0155 - Lesson 01. Introduction To The Metaverse

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Lesson 1

Introduction to the Metaverse

Lesson 1 . Introduction to the Metaverse

Welcome to our exploration of the Metaverse, a con- was to allow us to connect across borders. The third
cept that has captured the imagination of technolo- stage of the internet—the metaverse—is about
gists, futurists, and everyday individuals alike. As we immersing ourselves in the virtual world through our
stand on the cusp of a new digital era, the Metaverse avatars.
promises to revolutionize the way we interact, work,
and even perceive reality. The metaverse is like a big online world where
we can use amazing tech to see and interact with
But what exactly is the Metaverse? How did it evolve things in new ways. And guess what? The idea of the
from mere science fiction to a tangible vision of the metaverse isn’t something brand new!
future? And more importantly, what implications
does it hold for our society and various industries? 1. The Birth of 3D Vision

In this lesson, we will delve deep into the heart of Our story begins in 1838 with Sir Charles Wheatstone.
the Metaverse, tracing its historical roots and under- He introduced the world to “binocular vision,” a sim-
standing its core components. ple yet groundbreaking idea. By merging two images,
one for each eye, we could perceive depth and cre-
We’ll also explore the transformative impact it is ate a 3D illusion. This concept was the foundation for
poised to have on various facets of our lives and stereoscopes and, eventually, the VR headsets we
the evolution of virtual worlds that have paved know today.
the way for its emergence. So, buckle up and get
ready for a journey into the digital realm of endless 2. Seeds of the Idea — Science Fiction
The concept of a vast digital universe isn’t new. Sci-fi
What Is the Metaverse? The term “Metaverse” might writers have dreamt of interconnected virtual reali-
sound like it’s straight out of a sci-fi novel, and in ties for decades. In 1935 we find Stanley Weinbaum’s
many ways, its origins are rooted in fiction. But “Pygmalion’s Spectacles.” This wasn’t just a novel;
today, the Metaverse is becoming an integral part of it was a prophecy. A character ventures into a virtual
our digital lexicon, heralding a new era of intercon- realm using special goggles, experiencing not just
nected virtual experiences. Let’s break it down. sight and sound, but all five senses. It was a tantaliz-
ing glimpse of what the future might hold.

DEFINING THE METAVERSE By the 1980s, the term “metaverse” entered our lex-
AND ITS HISTORICAL CONTEXT icon, thanks to Neal Stephenson’s “Snow Crash.”
The word “Metaverse” is derived from “meta-” mean- This novel painted a vivid picture of a digital sanctu-
ing beyond or transcending, and “universe” signify- ary, a place where avatars roamed free, away from
ing all of space, time, matter, and energy. In simple the bleakness of their real-world existence.
terms, the Metaverse is like a big online space where
different virtual and digital worlds come together. And, of course, Ernest Cline’s “Ready Player One”
told a tale of a dystopian future where the virtual
It’s created by blending enhanced versions of the world was the only refuge.
real world with interactive online spaces. While the
term encompasses virtual realities, it goes beyond 3. Early Digital Communities
them, merging augmented realities, digital ecosys-
tems, and the tangible world in ways previously only Before the term “Metaverse” became popular, we
imagined. had online forums, chat rooms, and multiplayer
games. These platforms, like “Habbo Hotel” or
To truly grasp the concept, consider the Metaverse “Club Penguin,” allowed users to interact in simple
as an evolution of the internet. If the first stage was virtual spaces, hinting at the potential of larger digi-
to provide us with information, the second stage tal communities.

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Lesson 1 . Introduction to the Metaverse


Massively Multiplayer Online games (MMOs) like The benefits of the metaverse are numerous, as it
“World of Warcraft” and virtual platforms like “Sec- has the potential to transform the way we inter-
ond Life” took digital interaction a step further. They act with technology and each other. Unlike previous
offered vast worlds where users could live alternate computer interfaces that relied on graphical or text-
lives, trade, and even create content. based user interfaces, the metaverse offers a more
engaging and immersive experience. This new form
5. Advancements in VR & AR of human-computer interaction is made possible by
the metaverse’s advanced graphics, 3D avatars, and
The development of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augment- virtual meetings.
ed Reality (AR) technologies brought a new level of
immersion. Devices like Oculus Rift and applications With the metaverse, users can interact with lifelike
like Pokémon GO allowed users to feel truly “inside” avatars and navigate a virtual world, rather than
digital spaces or blend the digital with the real. simply viewing participants on a computer screen
and conversing through microphones. This opens up
6. Birth of Web3 and Decentralization a whole new world of possibilities for both personal
and professional use.
Web3, the decentralized internet, introduced con-
cepts like blockchain and cryptocurrencies. This The metaverse has the potential to enhance our
technology underpins the economic systems in the daily lives by providing a more surreal and engaging
Metaverse, allowing for the creation and trade of experience, allowing us to overcome the constraints
digital assets, like NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens). of traditional interfaces and paving the way for new
forms of communication and collaboration.
7. Modern Metaverse Platforms
The Metaverse is the next big thing in the digital
Today, platforms like “Roblox” and “Fortnite” are world, and here’s the tech that powers it:
more than just games. They’re early versions of the
Metaverse, offering concerts, events, and vast social Web3. Web3 is like the next version of the inter-
interactions. They represent the convergence of net. Unlike the current internet where big compa-
entertainment, social media, and digital economies. nies have a lot of control, Web3 is decentralized. This
means no single entity dominates it. It also uses dig-
8. The Future—A Unified Metaverse ital currencies and unique digital items called NFTs
for transactions.
While we have many “mini-metaverses” now, the
vision for the future is a unified, interconnected dig- Blockchain. Imagine a super-secure digital note-
ital universe. A place where you can seamlessly book that records everything. That’s blockchain.
move between worlds, attend events, work, create, It ensures that digital ownership and transactions
and socialize. Apple’s Lidar technology and Micro- in the Metaverse are transparent and tamper-proof.
soft’s HoloLens were just the tip of the iceberg. And
with Facebook rebranding to Meta, the message was VR (Virtual Reality). VR lets you dive into a com-
clear: The metaverse is not just a concept; it’s the pletely digital world. Using headsets, you can expe-
future. rience and interact with this world as if you’re really
As we stand on the cusp of this new era, one thing is
certain: The journey to the metaverse has been filled AR (Augmented Reality). AR adds digital elements
with imagination, innovation, and inspiration. And to our real world. Using devices like smartphones,
as technology continues to evolve, who knows what you can see and interact with these digital additions.
exciting possibilities await us on the horizon? Think Snapchat filters or Pokémon GO.

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Lesson 1 . Introduction to the Metaverse

XR (Extended Reality). XR combines the best of VR IoT (Internet of Things) with AI and ML. IoT is about
and AR. It’s a more comprehensive term for all the connecting everyday devices to the internet, making
immersive digital experiences. them smarter. Like Smart Fridges or fitness trackers!
Imagine a refrigerator that can tell you when you’re
The virtuality continuum, as initially proposed by Mil- running low on milk or even suggest recipes based
gram and Kishino in 1994, considered only visual dis- on what’s inside. Fitness trackers like Fitbit monitor
plays. Therefore, the different sections within the your heart rate, steps, and sleep, giving you insights
continuum only take into account the visual aspect into your health. When IoT meets AI (Artificial Intel-
of the blending between the physical and digital ligence) and ML (Machine Learning), we get devices
worlds. This continuum does not take into account that don’t just collect data but also learn from it and
sound, smell, haptics or taste. make smart decisions, enhancing efficiency and user
The virtuality continuum is broken down into four
categories: Good examples are devices like Amazon’s Alexa or
Google Home that use AI to understand your voice
▶ Real environment: consists solely of real or phys- commands. Over time, they learn from your requests
ical objects. The real environment represents the and can provide more personalized responses.
left end of the virtuality continuum.
▶ Augmented reality: the real world is augmented AI (Artificial Intelligence). AI is like the brain behind
with digital elements. the operations. It can make your digital self (ava-
▶ Augmented virtuality: the virtual world is aug- tar) in the Metaverse look super realistic. Plus, it
mented by the inclusion of real or physical can break down language barriers by translating
objects. on the go. In essence, the Metaverse is this amazing
▶ Virtual environment: consists solely of digital blend of tech that promises an immersive and inter-
objects. The virtual environment represents the active digital universe. It’s where the boundaries
right end of the virtuality continuum. between the virtual and real blur, offering endless

It is important not to confuse the virtuality contin-

uum components with the different extended reality EXPLORING THE METAVERSE’S IMPACT
(XR) technologies. The virtuality continuum is a the- ON SOCIETY AND INDUSTRIES
oretical framework. The Metaverse is a new, exciting online world
that’s more than just cool technology. It’s chang-
The different sections of the continuum define how ing how we live, work, have fun, and so much more.
many real elements vs. digital elements are dis- Let’s explore how it’s making a big difference! How
played, starting from the left end—the real environ- the Metaverse is Changing Different Industries.
ment—where 100% of what is displayed are real or
physical objects and 0% are digital elements versus Gaming industry. The Metaverse is like a mega-
the right end—the virtual environment—where 100% game where everything connects. Think of how
of the objects displayed are digital and 0% are phys- “Minecraft” lets players build entire worlds. Now,
ical objects. imagine that on a much bigger scale, where millions
can join, build, and interact. Or “Fortnite” where
The virtuality continuum represents the full spec- players not only battle but also attend live con-
trum of technological possibilities between the certs, like the one Travis Scott did. Games aren’t
entirely physical world or real environment and the just games anymore; they’re massive, living virtual
fully digital world or virtual environment. It includes societies.
all current technologies that alter reality with com-
puter-generated graphics as well as those yet to be Entertainment and media. Virtual concerts, vir-
developed. tual movie screenings, and interactive storytelling

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Lesson 1 . Introduction to the Metaverse

experiences are just a few examples of how the it’s reshaping industries in ways we’ve never seen
Metaverse revolutionizes the entertainment indus- before.
try. In the Metaverse, you could watch a movie pre-
miere in a virtual cinema or join a music festival with
friends from all over the world, all without leaving EVOLUTION OF VIRTUAL WORLDS
your room. I had the opportunity to be part of one Emerging virtual spaces promise to revolutionize
of the first metaverse virtual concerts in 2020, in how we interact with technology, society, and even
the Nordics. During that year the company Zoan Oy the economy. But their success hinges on the collab-
where I was Lead producer created two major con- oration of tech innovators, industry leaders, and the
certs: Nightwish and JVG bands. people who use them.

Retail and E-Commerce. Imagine walking into a vir- A recent study dives deep into the rise of advanced
tual Nike store, trying on shoes for your avatar, and virtual spaces that blend the lines between our digi-
then ordering the real pair for yourself. Or attend- tal, virtual, and real worlds, offering experiences like
ing a virtual car showroom where you can test drive never before. These spaces are set to change many
the latest models on Mars! The Metaverse blends aspects of our lives, from how we work to how we
the lines between virtual browsing and real-world play. Yet, their growth relies heavily on the right tech
buying. tools, industry support, and user adoption, making
it hard to predict exactly where we’re headed.
Real Estate and Architecture. In the Metaverse,
users can buy and sell virtual land, build virtual It is important to look back into the legacy! Second
homes and structures, and even establish virtual Life is one of the first known metaverses, closer to
businesses. Architects might use the Metaverse to the ones we know today. Second Life is an online
show clients what a building will look like before it’s multimedia platform that allows people to create an
even built. avatar for themselves and then interact with other
users and user-created content within a multiplayer
Advertising and Marketing. Brands can get super cre- online virtual world. Developed and owned by the
ative in the Metaverse. Instead of just seeing an ad, San Francisco–based firm Linden Lab and launched
you might step into a virtual Coca-Cola beach party on June 23, 2003, it saw rapid growth for some years
or join a treasure hunt sponsored by Lego. It’s about and in 2013 it had approximately one million regular
making ads fun, interactive, and memorable. users.

Health and Well-being. The Metaverse can help in Growth eventually stabilized, and by the end of 2017
health too. Doctors could practice surgeries in a vir- the active user count had declined to “between
tual room before doing the real thing. And if some- 800,000 and 900,000” In many ways, Second Life is
one’s feeling down or stressed, they could join a similar to massively multiplayer online role-playing
therapy session in a calm virtual park or beach. games; nevertheless, Linden Lab is emphatic that
their creation is not a game: “There is no manufac-
Education and Training. Education in the Metaverse tured conflict, no set objective”.
is next-level. Instead of just reading about ancient
Rome, students could walk through it. Or imagine The virtual world can be accessed freely via Linden
a science class where you can do experiments in a Lab’s own client software or via alternative third-
virtual lab. It’s like a field trip without leaving your party viewers. Second Life users, also called “resi-
room. dents”, create virtual representations of themselves,
called avatars, and are able to interact with places,
In a nutshell, the Metaverse isn’t just a new tech objects and other avatars.
trend; it’s a whole new world that’s changing
how we play, shop, design, and even how we see They can explore the world (known as the grid),
ads. It’s a blend of reality and imagination, and meet other residents, socialize, participate in both

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Lesson 1 . Introduction to the Metaverse

individual and group activities, build, create, shop, experiences. But it’s not all smooth sailing. The
and trade virtual property and services with one study also points out some hurdles we need to think
another. about. There are tech issues, like how to keep our
data private and safe.
The virtual world of Second Life is one big world that
you share together, as opposed to a bunch of differ- There are also bigger questions about how these vir-
ent highly tuned filter bubbles, says Philip Rosedale, tual worlds might affect our minds, our society, and
founder of Linden Labs. even our jobs and money. For example, if you buy
a virtual hat for your avatar, how is that taxed? Or,
how do these worlds change the way we think and
WHY IS THIS HAPPENING NOW? feel? In short, while these next-gen virtual worlds
It’s a tech revolution! We’re seeing a fusion of cool offer tons of exciting possibilities, it’s crucial to think
stuff like virtual reality (think VR headsets), aug- about the challenges and make smart choices as we
mented reality (like Snapchat filters), blockchain dive into this new frontier.
(the tech behind cryptocurrencies), AI (smart
machines), and super-fast 5G internet. All these In the next lesson we’ll dive into the fashion world of
are coming together in what’s called Web 3.0, mak- the Metaverse! See you!
ing it possible for us to have massive, shared virtual

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