Grade 12 Lo Umlazi Task 1 Memo 2024.

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Grade 12





This Marking Guideline consists of 22 pages.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 1




1. Development of the Self in Society

2. Careers and Career Choices

Learner Information:





Possible Mark Moderated

Activity Description
Mark Obtained Mark

1 Stress Management & Personal life Plan 30

2 Conflict 30

Adapting to change and commitment to

3 30
decision making


Educator’s signature: ____________________ Date: __________________

Feedback to learner


DH (School)

Cluster Moderator

District Moderator

Provincial Moderator

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 2








ACTIVITY 1: Development of self in Society

TOPICS ACTIVITY 2: Development of self in Society

ACTIVITY 3: Careers and Career Choices




TOTAL : 90

DURATION The task should be completed in a 3/4 week period.

SUBMISSION DATE 23 February 2024


Name of examiner School

EXAMINERS 1. Mjwara N.J 1. Qhilika High School

2. Mkhize P.C 2. Menzi High School
3. Ngcongo N. P 3. Enaleni High School
4. Nyamukondiwa E 4. Mnganiwakhe High School

AFRIKAANS TRANSLATOR: 5. Oosthuizen M.E.L 5. Kuswag Skool

MODERATOR 6. Gouws T 6. Grosvenor Boys High

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 3

 All research, notes, etc. must be brought to school.

 This task will be completed in class under the supervision of the teacher during class time.

 Write neatly and legibly.

 Answer all questions carefully.

 Please note marks will be awarded as follows:

 2 mark question – statement (1 mark), Qualifier/explanation (1 mark)

 3 mark question - statement (1 mark), Qualifier/explanation (1 mark), Outcome (1 mark)

 4 mark question - statement (1 mark), elaborate on statement (1 mark), qualify (1 mark),

outcome (1 mark)

 This task must be stapled together.

 Include a contents page as well as page numbers.
 The use of proper spelling and grammar will count in your favour.
 Referencing. Be sure to follow the instructions regarding the Harvard Referencing Format,
attached to this project (see below).
 Make sure you sign and attach the plagiarism declaration to your task.
 Your teacher will explain the assessment process in detail.
 Although learners will spend time outside of contact time to collect resources and
information, the completion of the task must be facilitated by the teacher in class time.
 Learners are allowed to use textbooks and other resources to complete the task.
 Learners will need adequate guidance at the outset of the written task and progress should
be monitored throughout.
 All the relevant content and assessment criteria applicable to the written task must be taught
and discussed with the learners prior to its commencement.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 4

Harvard Referencing Style

Referencing means that you give credit to the various sources you have used when writing your

All sources should be arranged alphabetically according to the surname of the first author.

1. Books
Author's surname and initials, year of publication, title (underlined), edition, place of publication,
Marais, B.V.C. and Horne, K.W.W. 2011. The influence of the media on public opinion, Pretoria: Juta
2. Journals
Author's surname and initials, year of publication of the journal, title of article, title of journal
(underlines), volume, pages.
Wobbe, T. 2001. How to organise the unorganised, Human Resource Management, 12(8), 8-9.
3. Chapters in books
Author’s surname and initials, title of the chapter, title of the book (underlined), editor of book, place
of publication, publisher, pages.
Gericke, H.B. The place democracy has in our country, in South Africa, the democratic ideal edited
by J.J. Matthews. London: Benton: 44-45.
4. Newspaper articles
Author surname and initials, year, title, newspaper (underlined), date and month, page.
Louw, S.2002. Water crisis, what’s next. Daily news. 29 January: 7
5. Internet Referencing
Author surname and initials, year, title (on-line) Available: (full web address) Date accessed:
Unknown (2004) Sentient microfilaments: A tempest in a tubule (On-line). Available:
Date accessed: 5 May 2011.
6. Personal Interview
Surname and initials. Year. Personal Interview. Date, Place.
Malan, B.D. 2011. Personal Interview. 5 May, Stellenbosch.

Reference list using MS Word.

Click on Reference toolbar in Word. Click insert Citation and choose your source e.g.
webpage and fill in the information. Add citation and then add bibliography.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 5


1.1 Stress and stress management

1.1.1 Identify TWO reasons which makes anxiety levels rise as matrics wait for (2x1) (2)
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE () mark each for one reason.

Reasons may include…

 The pressure to live up to the expectations of your family, teachers and even
yourself. ()
 Worrying about what people will say if you don’t perform well. ()
 Fear of the unknown ()
 Worried about getting that distinction()
 Unsure on whether you’ll be able to study further in the way you want to. ()
 Uncertain that you’ve failed. ()
Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for ONE mark each.

1.1.2 Critically explain how the rise in anxiety levels is an emotional stressor. (1x3) (3)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE () marks each for a well explained response.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation and
ONE mark for an outcome)

It is an emotional stressor because…

 Anxiety is what we feel when we are worried, tense or afraid which is why it
is classified as an emotional stressor because it affects your feeling, thought
and reaction to life crises which will have a negative impact on your
 Anxiety is an emotional characterized by feelings of tension, worried
thoughts, and physical changes like increased blood pressure.
 Feeling tense, nervous or unable to relax. having a sense of dread, or
fearing the worst. feeling like the world is speeding up or slowing down.
feeling like other people can see you're anxious and are looking at you.
 Anxiety can also affect your behaviour. You may withdraw from friends and
family, feel unable to go to work, or avoid certain places. While avoiding
situations can give you short-term relief, the anxiety often returns the next
time you're in the situation
 An anxiety disorder is a type of mental health condition. If you have an
anxiety disorder, you may respond to certain things and situations with fear
and dread. You may also experience physical signs of anxiety, such as a
pounding heart and sweating. It's normal to have some anxiety.
Any ONE of the above or any other relevant answer for THREE marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 6

1.1.3 Distinguish between positive and negative stress and give one example of (2+2) (4)
each kind.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO () marks each for a well explained response
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

Responses can include…

Positive Stress
 Positive stress is call eustress also called good stress. ()
 Positive stress can motivate and make you ready for action. ()
 Positive stress gives you energy to take action. ()
Examples of Positive Stress
 When you write an exam. ()
 When you go for an interview. ()
Negative Stress
 Negative Stress is called distress also called bad stress. ()
 Negative stress is more than you can cope with. ()
 Negative stress is unhealthy, unpleasant and can be dangerous. ()
Examples of Negative Stress
 When you are being bullied at school or abused at home. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

1.1.4 Identify TWO stressors that Grade 12 learners experience as they wait for (2+2) (4)
their results and in each stressor identified classify whether a stressor is
emotional, social, environmental or physical.
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO () marks each for a well explained response
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

 Fear of failure ()– Social stressor. ()

 Pressure of performing well ()- Social stressor. ()
 Pressure to live up to the expectations of family. () - Social()
 Fear of the unknown causing headaches. ()- Physical()
 Worried about getting that distinction. ()- Emlotional. ()
 Unsure on where you’ll go to study further. ()- Environmental. ()
 Uncertain that you’ve failed. ()- Emotional. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 7

1.1.5 Critically discuss TWO stress management techniques Grade 12 learners (2x3) (6)
may consider to decrease feeling of stress. In your answer also indicate
how that could lower learners’ stress levels.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE () marks each for a well explained response.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation and
ONE mark for an outcome)

 Identify stressors and assess stress levels ()and know what the causes of
stress are() this will help you to find ways of dealing with each stressor. ()
 Follow a balanced nutrition() avoid caffeine ()as it can act as stimulant which
increases the physical symptoms of the stress response. ()

 Make time for physical exercise() this is the best ways to get rid of
stress(), it helps you increase your flexibility, endurance and focus.()
 Get more sleep() as this helps the body stay in top shape () to
further deal with stress. ()
 Distract himself through TV or reading, etc. for a short period of time
() as this can take his mind off of the stressor () and allow the body
to calm down/ stress response to subside. ()
 Talk to a professional or someone he trusts () as this might give him
a new perspective () allows him to vent and relieve some stress. ()
 Keep a stress diary () as this helps keep track of when one gets most
stressed () so that they can treat it. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for THREE marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 8


1.2 Personal life plan and quality of life

1.2.1 Define the term Quality life. (1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks each One explained definition

Quality of life refers to …

 your personal level of welfare/comfort/security/happiness () which may
help you to live a healthy and balanced lifestyle/ cause you to live an
unhealthy and unbalanced lifestyle. ()
 a general feeling of contentment/satisfaction with your life and
surroundings() which may enable you to live a happy and fulfilled life. ()
 multiple aspects of your life () which may include your emotional, physical,
material and social well-being. ()
 the degree to which an individual is able/unable/healthy/comfortable ( ) to
participate in or enjoy life events. ()
 the sum total of your health, happiness, vitality, leisure and income () which
may influence your overall well-being. ()
 living in a specific way/the way you live () that may … (any one of the
following qualifiers)()
- promote your overall personal well-being.
- assist you to manage your life better.
- assist you achieve the value of life you want
Any ONE of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

1.2.2 Provide THREE possible reasons why most young people tend to make (3x1) (3)
unhealthy lifestyle choices that could negatively affect their quality of
Marks should be awarded as follows:
ONE () mark for each response.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement )

Young people may ...

 think that they are invincible and as a result they may not consider the
consequences of their lifestyle choices. ()
 take up challenges from their peers to live daringly which could lead to
emotional/physical harm. ()
 want to prove that they can operate independently from their parents() and
therefore may make choices that could severely impact on their health.()
 make conscious choices to challenge authority / want to prove to their peers
that they can stand their ground which could put their lives in danger. ()
 want to gain respect from their peers / portray/keep up a certain image which
could cause deliberate/intentional injury to themselves.()
 be easily influenced by false information/myths which could make them more
prone to making ill-informed decisions. ()
Any THREE of the above or any other relevant answer for ONE mark each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 9

1.2.3 Assess THREE ways how volunteering in your community, as part of (3x2) (6)
your personal lifestyle plan could add value to the quality of your life.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks each for a well explained response
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an

Volunteering could …
 improve your self-confidence/-esteem () which may give you that natural
sense of accomplishment that we all need to experience fulfillment in life. ( )
 be both relaxing and energizing () which may bring a renewed
creativity/vision you may need in your personal and professional life.()
 help build trust in your relationships with others in your community () which
may develop the feeling of connectedness needed as human beings.()
 be a fun/easy way to explore your passion in life () which in turn may boost
your feeling of contentment as you contribute to the world around you. ( )
 result in you spending more time being actively busy instead of living a
sedentary lifestyle, () thereby improving your physical health. ()
 eliminate/counter feelings of depression, () thereby boosting your
mental/psychological health. ()
 offer you a sense of stability () thereby providing the balance you may
need in your day to day life. ()
Volunteering could offer you an opportunity to …
 do good for others in your community () which may give you that much
needed sense of pride/identity/belonging. ()
 show kindness to others besides the people you are familiar with ( ) which
may eradicate the fear of social interaction with people who may be sharing
the same interests as you/enrich your life in so many ways.()
 learn new skills/confirm/enhance the skills you already have ( ) which may
be a great way to ensure that you keep believing in your capabilities. ()

Any THREE of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.


©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 10

Activity 2 : Conflict

2.1 Identify and differentiate two types of conflicts mentioned in the source. (2x2) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks each for a well explained response
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an

Responses can include…

 Interpersonal conflict: () refers to any type of conflict involving two or more
people. ()
 Intra personal conflict: () refers to an internal conflict with yourself. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

2.2 Name THREE causes of conflict in any relationship. (3x1) (3)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

ONE () mark for each response.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement )

It can be caused by…

 Pursuing objectives different from the other party’s goals. ()
 Anger affecting that person’s health negatively. ()
 If one of the partners harm intimacy/closeness in relationship. ()
 If the honest communication with the other person is compromised. ()
 A breakdown in communication. ()
 Financial problems. ()
 If one partner is unfaithful. ()
 When trust and honesty is lost in the relationship. ()
 When your partner treats you as stupid or inferior. ()
 If your partner demands too much attention or time; generally acts
jealous/possessive/dependent. ()
 Partner ignores your feelings, doesn’t call, doesn’t say they love you, etc.()
 An abusive partner who, Slaps, spits, hits, resorts to name-calling. ()

Any THREE of the above or any other relevant answer for ONE marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 11

2.3 Discuss TWO impact why avoiding conflict is not healthy in any (2x2) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks each for TWO well explained responses.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an

Responses can include…

 It prevent people from resolving the conflict () which could only worsen the
 Result in you becoming withdrawn/introverted () which may lead to
irreconcilable differences in relationships. ()
 Intensify the problem which could lead to more () other issues in the long
run. ()
 Add to the existing emotional stress of the people involved () which could
increase the rift between the parties. ()
 This leads to resentment and frustration on both sides. () The relationship
becomes based on assumptions and expectations rather than
communication. ()
 This can also negatively affect physical intimacy in a relationship. () When
two people avoid conflict, it can often lead to a decrease in physical
intimacy. ()
 Physical intimacy is about connection, () and when there is no
communication, there is no connection. ()
 Conflict avoidance negatively affects multiple areas as it can also affect
your personal health. () Suppressed emotions can also lead to physical
problems like heart disease and high blood pressure. ()
 When your partner never wants to discuss the things that are bothering you,
the issues can’t be resolved. () Over time, this can lead to resentment. ()
 You may begin to feel as though they don’t really care about you or your
feelings. () It is hard to even attempt to meet each other’s needs when you
are not discussing your needs.()
 The fear of facing conflict and being vulnerable in your relationship can
actually increase feelings of loneliness. () When you do not feel safe
sharing things with your partner, you could start to feel lonely. ()
 It is hard to even attempt to meet each other’s needs when you are not
discussing your needs. () When resentment builds up, you notice all the
ways your partner is disappointing you. ()
Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 12

2.4 Elaborate on how unresolved conflict can result in Gender Based (2x2) (4)
Violence and Femicide (GBVF).

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks each for TWO well explained responses.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an

Responses can include…

 If a conflicts is not solved where a male controls the wealth and has
authority over decision-making in the family . () he may refuse to pay or
share the rent or mortgage bond for the home they share thereby
endangering even the childrens’ safety and healthy. ()
 The imncreasingly unresolved conflict triggers anger issues that can lead
to gender-based violence (GBV) . ()The violence includes sexual violence
-intimate partner violence, among others. ()
 In some conflicts when partners generally fail to communicate. () This
results in GBV being used as a weapon of war to create fear and terrorize
women and children. ()
 Lack of access to health services, education, and employment —
particularly for women and girls—aggravates the situation. () Women and
children are exposed to GBV situations as they lack knowledge on how to
get assistance. ()
 Women and girls living in conflict situations are affected by gender
inequities driven by fragility. () This exposes them to GBV as man uses
their cultural, or societal reason to physically abuse women.()
 Unresolved conflict can erode individual relations and family structures. ()
Violence against women increases during conflict in the form of rape that
leads to mutilation or murder. ()
 It leads to increased psychological tension that causes a partner to act
irrationally. () Some women are involved in aggravated battery causing
bodily harm , e.g. domestic violence battery. ()
 Divorce conflict which are not resolved in relationships or between former
spouses or partners can lead to gbv through the use of technology ,() to
harass, control, monitor, stalk or hack. ()
 The parents can end up exerting their emotional outburst on children, () in
the name of physical discipline through unjustified whupping or hiding. ()
 Unresolved conflict can lead to inhuman treatment of the weaker partner or
children, () where they may be disposed of any property or household
goods in which they have interest, without their permission. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant eanswer for TWO marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 13

2.5 Distinguish between the following terms that relate to conflict: (3x2) (6)
a. Conflict Avoidance
b. Conflict Confrontation
C. Conflict Resolution
Marks should be awarded as follows:
TWO () marks each for a well explained response
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an

Responses can include…

a. Conflict Avoidance: A person denies that there is a conflict and /or
attempts () to please others at his/her expense. ()
b. Conflict Confrontation: A person attempt to settle a disagreement
in a hostile, () defiant and aggressive way. ()
c. Conflict Resolution: A person uses conflict resolution skills to
resolve a disagreement() in a healthful , safe , legal respectful, and
nonviolent way. ()
Any THREE of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

2.6 Sometimes conflict in a relationship can be healthy. Justify this (1x3) (3)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE () marks each for ONE well explained response.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation
and ONE mark for an outcome)
Conflict can be healthy…
 It may give conflicting parties an opportunity to vent their dissatisfaction. ()
It will however remain a positive exercise only if the other party is will to
listen with an open mind. () This then can help parties to express their
feelings of the given circumstances. ()
 It may help parties to become aware of their own shortcomings . () This
then may help them to improve their relations towards others. () and as
such minimises chances of being involved in conflict. ()
 Conflict can lead to creative solutions to problems. () Confronting conflict
allows people to engage in an open and honest discussion, () which can
build relationship trust and strong bonds. ()
 Conflict encourages people to grow both as humans and in their
communication skills. () Conflict can help people become more assertive
and less aggressive. () By developing these interpersonal skills people are
able to resolve conflict in future. ()
 In some cases, conflict can be a catalyst for change, growth, and the
resolution of underlying issues. () For example, in interpersonal
relationships, addressing conflicts openly and honestly () can lead to a
deeper understanding and stronger connection between individuals. ()

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 14

 In organizational settings,e.g companies or firms ,constructive conflict can
lead to innovation, improved decision-making, () this further promotes a
more dynamic exchange of ideas () and the end result is increased
production and profits. ()
 Conflicts can provide opportunities for personal growth by permitting
individuals to cultivate new abilities, () this will lead them to broaden their
outlooks, () and the overall outcome will be a reinforced relationship. ()
 Through conflict, individuals can become more aware of their own beliefs
and values, () which will improve their communication skills, and cultivate
empathy and understanding for others. () These are the building blocks of
a stronger, more resilient relationship. ()

Any ONE of the above or any other relevant answer for THREE marks each.

2.7 Recommend TWO ways in which a person should approach conflict (2x3) (6)
resolution in order to sustain healthy relationships.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE () marks each for TWO well explained responses.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation
and ONE mark for an outcome)

Responses can include…

 Listen to the other person’s side of the story in order to understand what
really took place what really was said () because it helps to see things
from their perspective. ().This will help you get to the real issue behind
your argument. ()
 Treat each other with respect. () Keep yourself from shouting at the other
person,If they are shouting at you, ask them to stop. () This way, both of
you can solve the issue better. ()
 Cultivate the skill of heartfelt understanding. () Going beyond just knowing
what your partner needs at an intellectual level, this means connecting at a
deeper emotional level () and empathetically standing in their shoes as
you also establish whether your partner your number one priority. ()
 Appreciating your differences is essential to maintaining a sense of
excitement in the relationship. () Those little differences are what
awakened your interest in each other in the first place, and this is
something that you must always keep close to your hearts and minds. ()
Appreciate each other and you will not only appreciate the life you have
created together .()
 Collaboration: () This involves working together with the other person to
find a solution that benefits both parties. () This approach requires open
communication, active listening, and a willingness to compromise. ()
 Compromise: () This involves finding a middle ground that both parties
can agree on. () It's important to identify what's most important to each
person and find a solution that meets both of their needs. ()
©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 15
 Accommodation: () This involves giving in to the other person's needs or
desires. () This approach can be useful when the issue at hand is not very
important to you or when you want to preserve the relationship. ()
 Rephrase what the person has said. ()This will help you to clarify what the
disagreement is about. () clarifying the main cause of the conflict helps to
prevent it from happening again. ()
 Compromise / agree on solutions that are acceptable to both of you. ().try
to implement the solutions and evaluate the results. ()Try to contextualize
your solutions to give each other room to evaluate the results of the
compromise. ()
 Commit to a win–win posture. () Each party must commit to finding a
solution that works equally for both as one side winning while the other
loses is not acceptable. () The couple must remain motivated and open to
change. ()
 Be assertive . ()avoid becoming aggressive in the way you speak and in
your body language. () Learn to talk about the real issue so you can avoid
constant fighting that obscures the heart of the problem. ()
 Consider possibilities. () Put yourself in the other person’s shoes so you
could see all possibilities. () Both of you can consider the idea of one
another. ()
 Avoid accusation () use I statements which will help the other person to
feel less threatened. ()Do not attack the person, but rather attack the
problem. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for THREE marks each.


Activity 3

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 16

3.1 Transition between School and Post School Destination

3.1.1 Define the term Transition. (1x2) (2)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for each well-defined response.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an

Define the term transition…

 Transition is a movement or change from one stage to another. () It can
refer to change in place of residence from home to college residence. ()
 Transition is a movement in your life from what you are used, to something
new. () e.g. from school to your destination either a higher education
institution or workplace. ()
 Transition is a movement, showing growth, progression from a certain stage
or level to the next in life, () for example starting a new life from high
school to College/ university. ()

Any ONE of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

3.1.2 Explain how a learner can be prepared for post -school destinations. (2x2) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for each well-explained response.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation)

Responses can include…

 If you want to further your studies ,research about the course you want to
do; ()
- apply to the institutions of your choice and check the required Admission
Point Score. ()
- Make necessary arrangements for Finance, accommodation,… ()
 If you are seeking employment,look for the job with your level of
qualification, ()
- Check transport, accommodation if needed. ()
- Follow all work ethics as stipulated by the company. ()
- Develop a mindset that is flexible so that you are able to meet your
workplace’s needs…()
 Networking is one of the most important aspects of preparing for life after
university. () Building relationships with professionals in your chosen
industry can open doors to exciting career opportunities. ()

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 17

 Building a strong network on LinkedIn can help you discover job
opportunities, () gain insights into industries, and establish valuable
professional relationships. ()
 Before you graduate from matric, it’s essential to have a clear vision of what
you want to achieve in your career. ()Take some time to reflect on your
interests, strengths, and values, and think about how you can apply them in
the workforce. ()
 Research different career paths and industries that align with your goals and
start thinking about how you can build the necessary skills and experience
to succeed in those fields. () Think about the salary range you’d like to
earn, the location you’d like to work from and how you will attain a work-life
balance. ()
 Apply for some work experience opportunities that you can do while
studying. () Having some work experience on your CV will really help you
to stand out. ()
 Ensure that your CV and cover letter are well-crafted and tailored to the
positions you are applying for. () Highlight your education, skills, and
experience, and showcase how you can add value to the organisation. ()
 Try to build a strong support system which can help you manage the
challenges of transitioning to life after matric. () Surround yourself with
people who can offer you emotional and practical support, such as friends,
family, and mentors. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

3.1.3 Discuss TWO important considerations of researching a post school (2x2) (4)
destination before making a final decision.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks each for a well explained response
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an

The cosiderations can be…

 Researching post-school destination before makings final destination can
determine whether a particular destination will meet an individual’s needs
and goals. () It allows individuals to gain a better understanding of what
opportunities and challenges they may face in that destination. ()
 Researching about post-school destination will help the individual see if they
are a good match and fit for a student intellectually , socially emotionally and
financially. () for the family , will it be accessible or not , does it provide
adequate facilities to support that programme. ()

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 18

 It will make individual to come prepared and avoid stressful situation on
those post school destination. () This will enhance their new lifestyle and
open up new avenues or opportunities. ()
 It allows individuals to gain a better understanding of what opportunities and
challenges they may face in that destination. () Thus enabling the
individual to be awawre of their surroundings and how to overcome certain
pressures if they arise. ()
 By researching factors such as job availability, cost of living, and cultural
differences. () Individuals can determine if a particular people will settle
well with them or not. ()
 Additionally, researching the local laws and customs can help individuals
avoid cultural misunderstandings or legal issues that may arise. () where
students are likely to aquire private rental they need to understand the by
laws to stay in harmony with other tenants/ residents. ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

3.1.4 Suggest TWO ways that can help a student at tertiary and a new worker in (2x3) (6)
the workplace to settle well in a new environment.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

THREE marks () each for TWO well-explained ways.
(i.e. ONE mark for statement, ONE mark for a qualifier / an explanation and
ONE mark for an outcome)

They can….
 Be assertive. () when exposed to social l drinking/ use of substances,
so that one will still be able to socialize but in a responsible way. ()
 Trust in/stick to/uphold one’s own values/ principles/ morals. () to
ensure that one does not compromise on these ethics that should help
one to succeed in life. ()
 uphold the work ethics that are important to self. () thereby one’s
academic progress as a student/ productivity at work will not be
hindered. ()
 Makes sound decisions about sexual activity. () to avoid unnecessary
emotional stress which could influence one’s performance negatively. ()
 Familiarize oneself with the validity of the protests and make an
informed decision to partake. () so that one does not jeopardize
studies/work responsibilities in the process. ()
 Partake in protests in a responsible/lawful manner, ()jeopardize
opportunities to complete one’s studies/compromise one’s work
responsibilities. ()
Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for THREE marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 19

Activity 3

3.2 Commitment to Decision Taken

3.2.1 Demonstrate TWO ways a college or new employee may implement (2x2) (4)
to solve challenges likely to be experienced due to transition
between school - university and work.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks for each well-defined response

They can…
 Develop ways on building your skills and experience as this make you
stand out in a crowded job market. () Look for opportunities to gain
relevant experiences, such as internships, volunteering, or part-time
jobs, also, consider taking courses or certifications that can help you
develop new skills and knowledge. ()
 Make time for yourself. () New environment, new people, away from
home and love ones. All of these support pillars taken away can make
you feel alone and fragile.You need to take a moment to embrace your
new environment, your new friends, your new unwanted lecture and
the massive amount of course material. ()
 Mange your pocket money. () Even though NSFAS will pay almost all
University costs,this doesn’t mean that you can just go crazy with your
pocket money from family. Being responsible with your pocket money
is part of growing up and as such part of being a student. ()
 You have to learn to manage you money. () Start by considering all
your expenses, deducting that from your total sum of money will give
you the luxury money. Take the time and develop a financial
management system that works for you. ()
 Find your home away from home. () The biggest struggle is that many
students never feel welcome, never feel at home. This might simply be
a tree in Campus or a small coffee shop. Finding that safe zone,
where you can think, calm down and concentrate, feeling safe and
secure is going to be your safe haven. ()
 Don’t be overwhelmed, time manage your new freedom. () You might
find that the new course material is far more than you ever anticipated,
and far more than in high school.. Just improve, take it slow, starting
remember you still have an entire year to improve on this mark . ()

Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 20

3.2.2 Asses why a school leaver might decide to pursue work directly (1x2) (2)
after Matric instead of applying for Tertiary education.

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks for each well-defined response

They may pursue work directly because…/ due to…

 Working has several benefits for young people, especially financial
independence. () Financial freedom allows individuals more control
over their money, leading to better financial decisions. ()
 This option allows you to gain the practical work skills you will need. ()
The job you get might not pay a lot but it's a start. You will get on the
job training and basic knowledge of the job. ()
 Volunteering. () This is a good way to give back to your community
and gain skills. ()
 Learnerships. () Learnerships or internships range from six months to
a year. It gives young people practical work skills and experience. If
you work hard enough, you could even be selected to be a permanent
worker for the company. ()
Any ONE of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.

3.2.3 Define the following terms E- commerce and E-Business (2+2) (4)

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO marks () for a well-explained response.

The definition can include…

 E-commerce generally refers to buying and selling products online. ()
E-commerce (electronic commerce) is the buying and selling of goods
and services, or the transmitting of funds or data, over an electronic
network, primarily the internet. ()

whereas E-business defines a wider range of business processes, or it

encompasses all the business services and activities operated utilising
the web. () These activities include, supply chain management,
electronic order processing e.t.c designed to help companies operate
more effectively and efficiently. ()

An e-commerce business refers to a company that offers an online
monetary transaction process. () E-commerce is conducted
exclusively on the internet. ()
While e-business refers to any business that includes online
technology of some sort in its business model. () E-business can be
conducted on the internet, intranet, or extranet. ()
Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO mark each

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 21

3.2.4 Some school leavers may opt to start their own small enterprises / (2x2) (4)
businesses.illustrate TWO approaches on how entrepreneurship can
be implemented as an innovative strategy to counteract

Marks should be awarded as follows:

TWO () marks each for a well explained response
(i.e. ONE mark for statement and ONE mark for a qualifier / an
Responses can include…
 By integrating entrepreneurship and innovation in the school
curriculum, () This can give the youth the support needed to create
market/employment opportunities which would help reduce the rate of
unemployment among the youth, which in South Africa has been
steadily increasing. ()
 One of the most crucial attributes to consider is the establishment of
effective market-creating innovation through the creation of
interdependent architecture. () Such interdependent provisions, such
as business incubation centres,will ensure young innovators are
protected from uncertainties as they begin to implement their ideas. ()
 The creation of business incubation centres highly promotes flexible
environment that combines business development procedures,
infrastructure and people, () this will nurture and grow small
businesses through their initial development stages. ()
 To assure the young entrepreneurs market can fare better in this
competitive environment there is a need to gain executive support
from both governments and NGOs. () it is less costly for the
government to support such innovative individuals than it is
to create employment opportunities and Once these businesses
are on their feet they can employ and empower plenty of other
unemployed individuals. ()
 Market-creating innovations have a significant influence on job creation
because they tend to target segments of the market that have been
neglected in the past. () This would help develop a culture that
endorses market-creating innovations as early as high school
education and by extension, fewer people would be dependent on
employment. ()
Any TWO of the above or any other relevant answer for TWO marks each.


[GRAND TOTAL: 30 + 30 + 30 = 90]

©umlazi district 2024 Source based task 22

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