RDBMS Lab 1 - 231128 - 132833

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Experiment No.01
1. Aim: Explore various fundamental concepts of DBMS and its future prospective.

2. Prerequisite: -

3. Outcome:
After successful completion of this experiment students will be able to

1. Explain fundamental terminologies of DBMS.

2. Enlist basic components of DBMS.
3. Describe the need of DBMS in software development.
4. Differentiate among various database packages and its usage in real life for
solvingthe problems.
5. Enlist the real life applications of DBMS.
6. Correlate the usage of DBMS for prospective areas such as Data science.

4. Theory:

To define the database system, the following terminologies must be clarified:

1. File
2. Database
3. Database Management System (DBMS)

File consists of only one file or table, with each entry containing all the required data defined
within it. It is like a cabinet containing only one folder which has many pages in it, each page
containing all the information for that specific entry. This makes it easy for the user to know where
to find requested entries and all the data associated with them. As entire data are at one place,
retrieval of data is easy and fast. But the flat file suffers from the problem of data redundancy.
Suppose there is an order processing application which includes the name, address, and phone
number of a customer. If this customer has placed order for two items then there couldbe two
entries for this customer with his name, address and phone number. In other words, the file contains
redundant data, i.e. twice the name, address, and the phone number of the customer. If his address
is to be changed then it is to be changed at two places.
Database is a collection of interrelated files, while database management system is a collection of
database, database utilities (DBMS software) operated by user groups and administered by
database administrator.

Database is a collection of interrelated files. The conventional file processing system will lead to
excessive data redundancy and associated difficulties. But, in a database system which has an
integrated single database, all the problems of the conventional file processing system will be
minimized, even though the time taken to design and implement a robust database will be relatively
longer when compared to the design of files in the conventional file processing system. There will
be greater payoff by using the robust database which will offset the cost towards longer duration
of designing and implementing the database.

A database is a collection of interrelated data stored together with controlled redundancy to

serveone or more applications in an optimal way. The data are stored in such a way that they are
independent of the programs used by the people for accessing the data. The approach used in
adding the new data, modifying and retrieving the existing data from the database is commonand
controlled one.

It is also defined as a collection of logically related data stored together that is designed to meet
information requirements of an organization. We can also define it as an electronic filing system.

A database management system is a software package that controls all access to database. Whena
request to access the database comes, it examines the request and interprets it using some
commands. There are many different types of database users, out of which the database
administrator is responsible for managing the overall system and all other users of the system.

The DBMS performs the following five primary functions:

1. Define, create and organize a database: The DBMS establishes the logical
relationshipsamong different data elements in a database.
2. Input data: It performs the function of entering the data into the database through an
inputdevice with the help of the user.
3. Process data: It performs of manipulation and processing of the data stored in the
4. Maintain data integrity and security: It allows limited access of the database to
authorizedusers to maintain data integrity and security.
5. Query database: It provides information to the decision makers that they need to
makeimportant decisions. The information is provided by querying the database using
Database system environment:

DBMS Users:

The users of a database system are:

1. End users or Naïve Users

2. Online users
3. Application programmers
4. Database administrator

Role of Database Administrator:

1. Deciding contents of database

2. Deciding structure of internal storage of database
3. Deciding users
4. Granting authorities
5. Deciding rules and constraints
6. Managing security for database
7. Monitoring the performance of the database
8. Taking backup
9. Removal of dump and maintain free space
5. Task to be completed in PART B

1. Task 1: Answer following

1. Define and exemplify following terms:

Data, Information, Tuple, Attributes, Entity, Record, File, Relation,

Database, Front end, Back end, Query, Schema, Entity


2. Enlist the components of a typical Database Management System (DBMS). Depict

itdiagrammatically. Comment on their Responsibilities.

3. Enlist Advantages and disadvantages of database management systems.

4. Discuss applications of DBMS.

5. What are various possible user roles available in the area of Databases? what are

(Students must submit the soft copy as per following segments within two hours of the
practical. The soft copy must be uploaded on the Blackboard or emailed to the concerned
lab in charge faculties at the end of the practical in case the there is no Black board access


Program : CSE - IOT Division: A

Batch: 2 Date of Experiment:

Date of Submission: 11/09/2023 Grade :


Data : Data is a collection of raw facts, statistics, or information collected, stored, and processed for
various purposes

Information: Information is data that has been processed, organized, or structured in a way that makes
it meaningful and useful.
Tuple: A tuple is a single row in the database that contains single record in a relation.

Attribute:It represents the characteristics or the properties of the entities stored indatabase.
Entity: A piece of data stored in the database.

Relation: The data in the database is stored in the form of tables called relations.

Record: A record is a structured and organized collection of data that represents

a single instance or a single entry within a database, dataset, or system.

Database: A database is a structured and organized collection of data that is

stored electronically in a computer system.

Front-end: It is the application that provides a user interface or it is what the

users directly interact with.

Back-end: Back-end system is where the data about the application is stored that is not visible
to the users.

Query: A request to the database to fetch or retrieve the data from the data base

Database file: A database file is a file or set of files that contain structured data

organized in a way that allows for efficient storage.

Schema: The definition or the description of the data and the database is called

the databaseschema.

Entity-relationship: It is a model where the real world objects or data called entities are stored
with connections or relationships between each entity.

2.The 5 main components of the DBMS are:

*HARDWARE: Hardware is the essential part for the DBMS since it consists of all the
physical parts that are to be used.These include the output devices like the printer, monitor etc.
It is theresponsibility of the DBMS to allow the users to access and interact with the data in the
database. Hence, the output devices help in displaying and accessing those data. Also, the
storage of the databases is also done by the hardware like the storage devices .i.e. hard disks.

*SOFTWARE: Software refers to the entire system of computer programs, applications, and tools that
work together to manage and manipulate databases.
*Data: The main requirement of the DBMS is to manage the data in the database. It can storeall kinds
of raw data like structured data, non structured, logical, physical data. The database contains the actual
data and also the meta-data.

*Procedures: The procedure is a type of general instructions or guidelines for the use of the
DBMS. these instructions include how to set-up the database, how to install the database, howto
log-in and log-out of the database .
*Database accessing language: These are the languages that help in understanding the data in
the database. They are used to give commands to access, create, delete, update, alter the data in
the database. For all these different operations to be performed we make use of variousdatabase
languages like, Database definition language, database manipulation language, database query
language etc.

3. Advantages of DBMS:

1. Better Data Security: The more accessible and usable the database, the more it is prone to security issues. As
the number of users increases, the data transferring or data sharing rate also increases thus increasing the risk of
data security.

2. Better data integration: Due to the Database Management System we have an access to well managed and
synchronized form of data thus it makes data handling very easy and gives an integrated view of how a
particular organization is working and also helps to keep a track of how one segment of the company affects
another segment.
3. Increased end-user productivity: The data which is available with the help of a combination of tools that
transform data into useful information, helps end-users to make quick, informative, and better decisions that can
make difference between success and failure in the global economy.

Disadvantages of DBMS:

1. Cost of hardware and software:

This is the first disadvantage of DBMS. This is because to run the DBMS, there is must need for high-
speed processors and large memory size. Nowadays, in every field, large amount of data needs to be stored
safely with security. But nowadays, the cost of a high-speed processor and large memory storage is very
expensive in hardware and software.

2. Complexity:
DBMS is a complex software that requires a significant amount of technical expertise to install,
configure, and maintain. This complexity can lead to increased maintenance costs and technical

3. Data Dependency:
DBMS stores data in a particular format, which can create data dependency issues. If the format
changes, it can affect the application that uses the data, leading to additional maintenance and
development costs.

4. Single Point of Failure:

DBMS represents a single point of failure for an organization's data. If the DBMS fails, it can lead to
significant data loss and downtime, which can have a severe impact on the business.


*Education sector: the assessments that are led online by schools and colleges, where the assessment
is dealt through data set administration framework. To store all the personal dataabout the students
and also their academic results.

*Account: The information base administration framework is used to put away data aboutdeals,
holding and acquisition of monetary instruments like stocks and bonds in data set.

*Healthcare: It is used in hospitals to manage the data about the patients, personalinformation,
medical record and billing information.
*E-shopping: The online shopping where everything is ordered through apps and websiteswhere
the items are added, sold, bought, updated with the assistance of information base administration.

5. The various users involved the the DBMS are:

— Database designer: The database designers are responsible for identifying the right data for
the database and choosing the appropriate database structure. They interact with a group of
people to look into their views and opinions.

— End-users: These are the people who make use of the data in the database. They are of
different types like the casual users, naive or parametric users, sophisticated users, and
stand-alone users.

— DBMS system designers and implementers: They plan and carry out the DBMS modules
and points of interaction. They comprise of a large number of parts, including modules for
executing the index, inquiry language handling, interface handling, etc

— Tool developers: These include the engineers who design and develop the devices that will
be useful for interacting with DBMS software.

— Maintenance personnel: These are the people who are responsible for maintaining the
system software and the equipment and tools used for the database. Furthermore, taking careof
the programming climate for the database framework.

1. Tasks given in PART A to be completed here

(Students must write the answers of the task(s) given in the PART A )

1.File: A file is a set of related records. Files are usually organized based on their application

2.Database: It is an organized collection of structured data or information, typically stored in

the computer system.

3.Database Management System: Software that manages the database is the DBMS. It is
responsible for organizing, retrieving , storing, maintaining and developing the database.

2. Observations and Learning:

(Students must write the observations and learning based on their understanding built about the subject matter
and inferences drawn)

To start with we have learnt the difference between the data and the information. How the data is
stored in the database by structuring it into a table, the management and developing features of
the database management system to organize all the data in the database and how the users can
access easily.
3. Conclusion:
(Students must write the conclusive statements as per the attainment of individual outcomes listed above and learning/
observation noted in section B.2)

To sum up, we have learnt all the basic features and constraints that make up the database and the
database management system.

4. Question of curiosity:

1. Compare following database packages:


2. Justify the correctness of following statements: “The knowledge of DBMS is essential

forbecoming the Data scientist ”


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