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Basic Grid Booklet

Dr. David feinstein: the Basic Grid is the only energy system not discovered long ago. He says There is no treatment for a broken Grid, at least not in Western medicine. Feinstein: if you want to work with the Grid Complex, you must be trained in Grid work.

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Basic Grid Booklet

Dr. David feinstein: the Basic Grid is the only energy system not discovered long ago. He says There is no treatment for a broken Grid, at least not in Western medicine. Feinstein: if you want to work with the Grid Complex, you must be trained in Grid work.

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By Donna Eden with David Feinstein, Ph.D.

Introduction ..3 Anatomy of the Major Grids ..4 Cloacal Energies ...6 Minor Grids ...9 Tributaries ....11 The Grid Complex...12

Note: This booklet is made available to provide information regarding the Basic Grid and the Grid Complex. Specific tests and techniques to work with the Grid Complex are not available except in the context of formal Grid training for practitioners who are already highly proficient in Eden Energy Medicine. The reason is simple. Grid work by a practitioner who is not adequately trained to handle the physical and emotional responses that may be evoked during a Grid session can harm the client. This is a matter of ethics and public safety. All EEM Grid practitioners have signed an agreement that they will not teach the techniques for working with the Grid Complex (Cloacals, Minor Grids, Tributaries, Basic Grid) outside the framework of an Innersource-approved training program.

2011, Innersource, Inc.



David Feinstein, Ph.D.
Having helped Donna write about the Basic Grid, first in Energy Medicine, and then in each successive generation of the Grid class, I have been humbled every time. First, I am humbled that she discovered this energy system at all. While the Grid system is basic and its state has profound consequences on our health and well-being, it is also so elusive that, to our knowledge, it is not described in any other culture or healing tradition. Of the nine primary energy systems that Donna works with, the Grid is the only one that was not discovered long ago. This statement may result in an e-mail with a reference to a celebrated healer from an ancient culture who worked with the Grid all the time, calling it the Angels Anchor or some such term, and I welcome that, but so far weve not heard of earlier uses. Next, I am humbled that not only did Donna discover the Grid and discern it from the known Cloacal energies that use the same pathways as Grid energies, she figured out the Grid energies function, the consequences of their dysfunction, and how to fix them by using her own body as a temporary conduit while restoring a broken Grid pathway. This achievement has turned many peoples lives around. There is no treatment for a broken Grid, at least not in Western medicine or psychiatry, so those afflicted with a broken Grid have had to make do by building their lives upon a damaged energetic foundation. But she didnt stop there. She then took it upon herself to teach Grid work to others. This is a more courageous undertaking than it might seem. It is not just teaching a technique. It is teaching people how to directly engage their own energies with fundamentally damaged energies in another human being. As she learned early in her career, this was not for the faint of spirit (see the account of her temporarily taking on French polio in Chapter 6 of Energy Medicine). So as repugnant as rules and limits are to her, she developed procedures and strict guidelines for working with Grid and has managed to enforce them with her Grid students through nearly three decades. Only within that framework can her students engage in Grid work safely for themselves and their clients. Finally, the little organic cherry on top of the pudding is our effort to translate this highly complex, highly intuitive, soul-deep level of her work into the linear form of this booklet.

2011, Innersource, Inc.




The eight Major Grids include four pathways that face toward the front of the body and four that face toward the back of the body. The path of the front Grids runs in the area from the pelvis to about the level of the eyebrows. The path of the back Grids runs from the sacrum to the behind the ears. Two of the front Grid pathways and two of the back Grid pathways run parallel with the torso. The other front and back Grid pathways are diagonals, going between the top right and bottom left or top left and bottom right sides of the body.
At inner eyebrow & behind ear

At right & left of pelvis & sacrum

When the Grid is healthy or has been repaired, less distinct horizontal pathways hook up the vertical pathways, thus the appearance of a grid.
At inner eyebrow & behind ear

At right & left of pelvis & sacrum

2011, Innersource, Inc.



While the front-facing and back-facing Grid patterns are all deep in the body, they can be accessed by holding certain points on the surface of the body, near the eyebrows, points on the public bone, points behind the ears, and points on the sacrum.

The Basic Grid sits deep in the body, beneath the chakras and aura.

2011, Innersource, Inc.




Like the Grid, the Cloacals keep the energetic structure of the body stable. Cloacal energies are healing impulses that move through the Grid pathways. Because they are both stabilizing forces for the energy system and use the same pathways, Cloacal energies are sometimes confused with Grid energies. The Cloacals and the Grid energies are closely related even in their formation during early prenatal development. After conception and the first cell divisions, the fetus becomes a one-inch tube called the Cloaca. In humans the Cloaca disappears during the embryo stage. But in birds, reptiles, amphibians, many fishes, and certain mammals, the Cloaca remains as the common cavity into which the intestinal, urinary, and reproductive canals open (a central and vital structure, though the term Cloaca traces back, ingloriously, to the Latin term for sewer). And in humans, even after other structures supersede the Cloaca, the Cloacal energy remains as a morphogenic force field that helps hold the growing baby steady in the womb. It never loses its original integration with the nerve preceptors in the ears and eyes. Cloacal circuits stabilize the growing body from the pelvis and sacrum up through the head. The core energy of the Cloaca provides the blueprint for the Grid pathways, the energetic foundation of the human body, and it then travels through these same Grid pathways. The Cloacal energies themselves carry the memory of balance, rhythm, and purification. Cloacal energy prevents cell breakdown, keeps oxygen flowing, and helps the body eliminate toxins. Researchers in the 1960s found that by prodding cows on certain points on their bums, they strengthened the cows elimination systems (thus the use of the term Cloacals), resulting in internal purification, contented cows, and better milk. When a Grid pathway becomes damaged, Cloacal energies flow over the gap in an action designed to bridge the pathway and keep it stable. Cloacals forge a path where a path no longer exists. Cloacals are able to hyperlink from point to point like the Radiant Energies. In fact, the Cloacals are to Grid pathways as the Radiant Energies are to the meridians pathways. Cloacals are also involved in autoimmune diseases such as multiple sclerosis, nervous system disorders, and structural problems such as scoliosis, because the Cloacals play such an important role in the bodys natural rhythm and balance. Loss of stability is a hallmark of an autoimmune disease.
2011, Innersource, Inc. -6www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com

Differences Between Cloacal Energy and Grid Energy

The Basic Grid is like the skeleton of the bodys energy system. It is also your most solid energy. While it has movement, it does not flow swiftly like the meridians. If a meridian is like a river, Grid energy inches its way forward through the Grid pathways like sludge. Cloacal energy travels along the Grid pathways, but it is an altogether different energy from Grid energy. Because Grid and Cloacal energies travel the same pathways, however, it is sometimes hard to distinguish one from the other. The most obvious physical differences are: Grid Energy is slower, more fixed. Cloacal Energy is faster, more fluid. Just as the Pericardium meridian supports the Heart meridian, Cloacal energy supports the Grid. Also, in the way that more white blood cells are generated when there is an illness or injury, more Cloacal energy is generated when the Grid has been damaged. The Grid pathways can be damaged by shock or trauma. This damage resembles a highway that has been divided by an earthquake. The pathway is separated. One ruptured end does not touch the other. The Grid energy is still there, but because it cannot bridge the gap, it may almost seem to have stopped completely. When this occurs, the energetic foundation of the body is imperiled. Various health and emotional problems that seem to defy correction may trace to a disturbed Grid pattern. Damaged Grid pathways do not generally repair themselves. It is, however, possible for them to self-repair under ideal circumstances, such as if the persons life is unusually peaceful, tranquil, and the persons Radiant Circuits are unusually robust. (Donna has seen this occur only a very few times.) Because Cloacal energy is more fluid, it can jump the gap on the broken pathway and often bridge it. This healing impulse keeps the energy stable and flowing at the foundational level. It allows the person to move forward. It may even bandaid some of the damage and protect against future damage, but the pathway is not rebuilt. Nor is Cloacal energy designed to do the heavy lifting of Grid energy. It is the backup unit, and if it is kept on the front lines for too long, breakdown may occur in it and, correspondingly, in any of many physical systems, particularly those involved with autoimmune disorders or physical structure. Cloacal energy is always responding to the ebb and flow of day-to-day activities whereas Grid energies generally remain stabile unless there is shock or trauma.
2011, Innersource, Inc. -7www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com

Cloacals: If you ride a rollercoaster and you feel unstable afterwards, the Cloacal energies have been thrown off. Five minutes earlier, they were moving through and connecting all the Grid pathways. Now the Giant Dipper has disrupted them and for a time, they cannot keep your energies stable and balanced. But they will usually restabilize within hours or perhaps a day. Grid: If you are injured in a car accident or robbed at gunpoint, the Grid pathways may become damaged, so your entire foundation is off. While your Cloacal energies will try to move through the Grid lines and keep the circuits connected, the deeper damage may not spontaneously repair itself. Inexperienced practitioners often think they are working with Grid energy when they are actually working with Cloacal energy. They help the Cloacal energy to bridge the gap of a broken Grid and will declare the Grid healed when they feel the Cloacal make the connection. And the person may feel better for a time. But soon enough, the damaged Grid will take its continued toll. An experienced practitioner can recognize the difference in feel between the faster Cloacal energies, which usually connect in as little as three to five minutes, and the slower, deeper Grid energy that might take an hour, two hours, or even more to connect. When the body is not ready for Grid work, focusing on the Cloacal energy will help build resilience and stability. But fix the Grid and the Cloacals will flow like a river.

Interactions of the Cloacals, Triple Warmer, Polarities, and Gaits

The Cloacals form a team with the Grid, Triple Warmer, the polarities, and the Gait reflexes to buffer the body against shock and stress. Triple Warmer. The Cloacals stabilizing role is the natural antidote to Triple Warmers over-reactions. The Cloacals help the balance between polarities, hot and cold temperatures, the top and bottom of the body, stable and dizzy reactions, time zones in travel, and between ones own rhythms and the rhythms of a new environment. Polarities. Every cell is like a tiny magnet with a positive and a negative charge, and the entire body also has a natural polarity. These polarities can, however, become reversed. A reversal in the bodys primary polarity can wreak havoc on the body and its energy systems. The person will not be grounded, will not feel centered, is more likely to pick up negative energies from the surroundings, is more vulnerable to illness, is unable to move toxic energies and substances out of the body, and is not as able to heal.
2011, Innersource, Inc. -8www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com

The polarities can be reversed due to physical stress, emotional distress, travel, electromagnetic fields, environmental pollutants, and a range of other factors. The Cloacals play a major role in keeping the polarities from reversing. The role of the Cloacal energies to hold things steady, thus keeping the polarities from reversing, is one of their most important jobs. And it is a two-way street. Correcting reversed polarities helps keep the Cloacal energies strong and flowing.


The approximately 56 Minor Grids appear to Donna like an undulating spider web that hooks onto the Major Grids, weaving itself among them. They are an independent energy system and, in fact, can assume some of the functions of a damaged Major Grid. Where the Major Grids are fixed pathways, the pathways of the Minor Grids undulate throughout the torso and head as well as the limbs. They are thin, flexible, threadlike pathways. The Minor Grids are like a back-up system in case the Major Grids are damaged. But they also play other important roles. Notably, they support our resilience and our immune functioning. When a Major Grid is broken, the Minor Grids create a scaffolding to support it and help it function. The body can also create additional Minor Grids, beyond the usual 56, expanding the spider web that supports the Major Grids and the bodys entire energy system. The Minor Grids have a different way of compensating for a damaged Major Grid than the way of Cloacal energy. Cloacal energy moves through the Major Grids pathway to bring it added support and stability. The Minor Grids also spring into action if the person is under extreme pressure or stress. They operate at the hormonal, energetic, and emotional levels: Hormonally, the Minor Grids hold the body steady so the adrenals and other endocrine glands arent triggered into a stress response. Energetically, they hold the bodys core energies steady so that Triple Warmer doesnt initiate a stress response. Emotionally, they hold the nervous system steady so that the person doesnt go into psychological meltdown.
2011, Innersource, Inc. -9www.LearnEnergyMedicine.com

The Minor Grids engage when we encounter extreme stress or when the emotional rug gets pulled out from under us. They support us so we dont break down. When the Minor Grids mobilize, they form a tightly woven structure that literally helps the person accomplish what may seem to be an almost impossible task. But when the pressure has subsided, they are no longer on call. As they relax, the body that has been pushed beyond reasonable limits loses the support the Minor Grids were providing and may crash. This is an evolutionary flaw in the system. The body knows how to handle stress, but sometimes is not able to transition smoothly from the pressure of high stress to relative calm. The rubber bands snap. We are familiar with such tragic after-effects in situations such as when: An executive holds it together during a highly stressful period but then goes on vacation and has a heart attack. A mom holds it together through Christmas and New Years but crashes in January. A family copes beautifully while the son is going through a lifethreatening crisis, but falls apart when the danger has passed. Many people have noticed that they consistently crash after a period of intense work or other stress. This pattern certainly involves a depletion of resources that were mobilized for the emergency, but it is also a failure of the Minor Grids. They do exactly what is needed during the crisis, but they let go while the body is still in after-shock. They let go too soon. By understanding how to work with the Minor Grids, it becomes possible to evolve your body to shift this pattern. Minor Grids can also be overwhelmed. If the stress, pressure, or shock is so extreme that the Minor Grids are not able to hold it togetherunable to keep the foundation of the bodys energies strongthey may collapse from trying. Then the bodys ability to cope with the stress is extremely compromised, resilience is lost, buoyancy turns to unbearable burden. Triple Warmer also becomes activated, but it is unable to carry the load without the Minor Grids playing their crucial role in coping with the stress. Stomach meridian also gets involved so that the bodys energy becomes sluggish and worry clouds the emotions. This is the underlying dynamic when a desolate husband, after 43 years in a strong marriage, dies a few months after the loss of his wife.

2011, Innersource, Inc.

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The Structure of the Minor Grids

The spider web of the Minor Grid system has at least three main hubs: 1. The Navel Hub 2. The Sacrum Hub 3. The Heart Hub (center of the chest) K-27 and the area behind the knees are also sometimes hubs for the Minor Grids.


When a Grid has been damaged, the Cloacals and Minor Grids attempt to compensate for the damage. Tributaries also appear when a Grid has been damaged. They function as a conduit for the Grid energy that has no place to go when the Grid pathway has been broken. Their whole purpose is to move backed-up Grid energy off of the broken pathway. They dont do anything constructive with this energy except to dissipate it. This is usually innocuous, but on occasion can be a source of unexplained pain. When a damaged Grid has been repaired, the Tributaries are no longer necessary. They will reintegrate with the repaired Grid pathway. This will happen spontaneously, but takes some time. It is a good practice to facilitate this reintegration following a Grid session.

2011, Innersource, Inc.

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The Basic Grid is the bodys foundational energy system. It is sturdy and dependable in supporting all the other energy systems. In turn, it is supported by the Minor Grids and the Cloacal Energies. Together, the Grid Complex gives resiliency and the ability to manage the stresses of life. Shock or trauma, however, can damage the Grid pathways, and this may cause problems that reverberate throughout the persons energy systems and physical structure. Like the chassis of a car that has been in a serious crash, if a Grid is damaged and not properly repaired, the vehicle it supports may never be quite right. A damaged Grid can be repaired, but severe damage to a Grid almost never repairs itself spontaneously. Instead, the body and its energies make adjustments, compensations, and compromises for damaged Grid patterns. As a result, fixing a damaged Grid can itself require some readjustment, but it can also give people a new lease on life.

2011, Innersource, Inc.

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