Web User Manual 1.instruction: 1.1 Afore Smart HOME Web

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Web User Manual

Afore Smart HOME Web

1.1 Afore Smart HOME Web
(1) Open a browser and enter home.aforenergy.com to go toAfore Smart HOME Web.
(2) Chrome58, Firefox49, IE9 and above version are recommended.

1.2 Afore Smart HOME App

When you are at login page, click "Download APP" to view QR code. If you wish to download
Afore Smart HOME App, please scan the QR code and install.
(Both android and IOS systems are supported.)
2.1 Login&Registration

1. Registration

After entering Afore Smart HOME Web,please register at Afore Smart HOME Web to ensure the
normal function.
Click “Register” to continue.
System supports E-mail or phone (China, Brazil, Netherlands, America) registration currently.
Please follow:
(1) Set login account.
(2) Set password.
(3)Tick the box if you agree to T&Cs.
2. Login

If you have an account at Afore Smart HOME Platform, you can login directly.
Quick and easy access via WeChat or QQ is also supported.

2.2 Password

1. Forgot Password?

If your password is forgotten, please click “Forgot Password” to find your password back.
(1)If you try to find your password via your phone, please enter your phone number first, then
click “Send”. System will send a verification code message to your phone. Please enter the right
verification code and reset your password.
(2)If you try to find your password via E-mail, please enter your E-mail address first, then click
“Send”. System will send a verification code E-mail to your mailbox. Please enter the right
verification code and reset your password.

Notice: If you encounter the following problems, please contact Customer Service.
 Your phone or E-mail has been deactivated.
 Login method is "Username". And your account has not bound your phone or E-mail.
2. Password Modification

Go to 「Me」-「Settings」-「Modify password」 to change your password.

2.3 Account Binding

Go to 「Me」-「Settings」-「Account Binding」 to bind your account with your main
contact way.

 You can log in via your main contact way after the binding is done.
 Some functions (e.g. send alerts to E-mail) are available for you after the binding is done.

Binding Methods:

1. Phone Number (China, America, Brazil and Netherlands);

2. E-mail;
3. Username;
4. WeChat;
5. QQ.

2.4 Account Cancellation

Step 1: Go to「Account Cancellation」Page

「Me」-「Account Security」-「Account Cancellation」

Step 2: Read Cancellation Notice

Please read the following instructions carefully before you apply for cancellation of your account.

1. Please back up your data (e.g. Production Data, Grid-tied Data, SN and etc,) in advance
to avoid unnecessary losses.
2. Your plant data (e.g. Production Data, Grid-tied Data, SN and etc,) will be erased
permanently after your account is cancelled, which is unable to recover.
3. Your personal data will be erased permanently after your account is cancelled, which is
unable to recover.
4. The connections between the account and business units will be erased permanently
after your account is cancelled, which is unable to recover. And the business unit will not
be able to use this software.
5. All data will be erased permanently after your account is cancelled, which is unable to
6. You can create a new account after this account is cancelled.
Click “Next” to continue.

Step 3: Select Reason of Cancellation

Please select your reason of cancellation according to your own situation.

Or you can select "Others“ and enter your reason manually.

Click “Next” to continue.

Notice: Account that has data on Afore Business can't be cancelled from Afore Smart HOME.

Step 4: Phone Number/E-mail Verification

If your account has bound to phone number or E-mail, phone number/E-mail verification will be
You can select either method for verification.

After entering the verification code, click “Confirm”.

Notice: If your account has not bound to phone number or E-mail, please skip this step.

Step 5: Final Confirmation

Please read the content in popup carefully and make your final confirmation here.

Application review period is 7 days. You can cancel the application within 7 days freely. Otherwise,
system will delete your account after 7 days and all data will be erased together.

3.1 Create a plant
You can create your own plant at Afore Smart HOME to run a real-time monitoring. System will
collect and calculate data from associated devices, which enables a full understanding of PV plant
running status.

Step 1: Create a Plant

Click "Create" to create your plant on Afore Smart HOME.

Notice: If you have already created a plant, you will not see the following page. And if you wish to
create another plant, please go to homepage and click "Create".
Step 2: Enter Plant Details

Please enter detailed plant information according to your actual situation. System will create an
unique plant for you. In order to calculate plant data precisely, please enter
(1)Plant Name,
(2)Plant Type,
(3)Grid Type,
(4)Plant Location,
(5)Installed Capacity,
(6)Time Zone,
(7)Other information.
Click “Finish” to complete the creation.
If there is no data in your plant, which means you have not added a device in your plant.

3.2 Add a Logger

After the plant is created, you can add a logger. Logger can collect running data from PV devices
and upload to server, which enables a full understanding of PV plant running status and revenue
information. Furthermore, Afore Smart HOMEwill determine whether the plant is running
normally, which avoid property losses caused by device failure and other reasons.

Step 1: Select a Plant

In case you have various power plants, which might cause data corruption, it is recommended to
select a plant first before adding a logger.
Please follow "Red Outline" below. Select a plant first, then click "Add a Logger".

Step 2: Enter Logger SN

SN can be found on the product box. If the product box has been lost, you can find SN on product

Step 3: Select Authorization Mode

When you add a logger, it is required to select authorization mode. System will add a device to
your plant according to your authorization mode.
(1)Select authorized device automatically
Default authorization mode: Select authorized device automatically. If you select this mode,
devices connected to logger will be added to the plant automatically.
(2)Select authorized device manually
If you select authorized device manually, it is required to select the device connected to logger
first, then add the target devices to the plant. If the logger does not have normal networking or
devices have no connection with the logger at this period, you can go to 「Device Details」 and
add device manually when it runs normally.
Notice: Once the device has been added to the plant, authorization mode cannot be changed.
(Default authorization mode: Select authorized device automatically.)

Step 4: Finish

After finish adding, you can check gateway/logger data on "Device Details" page.

If the logger is equipped with a WiFi module, please know the following information:
( 1 ) Wi-Fi module/gateway is not capable of communication, which cannot transmit data
(2)If you wish your logger is capable of communication, it is required to operate networking
configuration first. Please download Afore Smart HOME App to configure. Afore Smart HOME
Web is not supported.
(3)After networking configuration is done, it means the logger is capable of communication,
which can transmit data to server. Then you can check plant data onAfore Smart HOME Web.
(4)Due to network and server connection reasons, please wait about 5-10 mins to check the
data after the configuration is done.

3.3 Data View

After the plant and device setup is done, you can check plant data and operate now.
Go to "Red Outline" below to switch plant.

Our recommendations:

 If your device (e.g. inverter) only acquires production data and transmits data to grid, it is
recommended that you choose "All on Grid“ as your plant system type;
 If your device (e.g. inverter) acquires production data and consumption data at the same
time, it is recommended that you choose “Self-consumption” as your plant system type;
 If your device (e.g. inverter) acquires production data, consumption data, battery data
and grid data at the same time, it is recommended that you choose “Storage System” as
your plant system type.

1、Plant Data

Click "Plant Data" to check various data on this page. E.g. Total Production, Total Grid Feed-in,
Total Anticipated Revenue, Self-used Rate, Total CO2 Emission Reduction, Running Days, 24H
Curve, Local Weather, Historical Data and etc,.

Total Production: Total production generated from devices under the current plant.
Total Grid Feed-in: Total capacity fed into the grid.
Total Anticipated Revenue: Comprehensive calculation of feed-in tariff according to current
production and grid feed-in.
Self-used Rate: Proportion of production applied to household consumption.
Running Days: Total serving days.
Total CO2 Emission Reduction: Reduced CO2 emission since current plant went into service.

2、Plant Alert

Click "Plant Alert" on this page. Alert will be distinguished from alert grade and alert influence,
which enables you to understand the importance of alerts. Through these alert message, users
can learn the fault status of your plant, which avoids property losses.
3、Device Info

Click "Device Info" on this page, including real-time parameters and statistical charts. From these
data, you can check if the device is running normally. Moreover, users can operate meter
configuration, selection and unbounding of associated devices.
4、Plant Details

Click "Plant Details" to check plant detailed information. Click "Edit" to modify or perfect
information here.
3.4 Plant Authorization
Click "Authorization Info" to check plant authorization information. According to plant property,
there are two types of plant. One is created by myself. Another is authorized by others.
(1)Plant created by myself
Please refer to authorization steps. Users can authorize the plant to your service provider. After
that, the authorized service provider can check your plant data and operate your device. The
authorization scope is determined by the role you set for the service provider.
 If the server provider is "Ordinary Member", then it can check all plant data.
 If the server provider is "Admin", then it can check all plant data and operate the
(2)Plant authorized by others
Currently, the service provider can authorize the plant to users. Users can check data of
authorized plants within the permissions.

Users cannot authorize such plants to others.

If users do not wish to follow the plant, click "Delete Plant".

3.5 Plant Settings

Go to "Red Outline" below to set your plant.

1、Delete Plant

If the plant is created via current account, users can delete the plant here.

Notice: All data will be erased permanently after the plant is deleted, which is unable to recover.
2、Plant Settings

2.1 Preconditions of Plant Settings (Meet arbitrary conditions below)

(1)The plant is created via current login account.
(2)The plant is authorized by service provider, which has permissions to set plant.

2.2 Supported Plant Settings:

(1)Calculation of Accumulated Production
Users can set rules of taking figures for production, consumption, grid feed-in, electricity
purchasing, energy charged, energy discharged.
Default: via accumulated production uploaded by devices.
Users can select via daily production summation manually and system will no longer use device
data as the benchmark, platform calculation instead.

Platform Calculation = Daily production summation within the selected time period E.g. :
Accumulated Production in 30 days= Production on 1st June + Production on 2nd June + …… +
Production on 30th June
(2)Data Source
Users can set the data source for production, grid, consumption and battery to ensure data
Default: Intelligent Selection. System will select data source based on plant actual situation. Or
you can modify it manually.
(3)Zero Setting for Production Power
Zero Setting for Production Power is applicable to the situation that the production power is zero
when no power is generated at night. System will automatically zero up the production power in
this period after applying this setting. (This setting is generally used for self-consumption system.)

Meet all three preconditions of zero setting below

1. Current time is within Effective Time.
2. Inverters or other generating devices do not upload production data.
3. Data source on Generation-side is not "None".

Due to local sunrise and sunset time change seasonally, the period of no power generated at
night changes synchronously. It is recommended that set Effective Time as From Sunset to
Sunrise, which means system will set effective time according to actual sunset and sunrise time.
4.1 Messaging
Go to "Messaging" in the upper-right corner. System will list plant message, alert message and
notification here.
Notice: Currently, you can only receive plant alert message here.

Click "Messaging" to check more details.

(1)Icon 1: Mark all message as read.
(2)Icon 2: Go to「Block List」, users can restore block settings here.
( 3) Icon 3: Block current alert or restore current alert. After the blocking, such alerts will no
longer be pushed.
(4)Icon 4: Go to「Alert Details」.

4.2 Message Settings

Go to 「Me」-「Message Settings」, users can set alert message here.
1、Receive Alert Message

Afore Smart HOME Web pushes all alert message for free. System also supports three other
receiving methods, which is a paid service.

(1)E-mail Notification |Paid Service

Users will receive a push notification from E-mail, which is convenient to receive through smart
terminals such as PC / tablet / mobile phone. Currently, "service plan" is in trial operation period,
each account can enjoy 500 E-mail notifications for free.

(2)SMS Notification|Paid Service

Users will receive a push notification from SMS, which is convenient to receive through smart
terminals such as tablet / mobile phone. Currently, "service plan" is in trial operation period, each
account can enjoy 250 SMS notifications for free.
Notice: This service only support the mobile number of China's mainland (+86).

(3)Voice Call Notification|Paid Service

Users will receive a push notification from voice call, which is convenient to receive through
smart terminals such as PC / tablet / mobile phone. Currently, "service plan" is in trial operation
period, each account can enjoy 50 voice call notifications for free.
Notice: This service only support the mobile number of China's mainland (+86).

2、Alert Range Settings

Afore Smart HOME will classify all alert importance. Users can set alert range reasonably, which
can reduce the disturbance caused by unimportant alert.
 Prompt Message: This kind alert occurs frequently, but it will not affect the normal
operation of power plant.
 Warning Message: This kind alert will happen, which is generally manifested as abnormal
data in a short period.
 Failure Message: The frequency of this kind alert is low, which needs to be paid special
attention to.

3、Alert Frequency Settings

Currently, device data will be sent to Afore platform periodically following a certain frequency.
Users can set alert frequency reasonably, which can reduce the disturbance caused by
unimportant alert or false alert.

For example:
(1)If you set Trigger Times: 1, Afore platform will notify you immediately when the alert data
has been uploaded. One alert data means one alert notification.
(2)If you set Trigger Times: 3, Afore platform will notify you when it has received three same
alert data. Three same alert data means one alert notification.
4.3 Service Plan
Afore Smart HOME supports multiple receiving methods for alert message. Users can receive
message via SMS, Voice Call and E-mail, which avoid property losses caused by device failure and
other reasons.
(1)Receiving alert message from SMS/Voice Call/E-mail is a paid service.
(2)Service Plan is in trial operation period, each account can enjoy 500 E-mail notifications/250
SMS notifications/50 voice call notifications for free. [Only support mobile number of China's
mainland (+86)].
(3)Message package purchases will be open soon, which will support global mobile number.
5.1 Full Screen Display
Currently, full screen display is available for household owners.


(1)Click "Default Display" button.

(2)Select the target plant in the pop-up window.

(3)Click "Start" to go to full screen display. Plant data can be displayed on computer screen, LED
screen or other intelligent terminals in full screen mode.

(1)Click "Settings" button.

(2)Customized Settings
-Skin: “Tech Blue”, “Cool Black”, “Classic White”.
-Logo: Support customized logo.
-Statistical Data: Select the display fields according to your own situation.
-Environmental Benefits: Select the display fields according to your own situation.
-Trend: Select the display fields according to your own situation.
6.1 Languages
Afore Smart HOME supports 5 languages for now, which are
简体中文, English, Español, Português, Polski.

Method 1:
Go to "Red Outline" below to switch language here.

Method 2:
Go to "Red Outline" below. After you have logged in, you can select the suitable language in the
drop-down menu.

6.2 Common Operations

1、Log Out

Move the mouse pointer to account name in the upper-right corner and click "Log Out".
2、Personal Settings

Move the mouse pointer to account name in the upper-right corner and click "Personal Settings".
Click your avatar/nickname to modify your personal info.


Move the mouse pointer to account name in the upper-right corner and click "General".
You can set temperature unit and language here.
4、Online Service

Move the mouse pointer to account name in the upper-right corner and click "Online Service" to
contact Afore customer service directly.
Online Time: 09:00~11:30 AM, 12:30~18:00 PM (UTC+8).
Or users can leave a message here, customer service will reply to you as soon as possible.

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