Literary Criticism 3
Literary Criticism 3
Literary Criticism 3
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A Critical Essay on the Aristotelian Concept
of Greek Tragedy (4355 Words)
By Asad Imran
April 8, 2021
Categories: Literary Criticism, Literary Essays
the classic genre. The first half deals with the Manner of Imitation
Aristotle has divided plots into three kinds: Modern critics do not seem to agree with
Aristotle’s point of view of the plot. They are
1. Simple Plot: Simple Plot is a plot that does more inclined towards breaking the unity of
not exhibit sudden changes. Also, the story events or presenting them in different order.
contains only one plot.
Just a Quick Sidenote: There is a fundamental Diction is the language in which a tragedy is
difference between Plot and Story. A story is unfolded and the thoughts of a writer are
the chronological sequence of events while a expressed through it. Aristotle says that a
plot is a specific arrangement of events tragedy should have a lofty diction that should
according to the liking of a writer. be enriched by the apt use of figurative
elements that should beautify the language
Character instead of obscuring it.
Quantitative Elements of a
Though in a tragedy is the intellectual
questioning of the themes of a writer. A writer These elements of tragedy are directly
can either approve his themes or disapprove it connected with the content or writing of a
through the medium of thoughts. But those tragedy itself. These elements are Prologue,
thoughts cannot be expressed without Episodes, Exode and a choral portion that is
Aristotle has divided characters into two comedy should follow the same rule. He
types. One is a dramatic persona that only believed that those two genres could not be
indicates at the identity of a character but it is mixed together in the form of tragic comedy.
a character’s inner moral belt of mind that But modern critics argued Aristotle’s point that
really exhibits the true form of a character. In a Man’s life is a mixture of both happiness and
fact, it is the moral belt of mind that shows misery. Portraying only one side of the coin
how a character will behave if he is put on the may not hold up to the idea of realism. In fact,
test by a problem and how will he come out of the Elizabethan dramatists did not follow
it. It is the plot that provides him ample Aristotle’s concept of stern dramatic unity of
opportunities for his inner decisions to shape plot and (tragic) action. They added some
Aristotle but the Neo Classics made it retain the entertaining value of the tragedy.
While in Oedipus Rex, we cannot trace any
comic elements because the action begins in Aristotle did not present the rule of unity of
a tragic tone and ends on an extreme tragic place. It was attributed to him by the
note. Some critics even argued Aristotle’s idea misinterpretation of Neo Classics of his
to the fact that in the festival of Dionysus, comparison of Epic and Tragedy. Epic, he said,
three plays were serious while one play was had a variety of places to narrate. While a
comic in nature so how could Aristotle defy tragedy had to be presented in a smaller
the role of comic elements in tragedy? setting because it was small in magnitude as
compared to Epic. Also the limitation of stage
Unity of Time attributed to the lack of places. Because even
today, it is difficult to transition from the scene
Unity of time is something that Aristotle did of a forest to the scene of an ocean in
not present as a rigid rule of writing tragedies. theatres and we are talking about an era that
It was something that he observed. He states was two thousand and five hundred years
that the actions of a tragedy are attempted to before us. So the limitation of spaces had to
be presented within “one revolution of the be chosen by the writers so that their plays
sun”. The phrase “one revolution of the sun” would not be bottlenecked by the limitation of
annoyed the French critics of the seventeenth- the stage.
century and English critics of the eighteenth
century. English critics argued that the actions Limitations of Aristotelian
in a tragedy must be presented within the
Concept of Tragedy
actual setting of time in tragedy on stage. For
example, if a tragedy consists of an action
Aristotle, no doubt, gave a comprehensive
that spans over 6 months, Neo Classics
definition of tragedy but as time changes, the
suggested that the tragedy must be presented
requirements of tragedy has been changed
for the 6 months on the stage! The idea in
significantly. Let’s discover some of the
itself is strange and impractical as people will
limitations that are traced in Aristotle’s
lose interest in the play if it is prolonged for an
concept of tragedy.
unreasonable amount of time. While the
French critics went to the extent to find the
Lack of Religious Elements
actual time through the above-mentioned
phrase. Some said that Aristotle suggested a Aristotle does not allude to the importance of
year while others speculated only a day or a religion in tragedies despite its presence in
month. plays as these plays were intended for the
purpose of celebrating the god of fertility,
Unity of Place Dionysus. For instance, we see some clear
references to gods (Apollo) and the role of
oracles in characters’ lives as a strong create the most noticeable tragic effect in the
religious influence but Aristotle did not mind of a reader. Oedipus Rex was a success
mention about the role of religious elements of its time due to the quality of intense
in the tragedies he was scrutinizing. concentration. Intense concentration is
something that is achieved through starting a
Lack of Conflicts story from its catastrophic point of the plot.
For instance, Oedipus Rex opens when
Another core point that is missing from his Oedipus has unknowingly killed his father and
comprehensive definition is the role of internal married his mother. But the story of the play
and external conflicts in driving a person’s begins when Oedipus’ parents receive an
tragedy. He merely focuses on the outer oracle that their son will kill his father and will
actions but the inner turmoil that takes place marry his mother. If Shakespeare had written
is equally as important as the outward this play, he would have started it with Laius
conflicts. In fact, it is the “inner weather” that and Jocasta, receiving the prophecy. Intense
creates a sense of superiority of humans concentration was used to create a tragic
among other living beings. And internal effect that was stronger than the Elizabethan
conflict also adds its significant share to the tradition. But it did not provide a strong
arousal of catharsis. Modern writers tend to foundation of character development. Also, it
depict both internal and external conflicts. imposed a limitation of its own upon writers to
present a story in its limited glory. But some
His Unsatisfying Explanation of modern writers are also taking a fancy to
Just as Plato levelled charges against poetry Poetry is not a Mother of Lies
and poets in his Republic, similarly during the
Elizabethan era, a puritan Stephen Gosson Sydney further continues defending poetry by
opened the weapon of his pen against the claiming that poetry is not a mother of lies. He
poetry that was accustomed during the era. claims that a poet is the most truthful person
Like Aristotle, Sir Philip Sidney came to rescue as compared to other humans. He even
as well as defend poetry through his book, An makes clear that an astronomer may tell lies
Apology for Poesy. The charges that have because later, his measurements may prove
been levelled by Gosson against poetry are: wrong. A physician tells lies if his medicine
takes away the life of a patient. A poet does
Poetry is the waste of time. not tell lies because he confirms nothing.
Poetry is the mother of lies. Sidney adds that a historian can tell lies
It is the nurse of abuse. because in his quest to find out the events
Plato had rightly banished poets from his that took place in the past, he has to confirm
Republic. many things. But a poet does not try to convey
what is true or what is false. A poet only tries
Let’s discuss how Sydney rebutted against to assert that what can be and what can’t be.
such allegations against poetry in detail.
Sydney answers the first allegation of Gosson poetry, Sidney turns to the third one to debunk
against poetry that poetry is not a waste of its false associations. The third accusation
time. According to Sydney, poetry is a branch claims that poetry is the nurse of abuse in
of learning that aims at making a person learn society. The sexual conceits in Comedy
the noble virtues of life. Poetry not only corrupt the morally clean side of man. And
teaches noble virtues but also encourages a love in a lyric increases the passion of love.
learner to put these virtues into practice. Sidney adds that including the passion of love
Sydney further adds that there is no other in a love poem is not a sin. Also, the insertion
branch of learning that accomplishes the two- of lustful material does not make poetry
way implication of learning. He also goes on responsible for the corruption of the mind.
to say that there is no fruitful knowledge other Sidney tries to wind up his point by saying that
it is not poetry that corrupts the mind of a Sidney’s defence of poetry is a significant
reader but there are some (immoral) poets milestone in the Elizabethan era but some of
who corrupt poetry. He further explains his his assertions are not true and are
point by performing a comparison between exaggerated. At first, he claims that poetry is
poetry and painting. If a painting contains the most suitable form of learning that puts
Abraham sacrificing his son Isaac, the other subjects to shame. Surely, poetry has its
painting will be pleasing for the ones who will significant share in Arts but calling it a most
look at it. Similarly, if a painter portrays an profound source of knowledge is somewhat
immoral scene then the painting will look unjust. Because even in our modern time,
disgusting to its on-lookers. poetry derives its essence from history,
science as well as social surroundings.
Plato’s Banishment of Poets
Another instance of shortcoming in his poetry
not Poetry
is rather a strong one. He asserts that poetry
is the finest form of truth. It is a well-
The fourth comment that comes by Gosson is
established truth that poetry or any other form
the weightiest one that Sidney answers by
of literature is not exempted from fiction or
putting strong arguments in favour of poetry.
something that is not real and true. But calling
Gosson accepts Plato’s banishment of poets
astronomers and physicians liers is his great
and considers it right to banish all the poets of
weakness of understanding. What he is calling
the contemporary era. Sidney answers that
lies is the hypothesis that leads to modern
Plato did not condemn poetry as his own
scientific discoveries.
writings were mostly poetic in style. Plato
should not have accused poetry for being
Also, Sidney says that it is the poet who
immoral because his own ideal Republic was
corrupts poetry. But the fact remains the same
immoral. What Plato hated in poetry was the
as poetry and even other forms of writings are
sexual portrayal of their gods and other
not free from the amorous display of life.
shortcomings like the ones found within the
people of that era. Sidney also proves that
Plato did not banish poetry from his Republic.
He stood against the misuse of poetry and
Lastly, Sidney concludes his debate by saying
suggested banishment of the very abuse. He
that poetry is a “delightful teaching”. Sidney
was not an enemy of the poets as is
accepts the element of delight in poetry but
commonly referred to.
phrasing a didactic purpose to an artistic
genre takes away the artistic appeal from it.
Some Limitations Poetry should propose moral virtues but those
virtues should not be overshadowed by the 1. Current Notes – Page 125
bliss of meter, rhyme and melody. 2.
Sources and Suggested (
Drama instruction.
Apology for Poetry. An Apology for Poetry is defence of poetry against the charges levelled
one of the sound books of criticism on poetry. by Stephen Gosson. He condemned poetry for
Sidney’s contribution as a critic is mainly being a mother of lies, a nurse of abuse, a
remembered for his defence of poetry, his waste of time and Plato’s right banishment of
poets. Sidney came forward as a defender of Throughout the writing of Sidney, both
poetry, claiming that poetry is not a waste of appreciation, as well as criticism, can be
time, but a fruitful activity of noble learning; it found in it. At first, he gives a critical or
is not a mother of lies but a source of appreciative statement and then proves it
truthfulness; it is not a nurse of abuse but is through an already established work of
missed by the poets of that time and Plato literature. For instance, when he says that
was not an adversary to poetry rather he poetry can depict human passions in the best
patronized poetry. Thus, his apt answering to convincing way possible. Then he also states
the charges against poetry is one great the example of Homer’s epic that illustrates
contribution to criticism. patriotism. Furthermore, when Sidney claims
that the earliest form of writing was poetry, he
His Devotion to Poetry gives references to the earliest Grecian writers
like Homer or Hesiod who were poets.
Sidney was earnestly devoted to poetry to Conclusively, Sidney contributed his initial
safeguard its reputation. He asserts that it is share in the initial development of practical
unfair to show disregard to poetry. Every form criticism through proving statements through
of poetry serves mankind. For instance, the work of art that existed already.
pastoral poetry can depict the plight of the
people of the lower class under a tyrant ruler Limitations
or vice versa. Comedy can make people learn
to lothe evil and to adopt virtues into their Sidney’s contribution to criticism is of
lives. Elegiac poetry helps to arouse the considerable merit. But in some areas of his
feelings of pity by mourning the suffering of criticism and defence, traces of exaggeration
the whole mankind. Lyrical poetry fills a and limitations can be found. For instance, in
person with admiration of virtue and his defence, he claims that poetry is the only
sometimes, singing the glory of the credible source of knowledge which is not
immortality of God. Thus, in showing the true. Just like history can contain lies, so do
positive qualities of different forms of poetry, poetry.
Sidney clearly shows his devotion to poetry.
Also, when Sidney states the functions of
What is Tradition?
Thomas Stearns Eliot is one of the noble
names among the great poets ever produced Tradition, in common sense, means the ever-
in English Literature. But he is also a developing set of customs and ideologies of a
renowned critic, a devotee to classicism. nation or a group of nations. But for Eliot,
Before his contribution to poetry and criticism, tradition is something that links the present
poetry was lingering in its chaotic form. Poets with the past. Eliot adds the sense of history
were (blindly) trying to imitate the revolt of to tradition. Eliot gives his insight on literary
Romanticism. Therefore, a new poetic tradition as thus,
doctrine was unevitable to be established. So,
T S Eliot came forward with his own Not only of the pastness of the past,
judgement of poetry as an outcome of both but also of its presence. One who
traditional and individual talent. The essay has has the historic sense feels that the
been divided into three parts. The first one
whole of the literature of Europe
deals with the explanation of Tradition while
from Homer down to his own day,
the second part evaluates the Theory of
including the literature of his own
Impersonality and the third part consists of a
conclusion. country, forms one continuous
literary tradition.
Eliot asserts that in literary tradition, the genius he is intended to compose. Eliot gives
present is the product of the past and the past the example of a chemical reaction between
dependent on the present to be discovered. sulfur dioxide and oxygen under the catalyst
Manifestly, tradition is: of platinum. As a result of the reaction,
sulfuric acid is released as the final product
The acknowledgement of the continuity of but the catalyst remains unchanged. Similarly,
literature from past to present. a poet composes a poem by attaining the
A critical evaluation of the significance of subject(s) through the hard labour under the
old writers in the present age. sense of (historical) tradition. During the
The knowledge of those old writers process of composition, a poet does not add
attained through a great struggle. something that may show his personality just
like we do not see platinum mixing in sulphur.
Eliot also asserts that the old tradition of in this experiment of poetic creation, the mind
literature is followed by a new one, slightly of the poet is the catalyst. Thus, the individual
altered according to the trends of the present
talent of a poet is to compose a poem as an
day. For example, the poetry of Virgil, Dante
“individual” piece from his poetic personality.
and Shakespeare helps to form a new trend in
the poetry that should be written in the
coming years.
TS Eliot as a Critic
By Asad Imran
August 13, 2021
Categories: Literary Criticism
Milton’s style as a great wall of China due to entered into complete disconnection from the
the use of abandoned diction and for the visual experience of the world. Eliot suggests
portrayal of his individual personality. It must that Milton’s blindness might be a chief reason
be noted that Eliot, at that time, was against behind the lack of sensuous imagery that
the ones whose poetry was subjective. But in ultimately might have affected his language.
Another limitation that Eliot asserts in his Both lectures are written in a
lecture is Milton’s use of dead language. convoluted style of qualification and
Thirdly, the words Milton chose lack
reservation that grows more
meaningful expression. Fourthly, Milton
complex with the years, so that it is
ignored following the literary tradition of that
time. In the concluding paragraph, Eliot
only by a narrow margin that the
somewhat accepts Milton’s greatness but he first lecture can be called an
still considers his poetry dangerous for the exercise in the qualified rejection of
new poets to read because of Milton’s lack of Milton, or the second one of
traditional value in his poetry. qualified assent. There are three
voices of T.S. Eliot, the critic: First,
Correction – Milton 2 the youthful, exploratory
enthusiasm of the twenties, where
As mentioned earlier, in the second lecture,
Eliot corrected most of his “rushed” an almost ideal balance between
judgement of Milton’s poetic genius. At first, poetic and critical activity is
Eliot criticized Milton for using language realized; second an abortive career
remote from the language of laymen. Now, of social and religious advocacy in
Eliot accepts it as a distinct feature of Milton.
frankly obscurantist causes; and
He admits that the poetic diction Milton chose
third, a bold but exhausted attempt
to decorate Paradise Lost shows his true
to recover the creative urge,
talent. Secondly, Eliot asserted that Milton’s
blindness was a major factor behind his followed at once by denial and
grotesque language. Later, Eliot considers desperation.
Milton’s blindness as a blessing in disguise.
Watson beautifully sums the rhetoric behind
He further adds that it was through Milton’s
Eliot’s commentary on Milton.
blindness that we received an unearthly
description of the Garden of Eden. If Milton
had been blessed with slight, we would have Conclusion
ended up with a limited world of Eden.
Consequently speaking, Eliot’s remarks on
Milton are unjust on its first instalment but its
Commentary of Critics
second instalment somewhat clears the
grudges of the devotees of Milton.
These two lectures, especially the first one
caused a significant uproar from the
community of critics. Watson adds, Source
There are no reliable sources for this topic resources. Although the answer is somewhat
available online other than the text of Milton 1 unsatisfactory, I shall add more relevant
and 2 lectures. A huge thanks to Rana Talha material to this answer as soon as I find new
Razzaq for providing me with enough helpful sources.
Belsey’s tendency to critically evaluate a piece 1. Literary Criticism – Current Notes – Page
of writing is that of a structuralist. Although 287
not all modern theories are false yet her
approach is most close to what we have been
observing in our academics (in the form of
writing a critical appreciation of a poem).
Already answered
Q3: Why does Eliot oppose the romantic
View Even More Short Questions for Literary conceptions in his famous theory of
Criticism/preview/button impersonality in Art?
Eliot opposes the romantic conception
2021 because he thinks poetry should be an
outcome of the impersonal experience of the
Q1: What is Aristotle’s concept of an ideal poet. The subjectivity in romanticism dismays
tragic hero? him the most.
According to Aristotle, an ideal tragic hero: Q4: What is T.S. Eliot’s view about
Wordsworth’s theory of “Spontaneous
Must belong to the noble class overflow of powerful emotions”?
His downfall must be sudden Eliot rejects the Wordsworthian conception of
His downfall must be governed by his poetry. He considers poetry as an organization
tragic flaw of the feelings collected through objective
Q2: What do you know about the term
“Peripeteia” about Plot in Aristotle’s poetics?
Q5: What are three kinds of texts mentioned the hero’s actions that result in his tragedy. In
by Belsey in her book critical practice? a complex plot, the story is governed by the
Already answered sudden reversal of the situation and the
Q6: How does Belsey draw the analogy discovery of the hero’s actions which later
between a reader and a consumer in her book transform into tragedy.
critical practice? Q2: Define the term “Anagnorisis” given in
Belsey draws the comparison between a Poetics.
reader and a consumer through the analogy of Anagnorisis is the discovery of something
books being commodities. which turns the ignorance of the tragic hero
Q7: What is the worst kind of tragic plot into knowledge and puts the event upside
according to Aristotle? down against the favour of a tragic hero.
The episodic plot is the worst kind of tragic Q3: How does Aristotle define “Comedy in
plot, according to Aristotle. Poetics?
Q8: What is Belsey’s view about classical Aristotle defines Comedy as something which
realism? depicts human beings as “worse” than they
According to Belsey, Classical Realism is a actually are in real life. Aristotle does not
reader’s own ideological interpretation of the mean evil. But ridiculous and
realism shown in the text he/she is reading. laughable. Source
Q9: What is Sir Philips Sidney view about (
poetry? stotle/terms/comedy.html)
Already answered below Q4: What are the three kinds of texts
Q10: What were the charges of the puritan mentioned by Belsey?
against poetry which Sidney answers? According to Catherine Besley, there are three
The charges include the following: kinds of text:
Q4: What is Sidney’s opinion about the heroic No, he does not. The reason is already stated
Conclusion Source
Thus, ideology plays an important role in Text of Critical Practise – Catherine Belsey
establishing the subject that lives in a person’s
Poetics 6. Tragic Flaw
1. Plot and its Kinds concept-of-hamartia/)
( 7. Difference between Poetry and History
2. Superiority of Tragedy over Epic (
( poetics/q-and-a/what-difference-does-
reasons-of-superiority-of-tragedy-over-epic- aristotle-find-between-historyand-poetry-
poetry/) 257311)
3. Ideal Tragic Hero
( Note: This is just a rough estimate from the
criticism/aristotle/aristotles-views-on- past papers. Read everything included in
ideal-tragic-hero/) Current Notes regarding Poetics!
4. Importance of Plot over Character
An Apology
( to Poetry
character/comment-page-1/) 1. Sidney’s Defense of Poetry
5. Catharsis (
levelled-against-poetry-and-sidneys- of-t-s-eliots-hamlet-and-his-problems/) (A
defence-of-poetry/) Careful Measure)
2. Functions of Poetry
( Critical Practice – Catherine
3. Superiority of Poetry over Philosophy and
History 1. Expressive Realism
2. Role of Ideology in Shaping up the Subject
of-poetry-over-philosophy-and-history/) (
4. Sidney’s Views on Three Unities of-ideology-in-shaping-of-the-subject-
view-on-three-unities-expressed.html) 3. Extracting meaning of the Text
4. Authority of Common Sense in Critical
Tradition and Individual Practice
Note: The interpretation of Critical Practice in
The things which I have seen I now gan seen recollected in tranquillity” is an inexact
no more. formula?
10. What does Eliot want from a poet
b) Essence of winter sleep in on the night
Long Questions
The scent of apples: I am drowsing off
1. How does Aristotle define plot? What are
I cannot rub the strangeness from my sight the various types of Plot? Critically
I got from looking through a pane of glass 2. Tragedy is the higher art, as attaining its
end more perfectly Compare Tragedy and
I skimmed this moving from the drinking
Epic poetry and establish the superiority of
Tragedy over Epic poetry in the light of
And held against the world of hoary grass.
3. Eliot’s conception of tradition is unique in
the sense that it both influences and gets
influenced by the individual poet” Elaborate
in the light of Eliot’s essay, Tradition and
Short Questions Individual 7alent.
4. Sidney’s Apology for Poetry 1s a command
1. Differentiate between Simple and Complex
performance in English Criticism. how
plot as suggested in poetics?
does Sidney react to Stephen Gosson’s
2. Define the term “Anagnorisis” given in
School of Abuse? Elaborate with
3. How does Aristotle define “Comedy in
5. What is Expressive Realism? Critically
evaluate Belsey’s ideas on expressive
4. What are the three kinds of texts
realism in the light of Critical Practice
mentioned by Belsey?
6. Examine critically any one of the following
a ) Let me not to the marriage of true minds 2019
Admit impediments. Love is not love
Short Questions
Which alters when it alteration finds,
1. Enumerate the essential qualities of a good
Or bends with the remover to remove.
2. List out the differences between Tragedy
Love alters not with his brief hours and weeks, creative process?
a ) No! I am not Prince Hamlet, nor was meant Or new Love pine at them beyond to-morrow.
to be;
Am an attendant lord, one that will do
Short Questions
To swell a progress, start a scene or two,
Full of high sentence, but a bit obtuse; 4. What does Sidney say about Epic Poetry?
5. According to Sidney what is the utility of
At times, indeed, almost ridiculous comedy other than providing mere delight?
6. How does Sidney condemn the tragic
Almost, at times, the Fool. comedy?
7. Why does T.S. Eliot reject the theory of
b ) Fade far away, dissolve, and quite forget “Spontaneous overflow of powerful
feelings” by Wordsworth?
What thou among the leaves hast never
8. How does Belsey see the function of
reader in literary text?
9. What is the relationship between language
The weariness, the fever, and the fret
and thought according to Belsey in her
Here, where meu sit and hear each other book critical practice?
Where palsy shakes a few, sad, last grey hairs, Long Questions
Where youth grows pale, and spectre-thin, and 1. What is Aristotle’s concept of ideal tragic
dies; hero? How far it is applicable to the
modern tragic heroes?
Where but to think is to be full of sorrow
2. How does Aristotle discuss Hamartia or My cheek is cold and white, alas!
Tragic Flow in his book poetics?
3. Discuss in detail Sidney’s views on three My heart beats loud and fast;
unities and compare his views with those
Oh! Press it to thine own again,
of Dryden and Johnson.
4. Discuss T.S. Eliot’s theory of tradition and
Where it will break at last.
individual talent.
5. How does Catherin Belsey discuss the
authority of common sense and critical
6. Critically evaluate any one of the following Short Questions
1. According to Aristotle what aspects of life
Long Questions
But really I am neither for nor against
a. I’m going out to clean the pasture spring; The institution of the dear love of comrades
your slightest iook will easily unclose me (louching skillfully, mysteriously) her first rose
The process of weighing a certain piece of The subject matter of Aristotle’s Poetics is
literature, be it in the form of prose or poetry, Tragedy, its elements and its function on the
under certain theories and practices is called onlookers of tragedy.
literary criticism.
5 How does Aristotle define poetry?
2 What does Plato say about poetry?
Aristotle defines poetry as an art of imitating
Plato despised poetry on account of being used the world through the help of words only.
The subject of Plato’s Republic is not politics. medium and manner of imitation. For example,
The book is based on the dialogues of Socrates epic and tragedy may look similar as these two
on how to live life justly and happily, and in forms depict the heroic deeds of a valiant
person. However, their distinction can be
measured by their medium and manner of Thus, the recreation of a poem is based on a
imitation. The manner of imitation of epic and poet’s own imitation of his surroundings and his
tragedy is narration and action respectively. surroundings are the imitation of god’s image of
the poet’s world.
7 What is the difference between epic poetry
and tragedy? 11 Define the term ‘mock epic’.
According to Aristotle’s Poetics, the difference Narrating a trivial happening in the guise of the
between epic poetry and tragedy lies in how grandeur and diction of a classical epic is called
these two approach the seriousness of a given mock-epic.
situation. Epic poetry can include a variety of
settings and time spans whereas tragedy is 12 What is the main difference between poetry
limited to few settings. However, the limitation and history?
of epic is narration as action in tragedy is more
immersive than narration. As suggested by Aristotle, history narrates
facts of a certain frame of time whereas poetry
8 Why does Aristotle value Homer so highly as converts these facts into universal truths.
a poet in ‘Poetics’?
13 What are the six parts every tragedy must-
Aristotle admires Homer because of the have? Which, according to Aristotle, is the
reduction of his own narration. Instead of the most important?
narrator bringing the story forward, the
characters in his epic move the story Aristotle asserts that every tragedy has 6
10 What are the three meanings of imitation? Out of the 6 elements listed above, Aristotle
deems plot as the most important element as,
According to Aristotle, god constructed the according to him, plot helps drive action in a
universe in his own image. The universe created tragedy.
by him was the exact imitation of his own idea.
Similarly, a poet creates his own image of the 14 What, according to Aristotle, is the primary
world around him and uses words to recreate it. purpose of tragedy?
Aristotle considers arousing the emotions of a closely-knit sequence of events and actions
pity and fear among the audience and catharsis that takes a hero to his final downfall.
of such emotions as the main function of a
tragedy. Thus making them understand the 19 What is the place of suffering in tragedy?
ways of gods and men as they leave the
theatre. Source The final scene of suffering of the hero despite
his sincere efforts to solve the problem, helps a
the-choephori-and-the-eumenides/critical- great deal among the audience to feel
15 What is the place of catharsis in tragedy? 20 Among the three unities, which one is
called Aristotelian?
Catharsis holds an integral place in tragedy as
Aristotle calls it the main function of a tragedy. Among the unity of action, time and place, unity
of action the only dramatic unity that is
16 What is ‘anti-climax’ in drama? suggested by Aristotle.
Anti-climax is the unsatisfactory and ludicrous 21 What are the characteristics of an ideal
result/outcome of a serious and climax-building tragic hero?
situation that ends up in a disappointed or a
boring one. Source An ideal tragic hero must be:
23 What does Aristotle mean by the singleness Peripeteia means the reversal of a particular
in tragedy? situation whereas anagnorisis is the discovery
of the reversal, that is not in favour of the tragic
By the singleness in a tragedy, Aristotle means hero and leads to his tragic downfall.
to assert that a tragedy must follow a single
organic unity of events, from the beginning, to 28 What role does language play in the
the middle and till the end. development of epic and tragedy?
24 What does the term hamartia mean? The role of language or diction in epic or
tragedy is largely determined by its use in the
Hamartia means the error of judgment of the prestigious genres of story-telling. Language in
tragic hero that leads to his tragic an epic is tweaked in such a way that is suitable
downfall. View Poll for narration. However, in a tragedy, language is
moulded in such a manner that makes a tragedy
presentable on stage.
25 What is the Probable Impossibility as
discussed by Aristotle? 29 What is peripety? What is a discovery?
What is the best form of discovery?
Probable Impossibility can be a possibility that
can be interpreted as impossible by the Already answered in Q27. The best form of
audience but can be made possible with discovery is the one that is proceeded by
science. (Correction will be appreciated) Source reversal, without any gaps, for an acute tragic
( effect.
preferred-to-improbable-possibilities) 30 What are the four requirements of a
26 Why is plot more important than character
or speech in a tragedy? A character in a tragedy must be:
4 What two ideas does “An Apology for Poetry” Indians to Englishmen as well. Source
deal with?
“An Apology to Poetry” not only deals with 9 What, according to Sidney, is the relationship
refuting the charges levelled against poetry but between pleasure and learning?
also highlights the importance as well as
According to Sidney, the relationship between
superiority of poetry.
5 What is the origin and meaning of the word pleasure and learning is essential for
knowledge. Poetry has the ability to make
someone learn sciences and arts with
10 How does the poet’s art differ from that of An elegy is a kind of subjective poem, that is
the astronomer, geometrician, moral sombre or serious in nature and revolves around
philosopher, rhetorician, and others? a person who is dead. For example, the poem, O
Captain! My Captain! is an elegy composed by
A poet’s art differs from others as he draws his Whitman on the departure of Abraham Lincoln.
inspiration from his everyday experience of his
surroundings. Whereas an astronomer or a 15 What is the essence of Sidney’s defence
mathematician might be inefficient in his against poetry?
11 What, according to Sidney, did Greeks mean Sidney asserts that poetry is not a waste of
by the philosophical term architectonike? time as it is the most fruitful form of learning.
He further suggests that poetry is not a mother
According to Greeks, the term architectonike of lies as he thinks a poet is the most truthful
was used to denote the structural unity of a being. Answering the charge of poetry
piece of literature. spreading immorality, he says that it is a poet’s
fault to use poetry for immoral purposes. Lastly,
12 Is Sidney’s idea of mimesis Platonic or he answers that Plato was not against poets but
Aristotelian? the bad use of poetry.
Sidney’s idea of mimesis is Aristotelian. Sidney 16 What is Sidney’s opinion about the heroic or
follows the concept of Aristotle in defining Epic poetry?
poetry as an imitation of the poet’s creative
facility but he also adds the element of teaching Sidney is of the view that Epic or heroic poetry
as a purpose of poetry other than delight. is the greatest form of poetry that compels
13 What are the three kinds of poetry readers to learn heroic deeds through the
according to Sidney? heroes of great merit.
Sidney asserts that there are three kinds of 17 Why does Sidney says, “Comedy is not
poetry which are listed below: merely to provide laughter”.
Religious Poetry: The most notable form of Sidney suggests that comedy should also
poetry that revolves around the provide delight with learning.
“inconceivable excellencies of God”
Philosophical Poetry: 18 What are the main objections brought
Imaginative Poetry: This kind of poetry is against poetry by its enemies?
composed by the poets who provide learning
and delightfulness in their compositions. Stephen Gosson, in his School of Abuse, levels
out these charges against poetry:
14 What is Elegy?
Poetry is a waste of time. Sidney rebuts the first allegation of poetry
Poetry is a mother of lies. being a waste of time by asserting that poetry is
Poetry is a nurse of abuse. the noblest and most fruitful form of learning.
Plato had rightly banished poets from his By learning, he means virtuous deeds and
Republic. actions.
19 To what extent, ultimately, does Sidney 23 How does Sidney refute the allegation
agree with Horace about the aim or “end” of against poetry being the mother of lies?
Sidney answers that a poet is the least a liar.
Horace famously asserts that the aim of poetry Unlike astronauts, physicians or historians, who
is to teach and provide delightfulness. Sidney strive to elaborate what is and what is not, a
also agrees to Horace but he adds morality to poet simply tells what should be and what
the mix. should not be.
20 Does “rhyming and versing” make a poet, 24 How does Sidney refute the allegation
according to Sidney? against poetry being the nurse of abuse?
Sidney asserts that rhyme and versification Puritans like Gusson considered poetry as a
alone cannot make one a poet. It is his ability to nurse of abuse as, according to them, it would
fuse images of virtues and vices with the arouse lustful feelings among the readers.
intention of making readers learn that makes Sidney replies that it is not the fault of poetry
him a poet. for being considered as a medium of
immorality, it is the fault of those poets who
21 How does Sidney refute the allegation infact their poetry with immorality.
against poetry that it is bound up with
“rhyming and versing”? 25 What was Sidney’s approach on Plato’s
banishment of poets from his ideal republic?
Sidney refutes poetry being tied to “rhyming and
versing” by presenting the Bible of the Old It was considered by Puritans that Plato
Testament as an example of poetry. Be it Song rightfully banished poets from his ideal
of Songs by Solomon, Psalms of David or the Republic because of their immoral poetry.
Book of Job. Sidney also believes that it is a Sidney answered that Plato’s own republic was
person’s ability to imitate the world that makes based on many immoral ideas (i.e allowing
him a poet. sexual relationships). Sidney further explained
that Plato was against the immorality and
22 How does Sidney refute the allegation disrespectfulness of gods in his Republic.
against poetry being the waste of time? Sidney assumed Plato is a patron of poets.
26 Why has England grown so hard a step- While mentioning Unity of Place, Sidney
mother to poets? Asks Sidney. maintains that the rapid change of place or
setting should be avoided. He thinks that usage
Sidney himself answers the question asked of the same stage for a garden, cave or a
above by asserting that England has no good pitched field can render a play unnatural.
poets as the poets of England try to produce According to my feeble judgement, the
poetry like a product in a factory. They lack the comment of Sidney on Unity of Place does not
genuine instinct of a poet. Source seem fitting as the audience of the play can
overcome the rapid shift of places on the same
in-detail-main-ideas-in-sidneys.html) stage by unconsciously applying willing
suspension of disbelief when watching a
27 What should be the qualities of a tragedy play. Source
according to Sidney? (
According to Sidney, a tragedy should:
30 What is the value of Sidney’s criticism?
Imitate a noble action
The noble action should stir the admiration Sidney’s criticism holds a strong value among
and sympathy for the hero among the the other critics preceding next to him as he not
audience only presented sound theories but elaborated
them with practical criticism. His criticism is
28 What should be the qualities of a comedy
also important for defending poetry against the
according to Sidney?
unjust allegations of Stephen Gosson.
Eliot rejects the Wordsworthian conception of 7 Why does T.S. Eliot reject the theory of
poetry. He considers poetry as an organization “Spontaneous overflow of powerful feelings”
of the feelings collected through objective by Wordsworth?
Eliot rejects the Wordsworthian notion of
3 Why, according to Eliot “emotions poetry because he thinks that the uncontrolled
recollected in tranquillity” is an inexact emotions can give rise to chaotic literature and
formula? also, he asserts that poetry is not about
personal emotions but about the impersonal
T. S. Eliot considers the Wordsworthian maxim experience.
of poetry inexact because he thinks poetry has
no relations with tranquillity and emotions. He 8 Eliot used the term “objective co-relative”
considers poetry as an outcome of experiences what does it mean?
that are not subjective.
Objective correlative is a term deviced by Eliot
4 What does Eliot want from a poet? which means objectives, events and chain of
situations which will arouse particular emotion
Eliot wants from a poet to compose his work in the reader.
based on his collected experiences. During the
poetic process, he should completely remove 9 Why does Eliot regard Milton as a bad
himself from the poetry. influence on classical poetry?
5 Enumerate the essential qualities of a good Eliot regards Milton as a bad influence on
critic? Classical Poetry because of:
desires to the people around him. Source and explain their relationship to each other.
In literature, discourse is a term that is used to
17 In what ways did New Critics change the highlight the process of the presentation of
approach of criticism towards a literary text? one’s thought through language. Ideology,
however, is the structure of beliefs and customs
Before New Criticism, the meaning of the text which binds certain people together. Discourse
was approached through its social and moral helps in providing ideology, a concrete shape of
context. New Critics emphasized that the words while ideology serves a key role in
meaning of the text lied in the structure of the shaping one’s discourse. Read more
text itself. They put text at the forefront of (
22 How does ideology shape the subject?
18 How can meaning be constructed by
reproducing what is familiar? Ideology shapes the subject by infusing itself
into the text, without a reader realizing it.
Deriving a meaning out of a familiar word
through its reproduction can be done by looking 23 Can the subject find its way out of
19 Discuss Belsey’s arguments in the favour of Ideology holds a firm grip in language and a
matters is not text but how and why the How does Belsey argue this thesis?
Expressive Realism
A combination of two words, “Expressive” and
Catherine Belsey, in her Critical Practice, “Realism” hint at the realism perceived or
strives to pinpoint the location of the meaning expressed through text. Expressive Realism is a
of a text being criticized. Expressive Realism fusion of two concepts, the concept of Aristotle
places the author at the centre of the text and of art as mimesis is combined with the concept
makes him the only source of meaning of the of Romantics of art as an expression of the
text for a reader. New Critics, who went ahead emotions of a person. The chief characteristics
to challenge Expressive Realism also became of Expressive Realism are as below:
an extension of Expressive Realism. Before
diving deep into the theory of Expressive 1. Expressive Realism puts a great deal of
Realism, it is essential to know what realism emphasis on honesty and immediacy, and
actually is. rejects the inclusion of implausibility and
Realism and Classical 2. Expressive Realism favours the notion that
literature is a reflection of life.
3. Expressive Realism deems literature as
authentic when it correctly describes social
Realism was a literary movement of the 19th
relationships or highlights the inner
century, set in direct response to Romanticism
experience of a person’s struggle for
to portray and describe people, their feelings
and emotions as they actually are in real life,
without fantasizing it.
Catherine Belsey defines Expressive Realism as
thus, The theory that literature reflects the
Classical Realism, according to Belsey, aimed at
reality of experience, as it is perceived by one
propagating a specific version of ideology in a
individual, who expresses it in a discourse
capitalist system from 19th to 20th century.
which enables other individuals to recognise it
That ideology would be pumped through books,
as true.
electronic and print media and it would become
the only source of meaning for the people as the
As is evident from the definition of Expressive
material was available in abundance and in a
Realism by Belsey, author is the centre of
language a significant majority of the people
meaning in the theory of Expressive Realism.
knew and were familiar with.
Challenges to Expressive Northrop Frye, an influential Canadian literary
critic of the 20th century, also rejects the idea
Realism of the projection of realism in literary texts. He
suggests that the depiction of realism is
The inclusion of Aristotelian as well as
undesirable and disdainful. He considers the
Romantic concepts of mimesis and expression
literature based on realism as immature and
of emotions respectively in the theory of
asserts that imaginative elements tend to
Expressive Realism lead to many challenges
appeal to more readers. Frye also asserts that a
and even rejections by the critics of the
writer’s aim is to produce a structure of words
twentieth century.
for words themselves, thus rejecting the
authority of author’s own expression as
New Critics concluded by Expressive Realism. Frye’s stance
is valid on the grounds of linguistics but his
The first notable challenge to Expressive
approach is limited to linguistics only as he
Realism came from New Critics like Thomas
ignores historical as well as cultural background
Stearns Eliot and Cleanth Brooks who claimed
which are linked indirectly to Expressive
that the meaning of a text lied in the text itself,
not in the author. New Critics were of the view
that it was neither desirable nor possible to look
Reader Response Theory
for the intentions of an author while scanning
the text. They were keener on finding the
Reader Power or Reader Response Theory is
meaning of a text by peering through
considered as a serious threat to the authority
conventional elements of close-up readings like
of author in Expressive Realism. As is evident
themes, symbols, images, rhyme, meter,
from the name, the Reader Power Theory
characterization and plot etc. However, Belsey
constitutes the (well-informed) reader as an
rejects the idea of text as a source of meaning
authority for the interpretation of text. This
as text is written in a language and every
theory distinguishes the reader as an active
language has its own system of meanings,
agent who “imparts real existence” and
always going through the phases of evolution
completes its meaning after interpretation. The
and a shift of meanings is observed with the
reader makes use of the stylistic devices to
passage of time. Personally, the idea of text as a
construct the meaning. His psychological
source of meaning is not a challenge to
involvement is also an important factor behind
Expressive Realism as the text itself is an
a reader’s quest to figure out the meaning. This
outcome of the author’s own creative process,
theory also failed in challenging the authority of
involving observation, organization and then
an author as a reader’s own miscalculation of
framing them into text.
the result of an event can be contradictory to
the actual outcome, as intended by the author.
Northrop Frye
And the signifying system of each living society realism reflects the word constructed in
of different time is different than the other. language.
Catherine Belsey’s Critical Practice is all about New Criticism
the extraction of the meaning out of a given
text. In this book, she does not tell a definite New Critics, a group consisting of Thomas
method for the extraction of meaning, but she Stearns Eliot, R. P. Warren, I. A. Richards, J. C.
explains theories being brought up through the Ransom and Cleanth Brooks, sought to liberate
different schools of thought which were set the text out of the influence of the author. They
against the Common Sense view of Literature claimed that the meaning of a work does not lie
like New Criticism and Reader Power. Belsey in the author, but in the text itself. Their version
was of the view that those theories were of criticism was limited to a close reading of the
trapped in their own problems of Common text and dissection of textual qualities like the
Sense. She further claims that it was Post- use of literary and structural devices. Belsey
Saussurean Linguistics which guided the rejected the practices of New Criticism as she
literary and practical criticism to find out the claimed that it was not correct to claim text as
meaning of a text, not in the author, text or the origin of meaning because the text is
reader but in the structure. written in a language and every language has its
own set of symbols which are used differently
Common Sense by different people. If the text was not
conveying the intended meaning, then the
The common sense view of literature actual meaning was stored in the mind of the
propounds that literature is a (true) reflection of author who wrote it. Thus, recognizing New
one’s everyday life. Literature is based on Criticism an extension of Common Sense.
universal concepts. This is the reason behind
the familiarity of the characters in a novel or a Reader Power Theory
play to a reader as the characters are drawn
from real life. Such literature is produced Reader Response Theory recognizes the reader
through the writers who take inspiration for as a source of the meaning of the text he reads.
their stories from the observation of their own According to the particular theory, a reader is
society. Thus, a writer’s age and his life play an an active agent who completes the meaning of
important role in deducting the meaning of his a text through his already acquired knowledge,
works. The interpretation of these works do not his emotions, his psyche and his day-to-day
require the knowledge of fancy theories as the observation. This theory was also rejected as a
events presented in them are already reader was vulnerable to the false
experienced by the readers. But it is worth interpretation of a text which would lead to a
noting that the Common Sense View of meaning contrary to what the author intended.
Literature is backed up by the theories of
Imitation, Humanism and Romanticism.
Expressive Realism is a critical practice based
on Common Sense.
Belsey asserts that the meaning of a work Methods for the Extraction
neither lies in the author, nor in the text or the
reader, but in the structure of social formation.
of Meaning
(This structure of social formation can be
Catherine Belsey has outlined two approaches
loosely termed as Structuralism). The Linguistic
to find out the meaning of a creative text.
Theory of Ferdinand de Saussure who divided
linguistic signs into Signifier and Signified
(learn more about them through this link). A
Analytical Criticism
Signifier is either a spoken or a written
This version of criticism or the process of the
symbol/image whereas a Signified is a concept
extraction of meaning involves the image of a
linked directly to the concerned Signifier. For
reader in the mind of a writer when he is
example, the image of “chair” is associated with
developing his work. Thus, the first critic is the
a small piece of furniture with four legs and a
writer himself and as the text travels to the
back that is used for people to sit on it. The
reader, he unconsciously becomes a critic too
formation of the connection between Signifier
as he tries to fill in the gaps of meanings left by
and Signified is not controllable and is
the author. But a writer also optimises his work
dependent on the culture of a specific time and
on the basis of the society he is targeting. Thus,
for a common reader to assess the meaning out
Langue is a system of rules for a specific of a writer’s work, he has to make himself
acquainted with the psychology and activities
language. Whereas Parole is a person’s
of the writer as well as the prominent themes of
utilization of the rules specified by the Langue
a literary work. Common Sense and Classical
when he speaks or writes something. Similarly,
Realism are two notable movements
a society functions on a specific set of rules,
beliefs and customs which can be termed as the representing Analytical Criticism.
an ideology. This is the reason behind the content provided under text. The followers of
this critical technique do not hold the
rejection of the individual as a source of
importance of the personal life of an author or
meaning as the meaning is generated through
the image of a reader as they deem (the
the social formation. So, the quest of meaning
structure of) text as the only complete source
of a work should revolve around the social,
political and economic conditions of a society. of meaning. Catherine Belsey also seems to be
favouring this technique as she advocates the
dissection of a text over its lingual roots.
Conclusion Source