Online Course Project PHP
Online Course Project PHP
Online Course Project PHP
1. Acknowledgement
2. Introduction
3. Scope of the system
4. Operating environment
5. Brief description of technology
6. Tools
. 6. Proposed System
7. Analysis And Design
8. Class diagram
9. Testing
10. Limitation Of Purposed System
11. Purposed Enhancement
12. Users manual
13. Conclusion
14. Refrences
I would like to express my sincere gratitude to
several individuals and organizations for supporting to
me throughout my project. First and foremost, I wish to
express sincere to thanks my supervisor, Professor
Vidya Fand Madam, for his patience
enthusiam,insightful comments, invaluable suggestions,
helpful information, practical advice
and unceasing ideas which are helped me
tremodancely at all times study and completing the
project. I am thankful for him from his precious time for
guiding me, answering my quarries correcting
and improving my project. Without his guidance
relentless helped, this project would not be have
been possible.
I also wish to express my deepest thanks to my
parents and Friends. This unwavering support and
encouragement is my source of strength. Last but not
least Grateful to God
With the growth of Information Technology in the last decade, the major
focus has shifted from manual systems to computerized systems. Various
systems viz. railway reservation, hospital management etc. involving
manual work have been automated efficiently. Old course registration
system had the manual system that is student have to fill the form, get
signed by the authorized persons and then again submit that paper form to
the office which was hectic. So I have developed this online course
registration system.
The system have course enrollment history section where user can see enrolled
courses. The system can add new semesters and also delete the one.
The system have simple interface to add new course to the system.
The system admin can see the enrollment history of all students.
Operating Environment:
Hardware Requirement:
Client side requirements:
Ram: 2 GB or more.
Software Requirements:
Client Side Requirements:
Firefox, etc .
Developer requirements:
Operating System: Windows 7+
HTML5 is a markup language used for structuring and presenting content on the
World Wide Web. It is the fifth and final major HTML version that is a World Wide
Web Consortium (W3C) recommendation. The current specification is known as the
HTML Living Standard.
HTML5 is a cooperation between the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) and the
Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG). The latest
versions of Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, and Opera all support
many HTML5 features and Internet Explorer 9.0 will also have support for some
HTML5 functionality.
VS Code: Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor
which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It
comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich
ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP,
Go) and runtimes (such as .NET and Unity)
Visual Studio Code includes basic support for most common programming languages.
This basic support includes syntax highlighting, bracket matching, code folding, and
configurable snippets. Visual Studio Code also ships with IntelliSense for JavaScript,
TypeScript, JSON, CSS, and HTML, as well as debugging support for Node.js.
Support for additional languages can be provided by freely available extensions on the
VS Code Marketplace
XAMPP: XAMPP is one of the widely used cross-platform web servers, which
helps developers to create and test their programs on a local webserver. It was
developed by the Apache Friends, and its native source code can be revised or
modified by the audience. It consists of Apache HTTP Server, MariaDB, and
interpreter for the different programming languages like PHP and Perl. It is available
in 11 languages and supported by different platforms such as the IA-32 package of
Windows & x64 package of macOS and Linux.
XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package
developed by Apache Friends, consisting mainly of the Apache HTTP Server,
MariaDB database, and interpreters for scripts written in the PHP and Perl
programming languages. Since most actual web server deployments use the same
components as XAMPP, it makes transitioning from a local test server to a live server
Proposed system
Study of Similar Systems:
To understand the structure of an online course registration system I visited the, amityonline, etc. to study how these websites works
and how they have created a clean user interface.
I have found that they have created a website where admin manages the courses,
admin enrolls the students and assign students their login credentials. Using the login
credentials given by the institute administrator user can login to the system enroll for
the course he want among the list of the available course and also manage their profile
like changing their password update profile image etc.
Users of a system
User: A user is a student who enroll for the cou
course. A student can do following activities:
Update Password.
Manage Session
Manage Semester
Manage Department
Manage Course
Register Student
Manage Student
Profile update: System must provide the facility to students to update their profile,
change their passwords.
Manage course: The must have facility for the admin to add and manage the courses.
Register student: The admin must be able to register the new student.
Non-Functional Requirements:
Usability: the website should be easy to use for even a non-technical user. User
should quickly perform task in store. A simple but quality user interface should be
developed to make it easy to understand.
Availability: This system should always be available for access at 24 hours, 7 days a
week. Also in the occurrence of any major system malfunctioning, the system should
be available in 1 to 2 working days so that the business process is not severely
Security: The subsystem should provide a high level of security and integrity of the
data held by the system, only authorized personnel of the company can gain access to
the company's secured page on the system; and only users with valid password and
username can login to view user's page.
Table Structure:
Name Type Width Key
studentRegno Varchar 255 Primary Key
Studentphoto Varchar 255
Password Varchar 255
Studentname Varchar 255
Pincode Varchar 255
Session Varchar 255
Department Varchar 255
Semester Varchar 255
Cgpa Decimal 10
CreationDate Timestamp
Noofseats Int 11
Creationdate Timestamp
Updatedate Varchar 255
Name Type Width Key
Id Int 11 Primary Key
studentRegNo Varchar 255 Foreign Key
Pincode Varchar 255
Session Int 11 Foreign Key
Department Int 11 Foreign Key
Level Int 11
Semester Int 11 Foreign Key
Course Int 11 Foreign Key
enrollDate Timestamp
Name Type Width Key
Id Int 11 Primary Key
Department Varchar 255
CreationDate Timestamp
Name Type Width Key
Id Int 11 Primary Key
Level Varchar 255
CreationDate Timestamp
Name Type Width Key
Id Int 11 Primary Key
Session Varchar 255
CreationDate Timestamp
Class Diagram
Activity Diagram
Change password:
Add Course:
Register Student:
Add News:
Test Strategy:
Test strategy describes the overall approach to testing. The goal of the testing
process is to determine all faults in our project .The program was subjected to a set
of test inputs and many explanations were made and based on these explanations it
will be decided whether the program behaves as expected or not.
Functional Testing: This ensures that the functionalities of a web application are
properly functioning or not.
Interface Testing: This testing method ensures that the three main components of a
web application which are web server, web browser and database are running
harmoniously. This testing type checks whether there is any interruption while the
data is being transferred. Upon that, the communication taking place between
various interfaces is also thoroughly checked.
White box testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the
procedural design to derive test cases. Test cases can be derived that
Guarantee that all independent paths within a module have been exercised at least
proposed Enhancement
Secure web-based platforms are available to support enhanced use of service.
User Manual
Student Login:
Student have to login using the registered id and password and click on login page.
Update Profile:
Update details and click on update.