AUTOSAR FO TR PredefinedNames

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR


Document Title Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

Document Owner AUTOSAR
Document Responsibility AUTOSAR
Document Identification No 600

Document Status published

Part of AUTOSAR Standard Foundation
Part of Standard Release R23-11

Document Change History

Date Release Changed by Description
2023-11-23 R23-11 Release • No content changes
2022-11-24 R22-11 Release • Editorial and minor changes
AUTOSAR • Added abbreviations for AIDSM
2021-11-25 R21-11 Release
Management • Removed ARTI definitions
• Added abbreviations for DEXT, SECXT,
2020-11-30 R20-11 Release
Management • Modified abbreviations for MetaModel
and XmlSchema
• Included abbreviations for ARTI

AUTOSAR • Removed references to

2019-11-28 R19-11 Release TR_InteroperabilityOfAutosarTools
• Changed Document Status from Final to
• Removed reference to
2018-10-31 4.4.0 Release
AUTOSAR • Include abbreviations for Name Spaces
2017-12-08 4.3.1 Release
Management • Include Mentioned Class Tables
2016-11-30 4.3.0 Release • Include abbreviations for PDEP

1 of 20 Document ID 600: AUTOSAR_FO_TR_PredefinedNames

Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

• Include abbreviations for Acceptance
2015-07-31 4.2.2 Release
AUTOSAR • Complete list of Module Abbreviation for
2014-10-31 Release each AUTOSAR document
Management • Include additional keywords
2014-03-31 4.1.3 Release • editorial changes
• harmonization of keywords with List of
2013-10-31 4.1.2 Release
Basic Software Modules
• editorial changes
2013-03-15 4.1.1 • harmonization of keywords with other
2011-12-22 4.0.3 • Initial release

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR


This work (specification and/or software implementation) and the material contained in
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The material contained in this work is protected by copyright and other types of intel-
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This work may be utilized or reproduced without any modification, in any form or by
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The work has been developed for automotive applications only. It has neither been
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The word AUTOSAR and the AUTOSAR logo are registered trademarks.

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

1 Introduction 6

2 [VirtualModules] Virtual Modules 7

3 [InformationCategories] AUTOSAR Information Categories 8

4 [DocumentAbbreviations] AUTOSAR Document Abbreviations for Trace Prefixes10

A Mentioned Class Tables 17

B Change history of AUTOSAR traceable items 20

B.1 Change History of this document according to AUTOSAR Release
R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
B.1.1 Added Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
B.1.2 Changed Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
B.1.3 Deleted Specification Items in R23-11 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

[1] List of Basic Software Modules
[2] XML Specification of Application Interfaces
[3] Specification of ECU Configuration Parameters (XML)
[4] Standardization Template
[5] Generic Structure Template

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

1 Introduction
This document describes various predefined names used in AUTOSAR models and
documents. The main purpose of this document is to serve as an entry point to find
names which are predefined in AUTOSAR beyond the following documents:
• [1] Basic software module list
• [2] Application interfaces
• [3] Ecu configuration parameters
Note that the definitions in this document are also available as AUTOSAR XML model.
In this model, the predefined names are represented as Keywords according to [4].
They are represented as tables with the following colums:
shortName: a unique name for the abbreviation, taken from shortName of Keyword
abbrName: This is the reserved name itself according to [4]. Note that the name
might be rendered with line breaks in order to fit into the table cell. The reserved
name in this column never has a white space, so the line breaks shall be ignored.
longName: This is the longName for the reserved name (see [5] for details about
Classification, Description : This is the list of keyword classifications as refer-
enced e.g. by [TPS_STDT_00042] respectively [TPS_GST_00017]. In addition
to this, desc of the keyword is shown as well in order to understand the purpose
of the reserved name.

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

2 [VirtualModules] Virtual Modules

[TR_PDN_00001] Definition of Virtual Modules dThis keyword set contains two key-
word classifications:
• ModuleDesignator: The abbrName represents a valid module designator de-
fined by AUTOSAR (see [TPS_GST_00017] in [5] ).
• AUTOSAR-Document: The shortName represents a module name for the im-
plementation of a specification provided by AUTOSAR.
shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
AISpecification AISpecification XML Specification of AUTOSAR-Document, Module
Application Interfaces Designator
This represents the Appplication
EcuC EcuC Ecu Configuration ModuleDesignator
EcuC is a pseudo module which defines
parameters applicable to all other BSW
GeneralBlueprints GenBlpr General Blueprints ModuleDesignator
Collection of blueprints for AUTOSAR
M1 models.
GeneralDefinitions GenDef General Definitions ModuleDesignator
This represents general elements that
can be applied for both, basic (BSW)
and application software (ASW), but for
which no explicit AUTOSAR Document
is maintained. Example for objects in
this virtual module are elements such as
life cycle definitions, role definitions etc.
V2X V2X Vehicle-2-X ModuleDesignator
V2X is used as a cluster abbreviation by
all cross module types used by the
Vehicle-2-X communication modules.
Table 2.1: Virtual Modules

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

3 [InformationCategories] AUTOSAR Information

[TR_PDN_00002] Definition of AUTOSAR Information Categories dThis keyword
set contains the following keyword classifications:
• DocumentCategory: The keyword (abbrName) represents a valid category of a
document provided by AUTOSAR (see [TPS_STDT_00050] in [4] ).
• TraceCategory: The keyword (abbrName) represents a valid category of a trace-
able text within a document provided by AUTOSAR (see [TPS_STDT_00042] in
[4] ).
• InternalDocumentCategory: The keyword ( abbrName) represents a valid cat-
egory of a document internal to AUTOSAR which is not published but still follows
the conventions.
shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
ASWS ASWS Abstract SWS Software DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
General Specification of AUTOSAR
Basic Software Modules
ATR ATR Acceptance Test Requirement DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Specification of requirements for
acceptance tests
ATS ATS Acceptance Test Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Test specification and scripts for the
execution of acceptance tests
CONC CONC Concept Document DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Concept describing planned changes
for the next minor or major release
CTCF CTCF Configuration Settings DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Configuration settings for the execution
of conformance Tests
CTSP CTSP Conformance Test Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Test specification and scripts for the
execution of conformance tests
EXP EXP Explanation DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Explanatory material discussiong
contents already shown in other
MMOD MetaModel MetaModel DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Modeled contents (a model or
generated from a model) on meta level
2 (Meta-Model)
MOD MOD Model DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Modeled contents (a model or
generated from a model) on meta level
1 (Model)

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
PD PD Process Description DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Description of process applied within
AUTOSAR standardization activities
PDEP PDEP Profile of Data Exchange Point DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Contains models that tailor AUTOSAR
specifications and templates for specific
data exchange points
PRS PRS Protocol Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Specification of Protocols standardized
RS RS Requirement Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Specification of requirements other than
for software specifications
SRC SRC Source DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Source code artifacts
SRS SRS Software Requirement DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Specification of requirements for
software specifications
SWS SWS Software Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Specification of AUTOSAR Software
TMPL TMPL Template InternalDocumentCategory
Predefined documentation templates
TPS TPS Template Specification DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
Specification of AUTOSAR Templates,
containing Meta model information,
constraints etc.
TR TR Technical Report DocumentCategory, TraceCategory
A general technical report describing
arbitrary AUTOSAR related topics
UC UC Use Case Specification TraceCategory
Specification of use cases from which
requirements are derived. Note that
there are documents which maintain the
use cases in their requirement spec. So
this documentCategory may exist, even
if it is not an own artifact.
ZAUX ZAUX Auxilary material InternalDocumentCategory
Auxillary files used internally for the
creation of the standard. May be
merged with ZSUPP.
ZGEN ZGEN Generated intermediate InternalDocumentCategory
Generated intermediate products which
are maintained in the SCM system of
AUTOSAR and used internally for the
creation of the standard
ZSUPP ZSUPP Supplemental material InternalDocumentCategory
Supplementary material used internally
for the creation of the standard
Table 3.1: AUTOSAR Information Categories

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

4 [DocumentAbbreviations] AUTOSAR Document

Abbreviations for Trace Prefixes
[TR_PDN_00003] Document Abbreviations for Trace Prefixes dThis keyword set
contains the keyword classifications:
• DocumentAbbreviation: The abbrName represents a valid document abbrevia-
tion in tracing tags (see [TPS_STDT_00042] in [5] ).
Note that there are cases where one document uses more than one abbreviation (e.g.
[SWMC, SWNR], [MCM, MCG, MCA]). There are also cases where one abbreviation
is used across multiple documents (e.g. [BSW]).c()
shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
ARTI ARTI AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains Interfaces for
the "AUTOSAR Run-Time Interface"
AIBodyAndComfort AIBC Application Interfaces "Body DocumentAbbreviation
and Comfort"
This document explains Application
Interfaces for "Body and Comfort".
AIChassis AICS Application Interfaces "Chassis" DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains Application
Interfaces for "Chassis".
AIDesignPattern AIDPC Application Interface Design DocumentAbbreviation
Catalogue Pattern Catalogue
This document contains Application
Interface Design Pattern Catalogue.
IntrusionDetection AIDSM Intrusion Detection System DocumentAbbreviation
SystemManager Manager
This document explains the Intrusion
Detection System Manager for Adaptive
AIHMIMultimediaAnd AIHMI Application Interfaces "HMI DocumentAbbreviation
Telematics Multimedia and Telematics"
This document explains Application
Interfaces for "HMI Multimedia And
AIOccupantAnd AIOPS Application Interfaces DocumentAbbreviation
PedestrianSafety "Occupant and pedestrian
This document explains Application
Interfaces for "Application Interface
Occupant and pedestrian Safety".
AIPowertrain AIPT Application Interfaces DocumentAbbreviation
This document document explains
Application Interfaces for "Powertrain".
AISpecification AISE XML Examples of Application DocumentAbbreviation
Examples Interfaces
This represents XML Examples of
Appplication Interfaces.
AIUserGuide AIUG Application Interfaces User DocumentAbbreviation
This document aims at explaining all
relevant details about the AI Table.
ApplicationLevelError ALEH Application Level Error Handling DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Application
Level Error Handling.

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
AdaptiveNetwork ANM Adaptive Network Management DocumentAbbreviation
Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty
AdaptivePlatform APD Adaptive Platform Demonstrator DocumentAbbreviation
This specifies the Adaptive Platform
AdaptivePlatform APDT Adaptive Platform Demonstrator DocumentAbbreviation
DemonstratorTestdata Testdata
This specifies the Adaptive Platform
Demonstrator Testdata
AutosarModel ArModC Autosar Model Constraints DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains Autosar Model
ARXMLSerialization ASR ARXML Serialization Rules DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains how to serialize
AUTOSAR models into ARXML files
and vice versa.
ATBM ATBM Interaction with Behavioral DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes interaction
with behavioral models.
BSWAndRTEFeatures BRF AUTOSAR BSW and RTE DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies the features of
the BSW Architecture and the RTE.
BSW BSW Basic Software DocumentAbbreviation
This abbreviation represents the
superset of all BSW software
requirement specifications. This means
that this abbreviation is used throughout
all Basic Software Specifications.
BSWModuleDescription BSWMDT Basic Software Module DocumentAbbreviation
Template Description Template
This document specifies how to
describe a Basic Software
BSWModuleList BSWML Basic Software Module List DocumentAbbreviation
This document lists the BSW modules.
BSWUMLModel BSWUMG BSW UML Model Modeling DocumentAbbreviation
ModelingGuide Guide
This guideline describes the BSW UML
Model modeling.
BSWUML BSWUML Basic Software UML model DocumentAbbreviation
This abbreviation represents the BSW
UML model. This means that this
abbreviation is used throughout all
elements maintained in the BSW UML
BWCStatement BWC BWC Statement DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the backward
compatibility statement.
CDDDesignAnd CDDG CDD Design And Integration DocumentAbbreviation
IntegrationGuideline Guideline
This guideline describes the Design and
the Integration of CDD.
CommunicationCan COMCAN Communication on Can DocumentAbbreviation
Relevant for communication on CAN.

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
CommunicationFlexray COMFR Communication on Flexray DocumentAbbreviation
Relevant for communication on Flexray.
CommunicationLin COMLIN Communication on Lin DocumentAbbreviation
Relevant for communication on LIN.
Communication COMMGMT Communication Management DocumentAbbreviation
Relevant for communication
CommunicationViaBus COMVB Communication via a bus DocumentAbbreviation
Relevant for communication via a bus.
DiagnosticExtract DEXT Diagnostic Extract Template DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies diagnostic
exchange data.
Diagnostic DIAG Requirements on Diagnostic DocumentAbbreviation
The goal of AUTOSAR WP Diagnostics
and this document is to define to what
extent elements of the diagnostic basic
software have to be configurable and
what preliminaries they shall comply
with to meet the tailoring requirements.
The handling of the legislated OBD and
enhanced Diagnostics shall also be
AdaptiveDiagnostics DM Adaptive Diagnostics DocumentAbbreviation
Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty
ECUConfiguration ECUC Specification of ECU DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies the technical
details of the ECU configuration
ECUConfiguration ECUCP ECU Configuration Parameters DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes ECU
Configuration Parameters.
EcuModeManagement ECUMGMT ECU Mode Management DocumentAbbreviation
Relevant for ECU mode management.
ECUResourceTemplate ECUR Specification of ECU Resource DocumentAbbreviation
This specifies how to describe
Resources of an ECU
ErrorDescription ED Error Description DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Error
ExecutionManagement EM Execution Management DocumentAbbreviation
Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty
ErrataSheet ERSH Errata Sheet DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Errata
FrancaIntegration FCAINT Franca Integration DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the Franca
Features Feature Feature Specification DocumentAbbreviation
Acceptance Tests
Feature Specification of the acceptance

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
FeatureModelExchange FMDT Specification of Feature Model DocumentAbbreviation
Format Exchange Format
This specifies how to describe the
Feature Model Exchange Format.
FreeRunningTimer FRT Free Running Timer DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the Free
Running Timer.
Glossary GLOS Glossary DocumentAbbreviation
This document lists all Glossary items.
GenericStructure GST Generic Structure Template DocumentAbbreviation
This specifies common aspects
applicable to all templates.
Gateway GTW Gateway DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Gateway.
HealthManagement HM Health Management DocumentAbbreviation
Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty
InteroperabilityOf IOAT Interoperability of AUTOSAR DocumentAbbreviation
AutosarTools Tools
This document describes various
aspects of interoperability of AUTOSAR
InteroperabilityOf IOATS Interoperability of AUTOSAR DocumentAbbreviation
AutosarTools Tools Supplement
This document contains baseline
profiles of data exchange points and
IOHWAbstraction IOHWAB IO Hardware Abstraction DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the IO
Hardware Abstraction.
InterruptHandling IRH Interrupt Handling Explanation DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Interrupt
SRSLibraries LIBS Requirements on Libraries DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies requirements
on the AUTOSAR Libraries.
AdaptiveLogAndTrace LOG Adaptive Log and Trace DocumentAbbreviation
Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty
LayeredSoftware LSA Layered Software Architecture DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the Layered
Software Architecture.
MainRequirements Main AUTOSAR Main Requirements DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies the AUTOSAR
main requirements.
AIMeasurement MCAI Unique Names for DocumentAbbreviation
CalibrationDiagnostics Documentation, Measurement
This document discusses how to
and Calibration: Modeling and
automatically generate display names
Naming Aspects including
for measurement, calibration and
Automatic Generation
diagnostic tools (MCD).

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
AIMeasurement MCA Assumptions in Unique Names DocumentAbbreviation
CalibrationDiagnostics_ for Documentation,
This keyword reflects the assumptions
Assumptions Measurement and Calibration:
how to automatically generate display
Modeling and Naming Aspects
names for measurement, calibration
including Automatic Generation
and diagnostic tools (MCD). The
keyword is used for document internal
AIMeasurement MCG Generation Rules in Unique DocumentAbbreviation
CalibrationDiagnostics_ Names for Documentation,
This keyword reflects the generation
GenerationRules Measurement and Calibration:
rules how to automatically generate
Modeling and Naming Aspects
display names for measurement,
including Automatic Generation
calibration and diagnostic tools (MCD).
The keyword is used for document
internal tracing.
AIMeasurement MCM Modeling Rules in Unique DocumentAbbreviation
CalibrationDiagnostics_ Names for Documentation,
This keyword reflects the modeling rules
ModelingRules Measurement and Calibration:
of how to automatically generate display
Modeling and Naming Aspects
names for measurement, calibration
including Automatic Generation
and diagnostic tools (MCD). The
keyword is used for document internal
AIMeasurement MCR Requirements in Unique Names DocumentAbbreviation
CalibrationDiagnostics_ for Documentation,
This keyword reflects the requirments of
Requirements Measurement and Calibration:
how to automatically generate display
Modeling and Naming Aspects
names for measurement, calibration
including Automatic Generation
and diagnostic tools (MCD). The
keyword is used for document internal
MemoryServices MEM Requirements on Memory DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies requirements
on Basic Software Modules of the
memory services.
Methodology METH AUTOSAR Methodology DocumentAbbreviation
This describes the AUTOSAR
MethodologyModel MethModR Methodology Model Rules DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the
Methodology Model Rules.
MiscSupport MICS Miscellaneous Support DocumentAbbreviation
This document contains miscellaneous
support items.
MetaModel MM Meta Model DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the Meta
MemoryHWAbstraction MMHWABLY Memory Hardware Abstraction DocumentAbbreviation
Layer Layer
This document describes the Memory
Hardware Abstraction Layer.
ModeManagement MMG Mode Management Guide DocumentAbbreviation
This guideline describes the Mode
ModeMgm ModeMgm Mode Management DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies Mode
Management in AUTOSAR.

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
MultiCoreGuide MTCG Multi Core Guide DocumentAbbreviation
This guideline describes Multi Core.
MethodologyAnd MTG General Requirements on DocumentAbbreviation
TemplatesGeneral Methodology and Templates
This document has the purpose to
collect requirements on Methodology
and Templates which are relevant for
more than one document.
OperatingSystem OSI Operating System Interface DocumentAbbreviation
Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty
Pesistency PER Persistency DocumentAbbreviation
Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty
PredefinedNames PDN AUTOSAR PredefinedNames DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes various
predefined names used in AUTOSAR.
ProjectObjectives PO AUTOSAR Project Objectives DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies the AUTOSAR
Project Objectives.
ReferenceBase RefBase Reference Base DocumentAbbreviation
This document contains Reference
Base items.
Requirements Requirement Requirements Acceptance DocumentAbbreviation
Requirements for the acceptance tests.
ReleaseOverviewAnd RORH Release Overview And Rev DocumentAbbreviation
RevHistory History
This document provides a Release
Overview and Rev History.
RTE RTE Runtime Environment DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies the AUTOSAR
Runtime Environment.
SAE SAE Society of Automotive DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the network
standard developed by the Society of
Automotive Engineers.
SafetyExtensions SAFEX Specifcation of Safety DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifes how to describe
the safety relevant properties and
requirements of an AUTOSAR System.
XMLSchema SchemaSupp XML Schema Supplement DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the XML
SecurityExtract SECXT Security Extract Template DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies security
exchange data.
SomeIpExample SIPEX SomeIp Example DocumentAbbreviation
This document contains SomeIp
SPAL SPAL Standard Peripheral Abstraction DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the Standard
Peripheral Abstraction Layer.

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

shortName abbrName longName Classification, Description
SafetyUseCase SUC Safety Use Case DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Safety Use
SWCModeling SWCM Software Component Modeling DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the modeling
of Software Components.
SoftwareComponent SWCT Software Component Template DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies how to
describe Software Components.
SWCModelingGuide SWMG SW-C and System Modeling DocumentAbbreviation
This document gives guidelines and
conventions on using the AUTOSAR
model elements in order to build
AUTOSAR systems.
SWCModelingGuide_ SWNR Naming Rules in SW-C and DocumentAbbreviation
NamingRules System Modeling Guide
This document gives guidelines and
conventions, in particular the naming
rules on using the AUTOSAR model
elements in order to build AUTOSAR
Standardization STDT Standardization Template DocumentAbbreviation
This specifies how AUTOSAR
Standardization is represented as
ARXML file.
SystemTemplate SYST System Template DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies how to
describe AUTOSAR Systems.
TimingAnalysis TIMAY Specification of Timing Analysis DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Timing
TimingExtensions TIMEX Specification of Timing DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies how to
describe the timing of an AUTOSAR
TTCAN TTCAN Requirements on TTCAN DocumentAbbreviation
This document specifies the additional
TTCAN requirements for the CAN BSW
UtilizationOfCrypto UOC Utilization Of Crypto Services DocumentAbbreviation
This document explains the Utilization
of Crypto Services.
VirtualFunctionalBus VFB Virtual Functional Bus DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the Virtual
Functional Bus.
XMLSchema XMLSchema XML Schema DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes the XML
XMLSchemaProduction XMLSPR XML Schema Production Rules DocumentAbbreviation
This document describes how a W3C
XML schema specification compliant
XML schema can be compiled out of the
AUTOSAR meta-model.

Table 4.1: AUTOSAR Document Abbreviations for Trace Prefixes

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

A Mentioned Class Tables

For the sake of completeness, this chapter contains a set of class tables representing
meta-classes mentioned in the context of this document but which are not contained
directly in the scope of describing specific meta-model semantics.
Class Identifiable (abstract)
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (within the namespace borders). In addition to
this, Identifiables are objects which contribute significantly to the overall structure of an AUTOSAR
description. In particular, Identifiables might contain Identifiables.
Base ARObject, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Subclasses ARPackage, AbstractDoIpLogicAddressProps, AbstractEvent, AbstractImplementationDataTypeElement,
AbstractSecurityEventFilter , AbstractSecurityIdsmInstanceFilter , AbstractServiceInstance, Application
Endpoint, ApplicationError, AppliedStandard, ArtifactChecksum, AtpBlueprint, AtpBlueprintable, Atp
Classifier , AtpFeature, AutosarOperationArgumentInstance, AutosarVariableInstance, BlockState, Build
ActionEntity , BuildActionEnvironment, Chapter, ClassContentConditional, ClientIdDefinition, ClientServer
Operation, Code, CollectableElement, ComManagementMapping, CommConnectorPort,
CommunicationConnector , CommunicationController , Compiler, ConsistencyNeeds, ConsumedEvent
Group, CouplingPort, CouplingPortStructuralElement, CryptoKeySlot, CryptoServiceMapping, Data
PrototypeGroup, DataTransformation, DdsCpDomain, DdsCpPartition, DdsCpQosProfile, DdsCpTopic,
DependencyOnArtifact, DiagEventDebounceAlgorithm, DiagnosticAuthTransmitCertificateEvaluation,
DiagnosticConnectedIndicator, DiagnosticDataElement, DiagnosticDebounceAlgorithmProps, Diagnostic
FunctionInhibitSource, DiagnosticParameterElement, DiagnosticRoutineSubfunction, DltApplication, Dlt
Argument, DltMessage, DoIpInterface, DoIpLogicAddress, DoIpRoutingActivation, EndToEndProtection,
EthernetWakeupSleepOnDatalineConfig, EventHandler, ExclusiveArea, ExecutableEntity , Execution
Time, FMAttributeDef, FMFeatureMapAssertion, FMFeatureMapCondition, FMFeatureMapElement, FM
FeatureRelation, FMFeatureRestriction, FMFeatureSelection, FlexrayArTpNode, FlexrayTpPduPool,
FrameTriggering, GeneralParameter, GlobalTimeGateway, GlobalTimeMaster , GlobalTimeSlave, Heap
Usage, HwAttributeDef, HwAttributeLiteralDef, HwPin, HwPinGroup, IEEE1722TpAcfBus, IEEE1722Tp
AcfBusPart, IPSecRule, IPv6ExtHeaderFilterList, ISignalToIPduMapping, ISignalTriggering, Ident
Caption, ImpositionTime, InternalTriggeringPoint, Keyword, LifeCycleState, Linker, MacMulticastGroup,
MacSecKayParticipant, McDataInstance, MemorySection, ModeDeclaration, ModeDeclarationMapping,
ModeSwitchPoint, NetworkEndpoint, NmCluster , NmNode, PackageableElement, ParameterAccess,
PduActivationRoutingGroup, PduToFrameMapping, PduTriggering, PerInstanceMemory, Physical
Channel, PortGroup, PortInterfaceMapping, PossibleErrorReaction, ResourceConsumption, RootSw
CompositionPrototype, RptComponent, RptContainer, RptExecutableEntity, RptExecutableEntityEvent,
RptExecutionContext, RptProfile, RptServicePoint, RunnableEntityGroup, SdgAttribute, SdgClass,
SecureCommunicationAuthenticationProps, SecureCommunicationFreshnessProps, SecurityEvent
ContextProps, ServiceNeeds, SignalServiceTranslationEventProps, SignalServiceTranslationProps,
SocketAddress, SomeipTpChannel, SpecElementReference, StackUsage, StaticSocketConnection,
StructuredReq, SwGenericAxisParamType, SwServiceArg, SwcServiceDependency, SystemMapping,
TimeBaseResource, TimingClock , TimingClockSyncAccuracy, TimingCondition, TimingConstraint,
TimingDescription, TimingExtensionResource, TimingModeInstance, Topic1, TpAddress, TraceableTable,
TraceableText, TracedFailure, TransformationProps, TransformationTechnology, Trigger, VariableAccess,
VariationPointProxy, ViewMap, VlanConfig, WaitPoint
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
adminData AdminData 0..1 aggr This represents the administrative data for the identifiable
Stereotypes: atpSplitable
annotation Annotation * aggr Possibility to provide additional notes while defining a
model element (e.g. the ECU Configuration Parameter
Values). These are not intended as documentation but
are mere design notes.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-25

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Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

Class Identifiable (abstract)
category CategoryString 0..1 attr The category is a keyword that specializes the semantics
of the Identifiable. It affects the expected existence of
attributes and the applicability of constraints.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-50
desc MultiLanguageOverview 0..1 aggr This represents a general but brief (one paragraph)
Paragraph description what the object in question is about. It is only
one paragraph! Desc is intended to be collected into
overview tables. This property helps a human reader to
identify the object in question.
More elaborate documentation, (in particular how the
object is built or used) should go to "introduction".
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-60
introduction DocumentationBlock 0..1 aggr This represents more information about how the object in
question is built or is used. Therefore it is a
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-30
uuid String 0..1 attr The purpose of this attribute is to provide a globally
unique identifier for an instance of a meta-class. The
values of this attribute should be globally unique strings
prefixed by the type of identifier. For example, to include a
DCE UUID as defined by The Open Group, the UUID
would be preceded by "DCE:". The values of this attribute
may be used to support merging of different AUTOSAR
models. The form of the UUID (Universally Unique
Identifier) is taken from a standard defined by the Open
Group (was Open Software Foundation). This standard is
widely used, including by Microsoft for COM (GUIDs) and
by many companies for DCE, which is based on CORBA.
The method for generating these 128-bit IDs is published
in the standard and the effectiveness and uniqueness of
the IDs is not in practice disputed. If the id namespace is
omitted, DCE is assumed. An example is
"DCE:2fac1234-31f8-11b4-a222-08002b34c003". The
uuid attribute has no semantic meaning for an AUTOSAR
model and there is no requirement for AUTOSAR tools to
manage the timestamp.
Tags: xml.attribute=true

Table A.1: Identifiable

Class Keyword
Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::CommonStructure::StandardizationTemplate::Keyword
Note This meta-class represents the ability to predefine keywords which may subsequently be used to
construct names following a given naming convention, e.g. the AUTOSAR naming conventions.
Note that such names is not only shortName. It could be symbol, or even longName. Application of
keywords is not limited to particular names.
Base ARObject, Identifiable, MultilanguageReferrable, Referrable
Aggregated by KeywordSet.keyword
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note

18 of 20 Document ID 600: AUTOSAR_FO_TR_PredefinedNames

Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

Class Keyword
abbrName NameToken 1 attr This attribute specifies an abbreviated name of a
keyword. This abbreviation may e.g. be used for
constructing valid shortNames according to the
AUTOSAR naming conventions.
Unlike shortName, it may contain any name token. E.g. it
may consist of digits only.
classification NameToken * attr This attribute allows to attach classification to the

Table A.2: Keyword

Class MultilanguageReferrable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (while adhering to namespace borders). They
also may have a longName. But they are not considered to contribute substantially to the overall
structure of an AUTOSAR description. In particular it does not contain other Referrables.
Base ARObject, Referrable
Subclasses Caption, DefItem, DocumentationContext, Identifiable, SdgCaption, TraceReferrable, Traceable
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
longName MultilanguageLong 0..1 aggr This specifies the long name of the object. Long name is
Name targeted to human readers and acts like a headline.

Table A.3: MultilanguageReferrable

Class Referrable (abstract)

Package M2::AUTOSARTemplates::GenericStructure::GeneralTemplateClasses::Identifiable
Note Instances of this class can be referred to by their identifier (while adhering to namespace borders).
Base ARObject
Subclasses AtpDefinition, BswDistinguishedPartition, BswModuleCallPoint, BswModuleClientServerEntry, Bsw
VariableAccess, CouplingPortTrafficClassAssignment, DiagnosticEnvModeElement, EthernetPriority
Regeneration, ExclusiveAreaNestingOrder, HwDescriptionEntity , ImplementationProps, ModeTransition,
MultilanguageReferrable, PncMappingIdent, SingleLanguageReferrable, SoConIPduIdentifier, Socket
ConnectionBundle, TimeSyncServerConfiguration, TpConnectionIdent
Attribute Type Mult. Kind Note
shortName Identifier 1 attr This specifies an identifying shortName for the object. It
needs to be unique within its context and is intended for
humans but even more for technical reference.
Stereotypes: atpIdentityContributor
shortName ShortNameFragment * aggr This specifies how the Referrable.shortName is
Fragment composed of several shortNameFragments.
Tags: xml.sequenceOffset=-90

Table A.4: Referrable

19 of 20 Document ID 600: AUTOSAR_FO_TR_PredefinedNames

Predefined Names in AUTOSAR

B Change history of AUTOSAR traceable items

B.1 Change History of this document according to AUTOSAR Re-

lease R23-11

B.1.1 Added Specification Items in R23-11


B.1.2 Changed Specification Items in R23-11


B.1.3 Deleted Specification Items in R23-11


20 of 20 Document ID 600: AUTOSAR_FO_TR_PredefinedNames

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