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University of Bejaia Automatic Telecommunication Electronic


Level: 2nd year LMD Students Teacher: Miss Aissi

Module: English Specialty: Automatic, Telecommunication and Electronic


Current moves from point of high potential energy to one of low potential. It can only do so if there is a path for
it to follow. This path is called an electric circuit. All circuits contain four elements: a source of load, a load,
transmission system and a control.

The source provides the electromotive force. This establishes the difference in potential which makes current
flow possible. The source can be any device which supplies electrical energy. For example, it may be a generator
or a battery.

The load converts the electrical energy from the source into some other forms of energy. For instance, a lamp
changes electrical energy into light and heat. The load can be any electrical device

The transmission system conducts the current round the circuit. Any conductor can be part of a transmission
system. Most systems consist of wires. It is often possible, however, for the metal frame of a unit to be one
section of its transmission system. For example, the metal chassis of many electrical devices are used to conduct
current. Similarly the body of a car is part of its electrical transmission system.

The control regulates the current flow in the circuit. It may control the current by limiting it, as does a rheostat,
or by interrupting it, as does a switch.

I)-Reading comprehension:

A/Answer the following questions according to the text:

1-What does the source provide?

-The source provides the electromotive force.

2- Quote the different elements of any electric circuit?

-A source of load, a load, transmission system..

3- What is the electrical device that is used for controlling the flow of electric current?

-The electrical device that is used for controlling the flow of electric current is a rheostat.

B/Say whether the following statements are: True or False:

A-A difference in potential is required before current can flow in a circuit. True

B- A rheostat may be used as a control. True

C-Transmission system must conduct of wires. False

II)-Mastery of language:-
A)-Find in the text words that are closest in meaning to the following:

Flows= moves controls= regulates changes= converts

B)-Find in the text words that opposite in meaning to the following:

Low≠ high Continuing≠ interrupting Gloom≠ light

III)-Contextual references: What do the pronouns in italics in these sentences refer to?

1-Current moves from a point of high potential energy to one of low potential. (line1)

a. current

b. energy

c. a point

2. For example, it may be a generator or a battery. (line7)

a. the source

b. a device

c. electromotive force

3. It is often possible; however, for the metal frame of a unit to be one section of its transmission system.

a. the metal' frame's

b. the unit's

c. the circuit's

-Describe the purpose of these tools:

Load: is a device that uses electricity to do work and extracting energy from a system, and has some finite
amount of resistance.

Source: is a device delivering energy into a system and it generates power.

Rheostat: is a variable resistor is used for controlling the flow of electric current either by increasing or
decreasing the resistance.

Switch: is a component which controls the open-ness or closed-ness of an electric circuit. They allow control
over current flow in a circuit actually get in there and manually cut or splice the wires. Switches are critical
components in any circuit, which requires user interaction or control.

Generator: is an electronic device that converts mechanical energy into electrical energy, it is used in a variety
of applications, from providing emergency power to powering large industrial plants.

Battery: is an energy source consisting of one or more electrochemical cells and terminals on both ends called
an anode (-) and a cathode (+). Electrochemical cells transform chemical energy into electrical energy.

Electromotive force: is the amount of energy delivered per unit electric charge by a power such as generator or
a battery. The unit of the electromotive force is the volt.

-Add is, are or have to the incomplete sentences in the following paragraph:
Atoms are the building blocks which form every known structure and substance in the universe. They are made
up of 3 subatomic particles called protons, neutrons and electrons. Protons have a positive charge, neutrons have
no charge and electrons have a negative charge. Neutrons and protons are approximately similar in size as they
both an have atomic mass of 1. His mass is relative to an element on the period table called carbon, which
consists of an atom with 12 protons. Electrons however, are much lighter than protons and neutrons. In fact, they
are 1837 times lighter.

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