AUTOSAR CP SRS FunctionInhibitionManager

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager


Requirements on Function
Document Title Inhibition Manager
Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 81

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Classic Platform
Part of Standard Release R23-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Description
AUTOSAR • No content changes
2023-11-23 R23-11 Release
Management • Editorial Changes
AUTOSAR • No content changes
2022-11-24 R22-11 Release
Management • Editorial Changes
2021-11-25 R21-11 Release • No content changes
2020-11-30 R20-11 Release • No content changes
AUTOSAR • No content changes
2019-11-28 R19-11 Release • changed Document Status from Final to
Management published
2018-10-31 4.4.0 Release • Editorial Changes
2017-12-08 4.3.1 Release • Editorial Changes
2016-11-30 4.3.0 Release • Editorial Changes

1 of 21 Document ID 81: AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_FunctionInhibitionManager

Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

• Fim considers EventAvailbilty/
2015-07-31 4.2.2 Release
2014-10-31 4.2.1 Release • Editorial changes
2013-10-31 4.1.2 Release • Editorial changes
2013-03-15 4.1.1 • Editorial changes
• Add traceability to features
AUTOSAR • Apply new template ([1,
2010-09-30 3.1.5
Administration TPS_STDT_00078]) for each SRS
• Document structure reworked and
2010-09-30 3.1.5
Administration • Added requirement for RTE API

• Legal disclaimer revised

2008-08-13 3.1.1 • Legal disclaimer revised
• [SRS_Fim_04713] added for OBD

• Added expression "‘diagnostic"’ to

requirement description in
2008-08-13 3.1.1 [SRS_Fim_04713]
• Added definition for IUMPR

• Legal disclaimer revised

• Document meta information extended
2007-12-21 3.0.1
Administration • Small layout adaptations made
AUTOSAR • "‘Advice for users"’ revised
2007-01-24 2.1.15
Administration • "‘Revision Information"’ added
2006-11-28 2.1 • Legal disclaimer revised
2006-05-16 2.0 • Initial release

2 of 21 Document ID 81: AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_FunctionInhibitionManager

Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
it, as released by AUTOSAR, is for the purpose of information only. AUTOSAR and the
companies that have contributed to it shall not be liable for any use of the work.
The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intel-
lectual property rights. The commercial exploitation of the material contained in this
work requires a license to such intellectual property rights.
This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
any means, for informational purposes only. For any other purpose, no part of the work
may be utilized or reproduced, in any form or by any means, without permission in
writing from the publisher.
The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
developed, nor tested for non-automotive applications.
The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

3 of 21 Document ID 81: AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_FunctionInhibitionManager

Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

1 Scope of document 6

2 How to read this document 7

2.1 Conventions used . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7
2.2 Requirements structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
3 Acronyms and abbreviations 9

4 Requirement Specification 11
4.1 Functional Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
4.2 Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
4.2.1 Configuration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 [SRS_Fim_04701] The Functionalities supervised by
the FIM shall be defined by static configuration . . . . 12 [SRS_Fim_04702] The FIM shall support different in-
hibit options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 [SRS_Fim_04719] Mechanism for summarized diag-
nostic event states shall be provided . . . . . . . . . . 13 [SRS_Fim_04706] Individual configuration of inhibit
conditions of functionalities shall be available . . . . . 13
4.2.2 Initialization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 [SRS_Fim_04712] The permission states at start up
shall be initialized . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
4.2.3 Normal Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 [SRS_Fim_04700] An Interface for querying the FID
permission status shall be provided . . . . . . . . . . . 14 [SRS_Fim_04709] The permission state shall be
evaluated before executing functionalities . . . . . . . 15 [SRS_Fim_04713] Methods for the computation of
permission states shall be provided . . . . . . . . . . . 15 [SRS_Fim_04717] The permission states shall be
updated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 [SRS_Fim_04723] The FIM shall provide a boolean
configuration option per FID. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 [SRS_Fim_04721] OBD Functionalities shall be sup-
ported . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
4.2.4 ShutDown Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.2.5 Fault Operation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3 Non-Functional Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.1 Timing Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
4.3.2 Resource Usage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
5 Requirements Tracing 18

6 References 19

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

6.1 Deliverables of AUTOSAR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19

6.2 Related standards and norms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
6.2.1 ITEA-EAST . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
A Change history of AUTOSAR traceable items 20
A.1 Traceable item history of this document according to AUTOSAR Re-
lease R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.1.1 Added Requirements in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.1.2 Changed Requirements in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.1.3 Deleted Requirements in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.2 Traceable item history of this document according to AUTOSAR Re-
lease R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.2.1 Added Requirements in R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.2.2 Changed Requirements in R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
A.2.3 Deleted Requirements in R22-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

1 Scope of document
The goal of AUTOSAR in particular working on the Function Inhibition Manager and this
document is to define requirements on the functionality of the FIM. The focus is on the
scope of the FIM but also the distinctions to other control mechanisms in AUTOSAR,
such as RTE, and also to what extent elements of it have to be configurable and what
preliminaries they shall comply with to meet the tailoring requirements.
If such the definition of these new elements is not part of this work package. Neverthe-
less the information about basic software elements additionally required shall be given
to related work groups.
First scope for specification of requirements on basic software modules are systems
which are not safety relevant. For implementation of the basic software modules in
safety relevant systems, it shall be checked if additional requirements are necessary.

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

2 How to read this document

Each requirement has its unique identifier starting with the prefix "BSW" (for "Basic
Software"). For any review annotations, remarks or questions please refer to this
unique ID rather than chapter or page numbers!

2.1 Conventions used

• The representation of requirements in AUTOSAR documents follows the table
specified in [1, TPS_STDT_00078].
• In requirements, the following specific semantics are used (taken from Request
for Comment RFC 2119 from the Internet Engineering Task Force IETF)
The key words "MUST", "MUST NOT", "REQUIRED", "SHALL", "SHALL NOT",
document are to be interpreted as follows.
Note that the requirement level of the document in which they are used modifies the
force of these words.
• MUST: This word, or the adjective "LEGALLY REQUIRED", means that the defi-
nition is an absolute requirement of the specification due to legal issues.
• MUST NOT: This phrase, or the phrase "MUST NOT", means that the definition
is an absolute prohibition of the specification due to legal issues.
• SHALL: This phrase, or the adjective "REQUIRED", means that the definition is
an absolute requirement of the specification.
• SHALL NOT: This phrase means that the definition is an absolute prohibition of
the specification.
• SHOULD: This word, or the adjective "RECOMMENDED", means that there may
exist valid reasons in particular circumstances to ignore a particular item, but the
full implications must be understood and carefully weighed before choosing a
different course.
• SHOULD NOT: This phrase, or the phrase "NOT RECOMMENDED", means that
there may exist valid reasons in particular circumstances when the particular be-
havior is acceptable or even useful, but the full implications should be understood
and the case carefully weighed before implementing any behavior described with
this label.
• MAY: This word, or the adjective "OPTIONAL", means that an item is truly op-
tional. One vendor may choose to include the item because a particular market-
place requires it or because the vendor feels that it enhances the product while
another vendor may omit the same item.

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

An implementation, which does not include a particular option, SHALL be prepared

to interoperate with another implementation, which does include the option, though
perhaps with reduced functionality. In the same vein an implementation, which does
include a particular option, SHALL be prepared to interoperate with another implemen-
tation, which does not include the option (except, of course, for the feature the option

2.2 Requirements structure

Each module specific chapter contains a short functional description of the Basic Soft-
ware Module. Requirements of the same kind within each chapter are grouped under
the following headlines (where applicable):
Functional Requirements:
• Configuration (which elements of the module need to be configurable)
• Initialization
• Normal Operation
• Shutdown Operation
• Fault Operation
• ...
Non-Functional Requirements:
• Timing Requirements
• Resource Usage
• Usability
• Output for other WPs (e.g. Description Templates, Tooling,...)
• ...

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

3 Acronyms and abbreviations

Abbreviation / Acronym: Description:

Activity state The activity state is the status of a software component being executed. The activity state
results from the permission state as a precondition and also physical enable conditions. It is
not calculated by the FIM and not available as a status variable. It could only be derived from
local information within a software component.
API Application Programming Interface
BSW Basic Software
DEM Diagnostic Event Manager
ECU Electronic Control Unit
EOL End Of Line
ESD Electro Static Disturbance
ESP Electronic Stability Program
FID Function Identifier
FIM Function Inhibition Manager
Functionality Functionality comprises User-visible and User-non-visible functional aspects of a system (see
In addition to that - in the FIM context - a functionality can be built up of the contents of one,
several or parts of runnable entities with the same set of permission / inhibit conditions. By
means of the FIM, the inhibition of these functionalities can be configured and even modified
by calibration. Each functionality is represented by a unique function ID. A functionality is
featured by a specific set of inhibit condition in contrast to runnable entities having specific
scheduling conditions.
HW Hardware
ID Identification/Identifier
ISO International Standardization Organization
IUMPR In Use Monitoring Performance Ratio:
The In-Use-Monitor Performance Ratio (IUMPR) indicates how often the OBD system
monitors, particular components, compared to the amount of the vehicle operation. It is
defined as the number of times a fault could have been found (=numerator) divided by the
number of times the vehicle operation has been fulfilled (=denominator) as defined in the
respective OBD regulations.
MIL Malfunction Indication Light
Monitoring function • Part of the Software Component.
• Mechanism to monitor and finally to detect a fault of a certain sensor, actuator or could be
a plausibility check
• Reports states about events from internal processing of a SW-C or from further processing
of return values of other basic software modules.
NVRAM Non volatile Memory
OBD Onboard Diagnostics
OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer
OS Operating System
Permission state The permission state contains the information whether a functionality, represented by its FID,
can be executed or whether it shall not run. The state is controlled by the FIM based on
reported events.
RAM Random Access Memory
ROM Read-only Memory
RTE Runtime Environment

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

Abbreviation / Acronym: Description:
Runnable entity A Runnable Entity is a part of an Atomic Software-Component which can be executed and
scheduled independently from the other Runnable Entities of this Atomic
Software-Component. It is described by a sequence of instructions that can be started by the
RTE. Each runnable entity is associated with exactly one EntryPoint.
SW-C Software Components
Xxx_ Placeholder for an API provider

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

4 Requirement Specification

4.1 Functional Overview

The Function Inhibition Manager is responsible for providing a control mechanism for
software components and the functionality therein. In this context, a functionality can
be built up of the contents of one, several or parts of runnable entities with the same set
of permission / inhibit conditions. By means of the FIM, the inhibiting of these function-
alities can be configured and even modified by calibration. Therefore, the adaptation
of a functionality into a new system context with modified physical boundary conditions
and influences is significantly enhanced.
A functionality in the sense of the FIM and a runnable entity are different and indepen-
dent types of classifications. Runnable entities are mainly featured by their scheduling
requirements. In contrast to that, functionalities are classified by their inhibit condi-
tions. The services of the FIM focus on applications in the SW-Cs, however, they are
not limited to them. Functionalities of the BSW can also use the FIM services.
Note, there is no functional relationship between RTE and FIM. The RTE only provides
communication in the sense that it connects the required ports of the SW components
with the provided port(s) of the FIM. But the RTE does not implement any functional-
ity of the FIM. In contrast to that, the FIM deals with inhibit conditions and provides
supporting mechanisms for controlling functionalities within runnables via respective
identifiers (FID). Therefore, the FIM and RTE concepts do not interfere with each other.

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

4.2 Functional Requirements

4.2.1 Configuration [SRS_Fim_04701] The Functionalities supervised by the FIM shall be

defined by static configuration

[SRS_Fim_04701] The Functionalities supervised by the FIM shall be defined by

static configuration d

The set of functionalities which should be supervised by the Function Inhibition

Manager (FIM) shall be defined by static configuration.
Only functionalities being supervised via FID can make use of the FIM
functionality/services (configurable permission state). The FIM has to deal with
the FIDs of the functionalities to provide the automatic checking-mechanism for
permission of execution on the demanded sections.
The number of FIDs to be handled by the FIM strongly depends on the
Use Case: application. Therefore, the list of FIDs shall be defined by configuration.
Supporting –

c() [SRS_Fim_04702] The FIM shall support different inhibit options

[SRS_Fim_04702] The FIM shall support different inhibit options d

The FIM shall support different inhibit options. The possible inhibit options are
based on Dem_EventStatusExtendedType (TestFailed, Passed, ...) being
Description: provided by the DEM. The FIM shall at least support inhibition due to event
state "failed". The exchange of information between DEM and FIM is ensured
by forwarding the extended event status. The reactions of the FIM can only be
based on that.
The most common reaction upon detected failure is to deactivate affected
functionalities. Therefore, the FIM shall support inhibit due to "failed".
If an important sensor fails, e.g. adaptation functionality shall be stopped in
Use Case: order to prevent wrong adaptation values.


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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager
AUTOSAR CP R23-11 [SRS_Fim_04719] Mechanism for summarized diagnostic event states

shall be provided

[SRS_Fim_04719] Mechanism for summarized diagnostic event states shall be

provided d

The FIM shall provide a mechanism to handle summarized diagnostic event

states. By a summarized diagnostic event state the calculation of a combined
Description: fault out of several individual faults in the software component is meant.
However, it is not outlined whether this requirement shall be achieved by means
of configuration process or by implementation in the FIM.
Easier calibration, robust against changes in the diagnostic package and
reduced resources.
Use Case: All faults that indicate a failed sensor.
Supporting –

c() [SRS_Fim_04706] Individual configuration of inhibit conditions of func-

tionalities shall be available

[SRS_Fim_04706] Individual configuration of inhibit conditions of functionalities

shall be available d

The FIM shall be configured per FID to relate events to it in a flexible way. The
event - FID (inhibit) relation shall be changeable by calibration within configured
Description: limits, e.g. number of FIDs, supported inhibit masks, etc. Note, that
summarized events could also be considered here ([SRS_Fim_04719]
Mechanism for summarized diagnostic event states shall be provided).
The result of a fault is the reduction of available functionality. This must be
Rationale: configured by the related information of faults and SW-components.
Fault of oxygen sensor will lead to the reporting of a respective event and then
Use Case: to a reduced functionality of the catalyst diagnostics.
Supporting –


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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

4.2.2 Initialization [SRS_Fim_04712] The permission states at start up shall be initialized

[SRS_Fim_04712] The permission states at start up shall be initialized d

Based on all restored event status information (not only events stored in the
Description: fault memory) of the DEM, the FIM needs to compute the permission state for
all FIDs at the initialization.
Necessity for the FIM to get notified of events which may affect the permission
of FIDs.
Use Case: –
Supporting –


4.2.3 Normal Operation [SRS_Fim_04700] An Interface for querying the FID permission status

shall be provided

[SRS_Fim_04700] An Interface for querying the FID permission status shall be

provided d

The FIM shall provide an interface to SW-components and/or BSW modules

(e.g. IUMPR calculation in the DEM) so that they are able to query their
permission status. The FID has to be handed over as a parameter and the
return value is either permitted or inhibited (permission yes/no).
Other BSW modules and software components shall be independent from the
implementation of the FIM. The only relevant information is the permission
status. Therefore, the release status shall be queried via interface function with
the FID as parameter.
The catalyst monitoring function shall not be executed if the oxygen sensor was
Use Case: detected as failed. If the catalyst monitoring function is controlled via FID the
reported malfunction of the sensor shall cause the FID to be inhibited.
Supporting –


14 of 21 Document ID 81: AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_FunctionInhibitionManager

Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager
AUTOSAR CP R23-11 [SRS_Fim_04709] The permission state shall be evaluated before exe-

cuting functionalities

[SRS_Fim_04709] The permission state shall be evaluated before executing func-

tionalities d

A functionality which is under supervision of the Function Inhibition Manager by

using an FID shall query the FIM for its permission. If the FID is released, the
functionality may be executed if all other enable conditions are met. On the
other hand, if the FID is inhibited, the functionality must not be executed.
Rationale: Main functionality
A functionality which is inactive must be prevented from executing. Since
Use Case: specification of FIM aims at notification mechanism, the permission is queried
within the application SW. There, all enable conditions need to be checked.
Supporting –

c() [SRS_Fim_04713] Methods for the computation of permission states

shall be provided

[SRS_Fim_04713] Methods for the computation of permission states shall be

provided d

The FIM shall provide methods for the computation of permission status of an
individual FID. The permission status yields from the diagnostic event states
related to the FID. These event states are reported to the DEM and then
forwarded to the FIM (SRS_Fim_04700
The focus of this requirement is on providing the methods for the computation
Rationale: of the permission state. It shall not be explicitly required to store the permission
state of an FID or to compute it upon request for permission.
Suppose FID_alpha shall be inhibited by event_1 or event_2, hence the
permission state of FID_alpha depends on the status of event_1 and event_2.
Use Case: Upon request of permission of FID_alpha the states of event_1 and event_2
could be evaluated. Alternatively, the status information of FID_alpha could be
provided which is updated whenever event_1 or event_2 is changed.
Supporting –


15 of 21 Document ID 81: AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_FunctionInhibitionManager

Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager
AUTOSAR CP R23-11 [SRS_Fim_04717] The permission states shall be updated

[SRS_Fim_04717] The permission states shall be updated d

The FIM shall provide an API to the DEM in order to get informed about
Description: relevant status changes of reported events. Then, the status of the relevant
FIDs can be updated.
Necessity for the FIM to get notified of events which may affect the permission
of FIDs.
Use Case: –
Supporting –

c() [SRS_Fim_04723] The FIM shall provide a boolean configuration option

per FID.

[SRS_Fim_04723] The FIM shall provide a boolean configuration option per FID.

Description: The FIM shall provide a boolean configuration option per FID.
Rationale: Use case-specific configuration of functionality, only required
functionality may be executed in ECU.
Use Case: Use Case: Variant coding.
Supporting –

c(RS_Main_00010, RS_Main_00491) [SRS_Fim_04721] OBD Functionalities shall be supported

[SRS_Fim_04721] OBD Functionalities shall be supported d

For OBD, the in-use-performance on monitors needs to be tracked. For that

purpose, records are generated by the DEM. In order to consider the impact of
inhibiting faults on the monitors, the FIM shall provide access on its
configuration data to the DEM.
Rationale: DEM needs access to inhibit relations for the handling of IUMPR data.
Use Case: –
Supporting –


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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

4.2.4 ShutDown Operation

No requirement

4.2.5 Fault Operation

No requirement

4.3 Non-Functional Requirements

4.3.1 Timing Requirements

No requirements

4.3.2 Resource Usage

No special requirement. Usage depends on implementation and hardware.

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

5 Requirements Tracing
The following table references the features specified in [3] and links to the fulfillments
of these.
Requirement Description Satisfied by
[RS_Main_00010] Safety Mechanisms [SRS_Fim_04723]
[RS_Main_00491] Function Monitoring [SRS_Fim_04723]

Table 5.1: RequirementsTracing

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

6 References

6.1 Deliverables of AUTOSAR

[1] Standardization Template

[2] Glossary
[3] Requirements on AUTOSAR Features

6.2 Related standards and norms


[10] D1.5-General Architecture; ITEA/EAST-EEA, Version 1.0; chapter 3, page 72 et

[20] D2.1-Embedded Basic Software Structure Requirements; ITEA/EAST-EEA, Ver-
sion 1.0 or higher
[30] D2.2-Description of existing solutions; ITEA/EAST-EEA, Version 1.0 or higher.

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Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

A Change history of AUTOSAR traceable items

Please note that the lists in this chapter also include traceable items that have been
removed from the specification in a later version. These items do not appear as hyper-
links in the document.

A.1 Traceable item history of this document according to

AUTOSAR Release R23-11

A.1.1 Added Requirements in R23-11


A.1.2 Changed Requirements in R23-11


A.1.3 Deleted Requirements in R23-11


A.2 Traceable item history of this document according to

AUTOSAR Release R22-11

A.2.1 Added Requirements in R22-11


A.2.2 Changed Requirements in R22-11

Number Heading
[SRS_Fim_04700] An Interface for querying the FID permission status shall be provided
The Functionalities supervised by the FIM shall be defined by static
[SRS_Fim_04702] The FIM shall support different inhibit options

20 of 21 Document ID 81: AUTOSAR_CP_SRS_FunctionInhibitionManager

Requirements on Function Inhibition Manager

Number Heading
Individual configuration of inhibit conditions of functionalities shall be
[SRS_Fim_04709] The permission state shall be evaluated before executing functionalities
[SRS_Fim_04712] The permission states at start up shall be initialized
[SRS_Fim_04713] Methods for the computation of permission states shall be provided
[SRS_Fim_04717] The permission states shall be updated
[SRS_Fim_04719] Mechanism for summarized diagnostic event states shall be provided
[SRS_Fim_04721] OBD Functionalities shall be supported
[SRS_Fim_04723] The FIM shall provide a boolean configuration option per FID.
Table A.1: Changed Requirements in R22-11

A.2.3 Deleted Requirements in R22-11


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