DeepTech Barometer Q32023 1

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Deeptech by

Review of all the fundraising announced by
French and German deeptech startups during the third quarter of 2023

€2.0B raised accross 56 deeptech deals France

over Q3 2023 in France and Germany
Amount raised, in €M Number of deals Balance

Various Split by region

industries in number of
Split by number of deals, in %

Average funding by industry

Biotech €14.8M 25% 25%

of transactions
Medtech €17.3M
had at least one 75%
Other Tech €1.4M non-EU investor €
Hardware €59.1M

Materials €24.7M
Not to be missed

Component €11.6M

The Exploration Company, a European NewSpace

startup, has secured a +€100M delivery agreement
Exits with Axiom Space, a private space station company. The
agreement is the first time a European space capsule
has been chosen by a commercial space company to
develop cargo transportation services from Earth to
Acquired by Acquired by Acquired by
Beacon Biosignals Renesas OVHcloud Space and back to Earth
September 2023

Deals review (in €M) Split by round size

Complex software
Component 4
Hardware 15
15 2
Other Tech
Medtech 2
Biotech 3 1

Omnes’ investments 1 9 5
1 1

8 1
1-5to €5M
5-10to €10M
10-20to 20+
> €20M
€5M €10M €20M

A deeptech startup is a startup developing a complex technological asset with strong technological
barriers (long R&D cycle, PhDs, research labs spinoff, patents, complex know-how, etc.)

Sources: press, internal data, Omnes analysis
VC | Omnes Communication - September 2023
The Deeptech by
The deeptech Expert gives the floor to a significant leader
to share their views on the deeptech ecosystem

Philippe Duluc
CTO at Eviden

You were involved in the implementation of European startups with access to an international
the French quantum plan. Two years later, market (large clients, Atos’ showroom…) for
what assessment have you drawn? around 10 startups each year.
In two years, many initiatives have been put in
How do you see classical HPC and quantum
place, such as the €150M PEPR (“Programmes et
computing being reconciled? And what role
Equipements Prioritaires de Recherche”) funding
does Eviden (the Atos’ subsidiary grouping
plan for academics (CEA, CNRS, INRIA, etc.) and
Digital, OneCloud, Big Data and Security
the establishment of the HQI (“Hybrid Quantum
activities) play in creating this ecosystem?
Infrastructure”) platform. Its aim is to create a
computing infrastructure in CEA premises, by Quantum computing is truly an acceleration of
providing easy access to QPUs purchased with HPC, much like GPUs were an acceleration of
public financing by GENCI. This initiative is of HPC. As the European leader in HPC, it was
great interest to industrial companies, startups, natural for us to position ourselves on quantum
and academic labs, and it allows startups to topics. It is critical to create a computing
make their QPUs available, and industrial infrastructure that allows industrial companies,
companies to use them. The first quantum analog not only to test QPUs, but to also perform
simulator from PASQAL is currently being massive calculations. Eviden positions itself as a
delivered for this program and will be connected hybrid computing platform that allows for QPU
to HQI platform by Eviden (an Atos business). simulation up to 40 qubits, as well as
heterogeneous computing (distributing tasks
It is true that one can criticize the program for across different types of computing processors,
being somewhat slow to be launched and GPU, GPU, and QPU). This offer, QaptivaTM,
delivered, especially from the perspective of released this year, is mature and allows industrial
industrial companies and startups, compared companies and academics to access technologies
with UK and Germany programs. But it has and libraries from numerous partners, such as
started now, and we see the first outputs. IQM, Quandela, or PASQAL for hardware, and
ColibriTD, Multiverse, or Qubit Pharma for
Finally, European calls for proposals are being software (and many more to come).
launched to find hosting sites for quantum
processors with different technologies. 6 sites will
be chosen by EuroHPC Joint Undertaking, which
“As the European leader in HPC, it
is financing around 50% of the investment. The was natural for us to position
French GENCI has notably been chosen to select ourselves on quantum topics”
a photonic processor to be connected to HQI.
Regarding cybersecurity, how do you
How do you evaluate the maturity of perceive the need for sovereign solutions
potential clients for quantum computing? among your clients?
In my opinion, French end-users are slightly
The question of sovereignty is at the core of our
behind, compared to our German or American
strategy. I feel a growing demand from
counterparts. Some large French players have
cybersecurity product-users to switch from a
indeed created quantum teams - organizing
non-European product to a sovereign European
hackathons, producing IP and papers, and
product. In my opinion, most of this movement
positioning themselves - but not that many have.
comes from regulations that have created
In Germany, we can already find very active
additional constraints. National and European
large players, especially in the chemical and
regulators are imposing more and more
pharmaceutical industries, since drug discovery
regulations in favor of national and European
will be one of the obvious first applications with
solutions. For instance, in France, ANSSI certifies
impactful results.
products by classifying the level of security with
What will stimulate the adoption of quantum different levels of qualification (basic, standard,
computing by large corporations is the current and reinforced), and it is practically impossible to
strong growth of startups focusing on use cases obtain the most secure qualification for foreign
and algorithms, who are receiving an increased companies.
amount of funding, while the space for pure QPU
startups is more overcrowded, with almost one “I feel a growing demand from
startup per technology per major country. To cybersecurity product-users to switch
contribute to startup’s development, Atos has from a non-European product to a
created Atos Scaler accelerator, which leverages sovereign European product”
the group’s credibility to provide these

Resumé of Philippe Duluc

+30 years of Launched mission- Former Former Former military Graduate
experience in critical solutions for Cybersecurity Corporate engineer for the French from Ecole
Security & Atos and is now CTO of manager of CSO for Ministry of Defense Polytechnique
Big Data the Big Data & Security Bull Group Orange and the Prime and ENSTA
division of Eviden Group Minister’s Office Paris
VC | Omnes Communication - September 2023

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