Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 1

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science 8

Time Frame: 1 hour

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 identify the general changes of matter,

 participate actively on the assign task about matter through
group activity, and
 express interest on the changes of matter and the significance
to everyday life.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Changes in Matter
Reference: Integrated Science 1
Conchita T. Tan

Materials: Reference book, clipping words, chart, worksheet.

III. Procedure
A. Learning Activities

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

Preliminary Activities

 Teacher would call a volunteer from the  One student will lead the prayer.
class to lead the prayer.
 Let the students pick up pieces of paper  Students pick up some pieces of
and arrange their chairs properly before paper and arranged their chairs.
they sit down.
 Teacher will check the attendance using  Students raise their arm and say
the seat plan. present.
 Teacher will remind the class rules.  Students will listen attentively and
became reminded with the class
rules and policies.
 As a review of the previous topic  Students will raise their arm and
(Changes in Environment), ask the share their insights and
following questions: understanding.

- What are the good effects of certain  Students’ answers may vary.
changes in the environment?
- What are the bad effects of certain
changes in the environment?  Students’ answer may vary.


 The teacher will present a video clip

presentation to the class about changes  Students will watch the video
in matter and ask the following question: presentation.

- What is our lesson today?

- Based on the video presentation,  Students’ will answer the
what will be your observation? following question and answers
may vary.
 1 or more students will give a
short discussion.
 1 or more students will give a
short discussion.
 The teacher will present the objectives
or learning outcomes for the day.
 Students will read the objectives.

Lesson Proper:


 The teacher will post different clipping

words on the board and let the students
paste those words in their proper  Students will perform the activity.

Clipping Words:
Paste Here:

Physical Change Chemical Change

 Students will paste the clipping


 As the discussion goes on, the teacher

will give situations and ask questions.
The interaction will be based on the  All students will settle themselves
changes of matter. at their respective seats. Also,
listen to teacher’s presentation.
Situation: Teacher Rosales break a
piece of chalk into two pieces, it changes
its size and shape. But no matter how
many times he breaks it, chalk is still

Question: What change does the

condition of the chalk shows? Why?  Volunteer student(s) will respond
to the question given or asked.
Situation: Dave bakes a cake, he
combines eggs, flour, sugar, and butter. (Note: much better kung you will
Each ingredient has its own set of provide here the possible answer
properties, when he mixes the to the question being asked)
ingredients and bakes them; he gets
something completely different a cake,
with different properties than any of the

Question: What change does the  Volunteer student(s) will respond

condition of baking cake shows? Why? to the question given or asked.
(Note: much better kung you will
provide here the possible answer
to the question being asked)

 Matter is anything that has volume and  Students will listen attentively and
mass. Everything is made of matter. raise their arms if there’s a
question or clarifications.
Physical Change  Students will also share their prior
knowledge to some concepts
present by the teacher.
- A physical change is something that  Students might perform the task if
you can observe or measure about there are additional task given by
matter without changing the material the teacher for deepening the
into another substance. lesson context.
- Some examples are: color, odor,
taste, texture, size, volume, mass, if it
is liquid or a solid.

Climate Change

- Chemical change describes as

substance based in its ability to
change into a new substance with
different materials are formed. The
new materials formed have
properties different from the original
- Examples: wood burning and turning
into ash and smoke.

 The teacher will give additional inputs to

deepen the lesson context.


 Each group will perform the

The teacher will group the students into two:
 Students will go to their
 Each group will write a list of their respective group to perform the
observation about what they see task.
inside the classroom which talks  Each group will submit their work
about matter. on or before the allotted time.
 Each will be given a worksheet. Let
them brainstorm or ten minutes.
 Tell them to use their textbook to get
additional information needed in their

IV. Evaluation (Essay: 25 points)

Answer the question in a one-half sheet of paper.

1. How does the physical and chemical change differ from each other?
Why are they important?

(Note: The teacher will provide rubrics in rating the learners’


V. Assignment / Agreement
 Read pages 327-330 (Properties of Matter) on your Science Book and
prepare for a quiz tomorrow.

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