharp- the factory floor itself. On the premise that > Another circle, of people who use color-
ly. One high came in 1968, after Ovshin- the workers often know best, the firms coded tapes to assemble transformers for
sky said in a highly publicized news are forming “quality circles.” These are radar systems, recommended that each
conference that his research would “trans- groups of five to 13 employees who vol- worker be given his own tape machine
form” the electronics industry.
Last week’s pact calls for Atlantic
Richfield to help finance joint ventures
with ECD to develop alternative energy
sources. Using Ovshinsky’s theories, the EY!)
2 mee
two companies are looking for a much
cheaper way to make photovoltaic cells
that can convert sunlight directly into
Fund-raising hoopla at a United Way luncheon in Kansas City’s Radisson Muehlebach Hotel kicks off a drive that nets $13.1 million
Bearing Alms
it on Florida real estate. Nebraska's Boys
Town eagerly solicited funds after it built Use for Gunk
up a net worth of well over $200 mil-
Calls for truth in giving lion and an income from investments Throwaway oil makes good
that was easily enough to cover oper-
n American tradition that goes back aling expenses. E very year Americans throw away
to community barn raisings three Charities, Bakal argues, should be enough oil to fill 15 supertankers. The
centuries ago, philanthropy is now big | subject to some truth-in-giving regulation. waste, which runs to 1.1 billion gallons,
business, but is it always a truthful busi- He charges that, in its fund-raising ap- is the glop that is drained from industrial
ness? Cheerful givers usually know pre- peals, the Red Cross often avoids men- machinery, buses, trucks and the crank-
cious little about a sector of the econ- tioning that it helps servicemen with cases of cars at every oil change. The gunk
omy that in 1978 claimed a record $39.6 financial aid and counseling. Instead, the is so grimy that it is usually just sold for
billion—an average of $180 for every organization promotes its more popular pennies per gallon to waste oil dealers
man, woman and child in the nation activities, notably disaster relief. In Europe, many gas station owners
for donations to the Red Cross, Unit- Bakal also takes aim at the United sensibly save the used oil and burn it to
ed Way, CARE, the March of Dimes Way, the nation’s largest fund raiser; it heat their workrooms. Now a growing
and some 800,000 lesser organizations collects more than $1 billion annually and number of U.S. gas stations and auto sal-
raising money in the name of charity. aims to triple the total by 1985. Most of vagers are doing the same. They are in-
To help donors learn more, Carl Bak- the money comes from payroll deductions stalling so-called junk oil furnaces that
al, a public relations executive and some- Bakal cites evidence that some companies utilize an idea pioneered 17 years ago by
time social critic, has written Charity strongly pressured their employees to do- a West German garage owner, Walter
U.S.A., a $16.95 investigation into how nate their “fair share.” A Pacific Tele- Kroll, who developed a waste oil burner
the money is raised and where it goes phone & Telegraph executive, he says, to save on heating costs for his shop
Says Bakal, explaining why he wrote the threatened to deny raises to those who At least half a dozen U.S. manufac-
book: “Where the cause is noble, how the would not contribute; Ohio Bell Tele- turers are now rushing to bring out com-
money is spent is never questioned. I don’t phone recorded the names of those who peting products. Tri-State Products of
want people to stop giving. I just thought | canceled or reduced their pledges; North- Fombell, Pa., has sold 1,800 of its $1,200
questions should be answered because western Bell Telephone workers were told “Hooter” furnaces. Bigger waste oil fur-
they were giving so blindly.” by supervisors and union stewards how naces, capable of heating entire factories,
Bakal writes mostly of the $21.2 bil- much to give. are being marketed by Pittsburgh’s
lion that pours into educational, cultur- Dravo/ Hastings Corp
al, health, social welfare, environmental I: riposte, William Aramony, the head The devices basically resemble the oil
and other nonreligious causes. Corpo- of the United Way, accuses Charity burners in any homeowner's basement
rations give about 10% of the total. More U.S.A. of being superficial and doing “a But to remove the sludge, the furnaces
than 80% of the donations come from disservice to all philanthropy.” Other crit- use either filters or vaporizers, which heat
individuals, who, Bakal concludes, are ics charge that Bakal is out of date the fuel so that the dirt and grime drop
usually unaware, for instance, that an Two of his main conclusions are shaky. to the bottom
average of 21¢ of each charity dollar He suggests that a new federal agency Savings on heating bills can be con-
they give to health causes is spent on fund- should regulate charity much the way siderable. Aaron Zuckerman, owner of a
raising costs and overhead. He notes that that the Securities and Exchange Com- car wrecking yard in Winchester, Va., in-
over the eleven-year period that ended mission regulates securities transactions stalled a junk oil furnace in his warehouse
in 1974, the Asthmatic Children’s Foun- He also believes that most functions of last December and has cut his heating
dation, according to Bakal, collected $9.9 philanthropy should be taken over by fuel bill from $600 a month to nothing.
million, but only about $1.4 million of the Government. Few taxpayers will Junk oil furnaces are economical only
that ever went to research and the treat- agree that the U.S. needs another bu- in service stations, factories or other in- |
ment of sick children. The rest was swal- reaucracy or more federal spending. For dustrial enterprises that generate waste
lowed by overhead all the book’s flaws, anyone who has oil. Homeowners would not want to use
Bakal chronicles some of the well- the stamina and sharp eyesight to get the devices because buying, transporting
known charity deceptions that gulled the through 459 pages closely set in tiny and storing the fuel would be a problem
generous. Baltimore’s Pallottine Fathers, type will rightly demand to know more For all that, the heaters make an impor-
a missionary order, collected about $56 about what his favorite charity is doing tant point: even so lowly a product as junk
| million between 1970 and 1975 to feed with his hard-earned dollars before he oil from a jalopy can help the nation con-
and clothe the poor but spent much of writes another check a serve energy. a |
66 TIME, JANUARY 28, 1980
_ Abillion dollars
just doesn’t go as far
as it used to.
Over the next5 year's, Texaco will be spending
more than $10 billion to bring you the energy you need.
When you've got a big job to do, a job Millions of barrels locked inshale.
as big as finding and developing new sources Right now we're working on an experimental project in
of energy, you've got to be prepared to Utah that may prove to be the key to extracting oil locked in
take big risks and make bigcommitments rock-like formations called oil shale. Until now, conven
And that's exactly what Texaco will tional methods of recovery have been uneconomical
be doing over the next 5 years, by But the use of new high-frequency radio wave technology
investing over $10 billion in capital and could open the door, and the
exploratory expenditures. These benefit could be enormous
are just a few examples ‘Bigger better more
Ae : dine
$7 Os efficient refineries.
A lotof our
For example, we've spent “On $10 billion invest-
the last 3 years exploring ment will go
off the coast of New Jersey in toward
meorechernew sources of energy. But not all of it
the Baltimore Canyon. And recently found the first Texaco is also committed to improving and expanding
confirmation of natural gas its refining facilities. This expansion will allow us to
That could help reduce our dependence make better use of some of the more available
on imported oil and be good news crudes to bring you gasoline, heating oil, and other
to all Americans necessary petroleum products
\ Coal agg ion
Clean-burning i Our investment should pay off
gas from coal. {aw
wtion 21 in more energy.
Texaco's developed a At Texaco, we're working on a lot of projects that
process to turn coal, America’s most plentiful energy are extremely capita intensive, vet
t is, they'll require a
resource, into a clean-burning gas. That gas could be used lot of money. Money that must be put to work
by utility companies instead of oil to generate electricity |: now, and in the future, to get you more energy. Most
Several years ago we constructed a pilot plant of the money we'll be investing will come
in Montebello, California, and now, with other from our earnings. Finding energy may not be
organizations, we have announced plans to cheap, but it is critical
build a major coal gasification demonstration That's why Texaco is
plant committed to putting more
When used commercially, this process than $10 billion to work ove
could save millions of barrels of fuel oil the next 5 years in an effort to
each year bring you the energy you neec
The Selling of the Super Bowl ville of the Boston Globe described it as
“the great American theme contest
There’s no story so everyone sits down
One thousand reporters meet 3,000 stuffed chicken thighs and tries to manufacture one.”
One partially redeeming circum-
urrounded by 20 reporters one day Herman while wolfing down 3,000 stuffed stance was the presence of the Rams, in-
last week, Fred Dryer of the Los An- chicken thighs, 5,000 barbecued beef ribs stead of the exhaustively covered Dallas
geles Rams recounted how he and for- and a ton of linguine. On Sunday two Cowboys. “At least we had a new act,”
mer Teammate Lance Rentzel attended brunches and a postgame buffet were said Dave Anderson of the New York
the 1975 Super Bowl as accredited cor- booked. Said John Schulian of the Chi- Times. The star was Rams Owner Geor-
respondents for Sport magazine. “We cago Sun-Times: “These people don’t miss gia Rosenbloom, a former showgirl who
acted just like regular beat-reporters a trick.” writes poetry on the side. Her temper-
would,” he said. “We ate and drank free The N.F.L. provided 110 typewriters amental players, who felt the fans and
all week, but we were unbelievable tip- and 40 video display terminals at the Los the writers were belittling their talents,
pers. We slept in our suits. We blurted Angeles Marriott Hotel, where most of made headlines by threatening to boycott
questions. We weren't interested in an- | the journalists were staying. Each day the press. Cracked Frank Dolson of the
swers, and we didn’t wait for them.” | league publicists churned out highlights Philadelphia /nquirer: “My greatest dis-
His listeners laughed heartily, if a of the coaches’ press conferences and appointment of the whole Super Bow! was
that they didn’t.”
Many writers tried gamely to avoid
Superclichés. No one did it as well as Mil-
ton Richman of U.P.I. and Dave Brady
of the Washington Post two years ago
—they visited a leper colony 50 miles from
New Orleans and came across a high
school teacher of Viking Coach Bud
Grant—but some entertaining yarns were
spun nevertheless. Ram Linebacker Jack
Reynolds got plenty of ink with succes-
sive versions of how he once sawed a car
in half (“13 blades and eight hours”), and
Teammate Jack Youngblood was, er, cast
as a pregame hero because of his deci-
sion to play with a hairline fracture in
his left shinbone.
Genetic Coup
“We'll all arrive the morning of the occupied with the Super Bowl, Rozelle has
game.” But golf or no golf, there prob- yet to take any action. He was, however,
ably will be few no-shows. “You've got to heard to mutter a few words about Ta-
be where the action is,” said Morris Sie- tum's cheek: “That's asking for it. Un- E. coli makes interferon
gel of the Washington Star. “If they believable.” A number of players have
played this game in the holy city of Qum, joined the chorus. “Mean” Joe Greene of Imost from the time of its accidental!
all the writers would still be there.” a the Pittsburgh Steelers says flatly, “We're discovery by scientists in England in
sportsmen, we're athletes. We shouldn't 1957, interferon has been the stuff of re-
Drug Patrol
other people, including Singer Jerry Lee
Lewis. (The state pharmacy board filed
its own charges against Memphis Drug-
gist Irving Jack Kirsch, who had filled Olympic watchdogs are ready
many of Presley's prescriptions.) Accord-
ing to the complaint against Nichopoulos, t has been the talk of the locker rooms
he wrote orders for 12,000 pills and vials for years. East Germany’s muscular
| of potent drugs for Presley in the final 20 women swimmers are suspected of train-
months of the singer's life, including ing on body-building anabolic steroids. So
Quaalude, Dilaudid, Amytal, Dexedrine, are weight lifters, shotputters and javelin
Valium, Demerol, Carbrital, Placidyl and and discus throwers of many countries.
Percodan. Soviet female gymnasts have been ac-
Last week, under the glare of TV cused of taking pituitary blockers to slow
lights, the board of medical examiners down growth. Swimmers, runners, cyclists
opened a hearing into its charges, Dr Dr. Nick listens to testimony and hockey players are widely believed to
Nick was among the first to testify. Re- Three suitcases full of “supplies.” compete while “hopped up” on stimu-
calling an association that began in 1967 lants, especially amphetamines. Though
when he treated the star for saddle sores, he confided what he had done, Dr. Nick practically all drug use is forbidden under
he painted a fascinating, depressing pic- said, Presley replied that he knew it and Olympic rules, competitors, coaches and
ture of life with the king: that he was just playing along. | sports physicians alike say flatly that the
> Presley was probably addicted to the Though Dr. Nick’s testimony por- taking of drugs is widespread
painkiller Demerol and barbiturates as trayed Presley as heavily dependent on Now, on the eve of the 1980 Winter |
well. Twice, in October 1973 and again drugs, there was still a question whether Games in Lake Placid, N.Y., next month,
in March 1975, he was hospitalized, and they killed him. The drugs found in Pres- | the International Olympic Committee’s
attempts were made to wean him off ley’s body, some medical observers noted, medical commission is determined to
drugs, one time using methadone. But were not at lethal levels and his longtime keep competition “clean” this time
Presley was so distrustful of his doctors abuse of medication probably made Pres- around. Says William Shuler, a former Ca-
after learning they were psychiatrists that ley tolerant of high amounts. Still, sev- nadian armed forces officer who will be
he refused any further treatment. eral of the drugs, taken in conjunction, director of medical services at Lake Plac-
> On tour, Presley routinely popped pills could have interacted with each other and id: “Anyone who might be considering
to go to sleep, before and after shows, and produced a fatal synergistic effect. And using drugs should be warned. He's more
to wake up. Nichopoulos always took there is no doubt that, whatever his other than likely to get caught.”
along three suitcases full of medical “sup- problems, there was no medical justifica- Entrusted with the policing effort are
plies,” including a large assortment of tion for the voracious way Presley took Pharmacologist Robert Dugal and Chem-
Stimulants, depressants and painkillers drugs. At week’s end, the Tennessee board | ist Michel Bertrand of Montreal's Nation-
(“So we wouldn't have to rely on an emer- voted unanimously to suspend Dr. Nick’s al Institute for Scientific Research. The
gency room before a show’). The 70- to license for three months—but only after two men, who performed similar duties
100-member entourage also drew freely praising him as a valuable member ofthe at the 1976 Montreal Olympics, are armed |
from this pharmacy—"‘if the need arose.” | medical profession. a with millions of dollars worth of sophis-
ti RP
| ‘ A rd
\ Pe .
Nowadays, Writing Is off the Wall while John Kennedy’s was so erratic that
he seldom signed his own name the same
way twice. Though Jimmy Carter's hand
So say the nation’s penmakers, and they have a point is clear, it seems almost juvenile when
compared with the elegant, flowing scripts |
early everyone has had the frustration lection, while indecipherable addresses of early Chief Executives like George
of receiving a phone message, restau- account for much of the 38 million pieces Washington and Thomas Jefferson.
rant bill, mechanic's receipt or note from of mail that wind up in dead-letter of- Among professionals, doctors contin-
the boss that turns out to be about as easy fices at a cost of nearly $4 million a year ue to live up to their reputation as the
to decipher as Egyptian hieroglyphics. for extra handling. worst scribblers. A study published in the
Weaned as they are on telephones, type- American Medical Association’s Journal
Mf Fy
| writers, computer print-outs and other reports that at one hospital 33% of all the
communications gadgetry, Americans physicians’ notes were essentially illegible
have simply forgotten how to write clearly (general surgeons and urologists were the
—when they write at all. So bad is the sit- worst offenders; gynecologists and cardiac
uation that the Writing Instrument Man- surgeons did somewhat better). Pharmacy
ufacturers Association, which annually Times magazine regularly reproduces par-
celebrates John Hancock’s birthday, Jan. Rotten writing is scarcely a new prob- ticularly hopeless prescriptions.
23, as National Handwriting Day, has de- lem. Napoleon’s script was so miserable Beyond the fact that much less com-
cided that it is “hopeless” to go on using that one of his generals once mistook a let- munication is handwritten now than it
ter of his for battle orders. Charles Ham-
A haw
ilton, a Manhattan dealer in autographs
and manuscripts, contends that Writer
Gertrude Stein’s oblique prose style may
be explained by the fact that compositors
often misread her cryptic script. Poet Wil-
liam Butler Yeats often could not read his
The standard-setting signature own work. Horace Greeley, the editor of
the old New York Tribune, had a notori- Kennedy’s scribble
the occasion to promote legibility in sig- ously illegible scrawl. He once scribbled a
natures. But the retreat is only partial. note to a reporter telling him he was fired was in the days of the quill pen, experts
Says Frank L. King, W.1.M.A.’s executive for incompetence; so indecipherable was | point to several causes of scriptural slop-
vice president: “We may have weakened the missive that for years afterward the piness. Some blame a spreading weakness
on signatures, but not on anything else. man was able to pass it off as a letter of of will. Says Sam Toombs, a Houston psy-
We will continue to vigorously provoke recommendation. chologist: “Bad handwriting is a way of
people’s awareness of bad handwriting.” What dismays pen- and pencil- saying something and taking it back at the
By W.1.M.A.’s reckoning, business los- makers today is that woeful writing seems same time. People scrawl signatures on
es as much as $200 million yearly as a re- to be spreading. Particularly upsetting is material for which they don’t want to be
sult of illegible records and messages. the poor example being set by the White held responsible.” Others cite the hurried
Sloppily filled-out returns hamper tax col- House. Among recent Presidents, Rich- nature of modern society, in which speed
is given a higher priority than clarity. Pen-
makers decry poor instruction: while
courses in calligraphy are gaining in popu-
larity among adults, schools have de-em-
Hanging “10” phasized instruction in penmanship. Pro-
moters of good script point out that at
oan Cle.
Bx women began adopting it in the
early 1970s: the venerable African
custom of ing hair woven into
small, tight braids fastened at the ends
with cowries, beads and sometimes
feathers. But since blond Starlet Bo
Derek turned up sporting the style in Carter's copybook clarity
this season’s hit film comedy “/0,” wom-
en of all hues have been badgering hair- schools in Oregon, where italic handwrit-
dressers for what they call “the Bo look.” ing is taught as a way to instill clarity, stu-
It does not come cheap: a braiding job dents not only develop superior penman-
costs anywhere from $80 to $300, and ship but get higher-than-average grades
it takes four to eight hours to finish. all round.
But once done, the hair can be sham- No purist on penmanship, W.LM.A.'s
pooed daily and will stay intact for a King admits to a feeling that script that is
month. Devotees praise the fashion as just a little sloppy may indicate “a more
being “goddess-like,” and “very Egyp- complex and exciting person.” Nonethe-
tian,” but hairdressers warn that not less, W.I.M.A. recommends 17 steps towarc
every girl should get a Bo. Says Jim more legible handwriting, including
Thompson, a Florida stylist: “It might “Slow down. Sit properly. Watch out fo
make a 9 into a 10, but it won’t make tricky letters. . .a,e, tand r cause the mos.
a3intoa 4.” difficulty.” And at the end of the list
“Think of the person receiving what you
write, and be merciful.” |
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your next busi-
The Gardens
of the Princes terfalls to soot.
A combination of utter vividness, pre-
cision of detail and fantasticated, rhythm-
In Washington, a landmark show of Persian miniatures ical design breathes from nearly all the
miniatures, but especially from the work |
n hindsight, the glories of kings are apt of the Safavid court artist Sultan-Muham-
to depend on the available talent. All mad, for whom this show is in effect a re-
the last Shah of Iran could rake up by DHL trospective. In one image of a legendary
way of a court artist was Andy Warhol. Persian hero, Rustam Sleeping While
Four hundred years before, his predeces- auveaRakhsh Fights the Lion, there is a dazzling
sors were more fortunate. The first three- play between abstraction and observation
quarters of the 16th century in the courts A dozen kinds of flower and plant are
of Persia formed one of the supreme pe- faithfully recorded, petal by petal, while
riods in the history of art: a Middle East- the rocks themselves take on the surging,
ern equivalent, perhaps, of Florence be- crinkled look of brain coral, providing a
tween 1450 and 1500, or 16th century dream landscape, almost subaqueous, in
Venice, or Paris between 1880 and 1930. malachite green, pink and blue, woven to-
It was mainly in Tabriz, the capital of gether by the twisting trees. A tense sprin-
the Safavid dynasty, under the patronage giness seems to run through every shape,
ofa succession of highly civilized Muslim visible in the arabesques of a bush no less
shahs and princes, that the art of min- than in the lashing tail of the lion or the
iature painting was brought to a pitch of trampling feet of the horse Rakhsh.
aesthetic and technical perfection that Pattern rules; it is extended every-
had not been imagined before, and has where. But unlike the more abstract coil-
not been approached since. ings and loopings of Carolingian or Ro-
Last month an exhibition of this work manesque manuscript painting, it keeps
opened at the National Gallery in Wash- returning the eye to the real world, if |
ington (it moves to the Fogg Museum in “real” is the correct term for this jeweled |
Cambridge, Mass., in late March). There and infinitely elaborated ideal of nature.
seems to be no reason to doubt the or- In fact, there is practically no differ-
ganizers’ claim that it is “probably the ence between culture and nature in these
greatest assemblage of 16th century Ira- ; ; miniatures. Both are equally possessed,
nian painting seen together in 400 years.” | peta from Khusraw Listening to Barbad equally dominated. Witness the figures in
Under the curatorial hand of Art Histo- | pjaying the Lute; below, Rustam Sleeping Mirza-'Ali’s miniature from the Quintet of
rian Stuart Cary Welch, several .Nizami, Khusraw Listening to
works have been brought togeth- =Barbad Playing the Lute; the
er. The centerpiece is the Hough- Syoung prince and his lackeys
ton Shahnama, or Book of Kings, have the same absolute and
in itself a miniature museum of Ma) «charmed formality as the room
the work of the greatest court art- mn) =they sit in, with its green and blue
ists of Tabriz, those who were as- } and pink tiles, its delicate mural
sembled under the rule of Shah tracery and the mythical good-
Tahmasp. There are other ma- luck birds over the framing arch
jor manuscripts too, including The basic principle of these min-
Nizami's Quintet (a cycle of five Lia Ga
Aen iatures is always clear: it is that
illustrated poems), along with a 7
Vb arieven
time in making commands time
group of separate miniatures. in looking. The idea that “major”
Few exhibitions have offered art must be big art is utterly refut-
such extreme pleasures to the eye. ed: what counts is the amount of
Though the pleasures are taxing, concentrated imagination and
because ofa scale of detail so tiny craft the pages contain. Each im-
that the museum supplies mag- age is a trap, a condenser—time
nifying glasses, Christopher Mar- made visible.
lowe’s phrase, “Infinite riches in Turned out by whole work-
a little room,” takes on a special shops of craftsmen working along
meaning with these miniatures. with the master painter (each leaf
They are the condensed products could take months of labor), these
of an immense appetite for the miniatures may be the most self-
world and its fruits, compressed ish works of art ever created for a
into a few square inches of sur- patron. They are mines of infor-
face. They are also fresher than mation about dress, manners and
most European Renaissance social ranking. But their point of
paintings because they have been view is so dauntingly one of abso-
protected between the covers of lute ownership that in studying
books, so that the pigment has them, one seems to be examining
not faded through exposure to their world down the wrong end
light. The one exception to this of a telescope. It is tiny, clear and
is the silver leaf that Safavid art- unattainably remote—a_ place
ists customarily used to represent that no human ruler will ever en-
water: it has tarnished, turning teragain. — Robert Hughes
TIME, JANUARY 28, 1980 79
This production comes alive only
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haftel Company
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‘Good as Gold’ somewhere Falling, The True Life Story of Jody Mc-
Keegan); he has also been a movie and
TV working stiff, and what he is of-
little eight-pagers we
Larson, goes slightly bananas in the
course of finishing a movie is a mere
fever chart. The journey of another kind
used to read...closer to
of odd couple dramatizes, poignantly and
wittily, Elizabeth Hardwick's observation
that performers tend to lead their lives
“gregariously and without affections.”
There are lots of gorgeous scenes, in-
cluding an incident of status panic in
Schwab’s drugstore with a lunchtime
crowd of actors desperately vying with
EXCERPTED FROM THE WASHINGTON POST one another for the attention of a pow-
erful producer, and a party where a White
Good as Gold made Mel Brooks laugh. It'll make House staffer learns how power politics
works when it leaves D.C. for L.A. Car-
you laugh. Laugh out loud. Because it’s about Bruce Gold, penter does these set pieces so well that
a man who began life in Coney Island and ended up in he sometimes forgets to nail down Lar-
son’s character firmly enough.
America’s real amusement park, Washington, DC. He's the
ut there may be art in these ellipses.
kind of guy only Joseph Heller can give you. Hilarious. Performers of Larson’s type are of-
Heartbreaking. And only slightly less insane than the world ten only shadows of the carefully tai-
lored selves they project to the public
around him. He's a true Joseph Heller hero. Created by the In private, filling the empty days be-
writer who's already given us two extraordinary and enduring tween engagements, they try to find an
intensity to match that of their onstage
novels, Catch-22 and Something Happened. moments. There is a sweet emptiness
Good as Gold. It has been praised as “more percep- about them, a vacancy that leaves by-
tive about human nature than anything else Heller has done...
he is among the novelists of the last two decades who matter.”
fae nae al
23 ways to help assure standers fecklessly trying to connect the
White House Years, Henry Kissinger
Best Sellers
1. Smiley's People, Le Carré
2 last week)
2. Jailbird, Vonnegut (1)
3. Triple, Follett (4)
4. The Last Enchantment,
Stewart (7)
O Luxury Villas a Schedule information
14Sn AN,28 9 8
_ | Sunny Kooks |
TTT chains. He later switches
> cision of grave dubiety.
to jogging, a de-
What he cannot
seem to do is get his noseout of a book or
TABLE SETTINGS by James Lapine %
newspaper to pay some loving concern to
his Gentile wife (Chris Weatherhead) or
he wacky family comedy has proved provide some fatherly guidance to their
a durable delight in the U.S. theater. | two children. This pair, a nine-year-old
Among the more notable items on that boy (Eric Gurry) and his 13-year-old sis-
roster: You Can't Take It with You, The ter (Marta Kober) are quintessential snots
Royal Family (about the Barrymores), with IQs high enough to float off the
The Impossible Years and the long-run- charts. Two more tasty noodles are
ning Broadway hit Gemini. A play like dropped into this comedic chicken broth.
The Man Who Came to Dinner is very The lawyer's younger brother (Mark
closely related to this genre. What links Blum) is an unemployment fetishist with
them all together is a zany brand of ec- a yen for pot, coke and sex. His girlfriend
centricity, an inebriation of the mind and (Carolyn Hurlburt) does mental-rehabil-
spirit rather than the body. itation work and seems to be in desper-
Table Settings is a modest but thor- ate need of it herself.
oughly engaging entry in this category of Playwright Lapine writes amusing
the lovable kooks en famille. All the ac- lines. At one point the mother asks the
tion takes place around dinner tables. younger son why he doesn’t get a job. An |
While the characters do relatively little immigrant matriarch, her next question is |
eating, they sure do spill the beans. The pencil-point sharp: “Why did you go to
basic ethnic unit and the flavor of the hu- college?” His riposte: “To avoid being
mor are New York Jewish. The play is asked questions like this after high
being presented at Manhattan's off- school.” One of the distinctly appealing
Broadway Playwrights Horizons Theater. aspects of Table Settings is its benign ami-
The clan is tri-generational. Mother Spiner and Gurry in Table Settings ability. Even when Lapine’s characters
(Frances Chaney) is a widow who was Spilled beans from Minsk to Manhattan. verge on cartoons, he presents them as en-
born in Minsk. To her the past is a gold- dearingly human in their follies, desires
en pillar of stability, while the present is “Money Is Freedom” seems to have and genetically nutty ways. His direction
a baffling disarray of odd behavior. What been engraved on the family crest in of his own play is brisk, and his cast is
mutational deviation of personality can Minsk. The older son (Brent Spiner), a close to flawless. A special huzzah should
possibly prevent her broodlings from de- lawyer, is making a boodle. He is also be raised to the two kids, who manage the
vouring their food when she orders them spending rather freely on double marti- rare stage feat of being obnoxious and
to charge with drawn forks? nis in rapid sequence, and he smokes in adorableatthesametime. — TE.Katem |
“ i
Milestones |
MARRIED. Steve McQueen, 49, tough-guy torial trademarks were silk scarves and |time record sales: 52 million). He com-
actor; and Barbara Minty, 26, a model; he broad-brimmed hats, Beaton was best missioned works by Aaron Copland, Vir-
for the third time; in Santa Paula, Calif. known professionally for his portraits of gil Thomson and other Americans that
the British royal family and the dazzling became repertory standards. And while
DIED. Robert Ardrey, 7! , dramatist and self- costumes and sets he created for operas, he would outrage purists by making a
trained anthropologist whose works on ballets, Broadway (My Fair Lady, Coco) medley of a Tchaikovsky movement and
man’s origins and behavior, among them and films (Gigi). Offstage he was celebrat- a pop tune, “Kosty” had his reasons:
African Genesis (1961) and The Territorial ed for his frolics with the famous, includ- “Criticism is upsetting, but if what I do ex-
Imperative (1966) promoted popular in- ing a 1940s dalliance with Greta Garbo. pands the meaning of music in terms ofat-
terest in the once-obscure field that he (Said she: “He was the only man I ever al- tendance, that’s all that really matters,”
made his specialty; of lung cancer; in lowed to touch my vertebrae.) What he
Kalk Bay, South Africa, where he had did live by passionately was his dictum: DIED. Finn Ronne, 80, American polar ex-
lived since 1978. Many ofthe plays (Thun- “Perhaps the world’s second worst crime plorer; of a heart attack; in Bethesda, Md.
der Rock, Shadow of Heroes) and movie is boredom; the first is being a bore.” The son of a Norwegian sailmaker who
scripts (Madame Bovary, Khartoum) that had gone to Antarctica with Roald
the Chicago-born Ardrey wrote, begin- DIED. Andre Kostelanetz, 78, Russian-born Amundsen and Admiral Richard E. Byrd,
ning in the 1930s, showed the fascination maestro who dedicated 50 years to pop- Ronne joined Byrd’s 1933 expedition
with man’s roots that later led him into ularizing orchestral music in America and there as a radio operator and dogsled driv-
anthropology. It was his notion that man American music in the world; of a heart er. Over the next 25 years, he returned to
is a “risen ape” whose drive to acquire attack; while vacationing in Port-au- the South Pole eight times (thrice with
power, defend territory and make war Prince, Haiti. Though Kostelanetz fled his wife Edith, one of the first women to
is inherited, rather than a learned re- war-ravaged Petrograd, where he had make the trip). On a 15-month trek in
sponse. This idea, like others Ardrey em- conducted opera, for New York City in 1946-48, he disproved the notion that the
braced, stirred wide controversy among 1922, his U.S. career did not bloom until continent was divided in two, and finished
scholars and laymen—which, in a way, eight years later when he was hired to charting the Weddell Sea coast, the
was his purpose. lead the CBS symphony orchestra on ra- earth’s last unsurveyed shore.
dio’s Chesterfield Hour. After making the
DIED. Sir Cecil Beaton, 76, English photog- program a hit, he added to his celebrity DIED. William O. Dougias, 81, former Su-
rapher, designer and arbiter of elegance; by marrying Opera Diva Lily Pons in 1938 preme Court champion of individual
of a heart attack; in Broad Chalke, Eng- (they divorced in 1958) and by cutting rights; of kidney and respiratory troubles;
|land. A tall, epicene dandy whose sar- more than 200 discs with Columbia (life- in Washington, D.C. (see LAW).
TIME, JANUARY 238, 1980 89
Time Essay
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