2024 IATEFL Conference Preview Brochure

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Preview Brochure

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About IATEFL Preview of Presentations Sponsors and Exhibitors Pre-Conference Events Booking General


General information Sponsors and Exhibitors
Who comes to an IATEFL Conference and why? 4 Our 2024 sponsors so far 13

Conference schedule 5 List of exhibitors 14-17

Types of conference session 5

Conference venue 5 Preview of Presentations

Pre-Conference Events
2024 plenary sessions 6-7 Tuesday 16 April 19-24

Signature events 8 Wednesday 17 April 26-31

Evening events 8 Thursday 18 April 33-38

Friday 19 April 40-42

Booking information 9 About IATEFL
How to book 9 What is IATEFL? 43

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Visa invitation letters 9 A brief history of IATEFL 43

Group offer for students 9 How to contact IATEFL 43

Why join IATEFL? 43

Pre-Conference Events (PCEs)

How to book 10

2024 PCE details 10-12

Preview of Presentations

If you would like further information regarding the conference,

follow the links below or email [email protected]
Accommodation Conference website Scholarships Travelling to the venue

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

Who comes to an IATEFL Conference and why?
The IATEFL Conference and Exhibition brings together English language teaching professionals from all parts of the profession, levels

of experience and areas of the world. This gives you a snapshot of the delegates from our five most recent conferences:

Our delegates consistently give us positive feedback about the conference each year. Here are some of the results from our 2023
Conference delegate survey:
Pre-Conference Events
Sponsors and Exhibitors
Preview of Presentations

All delegates are invited to the

IATEFL Conference
Welcome Reception
Monday 15 April | 17.30-19.00 | Brighton Centre

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Conference schedule

Day 1 - Tuesday 16 April

Plenary Conference Break Conference Lunch Conference Break Conference Evening
session sessions sessions sessions sessions events
1120- 1305- 1605-
0900-1015 1035-1120 1150 1150-1305 1405 1405-1605 1635 1635-1805 From 1930

Day 2 - Wednesday 17 April

Plenary Conference Break Conference Lunch Conference Break Conference Evening
session sessions sessions sessions sessions events
1135- 1250- 1530-
0900-1000 1020-1135 1205 1205-1250 1415 1415-1530 1600 1600-1815 From 1830

Day 3 - Thursday 18 April

Plenary Conference Break Conference Lunch Conference Break Conference Evening
session sessions sessions sessions sessions events
1135- 1250- 1505-
0900-1000 1020-1135 1205 1205-1250 1350 1350-1505 1535 1535-1750 From 1830

Day 4 - Friday 19 April

Plenary Conference Lunch Conference Plenary
session sessions sessions session

Pre-Conference Events
0900-1000 1020-1150 1250 1250-1405 1420-1520

Types of Conference session

On pages 19-42 of this brochure you will find an outline of planned sessions. You will see the title of each session, the name of
presenter(s), the content focus area and the type of session it will be. To help you understand how to plan your time at the
conference, here is a brief overview of each type of session and what you can expect:

Plenaries Panels
A chance for all conference delegates to join together to A 75-minute session that allows four or five people to present
listen to world class experts. Each plenary will have a follow their views on a topic and some audience discussion.

Sponsors and Exhibitors

up session later the same day where you can ask questions.
Lightning Talks
Signature Events A brand new format for the IATEFL Conference. A 45-minute
A session showcasing expertise and throwing light on state- session where 12 speakers will have three minutes each to
of-the-art thinking in a key area which is relevant to the present their ideas.
organisation hosting the event.
Posters will be on display throughout the conference week.
Each poster presenter will be allocated two slots, during
A 30-minute session relating to theory and practice or
break times, when they will be available to answer questions.
focusing on a particular material or product.
SIG Showcases / Open Forums
An opportunity for our Special Interest Groups (SIGs) to
A 45-minute interactive session. You will be invited to
highlight some key sessions. Within this, the SIG may host an
Preview of Presentations
participate through an activity organised by the speaker(s).
Open Forum where you can get to know the SIG better.
Evening events
A 75-minute session made up of three talks on a related
A chance to unwind at the end of a busy conference day and
socialise with other delegates.

Conference venue
The 2024 IATEFL Conference will be taking place at
The Brighton Centre (Kings Road, Brighton, BN1
2GR) and The Grand Hotel (Kings Road, Brighton,
BN1 2FW).

Brighton & Hove is a small city situated on the South


Coast of England, UK. It's famous for its inclusivity,

welcoming atmosphere and sense of fun! Some of
its famous attractions include the Palace Pier, Royal
Pavilion, i360 viewing tower, and the world's oldest
operating aquarium, SEA LIFE Brighton. To get the
most out of the city, we recommend you take a look
at the Visit Brighton website.

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

2024 plenary sessions

Tuesday 16 April | 09.00 | Vicky Saumell | The AI factor: have we figured it out yet?
The development of AI has become a huge challenge. Predictions abound about
Vicky Saumell is a teacher, trainer, materials writer
how it will affect not just ELT, but the world in general. After a whole year of fast- and presenter. She holds a degree in Spanish-English
moving advances in AI development and available tools for a variety of uses Literary and Technical Translation, a Diploma in the
within the ELT field, we are still working out what it means for us. We have been Theory and Methodology of TESOL and a degree in
learning what it is and what we can use it for, from lesson planning to image Educational Technology. She has worked as a writer
creation and automated language learning. But there is more! We have also been and trainer for major publishers, especially in the areas
trying to elucidate its positive and negative aspects, though it is all quite of project-based learning and the meaningful use of
subjective. Reducing a teacher’s workload, marking learners’ work, planning a digital technologies for language learning and their
impact. She has been the IATEFL
marketing campaign can be placed in different parts of the positive-negative
LTSIG Coordinator and a member
continuum. What seems apparent is that it is changing the ELT landscape. But of IATEFL Publications Committee.
how? What are the implications for different stakeholders in the language She currently teaches at primary

learning industry? And how are we coping with the challenges it poses? and secondary level schools in
Becoming aware of AI’s functioning so that we can detect biases and work Buenos Aires, Argentina, as well
together towards an ethical use of AI seems to be a logical pathway, which we will as continuing her freelance work.
explore together in this talk.

Wednesday 17 April | 09.00 | Zarina Subhan | Because you’re all worth it!
In 1973, L’Oréal introduced the slogan “Because You’re Worth It!” to sell their Although Zarina Subhan originally qualified as a
beauty products. Implying to value oneself, women should buy their products. scientist, she has been working in the field of ELT for
Except that quite a few skin colours around the world did not match their make- over 30 years. She has taught at all levels, in both
Pre-Conference Events

up products, making some not worth it! A few decades later, during the Covid private and government institutions, and worked
pandemic, male lives were worth more than those of females because the ‘gender- worldwide as a teacher and teacher educator. In
neutral’ personal protective equipment for medical staff is designed around a addition to working in and with educational
institutions, she has experience working with
male body. News coverage of climate change or war uses different strengths of
educational policy makers, NGOs, community leaders,
language depending on what regions of the world are affected, regardless of the local and state governments, and in a variety of
numbers of lives lost. These are some examples of the intersecting layers of teaching and training contexts.
inequality that exist in our world, where empathy is reserved for those who look Zarina’s time is now spent as an author and teacher
or sound ‘right’, or ‘relatable’. educator delivering courses,
As ELT professionals, should we care? Caring is at the root of what we value; what workshops, and conference
we value is at the core of what, or who we respect; what or who we respect presentations. Having worked in
underlines the way we interact with one another. Given its international usage, the science, educational, and
development sectors, her interests
English crosses borders, cultures, classes, and castes. It can, therefore, be argued
are the neurology of learning;
Sponsors and Exhibitors

that English is a tool that can reduce differences and increase empathy. This is why CLIL; CPD for teachers; inclusive
I think we should care. and sustainable education.
Whether you are a publisher, editor, writer, institution director, manager, teacher,
teacher educator, or researcher, we all have a role in caring about what the ‘normal’ framework is that ELT is given. Along what lines of
intersectionality are we excluding voices, images, and opinions to be represented to our students? Who are we subconsciously saying
is and is not “worth” a fair and equitable representation? Without diversity, equity, and inclusion how can English language students
relate to the people they may one day interact with using English as a Lingua Franca?

Thursday 18 April | 09.00 | Letizia Cinganotto | Teaching English and teaching other
languages: what’s new? Letizia Cinganotto, former Senior Researcher at
In today’s increasingly diverse educational landscape, shaped by increased INDIRE, Italy, currently teaches language teaching at
migration and a complex global socio-political climate, schools witness a rich the University for Foreigners of Perugia, Italy, where she
Preview of Presentations

tapestry of multicultural, multiethnic, and multilingual classrooms. A shift in is also Rectoral Delegate for International Relations
language education is needed, English teaching may be reconceptualized with a and a member of the Board of Directors of the Centre
for Language Evaluation and Certification (CVCL). She
broader kaleidoscope that acknowledges the central role the learner, with his/her holds a PhD in synchronic, diachronic and applied
plurilingual repertoire, including his/her own home languages, his/her own socio- linguistics and the National Scientific Qualification as
emotional sphere, that invariably influence the teaching and learning process. an Associate Professor. She is a member of different
What can an English teacher do in the so-called “new normal” post-pandemic era, working groups and scientific committees both
where, according to the Nobel Prize winner Yuval Noah Harari “change is the only nationally and internationally. In particular, she is a
constant”? What is the role of English as a lingua franca and as a global language member of the consultancy team
within this so complex socio-cultural landscape? The talk will provide suggestions of the European Centre for
and reflections to explore potential answers to these questions, without aspiring Modern Languages of the Council
of Europe. She has published a
to be exhaustive. large number of articles on peer-
Drawing inspiration from global language policies and the commendable efforts reviewed journals and five
of institutions such as the European Commission, the Council of Europe, the volumes.
European Centre of Modern Languages, UNESCO, and OECD, the talk delves into
the keywords of our time—mediation, pluricultural competence, intercultural dialogue, and global competences. Central to this

exploration is the landmark Common European Framework of Reference for Languages, Companion Volume (CEFRCV) (2020), a
milestone for language teaching, learning, and assessment, not only in Europe, but also worldwide. Suggestions from the CEFRCV such
as the Action-oriented Approach, the Learning Scenarios, the pluricultural and plurilingual competence, together with hints derived
from OECD PISA Foreign Language Assessment Framework, designed for PISA Test of English 2025, may represent invaluable tools to
improve the teaching and learning process. As we grapple with the challenges and opportunities presented by this fascinating global
scenario, this talk invites educators to consider innovative trajectories that not only embrace change but actively shape the evolving
role of English and Englishes in our interconnected world.

Friday 19 April | 09.00 | Rose Aylett | Disrupting the commonplace: embedding critical

literacy within language education Rose Aylett is a freelance training consultant and

If language teaching is to foster criticality for active and reflective social CELTA tutor, based in Liverpool, UK. She has been
involvement amongst learners, language teachers themselves should also be working in ELT for almost 20 years, predominantly in
critically literate practitioners. But what does ‘critical literacy’ actually mean? And Europe, the Middle East and North Africa, and has a
is it something we can learn and/or teach? Using Lewison et al.’s (2002) four long-standing professional interest in critical
pedagogy, global citizenship and social justice
dimensions framework of critical literacy, this talk will explore practical ideas to education. Her MA thesis (completed in 2020) explored
disrupt the status quo in language education, by embedding action for social critical literacy within teacher education, and informed
justice within the many layers of our educational practice(s): from the individual NILE ELT’s ‘Global Citizenship in Language Education’
to the institutional. course, for which she is the course leader. Rose is a
The presentation will unpack the definition of critical literacy proposed by former IATEFL Global Issues SIG Coordinator and editor
Lewison et al. (ibid.): (1) disrupting the commonplace, (2) interrogating multiple of the GISIG e-zine FUTURITY. She
viewpoints, (3) focusing on socio-political issues, and (4) taking action to promote speaks regularly at national and
social justice. It will explore how critical literacy is not simply a ‘list of skills that international conferences on how
to teach controversial issues, and
people manipulate and use’ but ‘becoming literate is about what people do with the integration of critical

literacy—the values people place on various acts and their associated ideologies’ perspectives into ELT.
(ibid.: 199). I will argue that the best place to start is by interrogating some of our
most strongly-held teaching beliefs, the materials we use and the methodologies
we adopt in our schools and training centres.
My hope is that delegates will leave with a better understanding of how the lens of critical literacy can enable and inspire teachers and
students to move beyond the personal – to interrogate larger socio-political systems, and to take action as global citizens.

Friday 19 April | 14.20 | Brian Bilston | An introduction to the English language through

Pre-Conference Events
poetry Brian Bilston has been described as the unofficial Poet
In this session, I will take a walk through the wonders and weirdness of the English Laureate of the platform formerly known as Twitter.
language, using the medium of poetry. Unfortunately, the poems which I intend With nearly half a million followers on social media,
to read shall be my own. Brian has become truly beloved by the online
community. He has published four collections of poetry
By the end of the forty minutes, I hope to equip delegates with some of the skills,
for adults, including a collection of his early Twitter
tools and confidence to think that they, too, could become a poetry sensation like poems, You Took the Last Bus Home (Unbound, 2016)
me. and the bestselling Days Like These (Picador, 2022),
which features a poem for every day of the year. His
novel Diary of a Somebody (Picador, 2019) was
shortlisted for the Costa first novel award. He has also
published a collection of football
poetry, 50 Ways to Score a Goal
(Macmillan, 2021), and his

Sponsors and Exhibitors

acclaimed poem Refugees
(Palazzo, 2019) has been made
into an illustrated book for

Preview of Presentations

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

Signature events

Tuesday 16 April | Express Publishing | Thursday 18 April | LanguageCert |

Teaching in the past or Assessment and learning
teaching in the present? for the digital age

What exactly does it mean to be a Innovations in technology are changing

teacher in the 21st century? How do you know whether you have the assessment landscape. How can educators and test
embraced the skills required to educate students in the modern developers prepare students to thrive on their chosen academic
world? Are you armed with easily accessible tools and pathways? What skills will be needed to engage critically with
meaningful activities to boost learners' confidence and facilitate technology and use it with integrity? Join our expert panel from
effective communication, a vital skill for student growth and assessment development, educational leadership, higher
learning? education and language teaching and gain insights into
Speaker: Jenny Dooley assessment for the digital age.

Speakers: Michael Milanovic, Eoin Jordan and Catherine Jones


Wednesday 17 April | British Council |

Artificial intelligence and English Friday 19 April | Cambridge University Press
language teaching: & Assessment | The power of one –
where are we going? supporting the self,
What have we learned through our recent research and community and planet
experiments with applying AI to teaching and assessment? How How can we combine successful language learning with the
can we collectively work together to overcome the issues we’ve skills to contribute positively to our globalised society? This
Pre-Conference Events

identified? How can teachers safely realise the potential of AI to panel considers our sphere of influence in ever-increasing circles
support learning? As the future of AI and ELT unfolds, join us to and our contribution to ensuring a brighter future. Starting with
explore answers to these questions and more. the importance of our own wellbeing; we then explore
Speakers: Adam Edmett, Neenaz Ichaporia, Mariano Felice, Helen engagement and empowerment in socio-emotional
Crompton and Amy Lightfoot communities, and our vital relationship with the planet.
Speakers: Kate Brierton, Sarah Mercer, Cindy Forde

Evening events
Monday 15 Tuesday 16 Wednesday 17 Thursday 18
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Pre-Conference Events end


Conference sessions end Conference sessions end

1805 1750
Welcome Reception Conference sessions end
Sponsored by
Preview of Presentations

Pecha Kucha
Sharing Stories
British Council
Drinks Reception
Introduction to Brighton

Lip-Sync Battle
International Quiz 2000-2130
Thank you to our social programme sponsor

Find out more about our evening events at www.iatefl.org/conference/social-programme

Become an IATEFL member before booking and get more for your money

Non-member rate Early bird: £276 Individual membership + Early bird: £273

full conference Standard: £318 member rate full conference Standard: £314
What you'll get: What you'll get:
• Access to an international conference with • Access to an international conference with around 500 sessions and events
around 500 sessions and events Plus:
• Discounts on IATEFL events
• Archive of resources and recorded webinars
• CPD event certificates
• And much more!
Please note: the early bird price will expire at 16.00 (UK time) on Wednesday 10 January 2024

Booking information
IATEFL student
Non-member IATEFL member
Early bird Full Conference* £276 £199 £122

Standard Full Conference £318 £241 £164

Pre-Conference Events
Single Conference Day
£144 £108 £72
(rate applies Tuesday 18 to Thursday 20 April)
Final Day
£64 £48 £32
(rate applies Friday 21 April only)

Early bird in person Pre-Conference Event (PCE)* £79 £59 £59

Standard in person Pre-Conference Event (PCE) £90 £77 £77

Online Pre-Conference Event attendee £59 £39 £39

Sponsors and Exhibitors

*Your booking and full payment must reach IATEFL by 16.00 (UK time) Wednesday 10 January 2024 to be eligible for this early bird discount.
** This price is only valid for student members of IATEFL, find out more here.
For full booking terms and conditions, go to www.iatefl.org/conference/terms-conditions

How to book
Visa invitation letters
1 Log into the IATEFL website at www.iatefl.org. If you have
never logged in before it is free to create an account. Delegates who require an invitation letter in order to
make visa arrangements should first make a conference
booking online. Under the Personal Information section,
2 Once you are logged in, go to your IATEFL Dashboard where
you will find the “International Conference” block. tick the ‘invitation letter required’ box and fill in your

Preview of Presentations
passport number where indicated. Your invitation letter
will be emailed to you within two weeks of us receiving
3 Select if you would like to book for the full conference or for
single days and complete the online form.
your booking.

4 Pay online for your booking or select ‘Pay later’. If you choose
to pay later you will have the option to add billing
information and you will be shown the payment options on the
Group offer for students
next screen. New for 2024! We have introduced student group
bookings for 10+ students. Access the student member
rate by booking 10 or more students. Bring 15 students
5 Review your booking, check all the information is correct
and if you are happy click “Submit”. and get a group leader place for free! Terms and
conditions apply, please contact [email protected]
for more information.
6 You will then see a confirmation screen and you will have
the option to book for a Pre-Conference Event (PCE).
Other group bookings

It is not possible to make a group booking for non-

7 You will receive an email confirmation of your booking. If
the email doesn’t arrive, please check your junk folder
before contacting [email protected].
students, each member of your group must create their
own booking following the instructions on the left.
Details about how to make payment for multiple people
can be found on each invoice or at www.iatefl.org/
For further booking information, please go to

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information

Pre-Conference Events
Our Pre-Conference Events (PCEs), organised by our Special Interest Groups (SIGs), are being held in Brighton and online on Monday
15 April 2024. These events allow you to explore a particular subject area in more depth, network with colleagues from around the
world and to continue your professional development. Each PCE runs for the full day (from 10.00 - 17.00 UK time). It is only possible to
register and attend one PCE. All PCE delegates will receive a certificate of attendance.

How to book
1 Log into the IATEFL website at www.iatefl.org. If you have
never logged in before it is free to create an account. 4 Review your booking, check all the information is correct
and if you are happy click “Submit”.

2 Once you are logged in, click on the relevant link below to
book to attend in person or online. 5 You will receive an email confirmation of your booking. If the
email doesn’t arrive, please check your junk folder before
contacting [email protected].
3 Pay online for your booking or select ‘Pay later’. If you choose
to pay later you will need to add billing information and you

will be shown the payment options on the next screen.

*Your booking and full payment must
Non-member IATEFL member reach IATEFL by 16.00 (UK time) Wednesday
10 January 2024 to be eligible for this early
Early bird in person Pre-Conference Event (PCE)* £79 £59 bird discount.
Standard in person Pre-Conference Event (PCE) £90 £77 For full booking terms and conditions, go
to www.iatefl.org/conference/terms-
Online Pre-Conference Event attendee £59 £39 conditions

Advising and guiding: Diverse voices: literature


empowering foreign language and film in the YLT

learners in and out of the classroom

classroom with the Literature Special Interest

with the Learner Autonomy Special Interest Group Group and Young Learners & Teenagers
The event will be an informative day full of new ideas, Special Interest Group
networking opportunities, and practical approaches to The event will celebrate diverse voices in
enhancing and expanding your knowledge. Our program is still children’s and teens’ literature and film by exploring texts from
a work-in-progress, but you can get an overview of what we are diverse creators, featuring diverse characters, and by sharing the
planning here: expertise of teachers and materials writers from those
• Interactive plenary by Jo Mynard and Satoko Kato communities, offering authentic and relevant insights.
• Hands-on workshops Communities that will be looked at in talks/workshops:
Sponsors and Exhibitors

• Poster presentations • Neurodiversity

• Ideas exchange with other participants • LGBTQIA+
• Networking • Genderqueer, gender-questioning, and non-binary
• …and more • Race and ethnicity
What you will learn at this PCE: • Refugee and displaced peoples
• What language learning advising is and how it can be The day will include numerous interactive activities, lots of
conducted opportunities for networking, the chance for you to present
• How to use feedback and dialogue to support the your favourite book or film to the group, and also finish with a
learning process hybrid panel where you can ask a range of experts for their
• What the role of reflection is and how it can be fostered opinions and advice!
• How to become an advisor and why doing so benefits This is a perfect day for teachers who wish to promote diversity
your learners and inclusion in their classrooms through the vehicle of
Preview of Presentations

literature and film to find support, new friends, and inspiration!

Click here to book to attend Click here to book to Speakers: Aleksandra Popovski, Tyson Seburn and Sea
in person attend online (Claire) Steele
Click here to book to attend
in person
ESP Around the World
with the English for Specific
Purposes Special Interest Group
The aim of the ESPSIG Pre-Conference Event (PCE) 2024 is to Is there a place for IP in AI
provide an opportunity to practitioners in the field of ESP with the Inclusive Practices and Special
around the world to share ideas about the current Educational Needs Special Interest
developments in the field of ESP, including but not limited to: Group
• materials development We are delighted to announce a Joint Pre-
• curriculum development Conference Event (PCE) between the Inclusive Practices and
• assessment Special Educational Needs SIG (IP&SEN SIG) & English UK,
• educational technology focusing on the theme of "AI in Inclusive Practices." This event

• teacher training will explore the powerful impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in
• future trends promoting inclusivity and equitable practices in Language
This event will take place with both face to face attendees and Teaching organizations (LTOs).
an online audience. Click here to book to attend Click here to book to
Click here to book to attend Click here to book to in person attend online
in person attend online

General information
Item writing: from theory to
practice Looking forward, looking
with the Testing, Evaluation & back
Assessment Special Interest Group with the Materials Writing
Assessment tasks or test items are a core part of any formal or Special Interest Group
informal language assessment. For national or international ‘Looking forward, Looking back, we’ve come a long way down
standardised tests, item writers or task developers are trained the track.’
and skilled in working to test specifications to develop relevant The immortal words of Slim Dusty form the theme of our 2024
and appropriate items. And for these tests, item writing is part of PCE as we celebrate ten years since the first MaWSIG PCE, and
the larger process of test development. However, what about consider where materials writing will take us in the future.
developing assessment tasks for your classroom or your On 15 April 2024 in Brighton, our PCE will feature talks and
institution? This is no easy task and there are many factors to hands-on, interactive workshops that focus on the past, present
consider. Teachers need to be able to draw on knowledge, skills and future of materials writing/development. We will share
and resources in order to develop assessments that are reliable ideas on how developments in ELT affect us as materials writers/
and valid for their individual situations. developers in areas such as:

In September 2023, we organised an online event to begin • digital developments (e.g. multimodal resources, using AI,
looking at developing assessment tasks for the classroom, what gamification)
is involved in developing a test item, the knowledge required to • authenticity PCE sponsored by
do this effectively, and the resources available to support • assessment
teachers with this very important part of their jobs. • inclusivity
Our PCE in Brighton will continue the theme of test item writing • teacher resources
with two very practical workshops that will guide participants • materials for specific age groups
through the item-writing process for their classrooms and • globalisation
institutions. The workshops will be hands-on, so if you’d like to • methodology
know more about item writing for your own assessment needs • world Englishes
Whether you develop materials full time, create materials for

and actually try writing some items, come and join us!
Speakers: Michael Fields and Kathrin Eberharter your own classroom or are simply interested in materials, join us,
either in person or online, for a stimulating and inspiring day!

Click here to book to attend
in person Click here to book to attend Click here to book to
in person attend online

Pronunciation ‘unplugged’:
teachers as resources for low-tech Researching and promoting
classrooms inclusive language practices
with the Pronunciation Special Interest through Technology
Group with the Learning Technologies Special

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Today, many teachers of English language are fortunate to have Interest Group and Research Special
a variety of resources at their disposal to aid their instruction: Interest Group
from a teacher’s library full of books and a photocopier to make In this event we expect to gain knowledge
class copies, interactive mobile phone apps, reliable internet about challenges and opportunities in order to
access and smart boards onto which we can project audio and be able to make informed decisions regarding
video from any genre that fits the lesson’s objectives. However, inclusive language practices through technology. LTSIG and
while access to these resources is increasingly common, ReSIG aim to share ideas and best practices in incorporating
particularly for pronunciation instruction, there will always be technologically-advanced techniques in promoting inclusive
locations or scenarios when it is impossible or impractical to rely language practices
upon them. This could be a remote school with little funding or Click here to book to attend Click here to book to
provisions; a classroom with unreliable technology or electricity in person attend online
supply; a lockdown with students who have little-to-no
Preview of Presentations
technological experience; or even a low-level or low-literacy
class for whom colourful textbooks and innovative printed
Theory, Practice and Identity in
materials are of limited help. For our 2024 PCE IATEFL PronSIG
wants to take you back to basics, and focus on the techniques, Second Language Teacher
methods, and strategies that allow us to teach pronunciation Education
‘unplugged’. Turning away from ever-advancing technology for a with the Teacher Training & Education
day, we’ll share with you how you can teach pronunciation Special Interest Group
anywhere, to anyone, with nothing but yourself as a resource. In this year’s PCE, attendees will be involved
Speakers: Michael Burri, Emily Bryson, Gemma Archer, in four workshops that aim to explore theory, practice and
Andrea Echelberger and Marisol Hernández identity of second language teacher educators. Attendees can
expect to explore their personal histories as teacher educators,
Click here to book to attend Click here to book to their beliefs and how these have been influenced by their
in person attend online
contexts, personal backgrounds, etc., whilst at the same time
examining various teacher education practices and reflecting on
their effectiveness.

Speakers: Jim Fuller, Gary Barkhuizen, Matthew Ellman and

Bahar Gün
Click here to book to attend
in person

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
Sanctuary and ESOL Teacher Change Over Time
Communities: Within and with the Teacher Development
Special Interest Group
Beyond the Classroom
In this PCE, the TDSIG invites
language practices through teachers to examine their own PD pathways. This event could
Technology serve as a means of autobiographical reflection for increased
with the English for Speakers of other languages Special agency. Or it could provide a cornerstone of a mentor/mentee
Interest Group dialogue. Regardless of where you are in your professional
The ESOL PCE day would like to showcase how ESOL development, teacher change is a crucial element of critical
practitioners can take ESOL learning beyond the classroom reflection and growth.
through research, case studies of best practices and integration What is effective teaching and learning? In short, your answer
toolkits. may depend entirely on what stage you may be in your
The ESOL PCE will showcase best practice through workshops professional development. From building disciplinary
and presentations on knowledge to applying that to pedagogical knowledge, we
• How FE colleges/ESOL education centres can align and develop as teachers over time. We hone teacher competencies.

establish ‘local’ partnerships with refugee/asylum seeker The craft of teaching becomes intuitive year after year. We
organisations, advocacy groups, political parties, develop professional identities. But this doesn’t happen without
community, voluntary, sports, cultural and Arts sectors. change—a change in skillset, attitude, confidence, core beliefs,
• Subsequently, ESOL practitioners will learn how to design, and our identity.
develop and adapt materials/activities in conjunction with
such partnerships, to enhance learner motivation, English Click here to book to attend
in person
language and critical thinking skills.
• This will allow/encourage learner autonomy through the
use of English away from the classroom discover or
reconnect with previous skills and hobbies they Teacher recruitment and
participated in before arriving in the UK and make greater retention: From strategy to day-

local connections/friendships now and going forward. to-day operations

This Pre-Conference Event is an opportunity for practitioners to with the Leadership and Management

learn from each other, share and develop best practices as ESOL Special Interest Group
practitioners, and open the discussion to identify areas for Finding and retaining the right teachers for your organization is
further research and future collaboration regarding ESOL critical to the overall success of academic programs and growth
provision, learners, sanctuary, and creating and belonging to of the institution. It is, however, not the easiest task to find the
communities within and beyond the classroom. To conclude, best teachers, develop their skills, and to provide an
the ESOL PCE day aims to bring the outside ‘local world in’, in environment that encourages them to stay at your organization
order for learners to access their local community through and grow with you. This one-day workshop will look at:
English – moving from inside the classroom out into their local • Strategy and planning for best practice in the recruitment
communities through transformative ESOL provision. and retention of staff
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Click here to book to attend Click here to book to

• Day-to-day operational requirements, focusing on teacher
in person attend online recruitment, development, and retention
Throughout the day, we will have sessions led by industry
experts, followed by workshops where participants can expect
• Discuss ideas for best practice
• Learn from other contexts and managers
• Leave with ideas to build an effective teacher recruitment
and retention strategy
Speakers: Andy Hockley and Silvana Richardson
Click here to book to attend Click here to book to
in person attend online
Preview of Presentations

General information
Thank you to our sponsors so far

Your IATEFL conference experience is of paramount importance to us, we believe ensuring that you each

have a valuable and enjoyable time is one of the keys to our success and longevity. We are always exploring
new ways to enhance the conference and much of this would not be possible without the support of our
sponsors. The invaluable contributions they offer not only help to make the conference happen, but also

ensure you have a memorable time.

We would like to extend a very big thank you to each of our sponsors for their dedication to IATEFL and the
Conference. You can find out more about each of them by clicking on their logos.

Gold Sponsors

and Exhibitors
Preview of Presentations

Silver Sponsors Bronze Sponsors


It’s not too late to become a sponsor. If you would like more information about the
opportunities available, please visit our website, or contact us at [email protected].
#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure
General information
The Exhibition is a showcase of the latest resources, services and publications from
international course providers, publishers, digital innovators and many more! It is a much loved Exhibition opening times
aspect of the conference and offers the perfect opportunity to find out about the latest ELT
products and services, and to connect with a variety of organisations. Tuesday 11.00 - 17.30
Within the Exhibition you will find the Introducing Zone, featuring first time exhibitors, and the Wednesday 08.30 - 17.30
Career Development Zone, featuring exhibitors who can help you take the next step in your
career. There will also be our Pop-up stage where you can hear industry experts giving short Thursday 08.30 - 17.30
presentations about the latest products and services. Friday 08.30 - 12.45

B Bookshop CP Course Provider www.iatefl.org
D Digital/online services O/A ELT organisation/association
@ [email protected]

P Publisher T Testing and assessment

Click here to +44 (0)1795 591414
Website Telephone number find out more
about our
@ Email address Key contact name exhibitors

Anglia Examinations Atlas English Ltd.

www.anglia.org www.atlasenglish.co.uk
@ @
Pre-Conference Events

[email protected] [email protected]
01243786321 +44 (0) 790 7026 700
Ari Bayramyan Elinor Stokes
T Find us in the Career Development Zone D Find us in the Introducing Zone

Avallain AG BEBC
@ [email protected]
01202 715555
Nick Edwards
Sponsors and


Bridge Education Group British Council

https://bridge.edu/tefl/ www.britishcouncil.org/future-of-english
@ [email protected]
Maggie de Oliveira
Preview of Presentations

CP O/A Gold sponsor

Collins DELTA Publishing

@ [email protected]
+44 141 306 3100


DK Learning
There is still time to book an Exhibition

stand and join us along with a wide range learning.dk.com/uk/english-for-everyone

of ELT professionals. @ [email protected]
Hayley Sutton
Contact [email protected]

General information
ELAO ELi Publishing
@ [email protected]
+39 337 1443904
Silvia Petrosillo

English in Action ETS Global

www.englishinaction.com www.etsglobal.org
[email protected] &
@ @ [email protected]
[email protected]

01227818266 / 01227818250 Peter Westerhuis
Oli Sapsford & Paul Gibson
O/A Find us in the Introducing Zone T Gold sponsor

Express Publishing
www.expresspublishing.co.uk Don’t forget there will be a Pop-up
Stage in the Exhibition featuring short

Pre-Conference Events
@ [email protected]
presentations between sessions. If you, or
(+44) 1635 817 363 your organisation would like to purchase
a slot, please email [email protected]
for more information.
P Gold sponsor

Garnet Publishing Ltd Global ELT

www.garneteducation.com www.globalelt.co.uk
@ [email protected] @ [email protected]
+971 54337713 +44 01273 251907
Lawrence Mamas

Sponsors and

Hamilton House Publishers Helbling

www.hamiltonhousepublishers.com www.helbling.com/english
@ [email protected] @ [email protected]
Lars Madsen

P P Preview of Presentations

IELTS Independent Authors and Publishers

www.IELTS.org/teachers www.EFLtalks/IAPG.html
@ [email protected] @ [email protected]
+44 (0) 161 957 7755 +48 511 333 792
IELTS Customer Support Rob Howard
T Gold sponsor P

International House World Organisation Key

B Bookshop CP Course Provider

D Digital/online services O/A ELT organisation/association
@ [email protected]
P Publisher T Testing and assessment
20 7394 6580 Click here to
Website Telephone number find out more
Giuliana Faldetta about our
O/A Gold sponsor @ Email address Key contact name exhibitors

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information

Key King's College London

B Bookshop CP Course Provider
D Digital/online services O/A ELT organisation/association
P Publisher T Testing and assessment
Click here to
Website Telephone number find out more
about our
@ Email address Key contact name exhibitors
P Find us in the Career Development Zone

LanguageCert Learning Resource Network

@ [email protected]

+44 (0) 20 3793 3519

Muhammad Tariq
T Gold sponsor T Find us in the Career Development Zone

Macmillan Education MM Publications

Pre-Conference Events



National Geographic Learning Newgen KnowledgeWorks

ELTNGL.com www.newgen.co
Find your rep at www.cengage.com/repfinder @ [email protected]
@ [email protected] 07944884145
Lucy Constable Caroline Boot
Sponsors and

P P Find us in the Introducing Zone

NILE Free tea and coffee will be served

www.nile-elt.com in the Exhibition during break times
and food will be available to buy in the
@ [email protected] catering area during the lunch break.
01603 664473
Thank you to LanguageCert for
Lucy Oram
sponsoring the tea and coffee.
Preview of Presentations

CP Find us in the Career Development Zone

Oxford University Press Pearson

www.elt.oup.com/ www.pearson.com/languages
Book at meeting at www.pearson.com/
@ [email protected]

P Gold sponsor P T

Pilgrims Pronunciation Science Ltd


www.pilgrims.co.uk/teacher-training-courses www.pronsci.com
@ [email protected] @ [email protected]
+33 (0) 1 56 08 08 61 +44 7961 422862
Mathilde Hubert Piers Messum
CP P Find us in the Introducing Zone

General information
Sensations English Teacher Portal by IH London
www.sensationsenglish.com www.teacherportal.ihlondon.com
@ [email protected] @ [email protected]
Colette Thomson Ri Willoughby

D Find us in the Introducing Zone D Find us in the Career Development Zone

Trinity College London University of Birmingham

www.trinitycollege.com www.birmingham.ac.uk/schools/edacs/
@ [email protected] postgraduate/index.aspx

+44 020 7820 6100 @ [email protected]
Gemma Cullen

Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University York Press

www.xjtlu.edu.cn www.york-press.com
@ @

Pre-Conference Events
[email protected] [email protected]
Carol Salloum
CP Find us in the Career Development Zone P

Sponsors and
Preview of Presentations

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

About IATEFL Sponsors and Exhibitors Pre-Conference Events Booking General information

Preview of

General information
Preview of presentations
Please note that the details below are provisional and may change between now and the conference. Updates will be listed in the
Conference Programme, available on the IATEFL website from March. Delegates will also receive a hard copy on arrival at the

Entries are listed alphabetically by surname under the day they will present, with Forums listed at the end of each day.

Key to abbreviations used in the Preview of presentations

AL = Applied Linguistics GI = Global Issues MD = Materials Development
BE = Business English IPSEN = Inclusive Practices & SEN PRON = Pronunciation
EAP = English for Academic Purposes LA = Learner Autonomy RES = Research
ESOL= English for Speakers of Other LAM = Leadership & Management TD = Teacher Development
Languages LIT = Literature TEA = Testing, Evaluation & Assessment
ESP = English for Specific Purposes LT = Learning Technologies TTEd = Teacher Training & Education

GEN = General MaW = Materials Writing YLT = Young Learners & Teenagers
Don’t forget that this information is provisional and may change between now and the conference. Updates will be listed in the
Conference Programme, available on the IATEFL website from March.

Tuesday 16 April
EAP, ESP The challenges of English for specific PRON Slovenian ELF pronunciation of Dončić,

Pre-Conference Events
Talk purposes for engineering students Talk Trump and Žižek
Naqaa Abbas Mojca Belak
EAP Mapping and open curriculum for GI, MD Representation is good representation?!
Talk motivation and achievement in EAP Talk Queer perspectives in German ELT
Nermine Abd Elkader Albert Biel
GI, RES The viability of blended ELT courses in TD, TTEd Reflective practice and the Cambridge
Talk post-Covid/post-war Syria Talk international professional development
Rasheed Abdul Hadi qualifications
César Bizetto
TTEd, YLT Identity mapping: an act of identifying with
Workshop English GI, MD Global Englishes, local materials

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Vinita Abichandani, Joan Kang Shin Talk Steve Brown
LT, MD Putting AI to use in class: empowering MD, TD Using backward course design for
Talk schools and teachers Talk prioritizing learning outcomes in
Wilim Abrook instruction
Celestina Cardoz
TD, TTEd Engaging teacher educators across school
Talk systems GEN Teaching about English: its IndoEuropean
Emilio Abularach, Sergio Monteiro Talk roots in Ukraine and Caucasus
Michael Carrier
GI, TD Promoting ELT bottom-up teacher CPD
Workshop through CoPs in Rwanda EAP, TEA Tailoring assessment of an authentic
Laurent Ahishakiye Talk lecture comprehension pre-sessional task
Mark Carver
TD Hornby Scholars’ presentation: Teacher
Panel development in Global South contexts: TD, TTEd Exploring the CELTA teaching practicum on

Constraints and affordances Talk an MA TESOL

Preview of
Sumaiya Akhter, Ehsan Arnaout, Merve Richard Chinn, Joe Fagan
Demir, Jawid Jafari, Danson Mbaabu
TD Teaching mediation: mediating concepts
Kimathi, Leonardo Marinho Dias
Workshop and mediating communication
Lima, Hang Khanh Pham, Yiviri Rasifatu
Chia Suan Chong
Tombir, Maryam Sadat Sakaki
TD Quid pro quo: making peer classroom
TTEd, YLT Lurking is NOT cheating: developing
Talk observations mutually beneficial
Talk writing competences in EFL classrooms
Barbora Chovancova
Soren Hattesen Balle, Merete Olsen,
Christian Grosen LA, LT Empowering language teaching through
Talk the art of asking coaching questions
BE, ESP Business English course content and
Aliaksandra Chyhirynava
Workshop structure: key issues and solutions

Gillian Bathmaker, Louis Rogers TD English for a critical mind: language

Talk pedagogy for social justice
GEN Localisation for best practice
Alessia Cogo
Talk Jeremy Beacock

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
LIT, YLT Using children’s literature in EFL TD, TTEd Embrace, empower, evaluate: training
Talk classrooms (children aged 3-6) Workshop teachers on new technologies
Diana Cojocnean asynchronously
Malamatenia Gatsou
EAP Does teaching formulaic language actually
Talk improve student writing? TD Innovations and co-teaching in Nepalese
Melissa Corlett Poster EFL context
Gokul Ghimire Sharma, Radha Krishna
EAP, RES IELTS vs university: food for thought on
Talk student learning journeys
Amy Coryat MD, TD Course design and materials for older
Talk adults
GEN The joy in being wrong (on so many levels)
Marina Gonzalez
Workshop Lucie Cotterill
LAM Practical steps toward teacher wellbeing
LAM, TD Moving to the middle: helping middle
Workshop through mindful management
Talk leaders thrive

Emma Gowing
Barbara Craig, Sandra Pitronaci
EAP, ESP Teaching academic IELTS exam preparation
LA Enhancing self-regulated learning through
Workshop strategies: practical classroom activities
Workshop the integration of projects and portfolios
Richard Gresswell
Ashkon Djalili
RES Creative practices and autonomous
BE, TD How can we really evaluate learning and
Talk identities empowering pre-service teachers
Talk development outcomes?
Marisol Guzman Cova
Ben Dobbs
GEN Concept-based learning and the realities of
Pre-Conference Events

TD Multimodal literacy in ELT: how to develop

Talk the ELT classroom
Talk contemporary communication skills?
Philip Haines
Kieran Donaghy
TD Walking in someone else's shoes: teachers
TD, TTEd Oxford Teachers’ Academy: discover the
Talk and students together
Talk joys of online professional development
Jeremy Harmer
Ed Dudley
LT, TD Teacherpreneurship: offering unique
TD, TTEd Teacher agency across global contexts:
Talk online teaching opportunities for global
Panel drivers, challenges, and opportunities
English teachers
discussion Silvana Dushku, Undraa Enkhtaivan, Nidhi
Anna Hearrell
Seth, Lorette Bassoung
TD, TTEd New perspectives teaching through Pan-
GI, TTEd How can we make teacher education
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Talk African book and film

Talk programmes more sustainable?
Camilla Heath
Matthew Ellman
EAP Am I employable? Students’ perception of
AL, LT AI divide in ELT: tips to narrow it
Talk skills required for employment.
Talk Mohammad Etedali
Kamila Helmy
GEN Design thinking projects to develop
TD Reach out and they'll be there: 'new'
Workshop language and problem-solving skills
Workshop phrasal verbs
Sophie Farag
Clare Henderson
GEN Second language listening: 30 years on
GEN What’s it mean: it’s different, spoken
Talk John Field
Workshop grammar?
TTEd Teacher wellbeing on CELTA Jon Hird
Talk Manuel Alejandro Flores Lasarte Erin Revell
LAM What exactly is the point of a budget?
Talk Andy Hockley

GEN Language teaching as a craft

Preview of

Workshop Duncan Foord

GI, TTEd Developing responsible global citizens
MD, TTEd A teacher’s dream: adapting teaching Talk (DGRC) - an Erasmus+ project
Workshop materials like magic! Jennifer Holden
Alyssa Francis, Pablo Garcia Gomez
EAP, RES Guiding listeners through lectures: genre
TD, TTEd Trailblazing teacher trainers in Venezuela: Talk analysis on metadiscourse markers
Talk our online mentoring success story Kyoko Hosogoshi
Nicky Francis, Oscar Carmona
LT, TD The best technology for your classroom is
ESP, TTEd I work in commercial ESP Talk you
Talk Evan Frendo Rob Howard

GEN Grammar teaching that makes sense TD, TTEd Using video for teacher development

Talk Ulla Fuerstenberg, Elke Beder-Hubmann Workshop Laurence Howells

TTEd, YLT Primary school classroom practices: what TD, TTEd ELT teacher training at a crossroads: where
Talk does context-appropriate really mean? Panel now?
Sue Garton discussion Judith Hudson, Gabriel Diaz Maggioli,
Jason Anderson, Ben Beaumont

General information
MD, MaW Are ELT materials writers born or made? EAP, LA Making the "Write" stuff
Talk John Hughes, Katherine Bilsborough Workshop Caroline Linse
EAP, LT Do international students’ digital and GEN What if I fail? Building resilience in the
Talk academic skills meet university Talk reflective classroom
expectations? Tanya Livarda
Julie Humble
EAP, LIT Enhancing language learning through
GEN Brain-based education: a mindset changer Talk literature and book clubs
Talk Sofia Iakovidou Madeline Lorenz
LA, LT Empowering language learners: artificial LT, MaW From whiteboard to dashboard: how to get
Talk intelligence-driven autonomy Talk your courses online
Oybek Imomov Ciarán Lynch
RES, YLT Foreign language anxiety in Chilean RES Never the twain shall meet? A researcher-
Talk primary English language learners Workshop teacher collaboration project

Maria-Jesus Inostroza Jessica Mackay
LT, TEA How can we help students cope with GEN Fixin’ what ain’t broke – the language
Talk computer-adaptive testing? Talk engineers
Myleni Ishida Jonathan Marks
GEN Self-assessment to achieve dreams: AL, RES “Walk in their shoes”: English as a “distant”
Workshop competency mapping for successful Talk language
learners Isabel Martin
Jana Jilkova

Pre-Conference Events
TD, YLT Shaping teaching and learning through
AL, RES Performance and perceptions of EFL Workshop quality assurance observations
Poster freshmen in computerised dynamic Phaedra Mc Callum
TD So you’ve heard of TBLT…
Can Jin
Talk Neil McCutcheon
GI Relevance in revolution
EAP, TD An alternative pathway into EAP using
Talk Thom Jones
Talk learning materials
ESP, MD Revisiting ESP in transdisciplinary Sharon Mcilroy, Daniel Devane
Talk environments: the RESPITE project
TD We've all been there!
Elis Kakoulli Constantinou
Talk Robert McLarty
RES, TEA Rethinking L2 oral assessments: the

Sponsors and Exhibitors

PRON, TTEd The psychology of second language
Talk missing listening component
Talk pronunciation learning/teaching
Leyla Karatay
Piers Messum
TD, TTEd Mastering microlearning: short in time,
ESP Visualizing language: empowering
Talk powerful in results
Talk students in art and English
Ievgeniia Kaskova
Nenad Miladinovic
EAP, TEA Arguing the case for the (oral) defence
MaW, TD Introducing a competency framework for
Talk Michael King
Talk language learning materials writing
GI, TD How China's double reduction policy has Sandy Millin
Talk influenced Chinese English teachers
LA, YLT How peer-group learning motivates and
Paul Knight
Poster empowers adolescent learners
IPSEN, RES Tackling social inequality one task at a time Rustom Mody
Talk Jessica Knuth

GI, RES New directions in ELT dictionaries: insights

Preview of
PRON, TD Interdisciplinarity when analysing Standard Talk from research
Workshop Southern British English (SSBE) Julie Moore
YLT Not children nor adults: understanding
Chris Kunz
Talk teenagers' learning process
LA, YLT Encouraging meaningful peer feedback Leticia Moraes
Talk among primary students using success
LAM, TTEd Using big data to promote equality in
Talk massive teacher development
Quỳnh Mai Ngọc Lê
Alessandra Moura
ESOL, GI Challenging native speakerism in a Korean
GEN Wellbeing literacy: what students know,
Talk college English course
Talk what teachers need to know
Soyoung Lee
Carlos Murillo Miri Baum

IPSEN Meeting diverse learning needs through

AL Translating texts: grammaring through
Talk TSLL and UDL
Talk interlingual focus on form
Lucas Lepelt
Elisabet (Titik) Murtisari
GEN STEAM up your CLIL lessons
Workshop Natalia Liashko

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
TD Checking understanding in the ELT AL, EAP Easing the transition to academic English
Workshop classroom: not just CCQs Talk through abstract writing
Vera O'Connor Natassia Schutz
RES, TTEd In-service and pre-service teachers' GEN A cultural programme to enhance
Poster challenges in vulnerable areas Talk language learning in EFL contexts
Oriana Onate Camila Selarin, Vitoria Tavares
IPSEN, RES Launching DEI in language teaching: the GEN Hidden depths: unlocking the lexical
Talk timing’s never right Talk potential of exam texts
Lukasz Pakula Sérgio Silva
LAM The first 30 days as a new ELT manager RES The impact of individual differences on
Workshop Georgia Papamichailidou Talk study abroad experiences
Pawel Sobkowiak
RES, TD Becoming a reading teacher: linguistic,
Workshop social, personal and pedagogical views RES, TTEd Empowering language teachers: China-UK

Amos Paran, Jane Spiro Talk peer micro-teaching lesson study

TTEd, TEA Teacher beliefs, professional development,
Jeff Stanford, Pamela Rogerson Revell
Talk language assessment literacy: joining the
dots IPSEN, TTEd Supporting neurodiversity on initial
Mina Patel Talk teacher training courses
Joanna Stansfield, Melissa Lamb
IPSEN Lessons from a low-vision teacher for
Talk students with disabilities IPSEN, MD Integrating gender responsive pedagogy
Cainã Perri, Lara Souto Santana Workshop into the ELT classroom
Pre-Conference Events

Julia Stanton
BE, ESP English for artists – between ESP, self-
Workshop expression and control GI, MD How sustainable is sustainability in primary
Sarah Plochl Talk EFL courseware?
Andrew John Starling
BE Collaborative intelligence: partnering up
Talk for business writing GEN Conscious listening: yoga techniques to
Catherine Prewett-Schrempf, Linda Slattery Workshop boost confidence, memory and listening
Daniel Studholme
GEN English in Algeria: between resistance and
Talk openness RES, TD Relevance of neuroscience to everyday
Nadjouia Raoud Workshop teaching: the reality of language
Susanne M.E. Sullivan
RES, TTEd Research data analysis: a hands-on (and
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Workshop jargon-free!) workshop ESP English education among the aspiring RMG
Paula Rebolledo Talk professionals: practices and prospects
Syeda Sultana
GEN Creating puzzles for ELT escape rooms and
Workshop treasure hunts LT, TEA Chat GPT and assessment: this time it’s
Sarn Rich Talk personal
Shaun Sweeney
LAM Presidential precedents: leadership lessons
Talk from the White House GI, MD Lifting the lid on engaging, effective video
Mike Riley Talk and audio resources
Colette Thomson
GEN Introducing a free-to-access general
Talk English e-textbook based on the SDGs GEN ELF, ELF -awareness, ELT courseware:
Sue Robbins Talk insights from a teacher education course
Natasha tsantila, Anastasia Georgountzou
LA, TD “A thousand littles”: helping higher level

Talk learners track their progress GEN Bringing intercultural awareness into the
Preview of

Katherine Roberts Talk classroom

Daniel Man-Hon Tse
RES, TTEd The challenges of English language
Poster assistants and CLIL TTEd U.S. Department of State worldwide
Berenice Rocha Talk English language programs
Jennifer Uhler, Jen MacArthur
LAM Engaging teachers in social media content
Talk creation for school marketing GI, IPSEN Inclusion – where are we now?
Gina Rodriguez Talk Varinder Unlu
BE Business English activities and the real GEN ELT-related controversies: from conflict to
Workshop world of our learners Talk complement
Marjorie Rosenberg Penny Ur

LA Developing learner autonomy through a ESP, RES English competence among Austrian
Talk peer tutoring programme Poster university entrants
Adelina Ruiz Guerrero Desiree Verdonk

General information
EAP Utilizing visible thinking routines in the Forum Forum on educational projects
Workshop EAP classroom
Alex Warren TTEd, YLT Empowering educational communities
through collaboration: a multifaceted
TD, TTEd How to teach and learn vocabulary
Workshop through word association tasks
Mauricio Pérez
Andrew Wimhurst
LAM School leaders’ experiences of burnout: English without borders
Talk causes, effects and solutions Carolina Cruz
Daniel Xerri
TD, TTEd Experimenting with metacognition using a ECO Radio: a journey to empower rural
Workshop six-step cycle Colombia through ELT
Anna Young David Vallejo
AL, TTEd Moving beyond the grammar rulebook

Forum Forum on enhancing writing via
Workshop with a metaphor-led pedagogy balanced feedback, screencasting and
Sally Zacharias
ESOL, YLT Boost students’ learning by embracing EAP, RES
Talk neuroplasticity in your classroom! How teachers achieve course goals and
Farid Zaiter respond to learners’ needs
Andrew Scott
BE Where to start? Designing short courses for LT, TEA
Talk corporate clients. Screencasting to increase the effectiveness
Karina Zew, Samantha Yates of feedback in written tasks

Pre-Conference Events
TEA Enhancing IELTS reading skills through Meritxell Blanco Colino
Workshop discourse analysis LA, YLT
Assiya Zhangabay How does peer-reviewing impact student
writing abilities?
Forum Forum on AI in English language Noriko Kurihara
education: opportunities and challenges
Forum Forum on how to inspire global
EAP, LT AI in teaching English - a threat or citizenship in ELT classrooms
Evelina Miscin GI Inspiring global citizenship: sustainable
LT development in the language classroom
Exploring English language teaching Katherine Moran, Nela Faberova

Sponsors and Exhibitors

through ChatGPT's SWOT lens
Ezgi Selcuk Arican BE, GI Promoting the SDGs: international student
LT teams create city events
Unveiling ChatGPT impact on elevating An Ostyn
English reading proficiency
Sudsuang Yutdhana GI, MD Promoting active thinking: using UN
sustainability goals in the curriculum
Forum Forum on CPD: experiences from around Hannah Tucker-Bloom
the world
TD, TTEd Forum Forum on in-service teacher educators
Nurturing cohesive relations in Venezuelan
EFL teams RES, TTEd Supporting non-permanent ELT INSET
Belkys Blanco trainers in India
TD Kalyan Chattopadhyay
Empowering educators: lesson study as the

heartbeat of CPD TTEd Non-permanent in-service teacher

Preview of

Mirela Cristina Manea Gultekin educators: identity experiences from the

Forum Forum on decolonial thinking and Kuheli Mukherjee
practice in ELT
GEN Forum Forum on pre- and new undergraduate
English language teaching and the colonial students
matrix of power
Katalin Egri Ku-Mesu IPSEN, RES First year students and their faculty's
GEN perceptions about university life
Exploring bi-directional decoloniality in ELT Amal Farhat
in Germany and Cameroon
Eric Ekembe ESOL Developing belonging: how ESL teachers
impact student persistence

Honouring our roots: indigenizing the Mariam Mostafa
curriculum in Western Canada
Susan Abrill

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
Forum Forum on reflective practice Forum Forum on empowering through English:
refugee narratives and inclusion
TD Teacher motivation and teacher reflection
in EFL context ESOL, TTEd How learning English builds resilience:
Birsen Tutunis refugees’ stories
Gwyneth James, Paulina Clarke - van Pelt
TD, TTEd Reflective practice as a professional
development tool ESOL, IPSEN English teaching strategies to children at
Anestin Chi internally displaced people's camps
Martha Ada Onjewu, Mairo Ipadeola,
TD Professional development of English Catherine James Atteng, Chinelo Nwokolo
teachers through reflective practice
Shiv Ram Pandey GI, TD Gamified English education to promote
inclusion/integration in the EU
Forum Forum on using literature creatively in
Canan Aktug

diverse teaching environments

GEN Bringing adult high school community

together: an interdisciplinary Shakespeare
Lucía Bustamante

LIT, YLT Unlocking Shakespeare's magic: opening

minds of young readers
Marjory Donda de Oliveira
Pre-Conference Events

GI, LIT Literature, interculturality and global

citizenship education through young
characters’ voices
Barbara Lapornik
Sponsors and Exhibitors
Preview of

General information
Helping test

Pre-Conference Events
takers show
their full

Sponsors and Exhibitors

With IELTS One Skill Retake test takers can retake one
of the four skills (Listening, Reading, Writing, or Speaking)
Preview of

if they feel they did not perform to the best of their ability.

Learn more and share with your students


#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

IELTS is jointly owned by the British Council; IDP IELTS; and Cambridge University Press & Assessment
General information
Wednesday 17 April
Key to abbreviations used in the Preview of presentations
AL = Applied Linguistics GI = Global Issues MD = Materials Development
BE = Business English IPSEN = Inclusive Practices & SEN PRON = Pronunciation
EAP = English for Academic Purposes LA = Learner Autonomy RES = Research
ESOL= English for Speakers of Other LAM = Leadership & Management TD = Teacher Development
Languages LIT = Literature TEA = Testing, Evaluation & Assessment
ESP = English for Specific Purposes LT = Learning Technologies TTEd = Teacher Training & Education
GEN = General MaW = Materials Writing YLT = Young Learners & Teenagers
Don’t forget that this information is provisional and may change between now and the conference. Updates will be listed in the
Conference Programme, available on the IATEFL website from March.

TD, TEA Building up a speaking rubric: what a deal! YLT Drama games and techniques for

Talk María Aguilar Workshop elementary and intermediate level

TTEd, TEA Feedback: the pedagogical pendulum
Diana Bolgare
Talk Yéssica Aguilera
TEA Developing a Global Scale of Languages for
TTEd, YLT The way forward is global collaboration in
Talk multilingual learners
Talk ELT
David Booth
Belen Albarracin
TD Improving the effectiveness of professional
TD, TTEd Language teachers’ engagement in a
Talk development: Lessons from 30,000
Pre-Conference Events

Poster vision-based motivational continuing

professional development
Simon Borg
Maha Alhejji
TD, TTEd Promoting multilingualism in TESOL
PRON Bringing pronunciation into the classroom:
Lightning Talk teacher education for social justice
Talk activities for intelligibility
Melike Bulut Albaba
Gemma Archer, Robin Walker
LA Interactive target language use at
RES, TTEd To tell or not to tell: analysing mentor
Talk beginner’s level
Workshop discourse
Anja Burkert
Nelson Arditto Delgado
PRON, TD L2 teachers' professional trajectories with
LT, YLT The legacy of e-tools in TEFL's post-COVID
Talk pronunciation teaching: a 10-year study
Workshop era
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Michael Burri
Panagiotis Argyris
LAM Building relationships - The importance of
LIT, YLT Building a love for reading: the power of
Talk internal customer service
Talk reading clubs
Ben Butler
Oleksandra Avramenko
LA Why should we make space for the
GEN Recognition as key towards success in
Talk discussion of learning?
Talk language learning
David Byrne, Mark Heffernan
BE Guiding tomorrow's professionals:
TD, TTEd The casebook method for language
Talk nurturing students for success
Talk teacher education and professional
Bethany Cagnol, Sinead Namur
Gary Barkhuizen MD, MaW Context matters: a sociocultural framework
Talk for materials design
IPSEN, LT Is it ethical? Teaching with edtech to

Luis Carabantes
Talk maximize inclusiveness
Preview of

Anna Bartosik AL, TTEd Language use in Thai EMI classrooms

Poster Parichat Chiablaem
GEN, LAM Standardization and quality control in
Talk program development LT Tools and ideas for easily creating digital
Christian Berlin Talk activities in ELT
Andy Cowle Ian Johnstone
ESP, LT Leveraging the power of AI in
Talk presentations training GI, IPSEN Trauma-informed teaching: supporting
Vida Bicman Talk 'brains in pain' in the classroom
Adam Crowther
ESOL Empowering migrant learners: insights to
Workshop translanguaging in the classroom ESOL, YLT A script's creative path from conception to
Josianne Block Talk performance

Tasneem Dalal
GEN Mysterious European doors to general
Workshop knowledge and critical thinking TD, TEA Assessing writing at CEFR B2 & C2 levels
Eva Bogdanović, Ivana Burić Kurtović Talk Fannie Daou

General information
EAP, TD Understanding online CoPs during ERT: the TTEd, YLT TKT:YL principles explained: developing
Talk experience of EAP tutors Talk and assessing primary children’s cognitive
Karla Kerlley de Lima Guedes strategies
Kate Gregson
TD, TTEd Reflective teaching - igniting innovation,
Talk collaboration and growth MaW Games and the green world: constraints,
Tamires de Oliveira Talk creativity and language play
Jill Hadfield
TD Better listening outcomes
Talk Hugh Dellar LA, LT Using gamified learning environments to
Talk foster student engagement
ESOL, LT Empowering educators: technology
László Hajba
Talk innovation in multicultural language
learning LA, YLT Teaching direct learning strategies: how,
Maria Diakou, Umut Ergoz Workshop what and why
Rachael Harris
ESOL, RES Empowering curriculum design: insights

Talk from female refugees' ESOL experiences EAP, TD Think to write: write to think
Holly Dono Talk Richard Harrison
TTEd Take 5 – airing and sharing top issues on TD, TTEd Let's talk about social emotional
Workshop CELTA Workshop competences for the classroom
Jacqueline Douglas Anna Hasper
PRON Understanding pronunciation learning GEN Mixed language storytelling: English
Talk strategies for word stress through diary Workshop through the languages our learners know
reflections David Heathfield

Pre-Conference Events
Ivana Duckinoska-Mihajlovska
LA The effect of collaborative self-learning
EAP, TEA Helping students with IELTS writing task 1 Poster activities on basic psychological needs
Workshop Melih Duman Akari Hirano
LAM A practical approach to staff wellbeing GEN Empowering oracy: transforming ELT
Talk Fiona Dunlop Talk curricula for student success and well-
MD Learner creativity; showcasing student-
Sarah Howell, Lisa Kester-Dodgson
Lightning Talk made learning and evaluation material in
ELT LA, LT Digital tech in EFL classrooms: teachers'
Abigail Ekangouo Awanga Lightning Talk beliefs and promoting creativity
Henry Huang
TTEd Observations: a different approach

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Talk Amir Esmaeili LAM Moving from reactive to proactive: what
Workshop are our first steps?
IPSEN, YLT Equality, diversity and inclusion in the
Heather Humphreys
Talk young learner EFL classroom
Eduardo Farias YLT Spilling the tea: investigating 'new' words
Workshop in the classroom
IPSEN Diversity isn't a label: using matrices to
Tracy Huntingford
Talk understand students better
Alex Fayle GEN, TD Meaningful listening: training students to
Talk become effective listeners and
RES, TEA Reliability in rating scales: the case for
Talk training and norming
Andy Jeffery
Michael Fields
LAM How to improve your school’s
TD, TTEd Czech mentor teachers: the uncharted
Talk communication and productivity with
Poster journey in teacher education

Nikki Fortova, Jitka Sedláčková

Preview of
Kat Jeffries
LIT Extensive Reading improves every skill,
TD, TTEd Language creates different discourses
Talk even speaking. Try it!
Talk about the world
Chris Fry
Benthe Fogh Jensen
IPSEN, MaW Requeering discussions: dos and don'ts in
EAP, TEA Discover LanguageCert Academic: a test for
Workshop queer ELT
Talk international higher education admissions
Peter Fullagar
Catherine Jones
MD, TEA Applying evidence-centered design to
LT Leveraging AI in ELT: giving teachers and
Talk standardized and classroom assessments
Talk students superpowers
Edward Getman
Will Jordan-Cooley
YLT Listening to children’s voices: EFL learners’

MD, TD SMILE: a transformative journey improving

Talk independent digital reading experiences
Talk English language education in Sudan
Weizhao Gong
Lina Kamal
GI, YLT SDGs, SEL and storytelling: time-travelling
Workshop and global citizenship in ELT
Eftychios Kantarakis Ruby Polygenis

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
LA, YLT STEAM-based education EAP, ESP The transformative role of scaffolding in
Talk Konstantina Karamouta Talk post-graduate academic writing tutorials
Cathy Morand
LT, TEA The AI interviewer: spoken dialog systems
Talk in computer-based language assessment LIT, YLT Exploring picturebooks to challenge
Yasin Karatay Talk stereotypes and foster inclusion
Romina Muse
EAP, ESP Grappling with grammar: techniques to
Workshop enhance teaching and learning AL Thematic analysis of Japanese students’
William Kerr Kismet Funda Akgul Talk reflections on intercultural communicative
AL, EAP Scholarship of teaching and learning in ELT
Samuel Nfor
Talk and professional development
Raj Khatri LAM, LT Leading effective virtual teams in language
Talk education
LA Reactivating students’ zest for learning
Helen Ng
Talk George Kokolas

GEN The inseparability of lexis, grammar and

GI, YLT Fostering change through youth
Talk pronunciation
Workshop empowerment and global connections
Eric Nicaise
Margarita Kosior, Harry Waters
TD, TTEd Video-enhanced teacher training: guides,
GI Addressing sustainability and global issues
Talk networks, and conversations
Workshop in the language classroom
Cecilia Nobre
Hanna Kryszewska
TEA, YLT Using different assessment tools to make
LA, LT Student engagement in times of
Talk learning progress more visible
Pre-Conference Events

Talk generative AI
Andrea Nogueira
Claudia Kunschak
LT, TTEd Using AI to assist scaffolding reflective
GEN Listen up! Developing the listening skill in
Talk practice in teacher education
Talk EFL learners
Elena Oncevska Ager
Tery Lemanis
AL, TEA Investigating test fairness and bias in the
GI, MD Affordances of digital multimodal
Talk twenty-first century
Talk composing in global Englishes curriculum
Nathaniel Owen, Oliver Bigland
Alfred Lo ESOL, TD The impact of LI literacy on English literacy
Talk development
LIT, YLT Embracing Shakespeare: enriching EFL
Lesley Painter-Farrell
Workshop learning for young minds
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Conny Loder EAP, IPSEN Evaluating a trauma-informed EAP

Talk programme for refugee-background
RES, TTEd Content and language integrated learning
Talk teacher education: challenges and
Aleks Palanac, Deirdre McKenna
Lucilla Lopriore EAP, ESP Supporting faculty in credit courses with a
Talk language teacher lens
GEN Grammaticalization - when words become
Cristina Petersen, Nick Travers
Talk grammar. Improving engagement and
language learning IPSEN, MD Accessibility in digital ELT content
Jennifer Lowe Talk development
Derek Philip-Xu
GEN Teaching bad English? The challenge of
Talk teaching ELF LAM, TTEd Leading and managing with generative AI:
Judith Mader, Rudi Camerer Workshop the why, what, how
George Pickering

LAM Empowering education: using principles of

Preview of

Talk self-managed teams to foster autonomy BE Beyond fluency: unleashing the power of
Priscilla Manfredini Talk mastery for advanced learners
Anna Plaksiienko
GEN Attentional control activities for children
Workshop and teens TD, TTEd Bidialectalism: meeting the needs of
Kara McBride Talk speakers of English language dialects
Yvonne Pratt-Johnson
TD, TTEd The role of experience in teacher identity
Talk construction TD, YLT Differentiation doesn’t work! Or does it…?
Vanessa McDonagh Workshop Theoretical considerations, practical
BE, ESP Working in international teams: what can
Herbert Puchta, Christopher Jory
Workshop we do better?

Ian McMaster TD, TTEd Near-peer mentoring for in-service

Talk teachers’ professional development
GI, MD Exploring national stereotypes about
Irene Rahmaniar
Talk Britain in German English language
Jennifer Meier

General information
EAP, TEA Designing authentic computer-based BE, ESP Analysing unmet needs: business
Talk writing tasks to promote positive Talk communication competencies required in
classroom impact multinational companies
Alina Reid Radek Swiecinski
BE, ESP Effective business communication: linking YLT Using a groupwork framework to teach YL
Talk grammar and meaning Workshop students life skills
Silke Riegler Bella Szyszkowska
BE How to get clients as a freelance English ESOL, TEA A2 to B2 in six months, impossible? Yes, we
Workshop language teacher Workshop can.
Rachael Roberts Uma Tadema
GEN Asking questions – easy as ABC, isn’t it? TD My TEA journey from fearing feedback to
Workshop Carole Anne Robinson Talk understanding feedback
Alaa Talat
IPSEN Whiteness and wokeness: a primer

Talk Ann Roemer TTEd, TEA Assessment patterns in initial teacher
Talk education programmes
PRON The physicality of teaching pronunciation
Elaheh Tavakoli
Lightning Talk Paula Runnals
EAP, LT Advancing academic presentation skills
IPSEN Taking an empathic and inclusive approach
Talk through VR glasses
Workshop to managing learners’ behaviour
Elizaveta Tikhomirova Anastasia
Alicja Sablik-Maciejewska
LA, YLT Peer-led instruction for teenagers -
IPSEN, LAM ‘People like us’ – representation of

Pre-Conference Events
Workshop examples from South Asia
Panel LGBTQIA+ identity in ELT
Imran Saifur, Norma Swyngedauw, Rabia
discussion Steve Tulk, Jo Krousso, Pam Phillips, Julian
Francis, Neil Harris
IPSEN, MD Accessibility and ELT video
GEN Fostering a sense of community in an EFL
Workshop Adam Salkeld, Elena Deleyto
Workshop environment
MD, MaW A data-driven approach to teaching Julija Vaisviliene
Workshop vocabulary to higher-level learners
LA The effect of personal choice on intrinsic
Rafael Santos Rodrigues
Lightning Talk motivation
TEA Assessment in a regular school, from basics Marion Vedder
Lightning Talk to artificial intelligence
AL, MD Maximizing CLIL practices in bilingual
Fernando Sartori

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Talk education: integrating content and
TD, YLT E.Motion (English in Motion): let’s reMOVE language
Talk learning difficulties Cassia Venezuela
Barbara Seeber
ESOL, TTEd Trinity Cert(T)ESOL: teacher training and the
LA, TTEd Facilitating fun-autonomy in PBLL: the halo Talk university as community citizen
Poster effect Laura Walker, Elena Gandini, Murad
Pınar Sekmen Alhamwi

TD The prolific power of … a pause LAM, TTEd Optimizing onboarding: nurturing

Workshop Paul Seligson Workshop institutional values through mentorship
Julie Wallis
GEN, MaW The lexical approach: 30 years on
Workshop Leo Selivan PRON, RES Do traditional pronunciation teaching
Talk techniques actually work on improving
GEN Grammar myths and how not to fall for intelligibility?

Talk them Hongzhi Wang

Preview of
Alex Semakin
PRON, RES The impact of English accent variations on
LT, TD Stimulus and discussion - widening Talk Chinese learners
Talk participation in teacher development Xian Wang
Clive Shaw
ESOL Teaching beginner classes - a woven
TD, TEA Engaging and effective exam preparation Talk approach
Talk using audio-visual and digital resources Eliza Winnert
Gerald Smith
TD, TTEd Inquiry with an I: centring the teacher in
LA, LT The teacher's role in using AI for Talk teacher development
Talk autonomous learning Michelle Worgan
Mark Smith
ESP, TTEd Making the move into healthcare or OET:

YLT Summer school to full time education – Talk are you ready?
Talk bridging the gap Ros Wright
Kate Smook
EAP, TEA "Writing for an academic discussion": all
LAM, TD Small actions, large impact: your role in Workshop you need to know
Workshop teachers’ room Joanna Wrzesinska
Robyn Stewart, Elna Coetzer

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
RES Facilitating immigrants’ Finnish language Forum Forum on freelance teaching
Talk learning in a vocational college
Rezvan Zonoubi GEN The social media mystery: blueprints for
growing an ELT community
Forum Forum on academic language support
Claire Bowes
for students in higher education
GEN Writing words that attract students as a
EAP Academic writing in a nutshell: language
freelance ELT teacher
support for university students
Lauren Martin
Nina Rasmussen
TD How to build a profitable personal brand in
LT, MD Removing barriers of inequality in
language learning at higher education
Ola Kowalska
Agustín Domínguez Flores, Mauricio Igor
Jasso Forum Forum on foreign language anxiety:

LA, TD eliminating barriers and moving

Language advising case studies: does one forward
size fit all?
Martina Šindelářová Skupeňová EAP, TTEd Teaching multilinguals and navigating
foreign language anxiety
Forum Forum on AI: shaping and navigating
Aviva Katzenell, Konstancja Szymanska
new pedagogical landscapes
LT, TD Foreign language anxiety: possible ways to
LT, TD AI in the EFL Classroom. Does it always
mediate its detrimental effects
Olha Yavorska
Pre-Conference Events

John Slade
GEN When grammar anxiety hampers English
Engaging students ethically and critically in
use among adults in Kerala
the AI era
Lal CA
Rasha Halat
LT Forum Forum on place-based learning
Enriching classroom instruction with AI:
practical pedagogical strategies for LA, YLT Place-based education: the world as my
teachers canvas
Christopher Collins Maria Davou
Forum Forum on EMI
EFL spoken production and interaction
Sponsors and Exhibitors

AL, RES outdoors for secondary school students

University autonomy as a driver of English-
Anat Shoseyov
medium instruction
Peter Wingrove
Bringing nature and forest education into
GI, TD language learning
EMI: issues, challenges and opportunities
Sajan Chaudhary Francesca Xenaki

Forum Forum on reading skills

AL, RES Student collaboration as a coping strategy
in English-medium study EAP, LA Enhancing reading proficiency via the 57-
Awad Alhassan day reading challenge
Forum Forum on EMI in EAP settings: Yasmine Salah El-Din
perspectives and practices
GEN Turning “old-fashioned” into motivation:
different reading lessons

EAP, TTEd EMI: it's not rocket science, except

Preview of

sometimes it is Vilda Kiaunytė

Frances Amrani
TD, TTEd Using non-ELT books to arrive at ELT
EAP, ESP Enhancing academic literacies through notions
EMI: university student insights Ian Michael Robinson
Evangelia Xirofotou Forum Forum on teaching vocabulary
EAP, ESP How to support EMI stakeholders through GEN From vocabulary builders to vocabulary
collaboration with ESP practitioners? enjoyers
Michelle Hunter Marina Dolgacheva

YLT How to increase student academic


vocabulary in speaking
Zhananur Kassimova

LT Media type and EFL vocabulary acquisition

Kevin Wrobetz

General information
Forum Forum on vocabulary acquisition: Forum Forum on the use of ChatGPT in writing
embracing tradition and innovation
LT, TEA Leveraging AI to teach and assess writing
AL Teaching idioms: implementing the CM Peter Davidson
approach to design activities
Vera Gradischnig LT, RES The effect of ChatGPT-supported feedback
on written student assignment
ESP, LT Quizlet’s impact on vocabulary learning in Selda Gumus Sambel
ESP classes
Hui-ju Tsai, Catherine Chen-Fliege EAP, TEA Adapting EAP writing assessments:
embracing ChatGPT to promote critical
GEN The power of in-class revision: practical thinking
activities to facilitate learning Joseph Roberts
Mary Rice
Forum Forum on translanguaging

Forum Forum on teaching writing skills
Advanced pedagogical methods in ESL GEN Translanguaging & plurilingualism works:
AL, TD writing portfolio but are we ready yet?
Samah Abduljawad Naziha Ali Raza

RES Using digital storytelling tools to improve AL, TTEd English only zone? Translanguaging in
EFL writing skills study abroad contexts
Merve Baskutlu Urbashi Raha

Pre-Conference Events
Sponsors and Exhibitors
Preview of

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

About IATEFL Sponsors and Exhibitors Pre-Conference Events Booking General information

Preview of

General information
Thursday 18 April
Key to abbreviations used in the Preview of presentations
AL = Applied Linguistics GI = Global Issues MD = Materials Development
BE = Business English IPSEN = Inclusive Practices & SEN PRON = Pronunciation
EAP = English for Academic Purposes LA = Learner Autonomy RES = Research
ESOL= English for Speakers of Other LAM = Leadership & Management TD = Teacher Development
Languages LIT = Literature TEA = Testing, Evaluation & Assessment
ESP = English for Specific Purposes LT = Learning Technologies TTEd = Teacher Training & Education
GEN = General MaW = Materials Writing YLT = Young Learners & Teenagers
Don’t forget that this information is provisional and may change between now and the conference. Updates will be listed in the
Conference Programme, available on the IATEFL website from March.

GI, IPSEN English for interfaith dialogue: nurturing GEN Women in ELT: global challenges, future
Talk understanding and bridging divides Workshop aspirations
Hala Ahmed, Amira Makhlouf Heather Buchanan, Julie Norton
GEN An insight into corpus: identifying new TD Exploring Instagram’s potential as a micro-
Workshop words and meanings Talk learning tool to enhance L2
Maree Airlie Mukaddas Butabaeva
LA, TTEd A model of shifting roles to develop learner GEN Storytelling and affect: bridging language
Talk autonomy Talk learning gaps
Suha Almazyad Vera Cabrera Duarte

Pre-Conference Events
AL, TD Unveiling digital identities: EFL academics' BE, ESP Using insights from research to inform ESP
Lightning Talk agency in constructing online presence Talk teaching
Maha AlThiyabi Clarice SC Chan
LAM, RES 'They click, we guide them'. Defining the LAM, TD The CELTA diaries: an analysis of oral
Talk online teacher role Talk feedback
Iryna Altukhova Marcela Cintra, Julice Daijo
GI Enhancing learning kills in EFL classrooms GI, TD Voices of teachers: an antiracist view of
Talk through climate change education Talk teaching young learners
Atem Arabella Claudia Colla de Amorim

Sponsors and Exhibitors

LAM, TD How a new teacher association can expand GEN Cultivating teacher wellbeing: a journey of
Workshop and evolve Talk professional and personal growth
Cândida Arlindo Montse Costafreda
MD, TD Effective English language instruction: ESOL, LIT Extensive reading: making it
Talk unveiling the On Point resources/Allango Talk communicative, fun and creative for
Vicky Bagheri teenagers
Leonardo Cusato
TD, TTEd Let's take another look at grammar: core
Workshop concepts GEN Empowering EFL educators: enhancing
Rita Baker Workshop fluency through speaking activities
Patricia Katherin D.S.
BE, ESOL Why we need business English trainers
Talk who understand business GEN The writing game: making your mandatory
Albert Balvers Workshop writing assignments fun
Anca de Vries, Matianna Naka
MD Writing in the real world: supporting
Preview of
Talk students with multi-text input GI, LAM ELT enhanced by partnerships in higher
Thomas Stuart Banks Poster education: IPN-British Council
Silvia Díaz Fragoso
AL, TEA Students’ use of China English and
Workshop implications for essay marking GI Embracing controversy in the EFL
Alex Baratta Workshop classroom
Rita Divéki
EAP, TEA AI redefining EAP writing assessment
Talk Merve Baykan LA, TEA Empowering higher level learners: tools for
Talk progress measurement
TD, TTEd CPD for English teachers in schools in
Yulia Efremova
Panel Uzbekistan: case study
discussion Nilufar Begibaeva, Jamilya Gulyamova, TTEd Teaching reflective practice to pre-service
Nargiza Kuchkarova, Umida Hakimova, Talk EFL teachers: an evaluation

Khushnamo Burhonxujaeva Seden Eraldemir Tuyan

GI, YLT Talking to learn: negotiation of meaning in LA, LT Increasing young learner autonomy in EFL
Workshop online intercultural link-ups Talk curricula: online community projects
Nick Bilbrough, Rajaa Abu Jasser, Ashraf Lesley Fearn

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
BE False beginners adult learners and business TD, TTEd Solidarity through autoethnography:
Talk English writing Panel reimagining hope through transnational
Choreanne Frei discussion research in Palestine
Anwar Hussein, Shelley Wong, Anita Bright,
LAM, TTEd Using narratives in the training room
Thuy Tu
Workshop James Fuller
IPSEN, YLT Universal design for learning in the primary
MaW, TD Making money from educational video; 12
Workshop classroom
Talk lessons from 12 years
Anette Igel
Jo Gakonga
EAP, ESOL Accessing language for work (overcoming
LT, TD Focusing on the basics in an era of digital
Talk exclusion)
Talk innovations
Shelley van Kooten
Susana Galante
TD A teacher’s agenda: target language?
IPSEN, MaW Too triggering to teach? Addressing
Talk Emergent language? Or both?
Talk 'sensitive' topics in ELT materials

Marianne Jones
Lottie Galpin
GEN Building rapport means building success
TD, TTEd Developing a lesson plan through guided
Workshop Urs Kalberer
Talk instruction for an inspection
Stella Giorgou Tzampazi IPSEN Trauma informed teaching practices in
Talk adult ESL classrooms
LAM, TD Internal CPD: kick-starting a culture
Ruba Kallab
Talk Frederick Gordon
ESP Fostering critical thinking in bachelor
LAM The HR management of Generation-Z
Workshop students with blended learning
Pre-Conference Events

Talk language teachers

Jakab Kaufmann Caroline Hyde-Simon
Ehsan Gorji
MaW, YLT Storyboards - three ways
LT, TTEd “E-space or a blank canvas?” Exploring
Workshop Katy Kelly
Talk student-teacher self-representations on e-
portfolios GEN Beliefs and language learning
Nusrat Gulzar Lightning Talk Bahar Kızıltunalı
AL Awareness-raising approach in L2 LIT Teaching English through literature
Workshop pragmatics: sociopragmatic focus Talk Julia Koifman
Mustafa Akın Güngör
AL, RES 'Native' proficiency in a foreign language?
EAP, TEA Enhancing TOEFL speaking tasks through Lightning Talk Polina Kordik
Workshop peer assessment and metacognition
Sponsors and Exhibitors

GI, TD Listen to understand - a simple strategy in

Anne Haggerson
Talk complicated circumstances
LIT Bringing creative writing into the EFL Nataliia Krynska
Poster classroom at universities
LIT Developing creativity using literature in the
Olivia Hambrett
Talk EFL classroom
EAP, RES UniVoice: empowering academic identity Kyoko Kuze
Poster and skills
RES, TEA One skill retake: an optimised model for
Tilly Harrison
Talk best practice?
YLT The future of the UK summer school Hye-won Lee, Emma Bruce
Talk industry
AL An investigation of vocabulary diversity in
Lee Hawkes
Poster Thai first-year university writing
LAM, TD Shaping a 21st century team in Central Asia Nattharath Leenakitti
Workshop Bostan Hayat

RES, TD Seeing data differently: Using visual tools

Preview of

LT AI in ELT: the good, the bad and the weird Talk in qualitative research
Talk Nicky Hockly Josie Leonard
LIT Poetry in the EFL classroom EAP, TD What is Bloom’s Taxonomy really for?
Talk Peter Hohwiller Talk Sebastian Lesniewski
LT, TD Enhancing teaching and learning through AL Whose grammar is it anyway? Grammar in
Workshop AI–learned wisdom recipes Talk a changing world.
Kirsten Holt Bruno Leys
BE, EAP Gamifying employability skills training: GI, IPSEN Tear the label off the learner
Talk project scavenger hunt Workshop Giovanni Licata
Birte Horn
ESP, MD Developing ESP materials for cultural

GEN Enhancing undergraduate engineering Lightning Talk creative design with TED talks
Talk students’ intercultural communication Cheng-Yi Lin
skills through hybrid exchange
GEN Enhancing EFL pre-writing instruction
Andreas Hövener
Talk through mediation and Six Thinking Hats
Chang Liu, Alan Maley

General information
TD, TTEd Boundary-crossing learning communities: RES, TD Teacher research support groups: a model
Panel empowering EFL teacher development in Talk for cooperative teacher research
discussion China Nino Nijaradze
Tingting Liu, Qinghua Zhu, Hongyi Wang,
EAP, TEA Can teaching academic English and
Cui Zhu
Talk assessment for learning cooperate?
LA Fostering adult students’ autonomy Zeynep Oğul
Talk through andragogy principles
GEN Bringing the outside into the classroom
Fabio Lopes
Poster Jo Opie
LAM, TTEd Transforming English language teaching
PRON Intonation and artificial intelligence: a ‘1, 2,
Talk Alan Mackenzie, John Knagg
Talk 3’ plan
EAP, LT Exploring the AI frontier: transforming pre- Stella Palavecino
Talk writing and post-writing in EAP
LA, TTEd Brain friendly grammar with
Fatimah Mahmood, Alys Avalos Rivera
Workshop Neurolanguage Coaching

TEA Teachers as examiners - the challenges and Rachel Paling
Talk the rewards
LAM Managing your team and your own
Shakeh Manassian
Talk wellbeing: a balancing act
LA, TEA The role of metacognitive instructions and Sofia Papadimitropoulou
Talk strategies in IELTS listening
RES, YLT Exploring adolescent students' foreign
Inna Manitsyna
Talk language enjoyment in exam classes
YLT Alpha to Z: eight key ingredients for Valentina Papandroulidaki
Workshop teaching our teens

Pre-Conference Events
GEN Applying first language acquisition
Fiona Mauchline
Talk principles to second language learning
BE, TEA Future skills: what will make our students Ian Pemberton
Talk employable?
LT Teaching one-to-one classes online:
Mike Mayor
Workshop principles for best practice
TEA, YLT Productive peer assessment in the primary Lauren Perkins
Workshop classroom
IPSEN, TEA Fostering inclusivity in ELL classrooms
Laura McWilliams
Talk assessment: how to achieve it?
ESOL, YLT Restorative Circles in ELT: coupling Arum Perwitasari
Talk community-building with language
LA, YLT Task-based instruction in the process of
Talk developing productive skills

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Chris Meoli
Marija Petkovska
TEA Tempted to become a freelance test
EAP, TEA IELTS speaking part 2: improving our
Talk writer? Find out more...
Workshop students’ performance
Ian Mitchell, Gail Pasque
Sarah Philpot
AL, GI What is behind the retrogression of Arab
GEN Tattoos, street art, and all visuals ELT
Lightning Talk learners interlanguage system?
Workshop related
Amir Mohammed
Aleksandra Popovski
ESOL, TD "The reading clinic" program
EAP Integrating effective group work strategies
Talk Lubna Mohyuddin
Lightning Talk in academic English lessons
AL, TD Seeking feedback: how can it enhance Saida Radjabzade
Workshop teacher's and students' motivation?
TD, TTEd Reconsidering EL teacher training: a
Azadeh Moladoost
Talk subject didactics competence model

LT, TD Making remoteness close: human Nina Raud, Olga Orehhova

Preview of

Talk connections at the centre

ESOL, LT Revolutionising IELTS preparation and
Serrana Muniz
Talk English mastery with virtual reality
RES, YLT Anyone can speak English: teaching Rory Reyes-Cobar
Lightning Talk English to the disadvantaged students
GEN Firing up debate with your adult learners
Ireena Nazirudeen
Talk Cathy Rogers
TD, TTEd Redesigning flexible professional
TTEd, YLT Key questions to ask ourselves when
Talk development for teachers in a multilingual
Workshop teaching teenagers
Chris Roland
Neda Neynska, Kati Sule
EAP, ESP Assessing logicality and expression quality
BE, TEA Integrating role-play into peer-assessment
Talk in ESP essay writing

Talk for the audience-centered public speaking

Gloria Regina Sampaio
Li Ni GI, TD Authentic materials, learner voices, teacher
Talk emotions and critical incidents
LA Make learning great again: with creative
Adam Scott
Workshop interaction!
Ariane Niemeijer

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
EAP, GI Debating gender gap issues in the STEM TEA Eco-friendly assessment: when learning,
Talk EAP class Talk teaching, and testing become one
Anila R. Scott-Monkhouse Pablo Toledo
LT, RES Digital learning: with or without a teacher? LT, TTEd Pre-service teachers' reflections on their
Talk Brigita Seguis Lightning Talk mini project on differentiation
Züleyha Tulay
GI, YLT Play for a sustainable future: nurturing
Talk minds through play-based learning GEN Online English teaching in difficult
Ellen Setterfield Talk circumstances: an exemplary teacher's
TEA Utilizing self-assessment in placement:
Phyo Wai Tun
Talk empowering learners and increasing
efficiency AL, LT ChatGPT in English pedagogy: sense-
Jody Shimoda Jas Gill Poster making and assessment
Bolajoko Tunde-Awe
GEN Drama based pedagogy in ELT

Workshop Sabina Skenderovic ESOL, TD Motivating adults in language learning

Talk environments: sparking enthusiasm for
IPSEN Dyslexia’s less-famous cousin:
Talk Developmental Language Disorder (DLD)
Leo Tzampazis
Anne Margaret Smith
TD Ukraine: teaching and learning in difficult
IPSEN, TD Stop including us! Arguments against
Talk times
Talk inclusion and for diversity
Nadiia Udova, Zhanna Sevastianova
Sarah Smith, Claire Steele
TD, TTEd Nurturing transitions: a dynamic
Pre-Conference Events

TD, TTEd Begin at the beginning: starting your

Talk mentorship model for new faculty
Talk beginner (A1/A2) students successfully
Billur Ulku
Rhona Snelling
GEN Seven shortcomings ingrained in
LT, YLT Lessons learned from 10+ years of
Workshop pronunciation teaching, and seven
Talk videoconferencing
possible resolutions
Graham Stanley
Adrian Underhill
LA, LIT “Atomic” reading habits: a neuroscience-
TD, TTEd Flipping a three-days TESOL taster course
Talk powered approach for Generation Z
Talk Paula Villegas
Armanda Stroia
GEN Making a case for teaching lexical grammar
RES, TEA Assessment for learning: challenges and
Talk Crayton Walker
Talk affordances of collaborative assessment
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Birgit Strotmann TD Using mediation for better outcomes

Talk Andrew Walkley
AL Music in ELT to help students improve
Talk writing TD Mastering role-plays for online lessons:
Anja Stumpf Talk Strategies for digital delivery
John Wallen
TEA Teaching and testing: truth and myths
Talk Pippa Sutcliffe, Felicity O'Dell, Frances GEN Ketchup, CATCH UP! - How to teach phrasal
Treloar Workshop verbs
Kasia Warszynska
TD, TTEd Making language memorable
Workshop Margit Szesztay LT, TD Using GenAI in teacher education to
Talk benefit trainers and trainees
AL, TD ELT Journal debate: AI makes language
Lindsay Warwick
Debate learning more personalized and inclusive
for all LT, TD Post-lockdown teacher development

Joanna Szoke, Laura Patsko Talk through Complexity Theory

Preview of

Rhian Webb
EAP, ESP English for economics in Thai HE: teaching
Talk ESP or EMI GEN Best practices for creating bite-sized
Pimsiri Taylor Workshop instructional videos
Laura Wilkes
GEN Need of alternative ELT pedagogy in
Talk dealing with underprivileged students AL, ESP ‘Equitable’-medium instruction:
Rudra Bahadur Thapa Talk challenging the ‘E’ of South Korean EMI
Dylan Glyn Williams
GEN Designing listening and language practice
Workshop materials to accompany authentic GI, LIT Education for sustainable development: a
recordings Workshop literary window on the world
Sheila Thorn Lynn Williams, Karin Müller

TTEd Teaching EFL and teaching modern LAM Breaking organisational silos with a
Talk languages: same or different? Talk marketing video project
Scott Thornbury Jonathan Yates

General information
AL, EAP Developing higher-order thinking skills Forum Forum on CPD in Japan, Nepal and
Talk through peer-assisted learning interactions Pakistan
Qin Yin RES, TTEd
CPD pathways for in-service teacher
LAM, TD From teacher to ‘head-teacher’: promoting
educators in Nepal
Talk local leadership and learning communities
Roshani Thapa, Bhogendra Lamichhane
Daniella Seong Hui You
LAM, TTEd Empowering leaders and managers: a Supporting primary school teachers to
Talk microcredential on professional teach foreign languages
development Laura Pratt
Beril Yucel TD
Feedback driven approach in online CPD:
LIT, YLT Literary exploration as source of
insights from EaSTE project
Talk empowerment for reading assessment
Alizeh Hameed
Marta Zaninelli

Forum Forum on teaching excellence: CPD
EAP, TTEd Teaching academic reading skills
insights and innovations
Workshop Dorothy Zemach
GEN Introduction of the Thinking Abilities TD, TTEd Empowering teacher-led professional
Talk Framework for EFL teachers development using a CPD framework
Carrie Xiaorong Zhang, Bruce Howell Addeh Hovassapian
Forum Forum on action research mentoring TD, TTEd An online teacher community journey:
from university to school
RES, TD Mentoring experienced in-service high

Pre-Conference Events
Dmitriy Cherkassov
school English teachers’ action research
Meifang Zhuo TD, TTEd Strengthening alliances to revamp teacher
professional development
TD, TTEd Teachers as champions: a success story in Mayda Ramos
teachers’ CPD
Satya Anand Forum Forum on energizing productive skills in
the Egyptian context
Forum Forum on washback: revising test
duration in a high-stakes test ESOL, YLT Random excitement strategy: unleashing
innovation to foster speaking skills
TEA Classroom assessment: how do we give the Mai Moanis
right message?

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Zeynep Urkun ESOL, YLT Switching off the language ego to promote
oral competence
EAP, TEA Two-hour vs three-hour: exploring Eissa Muhammad
washback effects of test time revisions
Jingwen Wang, Ying Zheng ESOL, YLT Using flipped classrooms to reduce the
students' writing apprehension
TEA Testing: positive & negative washback on Marwa Mostafa Afifi Yousef
teaching and learning
Panagiota Vampoula Forum Forum on online tools: experiences from
EFL/ESL classrooms
Forum Forum on teacher-led communities of
practices: opportunities, challenges, LT, TTEd How to enhance online tools literacy
reflections among teachers and trainers
Anna Soltyska
TD, TTEd A tracer study of communities of practice:

findings and reflections AL The impact of virtual tools on learning

Preview of

Funda Demir Yalçıntaş, Aysen Güven, grammar

Ceren Taş Rasha Ahmed
Developing an online community of Forum Forum on speaking skills 1
practice: challenges and rewards
Anna Karapanou TD Facilitation techniques in teaching English
TD, TTEd Elena Peresada
Decentering English language teaching
through teachers-led communities of AL Self-selected vs teacher-assigned tasks in
practice EFL speaking class
Jules Champrien Fadidac Santri Djahimo

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
Forum Forum on language teacher identity Forum Forum on Teachers' Associations

GEN EFL teachers’ agency and identity: an LAM, TD Empowering education: unlocking the
individual and collective endeavor potential of volunteering in teachers'
Lena Barrantes associations
Beatrix Price
AL, TD Development of language teacher identity LAM, TD
Sviatlana Karpava Strengthening affiliates: strategy and
relationships for success
ESOL, RES Understanding our ‘teacher self' in the Monica Leon
ESOL classroom TD, TTEd
Cristina Martínez López Communication as the essential skill for
leadership in ELT
Forum Forum on teacher wellbeing: factors Eduardo Garbey Savigne, Yasmany
affecting and interventions boosting it Camacho Acosta

AL, LAM Thriving schools? Here, you may find a way!

Mariana Hidalgo

RES Language teachers’ well-being: voices from

the field
Sabire Acar

TD Factors maximizing occupational stress

Pre-Conference Events

among private school teachers in Nepal

Babu Ram Gaire
Sponsors and Exhibitors
Preview of

General information Booking Pre-Conference Events Sponsors and Exhibitors Preview of About IATEFL

Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
Friday 19 April
Key to abbreviations used in the Preview of presentations
AL = Applied Linguistics GI = Global Issues MD = Materials Development
BE = Business English IPSEN = Inclusive Practices & SEN PRON = Pronunciation
EAP = English for Academic Purposes LA = Learner Autonomy RES = Research
ESOL= English for Speakers of Other LAM = Leadership & Management TD = Teacher Development
Languages LIT = Literature TEA = Testing, Evaluation & Assessment
ESP = English for Specific Purposes LT = Learning Technologies TTEd = Teacher Training & Education
GEN = General MaW = Materials Writing YLT = Young Learners & Teenagers
Don’t forget that this information is provisional and may change between now and the conference. Updates will be listed in the
Conference Programme, available on the IATEFL website from March.

GEN Problem-based learning: engaging EFL BE, ESP Lost in translation: navigating difficult

Talk learners in the post-COVID era Talk conversations through cultural mapping
Musa Abu Huzaima Abu Huzaima Alexandra Covell
TTEd, YLT Creating a collaborative online workshop IPSEN Teachers’ psychology: teaching preschool
Talk for international young learner educators Talk pupils with ADHD
Jean Alderman, Lorraine Sova Athena Dermentzi
EAP Navigating the academia: tailoring EAP TTEd, YLT Story-based CLIL for (very) young learners
Talk support for mature students Workshop Sylvie Dolakova
Maria Aleksyuk
Pre-Conference Events

AL, TTEd International students on MA TESOL

ESP, RES Language and register in verbal military Talk programmes: what do they think?
Talk briefings Alastair Douglas
Jacqueline Anwar
GI, PRON Diverse L2 voices, intelligibility and
LA Learning how to learn in the English Talk approaches nurturing independent,
Talk classroom empowered learners
Macarena Baridón Duran Duckett
TD, TTEd “My teacher is great, but…”: teacher EAP, TEA Transferring skills and strategies across the
Talk reflection on student feedback Workshop IELTS papers
Ana Paula Biazon Rocha Louisa Dunne
LT, TTEd Teaching beyond the slide: live online TD Language coaching techniques to enhance
Sponsors and Exhibitors

Talk video in Hyper Class Talk your teaching

David Bish Barnaby Griffiths
TTEd, YLT Focus on creative writing in school, GEN Using sentence cards to develop fluency
Talk guidelines for teacher educators! Workshop online and offline
Janice Bland Daniel Guim
GEN Using online tools to develop deeper GEN Creating lexical notebooks with a
Talk understanding of lexis Workshop psycholinguistic approach
Andrea Borsato Olena Gyrych
EAP A framework for one-to-one tutorials LIT, PRON Reducing accent using extracts from classic
Workshop Cath Brown Talk novels
Geoff Hardy-Gould
LT, MD Achieving equilibrium: balancing
Talk asynchronous and synchronous content in LT Flipped classroom and student

online ELT Talk engagement: challenges and solutions

Preview of

James Bukowski Oystein Heggelund

YLT Instilling and using growth mindset in the LAM Mastering recruitment: a comprehensive
Workshop YLT ELL classroom Workshop workshop on assessment centres
Joanne Carr Alena Hradilová
PRON, TEA Sociolinguistic perception and assessment TD, TTEd Windows, frames and mirrors: designing a
Talk in English language teaching Workshop CPD programme that works
Victor Carreao Niki Joseph
RES, TD Effectiveness of low-tech continuous MD, TEA Using visual literacy frameworks to
Talk professional development: research Talk facilitate multimodal assessment
outcomes Sylvia Karastathi

Robert Chatfield, Liliana Sánchez

TD Critical thinking: getting your students to
Talk think better than AI
Ben Knight

General information
YLT Music and rhythm make all the difference GEN The underrated value of A1 teachers
Talk Kristy Kors Talk Helen Reed
EAP, TEA Assessing learners’ interactional IPSEN, TTEd EFL preservice teachers’ professional
Talk competence through AI-generated Talk identity dilemmas during their last-stage
speaking tasks practicum
Maria Kostromitina Priscila Riffo
LAM My business: how the leader’s values affect TD, TTEd How can co-coaching help us to
Talk the school Workshop understand cultural differences?
Elena Kuznetsova Barbara Roosken
GI Examining gender inequality in ELT: LT Teaching just four language skills? Missed
Talk language, history and patriarchy Workshop the most important fifth!
Carol Lethaby Harisimran Sandhu
TD, TTEd Discussing new CPD developments in BE, ESP What’s in it for me? Learner-driven tasks

Panel China under the 2022 NEC Talk and activities
discussion Chen Li, Tony Liddicoat, Duncan Pete Westbrook
Hindmarch, Wendy Arnold, Sarah K
GEN Task-based language teaching: how to get
IPSEN Neurodiversity and literacy: awareness and Workshop started?
Workshop guiding principles Jane Willis
Erica Lindley
LAM Big shoes to fill: managing a well-
GI, YLT A world of emotions - be kind and be Talk established team
Talk contagious! Susanna Wright

Pre-Conference Events
Tiziana Lorenzet
YLT A one-example-fits-all approach to prepare
LT, MD Gamification: emulating the video-game Workshop students for writing examinations
Workshop experience using everyday software Wing Wu
Lynn Lybaert
GEN Maximising the use of students’
TTEd, YLT Experiences, social learning and emotions: Talk spontaneous language
Talk the basic principles of communication Roslyn Young
Natassa Manitsa
Forum Forum on gamification
LAM Lessons from a millennial manager: how to
Talk avoid burnout LT, YLT Learning English through video games,
Cameron Marklew insights from Chilean children

Sponsors and Exhibitors

Pia Tabali
LT Training for tomorrow: integrating AI into
Talk online teacher development courses
LT, MD Gamification in low-resource EFL
Michal Mikeš
classrooms: maximizing engagement and
LAM, TTEd Unlocking potential: strategies for learning
Talk motivating a diverse teaching team Hesham Eleryan
Holly Morgan
Forum Forum on IELTS: innovative approaches
GI, TTEd Error correction and varieties of English to improve writing efficiency
Talk during Celta courses
Jessica Mosley LT M-Learning assists the writing performance
of EFL students
EAP, ESP Rhetorical cyclicity in academic and
Yuanyuan Zhang
Talk professional genres and part-genres
Philip Nathan EAP, ESOL How to generate better ideas for IELTS

TD Emergent language and task repetition writing task 2

Preview of

Workshop with lower-level learners Ha Dang Nhu Quynh

Danny Norrington-Davies
Forum Forum on novice teachers
BE Business English courses: creating a
Workshop relevant learning plan TD, TTEd How pre-service trainees navigate between
Jelena Perisic idealistic views and classroom-based reality
Fruzsina Szabo
BE, ESP How translation studies can help with
Talk teaching legal English TD, TTEd Lifelong teacher education: a design for
Patrycja Pikala active, sustained learning
GEN Humour in language classrooms: Is it just a Maria-Araxi Sachpazian
Talk joke?
TD, TTEd Novice EFL teacher self-efficacy and task-,

Shilpa Pulapaka
domain-, and context-specific factors
GI The language of mental well-being: Natalie Donohue
Talk positive psychology in adult classes
Andreea Pulpea

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure

General information
Forum Forum on keeping teachers’ motivation Forum Forum on speaking skills 2
in virtual learning environment
EAP, ESP Now let’s discuss: embedding speaking
GEN Making impossible possible just to tasks into discussions
encourage teachers Kerstin Sandstrom
Konul Rahimova
GEN From incognitus to cognitus: Fostering
TD, TTEd Online teacher community platform – (more than) students’ interaction
supporting teachers’ independent Ligia Carlucio
professional development
Maya Darchia Forum Forum on the use of AI in
TD, TTEd Keeping teachers’ motivation in virtual
learning environment GI, LT AI ethics in ESL & EFL: Ukraine & US
Tatjana Slijepcevic perspectives

Maggie Sokolik, Yaroslava Fedoriv

Oral assessment: even more relevant in the
ChatGPT age
Jane Mandalios
Pre-Conference Events
Sponsors and Exhibitors
of Presentations
About of

General information
What is IATEFL? Why join IATEFL?
The International Association of Teachers of English as a Foreign • discounted rates at all IATEFL events, including the annual
Language, (IATEFL) is a global professional membership international conference
association, and a UK registered charity, and yet we remain a • discounts on a range of English language teaching
community. We support teachers and other ELT professionals in magazines and journals from a wide range of publishers
their professional development, and provide a platform where • monthly eBulletin with information and news from the
they can offer their views, exchange research and teaching association

Pre-Conference Events
experiences and learn from each other. • IATEFL Voices, our bi-monthly publication, delivered to you
online or by post
• Conference Selections, our publication of presentations
A brief history of IATEFL made at the IATEFL international conference
For nearly 60 years, IATEFL has been linking, developing and • monthly webinars and attendance certificate for those you
supporting English language teaching professionals worldwide. attend, as well as access to previous recordings
From our humble origins in 1967 as a forum for English language • searchable archive of articles, publications, interviews and
teachers and other professionals to make contact with one webinars
another and share ideas, we are now one of the largest and most • submit a proposal to speak at a virtual or face-to-face IATEFL
internationally representative teaching associations in the world. event, including the international conference
If you are interested in finding out more you can purchase a copy • get your work published in one of our publications,
of the book, “A History of IATEFL” from our online shop. including IATEFL Voices and our online blog platform 'Views'

Sponsors and Exhibitors

• join one or more of our 16 Special Interest Groups and
keep up to date in your particular areas of interest
How to contact IATEFL • member-only scholarship opportunities to attend the
international conference
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• build your professional network, volunteer on one of the
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of Presentations

#iatefl2024 Thank you to the sponsors of the Preview Brochure


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