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J. Dairy Sci.

© American Dairy Science Association®, 2020.

Influence of freezing temperature before freeze-drying on the viability

of various Lactobacillus plantarum strains
Guang-Qiang Wang, Jing Pu, Xiao-Qing Yu, Yong-Jun Xia, and Lian-Zhong Ai*
Shanghai Engineering Research Center of Food Microbiology, School of Medical Instrument and Food Engineering,
University of Shanghai for Science and Technology, Shanghai 200093, China


Although freeze-drying is an excellent method for Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) are commonly used as
preserving microorganisms, it inevitably reduces cell fermentation starters and probiotics, and are thus high-
activity and function. Moreover, probiotic strains differ ly important to the food and dairy industries (Velly et
in terms of their sensitivity to the freeze-drying process. al., 2015). They are also associated with various poten-
Therefore, it is necessary to optimize the variables rel- tial health benefits (Damaskos and Kolios, 2008; Lee et
evant to this process. The pre-freezing temperature is al., 2018) and have been studied widely to explore their
a critical parameter of the freeze-drying process, but it potential effects on various digestive diseases (Gareau
remains unclear whether the optimal pre-freezing tem- et al., 2010; Fan et al., 2019), chronic kidney disease
perature differs among strains and protectants. This (Koppe et al., 2015), immunomodulation (Ohtsuka et
study explored the effects of 4 different pre-freezing al., 2012), and blood cholesterol reduction (Nguyen et
temperatures on the survival rates of different Lactoba- al., 2007; Korcz et al., 2018). However, the wide applica-
cillus plantarum strains after freeze-drying in the pres- tion of Lactobacillus spp. is dependent on the biological
ence of different protectants. Using phosphate-buffered stability of these probiotics during long-term storage.
saline solution and sorbitol as protectants, pre-freezing Freeze-drying (i.e., lyophilization), which is widely used
at −196°C, −40°C, and −20°C ensured the highest in the industrial production of LAB powder, is cur-
survival rates after freeze-drying for AR113, AR307, rently the most effective method for maintaining the
and WCFS1, respectively. Using trehalose, pre-freezing stability of Lactobacillus (Li et al., 2011).
at −20°C ensured the best survival rate for AR113, Freeze-drying is a form of cold-drying preservation in
and −60°C was the best pre-freezing temperature for which a substance is dehydrated by sublimation. This
AR307 and WCFS1. These results indicate that the process involves 3 phases: freezing, primary drying, and
pre-freezing temperature can be changed to improve secondary drying (Fissore et al., 2019). Freeze-drying
the survival rate of L. plantarum, and that this effect is the preferred long-term preservation method used at
is strain-specific. Further studies have demonstrated microbial resource centers and in the industrial pro-
that pre-freezing temperature affected viability via duction of bacterial starters (Prakash et al., 2013). In
changes in cell membrane integrity, membrane perme- addition to its lower storage and transportation costs
ability, and lactate dehydrogenase activity. In sum- and easier handling than freezing (Santivarangkna et
mary, pre-freezing temperature is a crucial factor in L. al., 2008; Velly et al., 2015), freeze-drying also helps to
plantarum survival after freeze-drying, and the choice maintain the stability of products such as medications
of pre-freezing temperature depends on the strain and during production and extends the shelf life of finished
the protectant. products.
Key words: freeze-drying, pre-freezing temperature, Freeze-drying has many advantages and is among the
protectants, Lactobacillus plantarum best methods for microorganism preservation. However,
some aspects of this method require improvement. The
long-term exposure of cells to extreme environments
during freeze-drying has various effects on cell mem-
brane integrity (Dianawati et al., 2016; Wang et al.,
2019) and fluidity (Oldenhof et al., 2005; Schwab et al.,
2007), and on the structures of sensitive proteins (Li et
Received September 30, 2019.
al., 2011; Kandil and El Soda, 2015). Inevitably, these
Accepted November 28, 2019. changes induce physiological damage and reduce the
*Corresponding author: ailianzhong@​hotmail​.com activities and functions of cells. Moreover, the process-


ing parameters, including freezing-thawing conditions, MATERIALS AND METHODS

sample temperature, and pre-freezing temperature,
must be optimized for each probiotic strain to account Bacteria Strains and Culture Conditions
for differences in sensitivity to the freeze-drying process
(Polo et al., 2017; Wang et al., 2019). Three L. plantarum strains were provided for these
Cell damage during freeze-drying is attributable experiments by the Shanghai Engineering Research
mainly to ice crystal formation, macromolecule denatur- Centre of Food Microbiology, University of Shanghai
ation, and high osmolarity-induced membrane damage for Science and Technology (Shanghai, China): L. plan-
due to the removal of water and high concentrations of tarum AR113, L. plantarum AR307, and L. plantarum
internal solutes (Fonseca et al., 2000; Fowler and Toner, WCFS1. All L. plantarum strains were inoculated in
2005; Mills et al., 2011). The main stages during freeze- MRS broth at 37°C for 12 h (Wang et al., 2019).
drying include control of the sample temperature,
determination of the drying process, regulation of the L. plantarum Strain Biomass Production
pre-freezing temperature and cooling rate, and selec-
tion of the protectant type and concentration. To date, Each seed solution was inoculated into de Man,
most research related to the freeze-drying of probiotics Rogosa, and Sharpe (MRS) liquid medium at a seed-
has focused on the effects of protectants (Martos et ing rate of 1%, and the culture was expanded at 37°C.
al., 2007; Li et al., 2011; Chen et al., 2017; Wang et Once the culture had reached an optical density of 1 at
al., 2019); few studies have focused on the pre-freezing 600 nm (OD600 = 1), a 2-mL aliquot was collected, pel-
temperature. leted by centrifugation at 7,378 × g for 5 min, washed
During the freeze-drying process, the sample is ini- twice with sterile physiological saline solution, and cen-
tially frozen and the sample is dried by sublimating the trifuged. The resulting bacteria mass was resuspended
water or converting it directly from ice to vapor under in 1 mL of trehalose (100 g/L), sorbitol (100 g/L), and
a vacuum. During the sublimation phase, the sample PBS solution (pH 6.5).
must be kept frozen to ensure a product with good
properties. If the pre-freezing temperature is not suf- Freeze-Drying and Determination of Survival Rate
ficiently low, the sample will not be frozen completely,
and it will expand and foam during the process of Each bacterial suspension was dispensed into a vial
sublimation under a vacuum. However, an excessively (5 mL). Next, the samples were subjected to differ-
low pre-freezing temperature not only increases energy ent freezing treatments: −20°C, −40°C (freeze-drying
consumption but also reduces the survival rates of some equipment), −60°C, and −196°C (liquid nitrogen) for
microorganisms after freeze-drying. Polo et al. (2017) 3 h. Immediately after the treatment, the cells were
studied the influence of freezing temperature before placed in a freeze-drying apparatus and heated to
freeze-drying on the viability of yeast and LAB isolated −30°C at a rate of 1°C/min, and held for 800 min to
from wine and demonstrated that this parameter was dry the sample. Next, the cells were heated to 25°C at
crucial for ensuring the good survival of these micro- a rate of 1°C/min, and held for 2 h as a secondary dry-
organisms. Pre-freezing temperature is an important ing step. The vacuum was set to 20 Pa at a collection
parameter of lyophilization that must be strictly con- temperature of −80°C.
trolled, but it remains unclear whether the optimal pre- The total viable cell count in each samples was deter-
freezing temperature varies among L. plantarum stains. mined before freezing, after freezing for 3 h, and after
This study aimed to investigate the influence of vari- the freeze-drying process. Frozen cells were thawed at
ous freezing temperatures before vacuum drying on the room temperature before the total cell count analysis.
subsequent survival of L. plantarum and to identify the Freeze-dried cells were resuspended in 0.9 mL of sterile
optimal pre-freezing temperatures required to achieve saline solution. All samples (0.1 mL) were diluted seri-
the best survival rates of various L. plantarum strains. ally in sterile saline solution (9 g/L NaCl), plated on
We also explored the effects of various protectants on MRS agar plates, and cultured at 37°C for 48 h. The
freeze-drying, and evaluated the mechanism by which survival rates (%) after freezing, drying, and freeze-
the pre-freezing temperature affects survival rate by drying were calculated and are expressed as N1/N0 ×
analyzing membrane integrity and permeability and 100%, N2/N1 × 100%, and N2/N0 × 100%, respectively,
enzyme activity in the experimental L. plantarum where N0, N1, and N2 represent the numbers of viable
strains. These results provide theoretical support for cells before freezing, after freezing for 3 h, and after
the rational selection of pre-freezing temperatures and freeze-drying, respectively. Three independent repli-
consequent improvement of production processes. cates were measured at each temperature.

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 103 No. 4, 2020


Determination of Cell Membrane Integrity tion per minute. The specific activity is expressed per
and Permeability milligrams of protein.
The effect of freeze-drying on L. plantarum cell
Assay of Pyruvate Kinase
membrane integrity was determined using a double
fluorescent staining process with fluorescein diacetate Pyruvate kinase activity in the samples was de-
(FDA) and propidium iodide (PI). Samples obtained termined using a pyruvate kinase assay kit (Nanjing
before and after lyophilization were washed with 1 mL Jiancheng Bioengineering Institute, Nanjing, China).
of sterile PBS and resuspended in 850 μL of PBS. Next, The specific activity was expressed per milligram of
100 μL of FDA solution was added to yield a final con- protein.
centration of 100 μg/mL. The sample was mixed, and
50 μL of PI was added to yield a final concentration of
Statistical Analysis
50 μg/mL. The suspension was shaken and incubated
for 30 min at room temperature while protected from Statistical analyses were performed using Origin 8.5
light. After washing the stained sample 3 times with (OriginLab, Northampton, MA) and SPSS (IBM Corp.,
PBS buffer, the cells were precipitated and resuspended Armonk, NY). We examined significant differences
in 500 μL of PBS. The resulting bacterial solution was between the data using single-factor and multi-factor
dropped on a glass slide and observed under a fluores- methods. A P-value < 0.05 indicated a statistically
cence microscope. significant difference.
The effect of freeze-drying on L. plantarum cell mem-
brane permeability was determined by single staining
with fluorescein diacetate. Samples collected before and
after lyophilization were washed with 1 mL of sterile Survival Rates of Different Strains Using
PBS and resuspended in 1 mL of fresh PBS. Next, 150 Sorbitol as a Protectant
μL of each bacterial suspension and 50 μL of PI were
mixed in the wells of a 96-well plate. A microplate Three L. plantarum strains were freeze-dried after ex-
reader was used to determine the level of fluorescence posure to various pre-freezing temperatures in the pres-
in each well. ence of sorbitol, and the survival rates after freezing,
drying, and freeze-drying were determined (Figures 1,
Preparation of Cell-Free Extract 2, and 3). The effects of the 4 pre-freezing temperatures
varied widely among the strains, but the effect of this
Each lyophilized sample was washed with 1 mL of variable also varied among the phases of freeze-drying
PBS and resuspended in 1 mL of fresh PBS. Next, this for each strain.
bacterial suspension was disrupted ultrasonically in an As shown in Figure 1, strains AR113, AR307, and
ice water bath for 20 min. Each sonication cycle was WCFS1 all exhibited higher freezing survival rates
set to 5 s on/5 s off for 240 cycles. The cell debris was at −20°C and −40°C. In all 3 strains, the maximum
then removed by centrifugation at 7,378 × g and 4°C survival rate was obtained at −20°C (70.6 ± 2.37,
for 5 min, and the supernatant was stored at 4°C before 85.8 ± 1.11, and 82.2 ± 2.63%, respectively). How-
measurement of relevant enzyme activity levels. ever, the 3 strains of L. plantarum differed in terms
of the pre-freezing temperature associated with the
Lactate Dehydrogenase Assay lowest survival rate. We found that AR113 exhibited
a worse survival response to freezing at −60°C (24.71
Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) reduces pyruvate to ± 2.14%, or one-third of the maximum) compared to
lactic acid, and its activity can be determined by the AR307 and WCFS1 (73.98 ± 5.06 and 79.07 ± 2.33%,
reduced absorption of NADH at 340 nm. In this experi- respectively). The AR307 strain exhibited the lowest
ment, the total reaction volume of 0.31 mL contained survival rate at −196°C (10.29 ± 0.38%, or less than
0.29 mL of sodium pyruvate solution, 0.01 mL of NADH one-eighth the maximum), and WCFS1 exhibited the
solution, and 0.01 mL of cell-free extract. The absorp- lowest survival rate at −196°C, although its relative
tion value of each reaction at 340 nm was measured decrease in survival rate was much less severe (half the
using a microplate reader after shaking. Measurements maximum). These results suggest that AR307 is less
were recorded every minute during 5-min periods. By resistant to low temperatures.
plotting time as the abscissa and absorption as the As shown in Figure 2, AR307 exhibited dry survival
ordinate, the initial linear relationship was determined rates of less than 10%, regardless of the pre-freezing
and used to calculate the reduction in NADH absorp- temperature. For AR113 and WCFS1, the highest dry

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 103 No. 4, 2020


Figure 3. Freeze-drying survival rates of Lactobacillus plantarum

Figure 1. Freezing survival rates of Lactobacillus plantarum AR113, AR307, and WCFS1 after exposure to various pre-freezing
AR113, AR307, and WCFS1 after exposure to various pre-freezing temperatures. Data are presented as means of triplicates ± SD. Means
temperatures. Data are presented as means of triplicates ± SD. Means with different letters differ significantly (P < 0.05).
with different letters differ significantly (P < 0.05).

survival rates were obtained at −60°C and −196°C, 50%. In summary, most of the damage associated with
respectively, in contrast to the survival outcomes af- freeze-drying may occur during the drying stage.
ter freezing. These rates were 3 and 4 times higher, Figure 3 reflects the freeze-drying survival rates as-
respectively, than the corresponding dry survival rates sociated with 4 pre-freezing temperatures. The AR113
at −40°C. During the drying stage, WCFS1 exhibited and WCFS1 strains achieved maximum survival rates
a survival rate of 76.55 ± 1.01% at −196°C, whereas at −20°C and −196°C, respectively, and these rates
AR113 and AR307 exhibited survival rates of less than were 2.3 to 2.5 times higher than these observed at
−40°C. The AR307 strain exhibited low survival rates
at all 4 pre-freezing temperatures. In AR307, the high-
est survival rate was achieved at −40°C, approximately
4.3 times higher than the lowest survival rate achieved
at −20°C. Although the pre-freezing temperature could
be changed to improve the freeze-drying survival rate
of all 3 L. plantarum strains in the presence of sorbitol,
the overall outcomes were poor. Therefore, we explored
various protectants to identify conditions better suited
to survival.

Survival of Strains Under Different Protectants

We determined the survival rates of L. plantarum

strains in the presence of various pre-freezing tempera-
tures and protectants (Figures 4, 5, and 6). Compared
with PBS and sorbitol, trehalose significantly improved
the survival rates of L. plantarum strains after freezing,
drying, and freeze-drying at the 4 pre-freezing tem-
peratures. In particular, trehalose yielded the highest
AR113 survival rate after freeze-drying, which was 1.44
Figure 2. Drying survival rates of Lactobacillus plantarum AR113, times higher than the rate achieved with sorbitol (Fig-
AR307, and WCFS1 after exposure to various pre-freezing tempera-
tures. Data are presented as means of triplicates ± SD. Means with ure 6A). We also observed similar results for AR307
different letters differ significantly (P < 0.05). and WCFS1 when exposed to trehalose, for which the

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 103 No. 4, 2020


highest survival rates were 8.42 and 2.26 times higher,

respectively, than those achieved with sorbitol (Figure
6B–C). For AR307, the overall highest freezing survival
rate of 85.8% was achieved in the presence of sorbitol,
but trehalose was the superior protectant in terms of
the freeze-drying survival rate.
As shown in Figure 4, the various strains of LAB all
exhibited higher freezing survival rates in the presence
of various protectants at −20°C. The survival rates of
AR113 (Figure 4A), AR307 (Figure 4B), and WCFS1
(Figure 4C) in response to a change in the pre-freezing
temperature were increased by 2.86, 8.35, and 1.84
times, respectively, in the presence of sorbitol and by
1.47, 3.10, and 1.38 times, respectively, in the presence
of trehalose. These results demonstrate that trehalose
was associated with a lower fluctuating survival rate
margin induced by temperature regulation than sorbi-
tol. Accordingly, the survival rate of L. plantarum can
be improved by changing the pre-freezing temperature.
The effects of various pre-freezing temperatures on
the drying survival rates of L. plantarum strains are
demonstrated in Figure 5. Here, the partial drying sur-
vival rates were significantly lower than the freezing
survival rates, again suggesting that the drying stage
may be the most important in terms of cell injury.
Figure 6 reflects significant differences in optimal
treatment temperatures among the various strains in
the presence of the same protectants. The optimal
treatment temperatures also varied within strains in
the presence of various protectants. With PBS and
sorbitol, freezing at −196°C ensured the best survival
rate for AR113 (Figure 6A), whereas −40°C and −20°C
were the optimal temperatures for AR307 (Figure 6B)
and WCFS1 (Figure 6C), respectively. With trehalose,
freezing at −20°C ensured the best survival rate for
AR113, whereas −60°C was the optimal treatment
temperature for both AR307 and WCFS1. The strains
also exhibited significant differences in survival rates
at the 4 temperatures. In the presence of trehalose, a
change in the pre-freezing temperature led to maximum
increases in survival rates of 1.25 and 1.67 times for
AR113 and WCFS1 and a maximum increase of 6.56
times for AR307 (Figure 6).
In summary, trehalose yielded significant improve-
ments relative to PBS and sorbitol in the survival rates
of L. plantarum strains at 4 pre-freezing temperatures.
The data indicate that trehalose is the superior protec-
tant in this context. In addition, although the survival
rates of all tested L. plantarum strains could be im-
proved by changing the pre-freezing temperature, we
observed significant inter-strain differences, especially
for AR307. This finding suggests that the effect of pre- Figure 4. Freezing survival rates of Lactobacillus plantarum (A)
AR113, (B) AR307, and (C) WCFS1 exposed to various protectants
freezing temperature on the freeze-drying survival rate and freezing temperatures. Data are presented as means of triplicates
is strain-specific. ± SD. Means with different letters differ significantly (P < 0.05).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 103 No. 4, 2020


Figure 5. Drying survival rates of Lactobacillus plantarum (A) Figure 6. Freeze-drying survival rates of Lactobacillus plantarum
AR113, (B) AR307, and (C) WCFS1 exposed to various protectants (A) AR113, (B) AR307, and (C) WCFS1 exposed to various protec-
and freezing temperatures. Data are presented as means of triplicates tants and freezing temperatures. Data are presented as means of tripli-
± SD. Means with different letters differ significantly (P < 0.05). cates ± SD. Means with different letters differ significantly (P < 0.05).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 103 No. 4, 2020


Figure 7. Effect of pre-freezing temperature on the integrity of the Lactobacillus plantarum (strains AR113, AR307, and WCFS1) cell
membrane after freeze-drying. Bacteria with intact cell membranes (viable cells) or damaged cell membranes (dead cells) emit green and red
fluorescence, respectively. (a) AR113 trehalose −20°C; (b) AR113 trehalose −196°C; (c) AR307 trehalose −20°C; (d) AR307 trehalose −196°C;
(e) WCFS1 trehalose −20°C; (f) WCFS1 trehalose −196°C.

Mechanism Underlying the Effects of Pre-Freezing damage occurred at −196°C than at −20°C, consistent
Temperature on Survival with the results of the cell membrane integrity analysis.
Lactate dehydrogenase catalyzes the conversion of
Figure 7 presents fluorescence images of the 3 L. lactate to pyruvate, an important step in energy pro-
plantarum strains stained with FDA and PI after duction in LAB cells. The activity of this enzyme tends
exposure to various pre-freezing temperatures. In the to decrease after freezing or freeze-drying. Therefore,
images, bacteria with intact cell membranes (i.e., viable LDH is used as a model protein for distinguishing
cells) emit green fluorescence, and those with damaged the protective effects of solutes against freezing and
cell membranes (i.e., dead cells) emit red fluorescence. drying-induced denaturation (Carpenter et al., 1993;
Exposure to a pre-freezing temperature of −196°C led
to significant increases in the density of cell membrane
damage relative to the damage observed at −20°C in
all 3 L. plantarum strains (Figure 7), especially AR307.
These data suggest that cell membrane damage is an
important cause of death during freeze-drying, and
that this damage could be reduced by changing the
pre-freezing temperature. In particular, an appropriate
pre-freezing temperature would enable the formation
of more uniform ice crystals and reduce damage to the
cell membrane.
The 3 L. plantarum strains were also stained with
FDA alone, and we used the fluorescence of these cells
after freeze-drying as an indicator of cell membrane
permeability. Specifically, high fluorescence indicated
minor cell membrane damage, and low fluorescence in-
dicated more serious damage. We then determined the
permeability of 3 L. plantarum species exposed to vari-
ous pre-freezing temperatures. As shown in Figure 8,
we observed better membrane permeability −20°C than
at −196°C, consistent with survival rates. For example,
the fluorescence of AR113 at −20°C was 44% (Figure Figure 8. Membrane permeability of Lactobacillus plantarum
AR113, AR307, and WCFS1 after freezing. Data are presented as
6A), nearly 1.3 times higher than that at −196°C. means of triplicates ± SD. Means with different letters differ signifi-
These results suggest that more serious cell membrane cantly (P < 0.05).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 103 No. 4, 2020


Jiang and Nail, 1998). In the present study, the LDH in high internal phase emulsions stabilized with whey
activity levels in all strains were higher at −20°C than protein isolate microgels. Notably, the viability of en-
at −196°C, and this phenomenon was more significant capsulated L. plantarum after pasteurization increased
in AR307 (Figure 9a). These findings were consistent by a factor of approximately 1.8 (Su et al., 2018).
with the results of the cell membrane integrity and sur- Wang et al. (2019) reported that optimization of the
vival analyses. Lactate dehydrogenase is also a marker freezing-thawing conditions improved the survival rate
of plasma membrane integrity. High LDH activity indi-
cates an intact cell membrane and ensures the survival
of the strain. Therefore, appropriate pre-freezing tem-
perature can increase the activity of LDH and ensure
the viability of L. plantarum.
Pyruvate kinase is the key rate-limiting enzyme in
glycolysis. In the present study, the activity of this
enzyme was not significantly affected by differences in
pre-freezing temperatures in any of the 3 strains (Fig-
ure 9b). In other words, the pre-freezing temperature
did not affect pyruvate kinase activity in L. plantarum.


Freeze-drying can effectively maintain probiotic ac-

tivity and is suitable for long-term preservation. This
technique causes less damage to biological tissues and
cell structures and features and effectively protects the
stability and activity of probiotics. In probiotics, one
of the most important intrinsic factors in the freeze-
drying survival rate is the type of microorganism, and
one of most relevant extrinsic factors is the freezing
protocol (Santivarangkna et al., 2008). The effects of
most extrinsic factors, such as freezing rates, thaw-
ing temperatures, and the type and concentration of
protectant during the pre-freezing process, are strain-
specific. However, it is unclear whether the pre-freezing
temperature is similarly strain-specific.
Many studies have explored agents that protect pro-
biotics during lyophilization. According to Archacka
et al. (2019), 10% trehalose yielded the best viability
rate in L. lactis bacteria subjected to freeze-drying.
Stefanello et al. (2019) studied the survival and stabil-
ity of L. fermentum and Wickerhamomyces anomalus
strains upon lyophilization with various cryoprotectant
agents and also identified trehalose as one of the better
protectants. These earlier findings are consistent with
our research findings. In our study, sorbitol did not
yield good effects as a protectant, whereas replacement
with trehalose improved the survival rates of L. planta-
rum strains. Therefore, the protectant is an important
contributor to improving survival in freeze-drying con-
ditions. Figure 9. (A) Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) activity levels in
In addition to protectant selection, an exploration of Lactobacillus plantarum AR113, AR307, and WCFS1 exposed to 4
methods to improve the freeze-drying survival rate of pre-freezing temperatures. (B) Pyruvate kinase (PK) activity in the
3 L. plantarum strains exposed to different pre-freezing temperatures.
probiotics may also be meaningful. In a previous study, Data are presented as means of triplicates ± SD. Means with different
freeze-dried L. plantarum powder was encapsulated letters differ significantly (P < 0.05).

Journal of Dairy Science Vol. 103 No. 4, 2020


of L. plantarum by almost 1.67 times. Izquierdo-López ACKNOWLEDGMENTS

et al. (2017) improved the survival rate by subject-
ing freeze-dried samples to a foaming pre-treatment, This work was supported by the National Key
which reduced the time required for freeze-drying by Research and Development Program of China (No.
7-fold and improved the viability of Bifidobacterium 2018YFD0501600), the National Natural Science Foun-
longum RO175 by a maximum of 1.19 times. Polo et al. dation of China (No. 31972056), and the Shanghai Ag-
(2017) explored the effects of 3 freezing temperatures riculture Applied Technology Development Program,
on the post-freeze-drying survival rates of wine yeasts China (Grant No. 2019-02-08-00-07-F01152). The au-
and LAB. In that study, a change in the pre-freezing thors do not have any conflicts of interest.
temperature improved the survival rate of L. plantarum
by a factor of approximately 1.19.
Our study aimed to improve the freeze-drying surviv- REFERENCES
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