Assessmenton Entrepreneurial Skillsofthe Senior High School

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Assessment on Entrepreneurial Skills of the Senior High School -Home

Economics Students: Basis for a Learning Intervention Plan

Thesis · October 2023

DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8402752


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7 authors, including:

Jaymar Arago Mark Paulo Yambao Tanjente

Bulacan State University University of Santo Tomas


Maricar T. Delas Alas Kyla E Dimapawi

Richwell Colleges Incorporated

All content following this page was uploaded by Jaymar Arago on 04 October 2023.

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Volume: 14
Pages: 141-152
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1245
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.8402752
Manuscript Accepted: 2023-2-10
Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Assessment on Entrepreneurial Skills of the Senior High School - Home Economics

Students: Basis for a Learning Intervention Plan
Maricar T. Delas Alas*, Arra Faye B. Lagrana, Kyla E. Dimapawi, Lovely G. Feliciano
Michael DC. Gato, Mark Paulo Y. Tanjente, Jaymar D. Arago
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
Entrepreneurship has a rightful place in Home Economics. This research focused on the assessment
of entrepreneurial skills of the Senior High School – Home Economics Students: a basis for a
learning intervention plan. The researchers utilized the curriculum guide of Department of Education
to assess the entrepreneurial skills in terms of making a business plan and implementing a small case
business. It caters 287 SHS HE students taking the track and strand. Based on the results, it was
found out that developing a business plan got 4.57 mean which means that the students were strongly
agreed that they can prepare and produce a business plan. Meanwhile, 4.38 as strongly agree also in
implementing a small business. The Lack of opportunities to attend trainings, seminars, and
workshops related to entrepreneurship was a challenge experience of the students. The study
recommends school to support the development of entrepreneurial skills of the students to further
capacitate them in the industry demand.

Keywords: entrepreneurial skills, implementing of small case business, business plan

Introduction sense, it is the process of transforming the status quo

by solving the most pressing problems and pain points
in our society, often by introducing an innovative
It is becoming increasingly clear that 21st-century product or service or creating new markets.
learning is essential for students to be successful in an
ever-changing global economy. 21st-century learning Therefore, entrepreneurship is crucial since it fosters
is not simply an update to traditional education; it is a entrepreneurial skills in everyone to enhance time
fundamental shift in how they think about and prepare management, financial literacy, goal-setting, and
students for their future. 21st-century learning is more communication abilities. Entrepreneurial skills can
than just the 3Rs which compose of reading, writing, encompass a broad range of various skill sets like
and arithmetic. It emphasizes the importance of critical technical skills, leadership and business management
thinking, creativity, collaboration, and communication skills and creative thinking. Entrepreneurial skills can
– skills essential for students to thrive in the 21st be applied to many different job roles and industries,
century. Furthermore, entrepreneurial skills are also developing your entrepreneurial skills can mean
important in the 21st century which can build developing several types of skill sets. For instance, to
leadership qualities among individuals, enhance be a successful business owner, an individual may
innovation and business management skills which can need to develop various business management skills
provide a great foundation for further undertakings in (Herrity, 2022).Indeed, entrepreneurship will help
the future fields. The bottom line is that 21st-century identify and develop managerial skills. Necessity can
learning is essential for students to be successful in the be a great teacher, and firsthand experience as a
21st century. It is about much more than just the 3Rs business owner can enhance existing business
and cannot occur in a traditional classroom setting. knowledge and leadership abilities (Indeed Editorial
Highlighting the need for enhancing critical thinking, Team, 2023).
communication and entrepreneurial skills (Llego,
2022). M o v e m en t s to p ro m o te and i n co r p o r at e
entrepreneurial skills in the education system are now
Since critical thinking, communication skills are much increasing in numbers in the Philippines, it gives the
more focused in the classroom, entrepreneurship must importance of developing entrepreneurial skills of the
be highly focused on in the 21st Century approach. students by including the entrepreneurship subject in
Entrepreneurship is the process of developing, the curriculum especially in Senior High School. One
organizing, and running a new business to generate of the expectations of the SHS program was that the
profit while taking on financial risk. In a broader students must be equipped in College, Employment,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Technical Skills Development and Entrepreneurship 1. How may the entrepreneurial skills of the SHS
(Philippine Official Gazette, 2022). In order for Home Economics Students be described in terms of:
students to leave high school and enter college or 1.1 developing a business plan; and
careers, they need to possess a set of entrepreneurial 1.2 implementing a small business?
skills and be able to articulate their work and what 2. What are the co-curricular activities conducted in
they're capable of (Villamater, 2018). support to development of entrepreneurial skills of the
HE Students in terms of;
Recommendations are therefore made that 2.1 technical; and
entrepreneurship should be introduced as a core 3.2 academic?
module, partnership between the university and 3. What challenges have been encountered by the
organizations within the community should be formed students in acquiring entrepreneurial skills?
to promote work integrated learning, while policies of 4. What intervention program may be proposed in
the government and university that can enhance enhancing the entrepreneurial skills of the HE
entrepreneurship from undergraduate level should be students?
made and implemented. (Gamede, 2018). It has been
noted that entrepreneurship impacts society through
employment, improvement of human life, increased Literature Review
productivity, and revenue from taxes (Lacap, 2017).
Senior High School Home Economics Skills
In trying to promote and develop entrepreneurship, the
Department of Education (DepEd) presents the 3rd
YECS Entrepreneurship Training and Conference
Historically, Home Economics, which first appeared in
dubbed as the “TEEN NEGOSYO” under the GO the 1880s, sought to teach women not just how to cook
NEGOSYO campaign on July 26-31, 2008 at the and sew, but also to create a pathway for young
Teachers Camp, Baguio City under DepEd women to attend college. Home economics did not
Memorandum No. 277 s. 2008 to further improve and become an organized field of study until the early
develop entrepreneurial skills among 1900s, thanks to Catherine Beecher and Ellen Swallow
stakeholders.Despite the released memorandum and Richards, who created the American Association of
proposed inclusion in the curriculum, entrepreneurial Family and Consumer Sciences it was the pioneering
skills are still lacking among SHS students, women who first set out the seven areas of home
particularly in developing creativity and innovations as economics in an effort to teach girls how to properly
a mindset of students in the formal education system care for a home and family and to open new career
(Lacap, 2017). avenues. Modern home economics courses now offer a
more inclusive education to all students, including
The objective of this study is to assess the those in high school (Hammond, 2021).
entrepreneurial skills of the SHS home economics
students in terms of developing business plans and Meanwhile, according to Haggie (2020), home
implementing a small business. Also, to identify the economics education advocates for beneficial changes
co-curricular activities conducted in support to in individuals' and families' home life experiences. It is
development of entrepreneurial skills of the students. the foundation of information, attitudes, and talents
This paper also aims to identify challenges that have that influence our everyday decisions throughout our
been encountered by students in developing lives. Human Development, Food and Nutrition,
entrepreneurial skills. This paper wants to identify the Financial Management, Clothing and Textiles, Shelter
current assessment of students in light of their and Housing are the five interrelated aspects of home
entrepreneurial skills basis for an intervention program economics.The Philippine education supports the
to enhance the development of the entrepreneurial development skills of the students in home economics.
skills of the students. Hence, the government added home economics to the
DepEd Curriculum in SHS TVL. TVL-HE is intended
Research Questions to help students build skills that will be valuable in
future livelihood initiatives at home. It offers a
The general problem of this study is “How may the curriculum that combines basic courses necessary for
entrepreneurial skills of SHS Home Economics all SHS streams with specialized hands-on courses that
Students in Richwell Colleges Incorporated be satisfy TESDA's standard hour requirement and
assessed?” Specifically, this study will find answers to competency-based evaluation. Students in this strand
the following questions: are assessed by TESDA for National Certifications

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

(NCs), which improve their employability after The Department of Education supports the skills
graduating from SHS. They can also pursue college development of the students by providing Department
degrees in business, entrepreneurship, culinary arts, Order No. 34, series of 2022. Co-Curricular Activities
hotel and tourism management, nutrition, food are authorized, voluntary, and non-graded
technology, food management, fashion management, engagements, whether on or off-campus, that reinforce
and interior design (UST, 2022). the development of 2 lst-century skills beyond the
scheduled contact time between teachers and learners.
Home economics program has its specializations in The activities must be anchored on the curriculum's
SHS TVL such as: Attractions and Theme Parks content and performance standards. They are
Operations with Ecotourism (NC II), Barbering (NC considered extensions of formal learning experiences
II), Bartending (NC II), Beauty/Nail Care (NC II), are provided to tap into and enrich the varied
Bread and Pastry Production (NC II), Caregiving (NC intelligences and skills of the learners. (D.O 21, s.
II), Commercial Cooking (NC III), Cookery (NC II), 2O19, Policy Guidelines on the Kto 12 Basic
Dressmaking (NC II), Events Management Services Education Program. Meanwhile, Curricular Activities
(NC III), Fashion Design (Apparel) (NC III), Food and are opportunities and experiences undertaken by the
Beverage Services (NC II), Front Office Services (NC learners in the classrooms, laboratories, workshops,
II), Hairdressing (NC II), Hairdressing (NC III), and homes as well as school-based and out-of-school
Handicraft (Basketry, Macrame) (Non-NC), activities conducted to ensure the learners' acquisition
Handicraft (Fashion Accessories, Paper Craft) (Non- of the K to 12 learning standards and the 21st-century
NC), Handicraft (Needlecraft) (Non-NC), Handicraft skills. (DO 21, s. 2O19).
(Woodcraft, Leathercraft) (Non-NC), Housekeeping
(NC II), Local Guiding Services (NC II), Tailoring Recently, there was a Regional Memorandum No. 621,
(NC II), Tourism Promotion Services (NC II), Travel series of 2022 in Region III about the allowable Co-
Services (NC II), and Wellness Massage (NC II). Curricular activities that are allowable to be conducted
starting school year 2022-2023 such as scouting, press
(Llego, 2023). To obtain the permission to offer
conference, science and technology fair, sports,
different specializations, one must comply with the
culminating activities in different learning areas and
TESDA Tr ain in g R eg u lat io n and DepEd
festival of talents. In relation to this study, the DepEd
Memorandum with regards to availability of facilities,
mandates the schools to support the Skills
tools, equipment, and teachers’ qualifications.
Development of the SHS Home Economics Students
According to Haggie (2020), students critically by providing different activities and programs to
evaluate key daily issues in terms of their implications further enhance their skills that lead to entrepreneurial
for themselves, their families, and society as a whole. activities.
Individuals and families as functioning units of society
The Importance of Business Implementation
benefit from home economics education. Furthermore,
home economics teaches students to employ
Whether a business is a start-up or already well
entrepreneurial skills, accept difficulties, modify and
established, business implementation becomes the
adapt in a changing environment, experiment and be
responsibility of all the employees. Implementation is
creative, make informed decisions, and apply reasoned
the process of executing a plan or policy so that a
action in real-life circumstances. Thus, in addition,
concept becomes a reality. To implement a plan
according to Brayant (2018), home economics
properly, managers should communicate clear goals
education would assist youth in developing abilities in
and expectations, and supply employees with the
family finance, nutrition, cooking, and other life skills. resources needed to help the company achieve its
As seen in this essay, home economics has a goals. Flora Richards-Gustafson April 10, 2019
significant influence on society today. Having these
programs for at least four years will help kids become Challenges in Developing Entrepreneurial Skills of
more responsible and aware of how to care for the Students
themselves as adults, rather than relying on their
parents for their fundamental needs. With these Entrepreneurship skills are important. Being an
programs, parents may have a bit more confidence in entrepreneur is not easy, especially when you are a
their children when they leave them alone. young entrepreneur. There are challenges faced by
student entrepreneurs who are starting a business right
School Co-Curricular Activities Leading to after their graduation. Right from juggling between the
Entrepreneurial Skills Development. projects to coming up with innovative ideas, student

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

entrepreneurs have to manage various responsibilities Accountancy, Business, and Management Track
of the business while working long hours. (Arya Students in Pampanga, Philippines” (Lacap, 2017).
College, 2021). They focus on studying about the inclination of SHS
ABM Track, so the researcher would like to engage
Further, the attitude of the customers and your this study to SHS Home Economics since they were
business partners is also another problem faced by producing products and technical skills services.
student entrepreneurs. Therefore, top engineering Second, they did not include the sampling technique
colleges in Rajasthan emphasize developing essential and sample calculation. Third, they did not focus on
entrepreneurship skills. The challenges faced by the skills development of the SHS Students leading to
student entrepreneurs are limited budget, time entrepreneurial opportunities.
management, choosing the product, and hiring the
right thing. Taking up a job after graduation is easy but The study of Iyalehue (2019)investigated the factors
becoming a job creator rather than a job seeker is far that will increase Home Economics Teachers'
better as you not only earn for yourself but also help favorable attitudes toward long-term skill development
others to earn. (Arya College, 2021). and economic empowerment in Lagos State junior
secondary schools. A survey research design was used
Entrepreneurship as a Core Module for the investigation. The study was led by four
hypotheses and four research questions. The
Recommendations are therefore made that population included all of the Model Junior Secondary
entrepreneurship should be introduced as a core School instructors in Lagos State, as well as all of the
module, partnership between the university and Model Junior Secondary School Home Economics
organizations within the community should be formed teachers. The sample for the study was chosen using
to promote work integrated learning, while policies of an appropriate technique. The sample size was 100
the government and university that can enhance Home Economics professors and 200 Junior
entrepreneurship from undergraduate level should be Secondary School students from five Lagos State
made and implemented (Gamede, 2018). It has been Model Schools. A structured questionnaire was used to
noted that entrepreneurship impacts society through collect data for the study. The mean and standard
employment, improvement of human life, increased deviation were used to analyze the data. According to
productivity, and revenue from taxes (Lacap, 2017). In the findings, some Home Economics teachers had
order for students to leave high school and enter more negative opinions and few good attitudes. In-
college or careers, they need to possess a set of service practical training, modern equipment, a
entrepreneurial skills and be able to articulate their conductive practical laboratory environment,
work and what they're capable of (Villamater, excursions, and exhibitions, among other things, are
2018).Thus, it is important that the educational system factors that Home Economics teachers believe will
offer support in enabling students to experience improve their positive attitude toward teaching Junior
entrepreneurship in practice and to create the pre- Secondary School students' practical skill
conditions favorable for fostering entrepreneurial development. Based on the findings, recommendations
minds (Voda, 2019). were made among others that Home Economics
teachers should not always wait and rely on the
Entrepreneurship Current Status government for in–service training but to make
personal effort to develop themselves especially on
The current literature reveals clear evidence that in practical aspects.
order for entrepreneurship education to be effective
student’s need positive ‘hands on’ experiences to be Multidisciplinary Study in the 21st Century
fostered throughout schooling and into university so
that they can build entrepreneurial intent and Meanwhile, the study of Erjavsek (2021) discovered
confidence. Entrepreneurship education helps to foster that home economics operates in the academic,
the intent of students to be entrepreneurs (Marire, curriculum and social realms, as well as in everyday
2015, Rauch & Hulsink, 2015). life. Due to its multidisciplinary, it includes and
interconnects the contents of different disciplines (e.g.,
Entrepreneurial Inclination in the Current healthy lifestyle, nutrition, dietetics, textiles, home
Education System family, consumption, personal and family economics,
design and technology), which are considered in terms
There was a study entitled “Senior High School of meeting the needs of the individual, family, and
Students' Entrepreneurial Inclination: The Case of society. Home economics education and literacy play

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

an important role in acquiring knowledge and skills will pursue to gather data on the curricular activities
that help raise the quality of life of the individual, that the school-participants are implementing to further
family, and society. With the development of society, motivate the students as well as enhancing their skills
the needs of both the individual and the family are leading to entrepreneurial opportunities. While the
changing; therefore, changes are also needed in home cited study stated that the lack of facilities, equipment
economics education, which is reflected in the and tools in Home Economics made the students
updating of the subject curricula. The goals and ignorant of the entrepreneurial opportunities in-store
contents in the curriculum must reflect and meet the for them.
needs of the current society and take into account the
cultural dependence and social determinism of the Instructional Facilities in Home Economics as an
home economics field. To a certain extent, the current Effective Teaching and Learning Environment.
curriculum of the subject home economics in Slovene
elementary schools already includes some content The researcher decided to pursue this study to assess
areas that have been recognised as important for Home Economics students in Technology and
meeting the needs of society. These relate to healthy Livelihood Education (TLE). The reason why some of
lifestyle, nutrition, health, textiles, consumption, them failed in complying with the required
economics, family, environment and sustainable competencies is due to the inadequacy of instructional
development. Given the perceived needs of society, facilities which, in turn, affects their academic
the use of household appliances, home contents, and achievement. Findings revealed that in TLE (Home
first aid should be additionally included in home Economics), students have a highly positive
economics education in Slovenia, and students should assessment and teachers have a very high positive
be encouraged to develop social and communication assessment. These are indications of a positive degree
skills. It is also necessary to consider the appropriate of favorable assessment towards the course. As to the
placement of the subject in the curriculum, as it is assessment on adequacy of Home Economics
necessary to implement home economics education in instructional facilities, both teachers and students rated
the entire elementary school education. Doing so will that Tagaytay City Science National High School
enable the acquisition of knowledge and skills needed Home Economics instructional facilities are adequate.
in society and, therefore, the appropriate level of home This means that the instructional facilities in Home
economics literacy of the individual. Economics are satisfactory in the sufficiency and
functionality for an effective teaching and learning
The cited study justified that Home Economics environment. Furthermore, findings also showed that
Education should promote varieties of opportunities to students' academic achievement in TLE (Home
the students, quality of life, sustainable life and to Economics) is very satisfactory. In general, a
make students financially stable. In relation to this significant relationship exists between students' and
study, the researcher will pursue how the school- teachers' assessment of the TLE (Home Economics)
participants will support the skills development of the course program and its adequacy in its instructional
SHS Home Economics Students learning for facilities. Likewise, a significant relationship exists
entrepreneurial opportunities. between students' and teachers' assessment of TLE
(Home Economics) course program to students'
Motivation of the Home Economics Students academic achievement and assessment on adequacy of
Home Economics instructional facilities to students'
According to Babeyuju, (2013) one of the factors why academic achievement. (Bawar, 2019)Based on the
students do not embrace opportunities of Home research results, it can be deduced that in-service home
Economics in sustainable life was the lack of emphasis economics teachers should be offered ongoing
of the school on the importance of the subject. It was professional development in order to achieve the
stated that students should be taught the importance of competences needed to teach sustainable development
Home Economics and career opportunities available to as part of the home economics subject. (Kozina, 2021).
the subject. Motivation of the Home Economics
Students matters with their embracing the Methodology
opportunities in-store for them.

The study cited supports that the motivation of the To attain the aims of the study, the researcher
Home Economics Students must be sustained. employed a quantitative research approach;
However, there are no programs or activities quantitative research is the process of collecting and
recommended to sustain this. Hence, the researcher analyzing numerical data. It can be used to find

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

patterns and averages, make predictions, test causal Home Economics Students? With Sub questions:
relationships, and generalize results to wider
populations, and a descriptive survey research method, ● What are the co-curricular activities done in your
descriptive survey research is an approach of school provided to support the development of
descriptive research that blends quantitative and entrepreneurial skills of the SHS Home Economics
qualitative data to provide you with relevant and Students in terms of technical?
accurate information. Therefore, these research
designs and methods can help the current study attain ● What are the co-curricular activities done in your
the following objectives: to determine the school provided to support the development of
entrepreneurial skills of the SHS home economics entrepreneurial skills of the SHS Home Economics
students in terms of developing business plans and Students in terms of academics?
implementing a small business. Also, to identify the
Question no. 2 is for the students. The question is:
co-curricular activities conducted in support to
What are the challenges that hinder you to acquire
development of entrepreneurial skills of the students.
entrepreneurial skills inside the school?
This paper also aims to identify challenges that have
been encountered by students in developing
entrepreneurial skills.
The mode of the data gathering is the survey-
questionnaire method. Each respondent is given a
well-structured and well-instructed set of statements to
This study was conducted in 3 different schools
assess the entrepreneurial skills.
offering TVL Home Economics Program. The
participants of the study were the TVL Home The researchers carry the following procedures.
Economics Teachers and Grade 12 students enrolled in
the different specializations of the TVL Home 1. The questionnaire is validated by the experts and
Economics program. The study was conducted in the then followed by the approval of the Dean and the
academic year of 2022-2023. The researcher used the President of the chosen institution to conduct the
Raosoft Calculator for the computation of the proposed study.
respondents. The total number of Grade 12 HES 2. With the approval of the Dean or President of the
students is 297 and the recommended sample size of Institution, the researchers personally seek help from
the respondents based on the Raosoft calculator is 168. the advisers to distribute the survey-questionnaires to
This is the minimum recommended size of the survey. the selected participants to answer it during their free
time. The survey-questionnaire will be given either
Instruments of the Study during the second week of March.
3. The researchers collected the questionnaires from
In the study entitled “Assessment on Entrepreneurial the advisers during their free time. If ever the
Skills of the Senior High School - Home Economics respondents are not able to submit on time, the
Students of Richwell Colleges, Incorporated: Basis for researchers will immediately make follow up through
a Learning Intervention Plan. The researchers will chat or email.
utilize researcher-made instruments as survey 4. The researcher checks if all the items are answered
questionnaires based from the “K-12 Basic Education religiously for the conduct of study.
Curriculum Senior High School – Applied Track
Subject” competencies. The researcher-made Administration and conduct. The researcher will
questionnaire consists of three parts. The first part is personally visit the participating school in this study to
the student profile which consists of age, gender and ask permission to its school heads formally. The
students’ specialization such as BPP, FOS, FBS and respondents are also given options by the researcher if
Housekeeping. The second part is the Entrepreneurial they seek for an orientation about the overview of the
Skills of the students in developing a business plan and study which are done through face-to-face interactions
implementing a small business where the students will with the respondents. The survey questionnaires are in
rate their skills based on the Likert scale. Lastly, the hard copy which will be distributed personally to the
third part consists of two (2) questions. First question respondents. The researcher assures the respondents
will be answered by Teachers who handles HES enough time to answer the questionnaires for a
subject. The question is: What are the co-curricular comprehensive and valid data. Respondents of the
activities done in your school provided to support the study are recruited through the assistance and help of
development of entrepreneurial skills of the SHS school heads. The instruments consist of a letter of

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Table 1. Entrepreneurial Skills: Developing a Business

invitation including the informed consent information Plan
and the survey questionnaire. The researcher will
strictly manage the responses to secure the data of the
respondents. The researchers collected all of the
survey questionnaire responses from the respondents
and arrange them based on the variables of the
instruments. There will be no further requests for
potentially sensitive information among the
respondents. Responses will be given by the
respondents, and will not be linked in any way to the
email addresses used for recruitment, making it
impossible to link respondents to their survey

Ethical Considerations

Adhering to the five (5) basic ethical principles: a)

avoidance of harm, b) avoidance of deception; c)
respect to privacy; d) the practice of confidentiality;
and e) the notion of informed consent, the anonymity
of the participants’ personal information were
carefully treated with confidentiality. Proper consent
was secured to the school administration, teachers and
the students before the conduct of the study.
Participant’s convenient time preference was also
considered. Ethical considerations were observed in
this study which is also paralleled to the policy and
guidelines of RA 10173 or the Data Privacy Law of
2012 that protects individuals from unauthorized
processing of personal information that is private, not
publicly available; and identifiable, where the identity
of the individual is apparent either through direct
attribution or when put together with other available
information. A business plan is a formal statement of how a
business intends to reach its goals and a road map that
provides directions for its future. According to the
Results results, the item “I can compute for profits” got the
highest mean of 4.57 with the verbal interpretation of
Strongly Agree. Followed by the item “I can test the
The present practices of teachers in the utilization of
product prototype” with 4.40 mean. The item “I can
digital technology for instruction in the classroom
validate customer-related concerns through an
were asked, particularly in applying hybrid learning
Interview” got a mean of 4.19. Also, “I can validate
modality. customer-related concerns through an Interview” and
“I can determine who the customers are in” both got a
Entrepreneurial Skills: Developing a Business Plan mean of 4.14. Meanwhile, the item “I can screen the
proposed solution/s based on viability, profitability
Table 1 presents the Entrepreneurial Skills of SHS and customer requirements” got a mean of 4.12,
Home Economics students in developing a business followed by “I can scan and select the market need”
plan, which are computed and presented in tabular with a mean of 4.11. Lastly, the item “I can determine
form with corresponding mean and verbal the possible product/s or services that will meet the
interpretation. need” got a mean of 4.06. The results reflect the
statements of Jeresano and Dicen (2021) that in order

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

for Senior High School TVL students to succeed in “Agree.”

their careers, competencies stated in the most essential
learning competencies should be acquired Entrepreneurial Skills: Implementing a Small
comprehensively by them. It is evident that most of the Business
items in this table got Strongly Agree remarks as
students are having great learning experience tackling Table 2 presents the Entrepreneurial Skills of SHS
this area of skills proficiency in developing a business Home Economics students in implementing small
plan. It implies that most of the competencies are business, which are computed and presented in tabular
learned and experienced by students and can be form with corresponding mean and verbal
applied in their outputs and learning assessments. interpretation.

Furthermore, the students voted Agree on 16 items. Table 2. Entrepreneurial Skills: Implementing a Small
According to the results, the item “I can develop a Business
brand name” got the lowest mean of 3.10 with a verbal
interpretation of Agree. However, “I can discuss the
value/supply chain relation to the business enterprise”
got a mean of 3.99, and then followed by “I can
develop the business model” with a mean of 3.95.
Moreover, the item “I can describe the unique selling
proposition and value proposition that differentiates
one’s product/service from existing products/services' '
and “I can analyze the market needs. both got a mean
of 3.84. However, the item “I can propose a solution/s
in terms of product/s and service/s that will meet the
need using techniques on seeking, screening, and
seizing opportunities'' got a mean of 3.77 and “I can
select/pinpoint potential suppliers of raw materials and
other inputs necessary for the production of the
product or service” got a mean of 3.75. Followed by Implementing a small business is the process of
the item “I can identify the market problem to be executing a plan or policy so that a concept becomes a
solved or the market needs to be met” with a mean of reality. The learner demonstrates understanding of
3.69 and “I can forecast the cost to be incurred” got a concepts, underlying principles, and processes of
mean of 3.64. The item “I can recruit qualified people starting and operating a simple business. Based on the
for one’s business enterprise” got a mean of 3.51, then responses of the respondents, the statement “I can
“I can describe the 4Ms (Manpower, Method, operate the business plan” got the highest mean of 4.38
Machine, Materials) of operations in relation to the with the verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree.
business opportunity” got a mean of 3.40 and “I can Followed by “I can sell the product/service to potential
validate customer-related concerns through Focused customers” with the mean of 4.23 with the verbal
Group Discussion (FGD) and Survey” got a mean of interpretation of Strongly Agree. “I can perform key
3.37. The students who agreed that they can create the bookkeeping tasks” with the mean of 4.19, “I can
company’s five (5) year projected financial statements interpret financial statements (balanced sheet, income
got a mean of 3.25 while those who agreed that they statement, cash flow projections, and summary of sales
can validate the service description of the product with and cash receipts)” with the mean of 4.15, “I can
potential customers to determine its market implement the business plan” with a mean of 4.12 and
acceptability got a mean of 3.14. Furthermore, the item “I can identify the reasons for keeping business
“I can describe the Marketing Mix (7Ps) in the relation record” with a mean of 4.04. All of these have a verbal
to the business opportunity vis – a vis: Product, Place, interpretation of Strongly Agree. The results agree
Price, Promotion, People, Packaging: and Positioning” with the findings of Gano-An & Gempes (2020) that
got a mean of 3.12 and lastly, the item “I can develop a skills in implementing a small business like
brand name” got the lowest mean of 3.10. These performing bookkeeping tasks, preparing income
statements got low mean scores based on the responses statements, identifying profit loss in business should
of the students which need to be more focused by be developed and learned by SHS TVL students.
teachers to better develop competencies to Senior High
School TVL learners (Nabuya, 2018). Therefore, table However, three (3) items have a verbal interpretation
1 shows the overall mean of 3.77 interpreted as

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

of Agree. Those are the following statements: I can organize an event promoting local products made by
prepare an income statement and a balance sheet with the student (Native/Filipino Food)” got a mean of 4.17
with the verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree and
the mean of 3.97, followed by I can generate an overall
lastly, “Students being selected to represent the
report on the activity with the mean of 3.74 and lastly,
institution through skills competition” got the lowest
I can identify where there is a profit loss for a business
got the lowest mean of 3.30. These statements got low mean with the mean of 4.04 with the verbal
mean scores based on the responses of the students interpretation of Strongly Agree also. Indeed, co-
which need to be more focused by teachers. As a curricular activities that support the entrepreneurial
whole, Table 2 shows the overall mean of 4.01 skills development of SHS Home Economics are
interpreted as Strongly Agree. essential for the development of skills needed in their
future fields. It is affirmed by the statement of Llego
C o - Curr ic ula r Act iv i t ie s Suppo rt for (2022), as student’s growth can be significantly
Entrepreneurial Skills Development of SHS Home impacted by extracurricular activities. They provide
Economics in Terms of Technical learners the chance to meet new people, develop new
skills, and have fun. Participating in extracurricular
Table 3 presents the Co-Curricular Activities Support activities allows students to acquire important life
for Entrepreneurial Skills Development of SHS Home skills including leadership, communication, and
Economics in Terms of Technical, which are cooperation. It also allows them to learn more
computed and presented in tabular form with technical skills related to their chosen field of focus.
corresponding mean and verbal interpretation. As a whole, Table 3 shows the overall mean of 4.32
interpreted as Strongly Agree.
Table 3. Co-Curricular Activities Support for
C o - Curr ic ula r A ctiv i tie s Su ppo rt for
Entrepreneurial Skills Development of SHS Home
Entrepreneurial Skills Development of SHS Home
Economics in Terms of Technical
Economics in Terms of Academics

Table 4 presents the Co-Curricular Activities Support

for Entrepreneurial Skills Development of SHS Home
Economics in Terms of Academics, which are
computed and presented in tabular form with
corresponding mean and verbal interpretation.

Table 4. Co-Curricular Activities Support for

Entrepreneurial Skills Development of SHS Home
Economics in Terms of Academics

Co-curricular activities refer to the activities being

conducted in school-participants in support to the
development of the students' soft, hard and technical
skills leading to entrepreneurial opportunities.
According to the results, the item “Conduct proper
skills training related to their specialization” and
“Demonstration and evaluation of industry-based
learning/student learning through National
Co-curricular activities are a vital component of
Assessment” got the highest mean with the mean of
educational institutions' attempts to help students
4.50 with the verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree.
develop their personalities and improve classroom
Followed by the item “Conduct workshop-seminar to learning. According to the results, the item “Making a
develop/improve entrepreneurial skills” with the business proposal” got the highest mean of 4.48 with
second to the highest mean of 4.37 with the verbal verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree. Followed by
interpretation of Strongly Agree. Moreso, “Create and

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

“Feasibility study creating business plan” with a mean entrepreneurship” got the highest mean with the mean
of 4.43, then “Contribution through local economy by of 4.15 with the verbal interpretation of Strongly
Work Immersion” with a mean of 4.11 however, the Agree. Followed by “Traditional methods of teaching
item “Selling different goods through the knowledge and learning that makes entrepreneurship stimulation
they learned specifically on subjects related to difficult” and “Low interest in entrepreneurial
entrepreneurship such as cooking, baking etc.” with a subjects/topics” second to the highest mean with the
mean of 4.11 and lastly, “Webinar and seminar related mean of 4.04 and both interpreted as Strongly Agree.
with the trends and issue of business industry” with the However, the item “Lack of knowledge and skills in
lowest mean of 4.03. All of the items in table 5 financial matters got a mean of 3.99”, “Lack of skills
interpreted as Strongly agree. Students who participate among staff who promote, teach and train
in extracurricular activities gain responsibility and entrepreneurship program” with a mean of 3.98,
time management abilities, both of which are “Learning resources for entrepreneurship are obsolete”
necessary for academic achievement. Additionally, it with a mean of 3.91, “The time allotted for practical
enables kids to discover their passions and pick up involvement is inadequate” with the mean of 3.82,
new talents, resulting in more well-rounded persons “Absence of prior knowledge and experience on
(Extracurricular Participation and Student entrepreneurship.” with a mean of 3.58, and “Learning
Engagement, n.d.). As a whole, Table 4 shows the environment is not conducive to acquiring
overall mean of 4.23 interpreted as Strongly Agree. entrepreneurial skills” with a mean of 3.36. All of
these have a verbal interpretation of Agree. However,
Challenges that hinders SHS Home Economics the item “Lack of extra-curricular activities related to
students to acquire entrepreneurial skills entrepreneurship (school programs, events, etc.)” got
the lowest mean with the mean of 2.39 with the verbal
Table 5 presents the Challenges that hinder SHS Home interpretation of Moderately Agree. As stated by
Economics students to acquire entrepreneurial skills, Uwameiye (2018), according to respondents, students
which are computed and presented in tabular form face a variety of personal difficulties, including a lack
with corresponding mean and verbal interpretation. of interest in home economics courses, a high cost of
atten d an ce, and a lack of drive to pursue
Table 5. Challenges that hinders SHS Home entrepreneurship in the field. As a whole, Table 5
Economics students to acquire entrepreneurial skills shows the overall mean of 3.73 interpreted as Agree.

Intervention Plan Designed Based on the Findings

of the Study

In all challenges and problems, there should always be

interventions for them through a comprehensive and
effective plan. In line with this, academic professionals
face challenges on what appropriate strategies and
practices they will administer inside the classroom. In
connection, since there are items needed to improve
and focus on, the researcher has developed an
intervention plan that focuses on the proper
administration of various interventions on the areas
which are lacking evidence to Senior High School
TVL Home Economics learners.


The domains revealed the entrepreneurial skills of the

Challenges is something that by its nature or character SHS Home Economics students: developing a business
serves as a call to make special effort, a demand to plan and implementing a small business. The data
explain, justify, or difficulty in an undertaking that is revealed that the skill that SHS Home Economics
stimulating to one engaged in it. According to the learners agree to experience best during their learning
results, the item “Lack of opportunities to attend involvements under developing a business plan is “I
training, seminars and workshops related to can compute profits” with a mean of 4.57 and a verbal

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Psych Educ, 2023, 14: 141-152 Document ID:2023 PEMJ1245, doi:10.5281/zenodo.8402752, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

interpretation of Strongly Agree. The data revealed In the light of the research findings and conclusions,
that the skill that SHS Home Economics learners agree the following recommendations are proposed: 1).
to experience best during their learning involvements entrepreneur teachers should focus on developing
under implementing a small business is “I can operate skills and competencies in developing a business plan
the business” with a mean of 4.38 and a verbal specifically in developing brand name, in describing
interpretation of Strongly Agree. It was revealed also the Marketing Mix (7Ps) in the relation to the business
that there are co-curricular activities conducted by the opportunity vis – avis: Product, Place, Price,
schools in support to development of entrepreneurial Promotion, People, Packaging: and Positioning, and
skills of the Home Economic Students. The data validate the service description of the product with
revealed that the co-curricular activities that SHS potential customers to determine its market
Home Economics learners agree to experience best acceptability; 2). entrepreneur teachers should also
during their learning involvements under technical need to focus on imparting skills to students
skills in entrepreneurship is “Conduct proper skills particularly in identifying if there is a profit loss in a
training related to their specialization” with a mean of business on developing skills and competencies in
4.50 and a verbal interpretation of Strongly Agree. implementing a small business; 3). entrepreneur
Meanwhile, the co-curricular activities that SHS Home teachers should provide students opportunities to
Economics learners agreed to experience best during represent the institution through skills competition and
their learning involvements under academic skills in giving them the platform to create and organize an
entrepreneurship is “Making a business proposal” with event promoting local products for the application of
a mean of 4.48 and a verbal interpretation of Strongly learned skills; 4). entrepreneur teachers should also
Agree. Lastly, the challenge that most hinders SHS help students to conduct webinars and seminars related
Home Economics students to acquire entrepreneurial with the trends and issues of the business industry and
skills is “Lack of opportunities to attend trainings, allow them to sell different goods through the
seminars, and workshops related to entrepreneurship” knowledge they learned specifically on subjects related
with a mean of 4.15 and a verbal interpretation of to entrepreneurship such as cooking, baking and more
Strongly Agree. which can give students hands-on experiences of being
an entrepreneur; and 5). entrepreneur teachers and
administrators should provide opportunities to learners
Conclusion to attend training, seminars and workshops related to
entrepreneurship as it will truly enhance their
After a deeper understanding and interpretations made entrepreneurial skills.
in the study, the researcher has come up with the
following concepts of conclusions from the study: 1). References
the demographic profile of the respondents, SHS
Home Economics students, are between 15 to 26 years Aytaç, T., & Kula, S. (2020). The Effect of Student-Centered
old. Also, it is observed that there are more female Approaches on Students’ Creative Thinking Skills: A Meta-Analysis
students compared to male. Moreover, students are Study. International Journal of Contemporary Educational Research.
under the three strands namely Bread and Pastry
Production, Front Office Services, and Housekeeping; Brunello, G., & Rocco, L. (2017). The effects of vocational
2). SHS Home Economics learners agree to experience education on adult skills, employment and wages: What can we
best during their learning involvements in terms of learn from PIAAC? Series, 8(4), 315–343.
developing a business plan as they gain ability to h t t p s : / / d o i . o rg / 1 0 . 1 0 0 7 / s 1 3 209 -0 1 7 -0163z

compute profits while in terms of implementing a Extracurricular Participation And Student Engagement. (n.d.)
business is when they learn how to operate a business
itself; 3). SHS Home Economic learners agree to
Farid, S., & Abdul Rahman, S. (2020). Identifying the Challenges of
experience best during their learning involvements Involvement in Entrepreneurship Activities among a Group of
under technical skills in entrepreneurship is when they Undergraduates. International Journal of Contemporary Educational
are involved to proper skills training related to their Research.
specialization while in terms of academic skills is
Flora, R.G (2019) Importance of Business Implementation
when they learn to create a business proposal; and 4).
SHS Home Economics learners are having dilemmas n-34571.html College, A. (2021). Some Common Challenges Faced
as they experience lack of opportunities to attend by Student Entrepreneurs
training, seminars, and workshops related to
entrepreneurship that most hinder them to acquire
entrepreneurial skills. Llego, M. A. (2022). The Benefits of Extracurricular Activities for

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Research Article

S t u d e n t s .
TeacherPH. Affiliations and Corresponding Information
Gano-An, J. C., & Gempes, G. P. (2020). The Success and Failures Maricar T. Delas Alas
of Sari-Sari Stores: Exploring the Minds of Women Micro-
Entrepreneurs. Holistica, 11(2), 25–51.
Richwell Colleges Incorporated – Philippines
h t t p s : / / d o i . o rg / 1 0 . 2 4 7 8 / h jb p a - 2 0 2 0 -0017 Arra Faye B. Lagrana
Jeresano, C. J., & Dicen, S. (2021). Competencies of the senior high Richwell Colleges Incorporated – Philippines
school students in technical vocational livelihood track for home
Kyla E. Dimapawi
economics strand. IjariIE-ISSN(O)-2395-4396, Vol-9(Issue-1). Richwell Colleges Incorporated – Philippines
Lovely G. Feliciano
TRAND_ijariie18989.pdf Richwell Colleges Incorporated – Philippines

Uwameiye, B. E. (2018). Challenges Encountered by Students in the

Michael DC. Gato
Acquisition of Entrepreneurial Skills in Home Economics Education Richwell Colleges Incorporated – Philippines
in Edo and Delta State. International Journal of Research and
Mark Paulo Y. Tanjente
Innovation in Social Science (IJRISS) III, III(VII). Richwell Colleges Incorporated – Philippines
Jaymar D. Arago
Richwell Colleges Incorporated – Philippines

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