Ages Part 1

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BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

1. A’s and B’s age are in the ratio of 4:5. Four years e.None of these
hence, the ratio of their ages will become 5:6. What is 4. The ages of Sulekha and Arunima are in the ratio
B’s present age? of 9 : 8 respectively. After 5 years, the ratio of their
a.25 years ages will be 10 : 9. What is the difference in years
b.20 years between their ages ?
c.30 years a. 4 yr
d.40 years b. 5 yr
e.None of these c. 6 yr
2. Ten years before, the ratio of ages of A and B was d. 7 yr
15:11. After 11 years from now, the ratio of their ages e. None of these
will be 9:8. What is the present age of B? 5. The respective ratio of the ages of Anubha and her
a.11 years mother is 1 : 2. After 6 years, the ratio of their ages
b.15 years will be 11 : 20. 9 yr before, what was the respective
c.21 years ratio of their ages?
d.25 years a. 3:5
e.None of these b. 2:7
3. The average age of 3 girls is 10 years. This gets c. 1:4
doubled if their mother’s age is also included, then d. 2:5
what is the age of the mother? e. None of these
a.30 years 6. The respective ratio of the present age of Swati and
b.80 years Trupti is 4:5. Six years hence, the respective ratio of
c.45 years their ages will be 6:7. What is the difference between
d.50 years their ages?
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

a. 2 yr. c. 26
b. 3 yr. d. 22
c. 4 yr. e. None of these
d. Cannot be determined 10. The present age of Romila is one-fourth that of
e. None of these her father. After 6 yr, the father's age will be twice
7. Saniya's grandfather was 8 times older to her 16 the age of Kapil. If Kapil celebrated fifth birthday 8
years ago. He would be 3 times of her age 8 years yr ago, what is Romila's present age?
from now. What was ratio of ages of Saniya and her a. 7 yr
grandfather 8 years ago. b. 7.5 yr
a. 11:54 c. 8 yr
b. 11:53 d. 8.5 yr
c. 55:11 e. None of these
d. 53:11 11.The total present ages of P and Q is 25 year more
e. None of these than the present age of R. If at present, Q is 5 year
8. The ages of two brothers differ by 20 years. If 5 older than R, what is P's present age (in year)?
years ago, the elder one be 5 times as old as the a. 20
younger one, their present ages (in years) are b. 40
respectively? c. 35
a. 25,20 d. 30
b. 30,10 e. Data provided are not adequate to answer the question
c. 20,20 12. Present age of Jyoti is 4 times the age of Sonia.
d. 20,10 After 12 yr, Jyoti will be 3 times as old as Sonia.
e. Cannot determined What is the present age of Sonia?
9. There are 3 sister. If age of kavitha is 25 years and a. 28 yr
twice the age of geetha and her sister sita is 62, and b. 24 yr
twice the age of sita and geetha is 64. Then what is the c. 20 yr
age of youngest one? d. 16 yr
a. 20 e. None of these
b. 24
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

13. The ages of Shirish and Kunder are in the ratio of a. 45 yr

5:6, respectively. After 8 years, the ratio of their ages b. 29 yr
will be 7:8. What is the difference in their ages? c. 49 yr
a. 4 yr d. Cannot be determined
b. 8 yr e. None of these
c. 10 yr 17. The present ages of Vishal and Shekhar are in the
d. 12 yr ratio of 14:17 respectively. Six years from now, their
e. None of these ages will be in the ratio of 17:20, respectively. What is
14. 6 year ago, the respective ratio between the ages Shekhar's present age?
of Sia and her father that time was 1:7. The a. 17 yr
difference between the ages of Sia's father and Sia's is b. 51 yr
36 yr. What will be Sia's age 5yr from now? c. 34 yr
a. 13 yr d. 28 yr
b. 15 yr e. None of these
c. 21 yr 18. The respective ratio of the present ages of a
d. 17 yr mother and daughter is 7:1. Four years ago, the
e. None of these respective ratio of their ages was 19:1. What will be
15.The age of Mira, Tina and Sania are in the ratio the mother's age four years from now?
6:4:7, respectively. If the sum of their ages is 34 yr, a. 42 yr
What is Sania's age? b. 38 yr
a. 12 yr c. 46 yr
b. 10 yr d. 36 yr
c. 18 yr e. None of these
d. 8 yr 19. The age of Bhakti and Neil are in the ratio of 8:7,
e. None of these respectively. After 6 yr, the ratio of their ages will be
16. The respective ratio between the present ages of 19:17. What is the difference in their ages?
Ram and Rakesh is 6:11. Four year ago, the ratio of a. 4 yr
their ages was 1:2, respectively.What will be Rakesh's b. 8 yr
age after five years? c. 10 yr
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

d. 12 yr Meena and her daughter will be 10:3, respectively.

e. None of these What is the Meena's present age?
20. The ages of Raghav and Priti are 40 years and 60 a. 32 yr
years, respectively. How many years before the ratio b. 40 yr
of their ages was 3 : 5? c. 36 yr
a. 15 years d. Cannot be determined
b. 20 years e. None of these
c. 37 years 24. The ages of Melwyn and Louis are in the ratio of
d. 10 years 7:10, respectively. After 6 years, the ratio of their
e. 16 years ages will be 17 : 23. What is the difference in their
21.1 year ago, a mother was 4 times older to her son. ages?
After 6 years, her age becomes more than double her a. 8 yr
son’s age by 5 years. The present ratio of mother and b. 4 yr
son age will be: c. 12 yr
a. 13 : 12 d. 10 yr
b. 3 : 1 e. None of these
c. 11 : 3 25. The ages of Ranjana and Rakhi are in the ratio of
d. 25 : 7 15:17, respectively. After 6 yr, the ratio of their ages
e. 7:25 will be 9:10. What will be the age of Ranjana after 6
22. The age of Nishi and Vinnee are in the ratio of yr?
6:5, respectively. After 9 yr, the ratio of their ages will a. 40 yr
be 9:8. What is the difference in their ages? b. 30 yr
a. 9 yr c. 34 yr
b. 7 yr d. 36 yr
c. 5 yr e. None of these
d. 3 yr 26. The average age of a man and his son is 27 yr. The
e. None of these ratio of their ages is 8:1, respectively. What will be
23. At present, Meena is eight times her daughter's the son's age after 6 years?
age. Eight years from now, the ratio of the ages of a. 6 yr
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

b. 14 yr d. 54
c. 12 yr e.None of these
d. 8 yr 30. The average age of the family of five members is
e. None of these 24. If the present age of youngest member is 8 year,
27. The present age of Amit and his father are in the then what was the average age of the family at the
ratio 2:5, respectively. Four years hence, the ratio of time of the birth of the youngest member?
their ages will become 5:11, respectively. What was a. 20 yr.
the father's age five year ago? b. 16 yr.
a. 40 yr c. 12 yr.
b. 45 yr d. 18 yr.
c. 30 yr e. 21 yr.
d. 35 yr 31. Three years ago the average age of A and B was
e. None of these 18 years. While C joining them now, the average
28. The ratio of the present ages of Anuj and Sandhya becomes 22 years. How old (in years) is C now?
is 13:17, respectively. Four years ago, the respective a. 24
ratio of their ages was 11:15. What will be the b. 27
respective ratio of their ages six years hence? c. 28
a. 3:4 d. 30
b. 7:8 e.None of these
c. 5:4 32. The present ages of three persons are in
d. 6:5 proportions 4 : 7 : 9. Eight years ago, the sum of their
e. None of these ages was 56. Find their present ages (in years).
29. The ratio of the age of Ram and Shyam is 2 : 3 a. 8, 20, 28
and that of Shyam and Sita is 6: 9. If the average Of b. 16, 28, 36
Ram and Sita’s age is 52 years then find the age of c. 20, 35, 45
Shyam? d. 24,42, 54
a. 24 e. None of these
b. 42
c. 48
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

33.The sum of present ages of father and his son is 57 b. 36 years

years. 6 years ago, the father was 4 times as old as his c. 25 years
son at that time. The present age of son is? d. 24 years
a. 12 years e. None of these
b. 9 years 37. Abhay's age after six years will be three-seventh
c. 15 years of his father’s age. Ten years ago the ratio of their
d. 16 years ages was 1: 5. What is Abhay's father's age at
e. 18 years present?
34. The difference between the present ages of Arun a. 45 years
and Deepak is 14 years. Seven years ago the ratio of b. 55 years
their ages was 5:7 respectively. What is Deepak's c. 50 years
present age? d. 40 years
a. 49 years e. None of these
b. 42 years 38. The ratio of the Mother's age to her daughter's
c. 63 years age is 9 : 5. The product of their ages is 1125. The
d. 35 years ratio of their ages after five years will be?
e. None of these a. 1 : 3
35. The present ages of three colleagues are in b. 2 : 3
proportions 3 : 5 : 7. Four years ago, the sum of their c. 3 : 4
ages was 48. find their present ages (in years) ? d. 5 : 3
a. 12 , 20 and 28 years e. None of these
b. 13 , 15 and 23 years 39. The ratio of the present ages of two Friends is 2 :
c. 11 , 16 and 19 years 3 and six years back, the ratio was 1 : 3. What will be
d. 20, 24 and 27 years the ratio of their ages after 4 years?
e. None of these a. 1 : 3
36. One year ago, the ratio of Gaurav's and Sachin's b. 3 : 4
age was 6: 7 respectively. Four years hence, this ratio c. 2 : 3
would become 7: 8. How old is Sachin ? d. 3 : 5
a. 30 years e. None of these
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

40. The age of father 10 years ago was thrice the age b. 66
of his son. Ten years hence, father's age will be twice c. 60
that of his son. The ratio of their present ages is? d. 45
a. 5 : 2 e. None of these
b. 7 : 3 44. Sum of present ages of A,B and C is 72 years. If 4
c. 9 : 2 years ago, the ratio of their ages were 1 : 2 : 3
d. 13 : 4 respectively, find A's present age?
41.Sum of present ages of P and Q is 60 years. 5 years a. 18 years
hence their ages will be in the ratio 3: 4. Find P's b. 14 years
present age? c. 10 years
a. 20 years d. 20 years
b. 28 years e. None of these
c. 25 years 45. The total ages of Ankit , Narendra and Satendra is
d. 26 years 96 years. Five years ago, the ratio of their ages was 2 :
e. None of these 3 : 4. What is the present age of Satendra?
42.Five years ago the ratio of the ages of Omkar and a. 21 years
Nitin was 8 : 7. Three years hence, the ratio of their b. 32 years
ages will be 12 : 11. what is Nitin's age at present? c. 41 years
a. 12 years d. 53 years
b. 15 years e. None of these
c. 8.5 years 46. Two years ago, the age of Rajan was 4 times that
d. 19 years of his son. After 5 years, the ratio of ages of Rajan to
e. None of these his son will be 5:2. What is the present age of his son?
43.In a family there are two children Navya and Reet. a. 8 years
The ratio between the present age of Navya and Reet b. 14 years
is 5 : 6. After 8 years the ratio of their ages will be 7 : c. 7 years
8. Find their total age of Navya and Reet after 10 d. 9 years
years? e. None of these
a. 56
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

47. Rohit was 4 times as old as his son 8 years ago. c. 21

After 8 years, Rohit will be twice as old as his son. d. 27
What are their present ages? e. 33
a. 12 years, 30 years
b. 16 years, 40 years Answers with Solution
c. 20 years, 35 years
d. 15 years, 28 years Solution (1-50)
e. None of these 1. B
48. The sum of the present ages of a father and his son Let the present age of A and B are 4x and 5x
is 60 years. Six years ago, father's age was five times According to the question,
the age of the son. After 6 years, son's age will be? (4x+4) / (5x+4) = 5/6
a. 12 years 24x+ 24 = 25x + 20
b. 14 years x=4
c. 18 years Hence, the present age of 5(4) = 20 years
d. 20 years 2. C
e. None of these The present age of A and B are, (15x+10) and (11x+10)
49. What is Aman's present age, if after 20 years his According to the question,
age will be 10 times his age 10 years back? (15x + 10 +11)/ (11x+ 10 + 11) = 9/8
a. 6.2 years 120x + 168 = 99x + 189
b. 7.7 years 21 x = 21
c. 13.3 years ∴ x =1
d. 10 years Hence, the present age of Bis 11 (1) + 10 = 21 years
e.None of these 3. D
50. Three years from now, Deepa will be three times The average age, when the age of the mother is included
as old as Emma and Emma will be six years younger is 10 × 2 = 20
than Femina. If Deepa’s age is three years less than ∴ the total age = 4 × 20 = 80
twice Femina’s age, how old is Femina? Hence, the mother’s age = 80 – 30 = 50 years
a. 9 4. B
b. 15 Let the ages of Sulekha is 9x and Arunima's age is 8x
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

=> (9x + 5)/(8x + 5) = 10/9

=> 81x + 45 =80x + 50 7. B
=> x = 5 yr
Sulekha's age = 9 * 5 =45 yr
Arunima's age = 8 * 5 = 40 yr
Difference = 45 – 40 = 5 yr.
5. D
Let the age of Anubha's is x yr and her mother's age is 2x
After 6 years, 8. B

=> (x + 6)/(2x + 6) = 11/20 Let their ages be x and (x + 20) years.

=> 20x + 120 = 22x + 66 5 (x – 5) = (x + 20 – 5)

=> 2x = 54 4x = 40

=> x= 27 x = 10

Before 9 yr, Their present ages are 30 years and 10 years

Anubh's age = 27 – 9 = 18 yr 9. A

Anubha's mother's age = 54 – 9 = 45 yr 2g+s=62; 2s+g =64

Ratio = 18/45 = 2:5 From this geetha=20, sita =22

6. B Then ratio = 20:22:25, the youngest one is 20 years.

Let the present age of Swati and Trupti is 4x and 5x 10. C

respectively Kapil's present age = 8 + 5 = 13 yr

After 6 yr, Kapil's age after 6 Yr = 13 + 6 =19 yr

=> (4x + 6)/(5x + 6) = 6/7 Romila's father age = 2 * 19 = 38 yr

=> 28x + 42 = 30x + 36 Father's present age = 38 – 6 = 32 yr

=> 2x = 6 Romila's present age = 1/4 * 32 = 8 yr

=> x =3 yr 11. A

Present age of Swati = 4 * 3 =12 yr Present age of P + Q = 25 + R...(1)

Present age of trupti = 5 * 3 = 15 yr Present age of Q = 5 + R

Difference = 15 – 12 = 3 yr. From Eq. (1),

=> P + 5 + R = 25 + R
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

=> P = 20 years. => 6x + 4x + 7x = 34

12. B => 17x = 34
Let Sonia's present age = x yr => x = 2 yr
Jyoti's present age = 4x yr Sania's age = 7 * 2 = 14 yr.
∴ A/Q (for after 12 yrs) 16. C
=> (4x + 12) = 3 (x + 12) Let present age of Ram = x yr and present age of Rakesh
=> 4x + 12 = 3x + 36 = y yr.
=> x = 24 yr => x/y = 6/11
13. A => x = 6y/11
Let the age of Shirish = 5x and age of Kunder = 6x Four years ago;
A/Q: (x - 4)/(y - 4) = ½
=> (5x + 8)/(6x + 8) = 7/8 => 2x – 8 = y – 4
=> 40x + 64 = 42x + 56 => 2 * (6y/11) - 8 = y – 4
=> 2x = 8 => 12y – 88 = 11y – 44
=> x = 4 yr => y = 44
Age of Shirish = 5 * 4 = 20 yr Rakesh's age after 5 year = 44 + 5 = 49 yr
Age of Kunder = 6 * 4 = 24 yr 17. C
Difference = 24 – 20 = 4 yr. Let the present age of Vishal and Shekhar is 14x and 17x
14. D respectively.
Let Sia's age 6 yr ago = x yr and her father age = 7x yr After six years;
=>(7x + 6) - (x + 6) = 36 (14x + 6)/(17x + 6) = 17/20
=> 7x + 6 – x – 6 = 36 => 280x + 120 = 289x + 102
=> 6x = 36 => 9x = 18
=> x = 6 => x = 2 yr
Sia's present age = 6 + 6 = 12 yr Shekhar's present age = 17 * 2 = 34 yr.
Sia's age after 5 yr = 12 + 5 = 17 yr. 18. C
15. E Let the present age of mother and daughter is 7x yr and x
Let the age of Mira, Tina and Sania is 6x, 4x and 7x yr, respectively.
respectively. 4 yrs ago;
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

(7x - 4)/(x - 4) = 19/1

=> 7x – 4 = 19x – 76
=> 12x = 72
=> x = 6 yr
Mother's present age = 7 * 6 = 42 yr
After 4 years mother's age = 42 + 4 = 46 yr.
19. A
Let the Bhakti's age = 8x and Neil's age = 7x
After 6 yrs;
(8x + 6)/(7x + 6) = 19/17 22. D

=> 136x + 102 = 133x + 114 Let the age of Nishi = 6x and age of Vinnee = 5x

=> 3x = 12 After 9 yr,

=> x = 4 yr => (6x + 9)/(5x +9) = 9/8

Bhakti's age = 8 * 4 = 32 yr => 48x + 72 = 45x + 81

Neil's age = 7 * 4 = 28 yr => 3x = 9

Difference = 32 – 28 = 4 yr => x = 3 yr.

20. D Nishi's age = 6 * 3 = 18 yr

Vinnee's age = 5 * 3 = 15 yr.
Difference = 18 – 15 = 3 yr.
23. A
Let Meena's daughter age = x yr. And Meena's age = 8x
After 8 yr,
21. D
=> (8x + 8)/(x + 8) = 10/3
=> 24x + 24 = 10x + 80
=> 14x = 56
=> x = 4 yr.
Present age of Meena = 8 * 4 = 32 yr.
24. C
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

Let the present age of Melwyn and Louis is 7x and 10x 27. D
respectively. Let the present age of Amit = 2x and present age of Amit
After 6 years, father's age = 5x
=> (7x + 6)/(10x + 6) = 17/23 After 4 yr,
=> 161x + 138 = 170x + 102 => (2x + 4)/(5x + 4) = 5/11
=> 9x = 36 => 22x + 44 = 25x + 20
=> x = 4 yr => 3x = 24
Age difference between Melwyn and Louis = (10x – 7x ) => x = 8 yr.
= 3x = 3 * 4 = 12 yr. Amit father's age before 5 years = 5 * 8 = 40 – 5 = 35 yr.
25. D 28. E
Let the age of Ranjana and Rakhi is 15x and 17x Let the present ages of Anuj and Sandhya is 13x and 17x
respectively. respectively.
After 6 yerar, Four years ago,
=> (15x + 6)/(17x + 6) = 9/10 => (13x - 4)/(17x - 4) = 11/15
=> 153x + 54 = 150x + 60 => 195x – 60 = 187x – 44
=> 3x = 6 => 8x = 16
=> x = 2 yr. => x = 2 yr
The age of Ranjana after 6 years = 15 * 2 + 6 = 36 yr. Anuj's present age = 13 * 2 = 26 yr
26. C Sandhya's present age = 17 * 2 = 34 yr
Avg age of man and his son is 27 yrs Ratio = (26 + 6)/(34 + 6) = 32/40 = 4:5
=> (man + son)/2 = 27 29. C
=> man + son = 54 Ratio of the age of Ram: Shyam: Sita = 4x: 6x: 9x
=> man = 54 – son Avg of Ram and Sita = 13x/2 = 6.5x = 52
Ratio of man and son is 8:1 By solving x = 8
=> (54 - son)/son = 8/1 So age of Shyam = 6 * 8 = 48 Years
=> 54 – son = 8son 30. A
=> 9 son = 54 Total age of the five members = 5 X 24 = 120 yr.
=> son = 6 yr. 8 yr. Ago, Total age of the family = 120 – 40 = 80 yr.
Age of son after 6 yr. = 6 + 6 = 12 yr. => Average = 80/4 = 20 yr.
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

31. A
Three years ago,
The sum of the age of A and B
= 18 X 2 = 36 years
∴ Sum of the present age of A and B
= 36 + 6 = 42 years
Sum of the present age of A , B and C
= 3 x 22 = 66 years 34. E
∴ present age of C = 66 – 42 = 24 years Seven years ago,
32. B Let Arun's and Deepak's age be 5x and 7x years
Let the 3 persons be A, B and C. respectively.
Given : The ratio of the present ages of 3 persons is 4:7:9 ∴ Arun's Present age
Let the present age of A,B and C be 4x, 7x and 9x years = (5x + 7) years
respectively. Deepak's Present age
A : B : C => 4x : 7x : 9x = (7x + 7) years
Given, 8 years ago, the sum of their ages was 56. According to the question,
8 years ago, the ratio of the ages is 7x + 7 – 5x – 7 = 14
A : B : C => 4x – 8 : 7x – 8 : 9x – 8 => 2x = 14
Given, the sum of the above ages was 56. => x = 7
4x - 8 + 7x - 8 + 9x - 8 = 56 ∴ Deepak's present age = 7x + 7
=> 20x – 24 = 56 = 7 X 7 + 7 = 56 years
=> 20x = 56 + 24 35. A
=> 20x = 80 Let the present age of three colleagues are : 3x, 5x and
=> x = 4. 7x
So, present ages of A, B and C be 4 * 4 , 7 * 4 , 9 * 4 i.e. (3x – 4) + (5x – 4) + (7x – 4) = 48.
16, 28 and 36 respectively. 15x – 12 = 48 ⇒ 15x = 60 ⇒ x = 4.
33. C Their present ages are 12 years, 20 years and 28 years
36. B
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Let Gaurav's and Sachin's ages one year ago be 6x and 9x × 5x = 1125 ⇒ 45x2 = 1125 ⇒ x2 = 25 ⇒ x = 5.
7x years respectively. Required ratio= (9x + 5) : (5x + 5) ⇒ 50 : 30 ⇒ 5 : 3.
Then, Gaurav's age 4 years hence = (6x + 1) + 4 = (6x + 39. B
5) years. Let the present ages of the two Friends be 2x and 3x
Sachin's age 4 years hence = (7x + 1) + 4 = (7x + 5) respectively.
years. 2x – 6 1
Then, =
(6x+5) : (7x + 5) = 7:8 3x – 6 3
=> 8(6x+5) = 7 (7x + 5) ⇒ 6x – 18 = 3x – 6 ⇒ 3x = 12 ⇒ x = 4.
=> 48x + 40 = 49x + 35 So, required ratio = (2x + 4) : (3x + 4) ⇒ 12 : 16 ⇒ 3
=> x = 5. : 4.
Hence, Sachin's present age = (7x + 1) = 36 years 40. B
37. C Let the ages of father and son 10 years ago be 3x and x
Let the ages of Abhay and his father 10 years ago be x years respectively.
and 5x years respectively. Then,
Then, Abhay's age after 6 years = (x + 10) + 6 = (x + 16) (3x + 10) + 10 = 2[(x + 10) + 10]
years. => 3x + 20 = 2x + 40
Father's age after 6 years = (5x + 10) + 6 = (5x + 16) => x = 20.
years. .'. Required ratio = (3x + 10) : (x + 10) = 70 : 30 = 7 : 3.
Then, 41. C
(x + 16) : (5x + 16) = 3:7 Sum of the present ages of P and Q = 60 years
=> 7(x + 16) = 3 (5x + 16) So, Sum of their ages after 5 years = 60 + (5 * 2) = 70
=> 7x + 112 = 15x + 48 years
=> 8x = 64 After 5 years, ratio of Ages of P and Q will be 3:4
=> x = 8. Therefore,
Hence, Abhay's father's present age = (5x + 10) = 50 P's age after 5 years = (3/7) * 70 = 30 years.
years. And, P's present age = 30 -5 = 25 years.
38. D 42. D
Let the present ages of Mother and daughter be 9x and Let the age of Omkar and Nitin five years ago 8x and 7x
5x respectively. respectively.
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Omkar's present age = (8x + 5) Let the ages of Ankit, Narendra and Satendra 5 years ago
Nitin's present age = (7x + 5) be 2x, 3x and 4x years respectively.
Now, as per the equation So, total of their present ages will be,
(8x + 5) + 3 12 (8x + 8) 12 (2x + 5) + (3x +5) + (4x + 5) = 96
Then, = ⇒ =
(7x + 5) + 3 11 (7x + 8) 11 9x + 15 = 96
On cross multiplication, we get 9x = 81
⇒ 88x + 88 = 84x + 96 x = 9.
⇒ 4x = 8 ⇒ x = 2. So, the present age of Satendra = 4x + 5 = 4 × 9 + 5 = 41
∴Nitin's present age = (7x + 5) = (7 × 2 + 5) = 19 years. years.
43. E 46. D
Let the present age of Navya = 5x, Reet = 6x Let age of Rajan be x and that of his son be y
After 8 years, So as per the question:
5x + 8 : 6x + 8 = 7 : 8 (x – 2) : (y – 2) = 4 : 1 or 4 (y – 2)= x – 2 (this is the first
(5x + 8) 8 : (6x + 8) 7 equation)
40x + 64 = 42x + 56 (x + 5) : (y + 5) = 5/2 or 5(y + 5)= 2(x + 5) (this is the
64 – 56 = 42x – 40x second equation)
8 = 2x Solving both of them we get x = 30 and y = 9
x=4 So present age of the son is 9 years
Present age of Navya = 20, Reet = 24 47. B
After 10 years the total of their ages = 20 + 10 + 24 + 10 Let son's age 8 years ago be x years.
= 64 Then, Rohit's age 8 years ago = 4x years.
44. B Son's age after 8 years = (x + 8) + 8 = (x + 16) years.
Sum of present ages of A, B and C is = 72 years Rohit's age after 8 years = (4x + 8) + 8 = (4x+ 16) years.
Therefore, Sum of their ages 4 years ago = 72 – (4 * 3)= ATQ,
60 years. 2(x + 16) = 4x + 16
4 years ago ratio of the ages of A , B and C was = 1:2:3 => 2x = 16 => x = 8.
Therefore, A's age four years ago = (1/6) * 60 = 10 years. Hence, son's 'present age = (x + 8) = 16 years.
So, A's present age =10 + 4 = 14 years. Rohit's present age = (4x + 8) = 40 years
45. C 48. D
BOOST UP PDFS | Quantitative Aptitude | Problems on Ages

Let the present ages of son and father be x and (60 - x) Solving the equation, we get x + 20 = 10x – 100
years respectively. 9x = 120, x = 13.3 years
Then, 50. A
(60 - x) - 6 = 5(x - 6) D+3=3(E+3)
=> 54 - x = 5x - 30 E+3=(F+3)-6
=> 6x = 84 D=2F-3.
=> x = 14. E+3=F-3 or E=F-6.
.'. Son's age after 6 years = (x + 6) = 20 years. D+3=3(F-6+3)
49. C D+3=3F-9
Let Aman's present age be x D=3F-12.
Aman's age before 10 years = x - 10) now, we have D=2F-3.
Aman's age after 20 years = (x + 20) 2F-3=3F-12
We are given that, Aman's age after 20 years (x + 20) is 9=F
10 times his age 10 years back (x – 10)
Therefore, (x + 20) = 10 (x – 10)

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