Ai PPT Material

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What is artificial intelligence?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, is technology that enables computers and machines to simulate
human intelligence and problem-solving capabilities
Artificial intelligence is the simulation of human intelligence processes by machines,
especially computer systems. Specific applications of AI include expert systems, natural
language processing, speech recognition and machine vision.

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What is machine learning?
Machine learning (ML) is a branch of artificial intelligence (AI) and computer science that
focuses on the using data and algorithms to enable AI to imitate the way that humans learn,
gradually improving its accuracy.

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Types of machine learning?
1. Supervised Machine Learning
2. Unsupervised Machine Learning
3. Semi-Supervised Machine Learning
4. Reinforcement Learning

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Supervised Machine learning

As its name suggests, Supervised machine learning is based on supervision. It means in the
supervised learning technique, we train the machines using the "labelled" dataset, and based
on the training, the machine predicts the output.The main goal of the supervised learning
technique is to map the input variable(x) with the output variable(y).

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Categories of Supervised Machine Learning

Classification algorithms are used to solve the classification problems in which the output
variable is categorical, such as "Yes" or No, Male or Female, Red or Blue, etc.
Some popular classification algorithms are - Random Forest Algorithm, Decision Tree
Algorithm Logistic Regression Algorithm, Support and Vector Machine Algorithm

Regression algorithms are used to solve regression problems in which there is a linear
relationship between input and output variables. These are used to predict continuous output
variables, such as market trends, weather prediction, etc.
Some popular Regression algorithms are - Simple Linear Regression Algorithm and Decision
Tree Algorithm etc.

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Advantages of Supervised Machine Learning

1. Since supervised learning work with the labelled dataset so we can have an exact idea
about the classes of objects.
2. These algorithms are helpful in predicting the output on the basis of prior experience.

Disadvantages of Supervised Machine Learning

1. These algorithms are not able to solve complex tasks.

2. It may predict the wrong output if the test data is different from the training data.
3. It requires lots of computational time to train the algorithm.
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Applications of Supervised Learning

Some common applications of Supervised Learning are given below:

1. Image Segmentation
2. Medical Diagnosis
3. Fraud Detection
4. Spam detection
5. Speech Recognition

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Unsupervised Machine Learning
Unsupervised learning is different from the Supervised learning technique; as its name
suggests, there is no need for supervision. It means, in unsupervised machine learning, the
machine is trained using the unlabeled dataset, and the machine predicts the output without
any supervision.The main aim of the unsupervised learning algorithm is to group or
categories the unsorted dataset according to the similarities, patterns, and differences.

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Categories of Unsupervised Machine Learning

It is a way to group the objects into a cluster such that the objects with the most similarities
remain in one group and have fewer or no similarities with the objects of other groups.

Association rule learning is an unsupervised learning technique, which finds interesting
relations among variables within a large dataset. The main aim of this learning algorithm is to
find the dependency of one data item on another data item and map those variables
accordingly so that it can generate maximum profit.

Advantages of Unsupervised Machine Learning:
1. These algorithms can be used for complicated tasks compared to the supervised ones
because these algorithms work on the unlabeled dataset.
2. Unsupervised algorithms are preferable for various tasks as getting the unlabeled
dataset is easier as compared to the labelled dataset.

Disadvantages of Unsupervised Machine Learning:

1. The output of an unsupervised algorithm can be less accurate as the dataset is not
labelled, and algorithms are not trained with the exact output in prior.
2. Working with Unsupervised learning is more difficult as it works with the unlabelled
dataset that does not map with the output.

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Applications of Unsupervised Learning

1. Network Analysis
2. Recommendation Systems
3. Anomaly Detection
4. Singular Value Decomposition

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Semi-Supervised Learning
Semi-Supervised learning is a type of Machine Learning algorithm that lies between
Supervised and Unsupervised machine learning. It uses the combination of labelled and
unlabeled datasets during the training period.

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Advantages of Semi-supervised Learning:
1. It is simple and easy to understand the algorithm.
2. It is highly efficient.
3. It is used to solve drawbacks of Supervised and Unsupervised Learning algorithms.

Disadvantages of Semi-Supervised Learning:

1. Iterations results may not be stable.
2. We cannot apply these algorithms to network-level data.
3. Accuracy is low.
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Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning works on a feedback-based process, in which an AI agent (A software
component) automatically explore its surrounding by hitting & trail, taking action, learning
from experiences, and improving its performance.In reinforcement learning, there is no
labelled data like supervised learning, and agents learn from their experiences only.

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Categories of Reinforcement Learning
Reinforcement learning is categorized mainly into two types of methods/algorithms:

1. Positive Reinforcement Learning: Positive reinforcement learning specifies increasing

the tendency that the required behaviour would occur again by adding something.

2. Negative Reinforcement Learning: It increases the tendency that the specific

behaviour would occur again by avoiding the negative condition.

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Real-world Use cases of Reinforcement Learning
1. Video Games
2. Resource Management
3. Robotics
4. Text Mining

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1. It helps in solving complex real-world problems which are difficult to be solved by

general techniques.
2. The learning model of RL is similar to the learning of human beings; hence most
accurate results can be found.
3. Helps in achieving long term results.

1. RL algorithms are not preferred for simple problems.
2. RL algorithms require huge data and computations.
3. Too much reinforcement learning can lead to an overload of states which can weaken
the results.

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Working of Supervised learning:

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Working of unsupervised learning:
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Types of AI

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AI type-1: Based on Capabilities

Weak AI or Narrow AI:

1. Narrow AI is a type of AI which is able to perform a dedicated task with
intelligence.The most common
2. Currently available AI is Narrow AI in the world of Artificial Intelligence.
3. Apple Siriis a good example of Narrow AI

General AI:
1. General AI is a type of intelligence which could perform any intellectual task with
efficiency like a human.
2. The idea behind the general AI to make such a system which could be smarter and
think like a human by its own.
3. Currently, there is no such system exist which could come under general AI

Super AI:
1. Super AI is a level of Intelligence of Systems at which machines could surpass human
intelligence, and can perform any task better than human.
2. Some key characteristics of strong AI include capability include the ability to think, to
reason,solve the puzzle etc.
3. Super AI is still a hypothetical concept of Artificial Intelligence.
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Artificial Intelligence type-2: Based on functionality

Reactive Machines
1. Purely reactive machines are the most basic types of Artificial Intelligence.
2. Such AI systems do not store memories or past experiences for future actions.
3. These machines only focus on current scenarios and react on it as per possible best
4. IBM's Deep Blue system is an example of reactive machines.

Limited Memory
1. Limited memory machines can store past experiences or some data for a short period
of time.
2. These machines can use stored data for a limited time period only.
3. Self-driving cars are one of the best examples of Limited Memory systems.

Theory of Mind
1. Theory of Mind AI should understand the human emotions, people, beliefs, and be
able to interact socially like humans.
2. This type of AI machines are still not developed, but researchers are making lots of
efforts and improvement for developing such AI machines.

1. Self-awareness AI is the future of Artificial Intelligence. These machines will be super
intelligent, and will have their own consciousness, sentiments, and self-awareness.
2. These machines will be smarter than human mind.
3. Self-Awareness AI does not exist in reality still.

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Advantages of AI:
1. High accuracy
2. High Speed
3. High Reliability
4. Useful for risky areas
5. Digital Assistant
6. Useful as a public utility

Disadvantages of Artificial Intelligence:

1. High cost
2. Can't think out of the box
3. No feelings and emotions
4. Increase dependency on machines
5. No original Creativity
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Application of AI:

1. AI in Astronomy
2. AI in Healthcare
3. AI in Gaming
4. AI in Social Media
5. AI in Travel & Transport
6. AI in Robotics
7. AI in Entertainment
8. AI in Agriculture
9. AI in E-commerce

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