Module C Notes-Compressed
Module C Notes-Compressed
Module C Notes-Compressed
Force Vectors:
- L = Lift
- D = Drag
- W = Weight
- T = Thrust
- αT = Thrust angle of attack
Equations of Motion:
(Derived below using Newton’s 2nd Law 𝚺F = ma → spend time understanding the blackboard)
III. Aerodynamics
➢ Objective: Expressing drag as a function of airspeed
Variables in the equations of motion
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Tip Vortices: Due to air pressure difference, circular motions of air appear on wingtips
→ Also the cause of aerodynamic drag (lift-induced)
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A → How slender the wing is (determined by b2/s → the larger, the more 2D it is)
𝜙 → Measure for lift distribution over the wing (ideal case = 1)
e is used instead of 𝜙 (wing-efficiency factor) for a COMPLETE aircraft (not just wing)
(※ CD0 (zero lift drag) is also bigger for a full aircraft than a wing-only case)
● Parabolic lift-drag polar → convert from drag coefficient to drag force → substitute lift
coefficient with values
→ D = CD0*½*⍴*v2*s + k1w + k2*w2/s*2/⍴*1/v2 = f(v2) + f(1/v2)
- One part of aerodynamic drag increases with more
speed → CD0*½*⍴*v2*s
- One part of aerodynamic drag decreases with more
speed → k2*w2/s*2/⍴*1/v2
- Low speeds → drag mainly consists of induced drag
- High speeds → drag mainly consists of zero-lift drag
- Somewhere between, there is a point of min. drag
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- Fighter jets → high speeds → mainly deal with zero-lift drag → thin & small wing, low
aspect ratio
- Passenger jets, drones → lower speeds → mainly deal with lift-induced drag → larger
aspect ratio
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IV. Propulsion I
- Pressure term is often much smaller than the momentum terms
- mfuel << mair → m-dotf can be assumed = 0
- So the thrust can simplify to (shown right):
→ T = m-dot * (vj - v0)
● ηt = total efficiency
● ηth = thermal efficiency
● ηj = propulsive efficiency
- Propulsive efficiency can be expressed with aircraft velocity and jet velocity
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- Thrust = 1000N
- Mass flow = 10kg/s
→ T = m(vj - v) → vj - v = 100m/s
Case A:
- V = 100m/s → vj = 200m/s
- Using right formula, ηj = 66%
Case B:
- V = 200m/s → vj = 300m/s
- Using right formula, ηj = 80%
● Engines w high jet velocities → low efficiency at low speed, high efficiency at high speed
V. Propulsion II
➢ Objective: Express thrust as a function of airspeed
○ For jet engines
○ For propellers
- Airspeed increase → Mass flow increase → Jet velocity stays constant = Velocity
difference decrease
- With mass flow increase and velocity difference decrease, there is more or less an
increase in thrust
- Graph shows 3 different throttle settings, can set any thrust level below maximum by
changing fuel flow
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→ Takeaway: Thrust can be assumed constant for a given flight altitude and throttle
Power Available = T*v → becomes a linear function from the origin (since thrust = constant)
- Thrust of propeller decreases with a 1/x (inverse proportional) shape w increasing speed