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As the interest of the Computer Science society is increasing towards the various tremendous
fields like AI (Artificial Intelligence), ML (Machine learning), AR, VR etc. similarly a
technology named Metaverse is also coming in limelight. It Brought a huge swing in the chain
of web evolution.
Metaverse basically is a combination of two words “meta” and “verse. Meta means exceeding
something and implying and verse means whole or universe. Metaverse basically links the
virtual and real-world environment together and increases the interaction with the AR, VR. It is
a new and growing field in today's world.
Metaverse carries abilities to replicate the real-world using revolutionary
technologies like AR and VR. It is the next recapitulation of internet and
social media, Metaverse offers various business opportunities to enterprises
“The metaverse is “an integrated network of 3D virtual worlds.” These worlds are accessed
through a virtual reality headset - users navigate the metaverse using their eye movements,
feedback controllers or voice commands. The headset immerses the user, stimulating what is
known as presence, which is created by generating the physical sensation of being there.”

Metaverse is a combination of extended reality, robotics, Blockchain, AI, Network hardware

etc. Metaverse extends the real world (Physical world) using Augmented Reality and Virtual
Reality. It gains the potential to conduct business interaction with shared devices and transform
real world projects to a next level using AR and VR. The studies have examined various vast
topics to research with the help of metaverse.
It has been a worldwide attraction for educationalists for some time. This field got renewed
interest with announcement done by some giants Meta (Facebook). The research has obtained
trends, focus and limitations about, metaverse. Various studies have been found that Metaverse
can also be useful in the educational sector, Lifelogging applications which proved the
existence of metaverse in educational sector over generations. The findings of this study
focused on mobile learning, Hybrid learning and nano learning.
In Metaverse people use Icons to represent themselves and communicate with each other
virtually in our community. In this, people use E cash to buy various commodities like cloth,
weapons etc. The people can also travel virtually anywhere for fun without any aim. Therefore,
a mixed method of systematic view of the metaverse can be easily viewed through the help of
AR and VR. In colleges Metaverse has been extensively used as Meta learning and a huge
interest can also be seen in this field. Facebook’s CEO (Mark Zuckerburg) says that his
company invests the metaverse and it represents the major changes and it was a part of new
insight for social media.

NFT’s play an important role in the personality and popularity of metaverse. NFT’s has a
reliable type of digital assets and is based on blockchain technology and cryptocurrency.
Metaverse has made life more interactive and interesting because we can virtually interact with
those things which may or may not have life to.
Pavitra Tondon
IT 3rd Year

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