Ticket2Ride - India Rules

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Welcome to Ticket to Ride™ India Map - a challenging Ticket to Ride expansion set

in 1911 colonial India.

This Rules booklet describes the game play changes specific to the Indian
Map and assumes that you are familiar with the rules first introduced in the This game is an expansion and requires that you use the
original Ticket to Ride. following game parts from one of the previous versions
of Ticket to Ride:
G A reserve of 45 Trains per player and matching
Introduction Scoring Markers taken from any of the following:
The map of India is designed specifically for 2 to 4 players. In 4 Player games - Ticket to Ride
only, players can use both tracks of the double-routes. In 2 and 3 Player games, - Ticket to Ride Europe
once one of the tracks of a double-route is taken, the other one is no longer G 110 Train Car Cards taken from:
available. - Ticket to Ride
- Ticket to Ride Europe
Destination Tickets - USA 1910 expansion

This expansion includes 58 Destination Tickets.

At the start of the game, each player is dealt 4 Destination Tickets of which he must keep at least 2. During the game,
if a player wishes to draw additional Destination Tickets, he draws 3 new Tickets, of which he must keep at least 1.
Destination Tickets not kept, either at game's start or following a draw of new Destination Tickets in mid-game, are
discarded to the bottom of Destination Tickets deck, as in a regular Ticket to Ride game.

Ferries are special gray routes linking two adjacent cities across a body of water. They are easily identified by the
Locomotive icon(s) featured on at least one of the spaces making the route. To claim a Ferry route, a player must
play a Locomotive card for each Locomotive symbol on the route, and the usual set of cards of the proper color for
the remaining spaces of that Ferry route.

End Game Bonuses

A 10 point Indian Express bonus is awarded to the
player(s) who have the Longest Continuous Path on
the board.
Each player may also earn Grand Tour of India
bonuses. Any Ticket whose 2 Destination Cities are
linked via at least 2 distinct continuous paths of its
owner's plastic trains qualifies for a Grand Tour bonus.
These 2 paths may intersect, but cannot share trains.
• Mandala •
The size of a player's bonus varies depending on the number of his qualifying Tickets, as per the Mandala (“Circle” in Sanskrit) bonus
table shown on the Map. A player’s first and second qualifying Tickets are worth +5 points each, with the next three worth +10 each. Any
qualifying Tickets beyond the fifth one earn no additional points (i.e. the largest bonus a player can receive for his Grand Tour tickets
is 40 points). These bonuses are scored in addition to the points earned for completing the Tickets themselves, of course.

Game Play Hints

Reflecting a country that is both densely populated and colorful, the India map rewards players for claiming key routes early (to avoid
being crowded out) and for being careful about which colors they draw.
The Grand Tour bonuses can be used opportunistically or as part of a dedicated strategy. Bear in mind that:
: The greater the number of qualifying Tickets, the larger the bonus at game end, regardless the length and
point value of the individual Tickets
: The last route allowing you to complete a Grand Tour is the most likely to be blocked by an opponent. Try
to make sure that you have alternatives for the last route or that it is difficult for your opponent(s) to
build on (or both).

2 Copyright © 2004-2011 Days of Wonder

Welcome to Alan R. Moon's Ticket to Ride™ Swiss Map
- a fun new addition to the award-winning line of Ticket to Ride games.
This Rules sheet describes the specific game play changes for the Swiss Map keep at least 1. Destination Tickets rejected, either at game's start or
Expansion and assumes that you are familiar with the rules first introduced following a draw of new Destination Tickets in mid-game, are not
in the original Ticket to Ride. discarded as in other Ticket to Ride games. Instead, they are immediately
removed from the draw pile for the rest of the game. As such, it is possible
This game is an expansion and requires that you use the following to run out of Destination Tickets entirely!
game parts from one of the previous versions of Ticket to Ride:
• A reserve of 40 Trains per player, (instead of the usual 45) Locomotive Cards
and matching Scoring Markers taken from one of the following:
The 14 traditional Locomotive "wild" cards are played differently.
- Ticket to Ride
- Ticket to Ride Europe Unlike the standard Locomotive cards in other versions of Ticket to Ride,
Locomotive cards can be selected just like standard Train Car cards. Thus
• 110 Train Car Cards taken from: a player can pick 2 Locomotive cards during his turn. If 3 of the 5 face-up
- Ticket to Ride cards are Locomotive cards, all 5 face-up cards are immediately discarded
- Ticket to Ride Europe and replaced by new cards.
- USA 1910 expansion Locomotive cards can only be played on Tunnel routes (see Tunnels below).
Locomotive cards can complement or replace the colored cards required to
claim a Tunnel route, but they can never be used to help claim a regular
Introduction (non-Tunnel) route!
The Swiss map is designed specifically for 2 or 3 players. In 3 Player
games, players can use both tracks of the double-routes. In 2 Player
games, once one of the tracks of a double-route is taken, the other one
Tunnel Routes
is no longer available. In the Swiss Map expansion, tunnels
play just as they do in Ticket to Ride
Europe where they were first intro-
The Board duced. Tunnels are special routes
On the Swiss board map, some of the routes no longer link cities to cities, identified by the special black Tunnel
but connect cities to Switzerland's neighboring countries instead. There markings that surround each of their
are 3 routes leading from Switzerland to Austria, 4 to France, 5 to Italy and spaces along the route. When at-
5 to Germany. As in the original Ticket to Ride game, the player with the tempting to claim a Tunnel route, a
longest continuous path of routes at the end of the game receives a bonus player first lays down the number of cards required. Then the 3 top cards
of 10 points. from the Train Car card draw pile are turned face-up. For each card re-
vealed whose color matches the color used to claim the Tunnel (includ-
ing locomotives), an additional card of the same color (or a locomotive)
Destination Tickets must be played to successfully claim the Tunnel. If the player does not
This expansion includes 46 Destination Tickets. have enough additional Train Car cards of matching color (or does not
34 Destination Tickets connect city-to-city and play the same as previous wish to play them), he may take all his cards back into his hand, and his
versions of the game. turn ends. The three Train Car cards revealed for the Tunnel are discarded.
12 Destination Tickets connect either city-to-country or country-to-
Be aware that with regard to Tunnels:
country. To complete a city-to-country ticket you must connect from the
city name on the ticket to one of the countries listed on the ticket. To N Locomotives are multi-colored wild cards. As such, any Locomotive

complete a country-to-country ticket you must connect from the primary card drawn, forces the player to add a Train Car card (of matching
country on the ticket to one of the other countries listed. The points color) or a Locomotive.
earned at game's end are those of the highest scoring connection N If a player exclusively plays Locomotive cards to claim a tunnel
completed from among the possible country destinations marked on the route, only additional Locomotive cards drawn from the deck will be
ticket. If none of the possible connections was made, the points lost are considered a match. This means you will not have to worry about a
those corresponding to the lowest value on the ticket. colored card of the Tunnel's color triggering a match! If Locomotive
cards appear in the 3 cards drawn for the Tunnel, triggering a match,
it can only be fulfilled by playing additional Locomotive cards from
your hand.

At the start of the game, each player is dealt 5 Destination Tickets of

which he must keep at least 2. During the game, if a player wishes to draw
additional Destination tickets he draws 3 new Tickets, of which he must

Copyright © 2004-2011 Days of Wonder

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