EMED W8 Workbook

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The Magic of Radiant Circuits!

Instead, they move instantly where needed with a

radiant glow that attracts vital energies from the
environment and activates healing from within. In

extraordinary energy system.

What Lies Ahead... Key Ideas

è fte magic of Radiant Circuits!

è How Radiant Circuits fuel your energy systems, reinforce

health and vitality, connect you to wellsprings of joy, and
spark higher experience and growth.
è Ways you naturally tap into your Radiant Circuits.

è Easy turn-ons: Short and simple exercises that plug you into
Radiant Circuits.
è What the individual Radiant Circuits do.
è How to trace Radiant Circuits.
è Building the habit of radiant joy.

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Activating Energies of Joy
With the Daily Energy Routine

and up again. A deep smile is not an ornament or a mask. It engages your radiant

nature, laughing uncontrollably, abandoning yourself to play, love, or dance...

can become stagnant and unable to easily move to where they are needed. This is the

have taken precedence over deeper pleasures. The more the Radiant Circuits are
exercised, the more available they are to you.

For most people, the DER is a reliable way to pick up your spirits, enliven your
energies, and propel you into a higher state. ftis is an appetizer for working with your
Radiant Circuits. Before you begin the routine, check in with your body and notice
your energy level, mood, what you are feeling physically and emotionally, and what
you sense about the energy field that surrounds you. Use the space below to take notes
on your observations:

After you finish your practice, use the checklist below to record changes:
Changes in mood, such as heightened sense of well-being
More energy, more enthusiasm about the day
Greater calm and clarity
Greater emotional stability or happiness
Greater ability to bounce back from challenges and enjoy life
Changes in the extent, density, or quality of the energy field that surrounds me

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What Radiant Circuits Do For You
• fte Radiant Circuits are about joy!!!!
• fte Radiant Circuits are a magical,
spiritual energy that can take you to
your knees in gratitude!
• Wonder and joy well up from the very
depths of your soul and connect you to
the oneness and vastness of the universe!
ftis is the most fundamental action of the
Radiant Circuits.
• fte Radiant Circuits instill strength,
resilience, spontaneous healing, and
vitality in the body.
• Beyond doing repair work, the Radiant
Circuits are also primary energies in
exhilaration, falling in love, orgasm, hope,
gratitude, rapture, and spiritual ecstasy.
• In short, bliss is not a lightweight energy.

fte radiant energies were first described in ancient Chinese texts dating back some
4,500 years, and their use continues to be reported within the clinical literatures of
acupuncture, acupressure, Jin Shin Do, qigong, and shiatsu.
In classical Chinese medicine, they were called the “strange flows,” “collector
meridians,” or “extraordinary vessels.”
But they are not exactly flows, meridians, or vessels. I see them as more like hyperlinks
on the web; they jump instantly to wherever they are about to travel. All of the body’s
energy systems are linked through them, and they can regulate energetic deficiencies
and excesses.
Because they are associated with the awakening of psychic abilities, they were also
sometimes called the “psychic channels.” Looking for a term that captures the spiritual
splendor of these critically important yet largely misunderstood and under-appreciated
energies, I chose the term “radiant” because people who see energy experience this force
as carrying a radiant glow. And I chose the term “circuits” because one of their most

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important functions is to create instant circuits that distribute energies. ftey bring a
radiant charge as they make their connections throughout the body. ftey also connect
us with vital energies in the universe. Just as they literally have a radiant appearance
to people who are able to see energies, they bring a radiant, joyful, uplifting quality to
all they touch. A study reportedly conducted in China and subsequently suppressed
found that treatments which focused on the radiant energies were “far more effective
than those of the traditional Chinese protocols.”

Ways You Naturally Tap Into

Your Radiant Circuits
è Falling in love (the most popular!).
è When you feel exhilarated and
è When you experience the sense of
thanksgiving and gratitude.
è Spontaneous joy.
è Feeling deeply: Not just joy, but
can also include feeling sorrow,
connections, and life deeply.

Reflections and Questions:

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What Lies Ahead... Maps and Tools
fte pages that follow describe an array of quick Energy Medicine
techniques and simple daily activities that you can use to activate your
Radiant Circuits and the benefits they bring to health and vitality.
ftese techniques and activities include:
❉ Scapula Squeeze
❉ 6-Word Meditation
❉ Tracing Hearts
❉ Baby Pose
❉ Easy Daily Turn-Ons
• Soul Smile
• Dance to Figure 8s
• Breathe Gratitude
• Whole-Hearted Appreciation
• Back Scratch Trade
❉ What Individual Radiant Circuits Do
❉ Tracing Radiant Circuits
• Regulator Flow
• Bridge Flow
• Penetrating Flow
• Belt Flow
❉ Building the Habit of Radiant Joy
• Heart Breathing and Hearts Over Heart
• Connect With Nature
• Triple Warmer/Spleen Regulator Balancing
❉ Heaven Rushing In
❉ Energy Medicine Dance

Reflections and Questions:

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Quick and Easy Ways to
Activate Radiant Circuits
Scapula Squeeze: 6-Word Meditation:
Calming Triple Warmer meridian Radiant Circuits flow in patterns that
can enable activation of Radiant needs
Circuits. When this happens, TW thought. Attuning your consciousness
itself can release its meridian role to your body can activate these Circuits
and move into its Radiant Circuit
potential. You can help this happen
by doing the Scapula Squeeze. you can use this exercise to encourage
Teres minor is a muscle on the Triple energy flow throughout your body,
Warmer meridian. Energy tends to de-stress, ignite the action of Radiant
bottleneck there, keeping TW on the Circuits, and remember what matters
alert, and in its meridian state. fte to you.
Scapula Squeeze relaxes teres minor,
giving TW a chance to move into its
Radiant Circuit state.
How to Do It:
• Close your eyes, focus inward, and
How to Do It: take a deep breath as you say to
yourself “Notice breath”.
• As you stand tall with arms at your
sides, raise both elbows until they • Continuing to breathe deeply and
are level with the shoulders. Your attend to your body, say to yourself
arms, from shoulders to elbows, “Soften belly” and release any ten-
are now parallel to the floor, and sion in your belly area.
your forearms hang down with • On the next deep breath, say to
hands toward the floor. yourself, “Open heart.” You may
• From this position, raise your wish to place your hands over your
hands and forearms up as though heart as you say this last phrase.
the Sheriff has just given you the • As you absorb these six words, note
order “Hands up, Cowboy!” what happens to tightness in your
• In the Hands Up! position, body, to the quality of your breath-
squeeze your shoulder blades ing, and to your sense of presence.
together and hold for three deep • Repeat several times as you wish.

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Trace Hearts to Activate Radiant Circuits

Tracing hearts on the torso can strengthen the

Bridge Flow, a Radiant Circuit that connects you
to your inner self and out to others. ftis can
open you to a deeper experience and enjoyment
of life. fte Nine Hearts Exercise builds on what
Donna demonstrates in the Chapter 8 video, and
movements you may see in Titanya’s EM Dance.

How to Do It:
1. With your hands on the front of your the torso to the pubic bone as you exhale.
thighs, take a deep breath in and out. 7. For the largest heart, start at the top of
2. As you inhale, move your hands slowly up the pubic bone and draw your flat hands
the front of your body to the top of your up your body to the center of your chest
forehead. Exhale as you trace a heart from as you inhale. As you exhale, turn your
your forehead to your chin. hands so that the tips of the fingers touch
one another and the palms lie on the top
3. Inhaling, move your fingers back up to
part of your chest.
your forehead, middle finger leading the
way up the center of your face. As you 8. As you inhale, bring your hands together
exhale, trace the heart a second time. into a prayerful position and raise them
Repeat Steps 2 & 3 to trace a third heart. above your head. Separate your hands, lift
them a bit further up; turn them so the
4. Breathe deeply and move your hands
back of the hands touch each other. ften,
slowly down to the middle of your chest,
exhaling very slowly with enough pressure
over your Heart chakra. to puff out your cheeks, slowly press your
5. As you inhale, begin to trace a heart with outstretched arms down to your sides as if
flattened hands moving up over the chest. pushing down a weight. Bring your hands
While exhaling, complete the heart by down to the sides of your legs or all the
moving your hands around the trunk of way down to your feet.
your body and down the inside of the hip 9. Trace the large heart two more times.
bones to end at the top of the pubic bone.
6. Trace two more hearts, moving your Like Titanya, feel free to improvise on this
hands from the top of pubic bone to over basic form, tracing hearts throughout your
the chest area on the inhale, and down field and your world!

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Happy Baby Pose

How to Do It:
pose replaces stress with a
securit a) If (and only if!) it is comfortable, kneel
down on all fours with your knees on
you were a baby. Like exercises the floor, push back so your butt is rest-
that calm Triple Warmer meridian, ing on your heels, and bring your hands
resting like a happy baby enables by your sides as you gently lower your
Radiant Circuits to emerge. head to the ground.
b) Again, only if it is comfortable, move
your body and your head forward and
lay your face to one side so your butt
can go higher, resting like a baby.
c) Hold this position for about two or
three minutes.
d) Use the time to meditate, contemplating
a positive thought or image, or just let
your mind go.

Reflections and Questions:

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More Easy Turn-ons

I love smiling.

rarely smile. Meanwhile, the reward center in

the brain of the person you smiled at lights up.


¬ Put on your favorite upbeat music and move to Figure 8

patterns, large and small, weaving curves and cross-overs
throughout your energy fields.

¬ Bring to mind something for which you feel very grateful,

place your hands over your heart chakra, and breathe deeply,
absorbing the feeling.

¬ Find opportunities to give your approval wholeheartedly and

with unbridled enthusiasm!

¬ Tell someone you have

difficulty with:
“Do you know what I like
about you, Joe?”

¬ Scratch someone’s back,

and trade.

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Notes on Activating Radiant Circuits

è Calming the Triple Warmer meridian:

è Using the power of attention and consciousness:

è Tracing Hearts:

è Happy Baby Pose:

è Activities that bring me a smile, appreciation, or gratitude:

Reflections and Questions:

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What Individual Radiant Circuits Do

fte notes below give you a glimpse of the significant role that different Radiant
Circuits play in keeping you healthy, and enabling vitality and joy. NB: **Four

Yin (front) and Yang (back) Regulator Circuits:

• regulate energetic and physiological systems that include circulation,
hormones, and immune function.
• help your body adapt to internal and external change.
• assist in stabilizing hormonal balance and related emotions.

Yin (front) and Yang (back) Bridge Circuits:

• connect the front and back of the body, and energetic polarities that include
positive and negative charges, receptive and expressive impulses, male and
female characteristics, and yin or yang influences.
• assist in connecting you with your soul and higher spirit, bridging your
internal world to the external world, and connecting the self to other people.

The Belt Flow

• connects the energies of the top and bottom parts of the body.
• distributes energies up and down the body, aids digestion, helps meridians
harmonize, and assists chakra alignment.
• helps you to stay grounded while reaching for spiritual inspiration or connection.

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What Individual Radiant Circuits Do

The Penetrating Flow:

• brings energy to the depths of your being, penetrating into the chakras, the
muscles, the bones, the genitals, the cells, and the psyche.
• carries information that includes ancestral energies, influencing the basic
energetic constitution of an individual.
• enables depth of feeling at a profound level. Orgasm and mystical moments are
examples of Penetrating Flow experiences that can include a sense of the sacred,
connection with life purpose, and a deeper sense of meaning in existence.
• can also assist energy corrections to take hold more deeply.
**Central and **Governing:
Central meridian flows up the front center of the
body, and feeds energy to the brain. Governing
meridian flows up the back center of the body and
supports the spine and nervous system energetically.
Where the two meridians meet at the back of the throat, they create a single force
field and begin to behave like Radiant Circuits.
• their combined force field radiates inward and outward, strengthening and
vitalizing all of the meridians, the chakras, and the aura.
• these Radiant Circuits can calm the nervous system, support confidence and
clarity, and protect against disturbing energies by strengthening the auric shield.
**Triple Warmer:
• acts to respond to threats and ensure survival and (as a Radiant Circuit) can
both conscript and deliver energy wherever needed in the body.
• helps you center, stay calm, and experience joy in the face of change.
• can strengthen you during highly challenging situations, and support resilience
(these abilities are apparent during major life transitions such as birth and
death, where the individual must find or create resonance with a new world).
Harmonizing Triple Warmer and encouraging its balance with Spleen can promote
a sense of safety and encourage TW to express its radiant potential.

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Tracing Radiant Circuits

**Spleen (**can function as a

meridian or as a Radiant Circuit):
As a meridian, Spleen runs through
the pancreas and supports metabolism
of carbohydrates and sugars. It can
metabolize thought, experience, and
emotion as well as food. Acting as a
Radiant Circuit, Spleen:
• radiates the life force itself, and
metabolizes all energies in the
body to help them align with one another and support the overall harmony of
the system.
• teams up with Triple Warmer to support the vitality of the immune system, the
dynamic flow and harmony of energies throughout the body, and a balanced
experience of life.

How to Trace Radiant Circuits:

fte following pages include diagrams for fte instructions that follow are for
tracing Radiant Circuits as demonstrated tracing the Radiant Circuits on yourself.
in the Chapter 8 video. ftese include: ftey can be easily adapted for tracing
on another. Start with the Daily Energy
• Yin Regulator Flow; Routine if you can, and make sure you
• Yin Bridge Flow; are not in homolateral before you begin.

• Penetrating Flow; Synchronizing the tracing with your

breath is a good practice when working
• Belt Flow. with the Radiant Circuits. Playing mu-
sic or simply thinking of things that are
When tracing any of the Radiant Circuits, fun or inspirational can also support the
find the figure for the Circuit you wish enlivening effects of tracing Radiant
to trace and with the slow, full contact of Circuits. Anything that brings more
your hands, follow the solid lines in the presence and joy to the techniques adds
diagram, generally moving from top to to their radiant effects.
bottom (you can disregard the ‘Anchor
Points for this experience).

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Tracing the Yin Regulator Circuit

Classic Tracing Funky Flow

1. Rest your fingers on your 1. Rest your face in your

eyes, with your face in hands, covering your eyes.
your palms, and take a
deep breath. 2. Heart on a Stick:
Trace a heart on your face,
2. Trace a heart on your bringing your hands together
face to your chin and pull under your chin, stretching
straight down your neck one hand down to your
to the top of your ster- sternum (the “stick”).
3. I Dream of Jeannie Arms:
3. Cross your arms and pull Cross your arms, come to
the energy firmly down your shoulders, smooth down
both arms. Hold at your elbows for your arms to your elbows, hold your
one deep breath. elbows firmly, lift up and down with a
breath, and blink (like Jeannie).
4. Uncross your arms and place your
hands on either side of your upper 4. Oh, Aren’t I Beautiful?:
chest. Come to under your breasts and
smooth down the front of your legs.
5. With flat hands, trace down to the
inside bottom of your ribcage. 5. Squeeze the Bunions:
Squeeze the sides of your feet.
6. Continue down to inside of your
knees, then over the top of your feet,
and squeeze the sides of your feet 6. Up Spleen Meridian:
(Spleen and Bladder meridians). Never miss an opportunity to
strengthen Spleen!

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Tracing the Yin Bridge Circuit

Classic Tracing Funky Flow

1. Begin at the Power Point at Chant rhythmically,

the top of the neck. Take a like a cheerleader:
deep in-breath and out-breath
as you push in and up.
1. Back of the head!
2. Trace up over your head with (Power Point), Forehead!
a 3-finger cluster to your
forehead Neurovasculars. 2. Cheekbones, Chest!
Hold for one deep breath. (cross your hands to rest
fingers on K-27s and buzz
3. Using your middle fingers, the points)
trace along your nose to the
Stomach points on your 3. Heart! Heart! Heart!
(trace a heart around your
chest three times)
4. Cross to K-27 with your
hands on top of one another 4. And you know the rest!
and your fingers in the K-27 (slide hands down legs)
points. Buzz the points. 5. Hands under feet and pull up
5. Bring your fingers together and move – Bump!
down to your sternum point. Hold for
one deep breath.
6. Draw a heart by circling your hands
up and then around each breast and
then down to your belly. Do this three
7. Trace down and over the tops of your
legs to the inside of your feet.
8. Wrap your fingers under your feet,
hold on, and pull your body up.

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Tracing the Penetrating Flow

Classic Tracing Funky Flow

1. Place the flat of your hands above your Channel your inner Marilyn Monroe
midwaist on your back. Smooth slowly as you do this version of the
down your sacrum. Penetrating Flow:
2. Trace a horseshoe by circling the flat of 1. Sacrum:
your hands around your hips, coming
Rest both hands on your sacrum.
down to your groin.
2. Crotch:
3. While inhaling deeply, pull your hands
Slide your hands over and around to rest
straight up your body, up your neck,
on the area of your pubic bone.
and over your jaw, until you are holding
your hands on your jaw and cheeks. 3. Breasts:
4. Drop your hands down over your Smooth your hands straight up the
mouth and fill your cheeks with air for Penetrating Flow lines to high on the
a count of three and slowly release. breasts.

5. Cross your hands slowly at your neck, 4. Mouth:

drawing them down over your Heart Cover your mouth and take three heavy
chakra (with a deep breath or sigh.) breaths (“Ah, ah, ah”).
5. Cross your hands over your heart and
Sigh . . .

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Tracing the Belt Flow

Classic Tracing Funky Flow

1. Wrap both hands around one side of 1. “Where’s my belt? Where’s my belt?
your waist. Where’s my belt?”
2. Pull from above, below, and on your (Pull your hands across at your waist
waist (across your belly toward the three times).
other side of your waist) several 2. “My pants are falling down!”
times. (Slide your hands straight down your
3. Slide your hand straight down the leg leg across from where you pulled).
that is across from where you pulled. 3. Do the other side!
Repeat on the other side.

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Notes on Tracing Radiant Circuits

è Regulator Flow:

è Bridge Flow:

è Penetrating Flow:

è Belt Flow:

Reflections and Questions:

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Building the Habit of Radiant Joy

Radiant Circuits counteract the habit and

effects of stress. The more you activate these
Circuits, the more you gravitate to joy and
passion. As you make this a habit (with
techniques like those below), you are more

thing, and more open to the spiritual realm.

This will help you find and maintain your

¬ Breathing Through the Heart

¬ Tracing Hearts Over Your Heart
¬ Connecting With Nature
¬ Triple Warmer Smoothie
¬ Triple Warmer/Spleen Regulator Balancing
1. Cover your eyes with your fingers. Inhale and exhale deeply.
2. Inhale with your eyes still covered. Exhale while dragging your fingers across
your eyes and out to your temples.
3. Inhale while dragging your fingers up over your ears. Exhale while dragging your
fingers down behind your ears to your shoulders. Hang your fingers on your
shoulders at the neck.
4. Inhale as you cross your arms, placing your fingers on the opposite shoulders.
Exhale, smoothing your hands down your arms to the forearms.
5. Inhaling, place your hands flat across the ribs under your bust area.
6. Exhale while sweeping your fingers down your legs and off your feet at the toes.
7. Inhale while sweeping your fingers back up your legs to under your arms.
8. Exhale while tapping Spleen. Sweep your fingers down and off your body at the
sides of your waist.

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Heaven Rushing In

How to Do It:
• Stand with your feet shoulder
width apart. Rub your hands
together briskly and place them
palms down on the front of each
thigh. Feel the energy pass down
your legs to the Earth,
grounding you.
• Inhaling, bring your hands
together into a “prayer position”
in front of your heart. Hold for
a few seconds. Exhale.
• Inhaling, reach both arms up
overhead, opening your hands
and heart to the energy rushing
to you from heaven.
• You are touching heaven with
both hands. Exhale and hold
this open position, breathing
normally, for as long as you like,
receiving the healing energies
and raw inspiration raining
down from the heavens.
• Finish by placing your hands
over your heart. ftere is a vortex
there called “Heaven Rushing
In”. Let the energies you have
collected from the cosmos rush
into your Heart chakra and find
their way to any place in your
body needing healing or special

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Notes on the Demonstrations

Benefits Tips
❉ Daily Activities That
Bring Joy or Deep
❉ Scapula Squeeze,
6- Word Meditation,
Trace Hearts, Baby
❉ Soul Smile, Breathe
Gratitude, Approve
& Appreciate with
Whole Heart

❉ Dance to 8s or
Trade a Back Scratch

❉ Calm TW & Sense

Heart Energy

❉ Trace Radiant

❉ Heaven Rushing In

❉ Energy
Medicine Dance

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You have completed the final chapter in
your personal journey to health & vitality!

Completing Chapter 8 marks a major milestone in your understanding and practice

of Energy Medicine. Just as the Radiant Circuits and their energies of joy can expand
and deepen your experience of this moment, what you have learned in this course can
expand and deepen your sense of what is possible for your health and vitality.

At this milestone, you may want to take a moment to reflect on how far you have
come since beginning your journey. fte next few pages can prompt your thinking on
this, and invite you to consider next steps. Pages 25-27 present a range of resources
and options that you can choose to fit your situation and goals. As you review these
opportunities, check in to find what resonates most deeply with you.

During this journey, your Energy Medicine Practice Checklist has become a vital
record of the tools and techniques you have learned. You can find the checklist on
pages 29- 30 of this handout. You may want to continue using it as a guide for your
practice, and as a reference to Energy Medicine tools that can help you meet changing
circumstances and challenges. You can also review and deepen your understanding of
these tools with the help of Journey to Vitality video and audio replays. ftese, along
with course bonus material, are available on your Mindvalley course homepage.

Whatever Action Steps you choose for the next week (and the rest of your life!), all of
us involved in creating this course are celebrating your achievements. We appreciate
you for exploring the field of Energy Medicine, and know that what it does for you
will ripple out to those you care about and care for, and to so many more that you
may not even know. Your health and well-being adds to and can encourage a world
where people put their health into good hands (their own!), and realize their potential
to embody and contribute to a healthier, more vital, more joyous experience of life.

ftank you, and enjoy what you have achieved!

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How Far Have You Come?

At the beginning of this journey, you were invited to

choose three personal outcomes from the list below
to help you focus, recognize resources, and take
action toward the rewards that are most meaningful
to you.
What did you pick?

Greater familiarity with how meridians, chakras, the Aura, and other energy
systems interact to influence your health and vitality.
Direct experience of your body’s energies and how to influence them.
How to get your energy back when you lose it.
How to lift yourself out of stress.
How to build resilience and strengthen your immune system.
How to reduce pain.
How to experience greater vitality and aliveness.
An ability to use energy methods to accomplish all of this.
Your Reflections:
1. What are your most important takeaways from this course?

2. What feels different from when you began this journey? How has your outlook,
sense of well-being, or level of energy improved? What tells you that productive
change is taking place?

3. How have these changes affected your ability to enjoy and contribute to the
things that matter to you?

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What’s Next?
Resources for Continued Learning
Books, DVDs, Streaming Events, or Classes
(Live or Recorded)
Energy Medicine, Donna’s classic book, is designed to give
you a solid introduction to the field, including its principles
and practices, case studies, descriptions of the nine major
energy systems, and supporting research. Donna and David
have many additional resources for you – more award-winning
books, DVDs, live or recorded events that you can stream over
the internet, and face-to-face classes. For their recommended
next steps, visit:

Join or Start a Study Group

In addition to exploring Energy Medicine books, DVDs, and classes on your own,
you may want to form or join a local study group. Going over Energy Medicine
resources together and practicing with another person or small group is a powerful
way to learn the material.

Face-to-Face Coaching Through the EEM Foundations Program

Face-to-face classes can provide a wonderful complement to the learning available
through on-line programs like Energy Medicine: Your Personal Journey to Health
and Vitality. Donna and David lead or contribute to a number of live classes and
learning events each year. In addition to this constantly evolving list of learning
opportunities, the Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program (EEMCP) takes
place annually. It offers four levels of face-to-face instruction and guided practice.
If you are interested in hands-on, guided practice from expert EEM practitioners in
an intimate and supportive small group setting, the next step for you may be the
Foundations program (Year 1 of the EEMCP). Learn more about it on the next two
pages, and check out your Welcome Offer to join Foundations at:

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EEM Foundations and Beyond...
For centuries, cultures around the world have
studied energy systems such as the meridians,
chakras, and auric field separately. Donna has
enriched the understanding, application, and
impact of Energy Medicine by integrating nine
different energy systems.
fte Eden Energy Medicine Certification Program
(EEMCP) gives you the opportunity to learn this
approach with extensive hands-on practice and
mentoring, guided by Donna’s experienced senior
faculty. ftis program grounds you in principles
that influence everyone’s energies, and gives you
the understanding and methods to foster resilient
energies that balance body, mind, and emotions.
fte four Foundations classes that make up Year 1 of the program are held regionally
throughout the U.S., Canada, the United Kingdom, and Scandinavia. Completing
Foundations deepens your Energy Medicine knowledge and abilities for self-healing,
and also equips you to begin assisting others. Your completion of Energy Medicine:
Your Personal Journey to Health and Vitality has prepared you well to take advantage
of the face-to-face guided practice available in the Foundations setting.
If you wish to grow your Energy Medicine skills as a practitioner, the EEMCP can
be completed in two years, authorizing you to set up a practice using Donna’s name
(“Eden Energy Medicine Certified Practitioner”). Two additional years of advanced
training and advanced certification are also available (see the next page for more).

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The Eden Energy Medicine
Certification Program
fte EEMCP follows a curriculum developed by Donna
Eden and her senior staff members. ftese same people
teach the classes (including special appearances and
instruction from Donna and David in Years 2 - 4 of the
program). fte goal of the program is to help you build
a firm foundation in the approach to Energy Medicine that
Donna has developed over four decades, and to grow the
skills needed to use these techniques for promoting health.
Each year is a complete unit with a specific purpose (see
outline below). Although together these four units form
a unified whole, you may complete your training at the
end of each year or use it as a platform to expand your
EEM skill set by enrolling in the next year.
Year 1: EEM Foundations Classes: Learning the Fundamental
Principles and Methods of Eden Energy Medicine.
Year 2: EEM Certification Classes: Expanding EEM Methods
into an Energy Medicine Practice
Year 3: EEM Clinical Practicum Classes:
Deepening into the Practice of EEM
Year 4: EEM Advanced Practitioner Classes: Mastering
Advanced EEM Protocols
Learn more about Foundations and your special Welcome Offer at:

©2017 Innersource Page 27 LearnEnergyMedicine.com

What’s Your Intent & Commitment?

My ‘Next Step’ Goals for Health,

Joy, & Vitality:

What I Will Do to Gain Even More From Energy Medicine:

❏ Continue to practice my basic Daily Energy Routine?
❏ Test foods and supplements to find healthy choices?
❏ Add additional EM exercises to fit my priorities?
❏ Explore further learning opportunities?
• Energy Medicine books, related books or DVDs, or on-line classes
• An Energy Medicine practice partnership or study group
• EEM Foundations classes

Action Steps I will take this week:

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Energy Medicine Practice Checklist

Daily Energy Routine Exercises ❏❏❏❏❏❏ ❏

è The Crossover Shoulder Pull
è The Four Thumps
è The Cross Crawl
è The Wayne Cook Posture and Alternative
è The Crown Pull
è The Neurolymphatic Clearing
è The Zip-up
è The Hook-up
Energy Medicine Dance ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
Clearing, Grounding, & Balancing ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
è Holding Neurovascular Points
è The Blow Out
è Spoon Your Feet
è Homolateral Crossover Repatterning
è Connecting Heaven and Earth

More Stress Remedies ❏❏❏❏❏❏ ❏

è Triple Warmer Smoothie
è Tracing TW Meridian Backwards
è Sedating Triple Warmer Meridian
è Flushing Spleen Meridian
è Tapping Spleen NL Reflex Points
è Cross My Heart
è Triple Warmer/Spleen Hug

Energy Testing ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏❏ ❏ ❏
Tracing Meridians ❏ ❏ ❏ ❏❏ ❏ ❏
©2017 Innersource Page 29 LearnEnergyMedicine.com
Energy Medicine Practice Checklist

Chakra Clearing & Balancing ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏

Aura Support ❏❏❏❏❏❏❏
è Testing for a Detached or Collapsed Aura
è Butterfly
è Reverse Butterfly
è Celtic Weave
è Pushing/Fluffing/Weaving the Aura
è Spinning Magnets or Crystals
è The Zip-up

Radiant Circuit Activation ❏❏❏❏❏❏ ❏

è Daily Activities That Bring Me Joy or Deep Feeling
è Scapula Squeeze, 6-Word Meditation, Trace Hearts, Baby Pose
è Soul Smile, Breathe Gratitude, Approve & Appreciate
With Whole-Heart
è Dance to Figure 8s or Trade a Back Scratch
è Calm TW (See Stress Remedies) and Sense Heart Energy
è Trace Radiant Circuits
è Heaven Rushing In
Pain Relief & Release Tools
¬ Siphoning Energy ¬ Zone Tapping
¬ Tracing Figure 8s ¬ Sedating Meridians
¬ Counter-clockwise Clearing ¬ Headache Isometric
¬ Breathing Out the Pain ¬ Pain Chasing
¬ Stretching or Pinching Muscles ¬ Using Magnets for Pain Relief

©2017 Innersource Page 30 LearnEnergyMedicine.com

Resources, References, & Reminders

by physicians or other qualified healthcare providers. Rather, it is intended to offer

healthcare professionals in a mutual quest for optimum well-being.

References and Credits:

Energy Medicine (second edition) and Energy Medicine for Women
by Donna Eden with David Feinstein, Ph.D.
(Tarcher/Penguin Random House, 2008).
Donna’s Classic Daily Energy Routine
ftanks to Dondi Dahlin for the cover photo and many of the other
photos that enliven this handbook. Learn more about her work with the
Five Elements at:
ftanks to Titanya Dahlin for adding movement and joy to this chapter with
her Energy Medicine Dance wrap-up. Learn more about this at her website:
ftanks to Karen Drucker for the music that leads you deeper into Titanya’s
dance sequences. Learn more about her work at:
Acknowledgments to those who brought this course to life:
Donna Eden - Faculty
David Feinstein – Faculty
Vishen Lakhiani - Faculty
Titanya Dahlin - Faculty
Dondi Dahlin - Faculty
Karen Drucker – Music
Susan Berry – Course Design/Development
Randall ftomas – Course Design/Development

©2017 Innersource Page 31 LearnEnergyMedicine.com

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