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Mark Bull
EPCC, University of Edinburgh (and OpenMP
[email protected]
OpenMPCon 2015 2


• Mistyping the sentinel (e.g. !OMP or #pragma opm )

typically raises no error message.

• Be careful!

• Extra nasty if it is e.g. #pragma opm atomic – race condition!

• Write a script to search your code for your common typos

OpenMPCon 2015 3

Writing code that works without OpenMP too

• The macro _OPENMP is defined if code is compiled with
the OpenMP switch.
• You can use this to conditionally compile code so that it works with
and without OpenMP enabled.

• If you want to link dummy OpenMP library routines into

sequential code, there is code in the standard you can
copy (Appendix A in 4.0)
OpenMPCon 2015 4

Parallel regions
• The overhead of executing a parallel region is typically in the
tens of microseconds range
• depends on compiler, hardware, no. of threads
• The sequential execution time of a section of code has to be
several times this to make it worthwhile parallelising.
• If a code section is only sometimes long enough, use the if
clause to decide at runtime whether to go parallel or not.
• Overhead on one thread is typically much smaller (<1µs).
• You can use the EPCC OpenMP microbenchmarks to do
detailed measurements of overheads on your system.
• Download from www.epcc.ed.ac.uk/research/computing/
OpenMPCon 2015 5

Is my loop parallelisable?
• Quick and dirty test for whether the iterations of a loop are
• Run the loop in reverse order!!
• Not infallible, but counterexamples are quite hard to construct.
OpenMPCon 2015 6

Loops and nowait • This is safe so long as the

number of iterations in the
#pragma omp parallel two loops and the
{ schedules are the same
#pragma omp for schedule(static) nowait
(must be static, but you
a[i] = .... can specify a chunksize)
} • Guaranteed to get same
#pragma omp for schedule(static) mapping of iterations to
... = a[i] threads.
OpenMPCon 2015 7

Default schedule
• Note that the default schedule for loops with no schedule
clause is implementation defined.
• Doesn’t have to be STATIC.
• In practice, in all implementations I know of, it is.
• Nevertheless you should not rely on this!
• Also note that SCHEDULE(STATIC) does not completely
specify the distribution of loop iterations.
• don’t write code that relies on a particular mapping of iterations to
OpenMPCon 2015 8

Tuning the chunksize

• Tuning the chunksize for static or dynamic schedules can be
tricky because the optimal chunksize can depend quite
strongly on the number of threads.

• It’s often more robust to tune the number of chunks per thread
and derive the chunksize from that.
• chunksize expression does not have to be a compile-time constant
OpenMPCon 2015 9

• Both constructs cause a code block to be executed by one
thread only, while the others skip it: which should you use?

• MASTER has lower overhead (it’s just a test, whereas

SINGLE requires some synchronisation).

• But beware that MASTER has no implied barrier!

• If you expect some threads to arrive before others, use

SINGLE, otherwise use MASTER
OpenMPCon 2015 10

Data sharing attributes

• Don’t forget that private variables are uninitialised on entry to
parallel regions!

• Can use firstprivate, but it’s more likely to be an error.

• use cases for firstprivate are surprisingly rare.
OpenMPCon 2015 11

• The default behaviour for parallel regions and worksharing
construct is default(shared)

• This is extremely dangerous - makes it far too easily to

accidentally share variables.

• Possibly the worst design decision in the history of


• Always, always use default(none)

• I mean always. No exceptions!
• Everybody suffers from “variable blindness”.
OpenMPCon 2015 12

Spot the bug!

#pragma omp parallel for private(temp)
for (j=0;j<M;j++){
temp = b[i]*c[j];
a[i][j] = temp * temp + d[i];

• May always get the right result with sufficient compiler

OpenMPCon 2015 13

Private global variables

double foo;
extern double foo;
#pragma omp parallel \ double sumfunc(void){
private(foo) ... = foo;
foo = ....
a = somefunc();

• Unspecified whether the reference to foo in somefunc is to the

original storage or the private copy.
• Unportable and therefore unusable!
• If you want access to the private copy, pass it through the
argument list (or use threadprivate).
OpenMPCon 2015 14

Huge long loops

• What should I do in this situation? (typical old-fashioned
Fortran style)

do i=1,n
..... several pages of code referencing 100+
end do

• Determining the correct scope (private/shared/reduction) for

all those variables is tedious, error prone and difficult to test
OpenMPCon 2015 15

• Refactor sequential code to

do i=1,n
call loopbody(......)
end do

• Make all loop temporary variables local to loopbody

• Pass the rest through argument list
• Much easier to test for correctness!
• Then parallelise......
• C/C++ programmers can declare temporaries in the scope of
the loop body.
OpenMPCon 2015 16

Reduction race trap

#pragma omp parallel shared(sum, b)
sum = 0.0;
#pragma omp for reduction(+:sum)
for(i=0;i<n:i++) {
sum += b[i];
.... = sum;

• There is a race between the initialisation of sum and the

updates to it at the end of the loop.
OpenMPCon 2015 17

Missing SAVE or static

• Compiling my sequential code with the OpenMP flag caused it
to break: what happened?
• You may have a bug in your code which is assuming that the
contents of a local variable are preserved between function
• compiling with OpenMP flag forces all local variables to be stack
allocated and not heap allocated
• might also cause stack overflow
• Need to use SAVE or static correctly
• but these variables are then shared by default
• may need to make them threadprivate
• “first time through” code may need refactoring (e.g. execute it before the
parallel region)
OpenMPCon 2015 18

Stack size
• If you have large private data structures, it is possible to run
out of stack space.
• The size of thread stack apart from the master thread can be
controlled by the OMP_STACKSIZE environment variable.
• The size of the master thread’s stack is controlled in the same
way as for sequential program (e.g. compiler switch or using
ulimit ).
• OpenMP can’t control this as by the time the runtime is called it’s too
OpenMPCon 2015 19

Critical and atomic

• You can’t protect updates to shared variables in one place
with atomic and another with critical, if they might contend.
• No mutual exclusion between these
• critical protects code, atomic protects memory locations.

#pragma omp parallel

#pragma omp critical
#pragma omp atomic
OpenMPCon 2015 20

Allocating storage based on number of threads

• Sometimes you want to allocate some storage whose size is
determined by the number of threads.
• but how do you know how many threads the next parallel region will
• Can call omp_get_max_threads() which returns the value
of the nthreads-var ICV. The number of threads used for the
next parallel region will not exceed this
• except if a num_threads clause is used.
• Note that the implementation can always deliver fewer threads
than this value
• if your code depends on there actually being a certain number of
threads, you should always call omp_get_num_threads() to check
OpenMPCon 2015 21

Environment for performance

• There are some environment variables you should set to
maximise performance.
• don’t rely on the defaults for these!

• Encourages idle threads to spin rather than sleep
• Don’t let the runtime deliver fewer threads than you asked for
• Prevents threads migrating between cores
OpenMPCon 2015 22

Debugging tools
• Traditional debuggers such as DDT or Totalview have support
for OpenMP

• This is good, but they are not much help for tracking down
race conditions
• debugger changes the timing of event on different threads

• Race detection tools work in a different way

• capture all the memory accesses during a run, then analyse this data for
races which might have occured.
• Intel Inspector XE
• Oracle Solaris Studio Thread Analyzer
OpenMPCon 2015 23

• Make sure your timer actually does measure wall clock time!

• Do use omp_get_wtime() !

• Don’t use clock() for example

• measures CPU time accumulated across all threads
• no wonder you don’t see any speedup......

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